Technical Bulletin N°7 - APEX Technologies
Technical Bulletin N°7 - APEX Technologies
Technical Bulletin N°7 - APEX Technologies
Introduction :
With the ever increasing channel bit rates, several new modulation formats were established all aimed to reduce
performance degradation caused by interaction of dispersion and nonlinearity.
DPSK, QPSK, chirp characteristics, return to zero (RZ) are just a few on this list.
Channel narrowing and increasing speeds requires comprehensive test instruments to adequately measure overall
system performance and is where the Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzer (CSA or OCSA) comes in.
An optical complex spectrum analyzer is an optical spectrum analyzer able to characterize the amplitude and relative
phase of each individual optical spectral component of a modulated signal giving what we called 'the optical complex
After this, a Fourrier transform (FTT) method is applied to convert SPECTRAL DOMAIN <optical complex spectrum>
(click on the measurement to enlarge and display comments)
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