Mayors Brief
Mayors Brief
Mayors Brief
Counsel of Record
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
Attorneys for Amici Curiae
No. 14-562
TABLE OF AUTHORITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ARGUMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE . . . . . . . . .
Epperson v. Arkansas,
393 U.S. 97 (1968) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maynard v. Hill,
125 U.S. 190 (1888) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 19
McCollum v. Bd. of Educ.,
333 U.S. 203 (1948) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Authorities:
11th Churchwide Assembly of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, A Social Statement on
Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust
(Aug. 19, 2009),
Faith/Faith-and-Society/SocialStatements/Human-Sexuality . . . . . . . . . .
Over a century and a half ago, Alexis de
Tocqueville reflected on the central role of religion
in the birth of the English colonies in America and
its peculiar power in the cultural life of the
United States, while simultaneously observing the
necessary corollary that lies at the heart of religious
freedom: In America religion has, if one may put
it so, defined its own limits. There the structure of
religious life has remained entirely distinct from
the political organization. It has therefore been
easy to change ancient laws without shaking the
foundations of ancient beliefs.2
Tocquevilles reflection bears directly on the
cases before this Court. By historical and legal
tradition, American pluralism extends to religion
and its expression. Amici here embrace and embody
that pluralism and bear witness to the diversity of
religious viewpoints on marriage across various
faiths and denominations. Certain Respondents
and/or amici supporting them in the proceedings
before the Court of Appeals would justify a states
refusal to permit same-sex couples to marry, or to
recognize such couples valid out-of-state marriages,
in part based on certain religion-premised beliefs
with respect to marriage. 3 Others invoke amor2
phous concerns about religious liberty. 4 Amici
here submit that reversal of the judgments below
would in fact be consistent with fundamental
principles of both equal protection and religious
The American religious panorama embraces a
multitude of theological perspectives on lesbian
and gay people and their intimate relationships. A
vast range of religious perspectives affirms the
inherent dignity of these women and men, their
relationships, and their families. This affirmation
reflects the deeply rooted belief, common to many
faiths, in the essential worth of all individuals and,
more particularly, the growing respect accorded
within theological traditions to same-sex couples.
Thus, some faiths celebrate same-sex couples
2014) (urging reversal to support 2.7 million citizens of
Michigan who cast their vote and enacted the Michigan
Marriage Amendment to secure the sanctity of the
traditional family, as it is defined by God in the Bible); Br.
Amicus Curiae of Public Advocate of the United States, et
al., in Support of Appellants and Reversal at 30-32, DeBoer
(May 15, 2014) (citing biblical definitions of marriage).
marriages identically to those of different-sex
couples. Others solemnize same-sex relationships
in ways other than marriage.
Faiths embracing same-sex couplesboth
theologically and with respect to the distinct issue
of equality under civil lawparticipate in the
mainstream of American religious observance.
They include Mainline Protestant denominations
such as the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal
Church, and the Presbyterian Church; the Unitarian Universalist Church; portions of the Religious
Society of Friends (Quakers); and Judaisms
Reform, Reconstructionist, and Conservative
movements. Millions of religious individuals from
other faiths also embrace and celebrate same-sex
couples, including members of many other Mainline and Evangelical Protestant denominations,
Roman Catholics, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, and
Muslims. This grand mosaic includes millions of
Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee citizens
of diverse faith backgrounds, many of whom today
celebrate and embrace equal rights for same-sex
couples and their families. Amici who are faith
leaders in these states, and throughout our nation,
are also a testament to the growing embrace of
equality within mainstream American religion.
Eliminating discrimination in civil marriage
will not impinge upon religious doctrine, conscience, or practice. All religions would remain
freeas they are today with thirty-seven states
and the District of Columbia permitting same-sex
couples to marryto define religious marriage in
any way they choose. Nor would reversal interfere
with religious institutions or individuals other
constitutionally protected speech or activities, as
forecast by certain amici that have supported
Respondents. 5 The types of conflicts anticipated
already can and sometimes do arise under public
accommodation and employment laws whenever
religiously affiliated organizations or religious
individuals operate in commercial or governmental spheres. Courts know how to respond if
civil rights law enforcement infringes First
Amendment rights. Other Respondent amici have
argued that permitting civil marriages of samesex couples would gut longstanding definitions of
marriage informed by religious doctrines. 6 But
crediting such arguments would both enshrine
religious beliefs in the lawwhich the Establishment Clause prohibitsand implicitly privilege
religious viewpoints that oppose marriage equality
over those that favor it.
For these and other reasons, civil recognition of
same-sex relationships through lawful marriage is
fundamentally consistent with the religious pluralism woven into the fabric of American law, culture,
and society. Reversal in these cases would not take
sides with one religious view against another or
constitute an attack on religion. Nor would it
See, e.g., Br. of Amici Curiae United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, et al., in Support of DefendantsAppellants and Supporting Reversal at 1, 3, DeBoer (urging
relevance of theological perspectives and religious
doctrines in support of the traditional husband-wife
definition of marriage).
signal an impermissible judicial imprimatur on
changing social mores. Rather, reversal would
recognize the creative tension inherent in
religions interface with our pluralistic, changing
society while confirming that all, regardless of
faith, are entitled to equal protection under the law.
The American religious landscape is vast and
diverse.7 Religious adherents differ on contentious
issues, and religious bodies have themselves
evolved and disagreed over timeon marriage as
well as other civil rights and social issues. 8 In
view of that history and the wide range of modern
religious thought on same-sex unions, it would be
Gallup, Religion (2015), available at
poll/1690/religion.aspx# (last visited Feb. 24, 2015).
