Sharp Microwave Training
Sharp Microwave Training
Sharp Microwave Training
Technical File
Volume 1 Microwave Energy
Microwave Energy
Microwaves are electromagnetic energy, the same type of energy that carries Radio and Television signals. A
point to be considered is that while you read this information you are surrounded by such energy. If you were to
operate a transistor radio you would expect to be able to listen to radio stations, therefore radio frequency energy
must be present to enable this to happen.
The major difference between the electromagnetic energy that brings you your favourite radio station and the
energy used in a microwave oven is the frequency. Microwave ovens use radio frequency (RF) at 2450MHz. A
typical TV broadcast frequency is about 400MHz. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, hence
the term 'microwave'. From the diagram below it can be seen exactly where each frequency lies, and how the rest
of the electromagnetic spectrum is allocated.
The whole of the energy spectrum can be split into two broad areas: frequencies in the ultraviolet section and
above and frequencies that are below ultraviolet. Energy in and above ultraviolet is Ionising, if our bodies are
exposed to this type of energy permanent tissue damage will occur. The effect of Ionising radiation is cumulative,
each time we are exposed to this type of energy the level within our bodies is increased, which will eventually
lead to sickness. Hence the reluctance of the medical profession to over use X-ray photographs.
Energy at frequencies below ultraviolet light are non-ionising and the effects are not cumulative, that is to say
there would be no long-term problems if exposed to energy in this part of the spectrum. There is no permanent
tissue damage or change in molecular structure. For example when we are over exposed to sunlight while sun
bathing and get burnt, the skin quickly heals and returns back to normal. However there may be long term
problems due to the sun's rays containing ultraviolet energy.
Energies at microwave frequencies and of sufficient power have a heating effect and this principal is exploited in
the use of microwave energy for cooking.
Molecular Agitation
All matter is made up of atoms and atoms of different elements combine in long strings to form molecules, which
are affected by magnetic force. It is the molecules of water, fats and sugars in food that are affected by
microwave energy. If these molecular structures were examined under a microscope, under normal conditions,
the molecules would be arranged in random form i.e., not aligned in any particular pattern. If the food were then
placed in a strong electromagnetic field, it would be seen that the molecules had aligned themselves in the
direction of the force of the field. If the field were then reversed, the polarity change would cause the molecules to
be reoriented. It is possible to cause the electromagnetic field to alternate continuously, producing a continuous
movement of the molecules. This movement produces heat due to the friction caused as the molecules move
against each other.
Microwave ovens use RF energy that causes the molecules in substances being cooked to move 4,900,000,000
times a second (2 X 2450MHz).
2450 Mhz
The difference in energy levels throughout the cavity, caused by the standing waves, would produce uneven
heating of the food during the cooking process. However, there are two main ways in which this problem can be
alleviated. That is by using either a mode stirrer system, or by the use of a turntable.
The Turntable
This method leaves the heating pattern produced by the cavity design unaltered. The food is placed on a
turntable during cooking, the turntable is rotated so that all parts of the food pass through several standing waves
of energy during each rotation of the turntable.
The most effective way of using a turntable system is to place the food close to the outside of the turntable
allowing the maximum travel through the standing wave energy field. Note that if food is placed too near to the
edge of the turntable, it may become unbalanced and not rotate correctly.
Mode Stirrers
Mode stirrers, stirrer fans and devices known as rotating antennae, work in such a way as to constantly change
the energy wave pattern within the cavity during the cooking process; These units are made of materials that will
reflect microwave energy. Therefore when they are placed in the energy field and made to spin, they will
randomly affect the pattern. This sets up a continuously changing energy field in the cavity. These devices are
usually motor driven, but can be air driven, usually the food remains static within the cavity.
Sharp microwave ovens for domestic use employ the turntable method to produce even cooking, whereas
microwave ovens designed for commercial use generally incorporate mode stirrers. Commercial ovens also use
two magnetrons, which gives a double advantage of more power with two heating patterns. A detailed description
of differences of a commercial oven compared with the domestic models is included in the Sharp Commercial
Microwave Ovens section at the end of this book.
The magnetron, waveguide and cavity can be thought of as a 'matched' or 'tuned' circuit. The oven cavity is a
multi-mode cavity resonator, designed to resonate at the frequency generated by the magnetron. The whole
system requires a load to work into. So when running a microwave oven in the cook condition, there should
always be at least a small load in the cavity. The most convenient load is probably a glass of water, this will
enable the oven to be run long enough to carry out most tests.
If an oven is run for any length of time without a load, then the magnetron will be stressed. This is caused by a
back heating effect, and if left too long, eventual damage causing low output will result. Modern magnetrons are
fairly tolerant of the no load condition, so a sudden catastrophic failure is unlikely, however the effective life
expectancy could be greatly reduced.
Another way in which a magnetron may be damaged is by the use of an excessive amount of metal foil or large
metal utensils within the oven cavity. The effect can be that energy is reflected back to the magnetron where it
will be dissipated as heat. Small amounts of foil can be tolerated, as called for in certain recipe books, and
devices such as temperature probes, which are part metal in their construction.
