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following five point responses: strongly approve, approve, undecided, disapprove, and strongly
disapprove (see Figure 1).
Roslow, and Murphy, 1993). Likerts approach was to use a summation of carefully crafted, symmetric scored responses (Likert, 1932). Likert (1932) indicated that reliability scores for his new
method were at least as good as Thurstones and in some cases superior. Edwards (2005) cited
that a possible rationale for the increased reliability over Thurstones method may be attributed to
the increased steps in the scale (p. 77). Likert responded to criticism of the reliability analysis
by publishing a similar study in 1934 with similar results, though Edmondson (2005) finds design
faults with this analysis as well (Edmondson, 2005, p. 128). Currently, Likert and Likert-type
scales are used in many fields related to the social sciences and the scales have evolved to display
differing number of points and responses, but the essence of Likerts original scale remains the
same (see Vagias (2006) for a sample selection of these formats).
Biases Associated with Likert Scales
Researchers that produce or consume studies derived from Likert scales should be aware
of potential biases and weaknesses attributed to the scale when constructing or examining a scale
and items. James, Demaree,& Wolf (1984) describe one form of bias, central tendency bias, as
the bias of examinees to choose the neutral response in an odd point scale, termed forced choice,
as a way of avoiding items that they are not comfortable or confident in answering. Some attempts to overcome this bias have included the use of an even point scale, however, researchers
need to be aware that this could alter the distribution of the data in ways that are more likely
to lead to departures from the assumption of normally distributed error terms for linear models
(Likert, 1932). A second known potential bias, acquiescence bias, is a phenomena in which the
examinee tends to give positive responses to the survey questions is sometimes approached by
reversing the polarity of the item (Lichtenstein and Bryan, 1965). Semon (2000) notes that acquiescence bias displayed differently depending on the cultural group of the respondent. This
differences among cultures in responding to an item is referred to as cultural bias (Flaskerud,
2012; Semon, 2000). Chung & and Monroe (2003) describe another form of bias common to Likert scales, social desirability bias, in which [p]eople have a need to appear more altruistic and
society-oriented than they actually are, and social desirability (SD) is the tendency of individuals
to deny socially undesirable actions and behaviors and to admit to socially desirable ones (p.
291). Researchers must be conscious of different biases that may affect the inferences that can be
made from a studys findings.
The Problem of Likert Data
When I began my initial review of the literature around Likert scales it became abundantly clear that the scales use was mired in hefty debate among psychometricians since its
inception in 1932. The battle in the literature is over the treatment of an ordinal scale as interval.
This argument affects the choices a researcher makes in analyzing the data and interpreting the
results (de Winter and Dodou, 2010). The conservatives consider it a sin to use parametric
tests to analyze what they consider to be strictly ordinal data (Knapp, 1990). The liberals contend that the robustness of the F ratio allows for Likert data to be treated as interval (Carifio and
R. Perla, 2007; Knapp, 1990). The stance you take will likely affect how you conduct and interpret research and more importantly have to potential to affect type I and II error rates (Anderson,
1961). This sentiment is captured by Jamieson (2004):
The legitimacy of assuming an interval scale for Likert-type categories is an important issue, because the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics differ for ordinal and interval variables and if the wrong statistical technique is used, the researcher
increases the chance of coming to the wrong conclusion about the significance (or
otherwise) of his research. (p. 127)
I do not make a determination as to precisely how a researcher should approach Likert data but
instead present the two major viewpoints and the resources to make an informed decision regarding a particular data set and research hypothesis.
S. S. Stevens: The Beginning of a Firestorm
Much of the literature traces the beginning of the ordinal-interval debate back to Stevens
(1946) piece, On the Theory of Scales of Measurement, released 14 years after Likerts article
(1932). Stevens (1946) wrote the article in an attempt to provide some guidance and unity in
measurement, particularly that of human perception. Stevens (1946) first defines measurement,
measurement in the broadest sense, is defined as the assignment of numerals to objects according to rules and then proposes classifying data into one of four scales of measurement: nominal,
ordinal, interval and ratio (pp. 677-678). He defines the nominal scale as data belonging to
different categories with no clear order or zero point (pp. 678-679). It was here that using football numbers as an arbitrary assignment to nominal data was first discussed. The ordinal scale
shares all the same properties as the nominal scale, but the categories could be ordered according
to some rank. This is particulary relevant to Likert data as many, particulary the conservative psychometricians, would typically classify this scale as being ordinal (Edmondson, 2005; Jamieson,
2004). Here Stevens (1946) warns:
In the strictest propriety ordinary statistics involving means and standard deviations
ought not to be used with these scales, for these statistics imply a knowledge of
something more than the rank-order of data...On the other hand, for this illegal
statisticizing there can be invoked a kind of pragmatic sanctification: In numerous
instances it leads to fruitful results. (679)
Stevens (1946) third scale type is interval, which contains order, as the ordinal data, but the
spacing between the ranked categories is equidistant. This scale classification is the first type
mentioned that he considers quantitative, though, like the ordinal and nominal scales, lacking a true zero point (p. 679). It is between the ordinal and interval levels that Stevens (1946)
acknowledgs some ambiguity of such terms as intensive and extensive. Both ordinal
and interval scales have at times been called intensive, and both interval and ratio scales have
sometimes been labeled extensive (p. 678). The final scale of measurement, ratio, are possible
only when there exists operations for determining all four relations: equality, rank-order, quality
of intervals and equality of ratios (Stevens, 1946, p. 679).
Though Stevens (1946) article is an attempt to unify the field, it had the opposite effect.
