Dip Meter
Dip Meter
Dip Meter
Analyses of 12 km of dipmeter data from 37 wells on the Gullfaks Field\ northern North Sea\ have helped to constrain and
understand the structural geology of the area[ The analyses have veri_ed the general structure obtained by seismic interpretation^
i[e[ a main\ western domino system of rotated fault blocks and non!planar bedding and an eastern horst complex\ separated by a
collapsed anticline structure[ In addition\ subseismic structures have been revealed by the integrated use of dipmeter data\ well log
correlation\ seismic data and core data[
Within the domino system\ dip of bedding decreases towards the main faults to the west "large!scale drag#[ The e}ect of such
large!scale drag decreases with depth\ probably due to a vertical increase in consolidation and mechanical strength at the time of
deformation[ Within the accommodation zone\ a modi_ed fold structure is seen\ whereas strata within the horst complex are generally
More than half of all faults on the Gullfaks Field have developed a zone of local drag[ Generally\ only the northerly!trending
faults are associated with drag[ The interval a}ected by drag is typically some tens of meters wide\ and is consistently wider in the
hanging wall than the footwall[ Due to the e}ect of drag\ total o}set may be up to one order of magnitude larger than the amount
of missing section identi_ed from well log correlation[ There is no apparent relationship between interval a}ected by drag and
lithology[ However\ drag is less abundant in more consolidated rocks at deeper stratigraphic levels[
Minor faults are less abundant than expected from a power!law down!scaling of seismically detectable faults\ and are not
particularly common within the large!scale drag zones[ It is suggested that a signi_cant amount of subseismic deformation occurs
on a scale below resolution of dipmeter data\ probably by {ductile| ~ow rather than discrete faulting[ North!trending minor faults
are most common and will restrict ~uid ~ow in an EW direction due to cataclasis and phyllosilicate smear associated with abundant
deformation bands "micro!faults#[ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[
Keywords] Structural geology ^ Dipmeter data ^ Gullfaks Field
0[ Introduction
As many new oil and gas _elds and remaining well
targets in producing _elds are economically marginal\ the
need for a sound understanding of the structural geology
in such areas increases[ Integrated use of di}erent types
of data is necessary to achieve this goal[ In _eld devel!
opment\ this involves both seismic\ production and vari!
ous types of well data[ In structurally complex areas\
seismic data are typically of poor quality\ and production
data may be di.cult to interpret[ In such cases\ it is
important to utilise available well information such as
dipmeter data\ which is the theme of the present article[
Corresponding author[ Tel[ ] 36 44881029 ^ fax ] 36 44881986 ^
e!mail ] jonhestatoil[no
S91537061:87:,*see front matter 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved
PII ] S 9 1 5 3 7 0 6 1 " 8 7 # 9 9 9 1 7 1
1[ Structural setting
The Gullfaks Field is situated in block 23:09 in the
western ~ank of the Viking Graben in the northern North
Sea\ south of the Snorre Field and southeast of the
Statfjord Field "Fig[ 0#[ The _eld covers an area of ca 44
km1 and is developed from three platforms under the
Norwegian license group consisting of Statoil "operator#\
Norsk Hydro and Saga Petroleum[ Total recoverable
reserves amount to ca[ 209 mill[ Sm2 of oil and some 29
bill[ Sm2 of gas\ and are produced from the Middle Jur!
assic Brent Group and the Lower Jurassic Cook and
Statfjord Formations "Fig[ 1#[
The Gullfaks Field occupies the eastern half of a major
"0914 km wide# NNESSW trending fault block "the
Gullfaks fault block ^ Fossen et al[ in press# which is
bounded by faults with km!scale displacement to the
east and west[ The major fault to the west separates the
Gullfaks block from the giant fault block containing the
Statfjord and Brent oil _elds\ whereas the bounding fault
to the east borders the deeper parts of the Viking Graben[
At least two major rift phases have a}ected the area
"e[g[ Ziegler\ 0871 ^ Beach et al[\ 0876 ^ Giltner\ 0876 ^
Badley et al[\ 0877 ^ Thorne and Watts\ 0878 ^ Gabrielsen
et al[\ 0889 ^ Roberts et al[\ 0889 ^ F%rseth et al[\ 0884#[
The _rst rift phase is de_ned as a Permo!Triassic phase
that a}ected the total width of the northern North Sea
"Roberts et al[\ 0884 ^ F%rseth\ 0885#[ The second rift
event is termed the late Jurassic phase "e[g[ Badley et al[\
0877#\ and is more localised to the central portions of the
northern North Sea "Viking and Sogn Grabens#[ Whereas
the Permo!Triassic phase is at least as signi_cant as the
late Jurassic phase\ late Jurassic deformation is more
obvious on commercial seismic lines[ Furthermore\
because the majority of wells in the North Sea are con!
