Air Conditioning System Selection&Design

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Table of Contents

Air-Conditioning System Selection and Design

Selection Goals
System Option Constraints
Narrowing the Choice
Selection Report
Central System Performance
Smoke Management
Air Distribution
Primary Systems
Space Requirements
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 9.1, Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems.

AN air-conditioning system maintains desired environmental conditions within a space. In almost

every application, there is a myriad of options available to the designer to satisfy this basic goal. In the
selection and combination of these options, the engineer must consider all the criteria defined by the
functional requirements.
Air-conditioning systems are categorized by the method used to control cooling in the
conditioned area. This chapter considers procedures for selecting the appropriate system for a given
application. It also describes and defines the design concepts and characteristics of basic airconditioning systems. Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 describe specific systems
and their attributes, based on their terminal cooling medium and commonly used variations.

The designer is responsible for considering various systems and recommending one or two that
will perform as desired. It is imperative that the designer and the owner collaborate on identifying
and rating the goals of the design. Some of the criteria that may be considered are
1. Performance requirements
2. Capacity requirements
3. Spatial requirements
4. First cost
5. Operating cost
6. Reliability
7. Flexibility
8. Maintainability
Because these factors are interrelated, the owner and building designer must consider how
each factor affects the others. The relative importance of these five factors differs with different
owners and often changes from one project to another for the same owner.

In addition to goals for providing the desired environment, the designer must be aware of and
account for other goals the owner may require. These goals may include
1.Supporting a process, such as the operation of computer equipment
2.Promoting an aseptic environment
3.Increasing sales
4.Increasing net rental income

5.Increasing the salability of a property

Typical concerns of owners include first cost compared to operating cost, the extent and
frequency of maintenance and whether that maintenance requires entering the occupied space, the
expected frequency of failure of a system, the impact of a failure, and the time required to correct the
failure. Each of these concerns has a different priority, depending on the owners goals.
The owner can only make appropriate value judgments if the designer provides complete
information on the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Just as the owner does not
usually know the relative advantages and disadvantages of different systems, the designer rarely
knows all the owners financial and functional goals. Hence, it is important to involve the owner in
the selection of a system.


The first step in selecting a system is to determine and document constraints dictated by
performance, capacity, available space, and any other factors important to the project.
Few projects allow detailed quantitative evaluation of all alternatives. Common sense and
subjective experience can be used to narrow choices to two or three potential systems.

Cooling Load
Establishing the cooling load often narrows the choice to systems that will fit within the available
space and are compatible with the building architecture. Chapter 26 of the 1993 ASHRAE
HandbookFundamentals covers determination of the magnitude and characteristics of the cooling
load and its variation with time and operating conditions. By establishing the capacity requirement,
the equipment size can be estimated. Then, the choice may be narrowed to those systems that work
well on projects within a size range.

Zoning Requirements
Loads vary over time due to changes in the weather, occupancy, activities, and solar exposure.
Each space with a different exposure requires a different control zone to maintain constant
temperature. Some areas with special requirements may need individual control or individual
systems, independent of the rest of the building. Variations in indoor conditions, which are
acceptable in one space, may be unacceptable in other areas of the same building. The extent of
zoning, the degree of control required in each zone, and the space required for individual zones also
narrow the system choices.
No matter how efficiently a particular system operates, or how economical it may be to install, it
cannot be considered if it (1) does not maintain the desired interior environment within an
acceptable tolerance under all conditions and occupant activities and (2) does not physically fit into
the building without being objectionable.

Heating and Ventilation

Cooling and humidity control are often the basis of sizing air-conditioning components and
subsystems, but the system may also provide other functions, such as heating and ventilation. For
example, if the system provides large quantities of outside air for ventilation or to replace air
exhausted from the building, only systems that transport large air volumes need to be considered. In
this situation, the ventilation system requires a large air-handling and duct distribution system, which
may eliminate some systems.
Effective delivery of heat to an area may be an equally important factor in system selection. A
distribution system that offers high efficiency and comfort for cooling may be a poor choice for
heating. This performance compromise may be small for one application in one climate, but may be
unacceptable in another that has more stringent heating requirements.

Architectural Constraints
Air-conditioning systems and the associated distribution systems often occupy a significant
amount of space. Major components may also require special support from the structure. The size

and appearance of terminal devices (whether they are diffusers, fan-coil units, or radiant panels)
have an effect on the architectural design because they are visible from the occupied space.
Other factors that limit the selection of a system include (1) acceptable noise levels, (2) the
space available to house equipment and its location relative to the occupied space, (3) the space
available for distribution pipes and ducts, and (4) the acceptability of components obtruding into the
occupied space, both physically and visually.


Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 cover all-air systems, air-and-water systems,
all-water systems, and unitary refrigerant-based systems. Each chapter includes an evaluation
section, which briefly summarizes the positive and negative features of various systems. Comparing
the features against the list of design factors and their relative importance usually allows
identification of two or three systems that best satisfy the project criteria. In making subjective
choices, it is helpful to keep notes on all systems considered and the reasons for eliminating those
that are unacceptable.
In most cases, two systems must be selected: a secondary system (or distribution system),
which delivers heating or cooling to the occupied space, and a primary system, which converts
energy from fuel or electricity. The two systems are, to a great extent, independent, so that several
secondary systems may work with different primary systems. In some cases, however, only one
secondary system may be suitable for a particular primary system.
Once subjective analysis has identified two or three systemsand sometimes only one choice
may remaindetailed quantitative evaluations of each system must be made. All systems
considered should provide satisfactory performance to meet the owners essential goals. The owner
then needs specific data on each system to make an informed choice. Chapter 28 of the 1993
ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals outlines methods for estimating annual energy costs. In the
1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications, Chapter 35 covers mechanical maintenance, and Chapter
33 describes life-cycle costing, which can be used to compare the overall economics of systems.

