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Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
for Operations Research
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topic as complex as the history of operations research (OR) in the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1962
requires a denition of terms. For the purposes of
the study that follows in this volume, what is meant by the
U.S. Army and by the dates 1942 to 1962 is quite clear.
U.S. Army takes in the whole of the Army structure, both
military and civilian, including the higher-level headquarters
and sta of the War Department/Department of the Army
and the technical and administrative services as well as the
combat arms in times of both war and peace. It also includes
the Army Air Forces up to the creation of a separate U.S.
Air Force in 1947. The starting date for this study, 1942, was
determined by the rst eorts to create an OR capability in
the U.S. Army; the ending date, 1962, was determined by
the beginning of the major changes in Army organization
and procedures instituted by Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara, notably the initiation of eorts to reorganize
the Army along functional lines and to consolidate related
activities under major functional commands, such as the
U.S. Army Combat Developments Command and the U.S.
Army Materiel Command.
The denition of operations research is much more difcult because the term is one that has as many denitions
as it has practitioners and commentators.1 Dozens, if not
hundreds, of denitions have been oered over the years,
each correct and useful in its own way. There is little to be
gained by recapitulating all of those denitions here. It may
be best simply to state the denition that has been used to
limit operations research in this volume, the ocial U.S. Department of Defense denition:
The analytical study of military problems undertaken to provide responsible commanders and sta agencies with a scientific basis for decision on action to improve military operations.2
It should be noted immediately that the ocial denition does not stipulate the use of mathematical techniques
as an essential element of OR, although most other denitions do and the popular conception of OR is almost entirely
that of an activity immersed in complex mathematics. Despite the fact that almost from its beginnings OR has been
closely identied with the use of sophisticated mathematical
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fact the improvement of weapons and equipment, organization, tactical doctrine, and, to a lesser degree, the formulation
of higher-level strategy and policy pertaining to the political,
economic, and social issues facing the Army.
The focus on the ve essential elements and the four applications of OR serves to limit the scope of this study and
thus to give it greater coherence. It does mean, however, that
certain elements of the story must be omitted or given only
cursory treatment. Moreover, the present work is not a study
of the evolution of OR techniques, and thus there is relatively
little discussion of the nature and development of new techniques and methods in OR, of which there were many from
1942 to 1962. Rather, the focus here is on the development
of Army OR organizations and the uses to which the Army
applied OR in the period under consideration. It is in fact the
story of when, how, and why the Army gathered, arranged,
and managed the resources needed to create an eective and
ecient OR program to aid Army leaders and sta ocers in
making key decisions during the two decades after 1942.
It is, of course, impossible to address all of the issues
considered signicant by all of the readers of this study. I
have tried to highlight the major events and controversies
and to present them as thoroughly and as accurately as possible, given the limited documentary evidence available. Each
and every person connected with Army OR since 1942 has
his or her own version of what happened and why. However, nding written documentation for the history of OR
in the Army from 1942 to 1962 has proven surprisingly dif-
Given the complexity of the story and the gaps in the
available documentation, it should not be surprising to the
reader that some omissions and imperfections appear in this
study. The responsibility for those is mine alone, and I am
grateful for the assistance I have received from many sources. I wish to acknowledge specically the contribution of
Eugene P. Visco and Brian R. McEnany. Their fund of lore,
penetrating comments, and useful suggestions have made
this a much better study than it would otherwise have been.
I am also much indebted to Randy Jones and Jim Hooper
of SAIC for their support, and to Christine Cotting for her
excellent editing. As always, my wife Carole has patiently
endured my preoccupation with the task at hand and thus
deserves a special acknowledgment.
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
October 2005
preface notes
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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classical and Early Modern Antecedents of Operations Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scientic Analysis of the Wars of Napoleon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Emergence of Military Operations Research in World War I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selected Bibliography of Works Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
Figure 11U.S. Navy Operations Research Elements: 7 October 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 21Proposed ORO Organization: March 1949. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 22Proposed ORO Organization: June 1949 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 31ORO Organization: 1957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 32ORO Management Systems Division: 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 33ORO Tactics Division: 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 34ORO Strategic Division: 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 35ORO Operations Division: 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 36ORO Organization: 1960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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List of Figurescontinued
(The illustrations appear after page 132; all are from Department of Defense les, unless otherwise noted.)
W. Barton Leach
Vannevar Bush
National Defense Research Committee
The main building of the Operations Research Oce complex
Brig. Gen. Lester D. Flory
Maj. Gen. John P. Daley greets Dr. Ellis A. Johnson
Thornton L. Page (Courtesy, Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Analysts from the Combat Operations Research Group
A war game in progress
Col. Alfred W. DeQuoy
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an the intensely human endeavor of war be accurately and thoroughly described in mathematical
terms? At Mathematics and War, a conference
held in Karlskrona, Sweden, in August 2002, two Danish
scholarsLt. Col. (ret.) Svend Bergstein and Svend Clausen of the Danish Defense Research Establishmentpresented papers titled, respectively, War Cannot Be Calculated and War Can Be Calculated.1 Citing the Austrian
philosopher Karl Popper and the Prussian military theorist
Carl von Clausewitz, Bergstein argued that war is a human
activity that cannot be reduced to mathematical formulae.
Clausen, citing the work of Frederick W. Lanchester and the
Danish combat model, Defense Dynamics, argued that war
can indeed be accurately described by mathematical models. Although the issue was not denitively decided at Karlskrona, it is certain that science, and mathematical analysis in
particular, has played an important, if often sub rosa, role in
warfare from the earliest times. The Stone Age tribal leader
who rst discovered that twelve men were better than six in
a ght and that a light stone could be thrown farther than a
heavy one was the rst to apply mathematical analysis, and
what today we call operations research (OR). In the millennia
that followed, the sophistication of mathematical knowledge
increased steadily, and military and political leaders increasingly relied on the use of scientic techniques to aid them in
making decisions that improved their chances of victory.
Classical and Early Modern Antecedents of
Operations Research
Archimedesthe ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, and mechanical engineerhas become the patron saint
of military operations researchers, and most modern writers
on OR have been obliged to make at least a brief reference to
him.2 Born around 287 B.C.E. in Syracuse, the largest of the
Greek city-states in Sicily, Archimedes studied mathematics
in Alexandria with disciples of Euclid and was for many years
the scientic advisor to King Hieron II of Syracuse.3 When
a Roman army commanded by Marcus Claudius Marcellus
laid siege to Syracuse in 213 B.C.E., Archimedes invented
a number of military devices and techniques for countering
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The scientic revolution of the late seventeenth century and the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century saw a
quantum improvement in the sophistication of mathematics,
physics, and the other sciences, as well as a growing conviction among educated people that it was possible to discover
and state precisely the natural laws that governed not only
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the language and laws of geometry to illustrate the points
he wished to make about such matters as the principles of
concentration and of interior lines.11
Since the early 1980s, the work of Clausewitz has been
in vogue in the United States and has signicantly inuenced
the development of American military thought and doctrine.
However, the inuence of Jomini has been no less profound
and has been of much longer duration. Soon after the publication of Jominis Summary in 1838, his work became the
foundation for the study of tactics and strategy in the U.S.
Army. Adopted as a text at West Point and taught to generations of American ocers by the great military educator Dennis Hart Mahan, the work of Jomini colored every
aspect of American military thought and practice well into
the twentieth century. American military commanders from
Grant and Lee to Pershing, MacArthur, and Eisenhower
were steeped in the Jominian geometry of war and sought
to adhere to the principles laid down by him for the conduct
of campaigns.
The Emergence of Military Operations Research
in World War I
Science, including mathematics, advanced steadily in the
hundred years between Waterloo and World War I. During
the same period, military technology also developed by leaps
and bounds. By 1914, the belligerent powers had at their
disposal many new weapons unknown toeven unimagined byClausewitz and Jomini. The dreadnought battleship, the airplane, the submarine, the tank, the radio, rapidre artillery used in the indirect re mode, poison gas, and
a variety of other new military technologies dominated the
battleelds of Europe. Scientists were called upon directly to
aid the war eort by studying the new weapons and suggesting improvements in their design and use.
The war had scarcely begun when Frederick William
Lanchester (18681946), a pioneer in the British automobile
industry and an early student of aeronautics, wrote his seminal work titled Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth
Arm.12 While admitting that the use of military aircraft up
to that time provided insucient evidence from which to
draw lasting conclusions about the airplanes long-term importance as a weapon of war, Lanchester nevertheless sought
to provide something in the nature of a lead in the direction
in which it appears development [of military aircraft] may
be logically anticipated.13 In considering the role of military
aircraft in combat, Lanchester discussed at length the importance of concentration as a factor in military victory from
ancient times to his own era, and noted that one of the great
questions at the root of all strategy is that of concentration;
the concentration of the whole resources of a belligerent on a
single purpose or object, and concurrently the concentration
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prologue notes
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and His Summary of the Art of War: A Condensed Version, J. D. Hittle,
ed. (Harrisburg, Penn.: Stackpole Books, 1947). Bassford (Jomini and
Clausewitz, p. 16, n. 11) listed a few of the many English translations of
Jominis work and those American texts derived from Jomini.
10Clausewitz rst work, The Principles of War, was written in
1812 for the Prussian crown prince. His famous On War was published
posthumously in full in 1832. Jominis best-known work, Prcis de lart de
la guerre (The Summary of the Art of War), published in 1838, was written
for the Russian czar Alexander I.
11Bassford, Jomini and Clausewitz, p. 13.
12Frederick W. Lanchester, Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of
the Fourth Arm (London: Constable and Company, 1916). Although
Lanchesters work was not published until 1916, much of it was written as
early as October 1914.
13Ibid., p. 4.
14Ibid., p. 39. In focusing on the importance of concentration,
Lanchester echoed the conclusions that underlay Epaminondas oblique
order more than two thousand years earlier.
15Ibid., p. 48.
16Joseph H. Engel, Lanchesters Equations, in Saul I. Gass and
Carl M. Harris, eds., Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management
Science, 2d (centennial) ed. (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001),
pp. 43740.
17U.K. Air Ministry, OR in the RAF, p. 1.
18Joseph F. McCloskey, The Beginnings of Operations Research:
19341941, Operations Research 35, 1 (1987): 143. The concept of circular
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chapter one
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From 1937 to the outbreak of war in 1939, the scientists at Bawdsey and Biggin Hill took part in the annual air
defense exercises conducted by Headquarters, RAF Fighter
Command. The rst of these exercises was held in the summer of 1937, and an attempt was made to integrate the information generated by the Bawdsey radar station with the
general air defense warning and control system, but the results achieved were unsatisfactory.12
In July 1938, Watson-Watt became director of communications development in the Air Ministry, and A. P. Rowe
took over as superintendent of Bawdsey Research Station
for the rest of the war. During the 1938 air defense exercises,
Rowe assigned two teams to evaluate the developing air defense system. The team led by Eric C. Williams studied the
problems associated with the process of plotting and ltering
the data received from the chain of ve radar stations then in
operation.13 Although the technical aspects of using radar
for aircraft detection were validated, new problems arose
from the need to handle data from more than one station.
The second team, led by G. A. Roberts, went to the operations rooms of the ghter groups to observe the controllers
handling the information generated by the chain of radar
stations. Roberts focused on the overall system while his colleagues, I. H. Cole and J. Woodforde, concentrated on ghter
control techniques and improvement of the equipment used
in the operations rooms.
Plans called for the relocation of the Bawdsey Research
Station to Dundee in Scotland in the event of war.14 Shortly
before the outbreak of war in September 1939, A. P. Rowe
and the RAF ocer-in-charge of radar development, Squadron Leader Raymund G. Hart, made an informal arrangement for a small group of scientists from Bawdsey to remain
behind to form a research section at Headquarters, Fighter
Command, at Stanmore.15 The teams from Bawdsey led by
Williams and Roberts went to Stanmore again during the
1939 air defense exercises, and their work so impressed Air
Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding that he asked for a section to be permanently stationed at Stanmore. Both teams
were subsequently attached to Fighter Command headquarters in accordance with the Rowe-Hart agreement and
Air Chief Marshal Dowdings request. A Canadian on the
sta at Bawdsey, Harold Larnder, was assigned to lead the
combined team on 3 September 1939.16 The team, which
was designated the Stanmore Research Section in February
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system that ensured the victory of RAF in the Battle of Britain. Charles F. Goodeve later noted that radar increased the
probability of intercepting an enemy aircraft by a factor of
10, and the work of ORS Fighter Command increased it by
another factor of 2.37 The operational analysts at Stanmore
also investigated a number of related problems. including
enemy bomber and escort tactics; procedures for night operations, including the development of ground control intercept
equipment and methods; the most protable use of weapons under various conditions; and the eects of weather and
other factors on defensive air operations.38 During the battle
in France in May 1940, they were called upon to extend their
analytical eorts into the eld of high-level strategic policy
making. On 14 May, the French requested additional RAF
ghter support. The commander of RAF Fighter Command,
Sir Dowding, intuitively opposed the transfer of additional
aircraft and pilots to France and tasked the Stanmore group
to make an assessment of British and French aircraft losses.
In a matter of hours, Eric C. Williams, the deputy section
chief, made a study of the problem and concluded that additional transfers would involve attrition that could not be
made good and that Fighter Command would be weakened
beyond recovery in the face of the likelihood of a German attempt to invade Britain.39 The section chief, Hugh Larnder,
prepared the results of Williams study in easily understandable graphic form and delivered the graphs to Dowding, who
presented them to the War Cabinet on 15 May. Prime Minister Winston Churchill was inclined to accede to the French
request but was convinced by Dowdings clear presentation
of the risks and thus refused to send additional squadrons to
France, thereby preserving critical aircraft and pilots for the
coming Battle of Britain.40 The involvement of the Stanmore
analysts in questions of higher policy marked a signicant
change in the tasks that OR analysts were called to perform.
Thereafter, OR would also be used to predict the outcome of
future operations with the objective of inuencing policy.41
Larnder himself concluded that had Dowding not won his
battle with Churchill in May, he would almost certainly have
lost the Battle of Britain in September.42
ORS Coastal Command made major contributions to
the defeat of the German U-boat threat in the crucial battle
in the Atlantic. One of the most striking accomplishments
of the OR analysts at Coastal Command was E. J. Williams
work on depth charge settings, which led immediately to a
dramatic improvement of Coastal Command aerial attacks
on German submarinesestimates of the increased eciency ranged between 400 and 700 percentand signicantly
diminished U-boat activity around the British Isles in the
last half of 1941.43 A second major contribution was made
by Coastal Command analysts supervised by Cecil Gordon
in studies that led to the important concepts of planned y-
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The density method, a basic OR tool, was rst enunciated in the form of a series of equations in the reports prepared
by E. J. Williams in March and October of 1942 regarding
oensive ASW operations in the Bay of Biscay.58 The basic
theorem can be expressed as u = A x D, where u is the total
number of submarine sightings or detections, A is the area
swept out, and D is the surfaced density obtained by dividing the number of surfaced U-boats in the total area by the
size of the total area.59 According to Joseph F. McCloskey
(a professor at Cal State, Dominguez Hills, and an expert
on OR in World War II), the density method was the basic
method of analysis used by ORS Coastal Command . . . and
took into account the number of submarines known or believed to be in an area, the proportion likely to be on the
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It has been my view from the outset that this kind of activity
[OR] is one for which the Services themselves should take the
main responsibility. I am sure that civilian agencies can be of
real assistance in the selection of personnel who should remain
in civilian status, but in view of the need for intimate relationship between the operational research group and their commanding ocers, we consider that this mutual condence can
best be established and maintained if the activity is one which
is clearly recognized as a Service activity.85
Bushs eort to avoid deep involvement in OR was compromised by his subordinates in NDRC and OSRD, many
of whom became enthusiastic supporters of OR. The chairman of NDRC, James B. Conant, had observed the British
OR teams in action during his 1941 visit to Britain and argued forcefully for the adoption of a similar OR program in
the United States.87 Later, Conant wrote to Bush, As our
priority situation develops, I believe it may well prove that
we could transfer a number of men from NDRC projects to
operational research with an increased eectiveness in the
total war eort.88
During the rst months of 1943, scientists in NDRC
divisions with an interest in OR, notably Howard P. Robertson, Alan T. Waterman (a professor of physics at Yale
University), and Warren Weaver (head of NDRC Applied
Mathematics Panel), began to exert pressure on Bush to allow
greater OSRD involvement in OR.89 On 26 July 1943, John
H. Teeter wrote to Carroll Wilson arguing that Operational
Research ts into OSRD because of the need to coordinate
the distribution of scarce scientic manpower, the necessity
for constant interchange of information between the laboratories and the operating units in the eld, and the desirability
of raising the morale of R&D personnel by providing an opportunity to desert the bench and take up a gun.90 Moreover,
the heads of NDRC divisions with an operational rather than
strictly technological orientation saw OR as a way to market
their expertise directly to the military.91 Some NDRC leaders even took positive action on their own. For example, John
T. Tate of NDRC Division 14 oered the divisions assistance
to the Navy in the creation and operation of the Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research Group (ASWORG).92
In the end, Bush was forced to yield by the combined
force of demands by the armed services for OR involvement
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Navy ASWORG, the ALSOS mission in Europe to survey German scientic developments, the Operational Research Section at Lt. Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr.s Pacic Ocean Area headquarters in Hawaii, and the Research
Section at General MacArthurs Southwest Pacic Area
headquarters.100 Navy ASWORG, which operated under
a contract with Columbia University arranged by OSRD
and later administered by OFS, was of course deeply involved in OR, but the two OFS-sponsored groups in the
Pacic functioned more along the lines of a eld service
organization despite their names. In every case, the OR
activities for which OFS did take responsibility remained
under the operational control of the military organizations
to which they were attached.101
By the end of the war nearly ve hundred men and
women had been involved in the work of OFS.102 Of that
total, more than a third (37 percent) were physicists, electrical engineers, or communications experts, and others were
drawn from chemistry, civil and mechanical engineering, the
earth sciences, the life sciences, medicine, and industrial engineering, with a handful from such diverse elds as economics, law, and library science.103
For the most part, OSRD agencies did not participate
directly in OR work. However, NDRC and CMR, working closely with the armed services, did conduct some activities that can be characterized as OR.104 For example, the
Applied Mathematics Panel of NDRC, established in November 1942 under the direction of Warren Weaver, was
involved in the application of mathematics and statistical
methods in the analysis of bombing accuracy.105 Working
closely with Army, Army Air Forces, and Navy agencies at
home and overseas, the panel also studied rocket accuracy
and various gunnery problems of both naval and eld artillery. NDRC Division 2 (Eects of Impact and Explosion),
under MIT architect John E. Burchard, was also interested
in OR work on bombing eects being conducted by the
British Ministry of Home Security Research and Experiments Department at Princes Risborough.106
The civilian scientists of NDRC and OSRD also made
important contributions to the denition of OR and the description of its functions. Writing to Frederick B. Jewett on
7 February 1942, Karl T. Compton described the dierence
between an OR section and a eld research group. He dened the former as a civilian body attached to an operating
arm of the Army or Navy, whose function is to analyze the
eectiveness of various types and elements of eld operations
and advise the armed services on this subject and the latter as
a group of civilians who have accompanied newly developed
equipment into the eld or on board [sic] ship to study its
operation as a piece of equipment in order that the producer
of the equipment may be informed regarding points of failure
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developments inuencing strategy and tactics.114 To perform this function, Bundy recommended the formation of a
three-man committee consisting of Vannevar Bush as chairman, an Army general, and a Navy admiral.115 Bush made a
similar proposal to President Roosevelt in March 1942, and
apparently also discussed the matter with Secretary Stimson.116 In April 1942, it was decided to form such a committee that would report to the newly formed Joint Chiefs
of Sta. JNWEC met for the rst time on 12 May 1942,
with Bush as chairman, Brig. Gen. Raymond G. Moses as
the Army representative, and Rear Adm. W. A. Lee, Jr., as
the Navy representative. The committee was charged with
coordinating the eorts of civilian research agencies and the
armed services in the development and production of new
weapons and equipment.117
JNWEC also played an extremely important role in the
spread of OR in the U.S. armed forces. It was for JNWEC
that Leach and Davidson compiled their comprehensive report on OR in Britain and the United States in the summer
of 1942.118 For a time, JNWEC was also the base for Maj.
Leachs intense eorts to spread the word about OR and
promote its adoption in the U.S. armed services. Although
primarily involved in the development and elding of new
weapons and equipment, JNWEC continued to be concerned with the use of OR techniques by U.S. forces until
the end of the war.
OR in the United States Navy,
The United States Navy owns the distinction of having the rst active OR group in the U.S. armed forces: the
Mine Warfare Operations Research Group (MWORG),
established informally in January 1942.119 The Navys early
adoption of OR was partly the result of prewar contacts with
British OR groups at RAF Coastal Command and the Admiralty working on problems of naval mining, antisubmarine
warfare, and convoy organization. The work being done in
Britain was directly applicable to the problems faced by the
U.S. Navy immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack. Thus,
it was only natural that the Navy should have been eager to
create its own OR capability. Although not the largest program in terms of numbers of scientists employed, the World
War II Navy OR program was arguably the best organized,
and it was the only U.S. OR program to survive essentially
unchanged into the postwar period.
Mine Warfare Operations Research Group
MWORG was ocially established as part of the U.S.
Navy Bureau of Ordnances Research Division on 24 June
1942, but it had existed informally since late January 1942
and thus merits distinction as the rst OR organization in
the U.S. armed forces. MWORG grew out of work being
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(April 1942)
(October 1944)
(October 1944)
(November 1943)
Anti-Air ORG
(September 1944)
(October 1944)
Liaison Officer
in Britain
(January 1943)
Air Operations
(October 1944)
tacts with all ranks, staying free from routine sta duties and
unbothered by restrictions on their intellectual freedom.197
Second, the formal training of scientists and mathematicians
made them especially well suited to collecting and analyzing
the data needed to nd solutions to the Navys technical and
tactical problems. Third, for the Navy to take best advantage
of its OR personnel, they needed to have access to the highest levels of the naval hierarchy as well as to all available operational data. Fourth, the optimal organization for OR was
one that had both OR units in the eld and a core OR group
at headquarters in Washington, D.C.198 Fifth, mutual trust
among the civilian scientists in ORG and the naval ocers
with whom they served was essential.
