Majalah BancoNota
Majalah BancoNota
Majalah BancoNota
InternatIOnal banknOte
DeSIgnerS cOnference
cOmpany newS
Introducing the Engineering Department
PolyWash III/D
Intaglio special
Digital engraving back to the roots
A masterpiece not to be missed
Adding value with CTiP
Kazakhstan explores CTiP
Fluorescence revisited
The power of core processes
caSh cycle
A formidable barrier against soiling
caSh cycle
Development of a new banknote
series with proven technology
general inTereST
Women and money
The 74 million euro one hundredfranc note
Super Orlof Intaglio II
Inspecting infra-red with NotaSave III
Wiping: a deceptively simple process
SecuriTy feaTureS
The 1st International Banknote
Designers Conference
inDuSTry challengeS
Banconota, the magazine about banknote design, production and circulation, is published twice a
year, in spring and autumn, by KBA-GIORI SA for its clients and business partners.
For comments and suggestions, address changes, back issues, to stop your subscription or for any
other communication, please use the details below:
Banconota Magazine
PO BOX 347
CH-1000 Lausanne 22
Fax: +41 21 345 70 10
Phone: +41 21 345 70 00
Pierre Miranda, Editor
Dear Reader,
It is a pleasure to present the second edition of Banconota!
Thank you for the encouraging feedback about the (re)launching of the magazine. We are looking forward to continuing the exchange of ideas with you!
For this issue, we decided to focus our attention on one of the core processes of banknote printing:
Anyone who attended the last Banknote Conference, in Washington, will have witnessed the vitality
of intaglio. For instance, participants could not have missed noticing the Digital Engraving Studio
at our exhibition booth, where live demonstrations of this new way of producing intaglio portraits and
vignettes took place.
There were also many presentations made by a variety of other actors in the industry, highlighting the
key role played by intaglio as an essential first line authentication device, as a vector of state-of-the-art
level 2 security features, and as an important identification tool for the visually-impaired, to name but
a few. Several examples of innovative security features based on the combination of intaglio and other
printing processes were also shown.
In other words, intaglio is an exceptionally versatile printing process, in constant development, therefore we think now is a good time to give you an overview of the current situation of this multifaceted
Of course we still had space for more hot topics in this special edition, and hope you will enjoy our
sequels to the series started in the first issue, such as security features based on Simultan offset, or the
different strategies that can be considered when launching new banknote series. We trust that everyone
will find something to their taste in this edition of Banconota!
Enjoy the magazine
In the previous edition of Banconota, we mentioned that a Super Orlof Intaglio II (SOI II) in 5-colour version would be installed
in the showroom area of our new building. However, due to the commercial success of the SOI II, no machine is currently
available in this particular configuration. As a result, the machine on display will be a 4-colour Super Orlof Intaglio.
Intaglio special
DIgItal engravIng back tO the rOOtS
Intaglio special
We call it a studio because it is a
comprehensive solution
At the same time, the DES exploits all the benefits of digital
technology and the engraver can choose to automate or take
control in a more handcrafted manner at any time, switching from one mode to the other depending on the task at
hand, thus providing very refined control of the portrait or
vignette. Other benefits of digital technology include the
capability to use a reference picture as a background layer,
as well as a handy voice command interface for the most
frequently used shortcuts.
For the first end-to-end test of the DES, we chose Leonardo
da Vincis Mona Lisa portrait, one generally regarded as very
difficult to successfully render, and we were not disappointed:
the DES achieved the same line and stroke quality as traditional engraving.
We call the DES a studio because it is a comprehensive solution, featuring all the components required by the engraver.
This includes a scanner to capture original artwork, a backlit
table for sketch design, a high resolution, large format inkjet
printer for proofing, and all the associated furniture.
The DES is software- and OS-independent, and available in
different finishes. Visitors at our headquarters in Lausanne can
see the DES in action in our pre-press department, where it is
now operational. w
The engraver can choose to automate or take command in a more
handcrafted manner at any time, thus providing very refined control of
the portrait or vignette.
The goal of the Digital engraving studio can be summarized as the combination
of the hand engraving feeling, with the power of digital technology.
A mAsterpiece not to Be missed
Finally, another artist whom no engraver would want to miss seeing is also displayed in the National Gallery: Albrecht Drer, one
of the greatest engravers of all time.