As the last step of system selection, the designer should prepare a summary of the design and
the selection criteria, a brief outline the systems deemed inappropriate, and a comparison of the
systems selected for detailed study.
If a matrix assessment is made, the designer should have the owner provide input to the
analysis. The owners input can also be applied as weighted multipliers.
There are many grading criteria lists, including those in Chapter 33 of the 1995 ASHRAE
HandbookApplications. The examination of total owning and operating costs is an important
system selection tool. Other assessments may include some of the following:
Comfort considerations
Control options
Effect of failure
Space considerations
Floor space
Plenum space
Furniture placement
Maintenance accessibility
First cost
System cost
Cost to add zones
Ability to increase capacity

Contribution to life safety needs

Air quality control
Operating costs
Energy costs
Water costs
Sewer costs
Chemical costs
Manpower costs
Maintenance costs
Labor costs
Licensing for operators
Material costs
Energy-efficient operating modes
Economy cycle (free cooling)
Heat recovery

The system selection report should also address the following inquiries:
1. Does the system fit in the available space, or does it require some architectural modification?
Does the system use more floor space than others considered, or does it require construction of
additional space for mechanical rooms or shafts?
2. Will the system deliver the desired uniform temperature under varying weather and solar
conditions? If compromises are made from the ideal control zoning, how much variation may be
expected between spaces?
3. How much will the system cost to own compared to others considered? What is the recovery
time of the initial investment, interest on investment system life, and the future cost of replacement
4. What are the operating costsfor energy, maintenance, labor, and suppliesof this system
compared to others?
5. What reliability can the owner expect compared to other systems? What component failures
affect the entire building, and which affect only limited areas? How easily can the system be
serviced? How quickly can the system be restored to operation after various equipment failures?
6. Is the system flexible enough to meet changes in the owners needs? What is required to add
a control zone? Can the system meet the increased capacity requirements of a space when
equipment is added? How will changes in the interior layout and arrangement affect performance?
The system selection report should conclude recommending a system, along with reasons for
the choice. The elements of the report should be discussed to be sure the owners goals have been
The system selection report should also include requirements for commissioning. See Chapter
39 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications.


The basic secondary system is an all-air, single-zone, air-conditioning system. It may be
designed to supply a constant air volume or a variable air volume and for low-, medium-, or highvelocity air distribution. Normally, the equipment is located outside the conditioned area, in a
basement, penthouse, or service area. It can, however, be installed within the area if conditions
permit. The equipment can be adjacent to the primary heating and refrigeration equipment, or at
considerable distance from it by circulating refrigerant, chilled water, hot water, or steam for energy

Some central system applications are (1) spaces with uniform loads, (2) small spaces requiring
precision control, (3) multiple systems for large areas, (4) systems for complete environmental
control, and (5) primary sources of conditioned air for other subsystems.

Spaces with Uniform Loads

Spaces with uniform loads are generally those with relatively large open areas and small
external loads, such as theaters, auditoriums, department stores, and the public spaces of many
buildings. Adjustment for minor variations in the air-conditioning load can be made by supplying
more or less air in the original design and balance of the system.
In office buildings, the interior areas generally meet these criteria as long as local areas of
relatively intense and variable heat sources, such as computers, are treated separately. In these
applications, dwarf partitions allow wider diffusion of the conditioned air and equalization of
temperatures. These areas usually require year-round cooling, and any isolated spaces with limited
occupancy may require special evaluation, as discussed in Chapter 3 of the 1995 ASHRAE
In most single-room commercial applications, temperature variations up to 4F at the outside
walls are usually considered acceptable for tenancy requirements. However, these variations should
be carefully determined and limited during design. If people sit or work near the outside walls, or if
they are isolated by partitions, supplementary heating equipment may be required at the walls,
depending on the outdoor design temperature in winter and the thermal characteristics of the wall.

Spaces Requiring Precision Control

These spaces are usually isolated rooms within a larger building and have stringent
requirements for cleanliness, humidity, temperature control, and air distribution. Central system
components can be selected and assembled to meet the exact requirements of the area.

Multiple Systems for Large Areas

In large buildings such as hangars, factories, large stores, office buildings, and hospitals,
practical considerations require installation of multiple central systems. The size of the individual
system is usually determined by first cost and operating cost considerations.

Systems for Environmental Control

ASHRAE Standard 62 specifies ventilation rates for acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). All-air
systems generally provide the necessary air supply to dilute the air in controlled spaces in
applications requiring contamination control. These applications are usually combinations of supply
systems and exhaust systems that circulate the diluting air through the space. The designer must
consider the terminal systems used because establishing adequate dilution volumes is closely
related to design criteria, occupancy type, air delivery, and scavenging methods. IAQ is an essential
consideration in the design of systems.
Cleanliness of the air supply also relates directly to the level of environmental control desired.
Suitable air filtration should be incorporated in the central system upstream from the air-moving and
tempering equipment. Some applications, such as hospitals, require downstream filtration as well.
These systems often incorporate some form of energy recovery. Chapter 24 of this volume has
information on air cleaners, and Chapter 8, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12 of the 1993 ASHRAE
HandbookFundamentals discuss physiological factors, contaminants, and odors.

Primary Sources for Other Systems

Systems for controlling conditions in individual zones are described in Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. These secondary systems may move a constant or variable supply of
conditioned air for ventilation and control some or all of the air-conditioning load. Use of a secondary
system may reduce the amount of conditioned air required to be delivered by the central system,
thereby reducing the size of and the space required for ductwork. Ductwork size can be reduced
further either by moving air at high velocities or by delivering air at reduced temperatures. However,

high-velocity system design must consider the resultant high pressure, sound levels, and energy
requirements. System design for low-temperature air delivery must consider the minimum required
ventilation rates and insulation and condensation problems associated with lower temperatures.
Chapter 18 of this volume, Chapter 7 and Chapter 32 of the 1993 ASHRAE Handbook
Fundamentals, and Chapter 43 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications present design


Figure 1 shows a typical draw-through central system that supplies conditioned air to a single
zone or to multiple zones. A blow-through configuration may also be used if space or other
conditions dictate. The quantity and quality of supplied air are fixed by space requirements and
determined as indicated in Chapter 26 of the 1993 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals. Air gains
and loses heat by contacting heat transfer surfaces and by mixing with air of another condition.
Some of this mixing is intentional, as at the outdoor air intake; others mixing is the result of the
physical characteristics of a particular component, as when untreated air passes without contacting
the fins of a coil (bypass factor).

