Effective Integration of Core and Log Data
Effective Integration of Core and Log Data
Effective Integration of Core and Log Data
Paul F Worthington
BP Research, Sunbury-on-Thames, UK
The primary purpose of core-to-log data integration is to reduce the uncertainty associated with
formation evaluation. In so doing, we take advantage of both the higher precision of core data and
the larger scale of investigation of log data. It is particularly important that when tying logs back to
core, the calibration algorithm is as well defined as possible.
This paper examines ways of optimising the calibration process. A basic requirement is the definition
of a common reference depth scale. A second requirement is to reconcile the different vertical
resolutions by the depth-averaging of core data, the signal-enhancement of log data, or both.
Essential to this process is the adoption of "key intervals" as control zones for data integration.
These procedures can result in a reduced uncertainty which transmits through to reservoir appraisal.
Important new developments will facilitate the integration of core and log data where core recovery is
incomplete. These include the ultrasonic monitoring of core entry into the core barrel, the multisensor scanning of whole core, and the interactive display of both core and log data in interrogative
work-station mode.
Implementation of the optimal data-integration strategy, and of the new upcoming developments, will
require cross-discipline collaboration between those responsible for core acquisition, core analysis
and wireline log interpretation. A key factor will be the ability to develop interpretative algorithms for
cross-scale application.
An important technical goal is to reduce the uncertainty associated with reservoir appraisal. The
attainment of this objective will require a more effective integration of the data that contribute to the
reservoir model. A key component of the integration process is the reconciliation of data measured
at different scales. A fundamental aspect is the integration of core and log data.
The primary purpose of core-log integration is to control log evaluation using data measured under
laboratory conditions. This "tying back to core" usually involves plotting measured core values of a
given parameter against log-derived values of the same parameter, after some form of depth
merging. The resulting data distribution is then used to generate a regression algorithm which can
be applied to log data over uncored intervals. It is reasoned that such an algorithm will compensate
for departures in the well logs due to poor tool design, erroneous shop and field calibration,
engineering error, and imperfect environmental corrections (Cooke-Yarborough, 1987). Thus we
seek to take advantage of both the higher precision of core data and the larger scale of investigation
of log data.
-1 -
This approach presupposes that the core data are representative of the reservoir, in terms of both
sampling frequency and sample integrity. This supposition is most appropriate when the formation is
clean, consolidated, homogeneous, and vertically and laterally extensive with well defined
boundaries, and when the core data are free of environmental, instrumental and operational errors.
These conditions are rarely satisfied. Even if the data can be measured accurately and precisely,
there have frequently been doubts about the representativeness of core data, especially where
lithology is markedly variable (Marchant and White, 1968). A key question concerns the disparity in
sample size between core and log data (Enderlin et al., 1991). If this disparity can be reduced, an
improved data correlation might be achievable.
This paper examines the mechanism of core-log integration and identifies ways in which uncertainty
might be reduced. The aim is an improved data reconciliation for better defined reservoir description.
The paper therefore focuses on specific issues of reservoir characterization at the mesoscopic
(bedding) scale as discussed more generally by Worthington (1991).
The structure is first to identify prerequisites for effective core-log integration, then to list elements of
an idealized data integration strategy, to discuss briefly how this strategy might be impeded by a poor
understanding of the physics of scaling, and finally to mention some contemporary developments
which would facilitate implementation of the strategy.
Equivalent Textures
Core data should relate to samples that have been undamaged by the acquisition, handling and
cleaning processes. In particular, routine core analysis practice can induce damage where interfacesensitive clay minerals are present (Heaviside et al., Pallatt et al., 1984; 1983; Worthington et al.,
1988). Log data should describe zones that have not been damaged by the drilling process;
formation damage is, of course, most likely to occur close to the well bore.
Comparable Measurements
The same parameter should be measured both downhole and in the laboratory if the data are to be
effectively integrated. For example, electric and induction logs measure horizontal resistivity at given
frequencies; it is important that the corresponding laboratory measurements on horizontal core plugs
are recorded at similar frequencies to avoid problems arising from the frequency-dependence of
electrical data. Furthermore, the correlated data should be reported in the same parametric system.
In the case of porosity, one might use total interconnected porosity or free-fluid porosity, but not one
of each.