This is just a glimpse into the Renaissance collection of the gallery, and there are many other sections which are just as interesting. It should be noted that the museum is open to the public and
is free of charge, a rare and admirable fact in itself. So if you live
in Washington D.C. or plan to travel to that city, there is really no
excuse not to visit the National Gallery w
Intaglio special
Adding vAlue with CtiP
Today, 6 years after its introduction and with nearly 20 units sold, CTiP (Computer to Intaglio Plate) is a wellestablished technology. Yet, as with most innovations in the field of banknote printing, it takes some time before it
can truly express its full potential. We asked Dr Florian Demaimay, Production Director at Oberthur Technologies,
what drove the French high security printer to be one of the first to adopt CTiP, and how the company uses this
technology today.
Banconota: When did you buy the CTiP system?
Florian Demaimay: The installation in the pre-press department of
our Chantepie plant took place in July 2005.
You were among the first to install a CTiP system. What was your
main reason to invest in this new technology?
Before the investment decision was made, our R&D team had
already been evaluating the use of high resolution laser engraving
technology to produce intaglio plates for a couple of years. So, when
KBA-GIORI launched CTiP, we were confident that this technology would answer our expectations. With this technology, our goal
was to speed up our intaglio plate production process, and open the
door to the development of new intaglio security features. We found
CTiP to be a good industrial proposal, successfully implementing
the potential of laser engraving technology.
Intaglio special
kazakhStan explOreS ctIp
Intaglio special
Super OrlOf IntaglIO II
SyMMEtRIcal aRchItEctURE
Another new feature of the SOI II is its new generation printing
unit based on a 3-3-3 architecture. With this configuration, the
printing, plate and collecting cylinders of the SOI II all have the
same number of segments. As a direct consequence, the same
printing plates are always in contact with the same blankets.
This improved architecture increases print stability and allows
the operator to exert more control over print results.
Finally, in another major departure from its predecessor, the
SOI II now features full indirect inking. Whereas the first generation of SOI still included one direct inking unit in order to
provide the flexibility to still print with direct inking if necessary,
this precaution is no longer relevant today, and the SOI II could
advantageously dispense with the direct inking unit, a legacy of
the earlier model.
In addition to these three new features, the SOI II obviously
takes advantage of all the latest refinements introduced to the
main SOI product range since then. This makes it an innovative
yet robust product, which benefits from the extensive experience
accumulated during many years of continued operation. w
Intaglio special
InSpectIng Infra-reD wIth nOtaSave III
wIpIng: a DeceptIvely SIMple prOceSS
1. printing cylinder
2. plate cylinder
3. collecting cylinder
4. wiping cylinder
The intaglio plate is wiped clean by the wiping cylinder, leaving ink only
in the recesses of the engraving, before the plate gets in contact with
the sheet to be printed.
Intaglio special
caSh cycle
a fOrMIDable barrIer agaInSt SOIlIng
Existing surveys about durability have been carried out in different environments and with a variety of methodologies, he
says, but there is a degree of convergence in the results concerning paper-based substrates, such as the fact that the number
one reason banknotes need to be removed from circulation is, in
most cases soiling. Humidity and dirt are indeed a banknotes
worst enemies as they infiltrate its substrate, degrade its readability and eventually also compromise its mechanical resistance, leading for example - to tears or holes.
And, for Stphane, double-sided intaglio is a formidable barrier
against soiling: The huge pressure of the intaglio printing process quite simply changes the very structure of the banknotes
substrate, considerably decreasing its porosity on both sides,
and also its roughness. To some extent, the penetration of the
ink into the fibre layer of the substrate in the printed areas also
contributes to its durability. As a result of this combination of
process and material, double-sided intaglio print makes it more
difficult for soiling to stick to the paper.
Intaglio printing drives ink into the fibre layer of the substrate, and
reduces its porosity and roughness.
cOmpany newS
IntrODucIng the engIneerIng DepartMent
In the first issue of Banconota last autumn, we explained the role of our Customer Service Department. And now
we would like to introduce our Contract Engineering Service Department who initially handle operations. It is
made up of Ernest Molina and his team, and their responsibilities cover a wide range of activities, including
projects of high strategic importance such as the creation of entire new banknote printing facilities.
Banconota: Ernest, first of all can you please tell us a little
about yourself?
Ernest Molina: I was born in 1954 in Tangiers, Morocco. My
mother was Portuguese and my father Spanish, and we moved
to Switzerland in 1960. I am married and the father of two children, Aldric and Elise.