The states whose laws are at issue in these cases likewise
reflect our nations broad religious diversity. In Kentucky,
49% of the population has identified as Evangelical
Protestant, 17% as Mainline Protestant, 14% as Catholic,
12% as Unaffiliated, and 5% as Historically Black
Protestant. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Religious
Affiliation: Diverse and Dynamic at 98 (February 2008), (last visited Feb. 24, 2015). In Michigan, 26%
of the population has identified as Evangelical Protestant,
23% as Catholic, 19% as Mainline Protestant, 17% as
Unaffiliated, and 8% as Historically Black Protestant. Id. at
97. In Ohio, 26% of the population has identified as
Evangelical Protestant, 22% as Mainline Protestant, 21% as
Catholic, 17% as Unaffiliated, and 7% as Historically Black
Protestant. Id. In Tennessee, 51% of the population has
identified as Evangelical Protestant, 18% as Mainline
Protestant, 12% as Unaffiliated, 8% as Historically Black
Protestant, and 7% as Catholic. Id. at 98.
a mistake to elevate any one view on marriage
above all others as the religious view. Indeed, it
would be constitutionally inappropriate, because
civil marriage is a secular institution, see
Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190, 210 (1888), and the
Constitution bars the government from favoring
certain religious views over others, see Larson v.
Valente, 456 U.S. 228, 244 (1982). Religious
freedom means that, while all voices may
contribute to our national conversation, particular
religious perspectives on marriage can neither be
privileged nor permitted to control the civil
definition of marriage for all.
confirms that no one religious view of even the
rite of marriage predominates in America, putting
aside the separate question of whether there is a
common religious viewpoint on access to civil
A. The Inherent Dignity Of Lesbian And
Gay Individuals Informs The Theology
Of Numerous Religious Believers And
Nearly three decades ago, the United Church of
Christ, with 1.1 million members today, adopted a
policy of membership nondiscrimination with
regard to sexual orientation. 10 In 1989, the 45th
marriage license. American Civil Liberties Union, Bourke v.
Beshear & Love v. BeshearPlaintiff Profiles, Jan. 14, 2015,
available at (last visited Feb. 24,
2015). Another Kentucky couple, Tammy Boyd and Kim
Franklin, were married in Connecticut in 2010, moving Ms.
Boyd to proclaim: May God see all things wonderful in this
lifetimeand may all things happen the way it was meant to
be: In love. Adam Polaski, Meet the Plaintiffs Standing Up
for Marriage at the 6th Circuit Today, Aug. 6, 2014, available
tiffs-standing-up-for-marriage-at-the-6th-circuit-today (last
visited Feb. 24, 2015).
General Assembly for the Union of Reform
Judaism, which represents 1.3 million Reform
Jews, resolved to urge [its] member congregations
to welcome gay and lesbian Jews to membership,
as singles, couples, and families and to embark
upon a movement-wide program of heightened
awareness and education to achieve the fuller
acceptance of gay and lesbian Jews in our midst.11
Many other faiths similarly embrace the foundational theological belief in the dignity of lesbian
and gay Americans as persons. The Episcopal
Church, 12 the United Methodist Church, 13 the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 14 the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 15 the Unitarian
Universalist Church, 16 Conservative 17 and Reconstructionist 18 Judaism, and myriad others in
Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and nationwide adhere to this basic tenet.
Religious individuals, too, have demonstrated
an increasingly positive view of lesbian and gay
Americans. According to Public Religion Research
Institute data, the majority of Americans from
most major religious groups have positive moral
and theological views of gay and lesbian people,
including 62% of Roman Catholics, 63% of white
Mainline Protestants, and 69% of non-Christian,
religiously affiliated Americans.19
Meanwhile, 57% of white Mainline Protestants
and 50% of American Roman Catholics support
t h e o r d i n a t i o n o f g a y a n d l e s b i a n c l e r g y . 20
Unsurprisingly, therefore, some denominations
both Christian and Jewishlong have permitted
openly lesbian and gay clergy. 21 Others more
recently have amended their practices to admit
openly lesbian and gay people to various forms of
ministry. 22 Such changes have extended to top
leadership eligibility as well, as in the election of
amended its canon law in 1994 to prohibit discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation in ordained and lay ministry,
see 71st General Convention of the Episcopal Church,
Resolution 1994-D007, available at http://www.episcopal (last visited Feb. 24, 2015), and amended its law again
in 2012 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender
identity and expression, see Archives of the Episcopal
Church, The Acts of Convention 1976-2012, available at
pl?resolution=2012-D002 (last visited Feb. 24, 2015).
the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church
in 2003.23
Whether it be the ordination of lesbian and gay
clergy, the express welcome to lesbian and gay
congregants and their families, or the affirmation
that lesbian and gay individuals possess the same
inherent dignity as any other person, the
American religious landscape includes same-sex
couples and their families and affirms their role in
both faith communities and civil society at large.
B. A Vast Spectrum Of American Faith
Groups And Religious Observers
Affirms Same-Sex Couples Relationships In A Multitude Of Ways, Including By Celebrating And Solemnizing
Their Marriages
Many faiths also more specifically accord
doctrinal and theological affirmation to the loving,
committed relationships that same-sex couples
have elected to enterunsurprisingly, in ways as
diverse as Americas religious families. Most
recently, the General Assembly of the Presby2015). More recently, a United Methodist Church committee
affirmed a proposal, formally to be voted on this May, that
would remove church legislation that punishes clergy for
being self-avowed practicing homosexuals or officiating gay
weddings. Zoe Mintz, United Methodist Church Moves to
Allow LGBT Clergy and Gay Marriage, Feb. 12, 2015,
available at (last
visited Feb. 24, 2015).