OR in the United States Army Air
The development of operations research in the U.S.
Army Air Forces began early in 1942 and eventually spread
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OA sections be provided by a personnel corporation operating under a nonprot contract with the secretary of war
and the secretary of the Navy and that the Army and the
Navy each create a small unit to inform service ocers of
the benets of OA, to coordinate existing OA groups and
recruit new ones, to relieve the OA groups of administrative
burdens, and to provide liaison with the British and Canadians. Leach noted that the organization of such a coordinating oce should include an OA ocer, a civilian scientic
consultant, a junior ocer to perform security and personnel functions, and a clerical sta, and that it be attached at
Sta level to a general ocer convinced of the worth of the
enterprise, having broad knowledge of service organizations
and having operational authority adequate to assure OA of
a fair hearing.225
Formation of the Operations Analysis Division
on the Air Sta
For the most part, the Leach-Davidson report was largely
ignored in the Navy and Army hierarchy. However, General
Arnold, already receiving requests for OR support from his
subordinate commanders and with several AAF OA units
already in operation, turned the Leach-Davidson report over
to his Advisory Council for its recommendation.226
Not long after submitting his report to JNWEC, Maj.
Leach accompanied the AAF director of technology, Brig.
Gen. Harold M. McClelland, and others to England to help
set up the OA sections for the U.S. Eighth Air Force.227
While Maj. Leach was in England, Col. Saville, Brig. Gen.
McClelland, and Brig. Gen. Muir Fairchild, the AAF director of bombardment, pressed General Arnold to establish
an OA coordinating oce similar to the one outlined in the
Leach-Davidson report.228 On 24 October 1942, Arnold
sent a letter to his subordinate Air Force commanders and
the chiefs of the Air Sta divisions noting the dramatic
successes already achieved by the British civilian OR analysts and the fact that many American military leaders who
had become familiar with the British experience had already
acted to establish OR units of their own.229 In conclusion
he stated, This method of using ocers and civilians for
purely analytical work has proven fruitful in many elds, and
the Army Air Forces should make use of it where appropriate.230 General Arnold also directed that an Operations
Analysis Division be created in Maj. Gen. Byron E. Gates
Management Control Division of the Air Sta. The necessary directive was issued, and OAD was established on 31
December 1942, with Leach, newly returned from England
and promoted to lieutenant colonel, as its chief.231
According to Rau, the original plan was to assign OAD
to Brig. Gen. McClellands Directorate of Technical Services,
but Col. Byron E. Gates, the assistant chief of the Air Sta
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Lt. Col. Leach set up shop in Room 3D982 of the Pentagon and began to build OAD and a system of OA sections
throughout AAF in accordance with the blueprint provided
in the August 1942 report. OAD itself remained relatively
small, but the number of OA sections formed and deployed
to satisfy the requests of AAF commanders grew rapidly. The
number of commissioned ocers in OAD never exceeded
three, although four were authorized.234 The principal functions of OAD were recruiting and orienting analysts; establishing, equipping, and supporting the OA sections; maintaining liaison between AAF OA program and other OR
activities; and publishing and distributing OA reports.235
OAD also served as a temporary home for AAF analysts between eld assignments.236 Over time, some functions, such
as overseeing the training of terminal ballistics experts and
gunnery analysts, were delegated to other agencies.237
The AAF OA program was decentralized, and OAD
exercised no operational control of the OA sections once
they had been established. Under the circumstances, a large
headquarters operation was not required, but Col. Leach expressed some misgivings, writing, Some of this decentralization is healthy, but there has been too much of it. Moreover, the limited sta has prevented performance of some
functions which ought to have been undertaken.238 He conceded, however, that at this stage of the war it is not believed
that the basic set-up should be changed, but he did propose
a larger organization in the event of any subsequent war.239
Leach also experienced some disappointment in that two
of his main recommendations relating to the coordination of
Army and Navy OR eorts and liaison with OR elements
in the British and Canadian forces were never implemented.
In their report, Leach and Davidson had recommended the
creation of a Joint Operations Analysis Committee under
the Joint Chiefs of Sta, the purpose of which would be to
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overseas OA sections.296 The panel also helped the OA sections in the eld directly with the analysis of certain bombing
OA Section, U.S. Eighth Air Force
It is simply impossible to discuss individually here the
organization, personnel, operations, and accomplishments of
each of the OA sections established by the AAF in World War
II, but the OA section, Eighth Air Force, merits attention as
both the earliest and the largest of the AAF OA sections.298
In many ways, the problems faced by the OAS Eighth Air
Forceand the solutions it foundwere representative of
those of the other AAF operations analysis sections.
During a visit to England in June 1942, Cyril M. Jansky,
Jr., of the AAF Directorate of Air Defense, was approached
by Brig. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, the commander of the VIII
Bomber Command, who had observed OR in action in RAF
Bomber Command. Brig. Gen. Eaker expressed to Jansky his
desire for operations analysts.299 This raised the question of
whether the Eighth Air Force should have a separate OR
team or whether American analysts ought to be seconded
to ORS RAF Bomber Command, which would then serve
both Eighth Air Force and RAF Bomber Command.300 Ultimately, the decision was to form an American OA unit. In
August 1942, Maj. Gen. Carl Spaatz, the commander of the
Eighth Air Force, acting on the advice of Brig. Gen. Eaker,
wrote to AAF commander General Arnold and to Vannevar
Bush asking for their help in forming an OR unit within the
Eighth Air Force.301 The request was approved, and the task
of assembling the group fell to Maj. W. B. Leach, who was
aided by Dr. Ward F. Davidson. Maj. Gen. Spaatz had asked
for fteen analysts, but that was considered too many to start
with, and the group assembled by Leach and Davidson, with
some reluctant help from OSRD, consisted of six men led by
the distinguished New York lawyer John M. Harlan.302
The six newly minted Op Annies arrived in England on
15 October 1942, accompanied by Brig. Gen. McClelland,
the AAF director of technology, and Maj. Leach. On 22 October, they reported to by then Maj. Gen. Eaker at Headquarters, VIII Bomber Command, at Wycombe Abbey near
London. Dr. B. G. Dickins and ORS RAF Bomber Command helped the new OA section settle in, and the two
groups subsequently maintained close personal and professional contacts.303
On 23 October 1942, Maj. Gen. Eaker issued a directive
concerning the organization and mission of the OA section,
stating that it would work directly under his chief of sta
and would have access to all information and elements of the
command.304 Eaker also gave Harlan a list of the projects
to be undertaken and personally set the new OA section its
rst task when he asked the simple question, How can I
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suggesting that there was a need for the analysis of battle data
that might merit the creation of a group of analysts to study
land warfare activities.368 In their August 1942 report, Leach
and Davidson echoed Janskys opinion, noting that there was
no reason that operations analysis should not apply to such
areas as tank warfare or training programs.369
No action was taken in 1942 or most of 1943 to form
OR groups for the Army ground forces on the pattern of the
British, Navy, or AAF OR groups, but in November 1943, Lt.
Col. Leach brought the matter to the fore in a memorandum
prepared for Harvey Bundy, who passed it on to Maj. Gen.
Stephen G. Henry, the director of the New Developments
Division of the War Department General Sta, with the
comment, This development [OR] has been adopted with
conspicuous success by the Air Forces but the Ground Forces
have really not been aware of its advantages nor do I believe
they have studied the matter intensively.370 In his cover letter to Bundy, Lt. Col. Leach raised a number of issues growing out of his sixteen months of experience as chief of OAD,
noting that he was providing the memo to Bundy for his use
at such time as someone in the Ground Forces tentatively
concludes that Operations Analysis should be established
there and requests you for suggestions as to what steps ought
to be taken.371 In his 2 November memo, Leach recounted
the success of AAF OA sections and the advantages of using
civilian operations analysts before pointing out that Army
commanders in the eld would continue to ignore the value
of OA unless it was brought to their attention by top authority, as had been done by General Arnold in his 24 October
1942 letter to key AAF commanders and Air Sta ocers.372
Leach went on to set two prerequisites for the establishment
of OA in the ground forces: OA sections must be desired and
requested by commanders in the eld, and an administrative
organization must be established in Washington to recruit
and administer the OA sections. He further recommended
that the proposed Washington OA coordinating oce consist of a colonel as chief and one to three lieutenant colonels,
all under the supervision of a general ocer connected to operations, perhaps the chief of the theater group in the Operations Division of the War Department General Sta. On 25
November 1943, Lt. Col. Leach reiterated his arguments for
the extension of OA to the Army ground forces and the need
for the personal backing of the Army chief of sta in a memorandum to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson.373
As a result of Leachs prodding, a draft letter was prepared
for the signature of Army Chief of Sta Gen. George C. Marshall, addressed to all major Army ground force commanders,
in which the drafter (probably Leach) stated that serious consideration should be given to the extension of the use of operations analysis teams to ground and amphibious operations in
all theaters.374 On 6 December 1943, Secretary Stimson sent
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quested the establishment of a research section in his headquarters at Brisbane, Australia, staed by representatives
of OSRD, to handle the visits of eld service consultants
and to provide OFS-sponsored scientists and technicians
to solve new problems as they arose. The Research Section,
General Headquarters, Southwest Pacic Area (GHQ
SWPA), began operations in April 1944 with the arrival of
Dr. George R. Harrison as section chief and E. B. Hubbard
as scientic aide.381 Contrary to the long-standing admonitions of Col. Leach, the research section was buried deep
in the headquarters structure by being assigned to the ofce of Maj. Gen. Spencer B. Akin, the GHQ SWPA chief
signal ocer.382 Consequently, the scientists in the section
did not have ready access to the key decision makers.383
The Research Section reported through the Signal Oce
and MacArthurs adjutant general to the War Department
General Sta New Developments Division.
Dr. H. Kirk Stephenson arrived in June 1944 to take over
as scientic aide, and in July 1944 Dr. Harrison returned to
the United States and was replaced as section chief by Dr.
Paul E. Klopsteg. In mid-September, the section moved
with MacArthurs GHQ to Hollandia. Klopsteg preceded
the main group and, when Hubbard, Stephenson, and the
three WACs assigned to the section arrived in Hollandia
in late September, they found that the Research Section,
GHQ SWPA, consisted of Klopsteg, a small table, and
a chair at one end of a Quonset hut.384 The following
month, both Klopsteg and Hubbard returned home, and
Stephenson became chief, a position he retained until the
end of the war.
In general, relations of the civilian scientists in the Research Section with their uniformed colleagues was satisfactory, but Stephenson related:
we also had a little trouble with the military men now and
then. Some of it resulted from stupidity, some from jealousy,
and some from pure cussedness. One ocer tried to steal my
oce and my three WACs while I was away on a trip, but the
WACs had connections.385
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In contrast, ORS POA and the New Developments Division worked well together and maintained cordial and rela-
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The best solution found was for the government to contract with a nonprot entity for the full range of personnel
recruitment and management services required. The model
for this method was the contract between the Navy Operations Research Group and Columbia University, arranged
through the Oce of Scientic Research and Development.
The ORGColumbia University arrangement was relatively
troublefree, and in the postwar period it would serve as the
model adopted by all three services.
The limited methods for employing OR personnel by
the U.S. armed forces was compounded by limitations on
the compensation that could be paid. In most cases, working for the Army or Navy as an operations researcher involved signicant nancial loss for the civilian scientist,
often amounting to half his previous salary. This obstacle
was overcome only through the patriotism and sacrice of
the individual analyst willing to interrupt a civilian career,
accept a substantial loss of income, and forgo personal comfort and freedom of action.
Another challenge encountered in the World War IIera
OR programs of the U.S. armed forces was that of merging
two distinct cultures espousing dierent values and ways of
doing things. The integration of civilian scientists into the
military structure of the Army or Navy was often dicult
and never entirely without friction. Uniformed personnel
naturally bore some negative feelings for civilians who were
free of the usual military restrictions, much better paid, and
often free to terminate their employment at will. Moreover,
many military ocers did not understand fully the purpose
of the civilian analysts in their midst, in some cases considering them spies sent to inform or regulate the performance
of the uniformed personnel. Higher-level commanders were
usually suciently aware of the purpose and value of their
civilian analysts, but lower-level commanders and sta ocers frequently placed obstacles in the way of the OR teams
assigned to their commands, blocking the analysts access to
crucial classied operational information and restricting their
communications with their counterparts in other commands
and in the broader scientic community. From the civilian
perspective, the restrictions of military life and tradition
could be annoying and apt to inhibit the work they were trying to do. The dierences between the military mind and
the scientic mind provided ample occasion for misunderstanding and even conict. Fortunately, the friction between
the two cultures tended to abate as time passed and the assignment of civilian specialists to operational units became
more common. Military personnel learned to understand and
even value the work of civilian analysts, and civilian analysts
learned to understand and tolerate the military way of doing
things. In the end, they were able to form an eective partnership, one that would endure far beyond World War II.
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Rpt, p. 9.
Air Ministry, OR in RAF, p. 179 n.; Florence N. Trefethen,
A History of Operations Research, in Joseph F. McCloskey and Florence
N. Trefethen, eds., Operations Research for Management (Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1954), p. 8.
20McCloskey, British OR, p. 467.
21In a letter to the special assistant to the secretary of war, Harvey
B. Bundy, Maj. Leach wrote, the British did not conceive this system
but rather stumbled into it, and the method by which this happened has
led them to make the mistake of employing almost exclusively scientic
and mathematical personnel, with two unfortunate results: a drain on
scarce scientic manpower and the restriction of studies to areas where
the scientic component was high, although the most important tactical
recommendations had not been in the scientic eld. See Ltr, Maj W. B.
Leach to Harvey H. Bundy, 2 Sep 42, RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68, Folder
OA, 1942.
22McCloskey, Beginnings, p. 152.
23Leach-Davidson Rpt, p. 9; Leach-Davidson Memo 1, pp. 1-10,
1-11. Of the remaining 80 percent, they found that a little more than
half required routine statistical help and the rest could be accomplished
without any specic scientic knowledge or training.
24Quoted in U.K. Air Ministry, OR in RAF, p. 179.
25Rau, Combat Scientists, pp. 4243 et passim. In the 1930s, a
good number of Britains scientic elite were political liberals or leftists,
and they saw OR as a way to increase the inuence of science on policy
(Rau, Combat Scientists, p. 20). Tizard, Hill, Blackett, and WatsonWatt, among others, were adherents of the Social Relations of Science
Movement that ourished between 1931 and 1947, but in the end,
whatever political agenda they may have had was trumped by the need to
apply scientic knowledge to overcome the Axis threat.
26Leach-Davidson Memo 1, p. 1-9 n.
27Ibid., pp. 1-9, 1-10. On the problems associated with civilian versus
military status for OR personnel in the RAF, see U.K. Air Ministry, OR
in RAF, pp. 18081.
28McCloskey, Beginnings, p. 150; Rau, Combat Scientists, p. 28.
Rau noted that by 1942, the scientic elite had enthusiastically embraced
Blacketts framework for operational research and had begun to promote it.
At the same time, military commanders began to adopt scientic advisors.
The result was a rapid proliferation of OR groups (p. 76).
29P. M. S. Blackett, Operational ResearchDocument I: Scientists
at the Operational Level, Advancement of Science 5, 17 (1948), reprinted
in Blackett, Studies of War, pp. 17176. McCloskey noted that Scientists
at the Operational Level provides ample support for those who regard P.
M. S. Blackett as the father of OR (Beginnings, p. 149).
30Keith R. Tidman, The Operations Evaluation Group: A History of
Naval Operations Analysis (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1984),
p. 10.
31Leach and Davidson noted that the British OR section was
extremely ecient largely because the head of the section was a member
of the commanders sta, worked in close cooperation with him, and
reported only to him (Leach-Davidson Rpt, pp. 1112)
32Blackett, Tizard, in Blackett, Studies of War, p. 113.
33Rau, Combat Scientists, pp. 16, 20, 7576 et passim. Rau noted
that reliance on quantitative methods helped immeasurably by providing
a common language that both sides respected (p. 17).
34Stanseld, Harold Larnder, p. 5.
35Leach-Davidson Memo 1, pp. 1-2, 1-30.
36P. M. S. Blackett, Recollections of Problems Studied, 194045,
in H. G. Thurseld, ed., Brasseys AnnualThe Armed Forces Year-Book,
1953 (New York: Macmillan, 1953), pp. 88106, reprinted in Blackett,
Studies of War, pp. 20534.
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tons), reducing Japanese shipping to a trickle at a cost of one B29 lost for
every forty-ve Japanese ships sunk (see Shortley, Operations Research
in Wartime, p. 8).
159Shortley, Operations Research in Wartime, p. 8.
160Ibid., p. 9. Johnson also contributed to XXI Bomber Command
ight operations by recommending single, low-level sorties to lessen the
ight time, conserve fuel, reduce maintenance time, lower crew fatigue,
and reduce losses to Japanese air defenses. Happily, his ideas coincided
with those of Lt. Gen. Curtis LeMay, the commander of XXI Bomber
Command, for low-level night bombing using radar rather than visual
aiming. One result was the reduction in B29 attrition from 10 percent
to 1 percent (see McCloskey, U.S. OR, p. 912; Shortley, Operations
Research in Wartime, pp. 78).
161Rau, Combat Scientists, pp. 17273.
162McCloskey, U.S. OR, p. 913.
163Only a brief summary of the history of the Anti-Submarine
Wartime Operations Research Group (ASWORG) can be presented
here, based primarily on the ORG Summary Rpt. Tidman (Operations
Evaluation Group, chapter 1), and Rau (Combat Scientists, chapter 4)
devoted chapters to ASWORG and they should be consulted for details.
A useful summary is contained in McCloskey, U.S. OR, and there is a
rsthand account by the leader of ASWORG in Philip M. Morse, The
Beginnings of Operations Research in the United States, Operations
Research 34, 1 (1986): 1017. Leach and Davidson outlined the history of
ASWORG up to the middle of 1942 in their Memo 2.
164Ltr, Capt Wilder D. Baker to Coordinator of R&D, Oce of
the Sec Navy, Boston, 16 Mar 1942, sub: Records and Analyses of AntiSubmarine Warfare (reproduced in ORG Summary Rpt, Appendix C,
pp. 2932). Baker had observed ASW operations in Great Britain and
had read a number of ORS RAF Coastal Command reports as well as
Blacketts Scientists at the Operational Level (see Morse, Beginnings of
OR, pp. 1112).
165Philip McCord Morse (190385) subsequently became the
grand old man of American OR. Morse received his doctorate in physics
from Princeton University in 1929, and began his teaching career at MIT
in 1931. An expert on acoustics, he did some work on hydrophones and
acoustic mines before being tapped to head ASWORG. After WWII,
he was for a time the director of Brookhaven National Laboratory,
served as the deputy director of the JCS Weapons Systems Evaluation
Group (WSEG), and wrote and spoke widely on OR. He became the
rst president of the Operations Research Society of America in 1952
53. Details of his life and career can be found in his many writings, his
autobiography (Philip M. Morse, In at the Beginnings: A Physicists Life
[Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1976]), and in William J. Horvath and
Martin L. Ernst, Philip McCord Morse, 19031983: A Remembrance,
Operations Research 34, 1 (1986): 79.
166Leach and Davidson noted, NDRC has no responsibility other
than seeing that proper personnel is [sic] provided, and that the details
of salaries, travel authorization, etc. are taken care of; the direction of
operational research activities is assumed by the Navy (Memo 2, p. 249). NDRC was reimbursed by the Navy for the costs incurred. Morse
prepared an initial budget estimate that included $100,000 for salaries,
$100,000 for travel, and about $50,000 for overhead expenses (see LeachDavidson Memo 2, p. 2-4 n.).
167The original group included Morse (part-time), Shockley, A. T.
Craig, Phillip J. McCarthy, Arthur F. Kip, Maurice E. Bell, and Robert F.
Rinehart. The original seven were soon joined by W. A. Ambrose, Albert
Thorndike, James K. Tyson, and John R. Pellam (see McCloskey,U.S. OR,
p. 913). William Bradford Shockley (191089) became one of Americas
best-known scientists. Born in London of American parents and educated
in California, he received his doctorate in physics from MIT in 1936 and
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Rpt, p. 21.
can be found in RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68, Folder OA, 194345. The
impetus for publication of the TOE came from OAS Eighth Air Force
(see McArthur, Operations Analysis, pp. 2930).
261U.S. War Department, Field Manual 3027: Regulations for
Civilian Operations Analysts, Scientic Consultants, and Technical Observers
Accompanying U.S. Army Forces in the Field (Washington: U.S. War Dept,
31 Aug 44).
262Leach, Two-Year Rpt, Summary.
263Knight, Ask Them Another, p. 34.
264The AAF OA section elements created during the war, the
approximate number of analysts employed, and the section chiefs are
listed in Appendix B of this volume.
265For example, the nine analysts who served in the Fifth Air Force
in the Southwest Pacic Area were commissioned ocers. Their chief,
Sidney K. Wolf, was a lieutenant colonel.
266Leach-Davidson Rpt, p. 4.
267Knight, AskThem Another, p. 31.
268Leach, Two-Year Rpt, pp. 79.
269Knight, Ask Them Another, p. 60. The uniform and other
administrative details pertaining to civilian scientists posted overseas are
discussed in Thiesmeyer and Burchard, Combat Scientists, pp. 8891.
270In June 1942, Capt. John M. Hall, assistant executive to the
assistant secretary of the Army, stated that it was not necessary for
analysts to have any particular scientic training or background, writing,
In fact, it might be better if they had none. What is needed is a type of
cool-headed person with common sense who can analyze what comes in
in a cold-blooded manner and make unbiased criticisms (Memo, Capt
John M. Hall, 23 Jun 42, sub: Use of Competent Civilians in the Analysis
of Operational Eciency, RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68, Folder OA, 1942
[hereafter cited as Hall Memo]). Whereas Bart Leach might have agreed,
Phil Morse and P. M. S. Blackett surely would not.
271Leach-Davidson Rpt, pp. 2328 passim. For example, the
distinguished New York lawyer John M. Harlan was selected to head the
Eighth Air Force OA section. He proved an excellent choice and later
became an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
272Hall Memo, p. 1.
273The possibilities had already been discussed in the Leach-Davidson
Rpt (pp. 2328) with attention given to lawyers, business executives, and
other non-scientic types.
