Lesson 1: Views About Learning: Exercises
Lesson 1: Views About Learning: Exercises
Lesson 1: Views About Learning: Exercises
Identify whether or not each of the following descriptions is an example of learning. If it is not,
indicate what it is.
1. Kris Marielles ability to focus on academic tasks improved significantly after she began
taking glutaphos under her doctors supervision.
It is not learning because glutaphos is a supplement for enhancing memory.______________
2. Jon is fond of cajoling his sister every time she wear a mini-skirt. After a week, his sister does
not wear her mini-skirt anymore.
3. Jemima blinks at a sudden flash of light.
No, because it is a natural response of Jemima in the light.____________________________
4. Karen deliberately listens to the teachers discussion on analysis and parsing. After a week or
two she realized that language is best taught from part to whole.
5. Jake Arnold has read in his biology book that the famous Rhine River in Europe, which cut
through several countries starting from Austria down to West Germany and Netherland, is known
as Europes largest open sewerage system. Later, he tells his mother that water pollution is
widespread all over the world. From that time, he never throws his waste anywhere.
Developing Your Critical Thinking:
Answer the following question briefly.
1. Is smoking a form of learning? Prove your answer.
Yes, because due to curiosity we era able to smoke and we barely know how to smoke after w
do it. And it is only a manifestation that we learn to smoke.___________________________
2. As prospective teachers, do you think that there is a need to study and understand the process
of learning? Why do you say so?
Yes. Because it is a tool for dealing student in the future.___________________________
3. Is learning a form of thinking? Prove your answer by citing a example.
Yes. Because in order to answer this number, I think of the answer which is suited for the
4. Can thinking be taught in the classroom? In what ways? Explain your answer.
Yes, by proper mapping and access of learning in L.T.M. In that way we are capable to think
of our own through the process of Analogical thinking._________________________________
Metacognitive Activities:
1. What would you consider an overt manifestation of learning.
If he/she can perform a task that would determine his/her learning.______________________
2. Imagine a situation where there is no sign of learning, how would you feel? How would you
There is no specific feeling and reaction because if you were there you probably not answer the
question because you do not know something._________________________________________
4.Teacher Karen Myrizha is now her fifth year as a clinical instructor in the college of nursing.
She wants to modify the syllabus for nursing students in her discipline. She wants to apply ideas
from nursing researches to the practice of teaching. She developed an ability to provide
meaningful engagement of student learning with the content.
Lessons in
Submitted by;
Rivas Sonny
Submitted to;
Mrs. F. Endaya