It should be remembered though, when using metal in an oven to keep it well away from the cavity walls. if metal
objects are placed in the energy field and then come close to an earthed surface, arcing will occur and the
surface of the metal could be marked. In the case of the temperature probe, it could be rendered inoperative.
Metal racks and turntables, designed for use in the cavity, have good insulation or make good contact each other,
e.g. the metal rack and metal turntable tray used in convection ovens. Therefore arcing does not occur.
The life expectancy of a magnetron is approximately 2000 hours. Which equates to about seven years of use by
the average customer. Therefore it is expected that most magnetrons will last for the lifetime of the oven.
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Microwave Oven
Technical File
Volume 2 Magnetron and High
Voltage Circuit
Magnetron Theory
So far we have discussed microwave energy and its characteristics. In this section we will look at how the
microwave energy is generated. The component used to generate microwave energy in a microwave oven is
called a Magnetron; this is a thermionic device similar in some respects to a thermionic diode. To understand the
basic operation of the magnetron, the operation of a thermionic diode valve will be discussed.
Magnetron Construction
Shown below is a diagram of a typical magnetron used in a Sharp microwave oven. The left-hand side shows the
outside appearance while the right hand side shows a cut away views
When examining a magnetron it would appear that there are only two terminals for connection. These are in fact
for the filament and cathode. However, it should be noted that the anode structure is electrically connected to the
outer case of the magnetron, this therefore comprises a third connection.
As discussed in the Basic Thermionic Diode Operation section, the anode is at a positive potential with respect
to the filament. The anode of a magnetron is connected to its outer metal case, which is in turn connected to
ground. It therefore becomes necessary to apply a negative potential to the filament.
Whilst the magnetron is operating, it runs quite hot at approximately 96 degrees Celsius. For this reason it has to
be cooled, air is continually being blown over it by a fan. Cooling fins are fitted to the magnetron to allow the free
flow of air around the anode structure, maximising the dissipation of excess heat.
Each cavity resonator forms a conventional parallel tuned circuit, which consists of a capacitor connected in
parallel with an inductor. In the case of the cavity resonator the capacitance is created by the vanes, which are
seen as the two plates of the capacitor and the gap between the vanes is the dielectric. The length of each vane
forms the inductance. The diagram below shows the magnetron anode as conventional components for ease of
A conventional parallel tuned circuit required to oscillate at 2450MHz would require very small values of
inductance and capacitance. These can be calculated by using the following equation.
Resonant frequency =
2 LC
Therefore possible values could be:
Farad (64.95pF)
Henry (64.95pH)
C (Capacitance)
64.95 x 10
L (Inductance)
64.95 x 10
The above examples are not practical values, but they do illustrate that the values of capacitance and inductance
created within a magnetron by the cavity resonators are very small.
By inter-connecting every other anode vane, using mode or strap rings, it is possible to ensure that adjacent
cavity resonators oscillate 180 degrees out of phase when the magnetron is active. This configuration is shown
in the diagram below.
The diagram below shows the anode structure of the magnetron and the position of the magnets. A strong
magnetic field is present around the chamber. The effect of the magnetic field causes the electrons to take a
spiral path as they travel towards the anode.
For the magnetron to operate correctly, a very high potential difference between the filament and anode is
needed, the anode being positive with respect to the filament. In practice this is achieved by connecting the
anode to ground and applying a high negative voltage to the filament.
When the filament is heated, the electrons become excited and begin to jump from the filament. These free
electrons form a cloud or 'space charge' around the filament. The electrons are then attracted towards the anode
due to its positive polarity. However they are forced into taking a spiral path due to the influence of the external
magnetic field that is created by the magnets above and below the anode chamber (Lorentz's law). As the
electrons move closer to the cavity resonators they induce a charge within the resonator and this sets up the
initial oscillation. Their movement over the gaps of the vanes creates a positive feedback effect, which causes the
oscillation to continue.
As the oscillation develops some resonators will be in a negative state and some positive state, each cavity
resonator being 180 degrees out of phase with its neighbour. These conditions reverse as the cycle of oscillation
is completed, that is the resonators that were positive become negative and those that were negative become
positive. This has a further effect on the paths taken by the electrons.
Any electron in the area of the negatively charged resonator vane is repelled because of their 'like charges',
negative electrons and negatively charged resonator. The velocity of these electrons causes them to return to the
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filament, where they impact upon it, causing 'back heating' and 'secondary emission'. Conversely electrons in the
vicinity of a positively charged resonator are attracted further towards the anode where they will finally land.
As shown in the diagrams below, these two conditions create a pattern of electrons within the magnetron
chamber. This pattern is usually referred to as the spoked wheel effect; the 'spokes' are formed because of the
positively charged cavity resonators attracting electrons towards the anode. The spaces between the spokes are
caused by electrons being repelled due to the negatively charged resonators.