274Leach, Two-Year Rpt, p. 3.
275Leach-Davidson Rpt, p. 28.
276Ibid., pp. 2829. Leach and Davidson noted that the civil service
methods had been tried by the Army Signal Corps group headed by
William Everitt and were found to be extremely clumsy, the more so
because the Civil Service and Classication Acts were formulated to
eliminate politics, nepotism, and the spoils system from the lower ranges
of government employment; they were never designed for a situation
where men are being begged to take jobs that are bound to represent
sacrices to them. Analysts could be employed under per diem consultant
contracts for a maximum of only 180 days. The commissioning of analysts
in the Army oered possibilities, particularly for those being assigned to
overseas commands where there was some danger of capture by the enemy,
but there were limits on the number of annual ocer accessions to the
Army. Employment by the Presidents Emergency Fund was not a viable
alternative, and the Army Specialist Corps was soon to be dissolved.
277Ltr, Maj W. B. Leach to Harvey H. Bundy, 30 Sep 42, sub:
Contract for Employment of Operations Analysts, p. 1, RG 107, Entry
113, Box 68, Folder OA, 1942 (hereafter cited as Ltr, Leach to Bundy, 30
Sep 42). The National Research Council headed by Dr. George Barrows
was a subsidiary of NAS led by Dr. Frank B. Jewett.
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304Leach, Army
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AAF OR personnel (for whom Everitt had agreed to act as agent), see
Rau, Combat Scientists, pp. 27983, 32732.
349Memo, John H. Teeter, 7 Apr 43, sub: Operations Analyst Studies,
RG 227, Entry 177, Box 284, Folder Denitions and Methodology of
OAJ. H. Teeters Memoranda on Training for OA. See also Memo, J.
H. Teeter, ca. 15 Apr 43, sub: Operation Analyst Training Program, RG
227, Entry 177, Box 284, Folder Denitions and Methodology of OAJ.
H. Teeters Memoranda on Training for OA.
350The history of the Operational Analysis Branch, Technical Liaison
Division, Signal Section, Headquarters European Theater of Operations,
U.S. Army, is summarized in Lucien L. Farkas (acting chief, Operational
Analysis Branch, Technical Liaison Division, Oce of the Chief Signal
Ocer, European Theater of Operations [ETO]) to chief signal ocer,
War Dept, Washington, Attn: director, NDD, 25 May 45, sub: Activities
of the Operational Analysis Branch in the European Theater of Operations
(hereafter cited as Farkas Memo to CSO); and Lucien L. Farkas (eld
service consultant) to Alan T. Waterman (OFS, OSRD), 25 Oct 45, sub:
Rpt of Activities during Time Employed by the Oce of Field Service,
Oce of Scientic Research and Development, both in RG 227, Entry
179, Box 292, Folder OFS-NDD ETO Rpts; Smeby.
351Farkas Memo to CSO, p. 2.
352Ibid., pp. 45. Howard returned to the United States on 27
October 1944, and Farkas took over as acting chief.
353Karl R. Spangenberg, ca. 4 Sep 44, sub: Rpt of Activities, ETO,
Jul 22 to Sep 4, 44, pp. 1, 6, RG 227, Entry 179, Box 292, Folder OFSNDD ETO Rpts; Smeby.
355The Leach-Davidson Rpt and Memo 2 make no mention of
any Ordnance Department OR activity, and an admittedly perfunctory
examination of the extensive les on WWII Ordnance Department
activities in the National Archives has disclosed no material on
Ordnance OR workat least none under the heading Operations
Research or Operations Analysis. Similarly, the ocial history of BRL
( John G. Schmidt, Volume I: A History of the United States Army Ballistic
Research Laboratories, 19141956. Ballisticians in War and Peace Series,
3 vols. [Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.: U.S. Army BRL, 1956] covers
the WWII period) makes no mention of any specic OR section or
356Schmidt, History of BRL, p. 25.
357Ibid., pp. 28. Lt. Col. Simon was an expert on statistical methods,
sampling, and quality control.
358Ibid., pp. 5255.
359Oral history interview with Arthur Stein conducted by Eugene
P. Visco and James Williams, Institute for Defense Analysis, Alexandria,
Va., 2 Apr 92, p. 7. The interview was conducted as part of the Oce of
the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Operations Research Oral
History Project.
360Ibid., p. 5.
361Ibid., p. 8.
362Oral history interview with Dr. Frank Grubbs conducted by
Eugene P. Visco, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., 26 Oct 94, pp. 12.
The interview was conducted as part of the Oce of the Deputy Under
Secretary of the Army for Operations Research Oral History Project.
363Ibid., p. 3.
364Baxter, Scientists Against Time, p. 85.
365Leach-Davidson Rpt, pp. 2829. No further information on this
activity has been found.
366Allied Forces, 21. Army Group, No. 2 ORS. Operational Research
in North West Europe: The Work of No. 2 Operational Research Group with
21. Army Group, June 1944July 1945 (London: Allied Forces, 21. Army
Group, No. 2 ORS, 1945), p. i.
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p. 2-31.
368Ltr, Robert W. King to Vannevar Bush, Washington, 2 Jul 42, RG
218, Entry 343A, Box 9, Folder 15.
369Leach-Davidson Rpt, pp. 4647.
370Memo, Harvey H. Bundy to Maj Gen Stephen Henry, Washington,
9 Nov 43, forwarding Ltr, Lt Col W. B. Leach to Harvey H. Bundy, 4 Nov
43 (hereafter cited as Ltr, Leach to Bundy, 4 Nov 43); and Memo, Lt Col
W. B. Leach to Harvey H. Bundy, 2 Nov 43, sub: Desirability and Method
of Establishing an OA in the Ground Forces, RG 107, Entry 113, Box
68, Folder OA, 194345 (hereafter cited as Memo, Leach to Bundy, 2
Nov 43).
371Ltr, Leach to Bundy, 4 Nov 43.
372Memo, Leach to Bundy, 2 Nov 43, pp. 12.
373Memo, Lt Col W. B. Leach (chief, OAD, HQ AAF) to the sec
war, Washington, 25 Nov 43, sub: Desirability and Method of Extending
OA to Ground and Amphibious Operations, RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68,
Folder OA, 194345).
374Draft one-page letter to theater commanders re Extension of
OA to Ground and Amphibious Operations, Appendix A to Alan T.
Waterman, Outline of Developments Leading to Establishment of
ORS, CPA, after Jul 44, RG 227, Entry 179, Box 308, Folder CPA2
MiscellaneousGeneral (hereafter cited as Waterman, Outline of
375Memo, Henry L. Stimson to Gen George C. Marshall, Washington,
6 Dec 43, sub: OA, RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68, Folder OA, 194345.
376Memo, Lt Col W. B. Leach to Maj Gen Stephen G. Henry
(director, NDD WDGS), Washington, 6 Dec 43, sub: Analysis Section
for Jungle Warfare Requested by Lieutenant General Harmon, RG 107,
Entry 113, Box 68, Folder OA, 194345. Lt. Gen. Harmon suggested
that the proposed jungle warfare OA could be integrated with Robert L.
Stearns Thirteenth Air Force OA section and that Stearns (along with
Harmon himself ) could act as the supervisor of the new OA team.
377Msg, Operations Div, WDGS (for the chief of sta ) to Com Gen,
South Pacic Area, Washington, 20 Dec 143, RG 107, Entry 113, Box 68,
Folder OA, 194345.
378Writing to Karl T. Compton on 15 December 1943, Harvey
Bundy indicated that the team for Lt. Gen. Harmons headquarters was
being activated, but no further evidence regarding the team or its activities
has been found, and it is not mentioned in the ocial OSRD histories
(see Memo, Harvey H. Bundy to Karl T. Compton, Washington, 15 Dec
43, sub: Conf with Gen MacArthur Concerning OA, RG 107, Entry
113, Box 68, Folder OA, 194345). Harmons team may well have been
canceled or disapproved at some stage.
379Memo, Vannevar Bush (director, OSRD) to Harvey H. Bundy
(special asst to sec war), Washington, 7 Jan 44, RG 107, Entry 113, Box
68, Folder OA, 194345. The two sta ocers in question were Col.
Thomas North and Lt. Col. C. W. Leihy.
380The history of the Research Section, HQ SWPA, is
summarized in H. Kirk Stephenson, Summary of Activities of the
Research Section, Southwest Pacific Area, after 13 Sep 45; H. Kirk
Stephenson, Summary of Principal Projects, late 1945; and H.
Kirk Stephenson, Civilians in the Army, The Story of the Research
Division, Southwest Pacific Area, 1945, all in RG 227, Entry 177,
Box 284, Folder SWPAResearch Section SWPAReports by H.
K. Stephenson and A. T. Waterman. Unless otherwise noted, these
three documents form the basis for the following account. See also
Stewart, Organizing Scientific Research, pp. 13738; Thiesmeyer
and Burchard, Combat Scientists, pp. 294304 et passim; and Rau,
Combat Scientists, pp. 31519, et passim.
381Harrison was the dean of science at MIT and the chief of
NDRC Division 16. The Research Section, GHQ SWPA, was formally
established by General MacArthurs directive in July 1944.
382Stephenson, Summary of Activities, p. 2. Maj. Gen. Akin was
MacArthurs representative for research and technical matters, and it was
anticipated that much of the Research Sections work would deal with
communications and radar. General MacArthur was well known for trying
to minimize the impact of outsiders on his command, which may explain
why the Research Section did not enjoy a more prominent placement.
383Rau, Combat Scientists, p. 317. Moreover, Maj. Gen. Akin
placed the section under the supervision of one Maj. Harrington, a man
Dr. Harrison described as neurotic and homosexual and whom Harrison
succeeded in having dismissed from the Army (see Rau, Combat
Scientists, p. 317).
384Stephenson, Civilians in the Army, p. 4.
385Ibid., p. 12.
386Stephenson, Summary of Principal Projects, p. 4.
387Maj. Gen. Marquat had hoped for two men right away and
perhaps three or four later (see Ltr, Karl T. Compton [chief, OFS] to
Harold Hazen [professor of electrical engineering, MIT], Washington,
15 Mar 44, RG 227, Entry 180, Box 310, Folder SWPA 9, Projects,
Army). Darlington held a doctorate in theoretical physics from Columbia
University, had worked at Bell Telephone Labs for fteen years, and had
spent the previous three to four years working on antiaircraft matters and
radar bombing (see Ltr, Alan T. Waterman [deputy chief, OFS] to George
R. Harrison [Research Section, GHQ SWPA], Washington, 10 Jul 44,
RG 227, Entry 180, Box 310, Folder SWPA 9, Projects, Army).
388Stephenson, Summary of Principal Projects, pp. 910. See also
William L. Everitt, Memo for the Record, Washington, ca. Apr 44, sub:
Herbert F. Goodwin and OA in SWPA, RG 111, Entry 1024, Box 3026,
Folder 00370.2 OA.
389Ibid., p. 9.
390Stephenson, Summary of Activities, pp. 23. The change was
fortuitous in that the USAFFE Board (later renamed the Pacic Warfare
Board) was composed of Army ocers from all of the technical services
who functioned as eld observers for new tactics and equipment. Thus, the
Research Section scientists and the ocers most interested in their work
had easy access to one another. On the other hand, the subordination of
the Research Section to the USAFFE Board meant that it was yet another
step removed from the top of the chain of command inasmuch as the head
of the USAFFE Board, Col. Alexander reported to the USAFFE deputy
chief of sta, Maj. Gen. Richard J. Marshall (see Stewart, Organizing
Scientic Research, p. 141).
391Ibid., p. 4.
392Ibid. The Moreland mission was assisted by Dr. L. D. Leet, who
was attached to the Research Section, GHQ SWPA, in August 1945
after having drawn up lists of Japanese scientic personnel for intelligence
targeting (see Stephenson, Summary of Principal Projects, p. 10).
393Ibid., p. 1.
394Baxter, Scientists Against Time, pp. 40717 passim.
395Stephenson, Summary of Principal Projects, pp. 114 passim.
See also Baxter, Scientists Against Time, p. 412; Stewart, Organizing
Scientic Research, pp. 13738.
396Lt. Gen. Richardsons command was renamed several times during
the war. Initially, it was U.S. Army Forces in the Central Pacic Area
(USAFICPA), then U.S. Army Forces Pacic Ocean Area (USAFPOA),
and nally U.S. Army Forces in the Mid-Pacic Area (USAFMIDPAC).
For convenience, Lt. Gen. Richardsons command is referred to throughout
this work as USAFPOA. The history of the establishment and operation
of the ORS, HQ USAFPOA (ORS POA), is deftly summarized in
Waterman, Outline of Developments, after Jul 44, with Appendices:
A. Draft letter to theater commanders re Extension of OA to Ground
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chapter two
After the euphoria of the wars end had passed, all of the
armed services took positive steps to rebuild and reorganize
their OR capabilities. A number of factors aected that rebuilding and reorganization from 1945 to 1950. Not only
were the problems of warfare more complex, as Taylor suggested, but the perception of a lack of threat in the immediate
postwar period led to a signicant reduction in the nancial
and human resources available to the services. Consequently,
interservice competition for the available resources made
OR an important means for determining priorities and the
optimal use of scarce resources. The onset of the atomic age,
the growing threat of the Soviet Union, and Americas new
global commitments all required the development of new
equipment, organizations, tactics, and strategies in the services. Operations research provided a means of determining
priorities for the eective and ecient distribution of scarce
resources to meet these new commitments.
The postwar demobilization of the Oce of Scientic
Research and Development (OSRD) and its adjunct, the
Oce of Field Service (OFS), both of which had played a
prominent role in the wartime organization and management of scientic manpower, including OR analysts, obliged
each of the services to nd new ways of attracting and administering the scientic personnel needed to continue their
OR programs. Each of the services subsequently found its
own unique solution to the problem of continuing and expanding the OR organizations that had proven so successful
during the war. The Navy set up a contractual relationship
with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to
administer the Operations Evaluation Group (OEG), the
successor to the wartime Operations Research Group. To
deal with the broader problems of strategy and policy, AAF
established Project RAND, which was converted in 1948 to
the RAND Corporation, an independent nonprot foundation. The U.S. Air Force, newly independent from the Army
in 1947, also relied on the civil service to sta a revived Operations Analysis Division (OAD) on the Air Sta and OA
cells at each of the major command headquarters to handle
operational problems. Following passage of the National Security Act of 1947 (NSA), the newly created Department of
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This time, Leach, who had almost single-handedly created the wartime Air Force OA program, missed the mark
badly in his basic premise. In fact, the Air Forces need for
OR would expand signicantly in the postwar period, and
it would be necessary to reconstitute an active OA structure,
albeit at a reduced stang level, as well as to create a new
agency for dealing with problems of higher-level strategy and
policy in a nuclear age.
Reconstitution of the Air Force OA Program
Although highly valued by Air Force leaders, much of
the existing Army Air Forces OA organization disappeared
in the immediate postwar demobilization as commands
were merged or abolished. Consequently, AAF lost most of
its OA capability. However, a vestigial organization was retained. In October 1945, LeRoy A. Brothers, a leading veteran of the wartime program, was appointed chief analyst
of the vestigial OAD under the assistant chief of Air Sta,
A-3.36 In the spring of 1946, Lt. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, an early
OA enthusiast and then deputy commander of AAF, wrote
to the commanders of major units with remaining OA sections and asked their views on the future peacetime role of
OAD.37 All men replied positively, recommending that the
Air Force OA work continue and that a pool of experienced
analysts be assembled for that purpose.
Subsequently, AAF began to reconstitute its OA program. In April 1946, LeRoy Brothers was appointed as assistant for operations analysis to oversee the revived OAD
under the deputy chief of sta for operations in AAF headquarters. Operations analysis oces were reestablished in
each of the major AAF commands. As was the case during
the war, the revived Air Force OA organizations relied on
civilian analysts hired and managed under the regular civil
service system.
On 11 October 1946, the new AAF OA organization
was formally approved by the publication of Air Force Regulation 207: Operations Analysis. The mission of OA, as
stated in AFR 207, was to provide commanders and their
stas with ready and informal access to scientists with specialized training in the techniques applicable to the analysis
of air warfare and to analyze the problems of air warfare
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The sta of the group was composed in equal parts of ofcers of the three armed services and civilian scientists hired
under the regular civil service system, organized into three
divisions plus a review board.77 The Analysis and Evaluation
Division was composed of all permanently assigned civilian
scientists and was divided into project teams to study specific problems. The Military Studies and Liaison Division was
composed of the assigned military personnel who worked
with the project teams and provided the civilian analysts
with information on military needs and requirements. The
executive secretariat handled routine administrative matters,
and the review board, comprising the deputy director and
the heads of the three divisions, recommended research priorities, reviewed the results of major projects, and advised
the group director on policy matters.
By 31 December 1949, the WSEG sta had grown to
13 full-time civilian analysts, 6 civilian analysts on loan from
various organizations, 15 military ocers, and 8 civilian and
3 military part-time consultants.78 Ultimately, the combination of military ocers and civilians managed by the civil
service system proved less than adequate, and, in September 1955, the Department of Defense negotiated a contract
with MIT to provide the scientic personnel required by
WSEG.79 Subsequently, in April 1956, representatives of
ve universities (MIT, Case Institute of Technology, Stanford, California Institute of Technology, and Tulane) met
and incorporated as the nonprot Institute for Defense
Analyses to provide scientic sta for WSEG.80
As of 1 November 1949, WSEG had been assigned eight
projects, and seven other preliminary studies were under way
in anticipation of future assignments.81 The rst and most
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vices, the Army Ground Forces and the Joint Chiefs of Sta
have no analytical groups of a similar nature within their organizational structure. This, we believe, is a serious shortcoming
and one which we recommend should be corrected at the earliest possible date.115
The board report produced the same reaction in the Department of the Army as it did in the Department of Defensean acceleration of eorts already under way to create
a credible OR organizationand $1 million was appropriated for operations research in the FY49 Army budget. The
Army Sta ocer charged with overseeing R&D matters,
Maj. Gen. Anthony C. McAulie, the deputy director of logistics for R&D, was tasked to conduct a study of how the $1
million OR appropriation might best be spent.116 There were
several options for how such a group might be organized
the two basic models were a nongovernmental, independently
administered group and a group under the civil service integrated into the military agency that it served.117 The Navy
OEG operated under the rst type of arrangement with
a contract with MIT. The Air Force had both types: OAD
and OAO were integrated into the Air Force structure with
some military personnel and all civilian employees under civil
service, and Project RAND operated independently under a
contract with the Douglas Aircraft Company.
The model of an independent nonprot organization
aliated with a university had many advantages. It presumably provided more-exible hiring and ring procedures,
more-generous salary opportunities, and a congenial, professional, and academic atmosphere, as well as a means of
hiring consultants.118 It was thought that such a nongovernmental agency would also provide maximum objectivity because of its independent status, maximum exibility
because of its divorce from day-to-day problems, and increased attractiveness as a career outside the civil service.119
It would also provide a means to recognize and reward superior performance quickly and to rapidly eliminate personnel
who did not meet the desired standards of prociency.120
After some study, the decision was made to proceed with
the formation of a university-based, independent, nonprot
OR organization. That choice was shaped in large part by
the inuence of Dr. Vannevar Bush who thought that creating an atmosphere of intellectual independence conducive
to good scientic research would provide a better opportunity to attract scientic talent.121
Negotiations with The Johns Hopkins University
Maj. Gen. McAulie began with a survey of potential
university sponsors. To guide his eorts, he prepared an
outline of the proposed General Research Oce, including
the general elds of study and the proposed administrative
organization and contractual arrangements.122 The organi-
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An article in the 21 August 1948 edition of the Baltimore Evening Sun announced the formation of the new ofce under the leadership of Dr. Ellis A. Johnson and noted
that Lt. Col. W. C. Farmer of the Army General Sta had
been designated as project ocer to work closely with Dr.
Johnson.145 The twenty to thirty scientists under Johnsons
direction were to be quartered at Fort Lesley J. McNair in
the District of Columbia and would work on problems of
weapons development, strategy, tactics, and logistics, including studies of antiaircraft weapons and defenses; training
motivation; the application of biomechanics to weapons design; logistical support of airheads; and individual protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.146
Sta Recruitment
In early August 1948, GRO was assigned oce space in
the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at Fort McNair,
and newly appointed director Ellis A. Johnson began to recruit a top-notch administrative sta and a battery of highly
competent professional analysts from various disciplines.147
To support the full-time ORO sta, Johnson also formed
a panel of consultants with broad interests and established
relations with a number of contract research organizations
that were able to perform work for ORO on a subcontract
basis.148 Although his eorts were successful, the recruitment and retention of high-quality professional sta members would be a chronic problem despite the ORO structure
as an independent, nonprot, university-aliated entity.149
In May 1948, the assistant director of JHUs Institute
for Cooperative Research, Arthur Ruark, had estimated that
support of the proposed Army GRO would require an addition to the JHU payroll of sixty-ve to eighty-ve people,
more than half of them in Washington, D.C.150 Ruarks estimate was fairly accurate. At the end of the rst six months,
the ORO professional sta consisted of just 8 analysts working on ve projects, but by 30 June 1949, the ORO sta had
grown to 26 professional and 34 administrative personnel
plus 9 consultants.151 In addition to the sixty full-time ORO
employees, subcontractors were employing another sixty-six
people on ORO projects on both a full-time and a part-time
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Project Board
Project Studies
Project Analysis
and Synthesis Division
Source: Memo, Dr. Ellis A. Johnson (director, ORO) to director, ICR, Fort McNair, Washington, 4 Mar 49,
sub: Proposed Organization for the ORO, JHU Archives, Records of the Oce of the President, Series I, Box 33,
Folder 47.2 ICR/ORO, JanDec 49.
Source: ORO, Administrative Operations Report for the Two Quarters Ending 30 June 1949, p. 32, Figure 5,
in Quarterly Report, vol. II, no. 1, 2, 30 Jun 49 (Fort McNair, Washington: JHU ORO, 1949), pp. 33, RG 319, Entry
82, Box 2129, Folder Quarterly Rpt.
