Algorithms Mini Field Guide 2.0: Fast Fourier Transform

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Algorithms Mini Field Guide 2.

Written by: Krishna Parashar
Published by: The OCM

Basic Properties of Logarithms

x(ab) =

x(a+b) (xa )b

Arithmetic Series (Sequential Integers):

Arithmetic Series (Sequential Odd Ints):
Artihmetic Series (Square):



ark1 =



2. From the FFT we get the roots of unity evaluated at p(x) and q(x) and we
multiply the respected values from each root together to get 2n + 1
respective pairs of values of (p q)(x). O(n)


Evaluation: < values > = FFT(< coef f >, w )

Interpolation: < coef f > = (1/n) FFT(< values >, w 1 )


2k 1 = n2

function FFT(A, w)


Input: Coefficient representation of a polynomial A(x)

Finite Geometric Series:

of degree less than or equal to n1,

where n is a power of 2w, an nth root of unity

Output: Value representation A(w_0),...,A(w_n1)

a(1r )

Infinite Geometric Series:

Us for most edge removal problems, use this to check if still strongly connected.

3. Finally we interpolate these points using the inverse FFT to get the
coeicients of (p q)(x). O(n log n)

Basic Series

= x(ab) x( ) = x


Strongly Connected Components O(n)

The Fast Fourier Transform in the scope of our knowledge thus far is used for
Polynomial Multiplication. We want to know the coeicient of (p q)(x) knowing
only the coeicients of p(x) and q(x). The naive way is the one we all use in
Algebra which runs in O(n2 ). Here is a faster algorithm:
1. Take the coeicients of p(x) and q(x) and plug them into the FFT with
the Roots of Unity (We need 2n + 1 points). O(n log n)

y = logb (x) iffx = by

logb (xy) = logb (x) + logb (y)
log (x)
logb (x) = logb (c) logc (x) = logc (b)
logb (xn ) = n logb (x) xa xb =

Fast Fourier Transform O(n log n)

ark1 =


if w = 1: return A(1)


express A(x) in the form A_e(x^2) + xA_o(x^2)

call FFT(A_e, w^2) to evaluate A_e at even powers of w

Formal Limit Definition of O, , and

f (n)
< (0)
n g(n)
= c, 0 < c <

f (n) (g(n))
f (n) O(g(n))
f (n) (g(n))

Topological Sort O(V + E)

Run the undirected connected components algorithm (which count uses a

counter to count the number of components in G) on G, and during the
depth-first search, process the vertices in decreasing order of their post
numbers from step 1.

Breadth First Search O(V + E) (Queue)

to the distance from s to u.

return A(w_0),...,A(w_n1)
def bfs(G,s):

Search Algorithms
Depth First Search O(V + E) (Stack)
Explores all the way down to a tree, then climbs back up and explores alt paths.
Use for Topological Sort and Finding Connected Components.

(pre(u) < pre(v) < post(v) < post(u))

for all u in V:
dist(u) = infinity
dist(s) = 0
Q = [s] (Queue containing just s)
while Q is not empty:
u = eject(u)
for all edges (u,v) in E:
if dist(v) = infinity:
dist(v) = dist(u) + 1

def explore(G,v): #Where G = (V,E) of a Graph

Input: G = (V,E) is a graph; v V
Output: visited(u) is set to true for all nodes u

Dijkstras Algorithm O(V + E) log V (Binary Heap)

Objective is to find shortest path. Standard Data Structure is Priority Queue.

for each edge(v,u) in E:


a > 0, b > 1,

O(nd )
T (n) =
O(nd logn)

O(nlogb a )

if d > logb a
if d = logb a
if d < lobb a

Branching Factor: a
Depth of Tree = logb n
Width of Tree: alogb n = nlogb a

Run depth-first search on G.