terian Church (U.S.A.)the largest U.S. Presbyterian denominationapproved a recommendation
permitting pastors to officiate at same-sex weddings 24 and recommended that the Churchs 171
presbyteries ratify a change to the Book of Order
indicating that marriage involves a unique
commitment between two people.25
Such decisions are no mere fad. Nearly thirty
years ago, the Detroit Friends Meeting in Michigan affirmedas approximately 250 other Quaker
meetings around the country similarly havethat
both homosexual and heterosexual couples seeking
to unite their love would be celebrated and supported by the community. 26 Friends Meetings in
Ohio and Tennessee have adopted similar stances
over the past fifteen to twenty years as well.27
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
has described the manner in which same-sex
unions are, and are expected to be, like differentsex unions in several constitutive dimensions:
[T]he neighbor and community are best served
when same-gender relationships are lived out with
lifelong and monogamous commitments that are
held to the same rigorous standards, sexual ethics,
and status as heterosexual marriage. [We] surround such couples and their lifelong commitments with prayer to live in ways that glorify God,
find strength for the challenges that will be faced,
and serve others. 28
Support for same-sex relationships in religious
doctrine and practice likewise has informed a
diverse array of formal marriage rituals. The Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist Jewish
movements allow their rabbis to perform religious
wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples. Indeed,
this practice was approved by a unanimous vote of
the Rabbinical Assemblys Committee on Jewish
Law and Standards.29
The Unitarian Universalist Association began
celebrating the unions of same-sex couples as it
would any other consenting adult couples union
in 1979 and formally affirmed this practice in
1984. 30 The United Church of Christ adopted a
marriage equality resolution on July 4, 2005, and
its current Order for Marriagea template for
marriage ceremoniesis designed for use in any
marriage ceremony regardless of gender. 31 The
Episcopal Church acknowledged in 2000 that its
membership includes same-sex couples living in
lifelong committed relationships . . . characterized by fidelity, monogamy, mutual affection
and respect, careful, honest communication and
the holy love which enables those in such relationships to see in each other the image of God, and
in 2012 approved a provisional liturgy for the
blessing of same-sex unions that may be used with
the permission of the local bishop. 32 And some
faiths that do not celebrate or solemnize marriages
of same-sex couples per se accord recognition to
them in various other ways.33
(1996), available at
ments/14251.shtml (last visited Feb. 24, 2015); Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist LGBTQ:
History & Facts, available at
history/185789.shtml (last visited Feb. 24, 2015).
In short, even limited to the sphere of religious
marriage, organized religion in the United States
exhibits a tremendous diversity of views and
practices regarding same-sex unions.
II. Recognizing The Necessary Distinction
Between Civil And Religious Marriage, A
Growing Number Of Faiths Support Civil
Marriage Equality
More than a century ago, this Court held that
marriage is often termed . . . a civil contract . . .
and does not require any religious ceremony for its
solemnization. Maynard, 125 U.S. at 210. Amici
are therefore mindful that their own theological
perspectives on marriage are distinct from the
civil law on marriage. Recognizing that civil and
religious marriage necessarily are two different
things, and further undercutting any claim that
religion speaks with one voice on marriage, many
religionsincluding those represented by Amici
herehave distinct positions supporting equal
civil marriage rights for same-sex couples.
Amici do not suggest that their spiritual views
on civil marriage equality should be imposed on
anyone else. Rather, they present some of their
beliefs here to counter the notion that any one
segment of the religious community can claim
divine or some other universally normative
congregations that choose to do so to recognize, support and
hold publicly accountable life-long, monogamous, samegender relationships. Hanson, supra note 22. Following that
action, more than 300 ELCA congregations have performed
blessings over same-sex couples unions, while many more
have adopted other policies and practices affirming same-sex
couples relationships. See ReconcilingWorks, RIC Congregations List, available at
ric/ric-congregations-list#results (last visited Feb. 24, 2015).
authority as a basis for exclusively reserving civil
marriage for heterosexual couplesas, for
example, some amici suggest by stating that their
theological perspectives, though often differing,
converge on a critical point: that the traditional
husband-wife definition of marriage is vital to the
welfare of children, families, and society. [Such
f]aith communities . . . are among the essential
pillars of this Nations marriage culture.34 Undersigned Amiciincluding nearly 2,000 individual
religious leaders spanning a rich diversity of
American faith traditionssubmit that their faith
communities, too, are among the pillars supporting
the institution of marriage in America. Amici therefore respectfully urge the Court to bear this
diversity in mind when assessing the broad cultural implications of the decision it must reach in
these cases, at this juncture of American history.
In this light, Amici note that two Christian
denominations that trace their history directly to
the Puritans of New England support civil
marriage for gay and lesbian couples.35 Nearly two
decades ago, in 1996, the Unitarian Universalist
Association formally resolved to support equal
civil marriage rights in part because the marriage
equality debate ha[d] focused on the objections of
certain religious communities to equal access to
m a r r i a g e . 36 I n 2 0 0 4 , t h e A s s o c i a t i o n f u r t h e r
affirmed that Civil Marriage is a Civil Right and
opposed any amendment of the United States
Constitution to bar same-sex couples from marrying. 37 The following year, in 2005, the United
Church of Christ affirm[ed] equal marriage rights
for couples, regardless of gender, and declar[ed]
that the government should not interfere with
couples regardless of gender who choose to marry
and share fully and equally in the rights, responsibilities and commitment of legally recognized
marriage. 38 Indeed, the very church founded by
the Pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower in
1620First Parish in Plymouth, now a Unitarian
Universalist congregationhas issued a proclamation invoking its historical pursuit of religious
freedom, recounting its long history of openness to
lesbian and gay congregants, and calling for full
civil marriage equality for same-sex couples. 39
Given its historical pedigree, the First Parish
proclamation underscores the resonance of todays
marriage equality debate with the nations founding ideal of liberty.
In addition, the Reform, 40 Reconstructionist, 41
and Conservative 42 movements of Judaism all
support equal civil marriage rights for same-sex
couples, as does the American Friends Service
Committee of the Religious Society of Friends
(Quakers). 43 The Religious Institute, Inc. in 2004
available at
1996/on-gay-and-lesbian-marriage-1996/ (last visited Feb.
