Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
to attack. The sooner you select the new leaders, the quicker
you can fill in the levels below them, and the faster you can
fight the flight of talent and customers and the faster you can
get on with the integration. Delay only leads to endless
corridor debate about who is going to stay or go and
spending time responding to headhunter calls. You want all
this energy focused on getting the greatest possible value
out of the deal.
The fallout from delays in crucial personnel decisions is all
too familiar. When GE Capital agreed to buy Heller Financial
in 2001, paying a nearly 50 percent premium over Heller's
share price at the time, GE Capital indicated that it would
need to reduce Heller's workforce by roughly 35 percent to
make the deal viable. But it didn't move quickly to say who
would remain. Key players departed before waiting to find
out, and several helped Merrill Lynch create a rival middlemarket unit the following year.
4. Start integration when you announce the deal
Ideally, the acquiring company should begin planning the
integration process even before the deal is announced.
Once it is announced, there are several priorities that must
be immediately addressed. Identify everything that must be
done prior to close. Make as many of the major decisions as
you can, so that you can move quickly once close day
arrives. Get the top-level organization and people in place
A second reason: Many companies are getting better at M&A. At the beginning of the period from
1995 to 2005, about 50 percent of mergers in the US underperformed their industry index. By the
end of the period, only about 30 percent were underperforming. One explanation, based on our
experience, is that some companies have learned to pursue deals closer to their core business,
which increases the odds of success. They more frequently pay cash rather than stock, which
encourages better due diligence and more-realistic prices. The long-term trend of more-frequent
acquisitions has also pushed companies to develop repeatable models for successful integration
and managers with professional integration-management skills. Despite these successes, many
acquirers-perhaps most-leave huge amounts of value on the table in every deal. Companies
continue to stumble in three broad areas of post-merger integration:
Missed targets. Companies fail to define clearly and succinctly the deal's primary sources
of value and its key risks, so they don't set clear priorities for integration. Some acquirers seem
to expect the target company's people to integrate themselves. Others do have an integration
program office, but they don't get it up and running until the deal closes. Still others mismanage
the transition to line management when the integration is supposedly complete, or fail to embed
the synergy targets in the business unit's budget. All these difficulties are likely to lead to missed
targets-or an inability to determine whether the targets have been hit or not.
Loss of key people. Many companies wait too long to put new organizational structures
and leadership in place; in the meantime, talented executives leave for greener pastures.
Companies also may fail to address cultural matters-the "soft" issues that often determine how
people feel about the new environment. Again, talented people drift away.
Poor performance in the base business. In some cases, integration soaks up too much
energy and attention or simply drags on too long, distracting managers from the core business.
In others, uncoordinated actions or poorly managed systems migrations lead to active
interference with the base business-for example, multiple (and contradictory) communications
with customers. Competitors take advantage of such confusion.
Successful integration-the key to avoiding the risks of a merger or acquisition and to realizing its
potential value-is always a challenge. And it is complicated by the simple fact that no two deals
should be integrated in the same way, with the same priorities, or under exactly the same
timetable. But 10 essential guidelines can make the task far more manageable and lead to the
right outcome:
1. Follow the money
Every merger or acquisition needs a well-thought-out deal thesis-an objective explanation of how
the deal enhances the company's core strategy. "This deal will give us privileged access to
attractive new customers and channels." "This deal will take us to clear leadership positions in
our 10 priority markets." A clear deal thesis shows where the money is to be made and where the
risks are. It clarifies the five to 10 most important sources of value-and danger-and it points you in
the direction of the actions you must take to be successful. It should be the focus of both the due
diligence on the deal and the subsequent integration. It is the essential difference between a
disciplined and an undisciplined acquirer.
The integration taskforces are then structured around the key sources of value. It is also
necessary to translate the deal thesis into tangible nonfinancial results that everyone in the
organization can understand and rally around-for example, one salesforce or one order-to-cash
process. The teams naturally need to understand the value for which they are accountable, and
should be challenged to produce their own bottom-up estimates of value right from the start. That
will allow you to update your deal thesis continuously as you work toward close and cutover-the
handoff from the integration team to frontline managers.
2. Tailor your actions to the nature of the deal
Anyone undertaking a merger or acquisition must be certain whether it is a scale deal-an
expansion in the same or highly overlapping business-or a scope deal-an expansion into a new
market, product or channel (some deals, of course, are a mix of the two types). The answer to the
scale-or-scope question affects a host of subsequent decisions, including what you choose to
integrate and what you will keep separate; what the organizational structure will be; which people
you retain; and how you manage the cultural integration process. Scale deals are typically
designed to achieve cost savings and will usually generate relatively rapid economic benefits.
Scope deals are typically designed to produce additional revenue. They may take longer to
realize their objectives, because cross-selling and other paths to revenue growth are often more
challenging and time-consuming than cost reduction. There are valid reasons for doing both types
of transactions-though success rates in scope deals tend to be lower-but it is critical to design the
integration program to the deal, not vice versa.
Consider the recent spate of announcements about computer hardware companies buying
services businesses. In 2008, it was Hewlett-Packard buying EDS. More recently, Dell announced
the acquisition of Perot Systems, and Xerox made a bold move for ACS that will more than
double the size of its workforce. These are clearly scope deals, as these companies search for
ways to move up the value chain into more profitable lines of business. And they require a new
type of integration effort for these hardware companies. If HP, for example, applied the same
principles and processes that it used in integrating Compaq, it would greatly complicate the EDS
3. Resolve the power and people issues quickly
The new organization should be designed around the deal thesis and the new vision for the
combined company. You'll want to select people from both organizations who are enthusiastic
about this vision and can contribute the most to it. Set yourself an ambitious deadline for filling the
top levels and stick to it-tough people decisions only get harder with time. Moreover, until you
announce the appointments, your best customers and your best employees will be actively
poached by your competitors when you are most vulnerable to attack. The sooner you select the
new leaders, the quicker you can fill in the levels below them, and the faster you can fight the
flight of talent and customers and the faster you can get on with the integration. Delay only leads
to endless corridor debate about who is going to stay or go and spending time responding to
headhunter calls. You want all this energy focused on getting the greatest possible value out of
the deal.
