Embryonic Development PDF
Embryonic Development PDF
Embryonic Development PDF
The study determined the individual toxicity of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn)
in sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Bioassay using inhibitions on
fertilization, early cleavage, mid cleavage, late cleavage and blastulation
as endpoints involved exposure of viable gametes to Cu and Zn for 0.5,
3, 6, 9 and 12 h, respectively. Inhibitions increased signif icantly with
concentration of Cu and Zn. Probit analysis estimated EC 50 values for Cu and
Zn, respectively, at 32 and 67 gL -1 on fertilization; 31 and 93 gL -1 on
early cleavage; 43 and 61 gL -1 on mid cleavage; 42 and 42 gL -1 on
late cleavage; and 20 and 44 gL -1 on blastulation. Results showed that
toxicity of Cu is signif icantly higher (p<0.05) than that of Zn in all
developmental stages, except in late cleavage. Also, the inhibitions
elicited by Cu showed sensitivity to life stages. This study provided
evidence on heavy metal species-sensitive, concentration-dependent and
stage-specif ic inhibitions on embryonic development in T. gratilla to Cu
and Zn.
Keywords: Embryotoxicity; sea urchin development; individual toxicity;
heavy metals
Waste disposal from mines and industries discharges complex mixtures of pollutants
to coastal areas. These anthropogenic activities expose aquatic wildlife to various
heavy metals such as copper and zinc (US EPA 2007), which at elevated levels
often subject aquatic organisms to heavy metal poisoning (Eisler 1998). Sea urchins
dwell in marine environment, and they respond readily to heavy metal pollution,
making them an ideal bioindicator of ecosystem health (Kobayashi and Okamura
*Corresponding Author
Procedures for gamete collection were adapted from the US EPA (1995) protocols,
with a few modif ications. Each sea urchin was inverted over a 100 mL beaker fully
f illed with f iltered natural sea water. The gonadal openings on the aboral side
were immersed in the seawater. About 1 mL of 0.5 M KCl was injected through the
tough leathery peristomial membrane into the perivisceral cavity of each sea urchin.
This resulted in the contraction of the smooth muscles of the gonad and induced
spawning of the specimen. Injections were repeated after 2-5 minutes to induce
heavier spawning. The sex of the sea urchin was determined. T. gratilla males
ejected cream-colored semen while females released yellow eggs. A drop of the
gametes from each sea urchin was examined under the microscope to conf irm its
Each spawning sea urchin male was transferred into a petri dish in oral side up
position and was allowed to shed into the dish. A drop of the dry sperm (semen)
was examined under the microscope to observe the motility of the sperm. The sea
urchin males with high sperm motility were used in the test to ensure sperm
viability. The viable sperm cells were pooled into a 100 mL beaker, which was
covered with paraf ilm to prevent exposure of semen to air that may reduce the
viability of the sperm by altering the surrounding pH. Sperm stock was stored at
Female sea urchins were left to shed eggs into the 100-mL beakers f illed with
f iltered natural seawater. A small sample of the eggs from each female was
examined under the microscope to determine the presence of mature eggs. Mature
eggs were characterized as having a) small nucleus found near the periphery of the
cell membrane and b) large amount of cytoplasm. Mature eggs were pooled into a
1 L beaker. The eggs were suspended in 600 mL f iltered sea water, and allowed to
settle for 15 minutes. About 500 mL of the overlying water was siphoned off and
the volume was brought back to 600 mL with f iltered natural sea water. The eggs
were resuspended and allowed to settle for 15 minutes. After siphoning off the
overlying 500 mL, the eggs were f inally resuspended in 600 mL f iltered natural
sea water. Egg suspension was stored at 12C.
The gametes were used in the toxicity assay after 2 h following the collection. Gametes
were exposed to different treatments of Cu and Zn (25, 50, 100 and 150 gL^-1 each).
Same batch of gametes were exposed to 0 gL^-1 Cu and gL^-1 Zn, which serve as
Toxicity Assay
The exposure experiments were adapted from the protocol used by Kobayashi and
Okamura (2004, 2005), with a few modif ications. Inhibitions on fertilization, early
cleavage, mid cleavage, late cleavage and blastulation were the endpoints. Exposure
experiment for every endpoint was conducted separately in a plastic container
with 10 mL of test solution. One drop of dry sperm stock and 1 mL of the egg
suspension were added into the container. The gametes that were exposed to
different treatments were of the same batch. Incubation temperature (28 2 C),
salinity (30 1 gL-1), and pH (7 0.5) were maintained throughout the exposure
experiment. Fertilization, early cleavage, mid cleavage, late cleavage, and
blastulation were arrested by adding 1 mL of 10% formaldehyde after 0.5, 3, 6, 9
and 12 h exposure to test solutions, respectively. Exposure experiments were
A drop of the treatment solution was mounted on a slide. About four mounts were
prepared for each treatment. Each mount was observed under the compound
microscope in a single f ield of vision at 100x magnif ication. One hundred eggs
and/or embryos were randomly selected and their development stage, as described
in Table 1, was identif ied. Inhibitions on fertilization, early cleavage, mid cleavage,
late cleavage, and blastulation were determined.