24, 2015). The CCAR resolution specifically recognized that
civil marriage is a question of civil law and thus completely
distinct from rabbinic officiation at religious marriages. Id.
released an Open Letter to Religious Leaders on
Marriage Equality, and as of January 2015 had
received the endorsement by more than 4,600
religious leaders, representing over fifty traditions, of the Institutes Religious Declaration on
Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing, which
includes a call for marriage equality.44
In 2006, the Episcopal Church likewise called on
federal, state, and local governments to provide
same-sex couples protections equivalent to those
enjoyed by non-gay married couples and
oppose[d] any state or federal constitutional
amendment that prohibits same-sex civil marriage
or civil unions, a stance growing out of its
historical support of gay and lesbian persons as
children of God and entitled to full civil rights.45
And a decade ago, the United Methodist Church
called for the equal protection before the law of
couples and families who have shared material
resou rces, pen si ons, guar d i an r el ati ons hi p s,
themselves whether they will perform, support, or recognize
[same-sex] marriages. Id.
mutual powers of attorney, and other such lawful
Even within faiths officially opposed to civil
marriage equalitya position their leaders remain
free to expressmany adherents (in some cases, a
majority) nonetheless have come to support samesex couples right to civil marriages. For example,
the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy is strongly
opposed to both civil and religious marriage for
same-sex couples. 47 Yet Catholic teaching joins
other mainstream religions in affirming the fundamental human dignity of lesbian and gay
individuals and in calling for an end to any forms
of injustice, oppression, or violence against them.48
Consistent with the latter teaching, a growing
majority of American Catholics have come to favor
marriage equality.49 Indeed, recent Public Religion
Research Institute data show that significant
majorities within prominent American religious
communities support civil marriage equality: 83%
of Jewish Americans; 62% of white Mainline Protestants; and 58% and 56% of white and Hispanic
Catholics, respectively. The freedom to marry is
embraced as well by 73% of religiously unaffiliated
Americans. 50 The Institute also has documented
rapidly shifting support for marriage equality
among Evangelical Christiansand not just
among the young.51 There are American Muslims,
too, who believe that their religious faith is not
contravened when the government affords marriage rights to same-sex couples. 52 In fact, in a
March 2014 survey, 59% of all adults nationwide,
including 62% of White non-evangelical Protestants, 70% of White Catholics, and 81% of people
who claim no religion, voiced support for marriage
While individual liberties should not be subject
to public opinion polls, the preceding surveys
make clear that American religious thought and
practice embrace a rich diversity. No one view
speaks for religioneven if, contrary to the
Establishment Clause, it were appropriate to give
weight to religious views in the application of the
Constitutions secular promise of equal protection.
III. Civil Marriage Equality For Same-Sex
Couples Will Not Prejudice Religious
Belief Or Practice, But Rather Will
Prevent One Set Of Religious Beliefs
From Being Imposed Through Civil Law
Affording civil marriage rights to same-sex
couples will not threaten the First Amendment
freedom of all religious communities to decide
which unions are and are not consistent with their
religious beliefs or otherwise to control their core
religious practices. Nor would reversal here unduly
burden religious persons and institutions in the
pursuit of their public, community, or commercial
activities. Religious actors become subject to public accommodation laws and other neutral government regulation when they engage in the public
sphere. The potential conflicts that may thus arise
are governed by existing law and have nothing to
do with respecting equal marriage rights for other
individuals. To the contrary, affirmance predicated on religious grounds, including the notion
that a state may deny equal protection to one subgroup in order to preserve the religious liberty of
those who wish to discriminate against them with
respect to public matters and civil rights, would
be inappropriate and unconstitutional. Such a
holding would improperly favor one set of religious views (e.g., rejecting civil marriage equality)
against other religious views (e.g., like those of
Amici here, favoring equal treatment under law
for same-sex couples).
A. Reversal Would Not Interfere With
The Freedom To Set Parameters For
Religiously Sanctioned Marriage That
May Differ From Those Established
Under Civil Law
Any purported concern that marriage equality
for same-sex couples would interfere with religious practice is wholly illusory. However civil
authorities define marriage, existing constitutional principles protect the autonomy of various
religious entities to define religious marriages to
comport with their respective tenets. See
Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church &
Sch. v. EEOC, 132 S. Ct. 694, 709 (2012) (affirming principle that certain matter[s are] strictly
ecclesiastical, meaning they are the churchs
alone (citation omitted)); see also Epperson v.
Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97, 104 (1968) (The First
Amendment mandates governmental neutrality
between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion.). In this manner, religion
and the state reciprocally respect their own proper
spheres. See McCollum v. Bd. of Educ., 333 U.S.
203, 212 (1948) ([T]he First Amendment rests
upon the premise that both religion and government can best work to achieve their lofty aims if
each is left free from the other within its respective sphere.).
This tradition of respect for religious autonomy
has, indeed, permitted various religions to define
religious marriage in ways that would be unenforceable under civil lawdeclining to sanctify or
even recognize, for example, marriages between
persons of different faiths and races or successive
marriage following divorce. Conservative Judaism,
for example, prohibits interfaith marriages, 54 as
did the Roman Catholic Churchs Code of Canon
Law for much of the twentieth century. 55 The
Mormon Church discouraged interracial marriage
Michael G. Lawler, Interchurch Marriages: Theological and Pastoral Reflections, in Marriage in the Catholic
Tradition: Scripture, Tradition, and Experience, Ch. 22, at
222 (Todd A. Salzman, et al., eds. 2004).
well after this Courts ruling in Loving v. Virginia,
388 U.S. 1 (1967), that the Constitution forbids
bans on interracial civil marriages.56 And because
the Roman Catholic Church teaches that [t]he
remarriage of persons divorced from a living,
lawful spouse is not permitted by Gods law as
taught by Christ, 57 its priests cannot recognize
the union of people who are civilly divorced and
remarried 58 even though civil jurisdictions
obviously do.
The existence and persistence of such differences demonstrate that reversal here would not
burden religious liberty. Were all states to recognize and permit the civil marriage of same-sex
couplesas they do for interfaith couples, interracial couples, and couples re-marrying after
divorcereligions that disapprove of such unions
would remain free to define religious marriage
however they wish. All faith groups could continue
to withhold spiritual blessing from any marriagesand, indeed, bar those entering into them
from being congregants at alljust as they are
now free to do so on grounds of faith, race, prior
marital status, or any other characteristic deemed
religiously significant.
Amici supporting Respondents before the Court
of Appeals failed to explain how their religious
practice would be burdened by according other
people equal civil marriage rights. Leaving aside
the public accommodation law issues addressed
infra in Point III(B), certain of these amici express
a generalized concern that opponents of equal
marriage rights will somehow be prevented from
expressing their religious conscience on such
matters. 59 But the Free Exercise Clause does not
protect religious actors from reactions to their
expressed views. There is no protected constitutional right not to be consideredcorrectly or
incorrectlya discriminator, and religious
liberty does not require freedom from discomfort.
