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Trent/Fleming School of Nursing

Trent University
NURS 2003H: Nursing Therapeutics and Disease Conditions
2015 WI

Professor Andrea Mowry RN, BScN, MN,

Via Blackboard




Office Location:

Office Hours:

Life and Health Sciences, C 164

By Appointment

705-748-1011 ext.6273




Jane Mackie, Ph.D.

Via Blackboard

705-748-1011 ext. 7064


Office Location:

Office Hours:

Life and Health Sciences, C160

By Appointment

Samantha Perritt
Office Location:

Life and Health Sciences, C 140


705-748-1011 ext.1099

Course Description:
This course offers an exploration of selected pathophysiological processes that occur in the body
when a homeostatic imbalance is brought about by internal or external factors. It is an overview of
the pathophysiology underlying most common diseases seen in practice. Knowledge of the etiology
of specific impaired health states that individuals may experience, as well as the behavior and
symptomatology that may be manifested will be explored. Topics may include diseases of the
skeletal, nervous, endocrine, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and
reproductive systems.
A minimum of 60% in all required NURS 1000-level courses and a minimum of 60% in all of BIOL
1050H, 1051H, BIOL-CHEM 1550H, NURS 2550H.
Exclusion: NURS 2030H.

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

Course Format:
Peterborough Campus:
leGen20.htm should be consulted to confirm times and locations.

(2 hours)
(1 hour)


1500h - 1650h

OCA 203

W01 Tuesday
W02 Tuesday
W03 Tuesday
W04 Wednesday
W05 Wednesday
W06 Wednesday
W07 Wednesday
W08 Tuesday

1300h 1350h
1800h 1850h
1200h 1250h
1000h 1050h
1200h 1250h
1100h 1150h
1600h 1650h
1100h 1150h

ECC 208
OCA 204
ECC 207

Blackboard is used for this course, and hence should be checked frequently. Lectures will be
posted prior to the scheduled time and you are encouraged to review these prior to the lecture and
print them out for note-taking. Attendance of all lectures and seminars is the key to success in this
Learning Outcomes:
By attending and participating in the required lectures and seminars, and completing readings,
seminar preparation, presentations, assignments and exams, the learner will:

1. Analyze the risk factors and etiology for select disease processes.
2. Integrate previously learned concepts from anatomy, physiology, and chemistry to understand
the impact of changes caused by selected health problems on the individual, across the
lifespan, and subsequent disease processes.
3. Relate the pathophysiology of selected disease states to clinical manifestations, disease
outcomes, and treatments.
4. Evaluate results of key diagnostic tests related to select disease states.
5. Examine compensation/homeostatic mechanisms by other body systems in response to
disease processes.

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

Required Text:
Hammer, G.D. & McPhee, S.J. (2014). Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical
Medicine (7th Ed.). Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Education
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Fluids & Electrolytes (2nd Ed.). Chernecky, C., Macklin, D. &
Murphy-Ende, K. (2006). St. Louis Missouri: Elsevier
Recommended Text:
Medical Dictionary of your choice (Example: Stedmans Medical Dictionary).
Course Evaluation:
Normally at least 25% of the grade in a half-year course offered in the regular academic session
must be determined and made available by the deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty.
No in-class tests or final examinations, which are worth more than 10% of the final grade, may be
held during the last two weeks of classes, in the Fall or Winter term.
Course Evaluation:
Percent Value
Case Study Seminars
25 %
Midterm Exam
35 %

Weekly assignment
All lectures, readings & seminar material
Weeks 1-6
Final date to drop courses Winter Term 2015
Final Exam
40 %
All lectures, readings & seminar material
Weeks 8 -12

10 Weeks Total
Week 7
March 2nd, 2015
March 5th, 2015
Final exam period
begins April 10th, 2015

Case Study Seminars: A case study will be assigned weekly and will typically be related to the
preceding lecture topic. Students are encouraged to review the appropriate lecture material prior to
each semester. Students will work individually and will answer 5 multiple choice questions related
to the case study in class, in addition to 3 short answer questions to be submitted prior to the next
weeks seminar.
Midterm and Final Exam: The exams will encompass all of the material covered in lectures,
seminars and assigned readings. The midterm exam will focus on weeks 1-6 and the final exam
will cover weeks 8-12.
Schedule of Topics and Readings: (subject to change)
It is expected that students have reviewed previous anatomy and physiology course content
before each class, as well as the pre-lecture readings. Due to time constraints, the course
instructor will not review this information. Pre-lecture readings are from the course
textbooks by Hammer & McPhee (2014) and Chernecky, Macklin & Murphy-Ende (2006).