Fig. 1 Equipment Arrangement for Central System Draw-Through Unit

All treated and untreated air must be thoroughly mixed for maximum performance of heat
transfer surfaces and for uniform temperatures in the airstream. Stratified, parallel paths of treated
and untreated air must be avoided, particularly in the vertical plane of systems using double inlet or
multiple-wheel fans. Because these fans do not completely mix the air, different temperatures can
occur in branches coming from opposite sides of the supply duct.

Air-conditioning systems are often used for smoke control during fires. Controlled air flow can
provide smoke-free areas for occupant evacuation and fire fighter access. Space pressurization
creates a low-pressure area at the smoke source, surrounding it with high-pressure spaces. For
more information, see Chapter 48 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications. The publication,
Design of Smoke Management Systems (ASHRAE 1992), has detailed information.

Air-Conditioning Units
To determine the systems air-handling requirement, the designer must consider the function
and physical characteristics of the space to be conditioned and the air volume and thermal

exchange capacities required. Then, the various components may be selected and arranged by
considering the fundamental requirements of the central systemequipment must be adequate,
accessible for easy maintenance, and not too complex in arrangement and control to produce the
required conditions.
Further, the designer should consider economics in component selection. Both initial cost and
operating costs affect design decisions. The designer should not arbitrarily design for a 500 fpm face
velocity, which has been common for selection of cooling coils and other components. Filter and coil
selection at 300 to 400 fpm, with resultant lower pressure loss, could produce a substantial payback
on constant volume systems. Chapter 33 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications has further
information on energy and life-cycle costs.
Figure 1 shows a general arrangement of the components for a single-zone, all-air central
system suitable for year-round air conditioning. With this arrangement, close control of temperature
and humidity are possible. All these components are seldom used simultaneously in a comfort
application. Although Figure 1 indicates a built-up system, most of the components are available
from many manufacturers completely assembled or in subassembled sections that can be bolted
together in the field.
When selecting central system components, specific design parameters must be evaluated to
balance cost, controllability, operating expense, maintenance, noise, and space. The sizing and
selection of primary air-handling units substantially affect the results obtained in the conditioned

Return Air Fan

A return air fan is optional on small systems but is essential for the proper operation of air
economizer or free cooling systems. It provides a positive return and exhaust from the conditioned
area, particularly when mixing dampers permit cooling with outdoor air in intermediate seasons and
The return air fan ensures that the proper volume of air returns from the conditioned space. It
prevents excess pressure when economizer cycles introduce more than the minimum quantity of
outside air. It also reduces the static pressure the supply fan has to work against.
The supply fan(s) must be carefully matched with the return fans, particularly in variable air
volume (VAV) systems. The return air fan should handle a slightly smaller amount of air to account
for fixed exhaust systems, such as the toilet exhaust, and to ensure a slight positive pressure in the
conditioned space. Control of VAV systems is specialized (see Chapter 2 for design details).

Relief Air Fan

In many situations, a relief (or exhaust) air fan may be used instead of a return fan. A relief air
fan relieves ventilation air introduced during air economizer operation and operates only when this
control cycle is in effect.
When a relief air fan is used, the supply fan must be designed for the total supply and return
static pressure in the system, to operate without the relief air fan during the noneconomizer mode of
operation. During the economizer mode of operation, the relief fan must be controlled to exhaust at
a rate that tracks the quantity of outside air introduced, to ensure a slight positive pressure in the
conditioned space, as with the return air fan system cited previously.

Automatic Dampers
Opposed blade dampers for the outdoor, return, and relief airstreams provides the highest
degree of control. The section on Mixing Plenum covers the conditions that dictate the use of
parallel blade dampers.
Pressure relationships between various sections must be considered to ensure that automatic
dampers are properly sized for wide open and modulating pressure drops.

Relief Openings
Relief openings in large buildings should be constructed similarly to outdoor air intakes, but they
may require motorized or self-acting backdraft dampers to prevent high wind pressure or stack

action from causing the airflow to reverse when the automatic dampers are open. The pressure loss
through relief openings should be 0.10 in. of water or less. Low-leakage dampers, such as those for
outdoor intakes, prevent rattling and minimize leakage.
Relief dampers sized for the same air velocity as the maximum outdoor air dampers facilitate
control when an air economizer cycle is used. The relief air opening should be located so that the
exhaust air does not short-circuit to the outdoor air intake.

Return Air Dampers

The negative pressure in the outdoor air intake plenum is a function of the resistance or static
pressure loss through the outside air louvers, damper, and duct. The positive pressure in the relief
air plenum is, likewise, a function of the static pressure loss through the exhaust or relief damper,
the exhaust duct between the plenum and outside, and the relief louver. The pressure drop through
the return air damper must accommodate the pressure difference between the positive-pressure
relief air plenum and the negative- pressure outside air plenum. Proper sizing of this damper
facilitates both air balancing and mixing. An additional manual damper may be required for proper
air balancing.

Outdoor Air Intakes

Resistance through outdoor intakes varies widely, depending on construction. Frequently,
architectural considerations dictate the type and style of louver. The designer should ensure that the
louvers selected offer minimum pressure loss, preferably not more than 0.10 in. of water. Highefficiency, low-pressure louvers that effectively limit carryover of rain are available. Flashing installed
at the outside wall and weep holes or a floor drain will carry away rain and melted snow entering the
intake. Cold regions may require a snow baffle to direct fine snow particles to a low-velocity area
below the dampers. Outdoor dampers should be low-leakage types with special gasketed edges and
special end treatment. Separate damper sections with separate damper operators are strongly
recommended for the minimum outdoor air needed for ventilation. The maximum outdoor air needed
for economizer cycles is then drawn through the entire outside air damper.

