Bentley - Task Analysis and Script
Bentley - Task Analysis and Script
Bentley - Task Analysis and Script
Screencast script
Action on Screen
Narration home screen
Today you are going to learn how to start creating your o
website for your students and parents to access at home. B
typing in into the address bar.
Arrow pointing to sign up button
You will have to first create a weebly account. Click sign
create a free account.
Sign up page.
On this page you will sign up for the weebly site just like
would any other site. Be sure to use an email address tha
often as well as assign a password that only you would kn
Arrow pointing to log in button
Once you have successfully created a Weebly account, go
the home page. From there click on the log in button. You
type in the email address as well as password. IF this is n
private computer do not allow the computer to save your
information. You do not want others to have access to edi
Arrow point to Add Site button
Now that you are logged in, you must decide whom you a
making this site for. In this example we are going to mak
for a specific class. The example page created will be for
Economics course. Click add site.
Focus of site options
You must decide what type of site you want to create for
course. Your options are site, blog or store. Store isnt nec
what we are aiming for with this site but a site or a blog c
definitely be efficient for you and your classroom. For th
we will focus on creating a site.
Choosing a theme page with the
Take a look through all of the theme options for your site
choose theme button exposed.
make this as plain or colorful as youd like. Keep in mind
always be changed in the future. Once youve chosen you
and color scheme, click choose to move on to the next ed
Subdomain box
This part is on of the most important parts of the beginnin
to your site. You much choose the URL of your site. This
important because you want it to be simple enough for yo
students and/or parents to remember it so they can easily
your website. If you would like to maintain a free website
your URL will have ( at the end of your cho
domain. You are welcome to pay to have a domain of you
this is a site for a specific course you should chose somet
is course specific and easy to remember/spell. If there is a
error when students are typing in the URL they will be to
website isnt published. Be sure to write down the subdom
is accepted in full.
First look at unedited page
The screen you get will be a rough template. You can edi
of things on your page. We will go through how to add an
different things that you might want to have on your site.
Arrow pointing at add pages button at Home, about and contact are three pages automatically ad
the top of site
your site. These can be edited as well as deleted if they ar
pages you want to have on your site. To edit these pages a
add other pages click on Add Pages at the top of the ed
Add pages page
If you would like to change the name of the already adde
Page Template
simply click on that page in the left hand column and typ
new name in the Page Name box at the top of the page. If
would like to delete one of these pages click on the page
like to delete and click the delete prompt at the bottom of
If you would like to add another page click the option ad
at the top of the site. This will give you several types of p
options. For this example we will choose a standard page
have the option for a blog, a store or an external link page
lesson is just the basics of weebly but feel free to explore
advance options to make your website bigger and better.
Once you have selected the page type you have a couple
you have to decide. You will have to name the page at in
name box. You have to select the page layout. The layou
different but as you see in the templates shown the main d
is the location and size of an image. The Title and headlin
different on every page. Once you select a layout you can
go back and change it if you do not like the look. After ch
the layout click save and edit. This will allow you to add
types of text, files, pictures and/or videos.
All of the text already created on the template can be cha
This can be done simply by click on the text you want to
The template text will disappear allowing you to type wh
youd like into your page. Something to know about the t
textif you do not want to add a headline where they ha
suggested words then leave it alone, once you publish the
suggested words will NOT show up on your site.
This button is very important. Anytime you make change
important to click publish. This is similar to the save bu
word processor. The great thing about this website is that
you do in the editing process is automatically saved. The
about this site is if you dont hit publish then the editing y
done will not show up on the actual site. I recommend hit
publish every time you make a change just to be sure the
accurate information is always showing.
Lets say you would like to add a paragraph about yoursel
body of the about me pagehow would you go about do
This is a very simple task. On the left side of the editing p
are all kinds of options. Find the text option and drag it in
body of your site. This will drop a text box into the body
you to type whatever your heart desires. This will pick up
misspelled words like a regular word processor. Once aga
youve typed your text click publish.
Every site needs a picture or two. If you would like to ad
pages into the body of the website simply click on the im
button on the left side of the editing site and drag it into t
An option to upload an image will come up. Click on this
You get several options when adding a picture. You can a
picture from you computer by either dragging from its lo
directly into the upload area or by choosing from within y
computer. You can also add a link to a picture on another
File in body
Finalized page
After your picture pops up, you do have the option to adj
size and location. Once youve added your picture and yo
on your page be sure to click publish.
On your site you might want to include a file youve crea
have a couple different options on how to display these fi
If you would like for the document to show directly on th
without any downloading then you should add a documen
body from the left column. Drag the document button int
body. From there you click upload and chose the file you
add. This is how it will look once it is added to your page
to click publish once youve completed your task.
If you would like for your students to have to download t
their computermaybe for editing or printing purposes t
should add a File into the body of your page. Drag the fil
into the body of your site. From there you click upload an
the file youd like to add. This is how it will look once it
to your page. Be sure to click publish once youve compl
The last thing we will look at in this tutorial is how to add
YouTube video to your site. Locate the video you would
add to your site. Copy the URL to that video. You will ne
the editing process. From the editing site, drag the YouTu
into the body of your page.
A fake YouTube box will pop up in the body of your site.
this site.
This box will show up on your screen. Paste the URL you
copied into the URL box. Once you click outside of the Y
editing box you will see the video you chose in the body
site. Lastly click Publish.
After youve done all of your editing its time to look at y
page. In the address bar type in the subdomain that you c
step 8. Be sure to spell everything correctly. This is what
students will see when they visit your site.