It is important to remember that the polarity of charge is constantly changing within the cavity resonators. As the
oscillation continues, during one half cycle of operation electrons are attracted by alternate resonators and
repelled by the others. On the next half cycle the polarities will change. This effect together with the magnetic
field causes the 'spoked wheel' to rotate so that the 'spokes' are always pointing to the positively charged cavity
resonators, and therefore the gaps are aligned with the negatively-going cavity resonators. As the oscillation
continues the 'spoked wheel' will progressively turn.
The two diagrams above show the 'Spoked wheel' pattern formed by the electron cloud in the two maximum
states of oscillation.
It can be seen from the diagram below, all twelve cavity resonators are effectively connected in parallel, therefore
the power available from each one is added together.
As the cavity resonators are in parallel, it is possible to connect an antenna (aerial) to any of the anode vanes,
enabling the total amount of microwave energy produced to be transmitted through the waveguide into the oven
There is a RF gasket fitted around the antenna to prevent microwave energy escaping from the seal
between the magnetron and the waveguide. Always ensure the gasket is not distorted when fixing
the magnetron in place.
When handling, take care not to leave greasy deposits either around or on the antenna, which may
carbonise, causing arcing at a later date.
Ensure that the connections to the magnetron terminals are tight. If they are loose, overheating and
damage will occur.
Always remember the 3D checks when working around the magnetron and high voltage circuit.
Several Sharp microwaves may use the same type of magnetron, but have different output RF powers. This is
due to the RF output power being directly proportional to the anode current, which can be controlled in the HIGH
VOLTAGE circuit design. The filament potential is altered to give the required power for individual models.
Circuit Description.
The circuit consists of a leakage transformer, usually referred to as the High Voltage or Power transformer, which
has three windings. The primary winding to which the mains supply is applied. The high voltage secondary which
steps up the mains input to 2000V A.C. and a filament winding that produces a low voltage with high current
supply for the filament of the magnetron. The other components in the high voltage circuit are the high voltage
capacitor and high voltage diode. A bleed resistor is added to the circuit, usually incorporated in the can of the
high voltage capacitor, which discharges the capacitor when power is removed.
It is essential that the spade terminal connections on the magnetron are secure. If these connections become
loose or oxidised the resistance of the joint will become high. Then because of the high current flow localised
heating will occur. This heating will cause further oxidisation and will also loosen the joints further, due to
expansion, resulting in higher resistance in the joints and further heating of the connections and possible arcing.
The result can be damaged terminals or insulation material on the magnetron requiring its premature replacement
and damage to the connecting leads. When re-fitting the spade connectors to the magnetron after service, always
ensure they are clean and tightly secured.
As previously stated the power transformer filament winding produces a low voltage A.C. It should however be
noted that the HIGH VOLTAGE circuit is connected to one filament connection. This means that all of the wiring
and connections in this part of the circuit will have a high negative potential with respect to ground. The voltage
across the filament 2.5 to 3V A.C., the negative potential from all parts of the filament circuit to ground is
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Leakage Transformer
The type of transformer used in the high voltage circuit of a Sharp microwave oven is known as a leakage
transformer. It is designed to have more magnetic flux leakage than the standard type of transformer, that is to
say that not all of the magnetic flux produced by the primary winding finds a magnetic path to affect the
secondary windings. There is a magnetic shunt built into the assembly that allows the magnetic flow to take an
alternative path.
As far as the operation is concerned, this has the effect of allowing the voltage to vary in order to maintain a fairly
constant current through the magnetron anode circuit. The reactance of the transformer effectively changes with
the load.
It is important where a magnetron is being used that its anode current is maintained at a constant value during
operation or the output power will vary dramatically. The leakage transformer operation will achieve this.
If the high voltage A.C. across the secondary winding were to be measured it would be seen to vary considerably
as the load in the oven moved around the cavity on the turntable. This is in response to the changing load put on
the magnetron. It would also be noticed however, that because of the action of the transformer and half wave
doubler circuit, that the high negative D.C. voltage across the magnetron would remain stable, as does the anode
The reason the meter shows a doubling of voltage is that the same reference point is used, that is ground. One
lead of the meter is connected to ground when taking both voltage measurements. In the case of waveform 'A',
the meter is set on the A.C. voltage range. This will show the RMS value of one half-cycle, with respect to
ground, this would be approximately 2000V.
In the case of waveform 'B' the meter would be set to measure D.C. voltage, because the waveform is
unidirectional, e.g. negative only. The meter would read -4000V, which is the RMS of the peak to peak voltage on
this waveform, which is also equal to the peak to peak value of waveform 'A'.
When the magnetron is connected to the circuit, it will affect the waveform at position 'B'. The change is due to
the current being drawn by the magnetron. The magnetron will begin to conduct at about -2,000 volts, it then acts
as a shunt regulator and clamps the waveform at that point. Now when we check with a meter the voltage would
be in the order of -2000V D.C.
We can see from the diagram on the previous page that the magnetron is pulsed on and off at mains frequency
therefore the RF output will be present for only 50% of the time. The RF energy is pulsating at 50Hz and is only
present during the negative half-cycle of the mains supply. This means we only get about 50% efficiency from the
magnetron, the result is that the output power is only half of the power consumed by the oven. However, this
pulsing helps to prevent damage occurring to the magnetron caused by overheating.