Mixing Plenum
If the equipment is alongside outdoor louvers in a wall, the minimum outdoor air damper should
be located as close as possible to the return damper connection. An outside air damper sized for
1500 fpm gives good control. The pressure difference between the relief plenum and outdoor intake
plenum must be measured through the return damper section. A higher velocity through the return
air damperhigh enough to cause this loss at its full open position facilitates air balance and
creates good mixing. To create maximum turbulence and mixing, return air dampers should be set
so that any deflection of air is toward the outside air. Parallel blade dampers may aid mixing.
Mixing dampers should be placed across the full width of the unit, even though the location of
the return duct makes it more convenient to return air through the side. When return dampers are
placed at one side, return air passes through one side of a double-inlet fan, and cold outdoor air
passes through the other. If the air return must enter the side, some form of air blender should be
Although opposed blade dampers offer better control, properly proportioned parallel blade
dampers are more effective for mixing airstreams of different temperatures. If parallel blades are
used, each damper should be mounted so that its partially opened blades direct the airstreams
toward the other damper for maximum mixing.
Baffles that direct the two airstreams to impinge on each other at right angles and in multiple jets
create the turbulence required to mix the air thoroughly. In some instances, unit heaters or propeller
fans have been used for mixing, regardless of the final type and configuration of dampers.
Otherwise, the preheat coil will waste heat, or the cooling coil may freeze. Low-leakage outdoor air
dampers minimize leakage during shutdown.
Coil freezing can be a serious problem with chilled water coils. Full flow circulation of chilled
water during freezing weather, or even reduced flow with a small recirculating pump, discourages
coil freezing and eliminates stratification. Further, it can provide a source of off-season chilled water
in air-and-water systems. Antifreeze solutions or complete coil draining also prevent coil freezing.

However, because it is difficult, if not impossible, to drain most cooling coils completely, caution
should be exercised if this option is considered.

Filter Section
A systems overall performance depends heavily on the filter. Unless the filter is regularly
maintained, system resistance increases and airflow diminishes. Accessibility is the primary
consideration in filter selection and location. In a built-up system, there should be a minimum of 3 ft.
between the upstream face of the filter bank and any obstruction. Other requirements for filters can
be found in Chapter 24, Chapter 25, and ASHRAE Standard 52.1.
Good mixing of outdoor and return air is also necessary for good filter performance. A poorly
placed outdoor air duct or a bad duct connection to the mixing plenum can cause uneven loading of
the filter and poor distribution of air through the coil section. Because of the low resistance of the
clean areas, the filter gauge may not warn of this condition.

Preheat Coil
The preheat coil should have wide fin spacing, be accessible for easy cleaning, and be
protected by filters. If the preheat coil is located in the minimum outdoor airstream rather than in the
mixed airstream as shown in Figure 1, it should not heat the air to an exit temperature above 35 to
45F; preferably, it should become inoperative at outdoor temperatures of 45F. Inner distributing
tube or integral face and bypass coils are preferable with steam. If used, hot water preheat coils
should have a constant flow recirculating pump and should be piped for parallel flow so that the
coldest air will contact the warmest coil surface first.

Cooling Coil
In this section, sensible and latent heat are removed from the air. In all finned coils, some air
passes through without contacting the fins or tubes. The amount of this bypass can vary from 30%
for a four-row coil at 700 fpm to less than 2% for an eight-row coil at 300 fpm.
The dew point of the air mixture leaving a four-row coil might satisfy a comfort installation with
25% or less outdoor air, a small internal latent load, and sensible temperature control only. For close
control of room conditions for precision work, a deeper coil may be required.
A central station unit that is the primary source of conditioned air for other subsystems, such as
in an air-and-water system, does not need to supply as much air to a space. In this case, the primary
air furnishes outdoor air for ventilation and handles space dehumidification and some sensible
cooling. This application normally requires deeper coils with more fins and sprays.

Reheat Coil Section

Reheat is strongly discouraged, unless the recovered energy is used (see ASHRAE Standard
90.1). Reheating is limited to laboratory, health care, or similar applications where it is essential to
control temperature and relative humidity accurately.
Heating coils located in the reheat position, as shown in Figure 1, are frequently used for warmup, although a coil in the preheat position is preferable.
Hot water heating coils provide the highest degree of control. Oversized coils, particularly
steam, can stratify the airflow; thus, where cost-effective, inner distributing coils are preferable for
steam applications. Electric coils may also be used.

For comfort installations not requiring close control, moisture can be added to the air by
mechanical atomizers or point-of-use electric or ultrasonic humidifiers. Proper location of this
equipment prevents stratification of moist air in the system.
Steam grid humidifiers with dew-point control usually are used for accurate humidity control. In
this application, the heat of evaporation should be replaced by heating the recirculated water, rather
than by increasing the size of the preheat coil. It is not possible to add moisture to saturated air,
even with a steam grid humidifier. Air in a laboratory or other application that requires close humidity

control must be reheated after leaving a dehumidifier coil before moisture can be added. This
requires reconsideration of air discharge temperatures and quantities.
The capacity of the humidifying equipment should not exceed the expected peak load by more
than 10%. If the humidity is controlled from the room or the return air, a limiting humidistat and fan
interlock may be needed in the supply duct. This prevents condensation and mold or mildew growth
within the ductwork when temperature controls call for cooler air. Humidifiers add some sensible
heat that should be accounted for in the psychrometric evaluation.

