January 2015 Summary of Army Court Martials

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Summarized Report of Results of Trial

First Judicial Circuit

On 07 January 2015, at a general-court martial convened at Fort Lesley J. McNair,
District of Columbia, 2LT Eric J. Wilson, United States Army, was convicted by a military
judge of one specification of absence without leave and one specification of disrespect
towards a superior commissioned officer in violation of Articles 86 and 89, UCMJ. The
military judge sentenced the accused to be reprimanded and to forfeit $2000.00 pay per
month for 2 months.
On 14 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
SPC Anthony D. Vallone, United States Army, was acquitted by a military panel
composed of officer members of one specification of the wrongful use of marijuana in
violation of Article 112a, UCMJ.
On 21 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Drum, New York, SPC
Gerald M. Kinloch, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of three
specifications of misappropriation of more than $500 and three specifications of
impersonation with intent to defraud in violation of Articles 121 and 134, UCMJ. The
military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to E-1, to be confined for 18
months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 22 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
SSG Jeremiah D. Austin, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant
to his pleas, of one specification of sexual abuse of a child in violation in violation of
Article 120b, UCMJ. Contrary to his pleas, the military judge convicted the accused of
one specification of aggravated sexual contact with a child, four specifications of sexual
abuse of a child, one specification of indecent acts with a child, and one specification of
an indecent act in violation of Articles 120, 120b, and 134, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 10 years,
and to be discharged from the service with a dishonorable discharged.
On 29 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Drum, New York, SGT
James N. Costigan, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of four
specifications of aggravated sexual contact with a child under the age of 12 years-old in
violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced
to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 36 years, and to be discharged from the service
with a dishonorable discharge.
On 30 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
SPC Maria L. Caay, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to
her pleas, of one specification of drunken operation of a vehicle and one specification of
child endangerment and in violation of Articles 111 and 134, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 12 months,
and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.

Second Judicial Circuit

On 09 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
PVT Herlinda Hubbard, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant
to her plea, of absence without leave in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be confined for 5 months and to be discharged from the
service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 13 January 2014, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
CW2 James D. Bragg, Jr., was convicted by a military judge of one specification of
cruelty and maltreatment, one specification of sexual assault, one specification of
assault, one specification of indecent language, one specification of fraternization, and
one specification of solicitation of sexual intercourse for money in violation of Articles
93, 120, 128 and 134, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be confined
for 20 months and to be dismissed from the service.
On 13 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Benning, Georgia,
SGT Jason A. Brown, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of one
specification of sexual assault in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 4 years,
and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 15 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Redstone Arsenal,
Alabama, SFC Vic R. Panganiban, United States Army, was convicted by a military
judge of two specifications of willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, one
specification of false official statement, two specifications of assault, one specification of
adultery, and one specification of drunk and disorderly conduct in violation of Articles
90, 107, 128, and 134, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to forfeit
$1,000 pay per month for 6 months and to receive a reprimand.
On 22 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Jackson, South
Carolina, MAJ Jonathan T. Fredritz, United States Army, was acquitted by a military
panel composed of officer members of one specification of sexual assault in violation of
Article 120, UCMJ.
On 25 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
MAJ Erik J. Burris, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel composed of
officer members, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of disobeying an order from
a superior commissioned officer, two specifications of rape, one specification of forcible
sodomy, and four specifications of assault in violation of Articles 90, 120, 125, and 128,
UCMJ. The accused was acquitted of two specifications of sexual assault, two
specifications of forcible sodomy, four specifications of assault, and two specifications of
communicating a threat in violation of Articles 120, 125, 128, and 134, UCMJ. The
members sentenced the accused to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 20
years, and to be dismissed from the service.

On 27 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Stewart, Georgia, 1LT

Derek T. Overmyer, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of twentyone specifications of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman in violation of
Article 133, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be confined for 2
months and to be dismissed from the service.
On 29 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Benning, Georgia,
PV2 Juan M. Peguerorodriguez, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge
of four specifications of willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer and six
specifications of the wrongful use, possession, manufacturing, or introduction of
controlled substances in violation of Articles 90 and 112a, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 9 months,
and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 30 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
PFC Terrell L. Carey, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of absence
without leave terminated by apprehension in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The military
judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 4
months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 30 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
SPC Antonio O. Cepeda, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge,
pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of sexual abuse of a child in violation of
Article 120, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the
grade of E-1, to be confined for 15 months, and to be discharged from the service with a
bad-conduct discharge.
On 31 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
SGT Lindsey A. Carr was convicted by a military judge, contrary to his pleas, of one
specification of failure to obey an order or regulation in violation of Article 92, UCMJ.
The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit
$2,000 pay per month for 5 months, and to be confined for 5 months.
Third Judicial Circuit
On 06 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, SPC
Tomas J. Gonzalez, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of three
specifications of assault in violation of Article 128, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced
the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 60 days, and to be
discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 06 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, PV2
Vincent M. Sunseri, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of attempted
aggravated assault in violation of Article 80, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the
accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 17 months, and to be
discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.

