equal zero
1. When I see CJIC I find line items which are yet to capitalized to AuC. I have seen the related threads in SDN and
also OSS Note 425601. Told the user to open previous year for posting and then carry out settlement which was
Can I change the message type in OBA5 to Warning . Will this solve the issue?
2. I guess you are settling the WBS costs posted in previous fiscal year
to AUC in the current fiscal year. As a finance consultant I believe, It's a not best practice from accounting point of
If the requirement is to do so then change the message control in OBA5
to warning, then system allows you to settle. We did the same thing for message AW607 (Settlement of Olad asset
data to reciever type other than Asset not allowed) as it is our business requirement.
3. FYI, it is impossible to settle the last year's value to
the last year or current year. System will not allow you to do that and it is SAP standard.
There is an OSS note to settle the previous year values. Once you execute that note, system will make the error
message to warning message and allow you do the posting.
-which version of SAP you are using? Read the SAP
In the customizing, for some of the modules, there are some transactions which allow us to
change the type of the system messages, to warning, error, or no message at all. But they work
only for some of the specific messages, not all of them! You should check the corresponding
customizing menu and check if suits your needs..
Some examples:
OPJB for production messages
OBA5 for CO messages
OMT4 for material master messages
Otherwise, you have to find other work-arounds to meet the requirement to change the message
For the order 31000000564 in the year 2012, the above costs were not
capitalized to AUC.
Hi All,
The question is answered now.. we have settled the costs from internal order to a costcenter in the
previous year. in the current yr we have settled the cost center to the internal order and then again
settled the order to Assets.
As far as my knowledge goes when you have a two step settlement i.e, Prliminary to AUC and Final to Main
assets, all the actual costs have to be posted to AUC periodically and before close of Asset year. Once asset
year is closed system will not allow you to post previous year's costs to AUC in the current year
First check all the costs attached to that order in transaction KOB1. If you haven't settled them you would
have to settle them all to settle current month's costs. In KO88, it will give you the option of selecting previous
settlement periods and to post them all in the current period. Try posting that way see what happens. Also, if you
have costs in the previous years that are not settled then it will be a problem. There is one OSS note in service
market place which gives you some hints on how to settle previous years costs. I dont remember the number but
have the text saved. Here it is and hope it helps. Good luck.
1. When you try to close an object that is settled periodically (for example a run schedule header, production order,
process order), the system displays message KO115, which indicates that the balance of the object is not zero.
If you then start the settlement, the system reports that there are no amounts to be settled (KD213).
With an analysis in the information system, you establish that costs were not settled in a previous period. Since it is
not possible to perform a full settlement for periodic production orders, the balance of the order cannot be cleared by
2. In Release 3.0/3.1, a sender has settlements in previous periods that are to be reversed. In Release 3.0/3.1, you
cannot carry out a reversal not posting into the settlement period. When you attempt to enter another period, the
system generates error message KD547.
During the settlement of a production order, error message CK122 is issued which says that the MM period has
already been closed. Settlement unrelated to the period cannot be carried out in 3.0/3.1.
3. A sender has settlements in the previous year which are to be reversed. However, a cross-fiscal year reversal
cannot be carried out in the settlement, since an alternative posting period can be entered on the settlement initial
screen as of Release 4.0 but not an alternative fiscal year.
Other terms
KO02, CO02, KO88, KO8G, CJ88, CJ8G, CO88, KO450, KO451
3. The costs are now selected during the settlement in the current period.
1. If possible, use a FUL rule in addition to the PER rule.
2. If you use the full settlement processing type (initial screen of the settlement transaction), the system checks
whether or not there are debits not settled yet from prior periods, and if so it issues an error message. You can then
immediately correct the relevant orders, possibly by reversing the settlements of the current period and settling the
previous period again. For this, implement the correction of Note 586673.
Note 425601
22 / 2005-02-15
Advance development
Primary Component
Secondary Components
When you carry out the periodic settlement of an investment measure (order/WBS element) with line item
settlement to an asset under construction, the system generates error message
AW624 "First settle items from the previous year in the previous year".
Other terms
KO88, KO8G, CJ88, CJ8G, year-end closing
Reason and Prerequisites
Investment measures should always be settled completely according to period within a fiscal year, that is, either
by settlement from the order/WBS element to the AuC or by preliminary settlement to other receivers. This is
required for business reasons to ensure that with a settlement to the AuC all values of the fiscal year are
displayed in FI-AA (for example in the asset history sheet).