Supply Air Fan

Either axial flow, centrifugal, or plug fans may be chosen as supply air fans for straight-through
flow applications. In factory-fabricated units, more than one centrifugal fan may be tied to the same
shaft. If headroom permits, a single-inlet fan should be chosen when air enters at right angles to the
flow of air through the equipment. This permits a direct flow of air from the fan wheel into the supply
duct without abrupt change in direction and loss in efficiency. It also permits a more gradual
transition from the fan to the duct and increases the static regain in the velocity pressure conversion.
To minimize inlet losses, the distance between the casing walls and the fan inlet should be at
least the diameter of the fan wheel. With a single-inlet fan, the length of the transition section should
be at least half the width or height of the casing, whichever is longer.
If fans blow through the equipment, the air distribution through the downstream components
needs analyzing, and baffles should be used to ensure uniform air distribution (see Chapter 18).

Ductwork should deliver conditioned air to an area as directly, quietly, and economically as
possible. Structural features of the building generally require some compromise and often limit
depth. Chapter 32 of the 1993 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals describes ductwork design in
detail and gives several methods of sizing duct systems.
It is imperative that the designer coordinate duct design with the structure. In commercially
developed projects, it is common that great effort is made to reduce floor-to-floor dimensions. The
resultant decrease in the available interstitial space left for ductwork is a major design challenge.

Room Terminals
In some instances, such as in low-velocity, all-air systems, the air may enter from the supply air
ductwork directly into the conditioned space through a grille or diffuser.
In high-velocity air systems, an intermediate device normally controls air volume, reduces duct
pressure, or both. Various devices are available, including: (1) an air-water induction terminal, which
includes a coil or coils in the induced airstream to condition the return air before it mixes with the
primary air and enters the space; (2) an all-air induction terminal, which controls the volume of
primary air, induces ceiling plenum air, and distributes the mixture through low-velocity ductwork to
the space; (3) a fan-powered mixing box, which uses a fan to accomplish the mixing rather than
depending on the induction principle; and (4) a VAV box, which varies the amount of air delivered
with no induction. This air may be delivered to low-pressure ductwork and then to the space, or the
terminal may contain an integral air diffuser. See Chapter 17 for further discussion of terminal boxes.

In all new construction (except low-rise residential buildings), air-handling duct and plenums
installed as part of an HVAC air distribution system should be thermally insulated in accordance with
Section 9.4 of ASHRAE Standard 90.1. See Chapter 32 of the 1993 ASHRAE Handbook
Fundamentals for further discussion and calculation methodology.

Ceiling Plenums
The space between a hung ceiling and the floor slab above it is used frequently as a return
plenum to reduce sheet metal work. Local and national codes should be consulted before using this

approach in new design, because most codes prohibit combustible material in a return air ceiling
Lobby ceilings with lay-in panels do not work well as return plenums where negative pressures
from high-rise elevators or stack effects of high-rise buildings may occur. If the plenum leaks to the
low-pressure area, the tiles may lift and drop out when the outside door is opened and closed.
Return plenums directly below a roof deck have substantially higher return air gain than a ducted
return, which has the advantage of reducing the heat gain to or loss from the space.

Controls should be automatic and simple for best operating and maintenance efficiency.
Operations should follow a natural sequencedepending on the space need, one controlling
thermostat closes a normally open heating valve, opens the outdoor air mixing dampers, or opens
the cooling valve. In certain applications, an enthalpy controller, which compares the heat content of
outdoor air to that of return air, may override the temperature controller. This control opens the
outdoor air damper when conditions reduce the refrigeration load. On smaller systems, a dry-bulb
control saves the cost of the enthalpy control and approaches these savings when an optimum
changeover temperature, above the design dew point, is established.
A minimum outdoor air damper with separate motor, selected for a velocity of 1500 fpm, is
preferred to one large outdoor air damper with minimum stops. A separate damper simplifies air
A mixed air temperature control can reduce operating costs and also reduce temperature swings
from load variations in the conditioned space. Chapter 42 of the 1995 ASHRAE Handbook
Applications shows control diagrams for various arrangements of central system equipment.

Equipment Isolation
Vibration and sound isolation equipment is required for most central system fan installations.
Standard mountings of fiberglass, ribbed rubber, neoprene mounts, and springs are available for
most fans and prefabricated units.
In some applications, the fans may require concrete inertia blocks in addition to nonenclosed
spring mountings. Steel springs require sound-absorbing material inserted between the springs and
the foundation. Horizontal discharge fans operating at a high static pressure frequently require thrust
Ductwork connections should be made with fireproof fiber cloth sleeves having considerable
slack, but without offset between the fan outlet and rigid duct. Misalignment between the duct and
fan outlet can cause turbulence, generate noise, and reduce system efficiency. Electrical and piping
connections to vibration-isolated equipment should be made with flexible conduit and flexible
connections. Special considerations are required in seismic zones.
Equipment noise transmitted through the ductwork can be reduced by sound-absorbing units,
acoustical lining, and other means of attenuation. Sound transmitted through the return and relief
ducts should not be overlooked. Acoustical lining sufficient to adequately attenuate any
objectionable system noise or locally generated noise should be considered. Chapter 43 of the 1995
ASHRAE HandbookApplications, Chapter 7 of the 1993 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals, and
ASHRAE Standard 68 have further information on sound and vibration control.
The designer must account for seismic restraint requirements for the seismic zone in which the
particular project is located.

Space Heating
Although steam is an acceptable media for central system preheat or reheat coils, lowtemperature hot water provides a simple and more uniform means of perimeter and general space
heating. Individual automatic control of each terminal provides the ideal space comfort. A control
system that varies the water temperature inversely with the change in outdoor temperature provides
water temperatures that produce acceptable results in most applications. To produce the best
results, the most satisfactory ratio can be set after the installation is completed and actual operating
conditions are ascertained.