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Salaries and
Wages ($)
Other Costs
Not available
Estimated for
FY 1950 ($)
Proposed Projects
Reserve for additional projects
Note: The FY49 budget supported thirty-one professional analysts working on six projects. The proposed FY50 budget was intended
to support seventy-ve analysts working on seventeen projects. The project codes are expanded in the discussion of the ORO work program
Source: Memo for Lt. Gen. Thomas B. Larkin (director of logistics, Army Sta ), Washington, JHU ORO, 10 Aug 49, sub: Condensation
of the Third and Fourth Quarterly Rpts of the JHU ORO, pp. 12, RG 319, Entry 153, Box 519, Folder P&O 020 ORO.
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In practical terms, the approval and design of each project undertaken by ORO was the product of a joint Army
ORO consideration of several factors, including the nature
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1949, under the chairmanship of Dr. John H. Gardner with the assistance of Norman A. Hitchman and
Robert J. Best, and the project was completed on 31
May 1952. For purposes of the study, the known hazards to the individual soldier on the battleeld were
divided into seven groups (missiles and missile fragments, concussion from explosion, nuclear radiation
and radioactive substances, pathogenic and chemical
agents, heat radiation, aming agents, and insects
and insect-borne diseases). Each hazard group was
assigned to a team of three ORO sta members and
two consultants. In all, ORO expended nineteen manmonths on Project ALCLAD in FY 1949, at a cost
of $101,700, plus $26,850 for a subcontract with the
Midwest Research Institute. Estimated costs for FY
1950 were $170,000 for ORO sta and $50,000 for
subcontracting. Project ALCLAD produced several
important recommendations, including one against
the use of body armor; also addressed were the need
to reduce the combat load of the individual soldier, a
redesign of the helmet, the wearing of gas masks during training exercises, and the need for additional research on chemical warfare agents and defenses. The
recommendation against the development and use of
body armor is particularly interesting as an example
of how a logical scientic analysis might lead to conclusions that run counter to common sense or might
be politically or morally unsound.
5. Project GUNFIRE (Project No. 99495) was assigned on 23 November 1948 but was closed out in
favor of the more-general Project REDLEG.209 The
purpose of Project GUNFIRE was to determine the
nature and extent of existing deciencies in equipment, techniques, computational procedures, organization, training, and doctrine that adversely aected
the accuracy of predicted artillery res, and to outline
a program to correct the deciencies. The project was
chaired by Wayne E. McKibben (later William L.
Whitson). Project GUNFIRE involved eight ORO
man-months in FY 1949, at a cost of $125,533,
plus $103,583 paid to subcontractors, including the
Franklin Institute Laboratories for Research and Development, Snow and Schule, and Dunlap and Associates. The FY50 costs were estimated at $75,000
for ORO sta and no subcontractor support. Recommendations derived from Project GUNFIRE
included the need to develop a method of delivering
predicted artillery re without the need for meteorological corrections, a revision in artillery training
methods, and the development of operational steps
to reduce the possibility of gross personnel errors.
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the possibilities of OR helping the armed forces with the complex and fast-changing problems of warfare, convinced of its
importance, and dedicated to patriotic service and the advancement of operations research as a science and a profession.223
Both his experience and his instincts told him that ground
warfare was in many ways more complex than air or sea
warfare, and that it would be necessary to develop eective
methods of operations analysis to deal with those complexities almost from scratch.224 Accordingly, he intended to create in ORO an organization that would be
large, diverse, and strong, to emphasize innovative methods and
approaches, and to extend the boundaries of the eldfrom
eectiveness studies to cost-eectiveness work, from tactics to
logistics and procurement investigations, from studies centered
on technical hardware options to ones focusing on the human
ORO has to t into the Army as one of the organizations carrying out operations research as a team. . . . It is my own opinion
that we will eventually have in the Army a family of operations
research organizations of whom we will be a member, a notable
member, I hope.230
Johnson believed that those who directed operational research programs such as those of ORO should also be qualied practitioners of the art and frequently turn their hand
to actual analysis.220 He also developed a keen appreciation
for the need of OR analysts to gain a degree of competence
in military aairs, and for close cooperation between the OR
analyst and those responsible for the military decisions.221
Well known for having little patience with the limitations
of the so-called military mind, Johnson nonetheless was able
to work eectively with Army leaders. As Maj. Gen. Ward H.
Maris, the deputy assistant chief of sta, G-4, for research and
development, told his audience at the Second Tripartite Conference on Army Operations Research in October 1950:
I consider Dr. Johnson an outstanding leader. He enjoys our
complete condence, and the condence of his co-workers.
As a soldier it is my duty to keep the military viewpoint and
the military requirements before him and his splendid group of
scientists. Possibly, he may feel at times that he is suering from
the so called military mind as opposed to the scientic mind.
When those two minds get together, it is really something.
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Other problems included the usual diculties of a new organizationinternal administrative issues, adequate facilities,
and underfundingas well as morale problems among the
ORO analysts that stemmed from a feeling that their eorts
were not appreciated.237
Evaluating the rst six months of ORO operations, Johnson reached three main conclusions. First, close coordination
and cooperation of the Operations Research programs of the
United States, Britain, and Canada are necessary and desirable and should be extended for mutual benet.238 Second,
Operations Research should not be centralized in the Army in a
single group such as ORO, but . . . should be situated at each . . .
of three principal levels: in the weapons laboratories, for analysis of weapons; at the headquarters and boards of the Army
in connection with the development of new tactics; and at the
General Sta level in connection with strategic decisions. . . .
It is true that there are several important and highly successful
Operations Research activities in a few commands of the Army,
as for example at the Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen,
Maryland. These deserve full recognition and might well be
formalized as independent Operations Research activities. In
general, however, the aiding of command decisions by Operations Research needs to be further implemented at the weapons
analysis and tactics level.239
ORO scientists must work in close cooperation with their
military colleagues . . . guarantee should be provided that the
military aspects of ORO projects will be given fully realistic
attention . . . representation of the military interest cannot be
provided solely by civilians even though they may have had actual combat experience . . . vital and necessary military knowledge must be furnished directly by ocers on active duty, working full-time in ORO at actual project problems.240
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The P&O Division study addressed many of the concerns already expressed by Ellis Johnson, notably the need for
better Army guidance, a closer working relationship between
the ORO and the Army, increased liaison with units in the
eld, and the education of Army ocers about OR. However, the study conclusions regarding the scope of the ORO
study program struck a sensitive nerve, particularly because
these criticisms appeared to have been introduced by that
segment of the Army Sta eager to restrict the work of the
The second issue was whether or not operations research should attempt to integrate the ndings of social science in its solutions of action problems.248 Johnson mentioned that he had discussed this problem with leaders in the
social sciences as well as with the other members of the Joint
Operations Research Group. In meetings with the latter, it
became clear to Johnson that
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Johnsons solution was for the ORO research program to include a reasonable mix of projects proposed by the Army,
projects proposed by the ORO, and short-term studies to
satisfy the Armys immediate needs.
Ultimately, the eorts of some Army sta ocers to restrict the ORO work program were unsuccessful. The growing Cold War with the Soviet Union soon made it clear that
the Army could no longer conne its OR program to matters
of a purely military nature, such as the design of weapons
and the development of tactical doctrine. The new reality
was that the Army found itself deeply enmeshed in issues of
national policy and global strategy that could be addressed
only by specialists in the elds of international relations, economics, psychology, and the other social sciences. Ellis Johnson and his associates had discerned this trend early on and
had acted to align the eorts of the ORO to accommodate
it. The wisdom of their actions would be borne out by the
signicant contributions made by the ORO to Army decision making in the 1950s.
The period between the end of World War II in September 1945 and the Communist invasion of the Republic
of Korea at the end of June 1950 was a tumultuous time for
the United States Army. The drastic postwar demobilization, lean budgets, restricted manpower ceilings, the reorganization required by the National Security Act of 1947,
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(1946): 25.
2Quoted in Irvin Stewart, Organizing Scientic Research for War: The
Administrative History of the Oce of Scientic Research and Development
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1948), p. viii.
3Charles Alexander Holmes Thomson, The Research Analysis
Corporation: A History of a Federal Contract Research Center (McLean, Va.:
Research Analysis Corporation, 1975), p. 2.
4The proposals for a National Research Foundation included
provisions for a successor to the OSRD OFS to provide technical and
scientic assistance to the military forces in the eld (see Lincoln R.
Thiesmeyer and John E. Burchard, Combat Scientists [Boston: Little,
Brown, 1947], p. 321).
5Thomson, Research Analysis Corporation, p. 2.
6Stewart, Organizing Scientic Research, p. 319.
7Ibid., pp. 31920. Senate Bill 1297, introduced in the 79th
Congress by Sen. Harley Kilgore of West Virginia, called for the creation
of a National Science Foundation on the pattern advocated by Vannevar
Bush. A similar bill (S.B. 1285) was introduced by Sen. Warren Magnuson
of Washington. A compromise version (S.B. 1850) was worked out and
passed the Senate, but it died in the House of Representatives.
8Ibid., p. 333. President Trumans decision to veto the bill was
apparently based on cost considerations.
9James Phinney Baxter III, Scientists Against Time (Boston: Little,
Brown, 1946), p. 450.
10Erik Peter Rau, Combat Scientists: The Emergence of
Operations Research in the United States during World War II (Ph.D.
diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1999), p. 338. The work of the National
Research Council Committee on Operations Research led eventually to
the creation of the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA)
in 1952.
11Joseph F. McCloskey, U.S. Operations Research in World War II,
Operations Research 35, 6 (1987): 916; U.S. Congress, Oce of Technology
Assessment, A History of the Department of Defense Federally Funded
Research and Development Centers, OTA-BP-ISS-157 (Washington:
USGPO, 1995), p. 14 (hereafter cited as OTA History).
12Ltr, Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King (COMINCH/CNO) to James
D. Forrestal (Sec Navy), Washington, 19 Aug 45, sub: Continuation of
ORG, Provisions for (reproduced in ORG, HQ, COMINCH/CNO, ,
Summary Rpt to the OFS, OSRD, Washington, 1 Dec 45, Appendix C,
pp. 3839, located in College Park, Md., NARA II, RG 227, Entry 179,
Box 301, Folder Summary Rpt to the OFS, OSRD (hereafter cited as
ORG Summary Rpt).
13Ibid., p. 39.
14The history of the Navys postwar OR program is covered admirably
in Keith R. Tidman, The Operations Evaluation Group: A History of Naval
Operations Analysis (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1984), pp.
1129. See also Joseph H. Engel, Operations Research for the U.S. Navy
since World War II, Operations Research 8, 6 (1960): 798809.
15Tidman, Operations Evaluation Group, pp. 9698.
16Ibid., p. 97. ONR was the ocial contracting agent for the Navy
even though OEG was to report to the CNO. ONRs only real function
was to manage OEGs funding levels.
17OTA History, p. 14.
18Tidman, Operations Evaluation Group, p. 100.
19Ibid., pp. 10811.
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56Ibid., p. 5.
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238ORO, Quarterly
Mission, p. 7.
and others, Ellis A. Johnson, p. 1149.
240Ibid., p. 2.
on the ORO.
pp. 12. The original paragraph numbers have been
244ORO, Record of ProceedingsSocial Science Conference, 1921 Sep
49, p. 5.
245Ltr, Ellis A. Johnson (director, ORO) to Detlev Bronk (president,
JHU), Fort Lesley J. McNair, 11 Nov 49, JHU Archives, Records of the
Oce of the President, Series I, Box 33, Folder 47.2 ICR-ORO, JanDec
246Ibid., p. 1.
249Ibid., p. 2.
250Ibid., pp. 23. Only four days later, on 15 November 1949,
Johnson wrote another anxious letter to Bronk regarding Project MAID,
the study of the military aid program that had evoked criticism by some
Army ocers for dealing with matters outside the traditional scope of
military operations (see Ltr, Johnson to Bronk, 15 Nov 49, p. 1).
251First Rpt of the Sec Def, p. 133.
252Burton, Role of OR, p. 21.
253Smith, Evaluation of Army OR, pp. 3233.
36171_03OR 2.indd 84
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chapter three
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East Command (FEC) quickly approved the plan, and Johnson and a team of four ORO analysts arrived in Korea in
early September 1950, just before the breakout from the
Pusan perimeter.10 Johnsons personal task was to establish
the ground rules and administrative structures needed to
support ORO teams working in the theater, and, by the end
of 1950, eight ORO teams consisting of the bulk of OROs
technical personnelsome forty scientists, social scientists,
historians, and engineers in allas well as several key members of its administrative sta were at work in Korea and
Japan in support of the Far East Command.11 The main
group was attached to the Oce of the G-3, Headquarters,
Eighth United States Army, Korea (HQ EUSAK), and in
June 1951 ORO formally established a eld oce at Headquarters, Far East Command, in Tokyo to supervise the work
of ORO personnel in the theater.12
By the time of the Korean cease-re in July 1953, more
than 50 percent of the entire ORO professional sta had
served in the combat zone.13 In all, more than 150 ORO
employees, subcontractors, and consultants served in Korea
and Japan between September 1950 and July 1953, and 113
of them earned the right to wear the UN Service Medal.14
Some ORO analysts came under enemy re, and at least
one was rescued after having been shot down behind enemy
lines.15 Ellis Johnson himself qualied for the UN Service
Medal by organizing ORO support in the Pusan, Taegu, and
Seoul areas for 58 days in 195051.16
The work of ORO analysts during the Korean War
fell into two main categories: studies and recommendations
concerning current operations, and the collection of data for
later and broader studies.17 Some of the problems faced by
ORO analysts in Korea were new and had not been encountered during World War II, but for the most part the ORO
studies conducted in FEC were of the familiar weaponsanalysis type or dealt with concrete practical problems such
as the design and use of winter clothing and equipment.18
However, the range of ORO studies was in fact quite broad
and included such major topics as the tactical use of atomic
bombs, close air support of ground forces, armor operations,
infantry weapons and tactics, airborne operations, mobilization and use of South Korean manpower, combat service
support, counterguerrilla operations, and psychological warfare operations.19
By the end of December 1950, ORO analysts had already produced a dozen memoranda and were at work on
another two dozen.20 In all, ORO analysts, subcontractors, and consultants produced several hundred technical
memoranda and completed studies on operations in Korea.
Among the more notable studies conducted by ORO analysts there was a study of close air support of ground forces
that recommended, surprisingly, that the Air Force could
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Note: ORO organization remained essentially unchanged from April 1954 to 1957.
Source: William T. Bradley, Operations Research in the Armed Services, student individual
study, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Penn., 1957, p. 59, Annex 5; John C. Schermerhorn,
The Role of Operations Research in the Army, student individual study, U.S. Army War College,
Carlisle Barracks, Penn., 1956, p. 54.
Source: Thomas D. Scriggins, Management Systems Division, in ORO, A Discussion of the ORO Work Program, ORO
SP71, ORO, Chevy Chase, Md., October 1958, p. 57.
36171_OR 3 w-chgs_NEW.indd 89
9/5/2006 10:10:57 AM
Source: Philip H. Lowry, Tactics Division, in ORO, A Discussion of the ORO Work Program, OROSP71, ORO, Chevy Chase,
Md., October 1958, p. 19.
OR 3 w/chgs.indd 90
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Source: Nicholas M. Smith, Strategic Division, in ORO, A Discussion of the ORO Work
Program, OROSP71, ORO, Chevy Chase, Md., October 1958, p. 71.
Nuclear Fuels
Lead Time
Source: Hugh M. Cole, Operations Division, in ORO, A Discussion of the ORO Work Program, OROSP71, ORO, Chevy Chase,
Md., October 1958, p. 41.
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Source: William L. Whitson, The Growth of the Operations Research Oce in the U.S. Army,
Operations Research 8, 6 (1960): 818, Figure 7.
Office of
the President
Advisory Board
Operations Research
OR 3 w/chgs.indd 93
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ocers were trained in OR methods and participated actively in the ORO research program as mutually agreed by
the Director, ORO, and the senior military advisor. The ocers who served as the senior military advisor to ORO from
1948 to 1960 are listed in Table 32.
Although the principal Army contact with ORO was
through OCRD, ORO relied on a number of other government agencies for various services. For example, ORO contract between the Department of the Army and JHU was
administered by a contracting ocer in the Oce of the
Quartermaster General at Cameron Station, Virginia; the
Navy provided auditing services; Walter Reed Army Medical Center supplied motor transport and quarters for Army
enlisted personnel assigned to ORO; and the Military District of Washington provided some security services.63
In response to a constantly increasing workload, the
ORO professional technical sta grew steadily from 1948
to the oces demise in August 1961. As the nature of the
ORO work program expanded into areas that were not hard
sciencepolitical science, economics, and psychologythe
academic disciplines represented by the ORO sta increased
in scope as well. Many ORO analysts continued to be drawn
from the traditional hard sciences, but life scientists, social scientists, retired military ocers, and people trained
in other disciplines played an increasingly important role.64
Throughout the period, the selection, retention, and training of technical personnel remained one of the most dicult
problems facing the ORO leadership. Nevertheless, many
ORO analysts and consultants were distinguished men and
women in their own right and brought special skills and abilities to the operations research program.
In general, personnel strength grew at an average rate of
fewer than two analysts per month between 1948 and 1954.65
In 1951, ORO had roughly sixty professional sta members
and an equal number of administrative employees.66 By 31
May 1952, the number of professional sta members had
increased to approximately one hundred.67 The number
again increased slightly to 111 in 1953.68 The following year
the total reached 158.69 The number of ORO technical personnel, both analysts and research aides, as of 31 December
of each year from 1955 to 1960 is shown in Table 33. By
1963, two years after RAC had taken over, the number of
professional sta members had reached 169and a signicant number were women.70
As of 1956, roughly 70 percent of the ORO technical
sta had served in uniform, and a few others had served as
civilian OR analysts with Army units in the eld.71 Ellis
Johnson was convinced of the need for interaction between
mature civilian OR analysts and the professional soldiers
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Table 31Army Staff Responsibility for ORO Research Programs: July August
Chief of R&D, Oce of the Deputy Chief of Sta for Plans and Research
Chief of R&D
Source: Lester D. Flory, Analysis of the ORO Research Program with Respect to Timeliness, OROTP16, ORO, Bethesda, Md.,
November 1960, p. 14, Table 4.
Col. M. W. Schewe
Source: Lester D. Flory, Analysis of the ORO Research Program with Respect to
Timeliness, OROTP16, ORO, Bethesda, Md., November 1960, p. 14, Table 5.
Research Aides
Source: Lester D. Flory, Analysis of the ORO Research Program with Respect to Timeliness, OROTP16, ORO, Bethesda, Md., November 1960, pp.
11 (Table 2), 23.
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As the scope of OR applications increased and the proportion of the ORO work program devoted to pure weapons
analysis declined, the traditional reliance on candidates from
the hard sciences was diluted by the need to nd analysts
competent in such non-scientic elds as history, economics,
political science, psychology, sociology, and military science.
As one leading ORO analyst has noted, there is reason to
believe that the lawyer, social scientist or historian is better
equipped professionally to evaluate evidence which is derived from the mind and experience of the human species.86
Nevertheless, the proportion of the various disciplines represented by the technical sta remained relatively stable, as
shown in Table 34.
Many ORO employees and consultants had distinguished careers and an amazingly wide range of interests before, during, and after their service with ORO in the 1950s
and early 1960s.87 As already noted, Ellis Johnson had served
with distinction in the Navy OR program during World War
II and had designed the strategic mining campaign against
Japan. Dr. Richard Parmenter was the coordinator of research at Cornell University when he was appointed associate director of ORO in April 1951. He had led the Austin
Sub-Arctic Expedition to Ban Bay in 1927 and had served
with distinction as a Navy antisubmarine warfare ocer in
World War II.88 George S. Pettee, who had earned a doctorate in political science from Harvard University in 1937,
enjoyed a distinguished academic and government service
career and published several books before joining the ORO
sta in 1949 and becoming assistant director in 1954.89 The
executive director, Brig. Gen. Lester D. Flory, United States
Army (ret.), was a 1919 graduate of the United States Military Academy and earned a 1930 master of science degree
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1953 Percentage
1963 Percentage
Source: Based on Lynn H. Rumbaugh, A Look at US Army Operations ResearchPast and Present, RACTP102,
RAC, McLean, Va., April 1964, p. 8, Table 1.
over unidentied ying objects (UFOs) after serving briefly on a Central Intelligence Agencysponsored committee
of scientists assembled in Washington, D.C., on 1418
January 1953 to study the available evidence on UFOs.94
Among the many distinguished ORO consultants was Dr.
Henry A. Kissinger, who served briey in 1951, before
going on to fame as a presidential advisor, U.S. secretary of
state, and Nobel Prize laureate.95
Physical Facilities
As ORO tasks and sta size increased, new quarters
were needed. In mid-June 1951, ORO moved from Fort
McNair to a new home at 7100 Connecticut Ave. in Chevy
Chase, Maryland.96 The National 4-H Club owned the site
(a former junior college for young women) and it was persuaded to lease the facility to ORO. The campus had three
buildings. The directors oce, administrative oces, the library, and many of the analysts were located in the former
classroom building. One of the major study project groups
was accommodated in the former presidents house, and
the so-called science building was used by analysts.97 More
space was required, and ORO leased additional oce space
at Chevy Chase Circle and near Wisconsin Avenue and
East-West Highway in Bethesda, Maryland. When ORO
acquired its rst computer, it was housed in a former plumbing supply warehouse, a Quonset hutlike building near
the railroad tracks in Bethesda that was known as the Pearl
Street building. The building had no central air conditioning,
and the heat generated by the vacuum tubes in the primitive
Sperry-Rand 1103A computer was so great that the computer had to be shut down frequently during the summer
months. Eventually, in June 1957, the National 4-H Club
reclaimed its facilities, and ORO leased a four-story oce
building on Arlington Road in Bethesda, where it remained
until it went out of business in August 1961.
From 1954 until August 1961, Ellis Johnson and other
ORO leaders struggled in vain to patch together a deal between the Army and The Johns Hopkins University for the
construction of a purpose-built facility for ORO.98 The university purchased land for the proposed ORO building near
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FY 1956
FY 1957
FY 1958
FY 1959
FY 1960
Air defense
Management systems
Basic research
Note: One additional project, identied only as SANDY but not otherwise described, was undertaken in FY
1959 and FY 1960. The gures do not include projects undertaken by ORO eld oces or special studies.
