Photovoltaics (BIPV) in
the Residential Sector:
An Analysis of Installed
Rooftop System Prices
Ted James, Alan Goodrich,
Michael Woodhouse, Robert Margolis,
and Sean Ong
Technical Report
November 2011
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Photovoltaics (BIPV) in
the Residential Sector:
An Analysis of Installed
Rooftop System Prices
Ted James, Alan Goodrich,
Michael Woodhouse, Robert Margolis,
and Sean Ong
Prepared under Task No. SS12.2260
Technical Report
November 2011
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
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This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energys (DOEs) Solar Energy Technologies
Program. We thank Dr. Ramamoorthy Ramesh (DOE) and John Lushetsky (DOE) for their
support in scoping this analysis. We also thank Kevin Lynn (DOE), Robin Newmark (NREL),
Paul Denholm (NREL), and Margaret Mann (NREL) for their thoughtful review of this report, as
well as several industry partners for their valuable comments and input. We thank Jarett Zuboy
for help in drafting the report and Scott Gossett (NREL) for editorial support.
List of Acronyms
Amorphous silicon
Building-applied photovoltaics
Building-integrated photovoltaics
Crystalline silicon
Capacity factor
$/Wp DC
Executive Summary
For more than 30 years, there have been strong efforts to accelerate the deployment of solarelectric systems by developing photovoltaic (PV) products that are fully integrated with building
materials. Despite these efforts and high stakeholder interest in building-integrated PV (BIPV),
the deployment of PV systems that are partially or fully integrated with building materials is low
compared with rack-mounted PV systems, accounting for about 1% of the installed capacity of
distributed PV systems worldwide by the end of 2009. In this report, we examine the cost drivers
and performance considerations related to BIPV for residential rooftops. We also briefly review
the history of BIPV product development and examine market dynamics that have affected
commercialization and deployment.
As with many renewable energy technologies, system pricesin terms of dollars per installed
watt of direct-current peak power capacity ($/Wp DC)have a significant effect on PV
deployment. In general, the installed prices of BIPV systems are higher than PV system prices,
but the cause of these price premiumshigher costs, higher margins, or other considerations
and the potential for price reductions remain uncertain. Using a bottom-up analysis of
components and installation labor costs, we explore the cost trade-offs that affect the prices of
residential rooftop BIPV systems. We compare the prices of three hypothetical BIPV systems
with the price of a rack-mounted crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV system, the PV Reference Case,
which is the most commonly installed residential system technology. One of the BIPV cases is a
derivative of the c-Si PV case (BIPV Derivative Case), and the other two BIPV cases are
based on an analysis of thin-film technologies (Table ES-1). In todays solar market, few BIPV
products are fully integrated with building materials as envisioned in these BIPV cases;
therefore, the cases should be seen as near-term possibilities. In contrast, the PV Reference Case
represents a 2010 benchmark system price from an NREL study that uses the same methodology
to assess objective system prices (Goodrich et al. 2011). Comparing the hypothetical near-term
BIPV cases with the 2010 PV benchmark does not account for the continued advancements and
cost reductions in rack-mounted PV systems. Thus, the potential cost advantages we have
identified for BIPV installations are likely to change. Additionally, our analysis assumes that
economies of scale and installer experience are equivalent for the PV Reference Case and the
BIPV cases.
Table ES-1. Summary of Cases Used to Analyze Residential Rooftop PV System Prices
Module Area (m2)
PV Reference Case
A summary of the analysis of PV and BIPV systems prices is shown below in Figure ES-1. The
listed effective prices account for cost offsets due to an assumption that the BIPV cases replace
traditional building materials; in this example, they replace asphalt shingles. Our findings
suggest that BIPV has the potential to achieve system prices that are about 10% lower than rackv
mounted PV system prices (i.e., the BIPV Derivative Case).The bulk of the BIPV cases
potential savings stem from eliminating the cost of module-mounting hardwarewhich rackmounted PV systems need but BIPV systems do notand from offsetting the cost of traditional
building materials. BIPV labor savings result from the elimination of mounting hardware and our
assumption of lower-cost roofing contractors in place of electricians. Some installation labor
costs increase, however, due to the increased time that is required to install a greater number of
smaller BIPV modules for a given area (i.e., more total electrical interconnections and wiring).
Module costs and efficiencies are key factors that contribute to overall system prices across all of
the cases, and we assume that the BIPV cases have lower efficiencies.
$/Wp DC
Installation Materials
BIPV mark-up (10%)
Flexible packaging
Offset shingles
Effective price
PV Reference Case
Dimensions: 1.28 m2
Active area: 35 m2
Dimensions: 0.58 m2
Active area: 40 m2
Figure ES-1. Comparison of residential rooftop prices for a rack-mounted the PV Reference Case
and three BIPV cases.
Note: Listed BIPV prices include building-material cost offsets (shown as negative bars).
This report shows the potential for BIPV to achieve lower installed system prices than rackmounted PV, but BIPV systems are likely to experience reduced performance (i.e., electricity
generation) in comparison with PV systems. Unlike traditional PV systems that commonly
include air spaces between the module and roof deck, BIPV systems are mounted directly on
building surfaces, and this results in higher average operating temperatures in most
environments. Resulting performance losses could affect the economic viability of BIPV
projects. We assess comparative project economics by analyzing the unsubsidized levelized cost
of energy (LCOE) for each case. Figure ES-2 summarizes the results of this LCOE analysis. The
relative range of LCOE values differs from the relative range of installed system prices owing to
differences in module efficiencies, degradation rates, and temperature coefficients.
These results show that c-Si BIPV shingles might achieve a lower LCOE than rack-mounted c-Si
PV if installed system price advantages are fairly significant (i.e., greater than 5%). In cases
where estimated BIPV cost advantages are small, expected performance losses may result in
higher LCOE values, as shown in BIPV Thin-film Cases 1 and 2.
5% higher
1% higher
LCOE ($/kWh)
7% lower
2% higher
1% higher
6% lower
PV Reference Case BIPV Derivative Case BIPV Thin-film Case 1 BIPV Thin-film Case 2
Installed Price
Figure ES-2. Unsubsidized U.S. residential rooftop LCOE values for the BIPV shingle cases
compared with the PV Reference Case.