Indeed, a core component of many religious
traditions involves speaking to, if not against,
secular culture and its practices. Liberty under
our Constitution protects such religious practice
and speech. But that liberty interest cannot be
transformed into a basis for privileging certain
such practices and speech at the expense of other
citizens own fundamental constitutional rights.
In this respect it is no accident that the Free
Exercise Clause shares an amendment with the
Free Speech Clause. Robust enforcement of all
constitutional guarantees best ensures equal
access for all voices to discourse in the public
square.60 Eliminating states unconstitutional and
unequal treatment of same-sex couples under civil
law will not change, mandate, control, or interfere
with any parties religious practices. The religious
freedoms embodied in the Constitution guarantee
that diverse religious traditions and beliefs,
including the sole right to define who can marry
religiously, will flourish regardless of changes in
civil marriage laws.
B. Civil Marriage Of Same-Sex Couples
Does Not Unconstitutionally Burden
Religious Conscience Or Exercise In
Commercial Or Other Public Settings
Some amici supporting Respondents here
suggested to the Court of Appeals that the civil
marriage of same-sex couples will impede religious
individuals or religiously identified entities from
serving their communities or engaging in commerce in a manner consistent with their conscience.
For example, the Obergefell Respondents argued
that deliberation over potential legal adjustments with respect to balanc[ing] protections for
religious liberty warranted Ohios refusal to
recognize same-sex couples marriages. 61 Others
have argued that mandating marriage equality
would trigger a wave of private civil litigation
under anti-discrimination laws and the penalization of religious people and institutions by state
and local governments.62
But the types of disputes anticipated by these
amici have more to do with existing civil rights
laws barring discrimination based on sexual
orientation, where such laws exist, than with any
conflicts likely to arise based on marital status.
The extent to which any religious institution or
business is regulated as a public accommodation
or an employer is determined by existing law.
Compare Elane Photography, LLC v. Willock, 309
P.3d 53, 59 (N.M. 2013) (holding state prohibition
against discrimination on basis of sexual orientation in public accommodations was not unconstitutionally applied to wedding photographer who
objected, for religious and free speech reasons, to
photographing same-sex couples commitment
ceremony), cert. denied 134 S. Ct. 1787 (Apr. 7,
2014), with Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran
Church & Sch. v. EEOC et al., 132 S. Ct. 694, 707,
709 (The purpose of the [ministerial] exception
[to employment discrimination laws] is not to
safeguard a churchs decision to fire a minister
only when it is made for a religious reason. The
exception instead ensures that the authority to
select and control who will minister to the faithfula matter strictly ecclesiasticalis the
churchs alone (internal citation omitted)).
When religious institutions or religiously
minded individuals act in a secular sphere, the
balance between civil rights enforcement and First
Amendment liberties may vary in particular cases.
But such issues have nothing to do with the con62
stitutional right to marry and, in any event, are
not presented for decision here.
C. W h i l e A m i c i R e s p e c t A l l F e l l o w
Faiths, Including Those That
Embrace Different Religious Views
On Marriage, It Is Constitutionally
Impermissible To Impose Religious
Views Through Civil Law To Curtail
Civil Marriage Rights Of Same-Sex
Since this nations founding, the concept of
religious liberty has included the equal treatment
of all faiths without discrimination or preference.
See Larson, 456 U.S. at 244 (The clearest
command of the Establishment Clause is that one
religious denomination cannot be officially
preferred over another.). Government action
defining marriage rights on religious or quasireligious grounds violates this principle by putting
the force of law behind one set of religious views.
Several Respondent amici in the proceedings
below have sought to cast these cases in avowedly
religious terms that would wreak havoc with the
Establishment Clause. For example, one group of
amici believe[s] that the Bible defines what
constitutes sound doctrine, not the culture,
gender, or personality, and urged a ruling by the
court below that would show support [for] the
vote of 2.7 million citizens of Michigan who cast
their vote and enacted the Michigan Marriage
Amendment to secure the sanctity of the traditional family, as it is defined by God in the
Bible. 63 But it would be plainly improper to
enshrine such religious views in civil law. Courts
are not arbiters of scriptural interpretation and
should not undertake to dissect religious beliefs.
Thomas v. Review Bd. of Indiana Employment Sec.
Div., 450 U.S. 707, 715-16 (1981).
Other Respondent amici have insisted that their
doctrinal opposition to marriage for same-sex
couples is fueled not by animus towards gay
people, but rather [f]idelity to [r]eligious [b]eliefs
regarding the personal, familial, and social
virtues of traditional marriage.64 But it is not the
dimension of potential animus that renders these
justifications irrelevant to determining the
permissible scope of civil marriage rights. It is,
rather, that these views are frankly religious
and, moreover, that they represent particular
religious views among others that differ, as the
foregoing overview of American religious views on
marriage amply demonstrates. Any attempt to
have this Court embrace specifically religious
views or definitions of marriage must be rejected,
among other reasons because that result would
disfavor and disadvantage other religious believers,
like Amici here.
By reversing the judgment of the court below
without reliance on religiously based arguments,
and by affirming the constitutional promise of
equal treatment for different- and same-sex
couples, this Court will ensure that civil law
neither favors nor disfavors any particular religious viewpoint. Requiring equal treatment for
different- and same-sex couples with respect to
civil marriage will, in fact, reaffirm the religious
liberty fundamental to this nations founding
identity. When the freedom to marry is fully
respected, all couples will have the right to a
solemnized union before a justice of the peace,
while all individual faith communities will retain
the right to decide who among such couples may
seek religious sanction of their union.
For the foregoing reasons, Amici respectfully
submit that the Court should reverse the judgments of the Court of Appeals holding that
Michigans, Kentuckys, Ohios, and Tennessees
exclusions of same-sex couples from equal civil
marriage rights is constitutional.
Respectfully submitted,
Counsel of Record
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
Attorneys for Amici Curiae
March 6, 2015
Amicus curiae the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings of
Sagamore Hills, Ohio, is the President of the
House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church. In
that capacity, Jennings presides over a legislative
chamber consisting of more than 800 elected
clergy and lay leaders representing all dioceses of
The Episcopal Church as part of its bicameral
governing body, the General Convention. Jennings
has represented the Diocese of Ohio in the
General Convention for more than 24 years.