The circuit has two different time constants. When the input signal produces a forward bias potential on the diode,
the total resistance is the load resistance in parallel with the diode forward resistance, therefore the total
resistance is low. When the diode is reverse biased, the total resistance is the load resistance, which is high.
As soon as the voltage on the input side starts to fall, the diode will become reverse biased, with the charge on
the capacitor holding the diode off. The input circuit will now return the positive plate of the capacitor to ground,
therefore the other plate of the capacitor will be taken negative. In fact the negative plate of the capacitor will
always remain at a voltage equal to input less the peak value. When the input approaches its next positive peak
any lost charge will be replaced.
With the magnetron connected and drawing current the circuit will maintain a voltage nearing the peak to peak
value of the input waveform. The output does however change wave shape due to the action of the leakage
transformer and the current consumption of the magnetron.
As already stated the charge on the capacitor is effectively added to the input waveform, to give an output that is
shifted up or down depending on the polarity of charge. In the case of a microwave oven the shift is negative, as
a negative potential is needed for the cathode.
The charge gives us the difference between input and output. If the capacitor starts to discharge, the diode action
ensures that on the next positive peak the lost charge is replaced. In other words if the capacitor charge is
reduced by an increased load, the diode current increases. This fact means that diode current will be equal to the
current being drawn by the load on the doubler circuit. In the case of the microwave oven the load is the
magnetron, and therefore diode current will be the same as the magnetron anode current.
There is one further point to be considered while dealing with this circuit, that is the value of the capacitor. The
larger the value, the more current available for the magnetron to draw on. Therefore, the value of the capacitor
will affect the power output of the oven. The larger value the greater the output.
When replacing capacitors in the high voltage circuit of a microwave oven it is very important that the same value
is used as the original one fitted during manufacture. It should be noted that different models with similar output
powers, may have different values of capacitors, therefore different transformers will be used. Also models with
different output powers may use the same magnetron, with the output being controlled by the capacitor value.
From the safety aspect it should also be noted that a bleed resistor is built into the capacitor, which will discharge
the capacitor when the power is removed. In some models the bleed resistor is built into the diode. To prevent a
potentially hazardous situation developing, when replacing the capacitor or high voltage diode, always use the
correct type by part number.
When checking these components, if it is found that the bleed resistor has gone high in value or open circuit, the
component should be regarded as faulty and replaced.
Asymmetric Rectifier
The Asymmetric Rectifier or Short Protector, as it is
sometimes called, is included in the circuit to prevent damage
to the high voltage transformer and high voltage capacitor, in
case of a short circuit occurring on the magnetron or high
voltage diode. The short protector will cause the line fuse to
blow in the above fault conditions.
As can be seen in the diagram to the right, the device will not conduct in any direction, therefore has no effect on
the circuit under normal operating conditions. The peak inverse breakdown voltage of D1 is 6kV and D2 is 1.5kV.
Under fault conditions when a short circuit occurs the peak inverse voltage of D2 will be exceeded, this will cause
the diode to go short circuit. This in turn will cause a very high forward current through D1, causing it to go short
circuit also. This will cause a dead short to appear across the high voltage transformer secondary, which will blow
the line fuse, removing power to the high voltage transformer.
Test Methods
High Voltage Diode Test
The high voltage diode can be tested using a meter with an internal battery providing 15V or more when set to
measure resistance and usually means selecting the high resistance range. A 'Megger' may be used to test the
components in the high voltage circuit, either a 500V or 1kV type is suitable. It is necessary to forward bias all the
diodes within the structure, i.e. 0.7V x 20. Therefore, digital meters which only use a low voltage source cannot
be used, as there will not be sufficient voltage to forward bias the diode.
The forward resistance of the high voltage diode should read in the region of 100k. The reverse reading should
be infinity, unless there is a bleed resistor fined, which will read 10M.
Magnetron Test
It is possible to check the filament winding for continuity, which should be less than 1. From each of the filament
windings to the anode should read infinity.
When work has been completed, the oven must be checked to ensure that it is working correctly. Follow the 4Rs
outlined below once the repair is complete.
Remember to Check 4R
Microwave oven cavities should not be run empty. To test for the presence of microwave energy within a cavity,
place a cup of cold water on the oven turntable, close the door and set the microwave timer for two minutes. Set
the power level to HIGH and press the START button. When the two minutes have elapsed carefully check that
the water is hot. If the water remains cold carry out the 3D checks and re-examine the circuit.
When all service work is completed and the oven is fully assembled, the microwave power output should be
checked and a microwave leakage test carried out.
Microwave Oven
Technical File
Volume 3 Door Systems and
Microwave Power/Energy Detection
The reason for calling this door seal system 'electronic' is because part of the design makes use of the air gap,
between the door and cavity. Under certain circumstances steam and hot air will escape. This is quite normal and
does not necessarily mean the oven is leaking microwave energy. Door seal systems use a combination of the
capacitive seal and a device called a quarter wavelength choke.
