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Review Article

Glycated haemoglobin; past, present, and future are we ready for the change
Iftikhar Ahmad Asim Syed
Whitfield Clinic, Cork Road, Waterford, Ireland.

Glycated haemoglobin has been in use to monitor
control of blood glucose in diabetic patients for about three
decades. It provides an average blood glucose level during
preceding 10 - 12 weeks. It is a very convenient blood test,
can be done in any clinical setting regardless of prandial state.
There were thirty different laboratory methods available to
measure glycated haemoglobin with significant variability of
results on same sample. IFCC developed a new reference
method to measure the glycated haemoglobin, and the
method is accepted world wide as only valid anchor for the
measurement of HbA1c. In 2009 International expert
committee recommended the use of HbA1c to diagnose
diabetes with a threshold 6.5%. IFCC recommended the use
of a new unit, i.e. mmol HbA1c/mol of total haemoglobin in
place of percentage. Meanwhile a trial was conducted to find
out relationship between average blood glucose and glycated
haemoglobin, and a linear regression equation was developed
to measure average blood glucose from HbA1c. Using the
equation one can calculate average blood glucose from
glycated haemoglobin in mmol/mol. This average blood
glucose will be reported as "eAG" (estimated average
glucose) and it will be used to monitor glucose control as
eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is used to monitor
renal function in chronic kidney disease patients. How easy
or difficult would it be to abandon a term and a unit, in use
for three decades and introducing a new unit (mmol/mol) and
even a new term (eAG); only time will tell. Health


professionals will need to familiarize with new term and

units, they will also have to spend more time with their
patients to educate them about new developments.

Glycated haemoglobin is defined as haemoglobin that
is irreversibly glycated at one or both N-terminal valines of
the beta chains. This definition does not exclude haemoglobin
that is additionally glycated at other sites on alpha or beta
HbA1c has been the most widely used and accepted
test for monitoring the glycaemic control in individuals with
diabetes. Once a haemoglobin molecule is glycated, it
remains in the red blood cell for the rest of its life-span (120
days). As such, It provides information about the degree of
long-term blood glucose control. The HbA1c level does not
reflect an exact mean blood glucose; rather, it is weighted
proportionally towards recent levels.2 The formation of
glycated Hb depends upon ambient glucose concentrations in
which erythrocytes circulate as well as the duration of
exposure. A whole blood sample for glycated Hb is sufficient
regardless of prandial state and clinical setting.

Historical Perspective:
In 1955, researchers for the first time described, that
adult haemoglobin contains heterogenous molecules. The
significance of this finding was not explained till 1969 when
Rahbar et al. described that unusual haemoglobin found in

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Take home message

Elevated HbA1c even without a diagnosis of diabetes is independent

risk factor for cardiovascular disease
HbA1c > 6.5% is diagnostic for the Diabetes mellitus.
The HbA1c target is 7.0% in most treated patients with diabetes.
The ideal target of HbA1c is <6.0%, as long as it does not result in life
threatening hypoglycaemia
The worldwide standardization of HbA1c was necessary given the
significant mobility of today's world population.
The equivalent of the current HbA1c target 6.5% is 48 mmol/mol in
the IFCC unit.
eAG would be used in diabetic patients as eGFR is used in patients
with chronic kidney disease.

Abbreviations Used

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Control and Complication Trial
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Post Challenge Plasma Glucose
National Glycohemoglobin Standardisation Programme
European Association for study of Diabetes
International Diabetes Federation
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry.

A comparison of glycated Hb in different measuring units.

HbA1c (%)

HbA1c (mmol/mol)







diabetic patients was HbA1c, also noted a two-fold increase

of HbA1c in diabetic patients.3 By the mid 1970s, the nature
of the chemical reaction had been explained. Glycation, is a
spontaneous non-enzymatic reaction in which glucose binds
covalently with haemoglobin at amino terminus of the globin chain.4 In 1976, HbA1c was described as a useful
mean for monitoring the glycaemic control in diabetic
patients.5 By the early 1980s, The HbA1c test was widely
accepted in clinical practice.

