KP Notes
KP Notes
KP Notes
(Krishnamurtipaddhati or Advanced Stellar
Astrology) and it's rationale
The zodiac of 360 degrees is divided into 12 equal parts known as
the rasis or signs. However, apart from this, there is another finer
division - that of the nakshatras or constellations. The entire zodiac
is divided into 27 zones known as the constellations or nakshatras,
beginning with Ashwini (Aries 0 degrees) and ending with Revati
(ending at Pisces 30 degrees).
All planets moving through the zodiac from the point of Aries
(Vernal Equinox), get their results modified as they move along.
When a planet moves in the first nakshatra which is Ashwini, the
transiting planet will be influenced by the lord of Ashwini, namely
Ketu. So all along, every planet moving in the zodiac is influenced
by the lord of the constellation in which it is transiting. Because
each planet governs three constellations in the zodiac, it influences
every other planet that moves through the respective constellations
in three zones.
Guruji, Shri K.S.Krishnamurji, explains in the 3rd Reader:
"If a planet were to be in Ashwini, another in Magha and a third in
Moola, all are under the influence of Ketu and are in Ketu's zone. If
the astrologer says that a planet is modified by the lord of the
constellation, Ketu, then the statement is not complete and clear.
He has to add, whether it is in Aries, or Leo, or Sagittarius, as
otherwise one cannot locate the position of the planet correctly."
These constellations modify the results of the planets transiting in
the zodiac. We should understand here that, the lord of the
constellation is responsible for modifying the results of
the transiting planets, and not the stars themselves. The stars are
millions of light years away, but the planets are our immediate
neighbors. Hence one planet modifies the results of other planets
depending on the constellations it owns.
Again, to make things clear, a good analogy is given from the 3rd
Suppose there is a light in the center of a circular room, provided
with 12 glass panes of different colours and around the room is a
verandah and outside the verandah, there are 27 glass panes which
3) Will indicate the matters of the house occupied and owned by the
sign lord of Rahu or Ketu.
Thus the effects of Rahu and Ketu should be judged in any chart be
it a birth (natal) chart or a horary (prashna) chart.
that time. You will also get information on when the planet resumes
direct motion and across the point of retro gradation.
Also one should note that ruling planets which are detrimental to
the matters signified by a bhaava have to be eliminated as they do
not give positive results. Thus if one is judging the results of the
10th bhaava and one finds that the 2 of the planets among the
ruling planets at the time judgment are significators of the 9th
bhaava, then these two planets have to be eliminated in judging the
Use of Ruling Planets in Rectifying Birth Time:
Professor Shri K.S.Krishnamurtiji has noted that the planets ruling
the time of judgment will be among the ruling planets at the time of
birth of an individual. This simple rule helps us to rectify birth times
accurately. Jyotishya Deepika Ultimate implements this rule and
makes it easy for you to rectify birth times based on the ruling
planets at the time of judgment. We will study more of Birth Time
Rectification in another article in this reference.
Thus, to conclude, ruling planets are a vital tenet of
Krishnamurtipaddhati and every query should be judged after
taking these into consideration.
More times than not, one may find that, when one wants to
judge a particular matter, for example marriage, then almost all the
nine planets come in as significators of either or all of the houses 2,
7 and 11. Such a situation is no way rare and all too common an
area where many a KP Astrologer falters in selecting the right
planets and rejecting the unfruitful ones. Most of the literature we
have surveyed in KP Astrology to find an answer to this question,
point us to one of the following two principles:
1. Supposing a person wants to know the time of marriage and also
he wants to find out the significators which will give marriage in
their conjoined period. Then, according to this principle, first note
the Sub in which each of the planets figuring as a significator is
Predictive KP Astrology
This article gives you an effective starting point to learn about
what houses or bhaavas need to be judged for what matters.
Please note that the article is based on the classical readers written
by Guruji Shri KSK.
Judging Longevity
Education of a Native
Judging Marriage
Foreign Travel
One's Finance:
Business Prospects
needed and not sympathy. Even if the results are bad or fatal,
remember that you are dealing with a real human being who is
emotionally connected to his/her family, friends and the world. Try
to give the correct results in as much a palatable form as possible.
Remember that even the bitterest medicines are mixed with honey.
7. Always proceed in a logical manner and never forget the "First
Principles" elucidated by Shri KSK. Guruji never said anything in a
vague manner. He was always sure and to the point. He never gave
vague rules, but only simple yet powerful dictums. So go from the
first principles... you will always come out correct.
8. Remember that a Planet always gives the results of the Bhaava
occupied by its star Lord and also the Bhaava/s owned by the star
lord. However, whether the planet does well or bad to these results
(that is gives friendship or enemity, profit or loss as an example)
must be judged from the Sub Lord of the planet. Never ignore the
Sub Lord and bypass its' significations in venturing a "SHORT CUT
PREDICTION". There is nothing called a Short Cut in KP Astrology.
Our Revered Guruji has trimmed all the leaves and kept the garden
in order before he left his mortal coil. His rules have to followed in
TOTO. There is no point in trying to take some aspects of his rules
and trying to discover more. Of course, research is at the heart of
KP and Guruji himself encouraged research. But, please remember
research does not always have to be to negate the basic rules. No
one did research to challenge the existence of gravity discovered by
Newton. By everyone found more much beyond the simple rules.
That is welcome.
9. Always judge the planets in an orderly manner. First identify the
bhaavas which are to be judged for the matter concerned. Then look
at the Bhaava Sub Lord and his significations. Then look at the
Bhaava Significators and their Sub Lords.
10. Always remember, finding new exotic things is always not
innovative or prudent thinking. Many great discoveries are
accidental and unintentional. But there is place for logic and first
principles-based research. Astrology needs such research! ..
Research that is ground up....not starting in space and coming
With these I conclude this article. I sincerely apologize if in any
manner, any content in this article has hurt your sentiments or
beliefs. Such an outcome is purely unintentional. These ten points
are gathered from great articles written by great stalwarts like Shri
Shanmugam and others. I have only added "my two cents" in
formatting the text and putting in some grammar (so all the faults
are mine!). I request your pardon and understanding in reading
these articles.