Email Update - 1-15-15
Email Update - 1-15-15
Email Update - 1-15-15
I serve on the following
committees: Health,
Human Services, and
Housing, E-12 Education
Policy and Finance, State
& Local Government
The legislature convened
for the 2015-16 biennium
on January 6th.
Im also looking forward
to meeting with Bloomington and Richfield residents about issues that
will be discussed this
How to contact me
at the Capitol:
SD50Bloomington, Richfield
Page 2
Early Learning
Academy is an
all-day early
program for
children ages 35 that focuses on
preparing them
for kindergarten.
The City of Bloomington is hosting its annual Wellness Fair on January 20th, from
9am-12pm, at the Creekside Community
Center (9801 Penn Ave S). For more information, call (952) 563-4944.
MN(612) 522-1212
Bloomington residents live in Congressional
District 3, and should contact:
Representative Erik Paulsen:
DC(202) 225-2871
MN(952) 405-8510
Looking Ahead...
My office will be closed Monday January 19th in observance of the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day holiday. Following that, I look forward to committee work beginning in earnest
with the State & Local Government committee
holding its first meeting. In the Education committee, well discuss technology in schools, early
childhood education, and school facilities. Ill
also be attending a study session with the Richfield School Board. February will bring an updated state economic forecast that will be the basis
for budget discussions this session. I hope youll
stop by the Capitol and say Hi!. Otherwise, Ill
see you around town!