Non-enzymatic Glycation verses Enzymatic

Most proteins (including haemoglobin) react with
Vol. 61, No. 4, April 2011

sugars to form covalent compounds without the involvement

of enzymes. This chemical process is termed non-enzymatic
glycation. The resulting accumulation of advanced glycation
end products is associated with the progression of the
complications of diabetes whereas enzymatic deglycation
reverses the process of non-enzymatic glycation and
generates free amino groups.6 Enzymatic deglycation is a
formidable defence system against non-enzymatic glycation
in mammalian cells. This system operates using
fructoselysine residue on glycated proteins and thereby
destabilizing the compound, ultimately causing the
decomposition of the glycated proteins.7,8 This process of
enzymatic deglycation is overwhelmed by episodes of
extreme hyperglycaemia in individuals with diabetes as nonenzymatic glycation continues unabated.9 In the long run, it
alters the stability of the protein structure, ultimately leading
to cellular dysfunction.10
These Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)
directly and indirectly (via receptors) promote the
development of cardiovascular disease.11 They accumulate in
different parts of the body and interact with receptors for
advanced glycation end products (RAGE), induce oxidative
stress, increase inflammation and enhance extracellular
matrix deposition, thereby accelerating the process of
endothelial dysfunction. Consequently, they result in
accelerated plaque formation and ultimate atherosclerosis in
Glycated haemoglobin, intermediary compound is
reversible but after some internal rearrangement of the
compound, a stable HbA1c is formed.13 Several glycation
sites of the HbA molecule exist; N-terminal valine residue of
the -chain is the predominant glycation site, accounting for
60% of bound glucose. Of the three types of HbA1 namely,
HbA1a, HbA1b, and HbA1c. HhA1c represents the most
prevalent glycated species.

Clinical Use of HbA1c:

The world is facing an escalating epidemic of
diabetes. More than 220 million people worldwide have
been diagnosed with diabetes, although the actual number
of people with diabetes is likely to be higher because of the
insidious onset of Type 2 diabetes. Moreover, many people
who have impaired glucose tolerance remain outside the
diagnosed community of patients. The increasing life
expectancy combined with the emergence of T2DM in
children has resulted in phenomenal increase in diabetes
related complications, becoming one of the major causes of
disability and death worldwide. Type 2 diabetes accounts
for 90% to 95% of all cases of diabetes. Furthermore,
T2DM significantly increases the risk of heart disease and
stroke; indeed, 50% of people with diabetes die of

Graph showing linear relationship between IFCC (mmol/mol)

and NGSP (% HbA1c) units

cardiovascular disease.14
In 2009 The International Expert Committee
recommended the use of HbA1c to diagnose diabetes mellitus
with a threshold > 6.5%. However the diagnostic test should
be standardized to Diabetes Control and Complication Trial
(DCCT) reference assay or a method certified by National
Glycohaemoglobin Standardisation Programme (NGSP).15
The use of HbA1c as a test went through nearly three
decades of detailed scrutiny before being accepted as a
diagnostic test for diabetes. Researchers had long been
searching for test of glycaemia that could be used to screen
and diagnose diabetes as well as monitor the chronic
glycaemic control; such as test, may also be able to predict
the onset of complications. Glycated haemoglobin acquires
importance as a test for glycaemia because it has less intraindividual variation and is a better predictor of cardiovascular
complications compared to fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). In addition, it is used for
glucose monitoring of diabetic patients.16,17 In another study
HbA1c and FPG showed continuous relationship with
cardiovascular disease.18
While screening for diabetes, a relatively common
condition, it is more important for the test to specifically
identify patients than to be so sensitive as to diagnose many
false positives, thereby making screening counter productive
as this approach would put an extra burden on resources,
especially in less privileged population of under developed
Glycated haemoglobin has been extensively
investigated by clinical trials, In 1979 P.J. Dunn et al19
suggested that HbA1c is highly reproducible and responsive

Graph showing linear relationship between estimated

average glucose and IFCC Units.

