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What are the "Westgard Rules"? How do you use them?

Everything you ever wanted to know, or possibly didn't want to know,

about multirule QC. Multirules are popularly known in the laboratory
as "Westgard Rules." Here's the best place to find out more about

What is Multirule QC
What are the "Westgard Rules"?
What are the "Westgard Rules"?
What are other common multirules?
How do you perform multirule QC?
What is N?
Why use a multirule QC procedure?
Are there similar strategies for QC testing and diagnostic
Are there similar performance characteristics for QC and
diagnostic tests?
How can you use multiple tests to optimize performance?
When should you use a multirule QC procedure?
Looking for "Westgard Rules" worksheets? Click here

What is a multirule QC procedure?

First, a non-technical description. When my daughter Kristin was
young and living at home, she liked to party. One day when she
told me she was again intending to be out late, I felt the need to
exert some parental control over her hours. So I told her that if
she was out once after three, twice after two, or four times after
one, she was in big trouble. That's multirule control.
Kristin hates it when I tell this story, and while it isn't entirely
true, it's still a good story and makes multirule QC understandable to
everyone. (By the way, she turned out okay; she graduated number 1 in
her class from law school and I'm very proud of her. It's also true
that she has her mother's brains, which together with my persistence or stubborness, as it's known around the house - makes a pretty good
combination.) I will also have to admit that around our house it is
Mrs. Westgard's rules that really count. My wife Joan hates it when I
tell this part of the story, but she's put up with me for over
thirty-five years and I'm now in a state of fairly stable control, so
it will take a bigger deviation than this before I get into big

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Now for a more technical description. Multirule QC uses a combination

of decision criteria, or control rules, to decide whether an
analyticalrun is in-control or out-of-control. The well-known Westgard
multirule QC procedure uses 5 different control rules to judge the
acceptability of an analytical run. By comparison, a single-rule QC
procedure uses a single criterion or single set of control limits,
such as a Levey-Jennings chart with control limits set as either the
mean plus or minus 2 standard deviations (2s) or the mean plus or
minus 3s. "Westgard rules" are generally used with 2 or 4 control
measurements per run, which means they are appropriate when two
different control materials are measured 1 or 2 times per material,
which is the case in many chemistry applications. Some alternative
control rules are more suitable when three control materials are
analyzed, which is common for applications in hematology, coagulation,
and immunoassays.

What are the "Westgard rules"?

For convenience, we adopt a short hand notation to abbreviate
different decision criteria or control rules, e.g., 12s to indicate 1
control measurement exceeding 2s control limits. We prefer to use
subscripts to indicate the control limits, but other texts and
papers may use somewhat different notation (e.g. 1:2s rather than 12s
) Combinations of rules are generally indicated by using a
"slash" mark (/) between control rules, e.g. 13s/22s.
The individual rule are defined below. The "thumbnail" graphic next to
a rule shows an example of control results that violate that rule. You
can click on a graphic to get a larger picture that more clearly
illustrates the application of each control rule.

13srefers to a

control rule
that is commonly
used with a
chart when the
control limits
are set as the
mean plus 3s and

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the mean minus

3s. A run is
rejected when a
single control
exceeds the mean
plus 3s or the
mean minus 3s
control limit.

12srefers to the

control rule
that is commonly
used with a
chart when the
control limits
are set as the
mean plus/minus
2s. In the
multirule QC
procedure, this
rule is used as
a warning rule
to trigger

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inspection of
the control data
by the following
rejection rules.

22s- reject

when 2
exceed the same
mean plus 2s or
the same mean
minus 2s control

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R4s - reject

when 1 control
measurement in a
group exceeds
the mean plus 2s
and another
exceeds the mean
minus 2s.

41s - reject

when 4
exceed the same
mean plus 1s or
the same mean
minus 1s control

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10x - reject

when 10
fall on one side
of the mean.

In addition, you
will sometimes
see some
modifications of
this last rule
to make it fit
more easily with
Ns of 4:

8x - reject when

8 consecutive
fall on one side
of the mean.

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12x - reject

when 12
fall on one side
of the mean.

The preceding control rules are usually used with N's of 2or 4, which
means they are appropriate when two different control materials are
measured 1 or 2 times per material.

What are other common multirules?

In situations where 3 different control materials are being analyzed,
some other control rules fit better and are easier to apply, such as:

2of32s - reject when 2 out of 3 control measurements exceed the same

mean plus 2s or mean minus 2s control limit;

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31s - reject when 3 consecutive control measurements exceed the same

mean plus 1s or mean minus 1s control limit.

6x - reject when 6 consecutive control measurements fall on one side

of the mean.

In addition, you will sometimes see some modification of this last

rule to include a larger number of control measurements that still
fit with an N of 3:

9x - reject when 9 consecutive control measurements fall on one side

of the mean.