Note: Listed percentages illustrate LCOE differences relative to the PV Reference Case. 1 The LCOE calculations
are based on consistent system price and financing structure assumptions for both locationsBoston and Tucson
but account for differences in estimated system prices, efficiencies, temperature coefficients, and degradation rates.
All systems are south-facing and tilted at 25 degrees.
Overall, findings in this report support the notion that BIPV prices could be lower than
residential PV system prices, yet past market experiences suggest that realizing these costreductions can be very challenging. To capitalize on the opportunities to reduce residential solar
system prices and attract new consumers with aesthetically pleasing designs, BIPV faces more
complex product-development issues and market-adoption dynamics than rack-mounted PV. We
briefly address these less-quantifiable issues. An evaluation of specific commercial products
goes beyond the scope of this report.
LCOE estimates do not include any federal, state, local, or utility incentives. They assume host ownership and that
no taxes are paid on electricity. Mortgage payments are tax deductible.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... x
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Residential System Price Analysis: BIPV Cases and 2010 PV System Benchmark ....................... 5
4.1 Analysis Cases and Assumptions..................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Major Cost Differential Categories .................................................................................................. 7
4.2.1 Installation Costs..................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Module Costs .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.3 Flexible Packaging Costs ........................................................................................................ 8
4.2.4 Building Material Cost Offsets ............................................................................................... 9
4.3 Installed System Price Results ....................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Detailed Results for PV Reference Case vs. BIPV Derivative Case .................................... 11
4.3.2 Summary Results for All Cases ............................................................................................ 13
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 19
References .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendix A: Background on Efficiency Assumptions .......................................................................... 25
Appendix B: Cost Input Tables ............................................................................................................... 26
Appendix C: Installed System Price Uncertainty Analysis ................................................................... 29
Appendix D: Levelized Cost of Energy and System Cost Parametric ................................................. 36
Appendix E: Technical Potential of BIPV on U.S. Building Surfaces .................................................. 37
List of Figures
Figure 1. Continuum of residential solar system designs with building architecture and material 2
Figure 2. Average installed system prices of rooftop PV and BIPV systems on newly constructed
homes in the United States .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3. Installed retail prices of residential roofing products in the United States, 20082009 10
Figure 4. Price differences between the PV Reference Case and the BIPV Derivative Case ...... 12
Figure 5. Comparison of residential rooftop prices for the PV Reference Case and the BIPV
Derivative Case. ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 6. Comparison of residential rooftop prices for the PV Reference Case and three BIPV
cases. ................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7. Unsubsidized U.S. residential rooftop LCOE values for the BIPV shingle cases
compared with the PV Reference Case. ............................................................................ 17
Figure 8. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results for the BIPV Derivative Case . 31
Figure 9. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results for the BIPV Thin-film Case 1 33
Figure 10. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results, probability distribution
function, for the BIPV Thin-film Case 2 .......................................................................... 35
Figure 11. Sensitivity analysis of LCOE and installed system prices for the BIPV Derivative
Case ................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 12. Regional variation of PV capacity factors for south-facing, fixed-mount systems tilted
at 25 degrees and 90 degrees ............................................................................................ 38
Figure 13. Relative reductions in PV capacity factors between south-facing, fixed-mount systems
tilted at 25 degrees and 90 degrees ................................................................................... 39
List of Tables
Table 1. Potential Opportunities for BIPV Market Growth ............................................................ 4
Table 2. Summary of Cases Used to Analyze Residential Rooftop PV and BIPV System Prices . 6
Table 3. Average Installed Retail Prices for Traditional Residential Roofing Materials,
Converted to $/W Based on the BIPV Derivative Case ................................................... 10
Table 4. Estimated Offset Values for the Residential BIPV Cases .............................................. 11
Table 5. Selected Performance Assumptions for the PV and BIPV Cases ................................... 15
Table 6. Summary of Efficiency Assumptions for the PV and BIPV Cases ................................ 25
Table 7. Examples of 2010 Commercial Modules for c-Si, CIGS, and a-Si PV Technologies ... 25
Table 8. Assumptions of Mark-ups............................................................................................... 26
Table 9. Assumptions of Indirect Costs ........................................................................................ 26
Table 10. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the PV Reference Case ........ 26
Table 11. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Derivative Case .. 27
Table 12. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Thin-film Case 1 . 27
Table 13. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Thin-film Case 2 . 28
Table 14. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Derivative Case ............... 30
Table 15. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Thin-film Case 1 ............. 32
Table 16. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Thin-film Case 2 ............. 34
1 Introduction
Installations of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies on building rooftops are common in some
parts of the world. The vast majority of these systems are composed of modules that are mounted
off the surfaces of roofs using different types of racking hardware. System designs are most
influenced by PV performance considerations, and aesthetics are often secondary. But growing
consumer interest in distributed PV technologies and industry competition to reduce installation
costs are stimulating the development of multifunctional PV products that are integrated with
building materials. This emerging solar market segment, known as building-integrated PV
(BIPV), continues to attract the attention of many stakeholders, as evidenced by the mention of a
rooftop solar shingle product in the Presidents 2011 State of the Union Address (White House
2011). 2 BIPV offers a number of potential benefits, and there have been efforts to develop costcompetitive products for more than 30 years. The deployment of BIPV systems, however,
remains low compared to traditional PV systems. In this report, we examine the status of BIPV,
with a focus on residential rooftop systems, and explore key opportunities and challenges in the
A continuum of PV system designs exists with various levels of integration with building
materials and architectural features (Figure 1); there is no consensus definition of BIPV. Many
stakeholders describe BIPV as a multifunctional productone that acts as both a building
material and a device that generates electricity (e.g., a solar shingle). Incentive programs and
market reports, however, sometimes include partially integrated PV systemsthose that blend
with the designs of building materials but are not multifunctionalin their descriptions of BIPV.
In Europe, for instance, the rules to qualify for BIPV-specific incentives are sometimes vague
and include semi-integrated PV products (PV News 2010). 3 In many cases, semi-integrated
products are a combination of PV products and traditional buildings materials (EPIA 2010).