Output: For all vertices u reachable from s, dist(u) is set

compute A(w_j) = A_e(w^2j) + w^j A_o(w^2j)

visited(v) = true

Masters Theorem


Run Time: O(n)

Big Picture: Topologically sort the graph; reverse the edges; topologically sort
again; we reach a new source the resulting traversal is new SCC; continue till end
of list.

Input: Graph G = (V, E), directed or undirected; vertex s V

if not visited(u):

T (n) = aT (n/b) + O(nd )

If C and C are strongly connected components, and there is an edge from

a node in C to a node in C, then the highest post number in C is bigger
than the highest post number in C.

for j = 0 to n 1:

reachable from v
[u[v v]u] is a Tree/Forward Edge
[v[u u]v] is a Back Edge
[v v][u u] is a Cross Edge

The node that receives the highest post number in a depth-first search
must lie in a source strongly connected component.

call FFT(A_o, w^2) to evaluate A_o at even powers of w

This process happens recursively.

Constraints: A directed graph G is acyclic if and only if a depth-first search of G

yields no back edges. Formally, we say a topological sort of a directed acyclic
graph G is an ordering of the vertices of G such that for every edge (vi , vj ) of G we
have i < j . If DAG is cyclic then no linear ordering is possible.
Topological Sort returns a list with all nodes pointing le such that basically all
parents come before any children (excluding sources). We order a graph from the
highest post number in a decreasing order.
Thus we create singly connected component from a DAG with several strongly
connected components, each a unique source and unique sink in the DAG. There
are multiple topological sorting possible. Used for Runtime Compiling or

If the explore subroutine is started at node u, then it will terminate

precisely when all nodes reachable from u have been visited.


d 0,

def dijkstra(G,l,s):
for all u in V:
dist(u) = infinity
prev(u) = nil
dist(s) = 0

def dfs(G):

H = makequeue(V) # using dist values as keys

for all v in V:
if not visited(v):

while H is not empty:

u = deletemin(H)
for all edges (u,v) in E:
if dist(v) > dist(u)+l(u,v)

Previsit = count till node added to the queue

Postvisit = count till you leave the given node
A directed Graph has a cycle if and only if it a back edge found during DFS.

dist(v) = dist(u)+l(u,v)
prev(v) = u

Bellman Ford Algorithm O(V E)

Objective is to find shortest path allowing for negative edges.

if find(u) != find(v):
add edge {u,v} to X

procedure shortest-paths(G, l, s)
Input: Directed graph G = (V, E);
edge lengths {l_e: e in E} with no negative cycles;
vertex s in V

The above algorithm utilizes disjoint sets to determine whether adding a given
edge creates a cycle. Basically by checking whether or not both sets have the same
root ancestor.

Contains a function, find that returns the root a given set. pi refers to the parent
node. rank refers to the height subtree hanging form that node (number of levels
below it).
For any x, rank(x) < rank((x)).
Any root node of rank k has at least 2k nodes in its tree.
If there are n elements overall, there can be at most nk nodes of rank k.
The maximum rank is logn.

Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,

dist(u) is set to the distance from s to u.
for all u in V:

def makeset(x): // O(1)

dist(u) = infinity
prev(u) = nil

Disjoint Sets Data Structure

Properties of Trees (Undirected Acyclic Graphs)

pi(x) = x
rank(x) = 0

A tree with n nodes has n-1 edges

dist(s) = 0

Any connected undirected graph G(V,E), with |E| = |V | 1 is a tree

repeat |V|-1 times:

An undirected graph is a tree if and only if there is a unique path between

any pair of nodes.

for all e in E:

Directed Acyclic Graphs

A directed graph has a cycle if and only if its depth-first search reveals a
back edge.
In a DAG, every edge leads to a vertex with a lower post number.

Prims Algorithm O(E log E)

Every directed graph is a DAG of its strongly connected components.

Objective is to also find the MST. Alternative to Kruskals Algorithm; Similar to

Standard Data Structure is Priority Queue. (If Dense: |E| at most |V 2 |)
On each iteration, the subtree defined by x grows by one edge, the lightest
between a vertex in S and a vertex outside S.

