Zac Bercy
Zac Bercy
Zac Bercy
Group # 07
Nesterova Anna_786031_Planning
Shadurskaya Natalia_785988_Architecture
Verdelli Matteo_786567_Planning
General Info
Project Info
Planning Assumptions
What is a Zac?
Actors Involved
The research is aimed to find and investigate some of the most relevant aspects of
urban transformation process based on the example of the project for ZAC Bercy in Paris by
an architect J. P. Buffi. The case is interesting not only because of particular methods applied in
the project, but also because of the way in which the work between different professionals was
organized, and the outcome which has been received at the end.
The research starts from global-scale analysis: general view on the process of
development of the Zone (from XVI century to 1987 when ZAC Bercy was officially created till
the end of the project realization in 2006), definition of main actors involved in this process
and technical and economic data about the Zone. Gradually the research goes deeper trough
the analysis of physical configuration of ZAC Bercy (compared in time) to the identification and
definition of particular components of urban environment, such as functional zones, greening
strategy, landmarks etc.
The result of the research is the identification of how a project strategy proposed by
the main architect of the project J. P. Buffi received its implementation in reality and with
the passage of time, which design solutions led to an outcome in accordance with the main
concept of the project, and which produced the result partially or completely different from
the planned one.
The analysis of the case of ZAC Bercy is useful to understand some aspects of urban
design process: which methods can be used for the project of urban redevelopment in
different scales of implementation; which tools are more and which are less efficient in different
situations; how the work of many different architects can be effectively organized to reach the
desirable result and how the planned transformation can be implemented in reality.
General Information:
Project Information:
SITE DIMENSION: 510.000 mq
PARK SURFACE: 120.500 mq
BUILT SURFACES: 407.800 mq gus (gross usable surface)
AREA RATIO: 0,8 mq/mq
_RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS: 1.500 flats (133.000 mq ca. 88 mq/flat) (660 flat 44% for social housing, 480 32
% intermediate housing, 360 real estate housing)
_TERTIARY BUILDINGS: 3 hotels, 1 temporary housing facility (39.100 mq) Offices (83.000 mq) - Bercy Village
Shopping Mall and Quartier International du Vin et de lAlimentaire (130.000 mq)
_COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS: Multiplex Cinema Hall (11.717 mq) Retail & General commercial activities
_SERVICES: 3.000 Parking lots, 12.500 mq park; 2 Kindergarden & 2 Nursery Schools (4.760mq); Recreative Center
(420 mq); Bakery School (2.000 mq); American Center (today Museum of Cinema) (15.000 mq); Police Station (714
mq); Public Parking Building (300 car parking lots + 80 pullman parking lots); Underground Station (272 mq)
POPULATION: ca. 3000
Planning Assumptions
The planning process to transform Bercy started in the 50s in which the area was invested by a strong svalutation because of a general delocalization strategy of productive sectors outside Paris.
In the same time the City Council started to invest lots of money to strenghten the infrastructural system and transform
some productive areas around Bercy in new residential and commercial neighbourhoods.
In the 70s the City Council started to reflect about the fate of Bercy in two planning documents: the Schema Secteur
Seine Sud-Est of 1973 and the Schema Directeur dAmenagement et dUrbanisme of 1977. In these documents the City
Council defined the strategic importance of the area, trying, without success, to link its transformation to the candidacy
of Paris for the Universal Exposure of 1989 and the Olympic Games of 1992.
In November 1983 the City Council approved the Plan Programme de lEst de Paris, a strategic framework document
for the eastern part of Paris, in which it was decided that Bercy should become a new neighbourhood charachterized
by a big urban park with a residential part and an activity center dedicated to the food sector.
On the 28th of September, 1987, the City Council created the ZAC defining the official perimeter of the transformation.
With the institution of the ZAC started the period of consultation that ended in 1988 with the approval of PAZ, the
What is a ZAC?
The Zac (Zone dAmnagement Concert) is a public-private planning tool made of the mature product
of a pragmatic and transparent planning process, fully
managed by the Municipality, through the implementation of democratic procedures involving the society,
the mixed economy and an expanded number of
Most of the renovation projects in Paris during the last years of the 80s interess spaces once home to railroads,
freight stations or industries. It is very difficult to find, within the municipal limits, virgin lands, so the new expansions since the 60s is located on unbuilt land, mostly owned by the SNCF (National Railway Company).
In the late 70s, the objective of J.Chirac, mayor of Paris, is the redevelopment of all the depressed areas within the
city limits: through the densification of the incomplete blocks, and through the building of new suburbs on land
released from industrial plants or big infrastructure. The planning instrument used for the management of these
areas is the ZAC.
It is composed essentially of two phases:
#01. The first phase consists of an official consultation with residents and neighborhood associations, managed by APUR (Atlier Parisienne dUrbanisme) and by the DAU (Direction de lAmnagement Urbaine), and
leads to the PAZ (Plan dAmnagement de Zone) which is made of a graphic document and a volumetric
#02. The second phase consists of the architectural study and the realization of the project. The APUR, after
the analysis of the different proposals and elaborate a final project.