Table 1. Distinguishing features of early developmental stages in sea urchin
Unfertilized Egg
Fertilized Egg
Early Cleavage
Mid Cleavage
Late Cleavage
Data Analyses
The toxicity responses were reported as percent inhibitions on fertilization (IF),
early cleavage (IEC), mid cleavage (IMC), late cleavage (ILC), and blastulation (IB)
using the following formulas:
Eq. 1
Eq. 2
Eq. 3
Eq. 4
Eq. 5
The effects of varying concentrations of Cu and Zn on the different developmental
stages of T. gratilla are shown in Figures 1 to 5. Both Cu and Zn elicited logarithmic
concentration-dependent inhibitions on T. gratilla fertilization, early cleavage, mid
cleavage, late cleavage and blastulation (Figures 1 to 5, respectively). Comparison
between EC 50 of Cu and Zn across different embryonic stages is shown in Figure 6.
signif icant difference from the control (17 7 %). ILC at 25 gL -1 Cu increased
twofold from the control (39 5%). Increasing the Cu concentration to 50 gL -1
caused 52 10% ILC, which was three times higher than in control. At higher
concentration, Cu elicited a f ivefold increase in ILC (>90%). In zinc treatment, ILC
doubled at 25 gL -1 Zn (40 7%). It increased threefold at 50 gL -1 Zn, producing
57 6% inhibitions. ILC at 100 gL -1 Cu quadrupled from the control (81 2%). It
was signif icantly high at 150 gL -1 Zn (98 2%), which was f ive times higher than
in control. Cu and Zn elicited EC 50 at 42 4% and 42 9%, respectively (Figure 6).
No signif icant difference was observed between EC 50 of Cu and Zn, which indicate
that Cu is as toxic as Zn. This is a different trend from that obtained in the previous
Industrial and agricultural wastes discharge heavy metals such as Cu and Zn that
pollute coastal areas and endanger aquatic organisms, including the sea urchins.
Elevated concentrations of these heavy metals may cause adverse effects on the
growth, survival and reproduction of the echinoid species (Thongra-ar 1997,
Kobayashi and Okamura 2004). Findings of this study showed that elevated
concentrations of Cu and Zn lead to significantly higher inhibitions on fertilization,
early cleavage, mid cleavage, late cleavage and blastulation in T. gratilla. The
significant variation of percent inhibitions between control and treatments manifests
toxicity of Cu and Zn on early developmental stages. Previous studies reported
similar findings on embryotoxicity of heavy metal when elevated from their natural
concentrations in sea water (US EPA 1987, Nakamura and others 1989, King and
Riddle 2001).
The observed inhibitions on fertilization can be attributed to the spermiotoxic
effects of Cu and Zn. Motility and fertilizing capacity of T. gratilla spermatozoa are
reduced by these toxicants (Thongra-ar 1997), and hence lowering the fertilization
success. Results also revealed inhibitions on cleavage and blastula stages, which
are clear mitotoxic responses of Cu and Zn. Exposure to high levels retards the
division of cells, thus delaying the formation of blastula (Kobayashi and Okamura
Copper may elicit inhibitions on the early life stages in sea urchin by (1) respiratory
acidosis (Bielmyera and others 2005) or (2) disruption of ionic balances by alteration
of ATPases (Li and others 1996) and carbonic anhydrase (Zimmer and others 2012).
Zinc, on the other hand, possibly causes embryotoxic effects by: (1) inhibition of
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase that transforms carbohydrate via the pentose
phosphate pathway (Durkina and Evtushenko 1991), (2) inhibition of the synthesis
of ribosomal RNA (Pirrone and others 1970), (3) restriction of the development of
endoderm as well as mesenchyme derivatives causing abnormalities to developing
embryos (Timourian 1968), and (4) intervention with the action of cortical granulederived protease that inhibit the formation of the fertilization membrane in sea
urchin eggs (Nakamura and others1989).
The results of this study provide evidence of concentration-dependent inhibitions
caused by Cu and Zn on the embryonic development of sea urchin (Figure 1 to 5).
Generally, inhibitions of developmental stages in sea urchin followed a logarithmic
pattern when plotted against the concentration of Cu and Zn. Inhibitions increased
exponentially at low concentration but slowed at elevated concentration on their
studies involving sea urchin bioassays.