Multiple perimeter spaces on one exposure served by a central system may be heated by
supplying warm air from the central system. Areas that have heat gain from lights and occupants
and no heat loss require cooling in winter, as well as in summer.
In some systems, very little heating of the return and outdoor air is required when the space is
occupied. Local codes dictate the amount of outside air required (see ASHRAE Standard 62 for
recommended optimum outside air ventilation). For example, with return air at 75F and outside air
at 0F, the temperature of a 25% outdoor/75% return air mixture would be 56F, which is close to the
temperature of the air supplied to cool such a space in summer. In this instance, a preheat coil
installed in the minimum outdoor airstream to warm the outdoor air can produce overheating, unless
it is sized as previously recommended. Assuming good mixing, a preheat coil located in the mixed
airstream, prevents this problem. The outdoor air damper should be kept closed until room
temperatures are reached during warm-up. A return air thermostat can terminate the warm-up
When a central air-handling unit supplies both perimeter and interior spaces, the supply air must
be cool to handle the interior zones. Additional control is needed to heat the perimeter spaces
properly. Reheating the air is the simplest solution, but it is not acceptable by most energy codes. An
acceptable solution is to vary the volume of air to the perimeter and combine it with a terminal
heating coil or a separate perimeter heating system, either baseboard, overhead air heating, or a
fan-powered mixing box with supplemental heat. The perimeter heating should be individually
controlled and integrated with the cooling control.
Resetting the supply water temperature downward when less heat is required generally
improves temperature control. For further information, refer to Chapter 12 in this volume and
Chapter 42 in the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications.

The type of central heating and cooling equipment used for air-conditioning systems in large
building depends chiefly on economic factors, once the total required capacity has been determined.
Component choice depends on such factors as the type of fuel available, environmental protection
required, structural support, and available space.
Rising energy costs have fostered many designs to recover the internal heat from lights, people,
and equipment to reduce the size of the heating plant. Chapter 8 describes several heat recovery
The search for energy savings has extended to cogeneration or total energy systems, in which
on-site power generation has been added to the heating and air-conditioning project. The economics
of this function is determined by gas and electric rate differentials and by the ratio of electric to heat
demands for the project. In these systems, waste heat from the generators can be put into the
cooling equipment, either to drive the turbines of centrifugal compressors or to serve absorption
chillers. Chapter 7 presents further details on cogeneration or total energy systems.
Among the largest installations of central mechanical equipment are the central cooling and
heating plants serving groups of large buildings. These plants provide higher diversity and generally
operate more efficiently and with lower maintenance and labor costs than individual plants.
The economics of these systems require extensive analysis. Boilers, gas, and steam turbinedriven centrifugals, and absorption chillers may be installed in combination in one plant. In large
buildings with core areas that require cooling while perimeter areas require heating, one of several
heat reclaim systems could heat the perimeter to save energy. Chapter 8 gives details of these
combinations, and Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14 give design details of central plants.
Most large buildings, however, have their own central heating and cooling plant in which the
choice of equipment depends on the following:
Required capacity and type of usage
Costs and types of energy available
Location of the equipment room
Type of air distribution system
Owning and operating costs

Many electric utilities impose severe penalties for peak summertime power use or, alternatively,
offer incentives for off-peak use. This policy has renewed interest in both water and ice thermal
storage systems. The storage capacity installed for summertime load leveling may also be available
for use in the winter, making heat reclaim a more viable option. With ice-storage, the lowtemperature ice water can provide colder air than that available from a conventional system. Use of
high water temperature rise and lower temperature air results in lower pumping and fan energy and,
in some instances, offsets the energy penalty due to the lower temperature required to make ice.

Heating Equipment
Steam and hot water boilers for heating are manufactured for high or low pressure and use coal,
oil, electricity, gas, and sometimes, waste material for fuel. Low-pressure boilers are rated for a
working pressure of 15 psig for steam and 160 psig for water, with a maximum temperature limitation
of 250F. Package boilers, with all components and controls assembled as a unit, are available.
Electrode or resistance-type electric boilers are available for either hot water or steam generation.
For further information, see Chapter 27.
Where steam or hot water is supplied from a central plant, as on university campuses and in
downtown areas of large cities, the service entrance to the building must conform to utility
standards. The utility should be contacted at the beginning of the project to determine availability,
cost, and the specific requirements of the service.

Fuels must be considered, when the boiler system is selected, to ensure maximum efficiency.
Chapter 15 of the 1993 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals gives fuel types, properties, and proper
combustion factors. Chapter 26 of this volume includes information for the design, selection, and
operation of automatic fuel-burning equipment.

Refrigeration Equipment
The major types of refrigeration equipment used in large systems are reciprocating
compressors, helical rotary compressors, centrifugal compressors, and absorption chillers. See
Chapter 34 of this volume for information about compressors and Chapter 40 and Chapter 42 of the
1994 ASHRAE HandbookRefrigeration for further discussion of refrigeration equipment, including
the general size ranges of available equipment.
Reciprocating, helical rotary, and centrifugal compressors have many types of driveselectric
motors, gas and diesel engines, and gas and steam turbines. The compressors may be purchased
as part of a refrigeration chiller consisting of compressor, drive, chiller, condenser, and necessary
safety and operating controls. Reciprocating and helical rotary compressor units are frequently used
in field-assembled systems, with air-cooled or evaporative condensers arranged for remote
Centrifugal compressors are usually included in packaged chillers. Most centrifugal packages
are available in limited sizes.
Absorption chillers are water cooled. They use a lithium bromide/water or water/ammonia cycle
and are generally available in the following four configurations: (1) direct fired, (2) indirect fired by
low-pressure steam or hot water, (3) indirect fired by high-pressure steam or hot water, and (4) fired
by hot exhaust gas. Small direct-fired chillers are single-effect machines with capacities of 3.5 to 25
tons. Larger direct-fired, double-effect chillers in the 100 to 2000 ton capacity range are available.
Low-pressure steam at 15 psig or hot water heats the generator of single-effect absorption
chillers with capacities from 50 to 1600 tons. Double-effect machines use higher pressure steam up
to 150 psig or hot water at an equivalent temperature. Absorption chillers of this type are available
from 350 to 2000 tons.
The absorption chiller is sometimes combined with steam turbine-driven centrifugal
compressors in large installations. Steam from the noncondensing turbine is piped to the generator
of the absorption machine. When a centrifugal unit is driven by a gas turbine or an engine, an
absorption machine generator may be fed with steam or hot water from the jacket. A heat exchanger
that transfers the heat of the exhaust gases to a fluid medium may increase the cycle efficiency.