On 8 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Polk, Louisiana, WO1

Benjamin C. Mason, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of three
specifications of aggravated sexual contact with a child, one specification of rape of a
child, three specifications of sexual assault of a child, one specification of sexual abuse
of a child, one specification of forcible sodomy with a child, and one specification of
indecent acts with a child in violation of Articles 120, 120b, 125, and 134, UCMJ. The
military judge sentenced the accused to be confined for 55 years and to be discharged
from the service with a dishonorable discharge.
On 9 January 2015, at general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, PFC Ojay
Woods, United States Army, was convicted in absentia by a military panel composed of
officer members, contrary to his plea, of rape in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The
accused was acquitted of sodomy in violation of Article 125, UCMJ. The members
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and
allowances, to be confined for 10 years, and to be discharged from the service with a
dishonorable discharge.
On 12 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, SSG
Thomas J. Brewster, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to
his pleas, of two specifications of aggravated sexual contact, two specifications of
aggravated assault, and one specification of burglary in violation of Articles 120, 128
and 129, UCMJ. The military judge sentence the accused to be reduced to the grade of
E-1, to be confined for 14 years, and to be discharged from the service with a
dishonorable discharge.
On 13 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, PVT
Jessie G. Allen, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of one
specification of sexual assault in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be confined for 42 months and to be discharged from the
service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 14 January 2014, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Leonard Wood,
Missouri, SPC Gino T. Tzortzis, United States Army, was convicted by military judge of
absence without leave and failure to obey an order or regulation by wrongfully ingesting
and possessing the synthetic cannabinoid K2 in violation of Articles 86 and 92, UCMJ.
The military judge sentenced the accused to be confined for 16 months and to be
discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 15 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Leonard Wood,
Missouri, PFC Mercedes S. Collins, United States Army, was convicted by military judge
of five specifications of wire fraud (18 U.S.C. 1343) in violation of Article 134, UCMJ.
The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be
confined for 60 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct

On 15 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, SGT

Hugh V. Whitaker, United States Army, was acquitted by a military panel composed of
officer members of false official statement, burglary, and assault with the intent to
commit rape in violation of Articles 107, 129, and 134, UCMJ.
On 16 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, MAJ
William G. Inman, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel composed of
officer members of two specifications of conspiracy, one specification of dereliction of
duty, six specifications of false official statement, one specification of larceny, one
specification of fraud, seven specifications of conduct unbecoming an officer and a
gentleman, one specification of communicating a threat, and one specification of
obtaining services under false pretenses in violation of Articles 81, 92, 107, 121, 132,
133, and 134, UCMJ. The accused was acquitted of two specifications sexual assault,
one specification of assault eight specifications of conduct unbecoming an officer and a
gentleman, and four specifications of engaging in conduct that was to the prejudice of
good order and discipline in the armed forces and of a nature to bring discredit upon the
armed forces in violation of Articles 120, 128, 133, and 134, UCMJ. The members
sentenced the accused to be reprimanded, to pay the United States a fine of $50,000,
and to be confined for 20 months.
On 21 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Sam Houston, Texas,
SPC Jeffrey T. Murdorf, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of two
specifications of obtaining services under false pretences in violation of Article 134,
UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to
be confined for 4 months and to be discharged from the service with a dishonorable
On 23 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, PFC
Richard S. Carroll, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of seven
specifications of sexual abuse of a child and one specification of possessing, receiving,
and viewing child pornography in violation of Articles 120b and 134, UCMJ. The military
judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 6
months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 23 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Polk, Louisiana, SFC
John F. Sellers, Jr., United States Army, was convicted by a military panel composed of
officer and enlisted members of one specification of willfully disobeying a superior
commissioned officer, one specification of failure to obey an order or regulation, one
specification of stalking, three specifications of assault consummated by a battery, and
one specification of engaging in an inappropriate relationship in violation of Articles 90,
92, 120a, 128, and 134, UCMJ. The members sentenced the accused to be reduced to
the grade of E-1, to be confined for 30 months, and to be discharged from the service
with a bad-conduct discharge.