The new districts are made of the application of new urban principles formulated by some emblematic figures of French architecture such as B. Huet and A. Grumbach; to whom we owe the idea of a city that grows
on itself for permanent rehabilitation of the built heritage.
RATP - Transport Company Paris
National Government
SNCF - France National Railway
Planning Documents & Urban Strategies
Actors involved
Private Investors
Landscape Architects
Park Bercy
Residential Blocks
Commercial/Tertiary district
XVI cent_Realization of urban gardens
XVIII_Realization of first buildings with vacation and wellness vocation for noble classes
First XIX cent_Realization of first productive and commercial activities related to water transport system
Last XIX cent_Rich activity of wine production, deposit and distribution over 43 ha
1860_XII arrondissment is linked with the city center through haussmanns action, and al factories inside Bercy
became municipal proprerties
1950_Strong svaluation of the land due to deindustrialization and new ways of production and distribution,
Bercy became an industrail wasteland
1973_Schma de Secteur Seine South-East
1973-1978_DAU & APUR elaborate different project to promote urban renewal in the sorroundings
1976_POS Plan Occupation du Sol de Paris (it endorse the indications of 1973)
1977_SDAU - Schma directeur damenagment e durbanisme
1979_Building of Palais Omnisport
1981_Building of Finance Ministry
1983_PPE_Plan Programme de lest de Paris
1984_Opening of Palais Omnisport
1987_Creation of ZAC Bercy
1988_ZAC Bercy is decleared of public utility; international contest for park project
1989_Contract between SEMAEST and other promoters and operators
1993_Completition of first residential front park buildings
1997_Opening of the first sector of the park
1998_New underground station line 14 inside the park
1999_Opening of UGC Cine Cit
2000_Opening of the first part of Bercy Village
2005_Closing procedures for ZAC; Opening of Cinematheque Franaise (ex American Center)
2006_Opening of Simone de Beauvoir foootbridge to link Park Bercy with with bibliotheque national on rive
This chapter concern the general description of the project, viewed in his
complex composition strategies and design. The aim of this part is to analyze the entire plot, identifying different elements composing the layers of
the project and different districts that, interacting each other, determine the
social practices and the physical connections.
The ZAC Bercy is a public/private project realized in Paris between 1989 and 2001.
It is located in the eastern part of Paris, 3km far from the city center. Two main elements define the boundaries of the
project: the complex railway system on the north and the river Seine on south.
It is a mixed-use project with attractive functions (big events facilities, commercial villages, huge offices centres)
merge togheter with common functions (housing, schools, kindergarden, hotels, small ground floor shops). The functions are not mixed in hybrid buildings but are mainly distributed in functional districts with different dimensions and
structures, as itll be described in next chapters.
Zoning System
Services & Public Buldings
The elements of the project could be split in four different layers: the public spaces, composed by walking paths and
squares; the park, a large public surface central for the project; the buildings with different size and density; the infrastructures and the natural elements. The layers, except for the public spaces and the park, are mainly separated one
with the others: the infrastructures and the natural elements design the external boundary of the project; the buildings are located along the northern, western and eastern perimenter; the park and the public spaces are located in the
inner part, connecting the central part with the buildings and the external infrastructures.
2. The park
The park is the central element of the project. It
fills an area of 12,5 ha and his project was finished before the completion of the buildings.
3. The buildings
The buildings are located around the park in
different functional districts. Each district interact in a different way with the central park.
As written before, the park is the main public space located in the ZAC perimeter. In order to find other spaces able to
gather social practices we focus on analyzing landmarks and squares as elements able respectively to attract the view
and orient it and to stop the walking activity promoting different interactions.
What forces people to go forward external point of reference that helps orienting in a familiar or unfamiliar environment. They are simply defined phisical objects of different scale and
contrast to the background. Landmarks give identity to the area and make it more familiar.
open spaces
What forces people to stop fundamentally a created closure and usually bounded by architectural walls and function as major gathering places for social activities. Open spaces have
the power to influence the imageability and habitability of the district. Located along the
pedestrian paths or streets with solid facades it facilitates individuals to stop and interact
with the others.
National Library
Francois Mitterrand
Hotel IBIS
Leonadr Bernstein
Novotel Hotel
Hotel IBIS
National Library
Francois Mitterrand
Novotel Hotel
Pedestrian bridge
Park de Bercy
Place du Palais
de Paris Bercy
Place du Bataillon
du Pacifique
Daily Workers
The workers go mainly to the
businness district located in
the eastern part. They can go
out and in using both public
and private transport, but they
probably dont perceive the
public spaces as places to stop
but just to pass through. The
park is not an important places for them, more important is
probably the square inside the
tertiary district.
The inhabitants deals mainly
with the northern part of the
district, full or residential and
local scale commercial functions. The park is an important
resource for them.