These combined products do not replace traditional building materials, and some stakeholders
have described them as building-applied PV (BAPV). 4 Photon International describes BIPV
modules as products that are specifically constructed for building integration, and, in their
recent survey of more than 5,000 commercially available modules, less than 5% were listed as
BIPV. 5 Photon adds, however, that standard modules can also be integrated into buildings using
certain mounting systems, implying that semi-integrated systems can also be described as BIPV
(Photon International 2011). Regardless of the specific definitions of BIPV, it is clear that there
is a continuum of integration with building materials among a class of PV products suited for
rooftop and faade applications.
Luma Resources solar shingle product, honored in the 2011 State of the Union Address, is composed of a
polycrystalline PV module adhered to a metal shingle.
Feed-in tariff (FIT) rates for small BIPV rooftop products in Italy exceed rates for rack-mounted PV by more than
10%. BIPV-specific FITs also have lower digression rates than PV technologies in some markets.
BAPV is also referred to as building-adapted, -added, and -adhered PV (NanoMarkets 2010, Greentech Media
2010, Pike Research 2010, ASDReports 2010, EuPD Research 2009).
Similarly, only 2% of modules eligible for Californias solar-electric incentive programs are described as BIPV,
and these include some partially integrated products (July 2011). The California Energy Commissions list of nearly
6,000 modules is available at: www.gosolarcalifornia.org/equipment/pv_modules.php
Least integrated
(Open rack-mounted PV)
More integrated
Fully integrated
(Direct-mounted BIPV,
Figure 1. Continuum of residential solar system designs showing increasing integration (from left
to right) with building architecture and material
Source: Building Energy 2011, DOE 2011
The competitiveness of BIPV in the marketplace largely depends on its cost compared with PV.
We examine this issue using a bottom-up analysis of installed PV and BIPV system prices for
hypothetical rooftop cases and carry this forward to estimate levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
values for each case. All cost values throughout this report are provided in 2010 U.S. dollars. We
also examine less-quantifiable issues that affect the development and market adoption of BIPV
This definition is aligned with products that qualify for Frances highest BIPV full integration incentive, as well
as a description of BIPV by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC 2010).
These data were derived from information about systems funded through the California Solar Initiative (CSI) and
New Solar Homes Partnership programs. System types (PV and BIPV) were determined using the CSI List of
Eligible Modules, which lists some semi-integrated PV products as BIPV.
market dynamics. 8 Higher BIPV system prices may result from supply chain issues for products
and services or consumers willingness to pay premiums. Incentives may also influence the price
disparities between rack-mounted PV and BIPV. In Section 4, we discuss the cost differentials
between PV and BIPV in detail.
$/Wp DC
Rack-mounted PV
Figure 2. Average installed system prices of rooftop PV and BIPV systems (2- to 3-kW systems) on
newly constructed homes in the United States
Source: Barbose et al. 2011
BIPV may hold potential to increase PV-suitable space on buildings. One study of PV supply
curves found that building rooftops in the United States could host about 660 GW of installed
capacity, assuming the installation of rack-mounted PV with a 13.5% conversion efficiency
(Denholm and Margolis 2008). 10 This assessment of PV-suitable rooftop areas accounted for
shading, obstructions, and architectural designs that cannot accommodate traditional module
form factors. Arguably, BIPV could increase these PV-suitable areas on buildings if products are
lightweight or designed for specific building features. The International Energy Agency (IEA)
estimated that incorporating BIPV on building faades could increase PV-suitable surfaces by
about 35% (IEA 2002). Yet, there is considerable uncertainty about these findings, including
how PV-suitable spaces are defined and how the lower energy generation potential of PV devices
on vertical building surfaces reduces the economic viability of projects. Appendix E provides
more information on these points.
We consider market price to be synonymous with fair market value the value that an asset could be sold for
(or an obligation discharged) in an orderly market, between willing buyers and sellers; often, but not always, it is the
current market value (Easton 2010).
These findings are from an analysis of about 3,000 residential rooftop PV and BIPV systems. The illustrated BIPV
prices do not include any cost offsets for traditional roofing materials.
Of the 660 GW, this study estimated that about 350 GW could be installed on residential rooftops and 310 GW on
commercial building rooftops.
BIPVs aesthetic advantages over traditional PV could increase consumer appeal and provide
growth opportunities. Additional considerations about BIPV market factors, such as industry
interest and government support, are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Potential Opportunities for BIPV Market Growth
Improved aesthetics
Higher technical potential
Government support
Showcase applications
BIPV system prototypes developed in 1979 and the early 1980s were evaluated at DOE-sponsored experiment
stations in Massachusetts, Florida, and New Mexico.
IEA PVPS Task 7. EPIA Sunrise Project (Europe). NEDO BIPV RD&D Program (Japan).
the first U.S. homes with BIPV was built in 1980 (Arthur D. Little 1995), and systems were later
incorporated on commercial structures such as the 4 Times Square Building in New York City in
2001, where about 15-kW of amorphous silicon (a-Si) BIPV was installed (DOE 2001). Larger
BIPV systems have been installed more recently, including a 6.5-MWp DC system on the
Hongqiao Railway Station in China, completed prior to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo (IEA
2011). At the simplest level, BIPV systems are derivatives of common PV module designs and
installation methods; early product designs were often highly customized for specific buildings
and architectural features. Today, BIPV products have more standardized designs that are
intended to integrate with many common building materials. Although the market prices for
BIPV are still higher than for rack-mounted PV (see Section 2), new products offer lower costs
and better performance than BIPV systems of the past.
Overall, the global deployment of BIPV is small in comparison with the deployment of rackmounted PV. By some estimates, the cumulative installed capacity of BIPV (and related semiintegrated PV products) worldwide was 250300 MW by the end of 2009 (EuPD Research 2009,
Pike Research 2010). This was about 1% of the cumulative installed capacity of distributed PV
systems at that time (Mints and Donnelly 2011). Part of this limited market share can be
attributed to the price premium of BIPV relative to rack-mounted PV, as well as qualitative
factors we discuss in the following sections.
Table 2. Summary of Cases Used to Analyze Residential Rooftop PV and BIPV System Prices
Module Area (m2)
PV Reference Case
The PV Reference Case is based on the most commonly deployed PV technology in the world,
crystalline silicon (c-Si) modules. The BIPV cases include a derivative of the PV Reference
Case, as well as two examples using thin-film technologies. To assess the cost implications of
flexible form factors, we consider that the cells of BIPV Thin-film Case 2 are packaged with
flexible materials. The other cases have rigid form factors.
