Risk Assessment Questionnaire Template
Risk Assessment Questionnaire Template
Risk Assessment Questionnaire Template
Project Name:
Project Manager:
Use Section I of this template to identify risks and opportunities that will impact the project and
the level of threat or benefit they pose to the projects success. In this section, characteristics are
grouped in typical categories of project risk and opportunity. High, medium and low risk or
opportunity ratings are assigned to descriptions of each project characteristic. This list of
potential risks and opportunities is not exhaustive and is intended to provide a starting
point only.
The completed questionnaire and checklist will identify the projects risk and opportunity factors.
The results from the completed questionnaire and checklist should be used as guidelines; there
may be other factors that will lower or raise the risk level. Having many high-risk characteristics
does not necessarily mean the project will fail. However, it does mean that a plan must be put
into place to address each potential high-risk factor.
Section II
Use Section II of this template to analyze identified risks and opportunities and plan appropriate
responses. Early warning signs and examples of problems that may result from certain types of
high risks are listed alongside examples of activities that may be undertaken to mitigate or
respond to each risk.
For each high-risk factor identified in Section I, create a response plan in the Risk Response Plan
document to ensure that the risk is mitigated and does not impact project success. Consider the
example activities in Section II as examples of potential responses. The project team may
suggest additional response actions. After creating response plans for all the high-risk factors,
look at the medium-level risks to determine whether the impact is severe enough to warrant an
entry into the Risk Response Plan as well. If so, create entries in the Risk Response Plan for the
medium-risk factors. Low-risk factors may be considered assumptions, that is, there is a potential
for problems, but because the risk is low, you are assuming that the condition will not occur. The
Risk Response Plan is used throughout the project to monitor and control risks.
Section I
Low Impact
Medium Impact
High Impact
A. Project Scope
Section I
Low Impact
[ ] Available
Environmental Constraints:
[ ] Categorical Exclusion
Medium Impact
High Impact
[ ]Not available
B. Project Schedule
Are the projects major milestones: [ ] Flexible - may be established [ ] Firm - pre-established
by the project team
[ ] Fixed - pre-established
by a specific commitment
or legal requirement and
beyond the teams control
[ ]2 to 4 years
C. Project Budget
[ ] Other methods or
[ ] Other methods or
[ ] Identified
The Project Managers experience [ ] Recent success in managing[ ] Recent success in managing[ ] No recent experience or
and training is:
projects similar to this one
a project not similar to this one project management
or trained and no actual
Describe the experience of cross [ ] Experienced in use of tools [ ] Formal training in use of
[ ] No formal training or
functional team personnel with the and techniques
tools and techniques but little or practical experience in use
tools and techniques to be used.
no practical experience
of tools and techniques
Section I
Low Impact
Medium Impact
[ ] Located together
High Impact
[ ] Dispersed at multiple
[ ] Little or no change
[ ] Occasional to frequent
[ ] Substantial change
[ ] 1-4
[ ] 4-6
[ ] 6 or more
If project is outsourced:
Section II
Section II
Not knowing the stakeholders early in the project phase will impact
the scope of the project
B. Schedule
Section II
B1. The projects major milestones and operational dates are fixed.
They were pre-established externally or by legal requirements
beyond control of the project team:
Easier for the team and the customer to drift or lose focus
C. Budget
C1. Project budget was not established with any proven tool or by any
experienced person:
Section II
C2. Project funding is less than the estimated cost and is unstable:
E. Human Resources
E1. Project management experience is light:
May take longer to define the project and build work plan
Section II
E3. PF
Some members may feel isolated and not a part of the team
Try to get the team into one location, at least for the
length of the project
People will be confused with new processes, which will affect their
ability to utilize the solution
Section II
G. Technology
G1 The project technology is new and unfamiliar (or new releases):
The more complex the technology, the greater the risk that problems
will occur
H. Performance
H1. Performance objectives are unclear or unstated or unrealistic (e.g.
everything will be perfect)
Section II
Project Management
With poor or absent project plans it is unlikely that the project will
meet performance objectives
J. A/E Firm
J1. A/E firm is new to this market:
Possibility that A/E firm may not survive and leave you with no