Data Characteristics
Table 2 compares the characteristics of core and log data and indicates which are superior in terms
of continuity of sampling, sample volume, accuracy and precision, measurement conditions, and
evaluation philosophy. Ideally, we should try to merge the data to derive maximum benefit from the
collated database. Thus, we take advantage of the greater accuracy and precision of core data, and
the fact that these data can be interpreted directly whereas log data cannot. On the other hand, by
merging the data, we link these benefits to the continuous nature and larger sampling volume of log
data, and to the advantage that log data relate to in situ conditions. We shall now consider the
integration of core and log data in terms of each of these data characteristics.
Evaluation Procedure
Logs are records of physico-chemical characteristics which can be measured downhole: they are not
records of the reservoir properties we require to know. The data may need to be corrected for shale
or light-hydrocarbon effects. An algorithm is then used to link the corrected physical measurements
to porosity, water saturation or possibly permeability, all in appropriate parametric units. The
algorithm can be conceptual, empirical or theoretical. It can also be universal, reservoir-specific, or
even variable within a reservoir. The form of the algorithm must be clearly established and verified
through core control. This is the first level of core calibration of log data.
As an example, let us consider the case of a quartz sand from a North Sea field with isolated
micropores within the grains. Bulk density is 2.3 g cm" 3 . The mineral density is 2.65 g cm" 3 but the
grain density is only 2.55 g cm" 3 . The conceptual relationship linking porosity <j>0 to bulk density p b
is, for the particular case of the density log,
ma ~
0n =
where p m a , pj are the matrix and fluid densities, respectively. The question is "Which matrix density
do we use?" If we follow standard practice and use 2.65 g cm" 3 , ^ D is calculated as an absolute
porosity of 21 per cent. This figure includes the isolated micropores and would not correctly indicate
the reservoir porosity for practical purposes. But if we are enlightened, we will use the grain density
of 2.55 g cm" 3 for which # D is calculated as a total interconnected porosity of 16 percent. This figure
excludes the isolated micropores which are represented within the correctly measured grain density,
the use of which allows good correlation between # D and porosity determined in the laboratory from
helium expansion measurements. Thus algorithm (1) is correctly characterised.
This example emphasises the need to determine precisely those characterising parameters, such as
pj and p m a , which govern the form of the (conceptual) algorithms relating log measurements to
reservoir properties. Another example, this time of an empirical core-calibrated algorithm for
permeability prediction from nuclear magnetism and density logs in Western Canada, is that of Logan
Measurement Conditions
Core-log integration is more effective where the core data themselves relate to simulated reservoir
conditions. Ideally, data should be acquired through pressure coring with rapid preservation, with a
compatibility of measurement directions where appropriate, and using simulated reservoir fluids,
tectonic stresses and reservoir temperatures. Although this general requirement strictly
encompasses pressure and temperature, it is general industry practice to consider only effective
overburden stresses. At the very least, a reservoir should be studied to establish the influence of
stress upon porosity and permeability. If there is no significant dependence, the problem falls away.
But if there is a stress effect, some form of correction to core data is needed before these data can
be used to calibrate log data. The specification of experimental conditions is a crucial step in
ensuring the accuracy and representativeness of core data.
Accuracy and Precision
It is the practice to assume correctly functioning systems both in the laboratory and in situ.
Uncertainties in log data are caused by the remoteness and the environment of tool measurement.
Corrections for borehole effects, invasion effects, and bed thickness all have inherent errors. The
error associated with the bed-thickness correction is greater than that for borehole correction. To
overcome this problem, log readings should be chosen on plateaux where appropriate. Other errors
are partly accommodated in tying back to core. Log data can be greatly improved by signal
enhancement or deconvolution processing (Dyos, 1986). This is an area which will continue to
advance rapidly. In contrast, core data are seen as relatively accurate and precise (Hamilton and
Stewart, 1983).
As an example, Fig. 1 illustrates the tying back to core of a density log. This log was run in a shallow
cored hole drilled for coal exploration through thin beds with excellent depth control. There was a
negligible mud cake and therefore only the long-spaced density data are shown. Fig. 1a contains
unprocessed log data which show departures in terms of accuracy (gradient *1) and precision
(degree of data scatter). The signal-enhanced density log (Fig. 1b) shows a marked increase in both
accuracy and precision. In this example, the excellent depth control allows the benefits of signal
enhancement to be strongly evident. The agreement would be improved still further if the vertical
resolutions of log and core data were compatible.