Module dimensions affect installation labor costs because of the time required to affix and wire
systems. Smaller modules with the same form factor as larger modules generally result in higher
labor costs for systems; the rate-determining step is often clamping and through-roof mounting.
In our BIPV cases, we assume that the product dimensions for BIPV are smaller than those of
traditional PV and more comparable to traditional roofing shingles. These dimensions allow for
use of traditional roofing techniques (i.e., the BIPV installers may use nails and hammers;
electricians are only needed to complete the wiring and interconnection). We assume the PV
Reference Case modules are 1.28 m2 (0.808 m 1.580 m), typical of 2010 industry standards
(Photon International 2011), and that electricians install the PV modules, in addition to
completing the wiring and interconnection. It should be noted, however, that the share of
installation labor from electricians varies widely across the United States, and it is not
necessarily a BIPV-specific advantage to use general contractors to install modules. We also
assume that all PV module surface area is exposed to the sun. We assume our BIPV shingles
layer like traditional asphalt shingles so that some areas remain unexposed. We assume that only
the exposed areas contain PV devices, and that this area is 0.58 m2 (1.411 m 0.411 m) per
module. Including the layered areas, we assume the BIPV products total area is about 0.80 m2,
which is between the sizes of traditional asphalt shingles and residential PV modules. 13 The
dimensions of these BIPV shingles are also similar to the dimensions of todays BIPV
products, 14 supporting the notion that they can be installed using traditional roofing methods.
For the purposes of cost modeling, solar system sizes are based on the following area constraints:
35 m2 for the PV Reference Case and 40 m2 for the BIPV cases. Area assumptions for the BIPV
cases are slightly higher because smaller modules could potentially increase access to PVsuitable areas. According to these assumptions and the module efficiencies listed in Table 2,
system capacities are about 5.0 kW for the PV Reference Case, 5.7 kW for the BIPV Derivative
Case, 4.7 kW for the BIPV Thin-film Case 1, and 2.5 kW for the BIPV Thin-film Case 2. The
Dimensions of the most common residential rooftop product (i.e., asphalt strip shingles) are 0.29 m2 (National
Roofing Contractors Association 2011 b).
Luma Resources c-Si solar shingle is 0.55 m2 (Luma Resources 2010). SunPowers Suntile is 0.650.69 m2
(SunPower 2010).
cost analysis is normalized in terms of $/Wp DC, including an analysis of traditional building
materials, to enable direct comparisons among the cases.
Residential-sector system costs vary owing to a number of factors, including channels to market,
installer experience, and differences in regional labor rates, permitting fees, and taxes. A recently
released technical report by NREL, which uses the same methodology as this report to estimate
system book values, found a 2010 residential benchmark price of $5.71/Wp DC (Goodrich et al.
2011). Accounting for the regional factors that affect system costs, this 2010 benchmark price
has a standard deviation of about 8%.
4.2 Major Cost Differential Categories
Product designs and intended functionality create inherent cost differences between PV and
BIPV. BIPV devices often include additional materials such as flashing to ensure buildings are
protected from a wide range of weather conditions. On the other hand, most BIPV products
reduce installation costs by eliminating common PV mounting hardware such as struts, zchannels, and clips and associated labor costs. BIPV modules may also install more quickly than
incumbent PV modules. Additionally, it is important to consider the potential cost benefits of
offsetting the use of traditional building materials (e.g., asphalt shingles) in the areas where
BIPV is installed.
4.2.1 Installation Costs
The installation cost differences between the rack-mounted PV benchmark case and BIPV cases
are driven by the installation methods and materials requirements of each system. The most
significant installation cost difference for the BIPV cases is from the elimination of racking
hardware and associated labor costs. Racking components serve as the direct interface between
PV modules and rooftop structures, and our BIPV cases eliminate the need for this robust
material interface.
Secondly, we assume that BIPVs functionality as a roofing material, along with its smaller
module size, would allow project developers to use lower-cost roofing contractors to install the
products using traditional roofing methods. 15 In this regard, the BIPV cases have cost advantages
because we assume that electricians are only needed for the final wiring steps and
commissioning; we also assume that BIPV shingles would take 65% less time to install on a permodule basis. Because the BIPV modules are smaller, however, more total time is required to
install the modules on a per-area basis.
We include overhead and profit (O&P) margins and sales taxes as part of the installation cost
category, and these factors are determined as a percentage of total system costs. We assume that
all of the cases have the same rates for O&P and taxes (54% overhead, 30% profit, and 5% sales
tax). Yet, because system costs differ for each case, the resulting O&P and sales tax costs are not
the same. We also assume that indirect capital costs such as permitting fees, which vary
considerably across jurisdictions, are equivalent for all of the cases: $900 per system, based on
interviews with U.S. industry stakeholders. The resulting proportion of indirect capital costs to
We used electrical contractor wage rates of $101.29/hr for the PV Reference Case and roofing contractor wage
rates of $68.42/hr for all BIPV cases (RSMeans 2010).
system costs is a function of system capacity, which differs for each case. Therefore, larger
systems have smaller indirect capital costs in terms of $/W.
We approximate 2010 installation cost differences between comparable PV and BIPV residential
systems. Quantifying prospective cost-reduction opportunities is beyond the scope of this
analysis; however, we recognized that new installation methods and system designs may likely
affect the cost differentials illustrated in our analysis. Cheaper mounting structures and faster
installation methods for rack-mounted PV, for example, would reduce the installation cost
advantages of the BIPV cases. It is also possible that novel and integrated circuitry could lower
BIPV wiring costs in the future, yet it is uncertain whether the benefits would be specific to
BIPV or diffuse across the sector, reducing PV system costs as well. As such, we limit our
analysis to the costs of currently available technologies assuming that much of the bill-ofmaterials is the same across all cases. These materials include inverters, meters, system monitors,
AC/DC disconnects, combiner boxes, fuses and holders, conduit, and wiring.
4.2.2 Module Costs
We assume that modules in the BIPV cases have the performance of roofing products in addition
to the functionality of PV devices, and we assume that this is achieved by the use of more
materials than are used in incumbent PV modules. We recognize that materials are highly
specific to BIPV product designs, which may include novel framing, flashing, adhesives, and
materials to mitigate heat gains. Different BIPV module designs can also lead to trade-offs
between module costs and installation costs.
