Ccna Security Ch7 Implementing Aaa Using Ios ACS Server
Ccna Security Ch7 Implementing Aaa Using Ios ACS Server
Ccna Security Ch7 Implementing Aaa Using Ios ACS Server
I. Foundation Topics
1. Using the local database does not scale well with multiple routers and switches.
ACS server takes care of AAA for administrators as well as for users of the network.
3. What is ISE?
1. ISE is an identity and access control policy platform, checking that requirements are
met for access nodes. ISE is not a full replacement of ACS. Usually ACS is used
for AAA and ISE is used in conjunction for the identity and access control.
4. Protocols Used Between the ACS Server and the Client (the Router)
1. TACACS+ and RADIUS protocols are used between the ACS server and the client.
2. TACACS+ - Terminal Access Control Access Control Server Older versions
existed but we only use TACACS+ now. TACACS+ packets are encrypted before
sent back and forth with the ACS server.
3. RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service Open standard, only
passwords are encrypted
L4 protocol
Replacement coming
No explicit command
authorization checking rules can
be implemented
5. Example
R1(config)# aaa new-model
(required to enable AAA on the router, by default on most IOS systems it's disabled)
R1(config)# aaa authentication login AUTHEN_via_TACACS group tacacs+ local
(authentication, custom method list using TACACS+ first, and if fails use the local database)
R1(config)# aaa authorization exec Author-Exec_via_TACACS group tacacs+ local
(authorization, custom method list using tacacs+ first, and if fails due to lack of an ACS server, use the
local database)
R1(config)# username admin privilege 15 secret cisco
(create local database username and password as a backup in case the ACS server is not available)
R1(config)# tacacs-server host key cisco123
(Configure ACS server connection settings and password)
R1(config)# line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)# authorization exec Author-Exec_via_TACACS
R1(config-line)# login authentication AUTHEN_via_TACACS
Example 7-2 Verifying AAA
R1# debug tacacs
TACACS access control debugging is on
! Telnet to an IP address on the local router.
R1# telnet
Trying ... Open
TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 102 for processing
TPLUS: processing authentication start request id 102
TPLUS: Authentication start packet created for 102()
TPLUS: Using server
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: Started 5 sec timeout
User Access Verification
! Timing out on TACACS+ regarding authentication because no server is
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: timed out
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: timed out, clean up
TPLUS(00000066)/0/6812DC64: Processing the reply packet
! Now moving to the local database on the router
Username: admin
Password: cisco
! Timing out on TACACS+ regarding authorization due to no server responding.
TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authorization request 102 for processing
TPLUS: processing authorization request id 102
TPLUS: Protocol set to None .....Skipping
TPLUS: Sending AV service=shell
TPLUS: Sending AV cmd*
TPLUS: Authorization request created for 102(admin)
TPLUS: Using server
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: Started 5 sec timeout
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: timed out
TPLUS(00000066)/0/NB_WAIT/6812DC64: timed out, clean up
TPLUS(00000066)/0/6812DC64: Processing the reply packet
! After timing out, the router again uses its local database for
! authorization and appropriate privilege level for the user.
! If we exit, and change the debugs slightly, and do it again, it will give
! us yet another perspective.
From the Library of Joshua E Johnson
Chapter 7: Implementing AAA Using IOS and the ACS Server
R1# debug aaa authentication
AAA Authentication debugging is on
R1# debug aaa authorization
AAA Authorization debugging is on
R1# telnet
Trying ... Open
AAA/BIND(00000067): Bind i/f
! Notice it shows using the authentication list we assigned to the VTY
! lines
AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000067): Pick method list 'AUTHEN_via_TACACS'
! Not shown here, but indeed the ACS server is timing out, due to not yet
! being configured, which causes the second entry in the list "local" to be
! used.
User Access Verification
Username: admin
Password: cisco
! Now the authorization begins, using the method list we configured for the
! lines
AAA/AUTHOR (0x67): Pick method list 'Author-Exec_via_TACACS'
AAA/AUTHOR/EXEC(00000067): processing AV cmd=
AAA/AUTHOR/EXEC(00000067): processing AV priv-lvl=15
AAA/AUTHOR/EXEC(00000067): Authorization successful
Table 7-3 Configuring the Router to Use ACS via TACACS+
How to Do It
Decide what the policy should be (for example,
which vty lines should require
authentication/authorization, and which methods
(ACS, local,none) should be used
Create a named method list for authentication and Each method list is created in global configuration
another for authorization, based on your policy
mode, specifying which methods this list uses, in
order, from left to right.