Capacitive seal
This element of the door seal system uses the inner door and the cavity facing, which forms what is in effect the
two plates of a capacitor. The dielectric of the capacitor being the air gap.
Microwave Leakage
Leakage tests should be carried out on every oven that has been repaired, irrespective of the original problem.
The following information gives details of how a test should be carried out and also outlines the current standards
regarding the maximum levels of leakage that are permissible.
Microwave leakage tests should be carried out using only approved types of detectors. These detectors must be
returned to a registered laboratory for testing, calibration and certification annually. Whilst there are leakage
detectors available to both engineers and end users which do not require calibration, the results from these
should not be considered as accurate.
Leakage Testing
Under British Standards BS EN60335-2-25:1997 (domestic) and BS EN60335-2-90:1998 (commercial), the
maximum permissible amount of microwave leakage, and the method of making a test are as given below:
Maximum permissible leakage:
Sharp, as a company sets a lower acceptable level and require engineers to ensure Sharp ovens comply with this
higher safety standard. The Sharp recommended standard is set out below:
Maximum permissible leakage:
In practice, it is normal for there to be no measurable leakage from a modern oven. If any leakage is detected,
the test should be stopped immediately and the reason for the leak investigated and resolved. The test should
then be carried out again.
During production, ovens manufactured by Sharp are tested for leakage at several points along the production
line. The maximum level of leakage is set at 0.5mW/cm .
Leakage testing should only be carried out using an approved and calibrated microwave leakage detector.
Before carrying out this test make sure that the oven is correctly connected to its rated supply, with all covers in
place. The turntable or shelf should be fitted as applicable, with the required load in place.
1. Place a suitable container holding 275ml of water in the centre of the oven.
2. Set the oven for Full Power and put it into cook mode.
3. Using an approved and calibrated leakage detector in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, scan
the door perimeter around the seal. Then move diagonally across the door. The detector should be moved at
a speed of less than 2.5cm per second*
4. If at any stage any leakage is detected, the test should be stopped immediately and the reason for the
leakage located and repaired.
It should be noted that BS EN60335-2-25:1997 specifies that the detector is operated at a distance of
5cm from the source. Manufacturers of detectors usually supply a nose cone or spacer, which when
fitted, puts the pick up device 5cm from the tip. Therefore with the tip of the cone or spacer in contact with
the door the pick up is at the correct distance. Always check the detector manufacturer's instructions,
before use.
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The dotted line on the above diagram shows the direction in which the leakage detector should be moved. The tip
of the cone or spacer should run along the gap between the door and cavity, then diagonally in both directions
across the front of the door.
The leakage detector meter will need to be set to zero before carrying out the test.
Heating Categories
The heating category (a letter A to E) developed by MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) with
microwave oven and food manufacturers indicates the ability of the oven to heat small quantities of food (up to
500g [1lb 2oz]). It does not represent the general performance of the oven.
Food packs carry cooking instructions for heating categories A to E. Follow instructions for the letter
corresponding to the ovens heating category. The higher the output power and heating category of the oven the
less heating time is required.
4.187 x V x
To remove some of the variables in the above formula we use a 1000cL of water, we already know the stated
power and we set the temperature rise that we require at 10 degrees Celsius. We can then calculate the time (t)
4.187 x 1000 x 10
By inserting a range of power ratings that have been used in Sharp microwave ovens, we have calculated the
heating times and prepared the following table for quick reference:
650 Watts
700 Watts
750 Watts
800 Watts
850 Watts
900 Watts
950 Watts
1000 Watts
42 seconds (+ 3 seconds)
It is important to note that it is necessary to add three seconds to the heating time to allow for the magnetron
filament to reach the correct temperature. However, this 3 seconds should not be included in the calculation.
Having made the above calculation, carry out the check as described below.
1. Fill a suitable container with one litre of water at approximately ten to twelve degrees Celsius.
2. Stir the water and measure the temperature. Note the temperature as T1.
3. Place the container in the microwave and heat on full power for a time determined by the above
calculation (t). Remember to add 3 seconds for magnetron filament heating time.
4. When the heating time is completed, remove the container from the oven and stir the water. The
water temperature should be measured again and noted as T2.
5. The output of the oven can now be calculated using the following formula:
The result from this test should be within 15% of the RF power output, which is stated on the model specification
With the door open, the latch switch contacts are open and the monitor switch contacts are closed. The supply is
removed from the high voltage transformer primary.
When the door is opened, it can be seen from the diagram, that the latch switches must be opened before the
monitor switch closes.
As the door closes, the monitor switch contacts are opened first, then both latch switches close. The oven can
then be operated. The time difference in the operation of the monitor and the interlock switches is achieved
The diagram below shows a fault condition. The lower latch switch, which is monitored, has remained closed
when the door was opened. It can be seen that a short circuit exists across the input supply, via the monitor
switch and the lower latch switch. This short circuit causes the mains input fuse to blow, preventing the oven from
When an oven is encountered, with the line fuse blown, ascertaining when the fault occurred is necessary. If the
fuse blew during a cook cycle, then the fault is probably due to a short circuit in the high voltage circuit. However
if the fuse blew when the door was opened or closed, the fault will be a faulty monitor or latch switch. In which
case both switches should be replaced, irrespective of which one is found to be faulty. This is because the
contacts of the good switch will become pitted when the monitor circuit operates, due to the heavy current drawn.