Source: Lester D. Flory, Analysis of the ORO Research Program with Respect to Timeliness, OROTP16,
ORO, Bethesda, Md., November 1960, p. 22, Table A1.
July 1951
June 1954
July 1954
June 1958
July 1958
June 1961
Background studies:
social, cultural, and civil aairs
environment; international strategy,
economics, and politics
General studies:
personnel selection, training,
and performance; psychological
warfare; special warfare and
Special studies:
R&D management; OR
methodology; miscellaneous
Study Topic
Source: Lynn H. Rumbaugh, A Look at US Army Operations ResearchPast and Present, RACTP102, RAC, McLean,
Va., April 1964, p. 9, Table 2.
OR 3 w/chgs.indd 100
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study, 2 percent were rejected, and the remainder (approximately 29 percent) were not considered.133
ORO studies addressed psychological warfare at both
strategic and tactical levels, and the eect of those studies
was noteworthy.134 As a result of Project POWOW, which
included studies conducted on the frontlines in Korea, the
Army recognized psychological operations (PSYOPS) as
an important aspect of modern warfare; shifted responsibility for psychological warfare from G-2 (intelligence) to G-3
(operations); and, on 15 January 1951, created an Oce of
the Chief of Psychological Warfare as a special sta division of the Army Sta.135 At the tactical level, ORO was responsible for the concept of tailoring the psychological operations message to its intended audience and, among other
innovations, the introduction of airborne loudspeakers for
such operations.136
ORO was among the rst to apply operations research
to the study of methods for determining the costs of future
military equipment and operations, and its costing methods subsequently became the standard for the Department of Defense.137 This was important because applying
a standard method for arriving at a reasonably accurate assessment of relative costs is key to making rational choices
among alternatives.
Finally, ORO played a prominent role in the development of a new program of marksmanship training for the
Army and in the development and selection of the M16
rie.138 Beginning in 1948 with Project ALCLAD (a study
on the protection of the individual soldier from missile
weapons on the battleeld), ORO conducted a number of
important studies on the eects of various small arms and
their use by soldiers in battle.139 From those studies arose
two interesting concepts. The rst was the duplex rie projectilein eect, two bullets contained in the same cartridge
and propelled by the same powder charge. The idea was to
increase the probability of a hit on a man-size target at the
usual range of infantry combat.140 Although the Army accepted the results of the studies and standardized a duplex
projectile for the 7.62-mm. M14 rie, the concept never really caught on. The second concept developed by ORO was
much more successful. It involved an attempt to improve
Army marksmanship training by using an array of simulated
battleeld targets, man-size cardboard cut-outs placed at
various distances on the ring range. The targets were rigged
to pop up unexpectedly at various ranges, thereby testing the soldiers reaction time and accuracy. The details of
the new training method were subsequently worked out by
the Human Resources Research Oce and adopted by the
Army as the TRAINFIRE system.141 TRAINFIRE was a
signicant improvement over the old known-distance ring
range as a means of providing realistic infantry training, and
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World War II; moreover, there were no accurate, generally accepted means for measuring ORO performance precisely.143
Then, too, throughout its existence ORO was inadequately
staed and funded for the workload the Army imposed on it.
ORO also faced many administrative challenges that aected
the quality and timeliness of its research program. The diculties of administering a sta of some three hundred people
in various disciplines scattered in half a dozen inadequate
facilities while safeguarding an enormous collection of classied documents were sometimes overwhelming.144
Many of the early ORO studies failed to address matters of immediate interest to the Army and were criticized
accordingly. In part, that problem can be attributed to the
Armys failure to provide adequate guidance and to articulate its needs. In the end, the real test of the usefulness of
a given ORO study was how many of its recommendations
were actually adopted by the Army. One Army chief of research and development, Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin, stated
that most ORO recommendations were adopted within a
few years of publication, and OROs own estimate was that
about 80 percent of all recommendations were adopted
Ellis Johnson and other ORO leaders were acutely
aware of the criticisms regarding the usefulness and quality of ORO studies. In the early days, some of the studies
produced were quite poor and represented work that may
not be correct or is of no use to the Army and is scientically of low quality.146 The quality of about 80 percent of
ORO studies produced between 1951 and 1954 was rated
excellent or good, but the remaining 20 percentfair
and poor reportscaused signicant problems with the
customer.147 In an eort to increase the quality of studies,
in 1954 Johnson introduced a system of murder boards
and a post-publication review board to review ORO work.
The murder boards, one for each study, comprised ORO
sta members who conscientiously evaluated and criticized
the ongoing work of their colleagues. Each completed study
went to the post-publication review board at the same time
it was sent to the Army, and the board independently evaluated the quality of the study and reported its results to the
director, who could then take internal corrective action as
necessary. The murder boards and the review board were
successful in signicantly reducing the number of studies
rated fair or poor. By 1957 almost 100 percent of ORO
studies were rated excellent or good.148
It was not necessary only to produce quality studies;
the results of the studies also had to be conveyed to the
Army in a clear, concise, and tactful manner. In 1958 Johnson confronted head-on the problem of eectively providing Army decision makers with study results. He did so
in a pamphlet directed to ORO managers and analysts.149
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As Flory pointed out, even with a full complement of analysts and no diversions there will always be a normal slippage, inherent in any research in a long-range research
study, which will be reected in changes of the estimated
completion date.162
The problem for ORO was that a study rated excellent not
only had to be timely; it also had to meet high standards of scien
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Given high-quality, pertinent, and timely studies presented in a clear and tactful manner, there remained some
aspects of ORO operations that constituted an irritant to
some Army personnel. In the early days, some of the ORO
personnel were inexperienced in dealing with the Army and
some of their actions were contrary to accepted behavior
and interfered unnecessarily with urgent ongoing Army sta
work.167 Other ORO researchers were particularly cavalier
about the handling of classied material, ignored the chain
of command, or outed Army procedures and thus caused
considerable consternation among their military contacts.
The solution, of course, was to thoroughly indoctrinate new
ORO personnel in Army procedures and mores before turning them loose.168 Even so, with an annual personnel turnover
of roughly 20 percent, it was a constant struggle for Johnson
and his subordinate managers to ensure that overeager and
inexperienced researchers did not oend the sensibilities and
break the established rules of their Army customers.
As noted previously, the shortcomings of studies were
not entirely the fault of ORO. The Army failed to provide
timely evaluation of ORO products and maintained a persistent ignorance of the purposes, capabilities, and limitations of operations research. The Armys advisory committee system for ORO oversight proved weak, in part because
the military members of both the ORO advisory committee and the project advisory groups had other pressing
duties and devoted only intermittent attention to their supervisory functions.169 For one thing, Department of the
Army letters of evaluation of ORO studies tended to be
too general in nature and too long in preparation.170
Despite almost a decade of attempts to inform and indoctrinate Army ocers about the benets of operations
research, ignorance persisted and resulted in rejection of
OR recommendations and in opposition to the use of such
research in general. In 1957, one Army War College student concluded, There is not present among the ocers
of the Army an appreciation of OR to the degree required
for the most eective functioning of OR.171 To solve the
problem, he made the following ve recommendations:
(1) The Department of the Army should establish, in conjunction with ORO, a course in Appreciation of Operations Research. This course should initially be given ocers having the
following assignments: ORO duty designees; Project Advisory
Groups; Appropriate sections of the oces of: The Director
of Research and Development, Technical Services R&D, Combat Development in D/A, CONARC, Technical Services, and
Service Schools; Other eld grade ocers as time and space
(2) A lecture, or lectures, on the purpose, capabilities and limitations of OR be included in the curriculums of the Army War
College and the Command and General Sta College.
(3) A moderate, dignied program of Army-wide recognition
of ORO be initiated in service aliated publications such as
Army, Military Review, Army Digest, and the Military Engineer.
(4) The Department of the Army authorize ORO to detail annually one analyst as a student at the Army War College, and
one at the Command and General Sta College.
(5) There be established at the headquarters of the Seventh
and Eighth armies, small detachments of ORO to provide OR
services at the eld army level. That continued consideration
be given toward the establishment of similar detachments in
other agencies.172
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The attendees at the second SHAPE operations research conference, held at HQ SHAPE on 1415 Febru-
Ellis Johnson closely monitored the trends in both industry and academia and maintained close contacts with the
leaders in both sectors. He also encouraged experienced military analysts to move into the industrial operations research
eld and newly established industrial OR groups to become
involved in military operations research.
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The oce supplemented the existing Army human resources research eorts of ORO; the Personnel Research
Section of the Adjutant Generals Oce; the Army element
in the Navy Special Devices Center; the Oce of the Quartermaster General and research units at the Quartermaster
Climatic Research Laboratory and Food and Container Institute; the Medical Department Field Laboratory at Fort
Knox, Kentucky; and the Ordnance and Signal Corps.241
HumRRO was initially organized with a central oce
composed of an administrative section and three research
sections (Training Methods; Motivation, Morale, and
Leadership; and Psychological Warfare and Intelligence),
all located on the campus of George Washington University
in Washington, D.C.242 Provision was also made for establishing three eld research laboratories located at various
Army installations, but that plan soon changed. The Training Methods Section in Washington became HumRRO
Division No. 1, and during FY 1952 two new elements,
called Army human research units, were activated, at Fort
Knox, Kentucky, and at the Presidio of Monterey, California. Division No. 1 subsequently provided small detachments of civilian scientists to form additional Army human
research units. All of the Army human research units were
later redesignated as HumRRO divisions. In 1954, the responsibilities of the HumRRO Motivation, Morale, and
Leadership Section were spread over the other existing
divisions. The following year, responsibility for psychological warfare studies was transferred from HumRRO to
the newly created Special Operations Research Oce, and
the Psychological Warfare and Intelligence Division was
phased out.
An initial $500,000 was provided from held-over
FY51 funds for the support of HumRRO at its founding
on 30 July 1951, and a request was made later for an additional $700,000 from FY52 emergency funds.243 The FY53
HumRRO budget request was for $2,900,000, of which
$700,000 was to be for research in psychological warfare
and intelligence with the remainder divided about evenly between training methods research and research in motivation,
morale, and leadership. Approximately 50 percent of the
FY52 and FY53 HumRRO budgets was allocated to con-
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End of FY
Source: Meredith P. Crawford, A Perspective on the Development of HumRRO (Alexandria, Va.: George
Washington University HumRRO, 1968), p. 6.
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The purpose of the STRATSPIEL Group in the Strategic Division was to develop wargaming at the strategic level
and integrate the gaming materials produced by the other
divisions into a comprehensive theater-level game.333 The
STRATSPIEL Group rst attempted to adapt the RAND
Corporations strategic game, SAWSPIEL, to ORO requirements by placing more emphasis on the ground war and by
introducing sociological considerations.334 The group then
passed on to the development of STRATSPIEL I, a strategic
generalization of the air defense game ZIGSPIEL, which explored the Army role, including air defense measures, during
and after a strategic nuclear attack.335 The Strategic Division
also controlled COMPLAB, which supported wargaming by
the other ORO divisions, and the divisions OPSEARCH
Group undertook studies on OR methodology related to
wargaming, published several papers on the application of
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STAG was organized functionally to provide the military, scientic, and computer integration necessary for the
solving of complex problems through gaming and other
techniques.354 The organization of STAG evolved quickly,
and, by the end of the rst quarter of FY 1963, STAG was
organized as shown in Figure 38.
The Oce of the Chief provided command, supervision, and technical direction, and the Sta Management Ofce was responsible for all support and coordination functions normally accomplished by an installation sta such
as operations and security, administrative services, drafting
and reproduction services, supply, and transportation.355
The Plans and Analysis Division was organized with three
branches (Plans, Joint and Special, and Analysis) and undertook long-range planning for STAG itself; conducted studies of Army problems to determine the feasibility and applicability of using wargaming or allied techniques for their
solution; provided advice and technical assistance to other
Army and Army-supported agencies in wargaming matters;
provided Army participation in joint wargames; and analyzed, evaluated, interpreted, and prepared technical reports
of wargames, wargaming methodologies, OR studies, and
other technical procedures.356
The Land Warfare Division, which performed the primary task of STAG, was organized with three branches
(Combat, Combat Support, and Control Group), and was
responsible for planning and developing a mathematical
land wargaming model of sucient size, scope, and exibility to make possible the computerized wargaming of
any and all phases of combat and combat support operations.357 The Gaming Division was organized with a Manual Gaming Branch and a Computer Gaming Branch, each
with a Control Team, a Blue Team, and a Red Team; the
division conducted manual, computer-assisted, and computerized wargames to test Army operational plans using
models developed by the Land Warfare Division or other
STAG elements.358 The Systems Division, consisting of a
Systems Analysis Branch, Programming Branch, and Computer-Display Branch, designed, developed, modied, and
implemented high-speed computational systems to be used
for simulating or wargaming ground combat and for solving
related Army problems for which mathematical models had
been prepared.359
It was envisioned that the orderly development of
STAG would take place over a period of three years by
gradually increasing its personnel strength.360 The authorized STAG personnel strength for FY 1961 was set at 74
(21 ocers, 14 enlisted personnel, 26 professional civilians, and 13 administrative civilians).361 However, as late
as 4 May 1961, STAG had only three ocers and seven
professional civilians assigned.362 Diculties were encountered in hiring qualied civilian OR analysts at civil
service grade GS13, and STAG had to pursue a vigorous nationwide eort to nd qualied personnel.363 Additional personnel were found, but many of them had no
background in OR or wargaming, and a long training program was necessary.
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1$ "$
Source: U.S. Army STAG, Fact Sheet, Bethesda, Md., ca. 1962, RG 319, Entry 100, Box 3, Folder 20304 OPPR Program Rpt
Files, 1962, Fact Sheets.
OR 3 w/chgs.indd 117
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FY 1962
8 June 1962
FY 1963
Professional civilian
Administrative civilian
Type Personnel
Source: U.S. Army STAG, Organization and Functions Manual (Bethesda, Md.: STAG, 1962), p. 1-1; Memo, DeQuoy to
Fisher and others, 14 Sep 61, sub: Proposed Reorganization for FY 6367, p. 2, RG 319, Entry 100, Box 1, Folder 20122 DA
Mobilization Program Planning Files, 1961; Col. Alfred W. DeQuoy (chief, STAG), Fact Sheet for Director, Strategic Plans and
Policy, Oce of the Deputy Chief of Sta for Operations, Bethesda, Md., 8 Jun 62, sub: Mission, Organization, and Personnel
Status, STAG, RG 319, Entry 100, Box 3, Folder 20304 OPPR Program Report Files, 1962, Tactics Analysis Group
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than might have been prudent. He did not suer fools gladly
and could be very direct in his criticism of those who did
not share his vision. As a consequence, he was frequently at
odds with his Army Sta overseer, the chief of research and
development, regarding the direction of ORO research and
the use of its resources. Particular points of disagreement
were the degree to which ORO would be free to select and
conduct research projects of its own choosing and the secrecy requirements imposed by the Army.422 Although he frequently disagreed with Army leaders on the direction ORO
should take and on other matters, Johnson was respected; on
16 January 1958, he was awarded the Army Distinguished
Civilian Service Medal.423
Johnsons relationship with the leaders of JHU was always correct, but his demands could be exasperating, and
he was apparently deeply unhappy about the reluctance of
university ocials to support wholeheartedly his proposals
for an operations research center at JHU and the extension
of the ORO research into nation building and other sensitive social policy issues.424 For their part, university leaders
were beginning to question the wisdom of close contractual
relationships with the federal government and the military
in particular.425 There was growing concern throughout the
American academic community about the loss of independence and academic freedom associated with large-scale
governmentuniversity contracting.426 Many academics
rued their growing dependence on government funding,
particularly in the sciences and elds dealing with social
policy. There was also a growing opposition on campus to
the U.S. governments eorts in the elds of psychological
warfare and counterinsurgencyopposition that would
erupt in the 1960s in active protest against the war in
Southeast Asia.
The specic reason for the cancellation of the Army-JHU
contract for ORO remains unclear, but it certainly hinged on
the fact that the Army leaders concerned had lost condence
in Johnson as the director of ORO. The relationship between
Johnson and Army leaders worsened in 1960, and the matter
nally came to a head in the summer of 1961 when the Army
made the replacement of Johnson a condition for renewing
the contract with JHU. University president Dr. Eisenhower
was sympathetic to the Army point of view, but faced with
an Army ultimatum, he stood his ground and refused to be
bullied into dismissing Johnson.427 After trying unsuccessfully to convince Johnson to step down voluntarily and after
consulting senior members of the ORO sta, Eisenhower
concluded that the only solution agreeable to both parties
would be for the Army not to renew the ORO contract.428
Bowing to the inevitable, Johnson resigned in July 1961. Dr.
Lynn Rumbaugh became acting director and negotiated the
work program for the coming year.429
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113Ibid., p. 21.
114Rumbaugh, Look
at US Army OR, p. 7.
new annual ORO work program usually went into eect on
1 November of each year.
116Visco, The ORO, p. 32.
117Smith, Evaluation of Army Operations Research, p. 13a. Ellis
Johnson was convinced that approximately 1015 percent of the total
eort of major OR establishments should be devoted to long-range
investment in basic operational research (see Johnson, Long-Range
Future, p. 22), and one of his major achievements as director of ORO
was the creation of the OPSEARCH Group in the Strategic Division to
conduct such basic research in OR methods and techniques.
118Whitson, Growth of ORO, p. 820; Johnson, Introduction, p.
11. The search was for the best direction to pursue to nd the solution
to a given problem. Put another way, search studies were about dening
the problem.
119Whitson, Growth of ORO, p. 820.
120In 1958, the ORO director estimated that about 80 percent
of ORO recommendations were eventually adopted by the Army (see
Johnson, Introduction, p. 5).
121U.S. Department of the Army, Semiannual Report of the Secretary
of the Army for the Period January 1 to June 30, 1952 (hereafter cited as
Semiannual Rpt of the Sec Army), in U.S. DOD, Oce of Public Aairs,
Semiannual Report of the Secretary of Defense and the Semiannual Reports
of the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Air Force,
January 1 to June 30, 1952 (Washington: USGPO, 52), p. 86.
122Ellis A. Johnson and others, Defense of the US Against Attack by
Aircraft and Missiles, OROR17, Bethesda, Md., ORO, Aug 57.
123See Alfred Wohlstetter, An Appraisal of OROs Defense Study, R17 (Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, Feb 58), and George S.
Pettee, Comments upon an Appraisal of OROs Defense Study, OROR17
(Bethesda, Md.: ORO, May 58).
124Page and others, Ellis A. Johnson, p. 1152; Johnson,
Introduction, p. 6.
125See, among others, Howard Brackney, Jerome B. Green, Lynn
H. Rumbaugh, and Solomon H. Turkel, Tactical Employment of Atomic
Weapons, OROR2FEC, Fort McNair, Washington, ORO, Jul 51; and
Lynn H. Rumbaugh, Jerome B. Green, Solomon H. Turkel, and Edward
G. Kelley, The Tactical Employment of Atomic Weapons in the Defense of
Central EuropeSummary Report, OROR1EUCOM, Chevy Chase,
Md., ORO, Oct 54.
126See Vincent V. McRae and Philip H. Lowry, Requirements for
Army Air Defense Nuclear Weapons, OROT387, Bethesda, Md.,
ORO, Jun 60; Macon Fry and others, Volume I: Nuclear Reactor Power
Plants for Aircraft Control and Warning Stations in the Arctic, OROR15
(Chevy Chase, Md. ORO, Nov 54); and Kay Bartimo and others, Volume
II: Nuclear Power Plants for Military Use Overseas, OROR15 (Chevy
Chase, Md.: ORO, Jul 56).
127Alfred H. Hausrath, Utilization of Negro Manpower in the Army,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 2, 1 (54): 1819.
128Burton (Role of OR, pp. 1720) provided a good outline of the
study and its results, which I have followed closely here. See also Page and
others, Ellis A. Johnson, p. 1152; Johnson, Introduction, p. 6.
129Hausrath, Utilization of Negro Manpower, pp. 17n, 2023. The
ORO team included Hausrath, S. G. Billingsley, Joseph F. McCloskey,
L. Van Loan Naiswald, N. K. Nierman, and Florence N. Trefethen.
Subcontractors included International Public Opinion Research, Inc.; the
American Institute of Research; and the Bureau of Applied Social Science
Research of Columbia University.
130Alfred H. Hausrath and others, The Utilization of Negro
Manpower in the Army, OROR11 (Chevy Chase, Md.: ORO, Apr 55).
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Newsletter (Apr 1997). See the Operational Research Society Web site,
213Cummings, How OR Societies Began; Trefethen, History of
OR, p. 34.
214Cummings, How OR Societies Began. In 1978, the ORQ
was renamed the Journal of the Operational Research Society, a monthly
215Ibid. Membership leveled out at around three thousand in ftythree countries in the early 1970s and has remained roughly the same
since then.
216Since 1984, the Society has been a co-sponsor with the U.K.
Ministry of Defence of an annual International Symposium on Military
Operational Research, established to replace the symposia once sponsored
by the NATO Advisory Panel on Operational Research.
217Trefethen, History of OR, p. 34. In April 1951, the NRC
Committee on Operations Research published Operations Research with
Special Reference to Non-Military Applications, which described OR, its
problems, and its personnel requirements. The committee also collected
the names of approximately seven hundred people interested in OR (see
Thornton L. Page, The Founding Meeting of the Society, Journal of the
Operations Research Society of America 1, 1 [1952]: 18).
218The founding fathers of the Operations Research Society of
America, all members of the Formation Committee, were Philip M.
Morse (chairman), John B. Lathrop (secretary/treasurer), Arthur A.
Brown, Bonnar Brown, William J. Horvath, Ellis A. Johnson, George E.
Kimball, Horace C. Levinson, Charles M. Mottley, George E. Nicholson,
Jr., Thornton L. Page, Robert F. Rinehart, Hugh M. Smallwood, Jacinto
Steinhardt, Frederick F. Stephan, Alfred N. Watson, and Lloyd A. Young
(see Philip M. Morse, The Operations Research Society of America,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1, 1 [1952]: 12).
219Page, Founding Meeting, p. 18. The society was subsequently
incorporated in the District of Columbia (see Morse, Operations
Research Society, p. 1).