Amici curiae Bishops of The Episcopal Church
in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee
include The Rt. Rev. Terry Allen White, Eighth
Bishop of Kentucky; The Rt. Rev. Douglas Hahn,
Seventh Bishop of Lexington (Ky.); The Rt. Rev.
Wendell N. Gibbs Jr., Tenth Bishop of Michigan;
The Rt. Rev. Whayne M. Hougland Jr., Ninth
Bishop of Western Michigan; The Rt. Rev. Rayford
J. Ray, Eleventh Bishop of Northern Michigan;
The Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley, Second Bishop
of Eastern Michigan; The Rt. Rev. Mark
Hollingsworth Jr., Eleventh Bishop of Ohio, and
The Rt. Rev. David C. Bowman, The Rt. Rev.
William D. Persell, and The Rt. Rev. Arthur B.
Williams Jr., Assisting Bishops in the Diocese of
Ohio; The Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, Ninth
Bishop of Southern Ohio, The Rt. Rev. Kenneth L.
Price Jr., Retired Bishop Suffragan in the Diocese
of Southern Ohio, and The Rt. Rev. Bavi Edna
Rivera, Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of
Southern Ohio; The Rt. Rev. Don E. Johnson,
Third Bishop of West Tennessee; and The Rt. Rev.
George D. Young III, Fourth Bishop of East
Tennessee. These bishops, who are all members of
the House of Bishops of the General Convention,
have authorized the blessing of same-sex couples
in Episcopal churches in their jurisdictions,
including for couples who have already entered
into civil marriages in other jurisdictions.
Amicus curiae General Synod of the United
Church of Christ is the representative body of the
this Protestant denomination of approximately 1.1
million members worshipping in approximately
5,100 local churches throughout the United
Amicus curiae The Jewish Theological Seminary
(JTS) is a preeminent institution of Jewish
higher education that integrates rigorous
academic scholarship and teaching with a
commitment to strengthening Jewish tradition,
Jewish lives, and Jewish communities. As the
intellectual center of the Conservative Movement,
JTS is committed to educating the public on
Jewish perspectives regarding important social
issues and providing an informed Jewish voice on
those issues.
Amicus curiae Reconstructionist Rabbinical
Association (RRA), established in 1974, is the
professional association of Reconstructionist
rabbis. Comprised of over 300 rabbis, the RRA
represents the rabbinic voice within the
Reconstructionist movement.
Amicus curiae Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
educates leaders, advances scholarship, and
develops resources for contemporary Jewish life.
Amicus curiae Union for Reform Judaism, whose
900 congregations across North America include
1.3 million Reform Jews, is committed to ensuring
equality for all of Gods children, regardless of
sexual orientation.
Amicus curiae Unitarian Universalist Association was founded in 1961 and has nurtured a
heritage of providing a strong voice for social
justice and liberal religion. Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded faith community
that traces its roots in North America back to the
Pilgrims and the Puritans.
Amicus curiae United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (UCSJ) is the congregational
arm of Conservative Judaism in North America.
USCJ is committed to dynamic Judaism that is
learned and passionate, authentic and pluralistic,
joyful and accessible, egalitarian and traditional,
and thereby seeks to create the conditions for a
powerful and vibrant Jewish life for the individual
members of its sacred communities.
Amicus curiae Affirmation represents lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer concerns
and their supporters in the United Methodist
Amicus curiae Covenant Network of
Presbyterians, a broad-based, national group of
clergy and lay leaders, seeks to support the
mission and unity of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.), articulate and act on the churchs
historic, progressive vision, work for a fully
inclusive church, and find ways to live out the
graciously hospitable gospel by living together
with all our fellow members in the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.).
Amicus curiae Friends for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns
(FLGBTQC) is a faith community within the
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). FLGBTQC
deeply honors, affirms, and upholds that of God in
all people.
Amicus curiae Methodist Federation for Social
Action mobilizes clergy and laity within The
United Methodist Church to take action on issues
of peace, poverty, and peoples rights within the
church, the nation, and the world.
Amicus curiae More Light Presbyterians
represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
people in the life, ministry, and witness of the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and in society.
Amicus curiae Muslims for Progressive Values is
guided by the following ten principles, each of
which is rooted in Islam: collective identity,
equality, separation of religious and state
authorities, freedom of speech, universal human
rights, gender equality, LGBTQ inclusion, critical
analysis and interpretation, compassion, and
Amicus curiae The Open and Affirming Coalition
of the United Church of Christ represents 1,200
congregations in the UCC with nearly 250,000
members that, after a period of study, dialogue
and prayer, have adopted a covenant of welcome to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians.
Open and Affirming churches support the relationships of their LGBT members, recognize their
marriages, and advocate for their LGBT neighbors
when their rights or dignity are under attack.
Amicus curiae Parity is a diverse community of
countless individuals representing lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender people in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), through education,
advocacy, and relationship building.
Amicus curiae Reconciling Ministries Network
serves lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
United Methodists and their allies to transform
their world into the full expression of Christs
inclusive love. Reconciling Ministries Network
envisions a vibrant Wesleyan movement that is
biblically and theologically centered in the full
inclusion of Gods children.
Amicus curiae ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans For
Full Participation embodies, inspires, advocates
and organizes for the acceptance and full
participation of people of all sexual orientations
and gender identities within the Lutheran
communion, its ecumenical and global partners,
and society at large.
Amicus curiae Religious Institute, Inc. is a
multi-faith organization whose thousands of
supporters include clergy and other religious
leaders from more than 50 faith traditions. The
Religious Institute partners with the leading
mainstream and progressive religious institutions
in the United States.
Amici curiae leaders of United States religious
communities spanning a rich diversity of
American faith traditions include: Scott Aaseng,
Consulting Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Church of Hobart,
Hobart, IN; Daayiee Abdullah, Imam, Muslim
Sunni, Mecca Institute, Washington, DC; Susan
Abold, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist Church,
Chaplain, South Austin Medical Center, Austin,
TX; Ruth Abusch-Magder, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Bechol Lashon, San Francisco, CA; Manda
Adams, Rev., United Church of Christ, United
Church of Christ, Buffalo, NY; Tiffany Adams, Sr.