If the explore subroutine is started at node u, then it will terminate

precisely when all nodes reachable from u have been visited
The node that receives the highest post number in a depth-first search
must lie in a source strongly connected component
If C and C are strongly connected components, and there is an edge from
a node in C to a node in C, the the highest post number in C is bigger than
the highest post number in C.
In any path of a DAG, the vertices appear in an increasing linearized order
allowing you to run Dijkstras Algorithm in O(n)

procedure prim(G, w)
Input: A connected undirected graph G = (V, E) with weights
Output: A minimum spanning tree defined by the array prev
for all u in V :
cost(u) = infinity
prev(u) = nil
Pick any initial node u_0

Greedy Algorithms

cost(u_0) = 0
H = makequeue (V) (priority queue with cost-values as keys)


while H is not empty:

A Greedy Algorithm always takes the cheapest least weight edge for its next step,
no matter the future consequences.
A Tree is an acyclic, undirected, connected graph with |V | 1 edges (or for MST
exactly |V | 1 edges).
A Fringe is all the vertices exactly one hop from you current vertex.

Kruskals MST Algorithm O(E log E)

while x != pi(x):
return x

Cut Property
Suppose edges X are part of a minimum spanning tree of G = (V, E). Pick any
subset of nodes S for which X does not cross between S and V-S, and let e be the
lightest edge across the partition. Then X e is part of some Minimum Spanning

Every DAG has a source and sink

def find(x): // O(E log V)

v = deletemin(H)
for each {v, z} in E:
if cost(z) > w(v, z):
cost(z) = w(v, z)
prev(z) = v
decreasekey(H, z)

def union(x,y): // O(E log V)

if find(x) == find(y):
elif rank(find(x)) > rank(find(y)):
pi(find(y)) = find(x)
if rank(find(x)) == rank(find(y)):
rank(find(y)) = rank(find(y)) + 1

Path Compression
function find(x):
if x != pi(x): pi(x) = find(pi(x))
return pi(x)

Using path compression allows for an amortized cost of O(1) for out Disjoint Sets
union(x, y) and f ind(x) operations.

Union Find
Uses Disjoint Sets Data Structure
Runs in per operation Olog n which is the number of times you can take a log of
n before it becomes 1 or less. It is very slow and for all practical cases is constant.
Basically if find(x) and find(y) return the same value they are in the same graph so
do nothing, else add the edge. Then union(x, y).
Union: Worst case is O(logN ) Avg for all Ops is O(nlog n) where n is number
of elements in Data Structure.

Human Encoding
A means to encode data using the optimal number of bits for each character given
a distribution.

2 |)

(If Dense: |E| at most |V

Sort edges using a sorting algorithm then repeatedly add the next lightest edge
that doesnt produce a cycle (i.e. only visit new vertices).

func huffman(f):
Input: An array f[1...n] of frequencies

Input: A connected undirected graph G = (V,E) with edge

weights w
Output: A minimum spanning tree defined by the edges X
for all u in V:

Set Cover Algorithm (Polynomial Time)

Input: A set of elements B; sets S1,...,Sm

let H be a priority queue of integers, ordered by f

Output: A selection of the S_i whose union is B.

for i=1 to n: insert(H,i)

Cost: Number of sets picked.

for k = n+1 to 2n-1:

X = {}
Sort the edges E by weight
for all edges {u,v} in E, in increasing order of weight:

Output: An encoding tree with n leaves

i=deletemin(H), j=deletemin(H)
Repeat until all elements of B are covered:
Pick the set Si with the largest number of
uncovered elements.

create a node numbered k with children i,j

f[k] = f[i]+f[j]

Dynamic Programming
Fundamentally DP is carefully bruteforcing the solutions to a problem by turning it
into smaller and smaller nested subproblems that remember useful information
about its bigger or parent subproblem so that it can eventually reconstruct itself to
solve the original problem in a reasonable amount of time. This remembrance is
o en done using memoization or parent pointers.
Dynamic Programming has two approaches, which both have the same
asymptotic runtime (dier by a constant):