Seven years after Stevens piece, Lord (1953) wrote a parable in an attempt to produce a logical
counter argument to Stevens proposed scales and their application; this is considered the second
practical verification (p. 265). Knapp (1990) provides a great deal of insight into testing Lords
challenge, summarizing many of the arguments held by both sides. It becomes clear that the F
test is quite robust, that one can usually tease normality and homogeneity- of variance quite
a bit without doing serious injustice to t or F, particularly with equal sample (Knapp, 1990, p.
122). Knapp (1990) also discusses the possibility of the quantity of break points for the scale
effecting the distribution of data, with more points tending to continuize (p. 123). Perhaps the
most striking claim Knapp (1990) makes is regarding power, one of the underlying rationale for
preferring parametric tests:
But both camps are mistaken regarding... the, alleged power superiority of parametric tests over non parametric tests. The wilcoxon tests for independent samples and
for paired samples are never much less powerful than t, and when the population
distribution is not normal (for ordinal or interval measurement) they can be much
more powerful (Blair & Higgins, 1980; 1985)...If you claim that-you have an interval scale, you are more likely to prefer parametric techniques, but should you have
qualms about normality and/or homogeneity of variance and elect some nonparametric counterpart, dont be apprehensive about losing power; it maybe even-higher. (pp.
Denny Borsboom, a respected leader in the field of psychometrics, co-authored a piece
that takes a radical and sensible approach to the Likert scale debate. Zand & Borsboom (2009)
attack Lords (1954) argument in a different way than previous critiques. Rather than confront
the theory and logic they discredit the logical contradiction of Lords football number selling
professor. Lords (1954) argument rests on the fact that nominal data with numeric representation
can be treated as parametric. Zand & Borsboom (2009) show that the numbers in Lords story are
not serving a nominal role but are a representation of the bias of the vending machines theyre being distributed from (p. 72). At this point Lords contradiction is debunked and no longer serves
as an argument for treating Likert data as interval. Zand & Borsboom (2009) are not taking the
position that Likert data should be consistently treated as non parametric; instead, they contend,
as Lord did, that Stevens rules should not be applied mindlessly (p. 74). Zand & Borsboom
(2009) further the point, The numbers dont have to know where they came from; researchers
have to know where they came from, since they assigned them in the first place. (p. 74). The
argument is transformed from one of ordinal versus interval to that of sound measurement
methods, reflective research practices and consideration of the inferences made from statistical
The Treatment of Likert data
Zand & Borsboom (2009) discredited Lords logical contradiction and called for attentive research practices, therefore, it is necessary to understand the direction a researcher must
approach after making decisions regarding measurement, scale, analysis and inferences. It is important to realize, as stated by Carifio & Perla(2007), that the F test is actually quite robust to use
of Likert data, even skewed data:
The non-parametric statistical analyses only myth about Likert scales is particularly disturbing because many (if not all) item fixated experts seem to be completely unaware of Gene Glass famous Monte Carlo study of ANOVA in which
Glass showed that the F-test was incredibly robust to violations of the interval data
assumption (as well as moderate skewing) and could be used to do statistical tests at
the scale and subscale (4 to 8 items but preferably closer to 8) level of the data that
was collected using a 5 to 7 point Likert response format with no resulting bias. (p.
Carifio & Perla(2007, 2008) also make it clear that this robustness only holds true when Likert
data is analyzed as a scale, that is a summed composite score, not individual items. Anderson
(1961) and Knapp (1990) warn that interactions may be affected more harshly than the main
effects and need to be considered and analyzed carefully in using Likert data.
The consideration of power is the major concern for researchers in choosing parametric
vs. nonparametric (Knapp, 1990). Knapp (1990) and Anderson (1961, 2004) both indicate that
under equinormality, power for both the parametric and nonparametric are close, and may actually be greater for the nonparametric under violations of the normality assumption. Zand &
Borsboom (2009) also discuss the tendency to use parametric tests because of their availability
and ease of use. As statistical computer programs, such as R (2012), become reflective of psychometric theory they have come to incorporate procedures for handling non parametric data
with ease. It is absurd to allow ease of use to affect scientific inquiry that may lead to policy
changes. Osterlind (2010) makes mention of more sophisticated graded response IRT models
suited for Likert data that should become another tool in the researchers tool box (p. 298). It is
incumbent upon the researcher to become familiar with appropriate techniques or to hire a professional statistician so that measurement the choice of statistical test (Zand and
Borsboom, 2009, p. 69).
It was the intention of this paper, not to give a ready to follow road map for analyzing
Likert data, but to provide the insight and knowledge necessary for researchers to properly approach measurement, analysis and interpretation with a more cautious and informed perspective.
When I first jumped down the rabbit hole of Likert data I was amazed at the misconceptions and
ignorance I had. This paper is by no means comprehensive, but does provide the major considerations the reader should be aware of and can serve as a guide in exploration of this deeply seeded
and inherently important topic that has been a source of debate and contention for generations
of physchometricians. Zand & Borsboom (2009)offer great insight for the probing researcher
attempting to grasp measurement with Likert scales:
Research findings and conclusions depend on arbitrary, and usually implicit, scaling decisions on part of the researcher. This hinders scientific progress because it
obscures a factor, namely the choice of scaling, that is influential in determining
conclusions based on empirical research. It is important, therefore, to have a clear
understanding of how level of measurement can affect our conclusions. (p. 69)
It is our duty to scrutinize our own data and the research of others as we attempt to build our
collective understanding of various issues in social sciences. The Likert scale is a tool that may
be useful but must be used with sensible understanding of the scale, its intended use, potential
weaknesses, analysis approaches, interpretations of the results and of inferences gathered.
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