Collaborative and Iterative Translation: An Alternative Approach To Back Translation
Collaborative and Iterative Translation: An Alternative Approach To Back Translation
Collaborative and Iterative Translation: An Alternative Approach To Back Translation
meaning of the question and further probing their understanding of the meaning or significance of the questions.
The review suggested that the most common form of checking the accuracy of translation in marketing studies was back
translation. However, although there were limited details in
many cases, it appears that beyond some modification after a
single translation or back translation iteration by bilingual
translators, relatively few additional checks or tests were
undertaken to ensure the adequacy of the translation. A
mechanism that is particularly useful for detecting translation problems, pretesting, was used in fewer than one-third
of the studies.
As we noted previously, although back translation can potentially identify translation errors, in isolation, it is subject to
several limitations (Brislin 1970; Van de Vijver and Hambleton 1996). Because bilingual translators are fluent in both the
relevant languages, they do not necessarily use a language in
the same way as monolingual people and may have common
ways and conventions for moving from one language to
another. Bilingual translators may also be able to make sense
of a poorly written target translation (Brislin 1970). Because
back translation provides a direct or literal translation from
one language to another, it is possible to move from one language to another and back again without capturing the
intended sense of the statement. For example, this may occur
with idioms. Harkness (2003) notes an example from a German general social survey. An item in the survey is Das
Leben in vollen Zgen geniessen. Literally translated into
English, this means Enjoy life in full trains. (One reading
of Zgen is the plural of train; the other, idiomatic meaning is in full draughts.) A back translation may produce the
same wording as the original German, which would suggest
that the translation was accurate. However, the more appropriate translation into English would be Live life to the full
or, in American English, Live life to the fullest.
The limitations of translating an existing questionnaire by
relying solely on back translation can be observed in the
work of Douglas and Nijssen (2003). In research conducted
in the Netherlands, they used the CETSCALE (Shimp and
Sharma 1987), which was initially developed in the United
States. They tested two versions of the CETSCALE, a literal
back-translated version and a modified version that
attempted to address differences in consumer ethnocentrism
in the Netherlands, namely, the absence of domestic brands
in certain product categories. Consequently, an item such as
It is not right to buy foreign products had limited relevance. Because of this problem, the authors conducted indepth interviews to examine the meaning and significance of
the construct to Dutch consumers. They also obtained reac-
In the first case, there is an opportunity to eliminate the dominance of the structure of a source language or culture and to
establish equivalence of different questions in each language
(Werner and Campbell 1970). When the content of the questionnaire has been established, a team of bilingual or multilingual researchers and translators, preferably a researcher
from each country and/or linguistic context, should examine
it. A researcher establishes a version in his or her own language and then translates it, if necessary with a translator,
into an agreed-on common language. The team then reviews,
discusses, and harmonizes each version until a comparable
and, as far as possible, equivalent version is established in
each language (Van de Vijver and Leung 1997). In some
cases, when the same concept cannot be expressed or tapped
in the same way in each language, this may result in emic
questions in a version. This is likely to occur with attitudinal
scales or with activities such as sports, which vary in popularity from one country to another.
In the second, more common case, in which an instrument
has already been established in one language, questions need
to be translated so that they capture the same meaning in
each language. As we noted previously, this is complex and
typically requires an iterative process and multiple revisions
of the translation to ensure that an appropriate translation is
achieved, particularly when multiple languages are
involved. In the remainder of the article, we focus primarily
on this case, which is the situation that most international
marketing researchers face.
Most of the literature related to translation and, in particular,
to the use of back translation has focused on translation of
the instrument in general. However, there are important
issues related to the type of data being collected. International surveys typically involve one or more of three different types of data: socioeconomic, behavioral, and attitudinal
data. Socioeconomic data are usually the easiest to translate
because similar or equivalent categories can typically be
identified. Behavioral categories require the identification of
similar types of behavior that are equivalent. This may be
more problematic, especially when the relevant behavior is
cognitive rather than physical. Most difficulties are likely to
occur with attitudinal data because the construct may differ
from one language to another. Consequently, it is not just linguistic equivalence that needs to be considered but also
other equivalence issues, such as category equivalence, functional equivalence, and construct equivalence (see Craig and
Douglas 2005).
The relevance of each of these issues depends to a substantial degree on the nature of the question. Sociodemographic
questions are most likely to raise the issue of category equiv-
Scale Anchoring
For the reasons we discussed previously, a single back translation in isolation does not provide a reliable instrument in
the target language. Although this helps ensure a correct literal translation, it does not help assess whether the questions
have equivalent meaning or are devoid of cultural bias. Even
in catching errors, much depends on the back translators
understanding of a question and its purpose. Furthermore, a
mechanistic application of back translation, without adjustments, is unlikely to result in an instrument that will produce reliable and valid results. Rather than continue to
employ back translation, we recommend that researchers follow the steps we outline subsequently when translating
questionnaires into other languages. Following these steps
will result in a questionnaire that produces reliable and valid
results. We summarize the steps in Figure 1 and elaborate on
them in the following subsections.
The limitations of back translation mean that it is critical to
use a team or committee approach to ensure a reliable and
effective translation. This team or committee should consist
of people who are familiar with each of the cultures in which
research is being conducted and the different languages
Employ a Collaborative
Figure 1.
Collaborative and Iterative
Questionnaire Translation
Establish Equivalence
Different types of data (i.e., questions related to socioeconomic, behavioral, and attitudinal data) all pose different
issues and thus need to be examined to ensure that they are
couched in terms that are similar in their context to the
source questions and will elicit equivalent responses. Category equivalence and functional equivalence are relatively
straightforward to achieve, but they still require knowledge
of the local conventions and the cultural context. Construct
equivalence is more difficult to achieve because there are
issues involved at each step to ensure that a reliable and conceptually equivalent translation is achieved. The time taken
in this approach will depend to a large degree on the experience of the researcher or company that is undertaking the
approach and the number of languages involved. When a
market research company or academic researcher conducts a
survey in a country or language for the first time, it is important to undertake this approach to establish equivalence and
to ensure the integrity of the translation. A local research
company, a local manager, or an academic researcher familiar with the language can be used at the committee stage to
check the translation, help select the final version, and
decide whether revisions are needed after the pretesting.
Conversely, if the company or academic researchers already
have extensive experience in conducting similar surveys in a
given country or language, they are likely to be already familiar with relevant linguistic equivalents; thus, parallel translation may not be necessary, and the checking process is likely
to be more expeditious. However, pretesting is essential to
detect any potential errors, though fewer modifications and
only one iteration are likely to be needed.
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Susan P. Douglas is PaganelliBull Professor of Marketing and
International Business (e-mail:, and
C. Samuel Craig is Catherine
and Peter Kellner Professor of
Marketing (e-mail: scraig@stern., Stern School of
Business, New York University.
The authors acknowledge helpful
comments from Dawn Lesh, Durairaj
Maheswaran, and Tom Meyvis on a
previous draft of this article.
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