Although the effects of other stressors (e.g. particulate materials) on the inhibitions
could not be completely excluded, these were minimized in the experiment. In
fact, samples of natural sea water were collected in a pristine area and were
f iltered to remove particulate materials. Hence, any variation between the nominal
and actual would have been kept at minimum; the same would be true for the
observed concentration-response relationships.
One limitation of this study is that inhibitions in the control group (>15%) were
higher than the value (<10%) ideal for toxicity testing. As such, it could be argued
that sources of stress other than Cu and Zn could have contributed to the
concentration-response relationship observed. Also, levels of Cu and Zn were not
determined in the test solutions, consequently casting some questions regarding
the accuracy of the EC50 values. Corollary to this, some inhibitions in Cu treatments
showed higher than 50% for all concentrations (e.g. , Fig 1, 2 and 5). A possible
explanation for this is that the EC 50 might be overestimated due to lack of
information on the inhibitions at concentrations lower than the tested levels.
It must be pointed out, however, that although range f inding tests were not
conducted before the def initive tests, the exposure experiments were designed to
determine inhibitions at concentrations within the range of the EC50 values specif ied
in the literature (see for example Kobayashi 1990, King and Riddle 2001, Phillips
and others 2003). Hence, any differences in the threshold values between
experiments with or without range finding test would be insignificant. There would
be a negligible difference in EC50 values between def initive tests conducted with
range f inding test and def initive tests conducted without range f inding test since
the concentration used in the def initive tests were at concentrations within the
range in the literature.
As observed, Cu was toxic within the range of 20 to 43gL -1. EC 50 of Cu reported in
previous studies is below (King and Riddle 2001, Phillips and others 2003), within
(Heslinga 1976, Pagano and others 1986) and above (Kobayashi 1985, Ramachandran
and others 1997) the observed threshold range. On the other hand, EC 50 of Zn from
the past studies is below (Kobayashi 1990), within (Phillips and others 2003) and
above (Bay and others 1993, Thongra-ar 1997, King and Riddle 2001) the observed
range of EC 50 of Zn (42 - 93 gL -1). Findings showed the sensitivity of sea urchin
bioassay to the heavy metal species (Figure 6).
Generally, EC 50 of Cu was signif icantly lower than that of Zn in all developmental
stages, except in late cleavage. This comparison of Cu and Zn toxicity tests on
developmental stages in T. gratilla suggests that Cu is more toxic than Zn. The
potential toxicity of Cu to T. gratilla was found to be 24 times greater than Zn.
Previous studies also observed the same trend (Thongra-ar 1997, Kobayashi and
Okamura 2004 and 2005).
Responses of embryonic development to toxicants are stage specif ic (Pagano and
others 1986, Dinnel and others 1987, Bay and others 1993). This can be seen in the
f indings regarding the inhibitions caused by Cu in the different developmental
The study examined the inhibitory effect of Cu and Zn on fertilization, early cleavage,
mid cleavage, late cleavage and blastulation of T. gratilla. The inhibitions exhibited
logarithmic concentration dependence where it increases exponentially at low
concentration, but more slowly at elevated concentrations of heavy metals. The
f indings conf irmed the sensitivity of sea urchin bioassay to heavy metal pollution,
with Cu eliciting greater toxicity than Zn in the early developmental stages of T.
gratilla. Also, the study revealed the sensitivity of the assay to the developmental
stages, although only Cu showed stage-specif ic inhibitions. Generally, the study
provided a clear evidence of the dependence of heavy metal toxicity on heavy
metal species, their concentration and their developmental stage they inhibit. The
f indings may contribute to the improvement of the bioassay, particularly the use of
the sea urchin T. gratilla in the assessment of toxicity of harmful anthropogenic
The authors are grateful to the reviewers and the Editor whose critical review
helped improve this manuscript. We thank the faculty members of the Biology
program in UP Cebu for their helpful comments and suggestions.
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Brisneve Edullantes <brisneve713@hotmail.com> is currently an Assistant
Professor of Biology of the University of the Philippines Cebu. His research interests
are aquatic ecology, water quality assessment and environmental toxicology. His
research outputs have been presented in international and local scientif ic
conferences. He received his Bachelors degree in Biology from University of the
Philippines Cebu. He earned his Masters degree in Environmental Engineering
from Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea.
Ritchelita P. Galapate is currently an Associate Professor of Environmental Science
of the University of the Philippines Cebu. Her research interests are water quality
assessment, water pollution, water treatment, and environmental toxicology. She
has published in international and local refereed journals of which the international
publications have received at least 84 citations. Her research outputs have likewise
been presented in international and local conferences of professional and scientif ic
organizations. She received her Masters and Doctoral degrees in Engineering (major
in Environmental Science) from Hiroshima University, Japan.