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A related control rule that is sometimes used, particularly in

Europe, looks for a "trend" where several control measurements in a
row are increasing or decreasing [note: it is increasingly rare to
see this rule in use]:

7T - reject when seven control measurements trend in the same

direction, i.e., get progressively higher or progressively lower.

How do you perform multirule QC?

You collect your control measurements in the same way as you would
for a regular Levey-Jennings control chart. You establish the means
and standard deviations of the control materials in the same way.
All that's changed are the control limits and the interpretation of
the data, so multirule QC is really not that hard to do! For manual
application, draw lines on the Levey-Jennings chart at the mean
plus/minus 3s, plus/minus 2s, and plus/minus 1s. SeeQC - The Levey
Jennings chart for more information about preparing control charts.

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In manual applications, a 12s rule should be used as a warning to

trigger application of the other rules, thus anytime a single
measurement exceeds a 2s control limit, you respond by inspecting the
control data using the other rules. It's like a yield or warning sign
at the intersection of two roads. It doesn't mean stop, it means look
carefully before proceeding.
How do you "look carefully"? Use the other control rules to inspect
the control points. Stop if a single point exceeds a 3s limit. Stop
if two points in a row exceed the same 2s limit. Stop if one point in
the group exceeds a plus 2s limit and another exceeds a minus 2s
limit. Because N must be at least 2 to satisfy US CLIA QC
requirements, all these rules can be applied within a run. Often the
41s and 10x must be used across runs in order to get the number of
control measurements needed to apply the rules. A 41s violation occurs
whenever 4 consecutive points exceed the same 1s limit. These 4 may be
from one control material or they may also be the last 2 points from a
high level control material and the last 2 points from a normal level
control material, thus the rule may also be applied across materials.
The 10x rule usually has to be applied across runs and often across
Computer applications don't need to use the 12swarning rule. You should
be able to select the individual rejection rules on a test-by-test
basis to optimize the performance of the QC procedure on the basis of
the precision and accuracy observed for each analytical method and the
quality required by the test.

What is N?
When N is 2, that can mean 2 measurements on one control material or 1
measurement on each of two different control materials. When N is 3,
the application would generally involved 1 measurement on each of
three different control materials. When N is 4, that could mean 2
measurements on each of two different control materials, or 4
measurements on one material, or 1 measurement on each of four
In general, N represents the total number of control measurements that
are available at the time a decision on control status is to be made.

Why use a multirule QC procedure?

Multirule QC procedures are obviously more complicated than single
rule procedures, so that's a disadvantage. However, they often
provide better performance than the commonly used 12s and 13s
single-rule QC procedures. There is a false-alarm problem with a 12s

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rule, such as the Levey-Jennings chart with 2s control limits; when

N=2, it is expected than 9% of good runs will be falsely rejected;
with N=3, it is even higher,about 14%; with N=4, it's almost 18%.
That means almost 10-20%of good runs will be thrown away, which
wastes a lot of time and effort in the laboratory. While a
Levey-Jennings chart with 3s control limits has a very low false
rejection rate, only 1% or so with Ns of 2-4, the error detection
(true alarms) will also be lower, thus the problem with the 13s
control rule is that medically important errors may not be detected.
(See QC - The Rejection Characteristics for more information about the
probabilities for error detection and false rejection.)
The advantages of multirule QC procedures are that false rejections
can be kept low while at the same time maintaining high error
detection. This is done by selecting individual rules that have very
low levels of false rejection, then building up the error detection by
using these rules together. It's like running two liver function tests
and diagnosing a problem if either one of them is positive. A
multirule QC procedure uses two or more statistical tests (control
rules) to evaluate the QC data, then rejects a run if any one of these
statistical tests is positive.

Are there similiar strategies for QC testing and diagnostic

Yes, a QC test is like a diagnostic test! The QC test attempts to
identify problems with the normal operation of an analytical testing
process, whereas the diagnostic test attempts to identify problems
with the normal operation of a person. Appropriate action or treatment
depends on correctly identifying the problem.
Both the QC test and the diagnostic test are affected by the normal
variation that is expected when there are no problems,i.e., the QC
test attempts to identify changes occurring beyond those normally
expected due to the imprecision of the method, whereas the diagnostic
test attempts to identify changes beyond those normally expected due
to the variation of a population (the reference range or reference
interval for the test) or the variation of an individual
(intra-individual biological variation). The presence of this
background variation or "noise" limits the performance of both the QC
test and the diagnostic test.