Because of the variability of BIPV module designs, we simplified the assumptions of the BIPV
cases by adding 10% premiums to the costs of commercially available PV modules, adding about
$0.15$0.22/W depending on the technology. The BIPV module mark-up accounts for all
materials (framing, flashing, etc.) that are necessary to enable safe rooftop installations, and it
includes base layers installed directly onto roof decks and under BIPV modules. Felt paper
barriers or wraps, for instance, are typically installed under asphalt shingles, although some
BIPV products require more expensive materials made of polypropylene or elastomeric sheets.
When purchased in volume, the installed prices of the higher-end materials are about $2.00
3.00/m2 (RSMeans 2010), adding a cost of about $0.02/W, which we assume is part of the 10%
premium. Given that the BIPV module premium is a rough estimate, we include a range of BIPV
module costs in the uncertainty analysis, which is available in Appendix C.
4.2.3 Flexible Packaging Costs
There is on-going debate about the value of flexible PV and BIPV products, but it is clear that
BIPV does not require flexible form factors. Among currently installed BIPV and semiintegrated PV designs, the most widely deployed products are rigid and use c-Si technologies
(Ceron et al. 2010). 16 There may be specific opportunities for flexible BIPV products such as on
commercial buildings, where roofing materials are often flexible, or for niche applications such
as military tents or buildings with tensile fiberglass roofs (e.g., the Denver International Airport).
Opportunities may also exist in the residential rooftop sector for non-planar products such as Stiles. In all cases, the potential benefits of flexible form factors must be weighed against added
costs and performance considerations.
This is based on a study that assessed 238 integrated PV products produced by 109 different companies.
The thin-film technologies analyzed in this report (CIGS and a-Si) can be developed into flexible
BIPV products, and there are some advantages: flexible modules tend to have lower weight than
glass modules (up to 90% lighter), and they can have lower shipping and installation costs.
Another advantage is that they may better accommodate building areas with limited structural
support. 17 These potential advantages, however, may not compensate for the additional costs of
flexible barrier materials or additional challenges involving long-term product safety, reliability,
and durability. Different tolerances to long-term ultraviolet radiation exposure, for instance, can
affect anti-soiling properties, transmissivity, and the adhesive stability of materials, which can
significantly affect device performance (Kempe 2009).
We only examine the costs of flexible cell packaging in the a-Si BIPV case (Thin Film Case 2).
We assume that a-Si requires top sheets with water vapor transmission rates (WVTRs) of about
10-2 g/m/day, which are available for about $10/m2. This would add about $0.40/W compared to
standard glass-glass packaging. BIPV Thin-film Case 1 (CIGS) is modeled as a rigid product,
although CIGS can be developed into flexible form factors. CIGS is highly sensitive to water,
and it requires higher performing barriers than a-Si technologies with WVTRs of less than 10-4
g/m/day (Leffew et al. 2011). The prices of these barriers are expected to decrease substantially
with industry scale-up; however, they are costly today at $40$80/m2. Assuming a $40/m2 top
sheet barrier film and $20/m2 back sheet, we estimate that flexible CIGS modules are about
$0.60/W more expensive than glass-glass CIGS modules. Our analysis only models CIGS BIPV
as a rigid product, so this packaging premium does not appear in the results.
4.2.4 Building Material Cost Offsets
If BIPV products completely replace traditional building materials, overall system costs should
reflect a commensurate cost offset. Developing multifunctional products is a central challenge
for BIPV product designers because building materials often require higher durability than PV
devices, and BIPV must meet codes and standards for both PV and building products. 18 We
assume these challenges have been overcome for the BIPV cases in this paper.
The costs and performance of standard roofing materials vary. Asphalt shingles are the most
common product installed on U.S. residential rooftops; they account for more than 50% of U.S.
residential sector market share (National Roofing Contractors Association 2011 b). For most
conditions, asphalt shingles last about 1720 years, and installed costs are between $18$32/m2
(RSMeans 2010). More expensive rooftop products such as clay tiles may last more than 50
years and often provide better insulation and fire protection than less costly products. Figure 3
illustrates the range of retail prices for fully installed products in 20082009.
A survey of more than 200 BAPV/BIPV products found that the majority, many of which were rigid products,
weigh less than 20 kg/m2. About 10% of the products weighed more than 30 kg/m2, and these heavy systems may
require that rooftops have additional structural support (Ceron et al. 2010).
PV and rooftop building material requirements may include: IEC TC82 (WG3), FM global, ICC-ES, AC-07, FM
4470, IBC, ASCE, BOCA, SBCCI, and SFBC codes (Sharma and Herron 2011).
$/m 2
Figure 3. Installed retail prices of residential roofing products in the United States, 20082009
Source: RSMeans 2010
To estimate the value of potential offsets for BIPV, we converted roofing product prices from
$/m2 to $/W, accounting for module dimensions and efficiencies.
Table 3 lists the values for several roofing materials to illustrate general cost trends. Later, we
estimate asphalt shingle offset values according to the technology characteristics of each BIPV
case (Section 4.3.2).
Table 3. Average Installed Retail Prices for Traditional Residential Roofing Materials, Converted to
$/W Based on the BIPV Derivative Case (13.8%-efficient, 0.58 m2)
Asphalt shingle
Wood shingle
Concrete tile
Slate tile
Metal tile
Clay tile
Roofing Product
PV products have a range of efficiencies, and lower-efficiency products require more space than
higher-efficiency products for equivalent system power capacities. Similarly, lower-efficiency
BIPV technologies require more space and displace more traditional products than higherefficiency BIPV technologies; thus, in terms of $/W, offsets are inversely related to PV
efficiencies: a 6.3%-efficient device has more than double the offset value of a 14.5%-efficient
device for an equivalent roofing product. Table 4 lists the approximate offset values for selected
technologies and building materials, illustrating the possible range of residential offset values by
highlighting a low-case offset (shingles) and a high-case offset (clay tiles).