Tourists/Occasional Visitors
The tourist enters in the nieghbourhood using mainly public
transport system (underground
and railway station). The buildings involved in their activities
are the hotels, museums and
the commercial and exhibition
center of Bercy Village.
The park is the vital center and the districts are designed around it in different ways:
- The housing district is located in the northern part of the project. It is composed by medium size blocks directly
facing the park. The ground floor is mainly inhabited by small commercial units and local services (schools, kindergardens etc.).
- The eastern part is composed by Bercy Village and Office Buildings. It is composed by large size blocks in part
recovered from the old wine deposit, in part planned for new.
- The Palais Omnisport is located in the western part, near the public transport station of the underground and it
is directly linked with the park. It is a centrality for the city, a mega-function that host events attracting people and
visitors all over the city.
Blocks name
Open Space - Park Bercy
A huge surface with very small buildings inherited and restored from the
past settlement. The park has different features and elements inside.
Educational Health
activities activities
This part will focus on analysing and describing how the single districts
identified in the previous chapter works. As the previous part, the text will
present some diagrams and scheme to show the interconnections between
the parts, the composition of the single blocks and focus on some architectonic features of the buildings that give coherence to the entire project.
1. Liveable roofs
2. Landmarks on the top of pavillons
3. Same materials for connections
2. The Frame
The side buildings are joined along
Rue de Pommard in order to build
an architectonic frame for each
3. The Pavillons
The pavillons are stand-alone buildings, lower than the side buildings.
They partly closed the blocks creating different open spaces.
4. The Connections
They are composed by a mezzanine
and two terraces, in order to build
a semi-continous facade in front of
the park.
Semi - Public
1. The Dividers
The side buildings becomes vertical
links between the existing blocks
and the park.
Semi - Private
3,5m 5m 3,5m
Semi - Public
Single Architects
Novo Hotel
Some buildings where demolished,
some others were preserved and
re-adapt in order to host new functions (commercial and tertiary).
New Buildings
In place of demolished buildings,
there were built new moder buildings mainly organized in order to
form a continuos front on east and
New configuration
The new configuration of the commercial district is design to be in
some way self-looking (all the buildins are orientated in order to face
themselves), even if the connections
with the park are stimulated inside
Bercy Village.
The districts is composed by semiclosed blocks, with connections and
paths inside in order to be permeable and connected among themselves and with the park.
Bercy Village
Hotel &
ZEUS Office
Central Square
The central square is composed by five buildings facing it, some
green areas with trees along the streets and a starway that
connects directly the buildings on the east with the square.
Fronts of the park phisically screening it
from the surroundings.
Quay Wall
Separate the park area phisically in
Quay Wall
public perception
Directions from
residents and
visitors can enter the park.
public perception
privat perception
Park is visible
Park is not visible
The initial intention was to have a large public part. What happened in reality?
The park is surrounded by built environment which isolates it from the vision of the public. It is divided in parts with
fences, that makes it to be percieved as private and hard to get in. The park does not have connection with the river
due to the presence of the quay wall which serves to separate park from the traffic of the embankment.
National Library
After deep analysis of the whole process of development of ZAC Bercy, now it is possible
to say that the project by J. P. Buffi and its implementation were generally successful. It became
an example of good collaboration between many professionals from different spheres, mainly
between urban planners, architects and policy makers.
The project effectively and efficiently solved most of the tasks and challenges of the area set
at the beginning of the process:
- The condition of urban (visual, functional and sensual) unity and identity was reached,
thanks to correctly chosen tools and methods, generally by the main architect and
coordinator of project J. P. Buffi, but also by other single architects, as well.
- The area became attractive both for permanent users (inhabitants, daily workers etc.) and
- Wide qualitative range of open spaces was created: public, semi-public, semi-private,
private, transit etc. which provides a possibility to use the space according to different
needs of people
- The project boasts the participation by renowned architects.
However, beside the evident benefits which the project brought, it left (or even created)
some drawbacks. The initial intention to create a large public park was reached not completely
because of physical and visual isolation of the park from the outer space and hardened accessibility
that can make it perceived as private space instead of public one.
Taken together, results of the research suggest that even though not everything was
completely envisaged by the author of project J. P. Buffi and his collaborators, the outcome is
definitely positive. Zone has got an added value guaranteed by the sum of all aforementioned items.
Case Study Bibliography
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Topics Bibliography
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[Language] English
_Krier, L. (1992). The reconstruction of the European city. 1978 1984, Urban Components. In Krier, L., Porphyrios,
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Academy Editions.
[Language] English
_Madanipour, A., (1996), Design of Urban Space: an inquiry into a socio spatial process, Chichester : Wiley.
[Language] English
_Mangin, D. & Panerai, P. (1999). Projet Urbain, Marseille: Parenthses.
[Language] French
_Panerai, P., Casterx, J., Depaule, J., Samuels, I., (2004), Urban forms : the death and the life of the urban block, p. ,
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[Language] English
_Roberts, M., Greed, C. (2001), Approaching urban design: The design process, Harlow : Longman.
[Language] English