In case of investment measures with line item settlement, you should settle all line items to be settled in the
corresponding fiscal year. All line items with actual costs (Value type 04) and down payments (Value type 12) are
line items that have to be settled:
Reversed line items:
See Note 362232
Line item with value 0:
Line items with value 0 are only taken into account as of Release 4.5 by Notes 377456 and 412580. As
a result, after a system upgrade, line items with value 0 that were posted earlier in the settlement may
only be considered as of the new release and such line items must be settled once in the new release
as described below.
The transaction for the line item apportionment (KOB5 for order, CJ70 or CJIC for the WBS element) can be used
to check the line items to be settled by means of the 'Fiscal year' or 'Posting date' columns and the 'Activated on
AuC' column. If one or several line items were posted in a previous year and have not been periodically settled in
the respective fiscal year yet (that is, column 'Capitalized to AuC = 0'), message AW624 is justified.
Furthermore, the settlement history of the affected line items can also be checked here (via the menu path "Goto
-> "Settlement history" in the line item report).
If down payments were posted on the order or the WBS element, ensure that the value type '12' (Down
payments) is also selected in addition to the value type '04' (Actual costs) in the selection screen of the
transaction via menu 'Extras'/'Select value type' and that down payments can only be settled on the AuC (no
preliminary settlement possible on other receivers).
You can also carry out a check to see if more line items were posted to the order or the WBS element in the
previous year after the last settlement and therefore were not yet settled in the previous year:
Determine the posting date and entry date of the last open settlement, for example in Transaction KO88 or
CJ88, Menu 'Go to'/'Previous settlements', 'Itemization' (do not take reversed settlements into account,
in other words the 'Reversed' and 'Reversed document' fields must be empty).
Use the CO line item report to determine whether line items to be settled (actual costs and down
payments) with a posting date or entry date after the last open settlement were posted to the order or
the WBS element in the previous year.
If you want the CO document number to be displayed in message AW624 as additional information, you should
implement the program corrections contained in this note. In addition, call up Transaction SE91 to change the
short and long text for message AW624 as follows:
Short text:
'First settle items from the previous year in the previous year &: & &'
Long text:
You have not yet settled all items from capital investment measures from the previous year.
The line item to be settled & v2 & / & v3 & was posted in fiscal year & v1 &, however, it was not periodically
settled in the same fiscal year'.
However, note that in addition to the displayed CO document number more line items may be affected.
If a settlement can be carried out in the posting year of the line items for the line items that still have to be settled,
carry out the periodic settlement on AuC or on receivers of the preliminary settlement in the corresponding
previous year.
If the line items that still have to be settled can no longer be settled in previous years due to closed fiscal years in
FI/FI-AA, it is necessary to settle these line items in the current fiscal year and to ignore error message AW624:
As of Release 4.5, you can activate or deactivate message AW624 in the settlement, as a warning for example.
To do this, insert the following entry for application area 'AW':
Message number = '624'
User name = ' ' or specific users
Dialog = e.g. 'W' or '-' (see F4 help)
Batch input = e.g. 'W' or '-' (see F4 help)
As a prerequisite for Transaction OBA5, you must first of all implement the following program corrections (only
required up to Release 4.6C) and insert the following table entries (if it is not already in your system):
As of Release 4.6: Use Transaction SM31 to include application area 'AW' into table V_T100SA.
In Release 4.5: Use Transaction SE11 to enter fixed value 'AW' in domain ARBFI.
Start Transaction SM31 to include the following entry in table T100S:
'Application area MsgNo Allowed Standard Switch off'
AW 624 EWI E 'X'
For releases lower than 4.5, you can only issue message AW624 as a warning message by using the following
program modification: Call Transaction SE38 and change line "MESSAGE E624(AW)..." in Include LAIMBFXX to
"MESSAGE W624(AW)...".
You should check the balance of the actual costs on the order or WBS element after the settlement: The balance
should be '0' up to the settlement period. For down payments (value type '12'), note that no credit is posted to the
order or WBS element during the settlement (see Note 21496).
After a successful settlement you can delete/change the entry for the message AW624 in Transaction OBA5 or
undo the modification in the Include LAIMBFXX (in Release < 4.5).
Affected Releases
Software Component
From Release
To Release
And subsequent
Related Notes