PV metrics
Asphalt Shingle
Clay Tile
Cost increase
Cost decrease
Effective system price
$/Wp DC
Figure 4. Price differences between the PV Reference Case (c-Si, 14.5% efficiency, 2010
benchmark price) and the BIPV Derivative Case (c-Si, 13.8% efficiency)
Our analysis shows that the effective price of the BIPV Derivative Case is $0.69/W lower than
the price of the PV Reference Case, a difference of more than 10%. An offset of $0.18/W was
included because we assume the BIPV case replaces asphalt shingles. Elimination of racking
hardware and associated labor is estimated to reduce total BIPV costs by $0.55/W ($0.27/W for
labor and $0.27/W for materials). Not all differences reduce the BIPV cases costs, however. The
smaller module dimensions for the BIPV case result in $0.08/W higher total module-related
installation labor costs (despite non-electrician labor rates), and the 10% BIPV module mark-up
adds $0.22/W. However, even with these increases, net installation costs are less for the BIPV
Derivative Case. These lower costs help to reduce the costs of O&P and sales taxes. Indirect
capital costs are also slightly lower in the BIPV Derivative Case because its system capacity (5.7
Sources: Goodrich et al. 2011, Photon International 2011, SEIA and GTM Research 2010.
kW) is larger than the PV Reference Case (5.0 kW). 20 Figure 5 shows all of the major cost
categories for the two c-Si cases.
$/Wp DC
Labor (hardware)
Labor (hardware)
Installation Materials
Installation Materials
BIPV mark-up (10%)
BIPV mark-up (10%)
Offset shingles
Offset shingles
Effective price
Effective price
Efficiency: 14.5%
Dimensions: 1.28 m2
Active area: 35 m2
Efficiency: 13.8%
Dimensions: 0.58 m2
Active area: 40 m2
Figure 5. Comparison of residential rooftop prices for the PV Reference Case and the BIPV
Derivative Case.
Note: The listed BIPV price includes shingle cost offsets, shown as a negative bar in the figure on the right. 21
The context of the illustrated BIPV price advantages is critical to the understanding of general
opportunities and challenges for BIPV products. In todays market, few BIPV products are fully
integrated with building materials as described in the BIPV cases of this report; therefore, the
hypothetical BIPV cases are essentially near-term possibilities that are compared with the 2010
benchmark PV system price. Because PV system prices continue to decrease, soon-to-be
commercialized BIPV products are chasing a moving target. In addition, this reports analysis
assumes that the BIPV cases benefit from the cost advantages of manufacturing products on a
similar scale as rack-mounted PV products. As discussed previously, the costs associated with
converting a PV device into a BIPV product remain highly uncertain. We chose a 10% module
mark-up for the BIPV cases, but this mark-up could be much higher, adding to overall channel
costs such as installer O&P. For these reasons, BIPV cases in this report are not representative of
todays BIPV system prices.
4.3.2 Summary Results for All Cases
Figure 6 illustrates the system price differences between the PV Reference Case and the BIPV
cases. The effective prices of the BIPV Derivative Case and BIPV Thin-film Case 1 are about
the same, with prices that are more than 10% lower than the PV Reference Case. The effective
price of BIPV Thin-film Case 2 is about 1% less expensive than the PV Reference Case. BIPV
In the BIPV thin-film cases, indirect capital costs are higher than in the PV Reference Case owing to smaller
system capacities.
Indirect capital costs include sales tax in this chart.
Thin-film Case 2 is the only flexible product shown in Figure 6, and potential benefits of flexible
form factors are not accounted for in the figure.
Labor (hardware)
$/Wp DC
BIPV mark-up (10%)
Flexible packaging
Offset shingles
Effective price
PV Reference Case
Dimensions: 1.28 m2
Active area: 35 m2
Dimensions: 0.58 m2
Active area: 40 m2
Among the three BIPV cases, installed system prices vary as a result of module costs and
efficiencies. Module costs are representative of module spot prices in December 2010 with a
10% distributor margin (Photon International 2011). The magnitudes of the other mark-ups, as
well as offset values, are also affected by module costs and system efficiencies. Appendix C
provides more information about the estimated system prices for the BIPV cases in this report,
using a Monte Carlo analysis to address the uncertainties about a number of assumptions.
metallization), and increased soiling on low-sloped roofs (Schams and TamizhMani 2011).
Novel products require stringent testing under a range of environmental conditions, yet lacking
lifetime performance data can complicate the process of developing appropriate product
warranties. For an analysis of LCOE, we only consider the relative losses that result from higher
average cell temperatures for BIPV compared with off-roof mounted PV. 22
The operating temperatures of rooftop solar systems are affected by several parameters,
including installation configurations, ambient temperatures, irradiance, and wind speeds. As
such, assessing BIPV system lifetime performance is complex and highly dependent on
technologies, installation designs, and local environmental conditions (Neises 2011). Air gaps
under modules improve system performance because convective currents help cool modules, and
studies have suggested mounting PV arrays 36 inches from roof decks in order to optimize
power output, cooling, and wind loading (Dunlop 2007). However, by the nature of BIPV
designs, most integrated systems are mounted directly onto building surfaces with no air gaps.
Compared to off-roof mounted systems, products installed directly onto building roof surfaces
have shown performance losses as high as 7% in high-temperature environments such as
Arizona, where module temperatures can reach 95C (Schams and TamizhMani 2011). 23 In
cooler climates, performance losses from heating are less of an issue: one study of two PVintegrated tile systems in Colorado found that a product mounted on counter battens (about 1
inch of air space) produced 3.4% more power than an identical tile system mounted directly on
the roof deck (Muller et al. 2009).
5.2 Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis
To account for the relative performance losses of BIPV systems, which we consider to be
mounted directly onto building surfaces with minimal underside airspaces, we examine LCOE
using the installed price assumptions listed in Figure 6. To estimate LCOE ranges, we analyze
two U.S. locations with different solar resource conditions (Tucson and Boston) and consider
that all systems are south-facing with a 25-degree tilt and a derate factor of 85%. Financing costs
and tax benefits are included in the calculation, and we use a typical structure of 80% financing
of system prices with a 30-year mortgage and weighted average capital costs (WACC) of 5.9%.
We assume a nominal discount rate of 10.8%. Other assumptions are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5. Selected Performance Assumptions for the PV and BIPV Cases
(Pmpp(%/ oC) 24)
PV Reference
BIPV Derivative
BIPV Thin-film 1
BIPV Thin-film 2
We assume that the BIPV cases do not have higher degradation rates than comparable rack-mounted PV systems.
Inputs for module degradation rates (Table 5) are specific to each technology.
This study also found evidence that a system with no air space could have a 28% shorter system lifetime than a
system with a 4-inch air space in high-temperature environments.
Pmpp power maximum power point. These values are from NRELs SAM (www.nrel.gov/analysis/sam/).
Estimates of the unsubsidized LCOE values for the cases in this report are illustrated in Figure 7.
These values were derived using NRELs System Advisor Model (SAM), 25 which includes
options to estimate performance losses for BIPV based on module mounting structure inputs and
weather data. 26 For most locations and PV technologies, SAM estimates a performance loss of
2.0%4.5% (relative) between open-rack systems and close-mount systems; this assumes that
differences in module edges and framing designs do not affect heat transfers (Neises 2011).
The spread of LCOE estimates for the four scenarios shown in Figure 7 varies from the range of
installed system prices owing to differences in module efficiencies, degradation rates, and
performance in moderate (Boston) and high-temperature (Tucson) environments. 27 The BIPV
LCOE values range from 7% lower to 5% higher than the PV Reference Case. The greatest
BIPV installed price advantages (about 12% for the BIPV Derivative Case and BIPV Thin-film
Case 1) are reduced by performance disadvantages. The most temperature-tolerant BIPV case,
BIPV Thin-film Case 2 (a-Si), maintains its cost disadvantages, although it is more competitive
in a high-temperature environment like Tucson. The LCOE analysis highlights how higher
degradation rates and performance disadvantages can affect the economic viability of some
technologies and system designs. Commensurate with our assumptions, this analysis shows that
LCOE values of c-Si BIPV and CIGS BIPV could be competitive with c-Si rack-mounted PV in
most environments. For the purposes of additional discussion, a sensitivity analysis of LCOE and
system prices for the BIPV Derivative Case (c-Si) is provided in Appendix D.
LCOE numbers are given in terms of real (as opposed to nominal) dollars, and they do not include any federal,
state, or local incentives.
The option of close roof mount in SAM represents a product with minimal air flow under modules.
Performance-loss estimates are within the range of performance losses observed for direct-mount BIPV products.
Assessments of product quality and project risks that impact lending rates (i.e., bankability) also affect LCOEs.
Novel BIPV products may have less certain performance than some PV technologies, and, as a result, financing
costs could be higher. In this report, we use the same financing assumptions for all PV and BIPV cases.
5% higher
1% higher
LCOE ($/kWh)
7% lower
2% higher
1% higher
6% lower
PV Reference Case BIPV Derivative Case BIPV Thin-film Case 1 BIPV Thin-film Case 2
Installed Price
Figure 7. Unsubsidized U.S. residential rooftop LCOE values for the BIPV shingle cases compared
with the PV Reference Case.
Note: Listed percentages illustrate LCOE differences relative to the PV Reference Case. 28 The LCOE calculations
are based on consistent system price and financing structure assumptions for both locationsBoston and Tucson
but account for differences in estimated system prices, efficiencies, temperature coefficients, and degradation rates.
All systems are south-facing and tilted at 25 degrees.
LCOE estimates do not include any federal, state, local, or utility incentives. They assume host ownership and
that no taxes are paid on electricity. Mortgage payments are tax deductible.
Market segmentation
The dynamics of BIPV adoption might differ from those of rack-mounted PV because
products are often designed for more discrete market opportunities such as new
residential roofs or specific building products (e.g., clay tiles). PV modules are not
necessarily fungible across sectors (residential, commercial, and utility), but they are
much more transferrable than BIPV products, where designs vary greatly even within
sectors. Although BIPV opportunities are more segmented, they must compete with
the costs of a much more robust rack-mounted PV industry. Limiting installations to
smaller markets can affect the ability to achieve cost targets through manufacturing
7 Conclusions
Although the deployment of BIPV is relatively low, opportunities remain promising. Decreasing
module costs, increasing consumer interest in solar energy, and policy schemes that support
distributed generation systems have the potential to increase rates of BIPV market growth. The
commercialization of solar products that have the full functionality of building materials has
been very limited, but systems are increasingly being developed to account for design aesthetics
and installation-cost reductions. This continuum of integration is leading to more solar products
that may fully replace traditional building materials.
Significant challenges have affected product development and market adoption of BIPV over the
past 30 years, and several barriers remain. Despite high interest from solar energy stakeholders,
substantial research and development efforts, and policy support in some markets, BIPV and
semi-integrated PV products accounted for less than 1% (250300 MW) of global installed
capacity of distributed systems in 2009. A primary reason for BIPVs limited deployment is that
the average market price of installed systems is currently higher than for rack-mounted PV.
However, our findings support the notion that BIPV could have competitive and, in some cases,
lower installed system prices than rack-mounted PV, by reducing installation costs and offsetting
traditional building materials. Lower-efficiency PV products have higher offset values than
higher-efficiency products, although these gains may be reduced by higher overall system prices.
In the best case, effective system prices for c-Si BIPV and CIGS BIPV could be more than 10%
lower than for rack-mounted c-Si PV. However, across all the cases analyzed in this report, the
opportunities for BIPV to reduce solar system prices may become more limited as the prices of
rack-mounted PV continue to decrease. If installed system prices are lower for BIPV, then select
products may also have marginally lower LCOE values than PV depending on anticipated
performance losses from the higher average operating temperatures that result from systems
mounted directly onto rooftop surfaces. Accounting for higher installed system prices and
performance issues, the LCOEs for a-Si thin-film BIPV likely will exceed those for rackmounted c-Si PV in the residential rooftop sector. The value of aesthetic designs and flexible
module form factors is not well understood, but these system characteristics may help mitigate
the disadvantages of higher prices for select products.
BIPV faces more complex product development issues and market adoption dynamics than rackmounted PV, and these issues may significantly impede progress to capitalize on price-reduction
opportunities. The key issues that may limit market growth include new system performance
considerations, more discrete market opportunities, and greater testing requirements to ensure
relevant codes, standards, and warranty issues are addressed appropriately. BIPV-specific
incentives are not widespread, but they have increased deployment of BIPV systems in some
In the near-term, the more complex technology and design issues and relatively small-scale
production capacity of BIPV likely may result in continued price disadvantages compared with
rack-mounted PV systems. In this regard, the success of many residential rooftop BIPV products
may hinge on the aesthetic value of product designs and a consumer willingness to pay
premiums for non-traditional systems. Our analysis supports the notion that BIPV has the
potential to reduce the installed system prices of comparable rack-mounted PV in residential
rooftop markets. Market experiences suggest, however, that realizing these opportunities can be
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Dunlop, J. (2007). National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC) for the
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Edition. Cambridge Business Publishers.
Eiffert, P.; Kiss, G. (2000). Building-Integrated Designs for Commercial and Institutional
Structures A Sourcebook for Architects. U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Power
Technologies, Photovoltaics Division, and the Federal Energy Management Program.
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Navarro, M. (2011). Solar Panels Rise Pole by Pole, Followed by Gasps of Eyesore. New
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Neises, T. (2011). Development and Validation of a Model to Predict the Temperature of a
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Photon International. (2011). All about modules. Solar Power Magazine, February 2011.
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RSMeans. (2010). Building Construction Cost Data. Norwell, MA: Reed Construction Data.
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Dimensions (m2)
Table 7. Examples of 2010 Commercial Modules for c-Si, CIGS, and a-Si PV Technologies
Residential-sector modules
Dimensions (m2)
SunPower: E19/320
MiaSol: MS140GG
MiaSol: MS120GG
Q-Cells: QSMART 75
Q-Cells: QSMART 95
Residential-sector modules
Uni-Solar: PVL-136
This information is from datasheets published by solar module manufacturers in 2011: Suntech (www.suntechpower.com), SunPower (http://us.sunpowercorp.com), MiaSol (www.miasole.com), Q-Cells (www.q-cells.com),
Solar Frontier (www.solar-frontier.com), Uni-Solar (www.uni-solar.com), and Xunlight (www.xunlight.com).
Materials mark-up
Inverter mark-up
Permitting &
Installer overhead
Sales Tax
Table 10. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the PV Reference Case
Material Category
Other electrical
Electrical subsystem
Mounting hardware
Module racks
* Ex-factory gate price ($1.95/W, 2010 Photon) + retail margin (10%) = $2.15/W
Total wiring (237 ft) = home run wiring (77 ft) + row to combiner wiring (160 ft)
"Other electrical" includes: meter, system monitor, and disconnects.
Table 11. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Derivative Case
Material Category
Other electrical
Electrical subsystem
Mounting hardware
Module racks
* Ex-factory gate price ($1.95/W, 2010 Photon) + retail margin (10%) + BIPV mark-up (10%) = $2.37/W
Total wiring (541 ft) = home run wiring (141 ft) + row to combiner wiring (400 ft)
"Other electrical" includes: meter, system monitor, and disconnects.
Table 12. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Thin-film Case 1
Material Category
(hours/unit) (hours/unit)
Other electrical
Electrical subsystem
Mounting hardware
Module racks
* Ex-factory gate price ($1.79/W, 2010 Photon) + retail margin (10%) + BIPV mark-up (10%) = $2.17/W
Total wiring (541 ft) = home run wiring (141 ft) + row to combiner wiring (400 ft)
"Other electrical" includes: meter, system monitor, and disconnects.
Table 13. Material Costs and Installation Labor Requirements for the BIPV Thin-film Case 2
Material Category
(hours/unit) (hours/unit)
Other electrical
Electrical subsystem
Mounting hardware
Module racks
* Ex-factory gate price ($1.36/W, 2010 Photon) + retail margin (10%) + BIPV mark-up (10%) = $1.65/W
Total wiring (541 ft) = home run wiring (141 ft) + row to combiner wiring (400 ft)
"Other electrical" includes: meter, system monitor, and disconnects.
Table 14. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Derivative Case
Figure 8. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results, probability distribution function, for the BIPV Derivative Case
Table 15. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Thin-film Case 1
Figure 9. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results, probability distribution function, for the BIPV Thin-film Case 1
Table 16. Assumptions for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the BIPV Thin-film Case 2
Figure 10. Residential system price Monte Carlo analysis results, probability distribution function, for the BIPV Thin-film Case 2
Figure 11. Sensitivity analysis of LCOE and installed system prices for the BIPV Derivative Case
SAMs CEC Performance Model also has the functionality to analyze BIPV systems with additional specificity
about mounting configurations.
A DOE BIPV report prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. (1995) estimated that 30% of roof areas on existing
residential and commercial building rooftops would be suitable for PV.
Module efficiency assumptions are critical to estimating the maximum installed power capacity
for given areas. In 2010, the average efficiency of the most widely installed PV technology, c-Si,
was about 14.5%. Due to the assumptions of higher derate factors for BIPV (i.e., more framing
and spacing), as outlined in Appendix A, we estimated a c-Si BIPV module efficiency of 13.8%.
If we use NRELs PV-suitable rooftop space estimate (4,900 km2) and assume 13.8%-efficient
BIPV modules are installed (instead of the studys 13.5% efficiency assumption), the NREL
capacity estimate of 660 GW would be scaled-up to about 675 GW. If PV-suitable faade space
is added, the total technical potential for BIPV could be more than 900 GWassuming that
faades would increase the estimates of PV-suitable rooftop space by about 35%, as described by
However, BIPV faade systems are likely to have lower capacity factors (CFs) than BIPV
rooftop systems because of suboptimal tilt angles. Using typical meteorological year data across
more than 1,000 sites in the continental United States (Wilcox and Marion 2008), CFs for southfacing c-Si rooftop systems tilted at 25 degrees range from 10% to more than 21%. A southfacing BIPV system tilted at 90 degrees (like many building faade areas) will, on average, yield
about 35% less energy than an identical system tilted at 25 degrees. 33 Figure 12 and Figure 13
illustrate where CFs are most affected across the United States. The locations in northern
latitudes experience smaller CF differences between 25 degrees and 90 degrees, and some
southern locations maintain higher CFs at 90 degrees than systems at 25 degrees in northern
areas. These CF considerations are critically important when assessing the economic viability of
BIPV technologies and system designs. BIPV faade systems tilted at 90 degrees can produce
electricity, but these systems will not be as economically competitive as BIPV rooftop systems in
most cases in the United States.
Figure 12. Regional variation of PV capacity factors for south-facing, fixed-mount systems tilted at
25 degrees (left) and 90 degrees (right)
Figure 13. Relative reductions in PV capacity factors between south-facing, fixed-mount systems
tilted at 25 degrees and 90 degrees