Continuity and Sampling Volume
These two data characteristics are considered separately. Logs hold the advantage in both cases
being continuous and sensing a larger volume. We need to manipulate core data to bring them
closer to the logs.
The continuity of core data is limited by the sampling interval chosen for routine core analysis
although special core analysis studies have more flexibility. The sampling interval for plugs must no
longer be considered in isolation from the logs. Key intervals should be chosen by considering log
data in conjunction with core natural gamma records. Identified key intervals should have a plug
sampling interval of 6 inches. Plugs should be taken away from bed boundaries. This strategy would
provide the same continuity in core data as in conventional log data.
Plug sampling volume can vary from one to ten percent of the volume sensed by logs. The locations
of plugs for special core analysis should be guided by X-ray CT scanning where possible to avoid
localised heterogeneities which the log would suppress. Plugs should be taken horizontally for
resistivity and permeability measurements and vertically for sonic measurements. This would allow
directional compatibility with the corresponding well logs or formation tests. The core data should be
averaged over a distance that corresponds to the vertical resolution of the appropriate logging tool. If
the tool has been subjected to signal enhancement, so that the vertical resolution is processed to be
sharper, it is the latter distance over which plug averages should be determined. This procedure will
take place over selected key intervals for which plugs have been sampled at six-inch intervals.
The simplest approach would be a five-point running mean which would bring the resolution of the
core data closer to that of conventional log data. It can be shown that if the core plugs are from the
same bed, this procedure carried out with equal weightings will reduce uncertainty by more than half.
The averaging of core data can be designed to reflect the response curve of the corresponding
logging tool (Barlai, 1979) by using appropriate weightings. This refinement might increase the
physical significance of the resulting mean.
Fig. 2 depicts a simulated density log over a model interval that contains six porous beds, with
porosities 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, and with shale strata between them. Each bed is 8 ft
thick and each has been sampled at 6-inch intervals starting 3 inches into the bed. Thus, plugged
intervals are 0.25, 0.75, 1.25 ..., ft, measured from a bed boundary. The core data are specified to
show a cyclicity of bulk density. It is presumed that each core plug samples a horizontal
homogeneous layer of thickness six inches. The simulated density log averages the core data, a
feature which is clearly evident in Fig. 2.
In a real situation, we would be confronted with the density log and would crossplot this against the
core data, as shown in Fig. 3a. The inputs to this figure are the core data measured at the specified
levels and digitised log data sampled at those same levels. The net result is a scatter of data about
the line of unit gradient with outliers due to shoulder-bed effects.
In contrast, Fig. 3b shows the same plot but with the core data averaged by a five-point running
mean over a vertical distance of 2 ft, which is approaching the vertical resolution of the density tool
(cf. Table 1). Now the scatter has virtually disappeared. Thus, while it is not possible to account for
lateral near-wellbore heterogeneities that the tool might see but the core would not, it is possible to
account for heterogeneities vertically with both log and core sampling at different scales and
therefore with different resolutions.
This approach will be less effective in heterogeneous and/or thinly bedded formations: for such
cases a strip-sampling approach has been proposed (Dahlberg and Fitz, 1988). This involves the
strip-sampling of core over a distance that approximates the spatial resolution of the logging tool.
This technique involves destructive testing. It allows the sample to be mixed over the length of the
strip. However, it is not standard practice.
To illustrate this argument, let us consider a unit block of porous material that is divided into halves,
each of which is homogeneous and isotropic (Fig. 4). The two halves are characterised by porosities
and formation resistivity factors <p-\, F1 and # 2 , F 2- W e w a n t , 0 r e l a t e F 1 a n d F 2 t 0 t n e f r m ation
factor F of a unit block that is homogeneous and is electrically equivalent to the divided block. In
logging terms, we might imagine the characteristics of the uniform block to be the interpretation of
logs that cannot resolve separately the two halves, which would be characterised by core analysis.
The problem therefore simulates the relationship of core data to log data.