I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and for over 15
years was the head of contract engineering and construction for
a company in the packaging industry, and more specifically, in
the food sector. In 1977 I joined KBA-GIORI, taking over from
Victor Mansour as Contract Engineering Service Manager.
How many people work in your department?
There are now 15, including myself.
Who are the members of your team and what are their respective areas of responsibility?
The department is made up of two sections. The first includes
five teams made of a Project Manager and an Assistant, who
cOmpany newS
IntrODucIng faDI SaaDallah
Last year, the decision was made to hire a new Sales Delegate to work in tandem with Mr Victor Mansour,
who will be retiring in 2011, in order that Victor can help the new recruit to gradually take over his
responsibilities. As it happens, the new member of our sales team, Fadi Saadallah, is also Egyptian.
Before we ask Fadi to introduce himself to the readers of Banconota, let us first ask Victor how they met:
When the time came to hire an Arabic-speaking engineer, I oriented my research towards Egypt after
several unsuccessful attempts to find someone through European agencies. Eventually, Fadis resume
reached me through an old friend from University, Victor explains. I was impressed by his technical
and commercial education level, as well as by his professional experience with multinational companies,
in and outside Egypt, he continues, and I also liked his excellent interpersonal skills, something which
should not be overlooked.
Where does Fadi come from exactly, and how does he envision his new career in the banknote printing industry?
To find out, read on!
Fadi Saadallah, 32, the youngest and newest Regional Sales Director,
and Victor Mansour, Business Development Director.
pOlywaSh III/D
The new PolyWash is easier to clean, and its lower silhouette makes it
more user-friendly.
Security featureS
Fluorescence revisited
The Simultan offset printing process is a cornerstone of banknote security, providing a wide spectrum of overt,
covert and machine-readable security features.
In this article, the second in a series about security features based on the Super Simultan IV platform, we would
like to introduce a level 2a (covert) feature called MultiFluoTM.
Ultraviolet lamps are some of the most widespread banknote authentication devices used in the retail industry, and level 2a security
features based on fluorescence are very well-known, even by the
general public. Luminescent features are also commonly used for
machine recognition purposes.
As a result of their popularity, these features inevitably attracted
the attention of counterfeiters. In 2006, for example, 80% of seized
Euro counterfeits showed that an attempt had been made to imitate
the image of the banknote under UV light.1
Today, counterfeiting of fluorescent features has become a real concern, with increasingly convincing counterfeits regularly appearing
as the required materials become always easier to obtain.
In answer to this growing threat, we have developed MultiFluoTM,
an offset-based level 2a security feature available on Super Simultan
IV presses equipped with a 9th and 10th colour imprinter module.
What makes MultiFluoTM different from traditional fluorescent
features is the fact that it combines two different fluorescent
inks by superimposing them. The result, under UV light, is a
3-colour image, where the third colour appears in the area where
both inks are superimposed.
The printing of the MultiFluoTM feature is done in two steps.
The first: background fluorescent colour is printed with one of
the units of the 9th and 10th colour imprinter module, and then
immediately dried with an intermediate UV dryer. The second:
fluorescent colour is printed, in partial superimposition with the
main unit.
MultiFluoTM considerably raises the barrier for counterfeiters.
Achieving the right combination of colours, both in the visible
and UV ranges, is a true challenge, as confirmed by our counterfeit resistance laboratory.
An example of multiFluoTm.
Source: 1st International Conference on the Protection of the Euro against Counter-
feiting, Trends in Euro Banknote Counterfeiting, Martin Mnd, ECB, May 2007.
multiFluoTm, as implemented here, uses two types of fluorescent inks. The ink on the bottom layer is invisible under normal light, while the ink on the top layer is
visible. Both inks, however, are visible under uV light with different colours, and a third colour appears in the area where both inks are superimposed.
SecuriTy feaTureS
the pOwer Of cOre prOceSSeS
Over the last few years we have witnessed the launch of quite
a number of new and striking level 1 security features, some
of them printed and many others substrate-embedded. There is
no doubt that features, such as micro-optics and colour-shifting
threads, highly sophisticated OVDs and DOVIDs, and various
types of windows in synthetic substrates, are attractive and eyecatching. And seeing so many innovations vying for attention is
also a sign of our industrys good health. However, these highly
advertised security features come with a correspondingly highper-unit cost, and lack of hindsight makes it difficult to truly
estimate their real value.