Parenthesization O(n3 )

fib = []

C(i, j) = min{C(i, k) + c(k + 1, j) + mi1 mk mj }

for k in range(1, n):

Floyd-Warshall O(|V |3 )

if k <= 2: f = 2
else: f = fib[k-1] + fib[n-2]
fib[k] = f
return fib[n]

for i=1 to n:

Shortest Paths (V E)

for j=1 to n:

1. Top Down: The top down approach uses the recursive idea of breaking the
problem into trivially (but still helpful) smaller subproblems and finding a
way (through brute force and memorization) to find the maximum or
minimum of every permutation what is be le with ever permutation of
the subproblems. This is unlike Divide and Conquer which garners its
eiciency from reducing its subproblems to massively smaller problems.

For DAGs: For a shortest path (s,v) that uses a limit of, guess take the min of the
incoming edge weights into v, say from a node u and then add it to the prefix
subproblem of shortest path from (s, u).
For General: Sk (s, v) = weight of shortest path from s to v that uses k
edges. Sk (s, v) = min(u,v)inE (Sk1 (s, u) + w(u, v)
This is Bellman-Ford.

2. Bottom Up: The bottom up approach uses the opposite approach of

breaking down the problem into its smallest subproblems and iteratively
using the smaller problems to solve bigger and bigger problems until it
solves the original problem. A table is o en used to keep track of these
values. BU is more space eicient than TD, unless you use tail recursion for

Longest Increasing Subsequence: O(n2 )

You can solve most DP problems by the following steps:

1. Define the subproblems. Know the # of subproblems.
2. Guess a solution for what is not the subproblem (max/min of brute force
permutations). Know the # of guesses.
3. Relate the subproblems to the parent problem. This is the
recursive/iterative step.
4. Do the recursion and memoize or iteratively build a table to keep track of
previously used values. These can be used to form a DAG. Ensure the DAG
for these are acyclic (i.e. have valid topological order or no dependences
on parent problems)
5. Solve the original problem ((#subproblems time/subproblem))
Choosing Subproblems (i is current problem):

Please note that subsequences are any sequences found in another sequences
that are not necessarily next to each other (contiguous). Contiguous subsequences
are substrings. The following algorithm starts at one side of the list and finds the
max length of sequences terminating at that given node, recursively following
backlinks. Then given all the lengths of paths terminating at that given node
choose the max length. Without memoization, this solution would be exponential

dist(i,j,0) = infinity
for all (i,j) in E:
dist(i,j,0) = l(i,j)
for k = 1 to n:
for i = 1 to n:
for j = 1 to n:
dist(i,j,k) = min{dist(i,k,k-1)+

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) O(n2 2n )

Shortest path for visiting all nodes.
for s = 2 to n:
for all subsets S in {1,2,...,n} of size s and has l:

L = {}

C(S,1) = infinity

for j=1,2,...,n:

for all j in S,j != 1:

L[j] = 1+max{L[i]:(i,j) in E}
# The (i,j) represents all the edges that go from

C(S,j) = min{C(S-{j},i)+dij:i in S,i not in j}

return min over j, C({1,...,n},j)+dj1

# a node to j.
return max(L)

Linear Programming

Edit Distance (Spelling Suggestions)

Feed into a LP solver like Simplex an Objective Function which states if you want to
maximize or minimize the equation (max(x + 2y)), Constraints which are
limitations for the variables of the Objective Function (x 0, y 600).

This algorithm works by basically choosing the min of the options for every given
letter. (The 3 options being adding a gap inbetween letters of one of the strings or
matching the two letters and moving on.)
ex) Snowy and Sunny have an edit distance of 3 with this configuration

1. To turn a maximization problem into a minimization (or vice versa) just

multiply the coeficients of the objective function by -1.