There are two ways in which we can establish the relationship between F 1 and F 2 , on the one hand,
and F, on the other. One approach is to use the concept of resistors in parallel to calculate F directly:
this approach is permissible because the formation factors are scaled resistivities. We find that:
The second approach is to use the well-established averaging algorithm for porosity and to substitute
formation factors for porosities using Archie's first law (Archie, 1942). In this case, the starting point
is the expression:
where m is an empirical exponent that is related to pore geometry and is assumed constant (default
value = 2), we can substitute for ^ , # 2 and <t> in equation (3) as follows:
ri l
It can be seen that equations (2) and (5) are identical only if m = 1. This condition is known to be
satisfied only for systems of parallel capillaries, which have not been introduced here. Otherwise,
equations (2) and (5) provide different estimates of F. Thus, in the general case, our system of
equations is not robust in terms of cross-scale application, i.e. different estimates of F are obtained
by taking routes 1 and 2 (Fig. 4). Possible explanations are that the parallel resistor concept cannot
be applied to resistors that are in electrical contact or, perhaps more likely, that the empirical origin of
Archie's law makes the exponent m a function of the scale of measurement.
As a second illustration, let us consider another divided unit block (Fig. 5), the two halves being
characterised by porosities and densities ^ 1 , p 1 and # 2 , P2- W e w a n t t 0 r e i a t e P-\ a n d P2 t 0 t n e
density p b of a homogeneous unit block that is materially equivalent to the divided block. Again,
there are two ways in which this task might be addressed. The first approach is based on a
summation of masses so that:
The second approach is to use equation (3) in conjunction with the density mixing-law for porous
media, i.e.
= 4> P
d - 0 )
where p f , p m a are, again, the densities of the interstitial fluid and the rock matrix, respectively.
Equation (7) can be written:
Equation (8) has the same form as equation (1). We can use equation (8) to substitute for <j> in
equation (3) so that:
(Pma "
[Pma "
- P2
ma "
Equation (9) reduces to equation (6). This means that both approaches lead to the same prediction
of p b . Thus, the system of equations is robust in terms of cross-scale application, i.e. the same
estimates of p b are obtained by taking routes 1 and 2 (Fig. 5). It is important to note that these
equations are conceptual, in contrast to the previous example where the system was partly founded
on empiricism.
As petrophysics continues to move strongly towards cross-discipline integration in pursuit of
improved reservoir description, the question of the scale-compatibility of petrophysical algorithms will
be subject to further scrutiny. Even if core analysis practised in accordance with a sound technical
strategy does not prove to be fully reconcilable with log data, it does provide some ground-truthing
which, if properly used, can aid in the quantification of uncertainty and the management of risk.
Further progress will no doubt be forthcoming from the technical advances that are in hand.
The strongest technical drive to integrate core and log data at the present time is to be found in the
technology and engineering development function of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The ODP
was initiated in 1983 and it has, to date, been responsible for some 40 scientific expeditions (legs) to
explore the structure and history of the Earth as revealed beneath the oceans. The exploration
strategy has been to drill fully-cored boreholes at target sites and then to run a full suite of wireline
logs at each site. The database of core and log data is therefore voluminous and, if not managed
effectively, it might become difficult to handle, even during the course of a single leg. The present
objective is to provide an integrated database of core and log data for each drilled site in as close to
real time as possible. The following ongoing technical developments are directed at achieving this
Sonic Core Monitor
In cases of incomplete core recovery it has been the practice to "hang" the recovered core from the
top of the core barrel as though recovery had been continuous over the uppermost portion of the
interval and zero over the rest. The sonic core monitor is designed to record the rate of core
recovery so that, by comparing this rate with the rate of bit penetration, the correct location of each
core piece within the core barrel can be determined.
The system comprises an ultrasonic source/sensor at the top of the core barrel and a reflector
positioned on the top of the advancing core (Fig. 6). The length of the core column is continuously
recorded by measuring the travel time of the reflected pulse. An example of data output is shown in
Fig. 7. The zones of poor core recovery are immediately recognisable. Now that the concept is
proven, the prototype design is being upgraded through the development of a second tool for routine
field use in consolidated rocks.