_ned to the Jurassic and younger section\ the late Jurassic
phase is best known from well data[ The present study is
mainly concerned with data from the Jurassic layers in
the Gullfaks Field\ and thus with the late Jurassic rift
Fig[ 0[ "a# Structure map of the Statfjord Formation on the Gullfaks Field[ Well locations indicated by a star are projected down from shallower
reservoir levels[ "b# EW pro_le through the _eld showing the three structural domains[ "c# The triangular drag zone and high dip bu}er zone within
the domino system[ Inset map shows the location of the Gullfaks Field[
Fig[ 1[ Stratigraphic column for the Jurassic and Triassic reservoir units
in the Gullfaks Field "modi_ed from Tollefsen et al[\ 0883#[
Table 0
Amount of well data and dipmeter data available for interpretation[ Simple trigonometric expressions were used to calculate the amount of available
data projected into EW and NS direction[ The nearly equal amount of data in these two directions suggests that there are no preferred orientations
of drilling on the Gullfaks Field[ It is important to be aware that\ when dividing the number of faults observed from well log correlation and dipmeter
data by the projected amount of well data in any direction\ a too high number will result "simply because the projected amount of well data will
always be less than the total amount#[
) of
m analysed
dipmeter data
m analysed
dipmeter data
m analysed
dipmeter data
Hegre Group
All formations
Fig[ 2[ Seismic pro_les through "a# well 23:09!2 within the domino system\ "b# well 23:09!C!0 from the accommodation zone\ and "c# well 23:09!C!6
located within the horst complex[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 3[ Stereonet plots of dipmeter data "dip direction:dip# from the wells displayed in Fig[ 2[ See text for discussion[ Depth interval indicated in
lower right!hand corner "measured depth in well#[ Strata penetrated by well 23:09!C!0 ] eastern limb ] Cook and Amundsen Formations ^ hin`e zone ]
lower part of the Amundsen Formation and upper part of the Statfjord Formation ^ western limb ] lower part of the Statfjord Formation and upper
part of the Lunde Formation[
Fig[ 4[ Dip vs depth and azimuth "dip direction# vs depth plots from
"a# well 23:09!2\ "b# well 23:09!C!0\ and "c# well 23:09!C!6[ By plotting
the changes in dip and azimuth in two di}erent diagrams\ changes in
azimuth are more clearly displayed than by using the standard tadpole
plots\ thus allowing for analyses of the curvature of bedding "Bengtson\
0870#[ See text for discussion and Fig[ 0 for location[
J[ Hesthammer\ H[ Fossen:Marine and Petroleum Geolo`y 04 "0887# 438462
Fig[ 5[ Seismic line through well 23:09!7[ Curved bedding traces appear in the hanging wall to the main fault and may in part be described as large!
scale drag con_ned to a triangular zone[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 6[ Pro_le through well 23:09!7 based on seismic data and dipmeter data[ Strata are dragged towards the main fault in a hanging wall position[
Note how displacement at shallower levels are much less than at deeper levels[ This large!scale drag "km!scale# de_nes a triangular zone and must be
distinguished from local drag which a}ects the strata only some tens of meters away from the fault "see inset _gure ^ the thin white line illustrates the
changes in dip caused by local drag#[
Fig[ 8[ The dip vs depth and dip direction vs depth plots from well
23:09!7 show an example of ~attening drag "Bengtson\ 0870# towards
a main fault[ Bedding is dragged from westerly dip at shallower reservoir
levels to easterly dip at the base[ The well does not penetrate the main
fault\ although several minor faults are encountered[ See text for further
discussion and Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 7[ Stereonet plots of dip direction:dip from the di}erent formations
penetrated by well 23:09!7[ Dip of bedding in the uppermost formations
is to the west but decreases rapidly with depth[ Within the Cook Forma!
tion\ dip of bedding is to the east[ This change in dip describes large!
scale drag in a triangular zone on the hanging wall side to the main
faults within the rotated fault blocks of the domino system[ See Fig[ 0
for location[
Fig[ 09[ Dip estimated from dipmeter data and from depth!converted seismic interpretation plotted against the distance to the nearest main fault to
the east for the Rannoch Formation "a# and for the Statford:Amundsen Formation level "b# "domino area#[ Each data point represents a single well
around which the dip is estimated from the seismic interpretation\ and where the highest concentration of dip is estimated from dipmeter data[ Both
data sets show a clear decrease in dip to the west\ consistent with the geometry shown in Fig[ 0 "bottom#\ Fig[ 2 and Fig[ 6[ A binomial test "with
con_dence interval of 84)# of the data indicates that dipmeter estimates are slightly higher than seismically determined dips in "a#\ while no systematic
signi_cant di}erence is detected for data shown in "b#[
Fig[ 00[ The large!scale drag within the triangular zone may be easily explained by applying increasing shear strain towards the hanging wall side to
the main fault[ The shear angle is synthetic and somewhat steeper than the main fault[ Thus\ the amount of shear will decrease with depth as well as
to the east[
Fig[ 01[ Field example from the Bartlett fault near Moab\ Utah[ A large normal fault separates the massive Entrada sandstone "footwall# from
interlayered sandstones and shales of the Cedar Mountain Formation "hanging wall#[ Strata in the hanging wall have developed a several hundred
meter wide drag zone[ The displacement along the fault is ca 299 m[
5[ Small!scale structures
Dipmeter data are especially useful for identi_cation
of faults "Werner et al[\ 0876 ^ Koepsell et al[\ 0878a ^
0878b ^ Devilliers and Werner\ 0889 ^ Zhang\ 0882#\ par!