If not replaced, this would eventually lead to the fuse blowing again, because the operation of the switch is
In early production models (before 1996) a monitor resistor was fitted between the line fuse and the monitor
switch. This was a low value resistor (0.8) at 20 Watt, its purpose being to limit the current in the monitor circuit,
while still ensuring fuse failure in a fault condition. This helps to prevent the fuse failing violently and exploding.
As the regulations covering this part of the circuit was relaxed, the monitor was phased out of production.
The diagram on the left shows more clearly the way the
monitor and latch switches operate. The stop switch is
used in electronic control ovens, to indicate to the
microprocessor if the oven door is in the open or closed
position. When the door is open, the keypad will not
accept any commands.
On manual ovens the stop switch will be used as a
second latch switch. In some older electronic control
models, both the stop switch and a second latch switch
are used.
Microwave Oven
Technical File
Volume 4 Timer/Power
Control/Thermal Cut-outs/Lamps and
It is necessary in a microwave oven to time the cooking operation carefully. The speed at which microwave ovens
cook means an error of just two or three minutes can make the difference between food being cooked correctly
and food being spoilt by overcooking. Sharp microwave oven timers allow customers to pre-set the cooking time.
At the end of cooking cycle there is a signal to inform the user that the food is ready.
In the case of the electro-mechanical ovens, the timer consists of a motor that turns a cam to operate a switch, at
the end of the set time a bell is sounded. At that time the cam causes the timer switch to open.
Ovens using electronic control systems employ a microcomputer, part of which operates as a clock. This allows
the cooking operation to be timed accurately, a beeper signals the end of cooking.
In mechanical ovens, the motor is energised when the timer is set and the oven is turned on, its function being to
turn the timer mechanism slowly back towards the zero setting. Thus switching off the supplies to both to the
output section of the oven and the timer motor itself. The time remaining is indicated by the timer control knob,
which as it turns back aligns with a time scale marked on the control panel escutcheon.
Practical Problems
When setting a mechanical timer for times of five minutes or less, it is necessary to turn the control knob past the
five minute point and then rotate it back to the time required. This action makes sure that the mechanism is
primed correctly, giving a more accurate time.
These types of timers usually have a thirty-minute or a one-hour maximum setting. If it is necessary to replace a
timer, check that the one being fitted is of the correct span. Only timers having the correct part number for the
model under repair should be used.
The method adopted by Sharp in mechanical ovens is a relatively simple one. As already stated, only a motor
and cam gear assembly to operate a switch is required. This unit is in the control section of the oven, in the live
side of the mains input to the high voltage transformer primary winding.
Some manufacturers use other methods of power control, which involve altering the dynamic conditions within
the magnetron circuit. One example of this is to switch in an extra capacitor when full power mode is selected.
This increases the voltage across the magnetron, therefore more power is produced. This type of method
employs high voltage relays or some mechanical means of carrying out the required switching within the high
voltage circuit.
Another method of achieving a power control is by using a Triac. This method again controls power by altering
the dynamic conditions of the magnetron. These dynamic methods of power control make fault finding more
difficult due to the increased complexity of the circuitry. Also where more testing of the high voltage circuitry is
necessary, there is an added safety risk.
As already mentioned, Sharp ovens using electronic control systems also employ switching in the primary supply
of the power transformer to achieve control of power levels. However, instead of a vari-motor, a relay is used,
which is controlled by a microprocessor.
Practical problems
It is worth considering the possible faults that may occur with a vari-motor system. There are only two main
possible sets of symptoms and they are (a) no power at all in any mode and (b) possible over cooking in all
modes except full power.
If the switch within the vari-motor is always open, perhaps because of the switch failing or due to a motor or gear
fault there would by no voltage supply to the primary of the HIGH VOLTAGE transformer, therefore no power
Conversely if the switch within the van-motor remains closed, again due to either switch or mechanism failure,
then the supply to the HIGH VOLTAGE transformer primary would be present as soon as the oven was put into
cook mode. The power output level would not alter when a lower power level was selected, therefore food would
be overcooked on lower power settings.
A quite normal phenomenon, when using a power setting other than full power, is to hear thumping sound as the
side of the outer wrap is distorted due to the magnetic field set up within the transformer when it is energised.
This is just like the action of a drum. Some ovens have a piece of fire retardant packing between the high voltage
transformer and the outer wrap, which minimises this effect.
Thermal Protection
All Sharp ovens are fitted with at least one thermal cut-out or thermal fuse which is intended to stop the oven
operating in the event of the magnetron overheating, or if excessive temperature is present within the cavity. The
former can be due to either thermal runaway in a faulty magnetron, or simply because of inadequate cooling,
caused by a problem with the cooling fan or ducting. Whereas the later is simply the result of food being
significantly overcooked.