Multi-Sensor Track
The oil industry traditionally records core natural gamma counts by running the recovered core on a
belt through a gamma-ray detector. The ODP has extended this concept to include other continuous
measurements such as magnetic susceptibility, gamma-ray attenuation and P-wave velocity. This
so-called "multi-sensor track" is a screening facility: it provides a reference scale to which other core
data can be related, e.g. physical properties measurements on core plugs.
Interactive Data Display
The aim is to integrate laboratory data and downhole measurements within a common user-friendly
system. The system is required to be interrogatable and it must have the capability to select and
display in interactive mode all those data that are relevant to a particular interpretation process.
There are four essential stages in this process:
At the present time item (i) is receiving the highest priority. Data are being stored as computerized
barrel sheets for which the display can be varied. An example is shown in Fig. 8. The intention is to
merge the log data so that they, too, can be displayed on call in the available right-hand tracks. This
would mean that any log or core data could be called up and displayed with a common depth scale
subject only to track availability. This facility would provide the opportunity for interactive data
interpretation using the core-log database actually during the course of an ODP leg.
Core-log correlation is an integral component of reservoir characterisation practice. It can be
enhanced by the judicious selection of key intervals comprising relatively thick, fully cored beds. Key
intervals should be targeted on the basis of seismic and geological zonation and the chararcter and
quality of log data. Plug selection should be driven by the need for compatibility between the
different scales of measurement, principally the core and log scales. Plug locations should be
chosen on the basis of log responses and X-ray CT scanning, the latter to investigate any
heterogeneities in selected core pieces. For maximum effectiveness the plugs should be selected by
the petrophysicists who are ultimately responsible for log evaluation. This means that geologists and
petrophysicists must work as a team, not in isolation.
The clear goal is a significant reduction in uncertainty. The key to reducing uncertainty is to see the
drilling, core selection and measurement, and wireline logging as components of a coupled system
which must be dovetailed if maximum benefits are to be derived. However, the goal will not be fully
achieved unless there is also an integration of those people who are active in these traditionally
distinct areas.
The author acknowledges the support of BP Exploration and BP Research in publishing this
formulation of views. In particular, thanks are due to Dick Woodhouse, Nadia Pallatt and Dave Buller
for providing helpful input.
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-11 -
Gamma Ray
(Conductive Beds)
(Resistive Beds)
Evaluation Procedure
In situ
Measurement Conditions
Accuracy and Precision
Sampling Volume
1 2
Core density (g cm"3)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Crossplots of core density vs log density for (a) Level-by-level correlation and
(b) Five-point depth-averaging of core data, for model of Figure 2
Negative 0 wrt nominal porosity
Figure 3
Resistors in
01 F1
0 2 F2
power law
Figure 4
P1 P2
of masses
01 P1
0 2 p2
/ \ .0.5
P1 P2
Mean density
Figure 5
Battery pack
electronic unit
Sonic transducer
Figure 7
l 4 i.S
^^ -^
: >^>
j *
i l
i i '"
-:j t:M ii ;p
5; : ?
. ,
J^. :
s >. -. ? <;> m
v3- 1mLV.V.V.
:" '"'.>->?
s ^.
.(,"" t p ^ ^
j j
cT J ?
\ %
~ '' ^^\
\ \ ')c?
\ 3
- :|f: :
IV ^
ii<- =c
Major LitholOQies:
The dominant lithology in Section 2 is
CLAY W I T H O X I D E S . In Sections 3
through 6 the dominant lithology is light
brownish yellow C L A Y E Y
RADIOLARIANS. From the middle of
Section 6 through the core catcher,
and interbedded i n Sections 3 through
6 is dark brown CLAYEY
Minor Lithoiogies:
The top of Section 1 is dark brown t o
light yellowish brown FORAMINIFER
CLAYEY N A N N O F O S S I L O O Z E , and
the lower pari ot Section 1 is dart".
brown D I A T O M CLAY W I T H O X I D E S .
BANDING C O N T R A S T . Slight to
! "
General Description:
TRACE FOSSILS: Bioturbation is
generally light to moderate with more
intense burrowing within the darker
beds in which Zoophycos is often
seen. Solid burrows and Planoliles are
abundant with occasional vertical
\ V
""- 5C%
I ?
8 - 4 - 17.9
i \