ICMIEE 2014 Flyer
ICMIEE 2014 Flyer
ICMIEE 2014 Flyer
Full paper (maximum 8 pages) with the International Delegates USD 200
indication of corresponding author (full postal SAARC Delegates USD 150
and e-mail addresses) must be e-mailed as an Local Delegates BDT 3500
attached doc file to the Conference Secretariat.
The guidelines for preparing the full/final paper Student (Foreign) USD 100 CALL FOR PAPERS
will be available in Conference website. Student (Local) BDT 1500
The official emails are: icmieekuet@gmail.com & Accompanying Person (Foreign) USD 75
mdmashud@yahoo.com. Please send copies to
both mails. The paper should clearly be stated
Accompanying Person (Local) BDT 1500 3rd International Conference on
the title, objectives, methods, results and Mechanical, Industrial and
conclusions with major keywords
After receiving, the full paper will be peer- Energy Engineering
The Organizing Committee will arrange
reviewed and its acceptance will be notified. accommodation for delegates on request at (ICMIEE 2014)
standard hotels in Khulna City. Courtesy buses
Proceedings will be arranged from these hotels to the
Conference venue. Further information about
Khulna, Bangladesh
The proceedings of the conference will be hotels and rates will be posted in the conference 26-27 December, 2014
published in two forms: printed (only abstract) official web-site later.
and CD-ROM (full paper).