In the new level 1 security landscape taking shape today, what
role does print have to play, and what is the added value brought
by banknote printers?
This was the main question we asked ourselves and wanted to
share with the public during the presentation entitled Creating
cost-effective level 1 security through intelligent design, given
last December, during the Banknote Conference in Washington,
D.C., by Jean-Franois Foresti, Director Press and Pre-press of
KBA-GIORI. We chose to adopt a thought-provoking, back to
basics perspective, going against the dominant current, to see
what can be achieved when using a healthy dose of imagination
and design skills, combined with clever implementation of the
core printing processes available to all print works, represented
by Simultan offset and Orlof intaglio.
Clever implementation of core processes, such as intaglio and offset, can result in striking level 1 printed security features, as illustrated by the recently
issued 1000 Tenge OSCE commemorative note in Kazakhstan.
caSh cycle
DevelOpMent Of a new banknOte SerIeS
wIth prOven technOlOgy
By Roland Tornare, Senior Advisor Banknote Services
On the basis of the technical functional layout, design guidelines,
theme and documentation the designer can then draw the sketches
of the new series. To keep the system of security features attractive,
this has to be integrated into the design in such a way that it will
make the communication campaign easier later on. At this stage, the
aesthetic approach is of primary importance to make the banknotes
attractive to the public.
To ensure a very high quality of the final product, central banks
should manage the project with a high level of technical knowledge. A quality plan must, therefore, be drawn up.
Only after the technical functional layout has been set, can the designer start
to draw the sketches of the new series, based on the selected theme and
observing clear design guidelines.
general inTereST
wOMen anD MOney
are banknOteS feMale?
Money talks. But is it in a mans, or a womans voice? The Gutenberg Museum for graphic arts and communication in Fribourg,
Switzerland, has built a fascinating temporary exhibition centred on
the question, taking over a centurys production of Swiss banknotes
to try to answer the question. And, contrary to popular belief, the
Swiss Franc is largely influenced by women.
It all begins in 1850 with Helvetia, the allegoric womans representation that has symbolised Switzerland for Confederates since
the 17th century. Interpreted under various guises, the figure first
appears on coins, before being featured in 1881 on the first unified banknotes of the country. These early banknotes, produced
by foreign manufacturers, still bore the name of the 36 different
regional banks allowed to issue banknotes at the time, but were
otherwise identical. This difference would disappear when the
Swiss National Bank (BNS) is founded in 1906, with the exclusive rights to issue banknotes.
Helvetia still adorns Swiss coins, but the most important woman for
Swiss bankers is probably Vreneli: a typical Swiss-German name,
Vreneli is the work of Fritz Ulysse Landry, and was created in 1895
to appear on a famous 20 Franc gold coin. Again, coins influenced
banknotes, and Vreneli lived on to appear in 1914 on the first 20
Franc note, a technical marvel that required 16 offset passages. This
was the first note to be produced by Orell Fssli, in Zurich.
Vreneli was never formally identified, and it is thought that her
model was either Rosa Tnnler from Haslital, a remote valley in the
Canton of Bern, or the daughter of the artists tenant. It is interesting
to note that years later, at the beginning of World War II, another
woman from Haslital was chosen to be on the 100 Franc note. A
dead-end valley located roughly in the centre of the country, Haslital
was believed to be only one of a few places were the population had
been untouched by foreign influence. The model, therefore, bore
an undisputable Swiss made label!
This study, where the features of the helvetia allegoric character are
inspired by the artists wife, on one hand, and lover, on the other, was
unsurprisingly dismissed.
general inTereST
the 74 MIllIOn eurO
One hunDreD franc nOte
In order to buy this sculpture, more than one million of the corresponding notes would be required!
Mark Stevenson, the conference organiser, says that; the conference aims to clarify the link that exists between banknote design
and all other steps in the banknote chain, from production to issuing,
re-cycling, and destruction. Our principal objective is to facilitate
the sharing of core information on the above subjects and to provide
designers with a wider perspective on how their work has a direct
impact on banknote security, functionality and longevity. Ultimately this will enable designers and issuers to make more informed and
objective choices on banknote design and content.
During the conference the International Banknote Designers Association will be launched. The objective is to ensure prolonged and
enhanced levels of communication and information exchange after
the first conference, and to promote stronger ties and relationships
within the banknote designer community.