220Trefethen, History of OR, p. 35. JORSA was later renamed
Operations Research and is now under the editorship of Dr. Lawrence
Wein of the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Operations Research
celebrated its ftieth anniversary in 2002 (see INFORMS news release,
Respected Journal Celebrates 50th YearGolden Anniversary of
Organized Operations Research in America [Linthicum, Md., 22 Mar
221Visco, The ORO, p. 28. The seventy-one members and their
aliation are listed in Members Attending the Founding Meeting,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1, 1 (1952): 2627.
222Page and others, Ellis A. Johnson, p. 1153.
223Ibid. An ORO analyst, Richard Zimmerman, won the Lanchester
Prize in 1956 for his important paper on Monte Carlo modeling of
224The First National Meeting of the Society, Journal of the
Operations Research Society of America 1, 2 (1953): 75.
225Johnson, Survey of OR, pp. 4344.
227INFORMS news release, 22 Mar 02.
228M. C. Yovits and M. N. Chase, The Role of the Military
Operations Research Symposia (MORS) in the Operations Research
Community, paper presented at Twenty-fourth National Meeting of the
Operations Research Society of America, 78 Nov 63, pp. 15.
229Ibid., p. 2.
230The evolution of the Military Operations Research Symposia and
of the Military Operations Research Society is summarized in Military
Operations Research Society, IndexProceedings of Military Operations
Research Symposia, Eleventh Through Twentieth Inclusive (Military
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425Raymond, Power
402Acko, Development
p. 32.
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National Defense Research Committee. Front Row (l. to r.): F. B. Jewett, President of the National Academy of Sciences; Rear Admiral
J.A. Furer, USN, Coordinator of Research and Development, Department of the Navy; J.B. Conant, President of Harvard University; R.C.
Tolman, Dean of the Graduate School, California Institute of Technology
Back Row (l. to r.): K.T. Compton, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Roger Adams, Head of the Chemistry Department, University of Illinois; C.P. Coe, United States Commissioner of Patents; Irvin Stewart, Executive Secretary, Oce of Scientic
Research and Development
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The main building of the Operations Research Oce complex at 7100 Connecticut
Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland, in the mid-1950s
Maj. Gen. John P. Daley greets Dr. Ellis A. Johnson, Verona, Italy, 1960. Daley was later promoted
to Lt. Gen. and became the rst commander of the U.S. Army Combat Developments Command.
Johnson was Director of the Operations Research Oce, 194861.
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chapter four
just the sort of problems with which OR could deal eectively. Consequently, the nascent OR groups in the Armys
technical services grew into full-blown OR organizations
and assumed an important role. At the same time, the new
organizations created to manage the combat developments
process made extensive use of simulations (wargaming) and
other OR techniques to evaluate the eectiveness of the new
weapons, organizations, and doctrines.
The Emergence of Combat Developments
Given the large stockpile of weapons and equipment left
over from World War II and the new focus on nuclear weapons, Army R&D languished in the immediate postWorld
War II period. The onset of the Korean War, however, revived interest in developing new conventional weapons and
equipment, and congressional appropriations for Army
R&D projects increased substantially. Army leaders diered
on how Army R&D should be managed. The Technical
Services, supported by the Army Sta, favored the existing
system in which the deputy chief of sta for logistics held
primary responsibility for R&D, but most Army scientists
and many senior ocers directly involved in R&D wanted
to make R&D a separate function, independent of the Army
logistical system. The debate continued into the early years
of the Kennedy Administration, but ultimately the scientists
and senior R&D ocers prevailed. The Army R&D program gained independent status, bringing signicant changes to the Army OR program that was closely connected to
the R&D eort.
Even as the controversy over the higher-level organization and management of the Army R&D program proceeded, the Army began to refocus on a new concept that integrated research and development into a larger process that
tied the development of new weapons and equipment to the
development of new organizational and tactical concepts.
The shock of the Korean War and the pressing demands of
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Project VISTA
By 1950, many Army leaders and scientists recognized
the need for an integrated process of developing weapons,
organization, and doctrine. Among those calling for improvements in the Armys system for integrating new weapons, organization, and doctrine was Ellis Johnson, director of ORO,
who noted that the Army could no longer wait until the outbreak of conict before developing eective organization and
doctrine for employing the available weapons.14 Several agencies addressed the problem in the late 1940s and early 1950s,
but their work was uncoordinated and had little eect.15
The emergence of an integrated combat developments
program in the United States Army can be said to have
begun only with the award in early 1951 of a contract sponsored by all three services to the California Institute of Technology to study the problem of land and tactical air warfare.
The purpose of the study, called Project VISTA, was to conduct a broad study of ground and air tactical warfare with
particular attention to the defense of Western Europe in the
immediate future and to submit suggestions as to how the
services could improve their weapons, techniques, and tac-
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Source: Jean E. Keith and Howard K. Butler, United States Army Combat Developments Command: Origins and Formation (Fort Belvoir, Va.: Oce
of the Historian, Deputy Chief of Sta for Management and Resources, U.S. Army Combat Developments Command, 1972), p. 27.
7. That the Combat Development organization be provided adequate resourcestroops, equipment, and spacefor conducting eld experiments and tests.
8. That the Chief and his sta keep thoroughly familiar with
related activities in all parts of military and civilian life, particularly with combat units of the Army, other military agencies and contractors involved in research and development,
and the general progress of science and technology.
9. That specic budgetary provisions be made for Combat Development purposes and that they be protected from the per-
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A parallel Material Developments Section at HQ CONARC set material development objectives and requirements for the eld army and coordinated and supervised
CONARC participation in materiel development (research,
development, and testing) for the Army in the eld.50 The
major functions of the commanding general, CONARC,
in the material development area included recommending
military requirements and military characteristics, providing
user advice and guidance to the developing agency and the
developer throughout development, conducting user tests,
recommending type classication, and establishing the basis
of issue.51
Combat Developments in the Army Schools
The combat developments system initiated in 1952
included combat developments elements at the Army War
College, CGSC, and the various branch service schools. Operations research techniques were used by the military and
civilian analysts in combat developments elements in each
of the various Army schools.52 Very-long-range concepts of
weapons, organization, and doctrine were the province of the
combat developments elements at the United States Army
War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, and CGSC
at Fort Leavenworth. The combat developments stas at
both Carlisle Barracks and Fort Leavenworth included OR
analysts, and the long-range studies they produced incorporated the use of OR methods. Such studies set the scene for
the development of more-discrete concepts by combat developments agencies associated with the various Army service
schools operated by the combat arms and technical and administrative services.
At the Army War College, the responsibility for combat
developments activity was assigned to one of the subordinate
departments or divisions. By 1962, that responsibility was
focused in the Doctrine and Studies Division, which was
transferred to the new U.S. Army Combat Developments
Command as a Class II activity, on 1 July 1962, and renamed the United States Army Institute for Advanced Studies (USAIAS) on 1 August 1962.53 The stated goal of the
institute was to contribute to future Army eectiveness by
performing research in the eld of future Army operations
by preparing and evaluating broad military studies aecting
the national security.54 The commandant of the Army War
College was also the commanding general of USAIAS, the
sta of which consisted of both military and civilian person-
nel. The civilian sta included OR analysts and administrative personnel, and the institute was supported by contractors (notably Operations Research, Inc.) and other civilian
research organizations that provided personnel trained in
the physical and social sciences, the humanities, and OR.55
CGSC at Fort Leavenworth had a long history of involvement in the development of Army organization and
doctrine, dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century.56 In November 1946, a Department of Analysis and
Research was formed at CGSC to publish Army doctrinal
manuals. The creation of the Army combat developments
system in September 1952 increased the emphasis on combat
developments at the college. In 1954, the commandant, Maj.
Gen. Garrison H. Davison, set up an Executive for Research
and Analysis to handle future doctrine based on a weapons
system approach. New organizations at CGSC created to
deal with combat developments included a Current Analysis Section, a Combat Developments Department, and an
Advanced Operations Research Department. The Combat
Developments Department worked out doctrine for a period ve years into the future, and the Advanced Operations
Research Department dealt with developments ten or more
years into the future. Maj. Gen. Davison devoted considerable ocer resources to the new combat developments mission, in part because he wanted the Army to have a capability
independent of defense contractors and think tanks.57 The
CGSC Oce of the Chief of Doctrine and the Department
of Combat Developments were later inactivated, and the
personnel were transferred, over the objections of HQ CONARC, to form the nucleus of the Combined Arms Group
(CAG) and the Combined Arms Group Combined Arms
Agency. Lt. Gen. Harold K. Johnson assumed command of
CAG on 1 July 1962, and the CGSC sta and faculty continued to write doctrine and work closely with CAG.58
One of the recommendations of the Haworth Report
was to improve the participation of the technical services in
the overall combat developments system.59 To provide HQ
CONARC with better control and coordination of the combat developments activities of the technical services, on 26
July 1955 HQ DA directed the seven technical services and
the three administrative services to create their own combat
developments agencies to maintain contact with the combat
developments elements in HQ CONARC, thereby forcing
those branches to consolidate their previously scattered combat developments functions in one agency.60 The resulting
agencies were to analyze general combat developments and
integrate them with the combat developments work in their
own eld and to review contemplated operational, organizational, and equipment development projects, determine their
relation to the general objectives and to existing projects,
and insure that all pertinent projects were included in the
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chief of transportation. The Transportation Combat Development Group established a liaison oce at Headquarters,
Combat Developments Experimentation Command, at Fort
Ord, California, on 1 November 1956, to coordinate eld
experiments involving transportation doctrine, organization,
and equipment. The Transportation Combat Development
Group coordinated laterally with the combat developments
agencies of the other technical services and combat arms,
and vertically with HQ CONARC, DA, and the Department of Defense.
The Combat Operations Research Group
From the beginning, operations research was a central
element of the combat developments process. Even before
the formal assumption of the combat developments mission
by OCAFF in October 1952, Gen. Mark W. Clark, the chief
of Army eld forces, had established a small group of ocers
who did operations analysis at the tactical level.65 The July
1952 OCAFF plan for establishing a combat development
group included provision for the employment under the
existing civil service rules of civilian scientists and analysts
to perform operations research.66 An attempt was made to
integrate OR analysts into all of the new combat developments elements in OCAFF, but the cumbersome civil service
regulations hampered recruitment. To ll the gap, Ellis Johnson was asked to provide a group of analysts to work at Fort
Monroe.67 The OR eld oce at OCAFF was established in
the late fall of 1952 with an initial complement of analysts
on loan from ORO and it was placed under the operational
direction of Maj. Gen. Robert M. Montague, the OCAFF
chief of combat developments.68 Dr. William L. Whitson, a
veteran of the Navys World War II OR program and a longtime senior ORO employee, was designated as director of
the eld oce and Col. William L. Hardick (United States
Military Academy, 1931) was assigned as deputy director.69
A special study group of military ocers was assigned
to work closely with ORO analysts.70 Maj. Gen. Montague
himself told students at the Army War College, in November
1954, that the creation of a combined militarycivilian analyst group was intended to ensure that each element acted as
a brake on the other to make the military take the scientic
viewpoint to a certain extent . . . [and keep] . . . the scientists
from going o half cocked so to speak, and coming up with
an unworkable solution.71
As noted earlier, the new combat developments elements
in OCAFF were diverted by current operations and had difculty focusing on the future. This led to the eventual reorganization of the OCAFF combat developments elements.
In August 1953, the OCAFF OR team was reorganized.
The civilian analysts of the ORO eld oce were formally
merged with a group of ten ocers under the deputy chief of
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propriate information sources; and participating in eld activities with the scientists. The CORG Services Department
provided administrative, graphics, publication, and reference
services to support the CORG program.
In 1957, CORG was reorganized once again, as shown
in Figure 43. By 1 May 1959, the Organization Group had
been renamed the Support Branch, the Weapons and Materiel Group had been redesignated as the Weapons Branch,
the Military Advisor Team, the Wargames Methods Group
had been eliminated, and the Service Department had been
renamed the Service Branch.82 In late 1960, there was another reorganization of CORG into the Service Branch, the
Operations Analysis Branch, and the Wargames Methods
Branch.83 In August 1962, shortly before it was transferred
to the newly established Combat Developments Command,
the CONARC Combat Developments Division was abolished and CORG was made subordinate to the deputy chief
of sta for unit training and readiness.84
As of November 1954, approximately twelve ORO analysts and ten ocers were working for Maj. Gen. Montague,
the chief of the Combat Developments Division, OCAFF.85
In response to the Haworth Report and the creation of HQ
CONARC in 1955, the ORO personnel on temporary assignment to CORG were replaced with a more permanent
sta of civilian analysts from Technical Operations, Inc., a
rm from Arlington, Massachusetts.86 Following a transitional period, Technical Operations, Inc., became the prime
contractor for OR services for HQ CONARC in the fall
of 1955.87 It was anticipated that CORGs complement of
civilian analysts would increase to approximately seventy in
one or two years.88 As of 1957, CORGs strength had grown
to twenty-four civilian analysts, but the number of military
personnel had dropped to four ocers.89 All of the military
ocers were later withdrawn, and as of 1 November 1960,
CORG was staed by twenty-three professional civilians
and six administrative civilians.90
CORGs essential mission was to study changes needed
in Army materiel, organization, and doctrine as a result of the
introduction of atomic weapons.91 Its principal functions were
to apply scientic methods to solve short-term combat developments problems, conduct scientic research to produce
new methods and facts for the solution of long-term combat
developments problems, supply scientic assistance to other
divisions of HQ CONARC, and maintain a collection of
pertinent documents of interest to combat developers.92 The
CORG work program was built around two primary functions: (1) short-term technical analyses and scientic assistance to CONARC combat developments elements, and (2)
longer-term research on fundamental combat developments
problems.93 The annual CORG work program was mutually
agreed on by the CONARC deputy chief of sta for combat
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Source: U.S. Continental Army Command, Report by USCONARC Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluation of the US Army Combat Development
Experimentation Center (Fort Monroe, Va.: Headquarters, CONARC, 4 Mar 58), Appendix II, p. 91. Cf. CONARC LOI (Fort Monroe, Va.: CDEC,
18 Oct 56), Appendix III, p. 95, Figure 12. Cf. CDEC, Developing Tomorrows Army Today (Fort Monroe, Va.: CDEC, 1 Dec 58), p. 10, Figure 2.
OR 4.indd 143
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Source: U.S. Continental Army Command, Report by USCONARC Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluation of the US Army Combat
Development Experimentation Center (Fort Monroe, Va.: Headquarters, CONARC, 4 Mar 58), Appendix III, pp. 9394, 97, 99,
Figure 13 and Figure 14.
ROTEC was initially established in Monterey, California, and was later redesignated the Research Oce Experimentation Center (ROEC) and moved to Fort Ord.128 Ini-
OR 4.indd 144
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Speaking to the participants of the 1962 Army OR symposium, Lt. Gen. Daley indicated that there would be many
opportunities for operations research in the new command.146
He also referred to the usefulness of OR in evaluating new
materiel, organization, and doctrine; noted the importance of
selecting the right inputs for OR studies; and cautioned symposium participants to avoid overselling OR.147
As part of the consolidation of combat developments
activities under the Combat Developments Command in
late 1962, the Combat Operations Research Group at HQ
CONARC was transferred to the control of CDC, and after
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Director, CORG
reorganization it was made a part of the HQ CDC Operations Research and Experimentation Division, as shown in
Figure 46.148 On 1 July 1962, the Combat Developments
Experimentation Command, including its Research Oce
Experimentation Command operated by Stanford Research
Institute, also became part of the new Combat Developments Command.149
The changes in Army structure and methods ordered by
Secretary of Defense McNamara and his associates radically
transformed the Army R&D and combat developments systems. OR continued to be an integral and important part
of the R&D and combat developments processes, however,
and the new OR organizations created to support combat
developments in the 1950s, such as CORG and ROEC,
continued to prosper and provide critical insights for Army
decision makers well beyond 1962.
Operations Research in the
Technical Services,
Despite the tremendous strides in the Army R&D and
combat developments systems in the 1950s and early 1960s
and the creation of a number of vigorous new OR organizations, such as CORG and ROEC, the operations research
groups formed by the Armys technical services remained at
the sharp end of the R&D and combat developments process. The technical services, notably the Ordnance Corps and
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As a result of the rst ARO-sponsored Army OR symposium, ARO took several actions to improve OR in the
Army. An Operations Research Technical Assistance Group
(ORTAG) was formed with representatives from all the Army
Sta sections to examine technical aspects of OR. The group
met for the rst time in September 1962 and established a
program of assistance visits to various Army commands that
proved useful to the newly formed Army Material Command,
the Combat Developments Command, and the Test and Evaluation Command, among others.183 An Operations Research
Steering Committee, headed by the director of Army research
(that is, the chief of ARO), was also formed and met semiannually to oversee requirements and allocation of resources
for OR and to advise the chief of R&D on the Armys overall
OR program.184 Meanwhile, the Research Planning Division
of ARO managed the day-to-day oversight and coordination of Army OR programs.185 A prototype was designed for
a formal one-year course leading to a masters degree in OR
for a limited number of ocers and civilians, and provision
was made for a number of orientation courses to make sta
ocers more familiar with the capabilities and limitations of
operations research, but little progress was made toward the
goal of creating a central repository of OR studies.186
ARO eorts to monitor and coordinate contracts for
Army OR studiesincluding the working of the Operations Research Steering Committee and the project advisory
groups established for each project or study contractwere
governed by Army Regulations No. 1110, which assigned
responsibility for the bulk of the Armys contract OR program to the chief of research and development.187 AR 1110
established overall policy guidance, procedures, responsibilities, and evaluation criteria concerning both management
advisory services and OR studies or projects performed
under contract (such as those prepared by ORO/RAC).188
The objectives of the Army operations research program, as
prescribed by AR 1110 were to
a. Improve the overall eectiveness of the Army through analysis of
various alternative solutions to major problems.
b. Assist in determining the most ecient use of resources in operations.
8/4/06 6:08:55 PM
Washington, D.C.
Chemical Corps
Operations Research Group
Washington, D.C.
Chemical Corps
Chemical Corps
Materiel Command
Chemical Corps
Patent Agency
Chemical Corps
Engineering Command
Washington, D.C.
Chemical Corps
Intelligence Agency
Chemical Corps
Training Command
Washington, D.C.
Chemical Corps
Field Requirements Group
Chemical Corps
Historical Office
Source: U.S. Army, Chemical Corps School, Organization and Functions of the Chemical Corps (Fort McClellan,
Ala.: Chemical Corps School, 1956), p. 21, Figure 1; U.S. Army, Oce of the Chief Chemical Ocer, Organization of
the Army Chemical Corps, 15 June 1956 (Washington, D.C.: Oce of the Chief Chemical Ocer, Department of the
Army, 1956), p. 21, Figure 1.
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chapter five
8/4/06 6:10:32 PM
As of 1963, approximately 25 percent of the three thousand reports produced annually by military OR groups in the
United States either used simulation/wargaming as a basic
tool or relied on the results of simulation/wargaming for their
conclusions.13 Although the increased use of high-speed digital computers as an aid to operations research was generally
accepted, the use of mathematical models and simulations,
including wargaming, raised some concerns. For one thing,
the new mathematical and statistical techniques, the use of
high-speed digital computers, and complex gaming made OR
more eective, but also increased the need for extensive and
sophisticated training.14 Many OR practitioners expressed
concern that the increased emphasis on simulation/wargaming caused operations researchers to loose sight of the importance of getting hard data on which to base the simulation/
game decisions.15 Others warned that the danger in the use
of simulations as large automatic systems for military control and decision . . . is that they get out of hand.16
From its rather primitive beginnings in World War II, operations research had progressed over two decades to include
a substantial body of very sophisticated theory and methods
based on advanced mathematics. By 1963, many OR analysts
worked at the cutting edge of this new theory and methodology, and there was a tendency for OR to be dened by its
complex mathematical theories and methodology. Even so,
at its base OR remained scientic problem solving and the
application of common-sense analysis (albeit using quantication when possible) to nd workable solutions to practical
problems in the development of weapons, organization, tactics, and strategy. The increasing sophistication of OR theory,
particularly the development of sophisticated mathematical
models and techniques, raised questions regarding the degree
to which OR practitioners were losing sight of the practical
problems needing to be solved and the interests and limitations of the customers whom Army OR organizations were
pledged to serve. Some participants in the 1963 symposium
warned that OR was a means for providing the military decision maker with reliable, practical solutions to real problems
and that the analyst must focus accordingly on solving problems rather than developing new theories.17
Given the increasing denition of operations research
by its theory and methodology, many leading operations
researchers became concerned about the degree to which
OR had become reliant on mathematical models and expressed the fear that OR might consequently nd itself
excluded from deliberative and decision-making circles.18
One founder of military OR in the United States, Philip M.
Morse, observed that operations research is an experimental
science, concerned with the real world. It is not an exercise
in pure logic. We must make our theories correspond to actual operations, and to do this we must compare predictions
8/4/06 6:10:33 PM
use modelsplaces it atop the hill of rigor, but at a great sacrice, both of relevance and breadth.21
8/4/06 6:10:33 PM
8/4/06 6:10:33 PM
(Durham), Executive SummaryUnited States Army Operations Research Symposium Conducted by Army Research Oce (Durham) at Duke
University, 27, 28, 29 March 1962 (Research Triangle Park, N.C.: Research Triangle Institute for the Army Research Oce [Durham], 1962), p. 5.
2Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Challenges in Army Operations Research, in ARO (Durham), Proceedings of the United States Army Operations Research
Symposium, 26, 27, 28 March 1963, Durham, North Carolina, Part I, ORTAG25 (Durham, N.C.: U.S. ARO [Durham], 30 Sep 63), p. 92.
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8/4/06 6:10:33 PM
appendix a
Biographical Sketches
8/4/06 6:11:39 PM
8/4/06 6:11:39 PM
biographical sketches
the American Physics Society and a member of the National Research Council (member, Geophysics and Operations Research Committees), the Oce of Naval Research
Committee on Arctic Research, the American Geophysical
Society, the Washington Philosophical Society, the American Optical Society, and the Cosmos Club (Washington,
appendix a notes
8/4/06 6:11:39 PM
8/4/06 6:11:40 PM
36171_08AppendixB.indd 167
8/4/06 6:12:56 PM
Dec 41Fall 43
Sep 43Aug 45
Washington, D.C.