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

Jan 12

Jan 19

Jan 26

Feb 2

Feb 9

Feb 23


Mar 2
Mar 9

Mar 16

10 Mar 23

11 Mar 30
12 Apr 6

Weeks 1-6 Self-Directed Learning - Saunders Fluid & Electrolytes Chapters 1 thru 8
Cellular Dysfunction
Hammer Ch. 2 pp. 3-9
Jan 13/14 Down Syndrome
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Hammer Ch. 2 pp. 10-13
Hammer pp. 21-26
Immune System A & P
Hammer Ch. 3 pp. 31-42
Jan 20/21 Severe Combined
Self Review
Immunodeficiency Disease
Body Defenses
Hammer Ch. 4 pp. 61-69
Sepsis & Septic Shock
Hammer Ch. 4 pp. 82-84
Hammer pp. 47-48
Cardiovascular System A & P
Hammer Ch. 10 pp. 255-263
Jan 27/28 Coronary Artery
Self Review
Disease (CAD)
Cardiovascular Dysfunction
Hammer pp. 283-285
Heart Failure
Hammer Ch. 10 pp. 265-273
Respiratory System A & P
Hammer Ch. 9 pp. 213-228
Feb 3/4 Chronic Obstructive
Self Review
Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Pulmonary Dysfunction
Hammer pp. 232-235
Hammer Ch. 9 pp. 228-232
Fluid & Acid-Base Homeostasis
Saunders Ch. 1& 2
Feb 10/11 Acid-Base Balance
Reading Week Feb 16 - 20
Hepatic System A & P
Hammer Ch. 14 pp.385-395
Feb 24/25 Cirrhosis
Self Review
Hammer pp. 414-422
Liver Dysfunction
Hammer Ch. 14 pp. 395-402
Acute Hepatitis
Hammer Ch. 14 pp. 402-410
Midterm Exam - All Lectures, Readings and Seminars Weeks 1-6
No Seminar
Gastrointestinal System A & P
Hammer Ch. 13 pp. 333-359
Mar 10/11 Hematoma
Self Review
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Hammer Ch. 13 pp. TBD
Hammer Ch. 13 pp. TBD
Pancreas A & P
Hammer Ch. 18 pp. 517-525
Mar 17/18 Pancreatitis
Self Review
Endocrine Dysfunction
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 & 2
Hammer Ch. 18 pp. 525-540
Nervous System A & P
Hammer Ch. 7 pp. 145-168
Mar 24/25 Alzheimer Disease
Self Review
Hammer pp. 176-178
Nervous System Dysfunction
Hammer Ch. 7 pp.171-172
Hammer Ch. 5 pp. 89-96
Mar 31/1 Malignant Melanoma
Hammer Ch. 5 pp.TBD
Renal System A & P
Hammer Ch. 16 pp. 455-461
No Seminar
Self Review
Classes End April 7
Renal Dysfunction
Hammer Ch. 16 pp. 461-463
Acute Kidney Disease
Hammer Ch. 16 pp. 463-468
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Hammer Ch. 16 pp. 468-472
Final Exam Period April 10 24

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

University Policies

Academic Integrity:
Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic
offence and carries penalties varying from a 0 grade on an assignment to expulsion from the
University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set
out in Trent Universitys Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself
unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trents Academic
Integrity website to learn more:
Access to Instruction:
It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability
and/or health consideration and feels that he/she may need accommodations to succeed in this
course, the student should contact the Student Accessibility Services (BH Suite 132, 748-1281, as soon as possible. Complete text can be found under Access to
Instruction in the Academic Calendar.
Trent/Fleming School of Nursing Academic Integrity Statement
Integrity in practice is essential for nurses. The Ethical Framework (CNO, 2009) specifies that
Registered Nurses:
have an obligation to maintain the commitments they assumed as regulated health
professionals. Maintaining commitments means keeping promises, being honest and
meeting implicit or explicit obligations toward their clients, themselves, each other, the
nursing profession, other members of the health care team and quality practice settings
Ethical Framework, p. 9
Faculty in the School of Nursing is expected to meet this obligation and, in turn, expect students as
future members of the profession to do the same.
For the purpose of interpreting and applying the Universitys Academic Integrity policy, the Nursing
Program has adopted the following:
When a student submits a piece of written work in fulfillment of an assignment, she/he
implicitly acknowledges the following: a) that she/he is the sole author of the work; b) that
the wording and organization of the work, apart from acknowledged quotations,
paraphrasing or adaptation, is her/his own; and c) that she/he has not and will not submit
this work, either as a whole or in part, to satisfy another course requirement. These basic
assumptions will be reasonably interpreted. They do not preclude collaboration between
students upon a single project, by prior arrangement with the instructor (such as a group
assignment), for shared academic credit (either for written or oral presentation).
APA 6th edition is required. A useful internet resource for APA, 6th edition referencing is Failure to use this standard consistently will result in a deduction of at least
10% of the total grade for the paper.