The International Banknote Designers Conference has been created for banknote designers by banknote designers. The conference committee consists of six well-known
personalities involved in banknote design, coming from different cultures and parts of the world.
From left to right: Jorge Peral (CAN), Roger Pfund (Ch), Jennings Ku (hK), Renato Manfredi (IT), Andrew Ward (CAN), Karin Mrck hamilton (SWE).
ShOrT newS
KBA-GIORI showroom The installation of a brand new printing line in our showroom in our new headquarters is proceeding as
planned (see Banconota N 1). The machines are equipped with
the latest options and fully operational. The latest generation of prepress equipment can also be seen in a production environment for
interested parties.
KBA-Mdling A flexible production programme is being implemented in our production facilities. Pre-assembly of standard
modules and various other measures are expected to speed up
manufacturing time of most machines by ca. 15 to 20%, and to
allow configuration changes up to four months before delivery.
Quality and Security Mr Sbastien Mongenot has been hired as
our new Quality & Security Manager.
Brazil The decision has been made to upgrade the two recently
ordered NumeroPak III to Super Check NumeroPak III machines,
for even greater process integration.
Egypt An order has been placed for a Super Simultan IV, in 10
colour configuration, with 2D-Iris module and the latest type of
ColorSave recto-verso online inspection unit.
Italy A contract has been signed for the supply of a Super Simultan IV press equipped with the latest type of ColorSave recto-verso
online inspection unit.
Kazakhstan A NotaScreen II with the SPARK module and a
CToP II system have been ordered. Both are scheduled for delivery
this year.
Mexico A NotaProtector protective varnishing application
machine has been ordered. This is the second NotaProtector to
be installed in this country, where the NotaProtector is used to
varnish polymer notes.
Morocco Varnishing will be introduced on Moroccan banknotes, leading to a NotaProtector order. In addition, the print
works will completely upgrade its pre-press department by
adopting the CToP and CTiP technologies. Corresponding auxiliaries have also been ordered.
Sweden A SPARK module has been purchased for the
NotaScreen II already installed in the print works.
Venezuela A complete new printing line has been ordered, in addition to the finishing line delivered last year. This line comprises
the offset, screen, intaglio and varnishing processes.
2D-Iris The first note to feature 2D-Iris was put into circulation
in November last year by the Central Bank of Yemen. The middenomination 250 Rial was designed and produced by GOZNAK.
FoilCheck II A new version of the FoilCheck online OVD inspection system has been released. Enhancements notably include
the support for the OPTI-Windows window cut module.
LabQMD UEFO A new version of our portable statistical process control QMD family of products has been released. LabQMD
UEFO can check fluorescent security features and was presented
during the Optical Document Security conference in San Francisco, USA.
PliFora III A new version of the PliFora, which is used to
perforate and bend intaglio plates for backside grinding, and
for installation on press, has been released. Cameras have
replaced microscopes, and the new system features a higher
degree of automation.
SPARK Sales of SPARK modules for the NotaScreen are uninterrupted, illustrating the popularity of this security feature. A total of 26 modules have been installed or are being delivered. Latest
orders include Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine.
inDuSTry challengeS
Rob Stierman
Chief Technology Officer
Royal Joh. Ensched
The Netherlands
Nestor Plazas
Deputy Manager for Industrial and
Treasury Affairs
Banco de la Repblica
Shao Guowei
Chief Technology Officer
China Banknote Printing
and Minting Corp.
Peoples Republic of China
The ti bulletin (technical information bulletin) is a publication aimed at Production, Technical and Maintenance Managers and, in general at all personnel using
KBA-GIORI equipment, new and old.
The ti bulletin is distributed exclusively by e-mail, on a variable schedule. In order to subscribe to the ti bulletin, please send an e-mail to service@kba-giori.
com, with TI SUBSCRIBE in the subject area, and provide the following details:
First name
Company name
e-mail address
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N 1, April 2009
Product: Super format Intaglio presses
Topic: Wiping system upgrade
Product: Super Orlof Intaglio press
Topic: Potential safety hazard when cleaning the inking unit
N 2, December 2009
Product: Super Numerota, Super Orlof Intaglio, Super Simultan
Topic: In-feed suction drum upgrade
Product: Super format intaglio presses
Topic: Automatic chablon cylinder gear lubrication upgrade