to changes in glucose tolerance; as such , it could be used to

monitor the control of glycaemia. In 1991, Mulkerrin et al20
reported very poor sensitivity (36%) and predictive value
(44%) in their elderly sample (mean age 76 years old),
thereby making HbA1c neither useful in screening nor
beneficial for diagnosing diabetes. However, in acutely ill
hospitalized patients HbA1c > 6% could reliably diagnose
diabetes and level <5.2 % would reliably exclude diabetes.21
In other words, the HbA1c cut-off of 6.5%, with very low
sensitivity and very high specificity, could be used as a
supportive marker for the diagnosis of diabetes.22 Although
HbA1c cut-off 6.5% for diagnosis is too high, it gives
acceptable sensitivity and specificity rates at 44.6% and
99.6%, respectively.23 A study from Australia suggested the
use of a 7% cut-off rate for HbA1c when screening high risk
Other studies have asserted that simultaneous
measurement of fasting blood glucose and HbA1c may be
used to identify high risk patients at an early stage.25,26 In
1994, McCane et al. recommended glycated Hb or fasting
plasma glucose as an acceptable alternative for diagnosing
diabetes instead of OGTT.27 In one study most individuals
with HbA1c at 6-7% had normal FPG but usually abnormal
2hour post challenge plasma glucose (PCPG); only 58% of
patients with HbA1c in the 5% to 5.5% range had normal
PCPG.28 In a consensus statement: (2008) Society of
Endocrinology recommended; 1.) HbA1c of 6.5-6.9% or
greater, confirmed by FPG or OGTT should establish the
diagnosis of diabetes, 2.) HbA1c > 6.0% and impaired fasting
glucose (> 100mg/dl) or random plasma glucose of 130199mg/dl should lead to further diagnostic workup and closer
follow-up.29 By using these recommendations we may
J Pak Med Assoc

identify a high proportion of individuals with undiagnosed

diabetes, who would otherwise only be diagnosed once they
developed end organ damage.

Standardization of Glycated Haemoglobin

measurement; Why it is necessary?
Glycated Hb has been accepted as the gold standard
measurement for the assessment of chronic hyperglycaemia
for nearly three decades. There are thirty different laboratory
methods available to measure glycated haemoglobin. Various
analytical methods based on different assays principles, from
ion-exchange chromatography to immunoassay and
electrophoresis have been used to measure glycated
haemoglobin. Such a lack of standardization resulted in wide
variability within results (4.0% to 8.1%) on the same
sample30 making it difficult to compare patients results
among laboratories. This disparity has always been a source
of anxiety among health care providers. It becomes even
more important in this age of heavy economical migration,
when people travel long distances and take their native record
with them. Therefore having same method and unit to
measure HbA1c is need of the day.
To overcome this problem, in 1995 the International
Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) took the lead in
developing a uniform international standardization of
HbA1c. For the calibration of the reference method, mixtures
made of pure HbA1c and HbAo were developed. A
laboratory network was also setup, which use two reference
assays that combined reverse-phase high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) with mass spectroscopy or capillary
electrophoresis, using same mixture as calibrators. The IFCC
then defined HbA1c as haemoglobin that is irreversibly
glycated at one or both N-terminal valines of the betachains.1 This definition also covers Hb that is additionally
glycated at any lysine residue in the -chain. Prior to the
IFCC's definition, HbA1c had been defined as a certain peak
in an HPLC system, which obviously did not sound very
scientific. Haemoglobin that is only glycated at a lysine site
is not included in the measurement of HbA1c. Since the IFCC
measurement is too specific, it only measures one molecular
species of HbA1c: thus, non-HbA1c components are not
included in final results. Consequently HbA1c values
obtained by using IFCC method are 1.5 to 2 percentage points
lower than the NGSP results traced to DCCT, as well as
Swedish and Japanese designated comparison methods.31
Concerns were raised about the impact of this value
change on patient care, which could result in less than
desirable control of glycaemia in diabetic patients.32 To
overcome this problem a "master equation" was developed to
formulize the relationship between the IFCC reference
method and all three designated comparison methods
(DCMs) namely, the National Glycohemoglobin
Vol. 61, No. 4, April 2011

Standardization program of US (NGSP), Japanese Diabetes

Society/Japanese Society of Clinical Chemistry (JDS/JSCC),
and Mono-S in Sweden.33 The master equation allows for the
conversion of the IFCC results to more customary HbA1c
results, which could be traced to results from DCCT and
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS).
In 2004, the American Diabetes Association,
European Association for the study of Diabetes, and
International Diabetes Federation working group of the
HbA1c assay was established to harmonize the reporting
systems. It included members from the ADA, IDF, EASD,
NGSP and IFCC. In 2007, the IFCC recommended that
HbA1c results be expressed as mmol HbA1c/mol Hb instead
of an HbA1c percentage. Patients using mmol/l or mg/dl for
self-monitoring of day-to-day glucose control find it difficult
to understand when their doctors discussed haemoglobin
levels in percentages.
To eliminate confusion and streamline these
discrepancies, a consensus statement34 on the worldwide
standardization of haemoglobin A1c measurement was
adopted in May 2007 by the ADA, EASD, IDF and IFCC. It
states that new IFCC reference system is the only valid
anchor for implementing the standardization of the
measurement of HbA1c. In addition, HbA1c results were to
be reported worldwide in IFCC units (mmol glycated Hb /
mol total Hb) and derived NGSP units (%), using the IFCCNGSP master equation. Thus, the 25 to 42 (mmol/mol) range
would indicate non-diabetics, as the similarly derived NGSP
units of the non-diabetic range were 2.5 to 4.2% (HbA1c).
It was also resolved that if the ongoing "average
plasma glucose study" was concluded successfully (i.e.
confirmed the relationship between average blood glucose
and HbA1c) then the A1c-Derived Average Glucose
Equivalent would also be reported as an interpretation of
HbA1c results.34