Chapter 40 of the 1994 ASHRAE HandbookRefrigeration gives details of absorption airconditioning and refrigeration equipment.

Cooling Towers
Water is usually cooled by the atmosphere in water-cooled condensers. Either natural draft or
mechanical draft cooling towers or spray ponds are used for the cooling. Of these, the mechanical
draft tower, which may be of the forced draft, induced draft, or ejector type, can be designed for most
conditions because it does not depend on the wind. Air-conditioning systems use towers ranging
from small package units of 5 to 500 tons or field-erected towers with multiple cells in unlimited
The tower must be winterized if required for cooling at ambient outdoor dry-bulb temperatures
below 35F. Winterizing includes the capability of bypassing water directly into the tower return line
(either automatically or manually, depending on the installation) and of heating the tower pan water
to a temperature above freezing.
Heat may be added by steam or hot water coils or electric resistance heaters in the tower pan.
Also, it is usually necessary to provide an electric heating cable on the condenser water and makeup
water pipes and to insulate these heat-traced sections to prevent the pipes from freezing. Special
controls are required when it is necessary to operate the cooling tower at or near freezing
Where the cooling tower will not operate in freezing weather, provisions for draining the tower
and piping are necessary. Draining is the most effective way to prevent the tower and piping from
Careful attention must also be given to water treatment to keep maintenance required in the
refrigeration machine absorbers and/or condenser to a minimum.
Cooling towers may also cool the building in off-seasons by filtering and directly circulating the
condenser water through the chilled water circuit, by cooling the chilled water in a separate heat
exchanger, or by using the heat exchangers in the refrigeration equipment to produce thermal
cooling. Towers are usually selected in multiples so that they may be run at reduced capacity and
shut down for maintenance in cool weather. Chapter 36 includes further design and application

Air-Cooled Condensers
Air-cooled condensers pass outdoor air over a dry coil to condense the refrigerant. This results
in a higher condensing temperature and, thus, a larger power input at peak condition; however, over
24 hours this peak time may be relatively short. The air-cooled condenser is popular in small
reciprocating systems because of its low maintenance requirements.

Evaporative Condensers
Evaporative condensers pass air over coils sprayed with water, thus taking advantage of
adiabatic saturation to lower the condensing temperature. As with the cooling tower, freeze
prevention and close control of water treatment are required for successful operation. The lower
power consumption of the refrigeration system and the much smaller footprint from the use of the
evaporative versus the air-cooled condenser are gained at the expense of the cost of the water used
and increased maintenance costs.

Air-conditioning pumps are usually centrifugal pumps. Pumps for large and heavy-duty systems
have a horizontal split case with a double-suction impeller for easier maintenance and higher
efficiency. End suction pumps, either close coupled or flexible connected, may be used for smaller
Major applications for pumps in the equipment room are as follows:
Primary and secondary chilled water
Hot water
Condenser water

Condensate pumps
Boiler feed pumps
Fuel oil
When the pumps handle hot liquids or have high inlet pressure drops, the required net positive
suction head (NPSH) must not exceed the NPSH available at the pump. It is common practice to
provide spare pumps to maintain system continuity in case of a pump failure.
Sometimes the chilled water and condenser water system characteristics permit using one
spare pump for both systems, with valved connections to the manifolds of each. Chapter 12 and
Chapter 13 give design recommendations, and Chapter 38 gives information on the selection of

Air-conditioning piping systems can be divided into two partsthe piping in the main equipment
room and the piping required to deliver heat or chilled water to the air-handling equipment
throughout the building. The air-handling system piping follows procedures detailed in Chapter 12,
Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.
The major piping in the main equipment room includes fuel lines, refrigerant piping, and steam
and water connections. Chapter 33 of the 1993 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals gives details
for sizing and installing these piping systems. Chapter 10 of this volume includes more information
on piping for steam systems, and Chapter 12 has information on chilled and dual-temperature water

All equipment must have adequate gages, thermometers, flowmeters, balancing devices, and
dampers for effective system performance monitoring and commissioning. In addition, capped
thermometer wells, gage cocks, capped duct openings, and volume dampers should be installed at
strategic points for system balancing. Chapter 34 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications
indicates the locations and types of fittings required.
Recent advances in electronic and computer technology are changing traditional control system
architecture. Pneumatic and electric relay logic is being replaced by microprocessors and software
programs to establish control sequences. Output signals are converted to pneumatic or electric
commands to actuate HVAC hardware.
A central control console to monitor the many system points should be considered by any large,
complex air-conditioning system. A control panel permits a single operator to monitor and perform
functions at any point in the building to increase occupant comfort and to free maintenance staff for
other duties. Chapter 42 of the 1995 ASHRAE HandbookApplications describes these systems in

In the initial phases of building design, the engineer seldom has sufficient information to render
the designs. Therefore, most experienced engineers have developed rules of thumb to estimate the
building space needed.
The air-conditioning system selected, the building configuration, and other variables govern the
space required for the mechanical system. The final design is usually a compromise between what
the engineer recommends and what the architect can accommodate. Where designers cannot
negotiate a space large enough to suit the installation, the judgement of the owners should be called
Although few buildings are identical in design and concept, some basic criteria are applicable to
most buildings and help allocate space that approximates the final requirements. These space
requirements are often expressed as a percentage of the total building floor area.

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Facilities

The total mechanical and electrical space requirements range from 4 to 9% of the gross building
area, the majority of buildings falling within the 6 to 9% range.