ticularly those below seismic resolution\ since it is com!
monly di.cult to obtain information of the fault|s
geometry by other means "Adams et al[\ 0881#[ In the
Gullfaks Field\ faults are commonly associated with a
gradual or abrupt change in amount of dip and:or dip
direction of bedding[ If no such changes exist\ it is nor!
mally not possible to detect faults from dipmeter data
alone[ Similarly\ dipmeter data alone can not separate
between a fault and an unconformity in those cases where
abrupt changes occur[ The cumulative dip and dip direc!
tion plots "Fig[ 04"b# ^ Hurley\ 0883# are especially suit!
able for recognising faults where dip of strata changes
abruptly across the fault plane\ whereas the statistical
curvature analysis technique "Bengtson\ 0870 ^ see also
Kaya and Norman\ 0882# provides the best mean for
recognising and describing drag features[ Stereonet plots
are generally not suitable for fault detection\ since they
do not yield information on changes in dip and azimuth
with depth[
Figure 05 shows an example of local drag "a}ecting
some tens of meters on each side of the fault plane# related
to a fault with 8 m missing section within the Amundsen
Formation in well 23:09!C!2[ Whereas well log cor!
relation has placed the fault at 1610 mMD\ dipmeter data
suggest that the zone of highest shear strain is located at
1602 mMD[ It is thus likely that the location of the fault
is slightly misplaced by stratigraphic well log correlation[
The interval a}ected by drag in this case covers an area
of approximately 099 m and is not easily observed on
seismic data[ Analyses of dip direction of drag!folded
bedding give an indication of the fault orientation "the
bedding within the drag zone is usually rotated towards
parallelism with the fault#[ Since there is no apparent
change in dip direction of the bedding in Fig[ 05\ it is
Fig[ 03[ Several places within the domino system\ the large!scale drag terminates against a minor fault rather than against the main fault which is
located farther to the west[ Between the minor fault and the main fault is a zone of high dip\ termed the {high dip bu}er zone|[ Figures "a# and "b#
show two seismic sections through two such zones[ "c# Schematic illustration of the high dip bu}er zone[
likely that the fault dips to the west[ The amount of dip
increases to 39> or more at the location of the fault[ This
increase in dip towards the location of the fault is termed
{steepening drag| "Bengtson\ 0870#\ and occur when both
bedding and the fault dip in the same direction[ Since
bedding is bent towards parallelism with the fault plane\
this gives a minimum estimate of the amount of dip of
the fault plane[ It is thus possible to achieve an under!
standing of the geometry of bedding around a fault as
well as the orientation of the fault plane itself[
It is important to try to quantify the e}ect of drag as
it may a}ect the prediction of stratigraphic juxtaposition
and fault!sealing potential[ A geological pro_le through
well 23:09!C!2 was constructed based on the dipmeter
information from the well "Fig[ 06#[ Dip isogons are
J[ Hesthammer\ H[ Fossen:Marine and Petroleum Geolo`y 04 "0887# 438462
Fig[ 04[ "a# The dip vs depth and azimuth vs depth plots for well 23:09!C!5 show much scatter[ It is di.cult from these data to observe the fault with
71 m missing section identi_ed from well log correlation[ "b# The cumulative dip plot "Hurley\ 0883# shows a clear change in gradient at the location
of the fault[ This type of plot can thus help in the identi_cation of faults where data quality is poor[ "c# A seismic pro_le through well 23:09!C!5[ The
observations from dipmeter data "a!b# are consistent with observations from seismic data[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 05[ The dip vs depth and dip direction vs depth plots for well 23:09!
C!2 clearly identify an area of steepening drag "Bengtson\ 0870# related
to a fault with 8 m missing section[ The dip direction is to the west at
all depths[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 06[ An exercise was carried out on dipmeter data from well 23:09!
