Westgard Rules and Multirules PDF
Westgard Rules and Multirules PDF
Westgard Rules and Multirules PDF
What is Multirule QC
What are the "Westgard Rules"?
What are the "Westgard Rules"?
What are other common multirules?
How do you perform multirule QC?
What is N?
Why use a multirule QC procedure?
Are there similar strategies for QC testing and diagnostic
Are there similar performance characteristics for QC and
diagnostic tests?
How can you use multiple tests to optimize performance?
When should you use a multirule QC procedure?
Looking for "Westgard Rules" worksheets? Click here
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13srefers to a
control rule
that is commonly
used with a
chart when the
control limits
are set as the
mean plus 3s and
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12srefers to the
control rule
that is commonly
used with a
chart when the
control limits
are set as the
mean plus/minus
2s. In the
multirule QC
procedure, this
rule is used as
a warning rule
to trigger
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inspection of
the control data
by the following
rejection rules.
22s- reject
when 2
exceed the same
mean plus 2s or
the same mean
minus 2s control
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R4s - reject
when 1 control
measurement in a
group exceeds
the mean plus 2s
and another
exceeds the mean
minus 2s.
41s - reject
when 4
exceed the same
mean plus 1s or
the same mean
minus 1s control
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10x - reject
when 10
fall on one side
of the mean.
In addition, you
will sometimes
see some
modifications of
this last rule
to make it fit
more easily with
Ns of 4:
8x - reject when
8 consecutive
fall on one side
of the mean.
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12x - reject
when 12
fall on one side
of the mean.
The preceding control rules are usually used with N's of 2or 4, which
means they are appropriate when two different control materials are
measured 1 or 2 times per material.
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What is N?
When N is 2, that can mean 2 measurements on one control material or 1
measurement on each of two different control materials. When N is 3,
the application would generally involved 1 measurement on each of
three different control materials. When N is 4, that could mean 2
measurements on each of two different control materials, or 4
measurements on one material, or 1 measurement on each of four
In general, N represents the total number of control measurements that
are available at the time a decision on control status is to be made.
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for a diagnostic test and false rejections for a QC test, but both are
related to a general characteristic called "test specificity." True
alarms are called true positives for a diagnostic test and are
referred to as error detection for a QC test, and both are related to
a general characteristic called "test sensitivity." Sensitivity and
specificity, therefore, are general performance characteristics that
can be applied to a test that classifies results as positive or
negative (as for a diagnostic test) or accept or reject (for a QC
Diagnostic tests are seldom perfectly sensitive and perfectly
specific! Therefore, physicians have developed approaches and
strategies to improve the performance of diagnostic tests. One
approach is to adjust the cutoff limit or decision level for
classifying a test result as positive or negative. Both sensitivity
and specificity change as this limit changes and improvements in
sensitivity usually come with a loss of specificity, and vice versa.
QC procedures, likewise, seldom perform with perfect error detection
and no false rejections. Laboratories can employ similar approaches
for optimizing QC performance. Changing the control limit is like
changing the cutoff limit, and improvements in sensitivity usually
come at a cost in specificity (the 12s rule is an example). Wider
control limits, such as 2.5s, 3s, and 3.5s lead to lower error
detection and lower false rejections.
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as a warning rule,
then confirming any problems by application of more specific rules
that have a low probability of false rejection (serial testing).
True alarms or error detection are maximized by selecting a
combination of the rules most sensitive to detection of random and
systematic errors, then rejecting a run if any one of these rules
is violated (parallel testing).
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