Bridgewater For All: Organised Sound
Bridgewater For All: Organised Sound
Bridgewater For All: Organised Sound
The entire project is offered free of charge, and is funded directly by Bridgewater for
All, The Bridgewater Halls Learning and Participation department. Each school will be
Tickets for 1-2 classes, plus accompanying adults, to attend Jonathan Scotts
Dancing Feet concert on Tuesday 19 May.
One full and one half day workshop, per class, in school with Tom Scott
All materials directly related to the project
A chance to perform at The Bridgewater Hall alongside other schools
Participating schools will be asked to commit to:
Providing transport and staffing for 2 visits to The Bridgewater Hall, one of
which will fall outside of usual school hours
Providing a suitable space and staffing for all workshops in school
Ensuring that students receive relevant information about each session and
that appropriate permissions are received for out of school visits
Tuesday 19 May
Pre-concert introduction
Jonathan Scott Dancing Feet
Take part
If you are interested in working with us, please complete the form below and return it
to me no later than Monday 20 April. We will confirm places on a first come, first
served basis, where dates can be made to work.
If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact me at any
time. Thank you very much, and we hope to work with you and your students later in
the school year,
Yours faithfully
Bryony Bell
Learning and Participation Manager
0161 907 9074
Telephone 2
At what time of day is it best to
reach you?
With which year group/s would you like us to
work (upper KS2; ideally year 5/6)
Number of pupils
Are you applying in partnership with any
other school?
What are the timings of your
school day?
Please number each block of dates in order of preference for school visits. Please place an X in the b
place an X beside any date that you CANNOT do. Flexibility with dates may make it
more likely that we are able to offer you a place on the project.
We are aware that some schools have a two-week half term; if this is these dates dont work for you, please let us kno
and we will try to reschedule.
Music workshop 1 all day in school
Monday 1 June
Tuesday 2 June
Wednesday 3 June
Thursday 4 June
Friday 5 June
Monday 8 June
Monday 15 June pm
Tuesday 16 June am
Tuesday 16 June pm
Wednesday 17 June am
Wednesday 17 June pm
Thursday 18 June am
Thursday 18 June pm
Friday 19 June am
Friday 19 June pm
If you have any questions, please call Bryony Bell on 0161 907 9074.
Further opportunities
Extend your engagement with The Bridgewater Hall during the ORGANised Sound project
with any of the following options or talk to us about bespoke projects.
Make the most of your trip to the city centre
by visiting other venues like the Museum of
Science & Industry, 10 minutes walk away.
What can you discover about how sound
travels, or how a huge instrument might have
been constructed?
Free; booking required; additional
paid group activities available
Book performance poetry, songwriting or
percussion workshops to further develop
musical skills or to create a performance linked
to curriculum topics. Could be used to extend
the impact of the project for pupils already involved, or to include children from other year
250 per day
Tour The Bridgewater Hall to learn more about how sound travels through solids and
space, and how we can insulate buildings to exclude unwanted sounds.
50 per group
Celebrate your childrens achievement through Arts Award Discover or Explore were
trained Arts Award advisers and can support children and teachers in completing the
nationally recognised qualification, now open to children aged 7-11.
Discover from 2.50, Explore from 9.50 per pupil
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Bridgewater for All