In early models, the cut-out was fitted directly onto the magnetron and possibly one above the cavity roof. More
recently the cut-outs are positioned slightly away from the magnetron. By reducing the cut-outs operating
temperature, it is possible to provide satisfactory protection to both the cavity and the magnetron with a single
Thermal Cut-outs
These devices were fitted to some earlier models and are described as 'thermal cut-outs' in the parts lists of the
manuals of the ovens to which they are fitted. On reaching the specified temperature, a bi-metallic strip bends
causing the contacts to open, thus disabling the HIGH VOLTAGE circuit of the oven.
This will allow the heat to dissipate from the oven, the cooling of the bi-metallic strip will then allow the contacts to
close again which in turn will result in further excess heat being produced (unless the cause has been removed)
starting the cycle again.
Some later ovens use this type of cut-out, which are riveted to the top of the cavity. Sometimes when they trip,
they do not reset themselves, In these circumstances, spraying 'freezer' directly onto the cut-out will usually make
the bi-metallic strip spring back into position. If however the cut-out has to be replaced, the old one will have to be
drilled out. A self-tapping screw to fix the new cut-out is supplied with the replacement part.
Thermal Fuses
As suggested by their name, once these devices reach the
specified temperature, they 'fuse' or go open circuit
permanently. As before the parts list usually provides an
accurate title for these devices.
When these fuses are heated beyond their specified
temperature, the waxy material inside melts allowing the
internal link to drop away from the contacts, resulting in an
open circuit between the terminals. These devices do not
reset and have to be replaced once the reason for the failure
has been rectified.
Some older thermal fuses and cut-outs are similar in
appearance and in size, there are also various operating
temperatures used dependant upon the power output of the oven. Therefore it is possible to fit an incorrect type.
It is most important when one of these components requires replacement the new part is the correct type, using
the part number supplied in the relevant manual.
Oven Lamps
Oven lamps are used to illuminate the microwave oven cavity during cooking and (in most models) when the door
is opened.
A number of lamp circuit designs and types of lamps have been used in Sharp microwave ovens so voltage
ratings and method of fixing will depend on the model of oven.
Modern models use a single lamp rated at 240V A.C., but in older models two lamps are used, connected in
series and are each rated at 125V A.C. The majority use a screw type fitting, but some models use an integrated
lamp and fitting.
The replacement of oven lamps is not something customers should be encouraged to do, except where an
inspection hatch is provided in the outer case of the oven allowing safe access to the lamps. In such cases, it is
possible for customers to fit lamps. In all cases where the fitting of the oven lamps requires the removal of the
outer case of the oven, under no circumstances should customers attempt lamp replacement.
Practical Problems
Although the oven lamp circuit appears to be one of the least complex parts of a microwave oven, it is worth
considering the sort of problems an engineer may encounter.
Under certain circumstances it is possible for oven lamps to fail and in doing so cause the oven's internal fuse to
fail also. This is usually due to debris from the filament short-circuiting the supply to the bulb internally. Therefore
a microwave oven may appear to have a major fault when in fact only minor parts require replacing.
Another problem an engineer may have to deal with is a complaint of "one of the bulbs in my microwave has
blown". There is in fact no fault at all, but to understand the problem it is necessary to consider the oven cavity
design. Most Sharp microwave oven cavities have a grill formed in to them to light up the food as it cooks, there
are also grills to allow air to circulate and steam to escape. A customer may look into the oven and see two or
more grill openings, but light is only shinning though one of them, the customer may assume that a lamp has
As already stated a single lamp, or two in series, are used in all Sharp ovens, therefore if a lamp fails then all light
would be extinguished. This problem has been known to arise even when a customer has used the oven for a
considerable time.
All current Sharp microwave ovens do not have an hatch in the outer wrap to allow the user to change the bulb if
it fails. This should not be the case as long life bulbs are used, but in the event of failure a qualified engineer
must replace it.
It should also be noted that the top of the oven outer wrap may become very warm due to the heat from the bulb,
this is not a fault.
Convection Ovens
Convection Temperature
In order to measure the convection temperature accurately a 'K' type thermocouple connected to a digital meter
should be used. The sensor should be placed in the exact centre of the cavity so that the correct temperature
can be measures, failure to do this will result in an inaccurate measurement. The oven should reach its maximum
temperature; within 35 minutes (normally 15 to 20 minutes) for 250 oven without using preheat. The permitted
tolerance is +/-15 degrees Celsius.
1. When using a thermocouple, do not enter any microwave cooking modes (dual cook or microwave) as
the thermal couple sensor will be damaged.