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

Plagiarism will result in a charge of academic misconduct as outlined in the University policy.
Please read the note below pulled from the University policy on plagiarism, along with the nursingspecific examples**, to ensure knowledge about the full extent of ways that plagiarism can occur.
Ignorance of this policy is not reason to prevent charges of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is knowingly presenting words, ideas, images, data, or any other form of work of another
person (including essays, theses, lab reports, projects, assignments, presentations and posters**)
in a way that represents or could be reasonably seen to represent the work as ones own.
Knowingly includes ought reasonably to have known. Plagiarism includes failure to acknowledge
sources correctly and submitting materials copied from the internet without proper
acknowledgement of the source. Draft work submitted for evaluation is subject to the same
standard as final work.
** The nursing department has determined that these sources also include slides and other course
specific materials designed and presented by course instructors. Adapting, paraphrasing requires
citation. Directly quoting requires quotes and citations per APA, 6th edition.
Please see the Trent University academic calendar for University Diary dates, Academic
Information and Regulations, and University and departmental degree requirements.
Missed / Late Assignments:
The due dates for all assignments are posted at the beginning of the course. Written assignments
must be submitted using APA 6th edition format Assignments are to be
submitted via Blackboard (unless otherwise instructed) before the date and time specified in the
course outline. Extensions are not an option unless circumstances fall within one of the two
categories outlined below. The late penalty will begin immediately after the specified date and
The following penalty will be applied to late assignments:
One day late: The paper will incur a 10% reduction (this means for example that if the
paper is worth 100, then 10 marks will be subtracted from the students final grade)
Second day late: the paper will incur another 10% reduction (this means for example that
if the paper is worth 100, then 20 marks will be subtracted from the students final grade)
Third day late: the paper will incur another 10% reduction (this means for example that if
the paper is worth 100, then 30 marks will be subtracted from the students final grade
the grade for a perfect paper would be 70%)
Fourth day late: the paper will not be accepted and the student will be assigned a grade
of 0% for that assignment.
There will be no opportunity to redo or have supplementary, make-up assignments unless
the student has applied for incomplete status (note below).
Missed Tests / Examinations:
Students are expected to attend all scheduled tests / examinations. Students must be available to
write examinations during the entire examination period (see University Calendar for end to exam
NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

dates). Alternative tests / exams are not an option unless the situation falls into one of the two
categories outlined below.
Requests for Special Consideration:
Students requesting special consideration or waiver of regulations must meet one of the two
following criteria. Students must provide the relevant documentation supporting their claim.
Medical Reasons
Students requesting special consideration or waiver of regulations for medical reasons
must provide documentation supporting their claim. In the case of medical conditions, a
letter from a health care practitioner or the Trent Health Services indicating that the
students condition prevented him/her from completing an assignment/exam will normally
be required. Simple verbal declarations of illness will not be accepted.
Emergency Situations
Students requesting special consideration or waiver of regulations for compassionate
emergency reasons (for example death or emergency of close relative) must provide
documentation supporting their claim. Simple verbal declarations of the situation will not be
Requests for Incomplete Status:
Students who qualify for incomplete status (see University Calendar for the conditions necessary to
apply for INC status) for an assignment or exam must fill out the required form with the instructor. If
the student does not meet the deadline agreed to in the INC document, then the instructor will give
that test / assignment a grade of 0%.
Aegrotat Standing:
Students who do not write a final exam due to a situation that qualifies for Aegrotat standing (AEG)
and who have completed all other course work are eligible to apply for AEG standing. If the
instructor agrees that AEG standing is applicable to that course, then the student and instructor
must fill out the AEG form. The AEG calculation for the final grade is made based on the
departmental formula; this is recorded on the student transcript along with the note AEG to denote
the Aegrotat standing.

NURS 2003H Nursing Therapeutics & Disease Conditions Syllabus

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