The fallout from delays in crucial personnel decisions is all too familiar. When GE Capital agreed
to buy Heller Financial in 2001, paying a nearly 50 percent premium over Heller's share price at
the time, GE Capital indicated that it would need to reduce Heller's workforce by roughly 35
percent to make the deal viable. But it didn't move quickly to say who would remain. Key players
departed before waiting to find out, and several helped Merrill Lynch create a rival middle-market
unit the following year.
4. Start integration when you announce the deal
Ideally, the acquiring company should begin planning the integration process even before the
deal is announced. Once it is announced, there are several priorities that must be immediately
addressed. Identify everything that must be done prior to close. Make as many of the major
decisions as you can, so that you can move quickly once close day arrives. Get the top-level
organization and people in place fast, as we noted-but don't do it so fast that you lose objectivity
or that you shortcut the necessary processes.
One useful tool is a clean team-a group of individuals operating under confidentiality agreements
and other legal protocols who can review competitive data that would otherwise be off limits to the
acquirer's employees. Their work can help get things up to speed faster once the deal closes. In
late 2006, for example, Travelport-owner of the Galileo global distribution system (GDS) for airline
tickets-announced that it intended to acquire Worldspan, a rival GDS. The two companies used a
clean team to work through many critical people and technology issues while they awaited final
regulatory approval from the European Commission. When regulators gave the green light, the
company was able to begin integration immediately rather than spending weeks waiting to gather
the necessary data and making critical decisions in a rush.
5. Manage the integration through a "Decision Drumbeat"
Companies can create endless templates and processes to manage an integration. But too much
program office bureaucracy and paperwork distract from the critical issues, suck the energy out of
the integration and demoralize all concerned. The most effective integrations instead employ a
Decision Management Office (DMO); and integration leaders, by contrast, focus the steering
group and taskforces on the critical decisions that drive value. They lay out a decision roadmap
and manage the organization to a Decision Drumbeat to ensure that each decision is made by
the right people at the right time with the best available information.
To get started, ask the integration taskforce leaders to play back the financial and nonfinancial
results they are accountable for, and in what timeframe. That will help identify the key decisions
they must make to achieve these results, by when and in what order. Using this method, one
global consumer products company recently was able to exceed its synergy targets by 40
percent-faster than originally planned-while retaining 75 percent of the top talent identified. (For a
primer on how companies can create an effective decision timeline, see "Making it happen: The
Decision Drumbeat in practice," on page 7.)
Consider the challenge faced by InBev, the global beverage company, in acquiring AnheuserBusch, one of the most iconic American brands. Early in the integration process, the leadership
team focused on the most effective way to introduce InBev's long-term global strategy to
Anheuser-Busch managers and employees. One powerful tool was InBev's "Dream-PeopleCulture" mission statement, which was tailored to the US company and introduced into the
Anheuser-Busch lexicon with strong messages emphasizing the value of its customers and
products, to excite the imagination of the AB organization.
It's vital that your messages be consistent. If you are acquiring a smaller company and the deal is
mostly about taking out costs, for instance, don't focus on a "Best of Both Organ-izations" in your
first town-hall speech. In general, it's wise to concentrate on what the deal will mean in the future
for your people, not on the synergies it will produce for the organization. "Synergies," after all,
usually means reducing payroll, among other things-and people know that.
9. Maintain momentum in the base business of both companies-and monitor their
performance closely
It's easy for people in an organization to get caught up in the glamour of integrating two
organizations. For the moment, that's where the action is. The future shape of the company,
including jobs and careers, appears to be in the hands of the integration taskforces. But if
management allows itself and the organization to get distracted, the base business of both
companies will suffer. If everybody's trying to manage both the ongoing business and the
integration, nobody will do either job well.
The CEO must set the tone here. He or she should allocate the majority of time to the base
business and maintain a focus on existing customers. Below the CEO, at least 90 percent of the
organization should be focused on the base business, and these people should have clear
targets and incentives to keep those businesses humming. By having No. 2s running the
integration, their bosses should be able to make sure the base business maintains momentum.
Take particular care to make customer needs a priority and to bundle customer and stakeholder
communications, especially when systems change and customers may be confused about who to
deal with. Meanwhile, establish an aggressive integration timeline with a countdown to cutoverthe day when the primary objectives of integration are completed and the two businesses begin
operating as one.
To make sure things stay on track, monitor the base business closely throughout the integration
process. Emphasize leading indicators like sales pipeline, employee retention and call-center
Olam International, a global leader in the agri-commodity supply chain business with $6 billion in
annual revenues, has managed to maintain its base business while incorporating a stream of
acquisitions. In 2007, for instance, Olam purchased Queensland Cotton, with trading,
warehousing and ginning operations in the US, Australia and Brazil. Olam ensured that a core
part of the Queensland Cotton team remained focused on the base business, while putting
together a separate team made up of Queensland Cotton and Olam employees to manage the
integration. That helped the company navigate difficult conditions due to drought in Australia,
while also growing their Brazil and US businesses well above the market. Olam's acquisitions
contributed 16 percent to its total sales volumes in fiscal year 2009 and 23 percent to its earnings,
which have grown at an overall rate of 45 percent CAGR since 1990.