It is desirable to have most of the facilities centrally located to minimize long duct, pipe, and
conduit runs and sizes; simplify shaft layouts; and centralize maintenance and operation. A central
location also reduces pump and fan motor power, which may reduce building operating costs. But for
many reasons, it is often impossible to centrally locate all the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
facilities within the building. In any case, the equipment should be kept together to minimize space
requirements, centralize maintenance and operation, and simplify the electrical system.
Equipment rooms generally require clear ceiling height ranging from 12 to 20 feet, depending on
equipment sizes and the complexity of ductwork, piping, and conduit.
The main electrical transformer and switchgear rooms should be located as close to the
incoming electrical service as practical. If there is an emergency generator, it should be located
considering (1) proximity to emergency electrical loads and sources of combustion and cooling air,
(2) ease of properly venting exhaust gases to the outdoors, and (3) provisions for noise control.
The main plumbing equipment room usually contains gas and domestic water meters, the
domestic hot water system, the fire protection system, and various other elements such as
compressed air, special gases, and vacuum, ejector, and sump pump systems. Some water and gas
utilities require a remote outdoor meter location.
The heating and air-conditioning equipment room houses the boiler or pressure-reducing
station, or both; the refrigeration machines, including the chilled water and condensing water pumps;
converters for furnishing hot or cold water for air conditioning; control air compressors; vacuum and
condensate pumps; and other miscellaneous equipment. Local codes and ASHRAE Standard 15
should be consulted for special equipment room requirements.
It is often economical to locate the refrigeration plant at the top or intermediate floors, or on the
roof. The electrical service and structural costs will rise, but these may be offset by reduced costs for
condenser and chilled water piping, energy consumption, and equipment because of the lower
operating pressure. The boiler plant may also be placed on the roof, which eliminates the need for a
chimney through the building.
Gas fuel may be more desirable because oil storage and pumping present added design and
operating problems, and the cost of oil leak detection and prevention may be substantial. However,
restrictions on gas as a boiler fuel may preclude this option. Heat recovery systems, in conjunction
with the refrigeration equipment, can drastically reduce the heating plant size in buildings with large
core areas. With well-insulated buildings and electric utility rates structured to encourage a high-use
factor, even electric resistance heat can be attractive, reducing space requirements even further.
Additional space may be needed for a telephone terminal room, a pneumatic tube equipment
room, an incinerator, or other equipment.
Most buildings, especially larger ones, need cooling towers, which often present problems. If the
cooling tower is on the ground, it should be at least 100 ft away from the building for two reasons: (1)
to reduce tower noise in the building and (2) to keep intermediate season discharge air from fogging
the buildings windows. Towers should be kept the same distance from parking lots to avoid staining
car finishes with water treatment chemicals. When the tower is on the roof, its vibration and noise
must be isolated from the building. Some towers are less noisy than others, and some have
attenuation housings to reduce noise levels. These options should be explored before selecting a
tower. Adequate room for airflow inside screens should be provided to prevent recirculation.
The bottom of many towers, especially larger ones, must be set on a steel frame 4 to 5 ft above
the roof to allow room for piping and proper tower and roof maintenance. Pumps below the tower
should be designed for adequate net positive suction head, but they must be installed to prevent
draining the piping on shutdown.

Fan Rooms
Fan rooms for the substructure block and main floor are usually placed in a lower level of the
buildingeither in the basement or on the second floor. Second-floor mechanical rooms have the
advantage of easy outdoor access for makeup air, exhaust, and equipment replacement.
The number of fan rooms on upper floors depends largely on the total area of the floor. Buildings
with large floor areas often have multiple fan rooms on each floor. Many high-rise buildings,
however, may have one fan room serving 10 to 20 floorsone serving the lower floors, one serving
the middle of the building, and one at the roof serving the top quarter of the building.

Life safety is a very important factor in fan room location. Chapter 48 of the 1995 ASHRAE
HandbookApplications discusses principles of fire spread and smoke management.

Interior Shafts
Interior shaft space accommodates return and exhaust air; interior supply air; hot, chilled, and
condenser water piping; steam and return piping; electric closets; telephone closets; plumbing
piping; and, possibly, pneumatic tubes and conveyer systems.
The shafts must be clear of stairs and elevators on at least two sides to allow maximum
headroom when the pipes and ducts come out at the ceiling. In general, duct shafts having an
aspect ratio of 2:1 to 4:1 are easier to develop than large square shafts. The rectangular shape also
makes it easier to go from the equipment in the fan rooms to the shafts.
The size, number, and location of shafts is important in multistory buildings. Vertical duct
distribution systems with little horizontal branch ductwork are desirable because they are usually
less costly; easier to balance; create less conflict with pipes, beams, and lights; and enable the
architect to design lower floor-to-floor heights.
The number of shafts is a function of building size and shape, but, in larger buildings, it is usually
more economical, in cost and space, to have several small shafts rather than one large shaft.
Separate supply and exhaust duct shafts may be desired to reduce the number of duct crossovers
and to operate the exhaust shaft as a plenum. From 10% to 15% additional shaft space should be
allowed for future expansion and modifications. The additional space also reduces the initial
installation cost.

Equipment Access
Properly designed mechanical equipment rooms must allow for the movement of large, heavy
equipment in, out, and within the building. Equipment replacement and maintenance can be very
costly if access is not planned properly.
Because systems vary greatly, it is difficult to estimate space requirements for refrigeration and
boiler rooms without making block layouts of the system selected. Block layouts allow the engineer
to develop the most efficient arrangement of the equipment, with adequate access and
serviceability. Block layouts can also be used in preliminary discussions with the owner and
architect. Only then can the engineer obtain verification of the estimates and provide a workable and
economical design.

ASHRAE. 1986. Laboratory method of testing in-duct sound power measurement procedure for fans.
Standard 68-1986 (AMCA Standard 330-86).
ASHRAE. 1989. Energy efficient design of new buildings except low-rise residential buildings.Standard 90.11989.
ASHRAE. 1989. Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality.Standard 62-1989.
ASHRAE. 1992. Design of smoke management systems.
ASHRAE. 1992. Gravimetric and dust-spot procedures for testing air-cleaning devices used in general
ventilation for removing particulate matter. Standard 52.1-1992.
ASHRAE. 1994. Safety code for mechanical refrigeration.Standard 15-1994.

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