Pastor, Kingdom Outreach Fellowship, Columbia,
SC; Ruth Adar, Rabbi, JewishReform, Lehrhaus
Judaica, San Leandro, CA; Michael Adee, Dr.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Global Faith and
Justice Project, Santa Fe, NM; Sara Adler, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Hospital Chaplain, Ann
Arbor, MI; Amitai Adler, Rabbi, Jewish, Temple
Bnai Israel, Aurora, IL; Julie Adler, Rabbi,
Jewish, Aitz Hayim Center for Jewish Living,
Deerfield, IL; Daniel Adolphson, Associate Pastor,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, First
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN; Julia Aegerter,
Rev. Dr. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, UU Church of Evansville IN,
Evansville, IN; Jory Agate, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Cambridge, MA; Timothy Ahrens, Sr.
Minister, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church, Columbus, OH; Aileen
Aidnik, Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Francis
Episcopal, Shingle Springs, CA; Mona Alfi, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Cong. Bnai Israel, Sacramento,
CA; Susie Allen, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Executive Soul, Boxborough, MA; Diana Allende,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Auburn
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Opelika, AL;
Willie Allen-Faiela, Rector, Episcopal Church, St.
Stephens Episcopal Church, Miami, FL; Matt
Alspaugh, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of
Youngstown, Youngstown, OH; Jason Alspaugh,
Rev., American Baptist Church, First Baptist
Church of Dayton, Dayton, OH; Janice Altenburger,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Lutheran Church of Our
Savior, Irwin, PA; Eileen Altman, Associate
Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church of Palo Alto, Palo Alto,
CA; Renni Altman, Rabbi, JewishReform, HUCJIR, Great Neck, NY; Israel Alvaran, Rev. Dr.,
United Methodist Church, Reconciling Ministries
Network, San Francisco, CA; Craig Amlin,
Ordained Clergy, United Church of Christ, United
Church of Christ, Camp Director, Indianapolis,
IN; Vince Amlin, Associate Minister, United
Church of Christ, United Church of Gainesville,
Gainesville, FL; Kharma Amos, Associate Director
of Formation and Leadership Development,
Metropolitan Community Church, Metropolitan
Community Churches, Tallahassee, FL; Rosemary
Ananis, Bishop, Old Catholic Church, Province of
the U.S., Diocese of New England, Wells, ME;
Jane Anderson, Rev., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Appleton, WI; Neal
Anderson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Northern Nevada, Reno, NV; Allan Anderson, Rev.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Pathways
Counseling Associates, Inc., Lowell, MA; Cheryl
Anderson, Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church, UCC, Washington, CT;
Rachel Anderson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Minister,
Berkeley, CA; Tawnya Anderson, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, Unity Presbyterian Church,
Upper Ma rlb or o, M D; Bobbi And er son, Rev.,
Eagles Wing Christian Church, Seymour, TN;
Judith Anderson-Bauer, Rev., LutheranELCA,
Pastor, Duluth, MN; Susan Anderson-Smith, Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Imago Dei Middle School
(Episcopal), Tucson, AZ; Lindsay Andreolli-
Comstock, Executive Director, Alliance of
Baptists, The Beatitudes Society, Raleigh, NC;
Thomas Andrews, Priest (Retired), Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Church, Millersville, MD; Amy
Andrews, Minister, United Life Church, Mobile,
AL; Dana Anesi, Cantor, JewishReform, Temple
for Universal Judaism, Hebrew Union College,
White Plains, NY; Kate Anthony, Clerk, Quaker,
Community Friends Meeting, Cincinnati, OH;
Ghazala Anwar, Dr., MuslimNon-Sectarian,
Starr King School for the Ministry, Berkeley, CA;
Beth Appel, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Emanu-El, Tuscon, AZ; Victor Appell, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Union for Reform Judaism, New
York City, NY; Andrew Arakawa, Postulant to the
Priesthood, Episcopal Church, Church of the Holy
Apostles, Hilo, HI; Beth Archer, Ruling Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, John Knox
Presbyterian Kirk, Kansas City, MO; Rev. Charlie
Archibald, Unitarian Universalist Community
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association, UU
Fellowship of San Luis Obispo County, Nipomo,
CA; James Arends, Bishop, LutheranELCA, La
Crosse Area SynodELCA, La Crosse, WI; Ellen
Armour, Carpenter Assoc. Professor of Theology,
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN; Sally
Armstrong, Director of Religious Education,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Church of Montpelier, Montpelier, VT; Wayne
Arnason, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Co-Minister and West Shore Church,
Bay Village, OH; Dale Arnink, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, Los Alamos,
NM Unitarian Church, Los Alamos, NM; Nancy
Arnold, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South
Fork, Valley Stream, NY; Erica Asch, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth El, Augusta, ME;
Lisa Ashley, Spiritual Director and Chaplain,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Youth
Chaplaincy Coalition, King County Detention
Center, Bainbridge Island, WA; Michael Ashmore,
Rev. Deacon, Episcopal Church, Diocese of Western
NC, Asheville, NC; David Aslesen, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Grace United Methodist
Church, Lake Bluff, IL; Aqueelah As-Salaam,
Rev., United Church of Christ, United Church of
Christ, Snellville, GA; Leah Atkinson-Bilinski,
Reverend, United Church of Christ, Eastern
Association, Missouri Mid-South Conference,
Washington, MO; John Auer, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Clergy, Fresno, CA;
Jennifer Aull, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Greenpoint Reformed Church, Brooklyn, NY; Elan
Babchuck, Rabbi, JewishConservative, Temple
Emanu-El, Providence, Providence, RI; Rev.