Apply the method list to the location that should
use those methods
b. As shown by the fields on the GUI, you are adding a TACACS+ server to the
User accounts
Authorization profiles
2. For the below configuration, we are configuring the following ACS items:
a. Device group for border routers
b. A single router that belongs to the device group
c. Two groups, an Admin group and a Monitor group
d. Two users (an administrator belonging to the Admin group, and a help desk
account belonging to the Monitor group)
e. Two authorization policies (the first stating that members of the Admin group
who are accessing devices in the device group should get full privilege level 15
access, and the second policy stating that users who are members of the Monitor
group will only have privilege level 1 access to the devices in the device group)
3. Open a browser and type
a. https://x.x.x.x/acsadmin | the default password is default.
4. f
12. You could assign one of the preconfigured profiles, or you could create your own
profile and assign it to this group of users. To create a custom profile, click the
Create button, and from the new window that is brought up name the profile in the
dialog box provided, and then display the Common Tasks tab and change the default
privilege level to Static, and assign the privilege level of 15, as shown in Figure 718.
13. Click Submit, and then confirm any dialog boxes presented to you from ACS until
the configuration is applied. By using these steps, any users in the Admin group
accessing any of the devices in the specified device group will not only be able to
authenticate but also be automatically authorized for and placed into privilege level
15 after successfully authenticating on those routers. We would repeat this process
for the Monitor group, assigning a static privilege level of 1.
14. After saving the changes, you can view a summary of the authorization profiles in
this same location.
4. The above is the product of the following, which is ACS reporting which may give
you some insight to what a particular issue might be.
a. Monitoring & Reports > Reports > Favorites
a. Click Authentications TACACS Today link
5. Common occurrence is that there are no reports to look at due to filtering somewhere
between the ACS and the router. Also ensure the right ip address is being used for
connection to the ACS server.
6. Also verify that AAA using the ACS server is working correctly by telneting to the
router from a remote workstation to ensure the user accounts are being authenticated
against the ACS by using debugging.
! Verifying what debugging is currently in place on the router
R1# show debug
General OS:
TACACS access control debugging is on
AAA Authentication debugging is on
AAA Authorization debugging is on
! on a remote machine, we telnet and authenticate as the user admin, and
! simply view the debug output on the console of the router receiving the
! telnet session
AAA/BIND(00000083): Bind i/f
! the session came in on a VTY line, which triggered the authentication
! method list associated with that line
AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000083): Pick method list 'Login_Authen_via_TACACS'
TPLUS: Queuing AAA Authentication request 131 for processing
TPLUS: processing authentication start request id 131
TPLUS: Authentication start packet created for 131()
TPLUS: Using server
! Sending a TACACS+ request to contact the server
TPLUS(00000083)/0/NB_WAIT/68BD742C: Started 5 sec timeout
TPLUS(00000083)/0/NB_WAIT: socket event 2
1. Which of the following are most likely to be used for authentication of a network
administrator accessing the CLI of a Cisco router? (Choose all that apply.)
b. Diameter
d. ACS
2. Which of the following allows for granular control related to authorization of
specific Cisco IOS commands that are being attempted by an authenticated and
authorized Cisco router administrator?
b. Diameter
d. ISE
3. Which devices or users would be clients of an ACS server? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Routers
b. Switches
c. VPN users
d. Administrators
4. On the router, what should be created and applied to a vty line to enforce a specific
set of methods for identifying who a user is?
a. RADIUS server
b. TACACS+ server
c. Authorization method list
d. Authentication method list
5. What is the minimum size for an effective TACACS+ group of servers?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 5
d. 6
6. With what can you configure AAA on the router? (Choose all that apply.)
a. ACS
b. CCP
c. CLI
7. Which statement is true for ACS 5.x?
a. User groups are nested in network device groups
b. Authorization policies can be associated with user groups that are accessing
specific network device groups
c. There must be at least one user in a user group
d. User groups can be used instead of device groups for simplicity
Table 7-2
Example 7-1 Using the CLI to configure IOS for use with ACS -
Table 7-3
Figure 7-6
Table 7-4
Example 7-4 Testing AAA between the router and the ACS -
L4 protocol
Granular command
by command
User accounts
Authorization profiles
ACS RADIUS TACACS+ AAA server authentication method list authorization method list -
Aaa authentication
login MYLIST1 group
tacacs+ none
Aaa authorization exec Create an authorization method list, that when applied to a vty line,
MYLIST2 group tacacs+ requests the services of an ACS server (via TACACS+). If no server
responds , the second method none is used. This result in no username
prompt being provided to the user, and authentication is not required
Tacacs-server host key
Places a server into the group of ACS servers the router can use for
TACACS+ requests. It includes the IP address and the secret used to
encrypt packets between this router (the client) and the ACS server