2. Accurate convection temperature test can not be achieve with ovens that simulates convection cooking
by using top and bottom grill elements
Microwave Oven
Technical File
Volume 5 Practical Circuits and
Fault Fining
This simple division of the oven into the high voltage section and control circuitry, can be used to decide the
approach that should be taken to identify the fault in an oven that is not cooking. This is based on whether or not
power being available to the high voltage transformer, which is the first check to make. It is normally possible to
ascertain whether or not current is flowing through the high voltage transformer primary, without removing the
outer cover. Simply by putting the oven into the cook mode and listening carefully for the characteristic "thump"
that occurs when the transformer is energised. If the "thump" is not present, then attention should be directed to
the 240V A.C. control circuit, not forgetting the possibility of the transformer primary being open circuit.
Conversely, if this can be heard, then the high voltage circuitry is suspect. If the "thump" is followed by a louder
than normal continuous hum, this will normally indicate the presence of a heavy overload caused by a short
circuit in the secondary of the high voltage transformer.
Once this preliminary diagnosis has been made, the next step is to dismantle the oven for further investigation.
Relay RY3 controls the power being fed into the high voltage transformer. It is controlled ultimately by the
microprocessor IC1 on the right hand side of the diagram, but because certain safety conditions need to be met,
there is other circuitry involved.
As it is necessary to ensure that the high voltage circuit does not turn on when there is a single transistor failure
or when the microprocessor circuit is locked a number of transistor are used to control the operation of RY3. To
enable RY3 to be energised transistors Q20, Q22, Q23 and Q24 have to be turned on.
Q22 provides the earth return path at the bottom of RY3 and will be turned on when pin 38 of IC1 is at 5.0V and
the door switch is closed. To turn on Q24, a square wave is fed via C21 to the base of Q24. When the circuit is
operating normally, this ensures that the base of Q24 is always held lower then its emitter, thus turning it on and
allowing Q23 to be turned on and current to flow into the relay via Q20. If the microprocessor were to lock out
and cause pin 37 of IC1 to be permanently high or low, C21 would prevent Q24 from being turned on all the time
and thus the circuit is made safe.
Note that the earth return of Q22 is via the stop switch, which is mounted on the latch hook assembly with the
latch switches. Thus the oven will only operate when the door is closed. As an added safety precaution, the stop
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switch is also fed into the microprocessor, so that when the door is open, the buttons on the touch panel are
*While undertaking these repairs, make a visual inspections of the varistor (VRS1) for burning damage. The
varistor provides short-term protection against high voltage spikes that may enter the mains supply and damage
T1. Also check the primary winding of the low voltage transformer with a meter for the presence of layer shortcircuit and if any abnormal conditions are detected, replace the defective parts.
Filter Network
The circuit below shows one type of filter used in Sharp microwave ovens. These filters prevent any interference
produced by the oven appearing on the mains, they also prevent mains borne interference affecting the oven.
The two 0.0033F capacitors are connected from the positive and negative mains supply down to ground. The
values of these capacitors are chosen to have a high reactance at 50Hz, but have a low reactance, low
impedance, at high frequency, thereby removing the high frequency component by conduction to ground.
It should be noted that because of the centre connection of the two capacitors being returned to the chassis of
the oven, problems could occur if an oven is operated without an efficient earth. With a poor earth connection, the
case will acquire half mains' supply potential (very low current) and under certain circumstances a person that
makes contact with the microwave may experience a small electrical shock. This effect in not due to any defect in
the oven, and is easily remedied by making a good earth connection.
A microwave oven, should always be fitted with a 3-pin plug, fitted with a 13A fuse and connected to an earthed
Microwave Oven
Technical File
Volume 6 Commercial Microwave
Additional Cooling
The two magnetrons are usually positioned some distance apart, it is therefore necessary to use two separate
cooling fans. The magnetrons are also fitted with independent temperature fuses which if they cut-out will only
disrupt the power to the high voltage circuit that was at fault, not necessarily both circuits together, this is
dependant on the specific model and the relevant service manual should be consulted.
Cooling is normally continued at least thirty seconds after the end of the cooking cycle so that the efficiency of the
magnetrons is maintained at a reasonable level. If this were not done, it would take several seconds for the fan
to cool magnetrons down sufficiently for the power output to rise.
On-Off switching
Some Sharp commercial microwave ovens are filled with a mains On-Off switch, which allows the oven to be
completely isolated from the mains, as far as the user is concerned. The switch is located underneath the oven,
usually to the right hand side at the front. For service work, remember to still carry out the 3D checks.
This type of switch is not filled to domestic models, so this may catch out engineers not familiar with commercial
ovens. It is worth mentioning that this switch has been the cause of occasional service calls, due to it being
inadvertently operated when the oven is being cleaned.
Commercial ovens sometimes have additional repeat timers fitted, thus enabling a batch of items requiring the
same cooking time to be cooked in succession without the operator having to re-set the time. Some ovens have a
series of keys that can be pre-programmed with various times, so when one of the pre-set times is required there
is only one button to be pressed. This type of timer is useful in a canteen for example, where food can be
reheated in an oven operated by the person buying the food, a label on the food packaging can show the
required time or key.
Timers of this sort are generally not mechanical. Instead a microprocessor circuit is used and therefore a detailed
description is beyond the scope of this book.
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Consumer Electronics Technical Support
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