Company Auditor
Company Auditor
Company Auditor
According to Section 224 of the Companies Act, every company whether private or public must
appoint an Auditor or auditors to audit the final accounts. The provisions relating to the
appointment of auditor are as follows:
1. Board of Directors:
The first auditor of a newly floated company is appointed by the board of directors, within one
month of registration of the company. Such an auditor or auditors shall hold office till the
conclusion of the first annual general meeting.
The directors are also empowered to fill a casual vacancy of an auditor if it is not caused by
resignation. The auditor so appointed shall hold office till the conclusion of the next annual
general meeting. But in case, if the vacancy is caused by the resignation of an auditor, it shall
only be filled by the company in its annual general meeting.
2. Annual General Meeting:
The auditor or auditors are appointed in the annual general meeting under the following
1) If the board of directors fail to appoint an auditor, the shareholders shall make an
appointment in the annual general meeting.
2) Every company shall at each annual general meeting appoint an auditor to hold office from
the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.
3) The company has to give intimation to the auditor so appointed within seven days of his
4) The auditor so appointed shall within 30days of the receipt of intimation from the company
regarding his appointment, has to inform the registrar of the company in writing whether
he has accepted or refused the appointment.
In every annual general meeting the appointment of the companys auditor is made by the
simple majority of votes by the present members.
3. Central Government:
According to section 224 (3), if the auditor has not been appointed in the annual general
meeting, the company has to inform within seven days to the Regional Director to whom the
Central Governments power to appoint an auditor in such an event has been delegated
under section 637.
The said application must disclose in sufficient detail the reasons why the company could not
appoint the auditor at its general meeting. In the case of default, the company and every
officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to
Rs.500 as per section 224(4).
Appointment of Auditor by Special Resolution.
In 1974, Companies Act 1974 was amended by adding sub section A to section 224. After that,
in some cases, the appointment of auditors or auditor requires special resolution. That is in case
of a company, in which not less than 25% of the subscribed share capital is singly or jointly held
a. A public financial institution or a government company or the central government or any
state government or
b. Any financial or other institution established by any provincial or state Act in which a state
government holds not less than 51% of the subscribed share capital or
c. A nationalized bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business.
In the above mentioned circumstances, the appointment of an auditor shall me made by passing
a special resolution (that is 75% or more of the members present should agree for the
resolution). If not, it shall be deemed that the appointment has not been made and the central
government will get the right under section 224(3) of the Companies Act to make an
Compulsory Reappointment.
Section 619 of the Companies Act specifies that in the case of government companies, the
appointment or reappointment of an auditor by the central government can be made only on the
advice of the comptroller and Auditor General of India.
In other cases, that is, whether auditors are appointed by the board of directors in the annual
general meeting or by he central government, the retiring auditors are compulsorily reappointed,
1. He is not qualified for reappointment.
2. He has given a notice in writing to the company of his unwillingness, to be reappointed
3. Where a notice has been given or an intended resolution to appoint some other person in
the place of the retiring auditor and by reason of death, in capacity or disqualification of that
person or of all the persons as the case may be, the resolution cannot be proceeded with or
4. A resolution has been passed at that meeting, appointing somebody instead of providing
expressly that he shall not be reappointed. This is as per section 224(2) of the Companies
Ceiling on Number of Audits
In 1974, a group of young charted accountant, academicians and other sections of the public
argued that the opportunities of professional practice are concentrated in the hands of a few
well established and leading chartered accountants of the country. They demanded this
monopoly be liquidated in the general interest of the profession thereby providing an opportunity
to young chartered accountants also to earn their living. Therefore, the companies act was
amended in 1974, by introducing section 224 (1- B). This came into effect from February 01,
1975 to ensure a more equitable distribution of audit work among all the practicing chartered
accountants and to avoid the concentration of audit work in few leading firms of chartered
Therefore, according to section 224( 1-B) of the Companies Act, no individual and no partner of
the firm of auditors shall hold office as auditors of more than 20 companies of which not more
than 10 be companies with paid up share capital of Rs.25 lakhs or more.
Filling of Casual Vacancies [Section 224(6)]
1. A vacancy caused by the resignation of an auditor shall only be filled by the members in the
annual general meeting.
2. If a casual arises for any other reason (that is, death, insanity or insolvency) it can only be
filled by the board of directors.
3. An auditor appointed to fill up the casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the
next annual general meeting of the company.
Qualification of Auditor.
According to Section 226(1) and 226(2) of the Companies Act, the prescribed qualifications of
an auditor are as follows:
1. A person who is a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants
Act 1949.(Section 26(1)]
2. A person who holds a certificate under the Restriction Auditors Certificate Rules 1956 is also
qualified to act as an auditor of a company. Such persons are also known as certified
auditors and are always subject to rules made in this behalf by the central government
[section 226(2)]