2. To turn an inequality constraint like n

i=1 ai xi b into an equation,
introduce a new variable S and use, n
i=1 ai xi + s = b, s 0 (S is
known as a slack variable)

Suix: x[i :]i - O(n) (subproblems are broken from i to end)

Topological Order is right to le .

S _ N O W Y

Prefix: x[: i]i - O(n) (subproblems are broken from start to i)

Topological Order is le to right.

for i = 0,1,2,...,m:

Substrings: x[i : j]i, j - O(n2 ) (subproblems are fragments of

problem, combination of suix and prefix) Topological Order is increasing
substring size.

for j = 1,2,...,n:

Fibonacci O(n)

Used for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph with positive or negative edge
weights (but with no negative cycles/

S U N N _ Y

3. To change an inequality constraint into inequalities rewrite ax = b,

as ax b and ax b

E(i,0) = i

4. If a linear program has an unbounded value then its dual must be


E(0,j) = j
for i = 1,2,...,m:


for j = 1,2,...,n:
E(i,j) = min{E(i-1,j)+1,E(i,j-1)+1,E(i-1,j-1)

Typically Polynomial time; Worst Case Exponential.



return E(m,n)

memo = {}

Knapsack O(nW )

let v be any vertex of the feasible region

while there is a neighbor v of v with a better value:

if n in memo: return memo[n]
if n <= 2: f = 2
else: f = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
memo[n] = f
return f


set v = v

Items have a weight and a value, you want to maximize the value within a given
weight. (The amount you can carry in your knapsack)
With repetition:

K() = maxitems {K( item ) + value}

Without repetition:

K(, j) = maxavailable


{K( j , j 1) + Vj , k(, j 1)}

return v

Max Flow
Construct graph G that is a simple directed graph with source s and sink t. No
negative capacities are possible.
Construct a Residual Graph with forward edges for the amount of capacity that is
not being used (capacity - current use) and a back edge for what is currently being

Start with no flow on your graph. Find a path using DFS. Then create a residual
graph. We can now use DFS for finding a path from s to t in the residual graph. If
one exists we are not optimally using our flow. We then find the edge with the
LEAST capacity edge - this is our bottleneck - and add flow onto all the edges in
that path up to the capacity that is not being used by the bottleneck edge, hereby
maximizing the flow of the path. Our new flow is guaranteed to be better. Create a
new residual graph and repeat until no path in the residual graph can be found
from s to t. This will happen when capacity = current use, as we lose our forward
edge and only have a back edge.
This algorithm will sometimes decrease flow in one area to increase flow in
another. Max flow is the total weights of incoming edges to the sink. Runtime
would be O(E M ), where M is the number of iterations and E is the time to
find a path. This can also be stated as O(maxflowE). However this may not
terminate. If you use BFS instead of DFS you are using the Edmonds-Karp
Algorithm which will terminate and has complexity O(V (E)2 ), which is better
for large networks.

NP-Hard: Any problem in NP can be reduced to this problem in Polynomial

time, so it is at least as diicult or hard as any NP problem. The Halting
Problem is NP hard and also impossible to solve in a finite amount of time,
so this idea is not always practically useful for reductions. Most NP-Hard
problem are NOT in NP, but those that are, are NP-Complete.

Rudrata/Hamiltonian Path

NP-Complete: Problem that is not only as hard as every problem in NP,

but is also in NP. (NP-Hard and in NP). Any NP problem can be reduced to
one of these in Polynomial time. It is o en useful to prove the diiculty of
problems. These are the hardest problems in NP and the reason why P =
NP can revolutionize things.

Independent Set

Given a path starting at s and ending at t that goes through each vertex exactly

Given a graph and a number g , the aim is to find g vertices that are independent
meaning that no two of which have share an edge.

Graph 3-Coloring
Given an undirected graph G = (V,E) find a valid 3-coloring C such that no two
vertices sharing the same edge have the same color, or report that such an
ordering doesnt exist.

Common NP-Complete Problems

Hard problems(NP-complete)

Easy problems (in P)

Traveling Salesman Problem
Longest Path
3D Matching
Independent Set
Integer Linear Programming
Rudrata Path
Balanced Cut


Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path
Bipartite Matching
Unary Knapsack
Independent Set on trees
Linear Programming
Euler Path
Minimum Cut

Max Flow Min Cut Theorem

The size of the maximum flow in a network equals the capacity of the smallest
(s,t)-cut, where and (s,t)-cut partitions the vertices into two disjoint groups L and R
such that s (start) is in L and t (goal) is in R.

Bipartite Matching
Explained by Example: list of boys, list of girls, if boy likes girl, a direct edge exists
from boy to girl. Is there a perfect matching? Create source node s and sink node t,
s has outgoing edges to all the boys, and t has incoming edges from all the girls.
Give every edge a capacity of one (obviously). A flow exists if there is a flow into t
with size equal to number of couples.

Computational Complexity
We use Computational Complexity to determine classifications for our algorithms
to know if they are feasible.

Decision vs. Search Problems

Decision Problem: Computational problem that answers Yes or No. Our input
can be any possible string (binary, ASCII), and it will answer either 0 or 1 depending
upon weather the solution is correct or not. This type of problem determines our
Search Problem: Computational problem tasked with not if a solution exists, but
what one is. Decision problems can be derived from Search problems which are
generally always more diicult.

P: The set of all search problems that are solvable in a reasonable amount
of time (Polynomial time).
NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial): The set of all search problems whose
solution can be checked in Polynomial time (includes P) - there might exist
search problems whose solutions can not be checked in Polynomial time.
A solution may not necessary be found in a reasonable amount of time
(2n and n! algorithms can be in NP). Called NP because if you had the
power to guess correct every time it would work in Polynomial time,
making it non-deterministic. Should be called Guessing in P.

Satisfiability (SAT)
This is the prototypical NP-Complete problem that everything started from. Say
you have some Boolean expressions written using only AND, OR, NOT, variables,
and parentheses (Example: x1 x2 x3 ). The SAT problem is given any one of
these expressions, is there some assignment of TRUE and FALSE values to the
variables that will make the entire expression TRUE?

This is a stricter version of the SAT problem in which the statement is divided into
clauses where each clause can have exactly 3 literals. (Example:
(x1 x2 x3 ) (x4 x5 x6 )). For these you want to find whether there
exists values for x1 ...x6 such that the boolean evaluates to TRUE.

Given a circuit of logic gates with a single output and no loops find there a setting
of the inputs that causes the circuit to output 1.

Integer Linear Programming

Solve a problem using linear objective function and linear inequalities, WHILE
constraining the values of the variables to integers.

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Find the shortest path in a graph that visits all the vertices exactly once before
returning home. This comes from the idea of a traveling salesman wanting to
eiciently visit all the cities to sell his wares.

Rudrata/Hamiltonian Cycle
Given a graph find if there a cycle that passes through each vertex exactly once, or
report one doesnt exist.

Reductions are an incredible useful tool for either turning a search problem we
dont know how to solve into one we do, or proving that a search problem can not
be solved or is hard to solve by reducing it to problem that is one of those two
- We know how to solve B in a reasonable amount of time and we want to use this
knowledge to solve A.
- We denote a reduction from A to B as A B . Diicultly flows in the direction
of the arrow.
- If we can reduce our unknown problem A into a known problem B then B must
be as hard if not even harder to solve than A. A way to mathematically write this is
A p B . A thereby provides a lower bound of hardness for B .
- Reduction can be composed as well: if you can reduce A B and B C
then A C .
- Any search problem in NP can be reduced to an NP-Hard Problem in Polynomial
Time but this is not always useful (like Halting Problem)
- Any search problem in NP can also be reduced to an NP-Complete Problem in
Polynomial Time.
- Any problem that is NP-Complete is reducible to any other problem that is also
NP-Complete which is very useful.