Relationship between Mean Blood Glucose and

Attempts to define a true relationship between
average plasma glucose and HbA1c level have been made for
some times, but studies had limited utility due to fewer
measurements of glucose values and the limited number of
participants involved. This method is error prone, with no
night time samples collected, therefore, not a true
representative of 24 hour glycaemia. Nathan et al. used
continuous glucose monitoring, which measures interstitial
glucose levels every 5 minutes, for 3 months in both nondiabetics and diabetics with relatively stable glycaemia. They
reported a mathematical relationship between HbA1c and
mean blood glucose, meaning HbA1c could be expressed in
an equivalent mean glucose level (i.e., in the same units as

patients' self-monitoring units).35 However this study is

limited due to extremely small sample pool. A retrospective
analysis of data from DCCT also identified a linear
correlation between HbA1c and average blood glucose;
however, the study population consisted of T1DM only, and
DCCT was not designed to determine such a relationship.36

A New Term to Replace HbA1c:

The A1c-derived average glucose study37 was
conducted in 10 different locations in North America, Europe,
and Africa. The two largest countries namely, India and China
with huge diabetes population were left out, leaving it less
representative. The study population comprised of 507
patients, 268 T1DM and 159 T2DM patients, and 80 nondiabetic subjects. The researchers sought to examine the
relationship of average blood glucose with HbA1c across a
wide range; (i.e. between HbA1c 5% to 13%). They collected
approximately 2,700 blood glucose readings from each
participant over 3 month period, the highest number of blood
glucose readings per person to date in a single study. The goal
of the study was to report glycated haemoglobin results not in
the usual HbA1c percentage format but as A1c-derived
averages in the same units used in self-monitoring, (i.e.,
mg/dl or mmol/l). The study concluded that the estimated
average glucose (eAG) can now be calculated from HbA1c
using a linear regression equation.
This eAG will now be used to monitor glycaemia in
diabetic patients as the estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR), which is used to monitor chronic kidney disease,
from the measurement of serum creatinine.

HbA1c levels are used to monitor glycaemic control
throughout the world, and all major clinical trials including
DCCT in T1DM and the United Kingdom prospective
diabetes study (UKPDS) in T2DM have used it as a tool to
monitor glycaemic control among the study population.
Indeed, it did not happen over night; valuable time and
resources have been spent to familiarize patients and health
care providers with it. Yet after more than three decades of
use, today only 25% of patients in a cross-sectional study
were able to report their correct recent HbA1c, and 66% did
not know their last HbA1c.38
Daily self blood testing, measured in mmol/L or mg/dl
and HbA1c measurement in percentage are somewhat
confusing. Given the narrow range of percentages, it is
sometimes difficult for patients to comprehend the
consequences of even a 1 percent increase or decline in
HbA1c. Patients and their caretakers are used to the idea that
the HbA1c level should be less than 7% in diabetic patients:
a higher reading indicates that the glycaemic control is
getting out of hand. Now the IFCC results will be provided in

mmol HbA1c per mol haemoglobin. Keeping the NGSP

results in percentages along with IFCC results will make the
change less confusing.
With the introduction of the new term "estimated
average glucose " (eAG). The eAG will be reported along
with HbA1c results in the interim. Many physicians feel it
would be easier to discuss eAG than haemoglobin in a
diabetes out-patient. Others argue that the term eAG will only
serve to confuse patients with diabetes: these experts also call
for further research, especially among different ethnic groups
and special circumstances (e.g., children and pregnant
women). How soon all these controversies are resolved,
culminating in this term being accepted in clinical use and
entering into the lexicon, remains to be seen.


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Vol. 61, No. 4, April 2011


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