C!2 in order to quantify the amount of missing section relative to total
o}set[ The results show that\ where drag is present\ the total o}set may
be more than one order of magnitude larger "099 m# than the missing
section recorded by well log correlation "8 m#[
Fig[ 07[ Transverse and longitudinal dip component plots for parts of
well 23:09!A!4H[ The plots show apparent dip of the formation for a
chosen pro_le direction "094> for the transverse dip component plot
and 904> for the longitudinal dip component plot#[ This display method
was _rst documented by Bengtson "0870# and allows for analyses of the
curvature of structures such as folds and faults[ A fault with 06 m
missing section\ located at 0844 mMD\ is associated with a zone of
~attening drag which is easily identi_ed on the transverse dip com!
ponent plot[ The fault located at 0868 mMD is clearly not associated
with such a zone of drag[ Instead\ the fault is identi_ed from dipmeter
data by a change in amount of dip[ This is seen best on the longitudinal
dip component plot where the bedding above the fault dips in a north!
erly direction whereas bedding below the fault dips in a southerly
direction[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 08[ Stereonet plots of dip direction:dip of bedding from the hanging wall and footwall of a minor west!dipping fault penetrated by well 23:09!
A!00[ Dip of bedding in the hanging wall is clearly steeper than dip of bedding in the footwall[ This is consistent with steepening drag related to a
west!dipping fault[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
Fig[ 19[ Average interval "measured along the wellbore hole# a}ected
by drag for various formations clearly demonstrates that the defor!
mation in the hanging walls to the faults a}ects a much wider interval
than in the footwalls[ No clear relationship is seen between lithology
and width of the drag zone[ Since the width of the drag zone is measured
along the trace of the wells\ which is not necessarily perpendicular to
the fault\ the intervals represent maximum estimates[
Fig[ 10[ "a# Plot of faults with related drag per kilometre with respect to lithology[ Fewer faults appear to have developed associated drag at deeper
stratigraphic levels[ "b# A plot of the relationship between drag!related faults identi_ed from dipmeter data and faults identi_ed from well log
correlation "same interval# with respect to the di}erent formations does not support the common assumption that drag is more common in shales
than in sandstones[ Instead\ drag is less commonly observed in the shaly Drake and Amundsen Formations[
Fig[ 11[ "a# XY scatter plot showing interval of strata a}ected by drag
near faults vs missing section[ There is no clear relationship between
interval a}ected by drag and the size of the fault as identi_ed from
missing section[ "b# A plot of the dip direction of faults as identi_ed
from dipmeter data "based on associated drag of bedding# shows that
most faults that developed associated drag dip to the east "most com!
mon# or the west[
Fig[ 12[ Stereonet plots of bedding orientation "dip direction:dip# for the hanging wall and footwall of a minor fault penetrated by well 23:09!A!4H
"see Fig[ 0 for location#[ The _gure shows clear di}erences in dip of strata in the hanging wall "shallow dips to the northwest# and footwall "steeper
dips to the west#[ In addition\ there are clear evidence of drag in a northerly direction[ Drag is to the northeast\ suggesting a northeast!dipping fault[
Fig[ 16[ "a# Seismic interpretation of footwall collapse around well 23:09!4 before the incorporation of available dipmeter data[ "b# Dipmeter data
show that dip of bedding within the two fault blocks is subhorizontal\ and not west!dipping as indicated on seismic data[ "c# Seismic data show the
presence of dipping coherent noise above the reservoir[ Within the reservoir\ this noise interferes with subhorizontal re~ections and causes the
appearance of west!dipping strata[ See Fig[ 0 for location[
8[ Conclusions
Integrated use of dipmeter data helps to constrain the
structural interpretation\ particularly where the seismic
Fig[ 17[ The presence of local drag may give rise to communication
across a fault which from seismic interpretation appears to be sealing[
Also\ drag of a shale layer may in some cases restrict communication
between two sand units[ The lower _gure shows the results if no drag
is associated with the fault[
The authors want to thank Norsk Hydro\ Saga Pet!
roleum and Statoil for permission to publish these results[
The article has bene_ted from extensive reviews by Roy
Gabrielsen\ Mike Badley and one anonymous referee[
Assistance by Astri Ro
rnes\ Margrethe M[ Faaberg\ Lars
Aamodt\ and Sidsel Haugland during the work is appreci!
Adams\ J[ T[\ Ayodele\ J[ K[\ Bedford\ J[\ Kaars!Sijpesteijn\ C[ H[\ +
Watts\ N[ L[ "0881#[ Application of dipmeter data in structural
interpretation\ Niger Delta[ In A[ Hurst\ C[ M[ Gri.ths and P[ F[
Worthington\ "Eds[#\ Geolo`ical Applications of Wireline Lo`s II\
"pp[ 136153# Geolo`ical Society of London\ 54\ Special Publication[
Badley\ M[ E[\ Price\ J[ D[\ Rambech Dahl\ C[\ + Adestein\ T[ "0877#[
The structural evolution of the northern Viking Graben and its