Burton Bagby-Grose, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, St. Paul United Church of Christ of Corpus
Christi, Corpus Christi, TX; Suzan Bailey,
Reverend, Unity, Unity of Leesburg, Leesburg, FL;
Victoria Bailey, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, University United Methodist Church,
Austin, TX; Marcy Bain, Reverend, Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbyterian, Dayton, OH; Ethan
Bair, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Sinai, Reno,
NV; David Baird, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Chaplain, State of CT, Putnam, CT; Brian Baker,
Dean, Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral, Sacramento, CA; Scott Allan Baker,
The Rev. Dr. (Retired), United Methodist Church,
Ordained Member, Florida Conference, Pisgah,
NC; Brett Ballenger, The Rev., LutheranELCA,
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Marlton, NJ;
Randall Balmer, Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church,
Dartmouth College, White River Junction, VT;
Anne Bancroft, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Theodore Parker Unitarian
Universalist Church, Newton, MA; Keith Barber,
Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church of Albany, Albany, NY;
Claudia Barber, Rev., All Creatures ULC,
Redford, MI; Tim Barger, Affiliate Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Church of Toledo, Toledo, OH; Lee
Barker, President, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Meadville Lombard Theological
School, Chicago, IL; Daniel Bar-Nahum, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El of East
Meadow, East Meadow, NY; William S. Barned,
The Rev. Dr., United Methodist Church, Senior
Pastor, St. Lukes United Methodist Church,
Orlando, FL; Ann Barner, Rev. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian Interim
Minister, Harrisonburg, VA; Janice Barnes,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Trinity UCC, St.
Louis, MO; Rebecca Barnes, The Rev., Episcopal
Church, Vicar, New York, NY; Loletta Barrett,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, Pastor, First
Friends Church, Whittier, A Quaker Meeting,
Whittier, CA; Jennie Barrington, Interim
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association, The
Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock,
Arkansas, Little Rock, AR; Rev. Wendy Bartel, CoMinister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Sierra Foothills Unitarian Universalists, Auburn,
CA; Dustin Bartlett, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Estelline United Church of Christ,
Estelline, SD; Rev. Robin Bartlett, Pastor,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First Church
in Sterling, Sterling, MA; Joshua Barton, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN; Kristin Barton, Minister/High
Priestess, Wiccan, Coven leader, Blue Star Wicca
(licensed, ordained), Coon Rapids, MN; Molly
Baskette, Senior Minister, United Church of
Christ, First Church Somerville UCC, Arlington,
MA; Eliot Baskin, Rabbi, JewishReform, Har
Shalom Durango, Greenwood Village, CO;
Clarence Bass, Professor of Theology Emeritus
(Retired), American Baptist Church, Bethel
Theological Seminary (University), St. Paul, MN;
Rev. Alice Batcher, Rev., American Baptist
Church, Pulpit Supply, Lakewood, NJ; Bonnie
Bates, Associations Minister for Congregational
Vitality & Development, Unity Fellowship,
Eastern Ohio & Western Reserve Associations,
Stow, OH; Lindsay Bates, Rev. Dr., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva, Geneva,
IL; C. Mark Batten, Assistant Director of
Admissions Operations & Communications,
United Methodist Church, Wake Forest University
School of Divinity, Clemmons, NC; Lisa Batten,
Rev., United Methodist Church, Wesley
Foundation of Kalamazoo, United Methodist
Campus Ministry, Mendon, MI; Jordana Battis,
Rabbi, Jewish, Temple Beth Shalom, Natick, MA;
Peter Bauck, Rev., LutheranELCA, Hospital
Chaplain, Minneapolis, MN; Doug Bauder, Rev.,
Moravian Church, Indiana University, Bloomington,
IN; David Bauer, Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist,
Director of Social Justice Programming, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, New York, NY;
Constance M. Baugh, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Retired Presbyterian Clergy,
Goshen, MA; HL Baxter, Director of Childrens
Ministries, UCC, First Congregational, Fort
Worth, TX; Barbara Baxter, Rev. (Retired),
Episcopal Church, St. Lukes Episcopal Church,
Jamestown, NY; Darcy Baxter, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Stanislaus County, Modesto, CA;
Margaret Beard, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, All Faiths Unitarian Congregation,
Fort Myers, FL; CathyAnn Beaty, Rev. (Retired),
United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
St. Paul, MN; Marci Beaudoin, Director of
Lifespan Religious Education Ministry, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Valley Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Chandler, AZ; Chanin
Becker, Cantor, Jewish, Scarsdale Synagogue,
Scarsdale, NY; Rabbi Shelley Kovar Becker,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Gishrei Shalom Jewish
Congregation, New York, NY; Ruth Bosch Becker,
Rev. (Retired), LutheranELCA, Former Lutheran
Campus Pastor, Pittsburgh, PA; Kerra Becker
English, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, Ashland
Presbyterian Church, Midlothian, VA; Katherine
Beckett, Intentional Interim Minister, United
Church of Christ, Memorial United Church of
Christ, Walbridge, OH; Margaret Beckman, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Universalist Church of Pittsfield, Maine, Holden,
ME; Ricky Behan, Minister of Word and
Sacrament, Reformed Church in America, Third
Reformed Church, Albany, NY; Emily Bel, Rev.,
Forgiving Heart Christian Co. Unity Church,
Columbus, GA; Ken Beldon, Lead Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, WellSprings
Congregation, Conshohocken, PA; Anne Belford,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Sinai, Houston,
TX; Mark Belletini, Rev. Dr. (Senior Minister),
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Universalist Church, Columbus, OH;
Lisa Bellows, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congrega-
tion Beth Am, Glenview, IL; Marci Bellows
Lindenman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Bnai
Torah, Massapequa, NY; Virginia Bemis, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Episcopal Church, retired, Ashland, OH;
Margaret Benefiel, Rev. Dr., Quaker, Andover
Newton Theological School, Dorchester, MA; Br
William Henry Benefield, Friar, Episcopal
Church, Brotherhood of St. Gregory, San Antonio,
TX; James Bennett, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Shaare Emeth, Saint Louis, MO;
Mandy Bennett, Rev., Ecumenical Catholic
Communion, ECC Parish Center, Claremont, CA;
Eve Ben-Ora, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth
Torah, Fremont, CA; J. Brad Benson, Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal
Church, Bath, NY; James Benton, Rev. (Retired),
Disciples of Christ, Retired, Fort Worth, TX; Tor
Berg, Rev., LutheranELCA, First Lutheran
Church, Bothell, Bothell, WA; Franklyn Bergen,
Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Church of St. