SACS 5.7 Readme PDF
SACS 5.7 Readme PDF
SACS 5.7 Readme PDF
Build Type
Operating Systems
SELECT Release Product
Microsoft Windows (see System Requirements for specific details)
September 19, 2014
Product Activation
Trust Licensing
Trust Licensing Best Practices
SELECT Licensing FAQ
Bentley Select Open Access
Bentley Offshore Be Communities website
Problem Reports
SACS Marine Readme File
Introducing SACS V8i SELECTseries 4 (v5.7)
System Enhancements and Corrections
Product Activation
After Installation, SACS products must now be activated. SACS products DO NOT support trial license
status. Launch SACS 5.6. The following dialog will appear. Click on the Bentley License Tool button.
Select all the SACS license products and click the Activate button.
Trust Licensing
SACS 5.6.x uses Bentley SELECT Trust Licensing the same licensing used by all other Bentley products.
Trust licensing ensures uninterrupted access to run your Bentley software, regardless of the availability
of licenses. In some software products from other vendors, a licensing service was used to check out a
license when the application starts up and check it back in when the program exits. This restricts the
use of software once all the current licenses are in use. SACS now uses the trust licensing approach
that is a benefit of your Bentley SELECT subscription.
Trust licensing allows any member of your engineering team to run SACS at any time and eliminates
the need to have an uninterrupted connection to SELECTserver and consequently this provides greater
flexibility and greater reliability in operation. Instead of requiring the connection to SELECTserver,
SACS simply records usage of the application and allows you to access reports to see how licenses are
being used in your team. License usage is aggregated and reported back to SELECTserver on a regular
basis, at least once every thirty days.
You can review your teams usage of SACS via a webbased interface through a wide range of reports.
These reports are available at and let you see who used what
software and when. This information will be valuable to you in ensuring that you are getting best value
from your software. The designated account contact for your organization will have permission to
login to this server and to review these reports. This SELECTserver web portal also includes tools for
managing licenses including managing checkouts, forcing checkins of licenses, if required, and
controlling access to applications.
If your recorded usage shows a peak usage that is greater than the number of licenses that you own,
your Bentley account manager will contact you to discuss the usage. They will review with you
whether your current license portfolio matches your license needs and can recommend a range of
options to trueup to ensure you have the licenses you need. Peak usage is the maximum number of
licenses that are used within any 1hour period.
If you would like more information on SELECTserver , you can visit:
For more information on the benefits of trust licensing and the trueup process, you can visit:
For full technical details on SELECTserver licensing, start with the Introduction section of the following
user manual:
These options may include adding more licenses, changing the mix of licenses that you own,
quarterly term licenses or changing how you use licenses.
Do I need an internet connection to use Trust Licensing?
For day to day use, a continuous internet connection is not required. You need an internet
connection only when initially activating your license and at least once every month in order to
record usage on the SELECTserver. It is also possible to manually submit usage logs if your
security requirements mean that an internet connection is not possible.
Do multiple sessions of SACS on one machine record multiple uses?
No, usage is recorded per machine. Multiple instances of an application running on the same
machine records 1 use, it does not record multiple uses.
Our SELECT licensing agreement mentions peak usage within an interval. What is that interval
and how is peak usage calculated?
An interval for a SELECT subscription is 1 hour on the clock e.g. from 11am to 12 noon.
SELECTserver counts the number of licenses used from the license pool during each interval. The
daily peak usage is the highest number of licenses used during any 1 hour interval of that day.
Do I need to check out licenses to use SACS 5.6?
There is no need to check out a license to your machine unless you are going to be working
offline for 30 days or more. In fact, checking out a license will record the license as being in
continuous use so this could potentially increase the calculation of your firms peak license
Is the license usage logging secure and private?
Trust licensing uses the same usage logging mechanism you are using now with nontrust
licensing. It transmits usage data using standard internet protocols and obscures user and
machine names using a SHA1 hash so that they cannot be read outside your company.
Where can I get training on how to understand and monitor license usage?
SELECT subscribers are able to access SELECT server training via the Bentley LEARN server.
Problem Reports
We greatly appreciate any bug reports or suggestions you may have. Please report any bugs or
anomalies you find through .
NonLinear Plastic Analysis
Combine Post file utility
Dynamic Response Analysis
Eigen Vector/Value Extraction
Fatigue Damage/Life Analysis
Flotation & Upending Analysis
Global Loading
Joint Can
Large Deflection
Material Takeoff
Report Generator
SACS FAST Interface
Super Element
Wave Response
SACS Hull Modeler
SACS Motions
SACS Stability
Plot and Chart Utility
Interactive Collapse Results Viewer
Input Data Generator and Viewer
SACS System Front End
Interactive Fatigue Post Processor
Interactive Post Processor
Interactive Modeler
Plot Utility
SACS Model to PDMS Macro Convertor
SACS Model to FemView Interface
SACS Model to SDNF Convertor
Scatter Diagram Damage Center Utility
Free Body Analysis
Interface Modules
PDMS Convertor
SACS to Femsys
Utility Program Modules
Damage Center
Free Body
Joint Mesh
List File Convertor
System Requirements
SACS V8i SELECTseries 4 (v5.7) has the following system minimum requirements:
512 megabytes (Mb) of RAM minimum. SACS performance is dependent on the size of the
SACS model and the amount of available system resources; see SACS System PC
Recommendations below.
A hard disk partition with 800 Mb of free space is required for the SACS installation.
A video card with a chipset that supports OpenGL. A reference list may be found at
Supported Graphics Cards
Network Server and Network Client Installations The Local Area Ethernet Network should
be 100 BaseT or greater. TCP/IP network protocol is supported.
Note: Remote access connections such as Terminal Server are not supported.
For model sizes greater than 1000 joints it is recommended that additional memory and storage be
added as stated below. The following recommendations are for optimal SACS performance.
RAM 1024 megabytes (Mb) of free (1) RAM minimum, 4096 Mb or more is preferred.
SACS will utilize all available RAM. SACS performance is dependent on the size of the SACS
model and the amount of available system resources.
(1) Free RAM refers to available RAM after all operating system processes have been
CPU A multicore CPU is recommended although not required.
Operating System Windows 7 Professional or later.
Note: All x86 versions of Windows cannot utilize more than 3200 Mb of RAM. The x64
version of Windows should be considered to take advantage of additional memory as well
as future SACS upgrades.
Hard Disk 800 Mb of free space is required for the SACS installation. A SATA RAID 0 hard
disk is recommended for optimal analysis performance.
Note: After the SACS installation is complete the free space used for executions should not
fall below 50% of the total drive capacity. Total free space for execution should be at least
1 gigabyte for small models solutions. Very large model solution could require 400
gigabytes or more.
Video Card A video card that supports OpenGL is required for all 3D rendering SACS
products. It is very important to make sure that the graphics drivers on your computer are
up to date for maximum performance and correct operation. A reference list of available
video cards can be found at
Program Help: Detailed feature information may be accessed directly from the calling application by
selecting the Help command, or by pressing the Help button from any of the application dialogs. Be
sure to explore the program Help for answers to your questions.
OnLine Documentation: Online documentation is available in HTML format and is accessible through
Executive Manuals tab. Accessing the SACS documentation requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
or a comparable browser.
Data Generator
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Input data lines for multi linear stress strain curves have been added for Collapse
Added the ability to read and write new corrosion lines for seastate.
Added the AISC 14th options for post
Dynamic Response
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Corrections
Corrected an issue which caused the dynamic response module to crash
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Corrections
Corrected a problem where surface weights exceeding internal array size caused a crash.
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Continued enhancements to ProjectWise integration.
Add the ability to perform keyboard actions under the Project View
Removed the message box upon Executive startup if the structural synchronizer was not
Removed the three minute license check in delay.
Added the brace subdivision dialog box to the joint mesh utility.
Added a database functionality based upon the joint can list file for GH Bladed wind turbine
Corrected a problem where the number of occurrences on the FTCASE line were not being
generated correctly gor the GH Bladed process
Corrected a problem where the wrong version number was being displayed.
Corrected a problem where the directory path to demo 12 was incorrect.
Corrected a problem where files were not being copied when dragging and dropping to
another location manually.
Corrected a problem with the display of the default license in the settings dialog box.
Corrected a problem where a separate seastate input file could not be used if LDOPT line
was included in the model file..
Topside Static
Large Deflection
Extreme Wave
Corrected a problem where the Executive was not allowing capital letters in the File Id
entry in the Analysis Generator
Corrected a problem where the Executive was allowing multiple simultaneous analysis from
a dedicated directory
Corrected a problem where the Executive was writing periods after the listed current
module in the analysis information tab . For a long analysis this was resulting in a long string of
Corrected a problem when running multirun, the output files that are flagged not to keep
(ie. X next to them in the output file list) are not deleted but appear in the directory.
Corrected various issues associated with multi run of numerous runfiles located in various
subdirectories when using the dedicated analysis directory.
Corrected a problem where the Executive was treating a common solution file as a
temporary file when conducting an analysis using a post input file.
Corrected a problem where the Executive was giving a error message, "Cannot find folder
"Libraries". Make sure the path is correct" when it was selected from the drop down address
Corrected a problem where the section library was not saved after it was changed under the
SACS Settings dialog box
Corrected a problem where the temporary files were not being deleted on cancelling the
Modified the Trust licensing library to implement a new SELECT API call that will allows
starting and stopping any license
Corrected a problem where the Executive would not open files from the Error Log window.
Corrected a problem where the Executive could not create a run file for SACS
Motion/Stability (with Martec analysis engine) analysis
Corrected a problem where the Executive the error log was reporting that the plot files did
not contain any plots for parallel runs.
Corrected a problem in the Executive where a member unity check database was not being
generated for the SACS Wind Turbine Process
Corrected a problems in the Executive where the correct input for the total number of
damage files was not being generated correctly on the FTOPT2 lines
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Corrections
Corrected GAP element problems associated with the gap input file.
Interactive Fatigue
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancement
Incorporated Fatigue time history results in Interactive Fatigue
Joint Can
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Enhancements
The Joint Can module has been updated to include the joint strength checks for the
ISO19902 :07 code of practice. Four options have been added:
A method which gives results close to the API 50% strength check
Full brace utilization by factoring the brace internal axial force and moments
derived from equations (13.31,2,3)
The Joint Can module has been enhanced to include joint checks in accordance to NORSOK
N004, Rev 3, 2013 update.
The Joint Mesh Utility has been expanded to include meshing of nontubular joints using
either triangular or quadrilateral elements
The Joint Mesh Utility has been enhanced to allow for change in mesh density at
intersection points.
Corrected problem where the outside chord diameter was being reported incorrectly
Corrected problem where the joint mesh utility could not identify the chord.
Corrected problem where multiple joints with the same name were being generated.
Release V8i Select Series 2 v5.5 Corrections
Corrected problem where the buoyancy calculation for WGTMEM line were incorrect.
Corrected problem where the wrong friction coefficient value was being used for friction
Corrected a problem where no weld calculations where made when brace is offset at an
angle to the chord for nontubular welds
Pile 3D
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Enhancements
Soil liquefaction effects are now included in Pile 3D
Release V8i Select Series 2 v5.5 Corrections
Corrected problem where the wrong local coordinate system was being used for members
with joints with coordinates close to a zero value
Corrected problem with calculating the footprint weight when the footprint type was
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Implemented Tee, Channel and Prismatic sections for Eurocode 2:2005
Implemented AISC 14th Edition code check
Member unity check report file is generated for the ISO code to be subsequently used for ISO
Joint Can checks
Implemented the bottom flange unbraced length to be used for AISC 13th code check for WF
and PLG sections.
Corrected problem where the incorrect outstand flange length was being used for a WF
section for the EC3:2005 code of practice
Corrected problem where POST was not issuing an error message if same name was being
used for both a load combination and a load case in the Post input file.
Corrected problem where POST was crashing if the SPAN line contained a tapered element
with loading.
Corrected problem where a system error was being produced if multiple SPAN lines were
being used in the model input file and no SPAN lines were present in the POST input file.
Corrected problem where a system error was being produced if the model file contained no
SPAN lines and the Post input file contained multiple SPAN lines.
Corrected problem where diagnostic output was being included in the list file.
Corrected problem where the local axis system was not tye same as PRE
Corrected a discrepancy in the common solution file for tapered members with multiple
segments. This was causing a crash in Combine.
Postvue 3D
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Included the ability to display displacements, rotations and reactions
Included the AISC 14th Edition code check
Corrected problem where the brace stress values were incorrect for the Canadian code of
Corrected problem where the 'Joint Settings' for ISO 19902 2007 code were inconsistent.
Corrected problem where the "Improper Argument" error was being produced for the joint
can review option directly after a find member operation
Corrected problem where Precede could not handle numerous 'AREA' input lines.
Postvue Legacy
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Corrections
Corrected problem where the allowable stress and UC component for the axial force was
incorrect for AISC 13th 2005 LRFD code of practice.
Corrected problem where Postvue was crashing when conducting a Joint Redesign if the
model contained over 2000 load combinations.
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Precede has been updated to include the AISC 14th Edition code check option
Added updates for GRPOV and MEMOVR input to account for the new corrosion option
Included AutoPipe integration
Upgraded to ISM 4.0
Corrected problem for Chinese users where '*' entry in the input file was being changed to
Corrected problem where Precede could not handle numerous 'AREA' input lines.
Corrected problem where manual joint design was displaying the wrong gap
Corrected problem where loads could not be edited or deleted from the Load Properties
daialog box.
Corrected problem where deleting a segement from a group was incorrect
Corrected problem where automatic joint design was deleting existing offsets on joints that
were not effected by this operation.
Corrected problem where stiffened plane panels were not being displayed.
Corrected problem where Precede bug in generating plate space loads.
Corrected problem where Precede was discarding some member loads when deleting a
pressure load belonging to the same load case.
Corrected problem where Precede was not creating a groups and sections when reading an
existing ISM file.
Corrected problem where Precede was crashing on deleting joints.
Corrected multiple printing problems in Precede
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Added corrosion zone capability
Added the AISC 14th edition code check option
Release V8i Select Series 2 v5.5 Corrections
Corrected problem where the RING module would crash on generating the results plot
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Corrections
Corrected a problem where the program would crash on outputting section data.
Two new features have been added to the Markers which are designed to assist when
fitting surfaces to large Marker datasets (for example from laser scans) as follows:
1) The first is an option to colorcode the Markers by their distance from their assigned
2) The second option is to hide markers that are below an acceptable distance from the
The units dialog has been updated so that masses may be displayed in kilopoundforce
A warning message is now issued when trying to bond edges that have grouped control
The Surface Areas dialog now correctly accounts for surface visibility (invisible surfaces are
omitted from the table)
SACS Stability
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Enhancements
Two new options have been added to the tank display as follows:
A problem whereby the load case item centroids were saved in the rotated reference frame (not Upright ship
reference frame) has been corrected
Results for the areas and centroids of the windage and immersed lateral plane areas are now available in the
Analysis results table
The effect of wind direction is now included in the velocity profile wind heeling arms.
Keypoint labels are now the same color as the key points (to facilitate differentiation from
Load case load items)
Fuel densities according to ISO 8217 have been added to the standard list of fluid densities.
The drawn Margin line is now properly refreshed when the Margin line data are changed.
Section not forming correctly when Skin Thickness option is activated, model specific has
been fixed.
SACS Motions
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Enhancements
A new Polar Graph view has been added where the plot shows the same selected result
data plotted on the radial axis (against heading) with one curve for each of the speeds tested.
The original polar graph view has been renamed the Polar view.
The Ochi Hubble two parameter spectrum has been added to the standard list of sea
state spectrum.
The SACS Motions module has now been enhanced to allow for user defined heel and trim.
A range of enhancements to the way the windage areas and underwater projected areas
are defined and calculated have been added to the vessel model.
When searching for SACS cargo files, sacinp.* files are shown by default instead of all files.
Some issues with the data plotted in the Polar contour graph have been addressed.
The maximum number of frequencies that can be calculated has been increased to 500.
Roll phase was incorrect for Wave Excitation forces of a Panel method analysis
Added resistance for panel method is now calculated (Havelock method).
COM interface has been updated with Panel Method functionality.
User can now specify the upper and lower limits of the frequency range for motions to be
calculated at.
Adding incorrect parameters to a section in the library was displaying a blank dialog. This
problem has been fixed.
A water depth can now be set for the Panel method analysis
Cancelling a panel method analysis part way through was leaving temporary files on disk.
This problem has been fixed.
A problem with the COM commands for adding remote locations has been fixed.
A better estimate of the range of frequencies to be covered is now used for a vessel with
forward speed in following waves. This results in more results in the frequency range of
Ocraflex Drift Force File export has been added to the File | Export menu.
Ocraflex motions files can now be exported directly from Motions via the File | Export
Angular velocity and accelerations are always given in rad/s and rad/s/s, irrespective of user
selected units for angle or frequency.
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Enhancements
Added the ability to include corrosion zones.
Corrected problem with calculating the footprint weight when the type is "area"
Corrected problem with a SEASTATE crash on an XP OS for a specific model
Corrected problem where the PERSET lines were not being added to the OCI file.
Corrected problem where the PERSET loads were not being not being included in the
combined load cases if the number of load combinations
proceeding this exceeded 4.
Super Element
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Corrections
Super element list output format was fixed to coincide with an input super element
Release V8i Select Series 3 v5.6 Corrections
Corrected problem where the Tow module was crashing for a large model
Release V8i Select Series 2 v5.5 Corrections
Corrected problem where stress levels and UC range labeling and coloring are not working
Corrected problem where blended color view was not being displayed
Corrected problem where selected colors were not being refreshed
Wave Response
Release V8i Select Series 4 v5.7 Corrections
Corrected problem where Wave Response was crashing on using the default number of
Fourier compinents.