Reduction Tree

Dealing with NP-Completeness

Backtracking is the idea of rejecting a portion of a solution that in some manner
proves to be useless without fully processing it. Say if you find a violation of a
certain criteria set in your algorithm, then you can stop, no longer process the
children of that node and move up to another node to try its luck. Its not going to
work anyways since it didnt work for the parent.
More abstractly, a backtracking algorithm requires a test that looks at a
subproblem and quickly declares one of three outcomes:
Failure: the subproblem has no solution. backtrack.
Success: a solution to the subproblem is found.
Uncertainty: branch again and retry.

disregard the brute force calculation of the longer path, since it wont be better
than what you already have.
Finding the lowerbound is the really tricky part.
Start with some problem P0
Let S = {P0}, the set of active subproblems
bestsofar = infinity
Repeat while S is nonempty:
choose a subproblem (partial solution)
P in S and remove it from S
expand it into smaller subproblems P_1, P_2, ..., P_k
For each P_i:
If P_i is a complete solution: update bestsofar
else if lowerbound(Pi) < bestsofar: add Pi to S
return bestsofar

K Nearest Neighbors
We are working in a multidimensional space, with a dimension for each feature
index. We then take all of our points and store them in some data structure that
allows us to query for the nearest neighbors to an arbitrary point. The way the
classification works is given a new point, we plot it, and get the K nearest
neighbors to it. (Those neighbors are the test points we used to train the classifier.)
Once we get those neighbors, we take a majority vote on their labels and figure out
what this new unseen point actually is.
A small example: Imagine you are applying to a credit card. They ask for you age,
income, and number of credit cards. From this, they create a 3 dimensional feature:
age, income, count. The company takes your data and checks their classifier. The
classifier plots your point and sees that you fall right in the middle of a cluster of
people who always pay their bills on time. You are then judged as a good client.
This is our classify algorithm:
Runs in (nd)

Start with some problem P0

Let S = {P_0}, the set of active subproblems

def Classify(x):

Approximation Ratio

set i* = 1

Repeat while S is nonempty:

choose a subproblem P S and remove it from S

Finding the OPT(I) is the challenging part, but it is always positive.

expand it into smaller subproblems P_1, P_2, . . . , P_k

For Minimization: A = max(I) of OP T (I)

For each P_i:

If test (P_i) succeeds:
halt and announce this solution
If test (P_i) fails:
discard Pi Otherwise: add P_i to S


For Maximization: A = max(I) of

OP T (I)

Vertex Cover Input: An undirected graph G = (V, E). Output: A subset of the vertices
S contained in V that touches every edge. Goal: Minimize |S|.
Special Case of Set Cover, works in (logn)

Announce that there is no solution

Machine Learning Algorithms

Another technique in which you dont process o a whole portion of a tree because
due to some formula you know it will not oer a more eicient solution. For
example if you need to choose find a Hamiltonian path and you have thus far a
path A with weight 3 and another path B with weight 7, given the information
that the MST for the rest of the nodes for each path is of length 12, you can

Use big data set to train a classifier, which can then categorize new data. Data
partitions: take 80% of data and use it as training, ie, feed into classifier both the
data and expected result. use 20
Data is encoded as features, which is usually a vector of numbers, o en
normalized to floats between 0.0 and 1.0, These features are used to train the

for i - 2, 3,..., n:
if ||x-x_i|| < ||x-x_i*||, set i* = i
return y_i*

Now to make this more accurate by using a voting system:

Given x, we compute the distance from x to each observation in the training set,
and then keep the k closest observations. Intuitively, the class of each of them
gives a plausible suggestion for the class of x. Therefore, we can treat each as a
vote for the class of x. We take these k votes, find which class received the most
votes, and classify x with this class. In many applications, this improves the
accuracy of the nearest neighbor classifier by smoothing out the classifiers
For boolean classification, it is o en convenient to choose k to be odd, to avoid
Runs in (n(d + lgk)) but for small values of k this is almost as fast as the

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