Are there similar performance characteristics for QC and

diagnostic tests?
This background variation causes false alarms that waste time and
effort. These false alarms are more properly called false positives

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for a diagnostic test and false rejections for a QC test, but both are
related to a general characteristic called "test specificity." True
alarms are called true positives for a diagnostic test and are
referred to as error detection for a QC test, and both are related to
a general characteristic called "test sensitivity." Sensitivity and
specificity, therefore, are general performance characteristics that
can be applied to a test that classifies results as positive or
negative (as for a diagnostic test) or accept or reject (for a QC
Diagnostic tests are seldom perfectly sensitive and perfectly
specific! Therefore, physicians have developed approaches and
strategies to improve the performance of diagnostic tests. One
approach is to adjust the cutoff limit or decision level for
classifying a test result as positive or negative. Both sensitivity
and specificity change as this limit changes and improvements in
sensitivity usually come with a loss of specificity, and vice versa.
QC procedures, likewise, seldom perform with perfect error detection
and no false rejections. Laboratories can employ similar approaches
for optimizing QC performance. Changing the control limit is like
changing the cutoff limit, and improvements in sensitivity usually
come at a cost in specificity (the 12s rule is an example). Wider
control limits, such as 2.5s, 3s, and 3.5s lead to lower error
detection and lower false rejections.

How do you use multiple tests to optimize performance?

Another approach for optimizing diagnostic performance is to use
multiple tests. To improve sensitivity, two or more tests are used
together and a problem is identified if any one of the tests is
positive - this is parallel testing. To improve specificity, a
positive finding from a sensitive screening test can be followed up
with a second more specific test to confirm the problem - this is
serial testing. Both sensitivity and specificity can be optimized by a
multiple testing approach, but again these changes usually affect both
Strategies with multiple tests can also be used to optimize the
performance of a QC procedure. Multirule QC is the general approach
for doing this. The objectives are to reduce the problems with the
false alarms or false rejections that are caused by the use of 2s
control limits, while at the same time improving error detection over
that available when using 3s control limit. The multiple tests are
different statistical tests or different statistical control rules,
and the strategies are based on serial and parallel testing.
False alarms are minimized by using the 1

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as a warning rule,
then confirming any problems by application of more specific rules
that have a low probability of false rejection (serial testing).
True alarms or error detection are maximized by selecting a
combination of the rules most sensitive to detection of random and
systematic errors, then rejecting a run if any one of these rules
is violated (parallel testing).

When should you use a multirule QC procedure?

Not always! Sometimes a single rule QC procedure gives you all the
error detection needed while at the same time maintaining low false
rejections. This generally means eliminating the 12s rule because
of its high false rejections and considering others such as 12.5s, 13s
, and 13.5s which have acceptably low false rejection rates. The
remaining issue is whether adequate error detection can be provided
by these other single rule QC procedures. If medically important
errorscan be detected 90% of the time (i.e., probability of error
detection of 0.90 or greater), then a single rule QC procedure is
adequate. If 90% error detection can not be provided by a single rule
QC procedure, then a multirule QC procedure should be considered. In
general, you will find that single rule QC procedures are adequate
for your highly automated and very precise chemistry and hematology
analyzers, but you should avoid using 2s control limits or the 12s
control rule to minimize waste and reduce costs. Earlier generation
automated systems and manual methods will often benefit from the
improved error detection of multirule QC procedures.
To figure out exactly when to use single rule or multirule QC
procedures, you will need to define the quality required for each
test, look at the precision and accuracy being achieved by your
method, then assess the probabilities for false rejection (Pfr) and
error detection (Ped) of the different candidate QC procedures. Aim
for 90% error detection (Ped of 0.90 or greater) and 5% or less
false rejections (Pfrof 0.05 or less). With very stable analytical
systems that seldom have problems, you may be able to settle for
lower error detection,say 50%. (See QC - The Planning Processfor
practical approaches to select appropriate single rule and multirule
QC procedures.)

For more information, see these references:

Westgard JO, Barry PL, Hunt MR, Groth T. A multi-rule Shewhart
chart for quality control in clinical chemistry. Clin Chem
Westgard JO, Barry PL. Improving Quality Control by use of
Multirule Control Procedures. Chapter 4 in Cost-Effective Quality
Control: Managing the quality and productivity of analytical

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processes. AACC Press, Washington, DC, 1986, pp.92-117.

Westgard JO, Klee GG. Quality Management. Chapter 16 in
Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, 4th edition. Burtis C, ed., WB
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1996, pp.211-223.
Westgard JO, Klee GG. Quality Management. Chapter 17 in Textbook
of Clinical Chemistry, 2nd edition. Burtis C, ed., WB Saunders
Company, Philadelphia, 1994, pp.548-592.
Cembrowski GS, Sullivan AM. Quality Control and Statistics,
Chapter 4 in Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Procedures,
Correlations, 3rd edition. Bishop ML, ed., Lippincott,
Philadelphia, 1996, pp.61-96.
Cembrowski GS, Carey RN. Quality Control Procedures. Chapter 4 in
Laboratory Quality Management. ASCP Press, Chicago 1989, pp.59-79.

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