Long Island, N.Y.
Colorado Springs,
Tampa, Fla.
San Francisco,Calif.
Washington, D.C.
Ashville, N.C.
Orlando, Fla.
Theater HQs
Europe, Pacic
New York, N.Y.
Ft. Worth, Tex.
I Bomber Commandb
Jun 43Oct 44
Oct 42Jun 45
Jul 43Sep 45
Mar 44Aug 45
Sep 42Aug 45
Jan 45Aug 45
May 45Aug 45
Mar 44Aug 45
Jul 44Aug 45
Mar 42Sep 45
Dec 42Aug 45
Washington, D.C.
Dates Active
Operationalghter, training
Number of
Air defense
Jul 44Oct 44
Oct 44Jan 45
Jan 45Jun 45
Jun 45Aug 45
Mar 44Jul 45
Jul 45Aug 45
William M. Whyburn
Will H. Connelly (Acting)
Donald D. Durrell
Will H. Connelly
T. Stanley Warburton
Anders J. Carlson
Lauriston S. Taylor
Ralph P. Johnson
John M. Harlan
Leslie H. Arps
Jun 43Nov 43
Nov 43Oct 44
Oct 42Aug 44
Aug 44Jun 45
Jul 43Sep 45
Mar 44Apr 45
Jul 45Sep 45
Arthur E. Pierce
George P. Shettle
Deane W. Malott
Sep 44Jan 45
Sep 43
Sep 43May 45
Robert L. Stearns
David W. Raudenbush
One operations analyst per board
Jan 45Aug 45
Joseph Kaplan
May 45Aug 45
Sep 43Dec 43
Dec 43Jan 45
Jan 45Aug 45
Deane W. Malott
Joseph Kaplan
Evan R. Collins
Lauriston S. Taylor
Spring 42Fall 43
Mar 42Sep 45
Dec 42Jul 45
Jul 45Sep 45
Dates of Service
as Chief
Philip M. Morseb
W. Barton Leach
Roscoe C. Crawford (Acting)
Chief of Section/Unit
appendix b
36171_08AppendixB.indd 168
8/4/06 6:12:57 PM
May 44Aug 45
Dec 43Aug 45
Washington, D.C.
Kansas, India,
China, Okinawa
Colorado Springs,
Colo.; Guam
Ie Shima
XX Bomber Command
(Eighth Air Force, Pacic)
Oct 44Aug 45
Jul 45Aug 45
Donald H. Loughridge
LeRoy A. Brothers
Hamilton M. Jeers
Dan B. Dyer
Jul 45Aug 45
Oct 44Apr 45
Apr 45Aug 45
Dec 43Mar 45
Mar 45Aug 45
May 44Jun 45
Jul 45Aug 45
Jan 44May 44
May 44Sep 44
Sep 44Aug 45
Fowler Hamilton
LeRoy A. Brothers
David Mayer
Robert L. Stearns
Livingston Hall
Jul 44Aug 45
Sidney K. Wolf
NA = not available.
Source: Based on LeRoy A. Brothers and others, Operations Analysis in World War II: United States Army Air Forces (Philadelphia: Stephenson-Brothers, 1949).
aThe number of personnel shown represents total analysts and supervisors; it does not include clerical and support personnel. Not all people served at the same time. bOperations analysis support provided by Navy ASWORG.
cAssumed control of numbered Air Forces in the continental United States in March 1945. dSeparated into the Operations Analysis Section (OAS) for the Twelfth and Fifteenth Air Forces in October 1944. eTransferred to the
Fifteenth Air Force in November 1943. fAbsorbed OAS Fifth and Thirteenth Air Forces in July 1944.
Jan 44Aug 45
Jul 44Aug 45
Australia, New
Guinea, Philippines
Oct 43May 44
May 44Jul 44
Robert L. Stearns
Livingston Hall
Oct 43Jul 44
Southwest Pacic
Area, Philippines
Feb 44Jul 44
Sidney K. Wolf
Feb 44Jul 44
Aug 44Dec 44
Dec 44Jan 45
Jan 45Aug 45
Douglas Shearer
Kenneth Lambert
Norman M. Newmark
Aug 44Aug 45
Hawaii, Guam,
Jul 44Oct 44
Oct 44Jul 45
Jul 45Aug 45
Jul 44Aug 45
May 43Jul 45
Aleutian Islands
May 43Sep 43
Sep 43
Oct 43Aug 44
Aug 44Jul 45
Sidney K. Wolf
Hamilton M. Jeers
Clyde H. Bond
Ralph W. Anderson
Nov 43Jul 44
Jul 44May 45
Samuel G. Frantz
George W. Housner
Nov 43May 45
Tunisia, Italy
Jul 43May 45
Dec 43May 45
Dec 43May 45
May 43Oct 43
Irving H. Crowne
Lauriston S. Taylor
Carroll Zimmerman (IX Tactical Air
Samuel G. Frantz
May 43Oct 43
Benghazi, Cairo
IX Bomber Commande
Jul 43May 45
Tunisia, Italy
Dec 43May 45
England, France,
appendix c
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8/4/06 6:14:01 PM
8/4/06 6:14:01 PM
Plans and
Program Office
Deputy Director
of R&D
Army Research
Advisory Board
Deputy Director
of R&D
Development Group
Research Group
Ordnance-Signal Branch
General Materiel Branch
Air Requirements Branch
Scientific Branch
Scientific Manpower Branch
Source: Lowell R. Eklund, Science and the Soldier: The Organization for Research and Development in the Army:
Past, Present, and Future (MS thesis, Syracuse University, 1947), Tab 24.
tween the Army and other government agencies, and see that
proper weight was given to Army contacts with industry and
science on matters of mutual interest.36 He noted that
research and development will strengthen its own position in
the Army by encouraging the civilian economy to do as much
as possible of this work for it, and by doing itself only what the
civilian economy cannot or will not do.37
8/4/06 6:14:01 PM
The renewed interest in Army R&D signaled by Secretary Paces address and accelerated by the war in Korea
was manifested in two ways. First, there was a substantial
increase in the annual appropriations by Congress for Army
R&D projects, including the construction of new research
facilities. Second, there was an internal battle within the
Army over how R&D should be managed. The Army Sta,
reecting the desires of the technical services, generally fa-
vored the status quo and the retention of R&D under the
Deputy Chief of Sta for Logistics. On the other hand,
the Armys civilian scientists and the senior ocers mostly
closely associated with the R&D process favored making
R&D an independent function outside the Armys logistical
system. The struggle continued from the Korean War into
the early years of the Kennedy administration, and the scientists and senior R&D ocers generally prevailed. A number
of organizational changes provided increased independence
and more-eective high-level Army sta supervision of the
Army R&D program, and several new oces were created
to handle growing Army R&D activities. Both the increase
in funding for Army R&D and the changes in Army R&D
management had a substantial eect on Army operations research programs, most of which were tied closely to R&D efforts and were supervised by senior Army R&D managers.
Army R&D Funding, 195062
Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson wrote to the chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services on 28 July
1950 to inform him that the aggregate amount appropriated
for the U.S. armed services for FY 1946 through FY 1950
totaled some $90 billion, of which research and development
on new weapons accounted for approximately 5 percent, or
an average of slightly more than $500 million per year.44 The
Korean War prompted a substantial increase in DOD R&D
expenditures. In FY 1950, DOD obligated some $520 million for military R&D, and the total obligation in FY 1951
was $1.1 billion.45 DOD obligation authority for R&D continued to increase in subsequent years as did the total costs for
Research and Development/Test and Evaluation (RDTE) of
new weapons, costs that were considerably higher than the
obligation gure for military R&D alone. For example, the
total DOD RDTE costs for FY 1957 were estimated at $5.3
billion, and constituted 14.5 percent of all the funds made
available to the Department of Defense for military functions.46 About 50 percent of the FY57 DOD RDTE appropriation was allocated to industrial contractors, 10 percent to
universities and other nonprot institutions, and 40 percent
to government laboratories that employed some 60,000 civilians and 50,000 military personnel.47 By FY 1962, DOD
RDTE programs accounted for approximately $7 billion, or
nearly 15 percent of the total defense budget.48
Army RDTE appropriations, obligations, and expenditures increased proportionately during the period 195062,
following a major jump during the Korean War. The Armys
preKorean War FY51 R&D budget was $131 million.49
However, the Army received two supplemental FY51 appropriations, bringing the total to $300 million, and another $61,120,225 was appropriated for new construction
at Army R&D facilities.50 The increased funding for Army
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8/4/06 6:14:02 PM
8/4/06 6:14:02 PM
Figure C2Office, Chief of Research and Development, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff
for Plans and Research, Headquarters, Department of the Army: circa March
Source: Emmette Y. Burton Jr., The Role of Operations Research in the Army, student individual study, U.S. Army War College,
Carlisle Barracks, Penn., 1955, Annex 1.
8/4/06 6:14:03 PM
Although the October 1955 reorganization marked the successful separation of R&D from logistics and gave the CRD
a direct channel to the chief of sta as well as to the R&D
elements of the technical services, the CRD still did not exercise full control over the R&D eorts of the technical services; the DCS for logistics continued to enjoy that authority.93 It was not until 1960, shortly before the abolition of the
technical services, that the chief of R&D nally gained full
control over all R&D programs.94
appendix c notes
coast artillery, and armored forces), each under the direct control of
the chief of the arm. Seven new boards were added during World War
II (tank destroyer, 1941; antiaircraft, 1942; desert warfare and winter
warfare, 1942 [discontinued in 1944]; and landing vehicle, airborne, and
rocket, 1944).
5Ibid., p. 1; Eklund, Science and the Soldier, p. 13. The small R&D
section in G-4 consisted of just one ocer (see Naiswald, History of Army
R&D Organization and Program, p. 5).
6Naiswald, History of Army R&D Organization and Program, p. 8.
On 15 May 1944, the Developments Branch was redesignated the R&D
Division (see U.S. Army, Path of Progress, pp. 1112).
7Ibid., p. 9.
8Ibid., pp. 1011. Secretary Stimsons other special consultant on
scientic matters, Dr. Edward L. Bowles, was also inuential.
9U.S. War Department Special Sta, New Developments Div,
History of the New Developments Division, War Department Special Sta,
13 October 19431 September 1945 and Postwar Planning (Washington:
U.S. War Department Special Sta, 1946), pp. 714. In particular, the
success of the activities of the Borden group highlighted the need for a
new Army General Sta agency to oversee the development and elding
of new weapons and equipment.
10Memo, Henry L. Stimson (sec war) to director, New Developments
Division, Washington, 13 Oct 43, sub: Organization and Functions, New
Developments Division, War Department, College Park, Md., NARA II,
RG 107, Entry 113, Box 67, Folder New Developments Division. The
establishment of NDD was conrmed by War Department Circular 267,
dated 25 October 1943.
11Maj. Gen. Henry served as director, NDD, from 23 October 1943
to 17 August 1944. He was replaced by Brig. Gen. (later Maj. Gen.)
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8/4/06 6:14:03 PM
8/4/06 6:14:03 PM
8/4/06 6:14:04 PM
ARO (Durham)
Cal Tech
American University
ORO study on the optimum
weapons systems for ground
ORO section dealing with
continuous evaluation of Army
research and development
Ballistic Research Laboratories
Bureau of Ordnance (Navy)
United States Army Concepts
Analysis Agency; Center for
Army Analysis (after 1998)
Combined Arms Group, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas
California Institute of Technology
Canadian Army Operational
Research Establishment
ORO study on the relationship of
ground warfare requirements to
available resources
ORO computerized wargame
Chemical Corps Operations
Research Group
United States Army Combat
Developments Command
United States Army Combat
Developments Command
Experimentation Command/
Combat Developments Test and
Experimentation Center
STAG computerized land warfare
United States Army Command and
General Sta College
Commander in Chief
36171_10Glossary.indd 181
8/4/06 6:16:19 PM
Group M
36171_10Glossary.indd 182
8/4/06 6:16:20 PM
Op Annie
36171_10Glossary.indd 183
8/4/06 6:16:20 PM
36171_10Glossary.indd 184
8/4/06 6:16:20 PM
36171_11Bibliography.indd 185
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Chase, Md.: JHU ORO, 1956.
Johnson, Ellis A., and others. Defense of the US Against Attack by Aircraft and Missiles. OROR17. Bethesda,
Md.: JHU ORO, 1957.
36171_11Bibliography.indd 186
8/4/06 6:17:12 PM
selected bibliography
Linebarger, Paul. Possible Operations Research in FEC Psychological Warfare. OROT2FEC. Tokyo: JHU ORO,
Pettee, George S. Comments upon An Appraisal of OROs
Defense Study, OROR17. Bethesda, Md.: JHU ORO,
Research Analysis Corporation. RAC Highlights, 1961
1971, The RAConteur 7, 11 (1971): 119.
Rumbaugh, Lynn H. A Look at US Army Operations ResearchPast and Present. RACTP102. McLean, Va.:
Research Analysis Corporation, 1964.
Rumbaugh, Lynn H., Green, Jerome B., Turkel, Solomon
H., and Kelley, Edward G. The Tactical Employment of
Atomic Weapons in the Defense of Central Europe Summary Report. OROR1EUCOM. Chevy Chase,
Md.: JHU ORO, 1954.
Technical Operations, Inc., Combat Operations Research
Group. Final List of CORG Publications. Fort Belvoir,
Va.: Technical Operations, Inc., Combat Operations
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Thomson, Charles Alexander Holmes. The Research Analysis Corporation: A History of a Federal Contract Research
Center. McLean, Va.: Research Analysis Corporation,
Trefethen, Florence N. A History of Operations Research,
in Joseph F. McCloskey and Florence N. Trefethen, eds.,
Operations Research for Management. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1954.
U.S. Continental Army Command, Combat Operations Research Group. Combat Operations Research Group Work
Program Summary. Fort Monroe, Va.: HQ CONARC,
Whitson, William L. The History of Operations Research (I).
Seminar Paper 2, JHU-ORO Informal Seminar in Operations Research, 195253. Baltimore: JHU ORO,
Wohlstetter, Alfred. An Appraisal of OROs Defense Study,
R17. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation,
Young, John P. A Brief History of War Gaming. CORG
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U.S. Army Ordnance Corps, Oce of Ordnance Research.
Proceedings of the First Ordnance Conference on Operations Research. Oce of Ordnance Research Report No.
551. Durham, N.C.: Oce of Ordnance Research,
Ordnance Corps, U.S. Army, 1955.
U.S. Army Quartermaster Combat Developments Agency.
Operations Research Methods. Special Project 6241.
Fort Lee, Va.: U.S. Army Quartermaster Combat Developments Agency, 1962.
U.S. Army Research Laboratory Public Aairs Oce. ARO
Celebrates 50th Anniversary, available at http://www. 50thanniv.htm.
U.S. Army Research Oce (Durham). Executive SummaryUnited States Army Operations Research Symposium
Conducted by Army Research Oce (Durham) at Duke
University, 27, 28, 29 March 1962. Research Triangle
Park, N.C.: Research Triangle Institute for Army Research Oce (Durham), 1962.
____. Proceedings of the United States Army Operations Research Symposium, 26, 27, 28 March 1963, Durham,
North Carolina, Part I. ORTAG25. Durham, N.C.:
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U.S. Army Signal Corps. Quadrennial Report of the Chief Signal Ocer, U.S. Army, May 1951April 1955. Washington, D.C.: Oce of the Chief Signal Ocer, Department of the Army, 1955.
____. Quadrennial Report of the Chief Signal Ocer, U.S.
Army, May 1955April 1959. Washington, D.C.: Ofce of the Chief Signal Ocer, Department of the
Army, 1959.
U.S. Army Strategy and Tactics Analysis Group. Organization and Functions Manual. Bethesda, Md.: STAG,
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. TRADOC
On-Line History. Fort Monroe, Va.: Historical Oce,
HQ TRADOC. Chapter 7: Combat Developments,
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Bassford, Christopher.Jomini and Clausewitz: Their Interaction. Paper presented at the 23d Meeting of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Georgia State University,
26 February 1993. Available at http://www.clausewitz.
Baxter, James Phinney III. Scientists Against Time. Boston:
Little, Brown, 1946.
Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart. Studies of War, Nuclear
and Conventional. New York: Hill and Wang, 1962.
Bonder, Seth. Army Operations ResearchHistorical Perspectives and Lessons Learned. Operations Research 50,
1 (2002):2534.
Brooks, Franklin C., and Merriam, Lauren W. CORG Plans
Tomorrows Army Today. Army 6, 7 (1956):2831.
Brothers, LeRoy A. Operations Analysis in the United
States Air Force, Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 2, 1 (1954):116.
Brothers, LeRoy A., and others. Operations Analysis in World
War IIUnited States Army Air Forces. Philadelphia:
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Burchard, John. Q.E.D.: M.I.T. in World War II. New York:
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Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Edited by Michael Howard
and Peter Paret. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
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Copp, Terry, ed. Montgomerys Scientists: Operational Research
in Northwest Europe: The Work of No. 2 Operational Research Group with 21. Army Group, June 1944 to July
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Strategic and Disarmament Studies, 2000.
Crowther, J. G., and Whiddington, R. Science at War. New
York: Philosophical Library, 1948.
Cummings, Nigel. How the World of OR Societies Began,
OR Newsletter April (1997). Available at http://www.
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selected bibliography
Dickson, Paul. Think Tanks. New York: Atheneum, 1971.
Earle, Edward Mead, ed. Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler. College ed. New
York: Atheneum, 1969.
Eklund, Lowell R. Science and the Soldier: The Organization for Research and Development in the Army: Past,
Present, and Future. MS thesis, Syracuse University,
Harris, Carl M., and Loerch, Andrew G. An Historical Perspective on U.S. Army Operations Research. Military
Operations Research 4, 4 (1999):513.
Hausrath, Alfred H. Utilization of Negro Manpower in
the Army. Journal of the Operations Research Society of
America 2, 1 (1954):1734.
Hitch, Charles J. RAND: Its History, Organization and Character. RAND B200. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND
Corporation, 1960.
The First National Meeting of the Society. Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1, 2 (1953):7582.
Fuller, John F. C. Armament and History. New York: Charles
Scribners Sons, 1945.
Gadsby, G. Neville. The Army Operational Research Establishment, Operational Research Quarterly 16, 1
Gass, Saul I., and Harris, Carl M., eds. Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. 2d (centennial)
ed. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Gavin, James M. War and Peace in the Space Age. New York:
Harper & Brothers, 1958.
Gilman, Seymour I. Operations Research in the Army, Military Review 26, 4 (1956):5464.
Bibliography2.indd 191
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____. The Operations Research Society of America. Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1, 1
____. Trends in Operations Research. Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1, 4 (1953):15965.
Stanseld, Ronald G. Harold Larnder: Founder of Operational ResearchAn Appreciation. Journal of the Operational Research Society 34 (1983):17.
Stewart, Irvin. Organizing Scientic Research for War: The
Administrative History of the Oce of Scientic Research
and Development. Boston: Little, Brown, 1948.
Thiesmeyer, Lincoln R., and Burchard, John E. Combat Scientists. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947.
Bibliography2.indd 192
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selected bibliography
Tidman, Keith R. The Operations Evaluation Group: A History of Naval Operations Analysis. Annapolis, Md.: Naval
Institute Press, 1984.
U.K. Air Ministry. Origins and Development of Operational
Research in the Royal Air Force. Air Publication 3368.
London: Her Majestys Stationery Oce, 1963.