On 26 January 2015, at a General Court-Martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, LTC

Anita C. Roberts, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of absence
without leave in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the
accused to be reprimanded and to forfeit $4,000 pay per month for 6 months.
On 29 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Texas, SPC
Guillermo Castro, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of absence
without leave in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the
accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 100 days, and to be
discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 30 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Riley, Kansas, PFC
River A. Wright, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of two
specifications of sexual assault in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 1 year, and
to be discharged from the service with a dishonorable discharge.
On 31 January 2015, at a general court-martial at Fort Hood, Texas, SSG Perris L.
Dumas, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel composed of officer
members, contrary to his plea, of one specification of an indecent act in violation of
Article 120, UCMJ. The members sentenced the accused to be reprimanded and to be
reduced to the grade of E-4.
Fourth Judicial Circuit
On 05 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Wheeler Army Airfield,
Hawaii, PVT Antonio T. Moore, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of
one specification of false official statement and three specifications of incest as
assimilated from Georgia state law in violation of Article 107 and 134, UCMJ. The
military judge sentenced the accused to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for
2 years, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 06 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Yongsan Garrison,
Republic of Korea, SPC Alvin N. Cinco, United States Army, was convicted by a military
panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of sexual assault
in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The accused was acquitted of one specification of
sexual assault and one specification of assault in violation of Articles 120 and 128,
UCMJ. The members sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be
restricted for 30 days to the limits of Camp Carroll, and to perform hard labor without
confinement for 30 days.
On 06 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Bliss, Texas, SPC
Randy A. Herbert, United States Army, was acquitted by a military judge of one
specification of assault consummated by battery on a child under the age of 16 yearsold in violation of Article 128, UCMJ.

On 08 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, SSG

Kenneth E Phillips, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of willfully
disobeying a superior commissioned officer and assault consummated by a battery in
violation of Articles 90 and 128, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to
forfeit $2400 pay per month for 5 months and to be confined for 5 months.
On 09 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bliss, Texas, SPC
Jacob D. Blakesley, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of absence
without leave, violation of a general order, and possession of child pornography in
violation of Articles 86, 92, and 134, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused
to be confined for 30 months and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct
On 09 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington, SPC Shawn C. Doan, United States Army, was convicted by a military
judge of two specifications of desertion in violation of Article 85, UCMJ. The military
judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 10
months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 09 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Camp Henry, Republic of
Korea, PV2 Joseph Kargbo, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel
composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of violating a lawful
order of a commissioned officer, one specification of failure to obey a general order, one
specification of false official statement, one specification of sexual assault, and two
specifications of assault upon military or civilian law officers in violation of Articles 90,
92, 107, 120, and 128, UCMJ. The members sentenced the accused to be reduced to
the grade of E-1, to forfeit of all pay and allowances, to be confined for 180 days, and to
be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 12 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington, SPC Corey B. Teed, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge
of one specification of failure to obey order or regulation, four specifications of wrongful
use of controlled substances, two specifications of larceny and wrongful appropriation,
two specifications of sexual assault of a child and two specifications of adultery in
violation of Articles 92, 112a, 121, 120b, and 134, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced
the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 5 years, and to be
discharged from the service with a dishonorable discharge.
On 13 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base ElmendorfRichardson, Alaska, SSG Melvin D. Hunter, United States Army, was acquitted by
military judge of two specifications of sexual assault in violation of Article 120, UCMJ.
On 14 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Huachuca, Arizona,
PFC Christopher A. Barnett, United States Army, was acquitted by a military panel
composed of officer members of two specifications of sexual assault in violation of
Article 120, UCMJ.

On 14 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Wheeler Army Airfield,

Hawaii, CW3 Casey B. Roberts, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel
composed of officer members of one specification of sexual assault and one
specification of indecent visual recording in violation of Articles 120 and 120c, UCMJ.
The members sentenced the accused to be reprimanded, to forfeit all pay and
allowances, to be confined for 3 years, and to be dismissed from service.
On 15 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington, SPC Jason B. Hellman, United States Army, was convicted by a military
panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of assault
consummated by a battery in violation of Article 128, UCMJ. The members sentenced
the accused to be reduced to grade of E-2, to forfeit $850 pay per month for 2 months,
to be restricted for 45 days to the limits of company area, dining/medical facility, and
place of worship, and to perform hard labor without confinement for 45 days.
On 15 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Camp Humphreys,
Republic of Korea, PVT Stefan D. Hughes, United States Army, was convicted by a
military judge of one specification of insubordinate conduct toward a noncommissioned
officer, one specification of destruction of nonmilitary property, two specifications of
wrongful appropriation, one specification of assault consummated by battery, one
specification of aggravated assault, and one specification of drunk and disorderly
conduct in violation of Articles 91, 109, 121, 128, and 134, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to forfeit $600 pay per month for 4 months, to be confined for
140 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 22 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington Staff Sergeant Brandon L. Bons, United States Army, was convicted by a
military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of
conspiracy, one specification of the sale, loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful
disposition of military property of the United States, and two specifications of larceny
and wrongful appropriation in violation of Articles 81, 108, and 121, UCMJ. The
members sentenced the accused be reduced to the grade of E-4 and to forfeit $1200
pay per month for 2 months.
On 22 January 2015, at a general court-martial, convened at Camp Henry, Republic of
Korea, PV2 Fernando P. Cabrera, United States Army, was convicted by the military
judge of two specifications of abusive sexual contact and one specification of indecent
visual recording in violation of Articles 120 and 120c, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 20 months,
and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 22 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, SPC
Jesus M. Rodriguez, United States Army, was convicted by military judge of two
specifications of sexual abuse of a child under the age of 16 years-old by making lewd
statements towards the child. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced

to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 1 year, and to be
discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 26 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bliss, Texas, PVT
Donald L. Earls II, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to
his pleas, of distribution of MDMA, use of cocaine, and introduction of MDMA and
cocaine onto a military reservation in violation of Article 112a, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be confined for 18 months and to be discharged from the
service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 27 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Carson, Colorado,
SPC Marcus T. Curry, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of
absence without leave, disrespect towards a superior commissioned officer, disrespect
towards a noncommissioned officer, failure to obey a lawful general order, failure to
obey a lawful general regulation, distribution of a controlled substance, and wrongful
use of a controlled substance in violation of Articles 86, 89, 91, 92, and 112a, UCMJ.
The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all
pay and allowances, to be confined for 24 months, and to be discharged from the
service with a dishonorable discharge.
On 27 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington, SPC Sean R. Erikson, United States Army, was convicted by a military
panel composed of officer and enlisted members of two specifications of sexual assault
and of one specification of adultery in violation of Articles 120 and 134, UCMJ. The
members sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 3
years, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 28 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Wheeler Army Airfield,
Hawaii, 1LT Edgar Huertalopez, United States Army, was convicted by a military panel
composed of officer members of one specification of a violation of a general order or
regulation, one specification of false official statement, and one specification of abusive
sexual contact in violation of Articles 92, 107, and 120, UCMJ. The members
sentenced the accused to be reprimanded and to be dismissed from service.
On 29 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Camp Casey, Republic of
Korea, PVT Romel L. Jackson, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of
one specification of assault consummated by battery and one specification of
aggravated assault in violation of Article 128, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the
accused to be confined for 10 months and to be discharged from the service with a badconduct discharge.
On 29 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Wainwright, Alaska,
SGT Blake A. Poulsen, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant
to his pleas, of seven specifications of a violation of a lawful general regulation and one
specification of providing alcohol to a person under the age of 21 (assimilated Alaska
Statute 04.16.051) in violation of Articles 92 and 134, UCMJ. Contrary to his pleas, the

military judge convicted the accused of one specification of abusive sexual contact in
violation of Article 120, UCMJ. The accused was acquitted of one specification of
abusive sexual contact and one specification of indecent exposure in violation of Articles
120 and 120c, UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to
the grade of E-1 and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.
On 30 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
Washington, CPT David G. Gomez, United States Army, was convicted by a military
judge, contrary to his pleas, of abusive sexual contact and conduct unbecoming an
officer and gentleman in violation of Articles 120 and 133, UCMJ. The military judge
sentenced the accused to be confined for 30 days.
On 30 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Camp Casey, Republic of
Korea, SPC Denzel C. James, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of
three specifications of assault consummated by battery in violation of Article 128,
UCMJ. The military judge sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to
be confined for 7 months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct
On 30 January 2015, at a special court-martial convened at Wheeler Army Airfield,
Hawaii, SGT Heriberto Rosa, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge of
one specification of absence without leave, one specification of false official statement,
three specifications of violation of a general order or regulation, and one specification of
adultery in violation of Articles 86, 92, 107, and 134, UCMJ. The Military Judge
sentenced the accused to be reduced to the grade of E-3, to forfeit $1,300 pay per
month for 2 months, to be confined for 150 days, and to perform hard labor for 60 days
without confinement.
Fifth Judicial Circuit
On 08 January 2015, at a general court-martial convened at Kaiserslautern, Germany,
SPC Brighammoses M. Mabini, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge
of false official statements and assault in violation of Articles 108 and 128, UCMJ. The
military judge sentenced the accused to be confined for 10 months.

------------------------------------ END OF REPORT ------------------------------------


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