Visco, Eugene P. The Operations Research Oce. Army
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Bibliography2.indd 193
8/24/06 11:55:11 AM
36171_11Bibliography.indd 194
8/4/06 6:17:14 PM
INDEX2.indd 195
8/24/06 11:56:05 AM
Blackett, P.M.S.Continued
A Note on Certain Aspects of the Methodology of
Operational Research: 13 dening OR and codifying
scientic rules of: 11
forms Operational Research Club: 107
Recollections of Problems Studied, 1940-1945: 12
Scientists at the Operational Level: 11, 15
on Tizard Committee: 10
Bletchley Park: uses computer for code-breaking: 111
Bode, Dr. Hendrik W.: 122
Bombing accuracy: 42
Booz Allen and Hamilton: 83n212
Booz-Allen Applied Research, Inc.: development of CENTAUR: 119
STAG contract: 117
Bothwell, Dr. F. E.: 118
Bowen, Ralph: 15
Bowker, Lt. Col. A., USA: 150
Bowles, Dr. Edward L.: 59
Bowman, Dr. Isaiah: 65
Bradley, General of the Army Omar T., USA: 122
Bramhall: Dr. Ervin H.: and Project ANALAA: 71
BRAND: reviews Army R&D: 88, 92. See also Operations
Research Oce
Brattain, Walter: Nobel Prize: 48n167
Brewerton, Capt. Douglas: War Chess, or The Game of Battle:
British Air Ministry Center of Operational Research: 26
Menzies heads: 12, 26
British Army Munitions Inventions Department, Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section: 5
British Central Scientific Office (Washington, D.C.):
British Commonwealth: OR organizations: 62
British Ministry of Home Security Research and Experiments Department, Princes
Risborough: 15, 17, 46
BRL. See Ballistics Research Laboratories
Bronk, Detlev: 69, 76, 84n250, 92
Bronowski, Jacob: contacts British OR analysts: 15
Brooke Army Medical Center: 151
Brookhaven National Laboratory: 47n165, 136
Brooks, Dr. Franklin C.: 140, 154n73
Brothers, LeRoy A.: 15, 58
relationship with Air Sta: 59
Brown, Arthur A.: 21, 22, 128n218
Brown, Bonnar: 128n218
Bulova Watch Company: 122
Bundy, Harvey H.: 18, 24, 36, 44n21, 53n378, 58
and Leach-Davidson Report: 25
Buonarotti, Michangelo: 4
Burchard, John E.: 17, 39, 46n97
Combat Scientists: 45n77
NDRC Division 2: 17, 53
Bureau of Applied Social Science Research (Columbia University): 126n129
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Bureau of Ordnance Research Division: 19, 20. See also Mine
Warfare Operations
Research Group
Bureau of the Budget: 56
Bush, Vannevar: 24, 28, 30, 38, 40, 70
and autonomy of American scientists: 16, 17, 29, 43, 64
heads Joint New Weapons and Equipment Committee
( JNWEC): 61
creates Oce of Field Service: 17
on OA for ground forces: 36, 37
and OR in Army and Navy: 25
chairs National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics:
chairs National Defense Research Committee: 14
relations with Navy: 29
chairs Research and Development Board: 61
California Institute of Technology: Project VISTA: 135
and Institute for Defense Analyses: 61
Cameron, Dr. Robert H.: 147
Camp, Glen D.: 106
Canada: 105, 157, 158
Canadian Army Operational Research Establishment
(CAORE): 105
at Royal Military College, Kingston: 62
and Tripartite Conferences: 62
CAORE. See Canadian Army Operational Research Establishment
Caribbean Defense Command: 24
uses ASWORG: 49n226
Caribbean Sea Frontier: and ASWORG: 48n173
Carmonette (wargame): 115, 130n340
Carnegie Institution: 14
Case Institute of Technology: and Institute for Defense
Analyses: 61
and OR as a discipline: 107, 120
Casebook on Revolutionary Warfare, A: 111
Casey, Maj. Gen. Hugh J., USA: 38
Castra (eld camp): 4
Catapults: 3
Cavity magnetron: 14, 45n68
CCORG. See U.S. Army Chemical Corps Operations Research Group
CDEC. See U.S. Army Combat Developments Experimentation Center
CDTEC. See U.S. Army Combat Developments Test and
Experimentation Center
CENTAUR (wargame): development of: 119
Center for Army Analysis: 131n393
Center for Naval Analyses: administered by Franklin Institute: 122
contract with University of Rochester: 132n443
CGSC. See U.S. Army Command and General Sta College
Chadsey, Charles P.: 107
Charles, Archduke: 4
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Earle, Dr. Edward M.: 27, 50n253
Eastern Sea Frontier: ASWORG personnel attached to:
Eckert, Dr. J. Presper, Jr.: designs ENIAC: 112
designs UNIVAC: 112
Eddison, Roger T.: 107
Edgewood Arsenal: 149, 156n192
Edison: Thomas Alva: 7n20
tactical board game: 6
zigzagging: 6
Edlefson, Niels E.: 39
EDVAC (computer): 112
Eighth Air Force: 29, 30-31, 32, 51n308
VIII Bomber Command: 26, 30, 31, 49n266
VIII Fighter Command: 31, 32
Eighth United States Army (EUSA) in Korea: 86, 11718
Eisenhower, Dr. Milton S.: 121
Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., USA: 64, 70
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. See
Electronics Laboratory: 114
Elmore, Lt. Col. Vincent M., Jr., USA: 82
Elwell, Lt. Col. R.E., USA: 37
Ely, Maj. Gen. William J., USA: 122
Engineer Development Board of the Chief of Engineers:
ENIAC: 112, 130n280
Enlightenment: 4
Ennis, Brig. Gen. William P., USA: 135
Ennis, Malcolm E.: 21
Epaminondas: 3, 6, 7n14
ERA (UNIVAC) 1103: 114
EUSA. See Eighth United States Army
Everitt, Dr. William Litell: 33, 34, 52n337, 150
Executive Order 8807: establishes Oce of Scientic Research and Development: 15
Executive Order 9913: abolishes NDRC and Committee on
Medical Research and Oce of Field Service: 56
FABMDS. See Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense
Fairchild Engine and Aircraft Corporation: 102
Fairchild, Brig. Gen. Muir, USA: 25
FAME (wargame): 115
Far East Command: and OR in Korea: 86
and psychological warfare, 87
Farkas, Lucien: 34
Farmer, Lt. Col. W. C., USA: 66, 68, 82n166
Farwell, J. W.: 38
FASD. See Special Operations Research Oce, Foreign
Area Studies Division
Fell, Maj. Charles F.: 33
Fermi, Dr. Enrico: 70
Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense System (FABMDS):
STAG develops wargame for: 118
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HumRRO. See Human Resources Research Oce
Hunsaker, Jerome C.: 46n79
Hutchinson, Dr. Miller Reese: 7n20
I Bomber Command: 21, 49n226
IBM: 111
model 1401: 119
model 7090: 119
ICR. See Johns Hopkins University Institute for Cooperative Research
Illinois Institute of Technology: and OR as a discipline:
Imperial College of Science and Technology: 10
INDIGO (wargame): 115
INFORMS. See Institute for Operations Research and
Management Sciences
Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS): 108
Institute for Defense Analyses: 61, 118
Institute of Management Sciences, The: 107, 108
Institute of Radio Engineers: 52n337
Instructions for the Representation of Tactical Maneuvers under
the Guise of a War Game (von Reisswitz the Younger):
Integrated Combat Development Systems: 133, 134
Integrated Program in Human Resources Research, An:
Interior lines: principle of, 5
International Business Machines Corporation . See IBM
International Public Opinion Research, Inc.: 72, 126n129
International Symposium on Military Operational Research: 128n216
Italy: 4, 106
Janney, Stuart S.: 92
Jansky, Cyril Moreau, Jr.: 24, 26, 30, 33, 34, 49n206
denes operational analysis: 24
Memorandum on Operational Analysis in the War Department: 24
recommends OA include land forces: 36
Japan: defeat of Imperial Navy: 32: wargaming at Total War
Research Institute: 113
Jewett, Dr. Frank B.: 17, 24, 33, 46n79, 52n337
JNWEC. See Joint New Weapons and Equipment Committee
Johns Hopkins University, The: 75, 86
Committee on Sponsored Research: 70
and Department of the Army: 64-66, 69, 70, 86, 87
Institute for Cooperative Research: 65, 66, 67, 92
and Navys Applied Physics Laboratory: 65
and OR as a discipline: 107, 120
and Operations Research Oce: 46n121, 56, 68, 92-94,
97-98, 105, 120, 122
forms trustees committee for ORO: 92
Johnson, Dr. Ellis A.: 70, 72, 74, 82n147, 92, 107, 128n218,
134, 139
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Louis XIV: 4
Louisiana Polytechnic Institute: 71
Lowry, Philip H.: 118
Lusitania: 5
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, USA: 40, 53n389
oensive mining operations: 20
requests research section: 37
Macdonald, Charles B.: 92
Machiavelli, Niccol: 4
Magnuson, Senator Warren: 78n7
Mahan, Dennis Hart: 5
Management Control Division, Air Sta: OAD created in:
25, 26
Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, 3
Maris, Maj. Gen. Ward H., USA: 94
on Ellis Johnson: 74
Marquat, Maj. Gen. W.H., USA: 37
Marquis, Dr. Donald: 70
Marsh, Harold N.: establishes Special Services, Inc.: 28
Marshall, Dr. Lauriston: 39, 40
experience with Vannevar Bush: 40
Marshall, Gen. George C., USA: 27, 97
Army reorganization: 78n32
and OA for ground forces: 36, 37
Marshall, S. L. A.: 87
Pork Shop Hill: 87
The River and the Gauntlet: 87
Marshall, Sam W.: 124n15
Mason, Dr. Edward: 70, 71
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See MIT
Mathematics and War (conference): 3
Mauchly, Dr. John W.:
designs ENIAC: 112
designs UNIVAC: 112
McAulie, Gen. Anthony, USA: 71, 149, 156n192
and development of Army R&D program: 64, 65
on basic research and operations research: 65
R&D experience of: 81n116
McCain, Adm. John S., USN: 47n132
McCarthy, Phillip J.: 47n167
McClelland, Brig. Gen. Harold M., USAAF: 21, 25, 30
McCloskey, Joseph F.: 21
on density method: 13
McCormack, Gen. James, Jr., USA: 122
McIntyre, J. T.: 83
McKeehan, Cdr. L. W, USN.: 19
McKibben, Wayne E.: 72
McNamara, Robert S.: 146, 161
Project 80: 145
Meade, Col. Frank C., USA: 33
Meals, Dr. Donald W.: 154n73
Medical Department Field Laboratory: 109
Meing: Field Marshal: and wargames: 113
Memorandum on Operational Analysis in the War Department ( Jansky): 24
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Menzies, Wing Commander A. C.: 12, 26
Merck & Company: 122
Merriam, Col. Lauren W., USA: 140, 154n74
Merton, T. R.: 43n4
Methods of Operations Research (Morse and Kimball) 58
Michels, Dr. Walter: 19, 47n132
Midwest Research Institute: 72
Militaire (Wilhelm): 130n305
Military District of Washington: 94
Military Operations Research Society: 82n155, 108, 120
Military Systems Engineering, Bell Telephone Laboratories:
Millikan, Clark B.: and Project VISTA: 135
Milly, Dr. George H.: 150, 156n192
Mine Research Unit. See Naval Ordnance Laboratory
Mine Warfare Operations Research Group (MWORG):
18-21, 47
and Bureau of Ordnance Research Division: 18, 19
degaussing: 20
mines: 19, 20, 21
and Naval Ordnance Laboratory: 19
personnel: 48n197
Ministry of Aircraft Production (Great Britain): Telecommunications Research Establishment: 11
Ministry of Home Defense (Great Britain): operations research: 11
Miser, Hugh J.: 159, 159n20
MIT: 122
contract with Navy: 57, 64
and Institute for Defense Analyses: 61
and OR: 107, 120
Radiation Laboratory at: 15
Sloan School of Management: 128n220
contract with WSEG to provide scientic personnel: 61
Model, Field Marshal Walther: and wargaming: 113
Mogensen, A. H.: 38
Moltke, Count Helmut von, the Elder: and wargames: 113
Montague, Maj. Gen. Robert M., USA: 139, 140, 142, 154n66
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law: 14, 36
Moreland, Dr. E. L.: on state of Japanese science: 38
Moreland mission: 53n392
Morganstern, Oskar: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior: 130n312
MORS. See Military Operations Research Symposia
Morse, Dr. Philip M.: 21, 22, 47n165,n167, 57, 80n74, 148,
heads ASWORG: 21, 29
heads Operations Research Group: 57
president Operations Research Society of America:
47n156, 107, 128n218
and WSEG: 61
MORU. See Great Britain
Moses, Brig. Gen. Raymond, USA: 16, 18
Mottley, Charles M.: 128n218
Mutual Defense Act of 1949: 72
MWORG. See Mine Warfare Operations Research Group
N2 Law: 5
NAS. See National Academy of Sciences
National 4-H Club: and Operations Research Oce: 97
National Academy of Sciences (NAS): 15, 46n79, 52,
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA):
14, 15, 46n79
National Bureau of Standards: 107
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC): 14, 1518, 23, 32
abolished: 56
Applied Mathematics Panel of: 17, 30, 36
Vannevar Bush chairs: 14
created by Council of National Defense: 15
data access: 18
divisions: 15, 17, 21, 32, 156n192
London liaison oce: 15
and Oce of Scientic Research and Development: 15
personnel: 15, 21, 29, 30, 43
training relationship with ORB OCSigO: 34
National Military Establishment: 60
National Physical Laboratory (Great Britain): 10, 15
National Research Council (NRC): 28, 46n79, 147
Committee on Operations Research: 56, 78n10, 107
National Science Foundation: 56: proposed: 78n7
National Security Act of 1947: 77
and Air Force: 78n32
creates Central Intelligence Agency: 60
creates Department of Defense: 55-56, 60
recognizes Joint Chiefs of Sta: 60
creates National Military Establishment: 60
creates National Security Council: 60
establishes Research and Development Board: 61
National Security Act of 1949: 61
National Security Council: 60
National War College: 57
NATO: Advisory Panel on Operational Research:
128n191,n216, 157
Advisory Group on Aeronautical Research and Development (AGARD): 106
members establish OR organizations: 106
RAND Corporation representatives to: 106
Naumann: Das Regiments-Kreigsspiel: 113
Naval Consulting Board: 5, 6, 7n20
Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL): 15, 47n132
hosts military operations research symposium: 108
Mine Research Unit: 19
mine warfare: 130n316
and wargaming: 19
Naval Postgraduate School: 107
Naval Special Projects Oce: 118
Naval War College: 57, 114
Navy Special Devices Center: Army element at: 109
NDRC. See National Defense Research Committee
Nettleton, Douglas: 41
Neumann, Dr. John von: 19, 112, 130n312
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Operational Research Section, British Army of the Rhine:
Operational Research Section, Headquarters Pacic Ocean
Area: 38-40
Operational Research Section, Royal Air Force Anti-Aircraft Command (Blacketts Circus): 13
Operational Research Section, Royal Air Force Bomber
Command : 11, 13
Operational Research Section, Royal Air Force Coastal
Command: 11, 12, 15, 22
planned ying: 12-13
planned maintenance: 13
studies: 12, 13
Operational Research Section, Royal Air Force Fighter
Command: 11, 12, 13, 24
Operational Research Society: membership: 107
publishes OR Insight: 107
Operations Analysis Division (OAD): 23, 25, 26-27, 58
civilian analysts (Op Annies): 26, 28
formation of: 25-26, 29
functions of: 26, 27
independent of OFS: 29
organization: 29
personnel: 27-29, 55
relations with OSRD: 29-30
technical training for: 30; See also United States Army Air
Operations Analysis Oce: 59
Operations Directorate of the Air Force: 59
Operations Evaluation Group (OEG): 22-23, 57, 62, 105
contract with Columbia University: 42
established: 57
mission of: 57
contracts with MIT: 55
postwar sta reductions: 55
personnel: 57
projects of: 57-58
publishes reports: 58
postwar reductions, 55
and Second Tripartite Conference: 62
supervision of: 57
Operations Research Group (ORG): 22-23, 57
subgroups: 57. See also Anti-submarine Warfare Operations Research Group
Operations Research Oce (ORO): 62, 64, 66, 85, 86-92,
94, 96-97, 101, 105, 110, 120
and Army Ad Hoc Advisory Committee: 70
balanced program: 98, 99
BRAND: 88, 92, 99
closing: 120-22
computers: 114, 115
nances: 68-70, 98, 101
and The Johns Hopkins University: 56, 87, 88, 92-94, 120
role of E. Johnson: 66, 67, 73-75, 86
methods: 133
mission: 66, 87
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Recollections of Problems Studied, 1940-1945 (Blackett):
Redstone Arsenal: 147
Regiments-Kreigsspiel, Das (Naumann): 113
Reinke, Leonard H.: and target analysis: 32
Reisswitz the Younger: and charts for wargames: 113
Instructions for the Representation of Tactical Maneuver
under the Guise of a
War Game: 113
Reisswitz, Baron von: and sand tables for wargames: 113
Remington Rand: produces UNIVAC 1103: 112
Rendel, James M.: 11
Renola, Lt. Col. Raymond, USA: 82n166
Research Analysis Corporation (RAC): 82n158, 85, 118,
152, 157, 159n2
expands OR applications: 133
formation of: 86, 87, 120, 122
funding: 157
renes methods: 133
Research and Development Board (RDB): coordinates military R&D programs: 61
Research Oce Experimentation Center (ROEC): 152,
157, 159n2
liaison with OR agencies: 144
personnel, 144, 145
responsibilities of: 144, 145. See also United States Army
Combat Developments Experimentation Center
Research Section, General Headquarters, Southwest Pacic
Area: 37-38, 53n392
Review of a Battalion of Infantry (Smirk): 130n305
Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C., USA: 38, 40, 53n396
and balanced team of OR and OFD experts: 39
Rigid Kreigsspiel: 114
Rinehart, Robert F.: 47n167, 128n218
River and the Gauntlet, The (Marshall): 87
Rives, Col. Thomas C., USA: 33
Roberts, G.A.: 10
Robertson, Dr. H. F.: 106
Robertson, Howard P.: 51n302, 80, 125n94. 153n17
and Project VISTA: 135
Robertson, John M.: 11
Rock Island Arsenal: 147, 150
ROEC. See Research Oce Experimentation Center
Roosevelt, Franklin: scientic cooperation with Great Britain: 14
Root, Elihu, Jr.: 27
Rowe, A.P.: 9, 10, 11
Royal Air Force: Air Ministry: 9, 10, 13. See also under individual units
Royal Army: 11, 13
Royal Australian Air Force: 20, 44
Royal Canadian Air Force: 44, 62
Royal Canadian Navy: 62
Royal Military College (Canada): 62
Royal Navy: 21
anti-submarine warfare studies: 13
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Transportation Corps (TC)Continued
Oce of the Chief of Transportation: 139
and Transportation Research and Development Command:
and Transportation Research and Engineering Command:
and Transportation School: 139
and Transportation Training Command: 139
Tripartite Agreements on Army Operations Research: 62
Tripartite Conferences on Army Operations Research: 105,
rst: 62
second: 62
fourth: 154n73
Trudeau, Lt. Gen. Arthur G., USA: 155n176
on lack of timeliness of OR studies: 103
Truman, Harry: prohibits racial discrimination: 101
Tufts University: and OR as a discipline: 107
Tulane University: and Institute for Defense Analyses: 61
Turkey: 106, 128n198
Tuttle, W. Norris: 51n302
Twelfth Army Group: 34
XX Bomber Command: 20, 32
mines Palembang Harbor, Sumatra: 20
21st Army Group (RA): OR section of: 14, 36
XXI Bomber Command: 47n160
Tyson, James K.: 47n167
U.S. Air Force: 55, 58-60, 91
U.S. Army Ad Hoc Advisory Committee: 70
U.S. Army Adjutant Generals Oce: commissioning of
analysts: 50
Marshall Reorganization creates Service Forces: 32
Operations Research: 32-36, 62-77
pentomic organization: 101, 157
Personnel Research Section: 109
U.S. Army Air Defense: 157
U.S. Army Air Forces: 23-32
1st Anti-submarine Squadron: 22
aerial mining program: 20
airborne ASW: 21
Directorate of Air Defense: 21, 24, 26, 30, 36, 51n281
establishes Project RAND: 55
I Bomber Command: 21
Operations Analysis Division (OAD): 23, 25-32, 105
origins of OR in AAF: 24
personnel: 24, 50
retains most wartime analysts: 55
2d Anti-submarine Squadron: 22
Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) for OA sections: 27
Watson-Watt recommendations: 24
U.S. Army Air Forces Anti-Submarine Command (AAF
ASW): 21, 22
U. S. Army Air Forces Directorate of Air Defense: 21, 24,
26, 30, 33, 36, 51n281
U.S. Army Air Forces Operations Analysis sections: 21: accomplishments of: 31-32
U.S. Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics: 34
U.S. Army CBR Combat Developments Agency: 159n2
U.S. Army CBR Operations Research Group: 159n2
U.S. Army Chemical Center. See U.S. Army Chemical Corps
U.S. Army Chemical Corps: 32, 35, 149-50, 152, 156n192
Chemical Board: 150
Chemical Corps Advisory Council: 149
Chemical Corps Operations Research Group (CCORG):
118, 149, 150, 157
Chemical Corps Research and Engineering Command:
Chief Chemical Ocer: 149, 150
oces of: 150
Research and Development Program: 81n116, 150
U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service. See U.S. Army Chemical Corps
U.S. Army Combat Developments Command: 138, 157
creation of: 145-46
mission of: 145
Research Oce Experimental Command: 146
U.S. Army Combat Developments Experimentation Center
(CDEC): 142-45
and CONARC General Order No. 39: 143-44
contractors from Technical Operations, Inc.: 144
Experimental Project Team: 145
mission: 143
personnel: 145
Research Oce: 144
role of: 145. See also U.S. Army Combat Developments
U.S. Army Combat Developments Test and Experimentation Center (CDTEC): administered by Sixth U.S.
Army: 143
established: 142, 143
10th Regimental Combat Team test unit for: 143
Research Oce Experimentation Center (ROEC): 144
Research Oce of the Test and Experimentation Center
(ROTEC): 144
See also U.S. Army Combat Developments Experimentation Center
U.S. Army Combat Operations Research Group (CORG):
121, 122 139-42, 152, 152, 157, 159n2
departments: 140
Military Advisor Team: 140
mission of: 140
personnel: 140
Project PINPOINT: 141
publication of results: 142
reorganization of: 140
sections: 140
and Technical Operations, Inc: 121, 122, 140
work program: 140-41
wargaming: 142. See also U.S. Army Combat Developments Command
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U.S. Naval Academy: 108
U.S. Navy: 41, 94
Applied Physics Laboratory: 65
contracts with MIT: 55
Operations Research Group: 57
personnel: 48n173
U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance: 15
U.S. Oce of Scientic Research and Development: 41
U.S.S. Hornet: and mining operations: 20
U.S.S. Terror: and mining operations: 20
UCLA: and OR as a discipline: 107
Ulug, Col. Fuat: 106
United States Strategic Bombing Survey: works with Air
Evaluation Boards: 27
UNIVAC: model 1103: 112, 114,130n320
model 1103A: 114
model I: 112
University of California-Los Angeles. See UCLA
University of Chicago: 73
University of Pennsylvania, Moore School of Engineering:
OR training: 120
University of Rochester: contract for Center for Naval Analyses: 132n443
University of Washington: 72
USAIAS. See U. S. Army Institute for Advanced Studies
USSBS. See United States Strategic Bombing Survey
Utilization of Negro Manpower in the Army: 101
Value theory: 115
Vandiver, E. B., III: 82n155
Variable-time fuze: 14
Vauban, Sbastien Le Prestre de: 4, 6
Vernois, Col. Von Verdy du: A Contribution to the War Game: 113
Veth, Lt. Kenneth L., USN: 20
Vietnam War: 161
Vigneras, Marcel: 92
Vinturinus, Georg: and wargames: 113
VULCO: eld experiments; 142
Waddington, Conrad H.: 11
Wallace, Lt. (jg) William F., USN: 20
Walter Reed Army Medical Center: 94, 151
Wansborough-Jones, Owen: 127n184
War Can Be Calculated (Clausen): 3
War Cannot Be Calculated (Bergstein): 3
War Chess, or The Game of Battle (Brewerton): 130n305
War Department: issues Field Manual 30-27
New Developments Division: 36, 40, 41, 46n113
Regulations for Civilian Operations Analysts, Scientic
Consultants, and Technical Observers Accompanying
U.S. Army Forces in the Field: 27
Operations Division: 36, 49n323
War Plans Division, ODCSLOG: 159n2
War Production Board: 56, 82n157
Wargames: 19, 85, 113-16, 133, 158
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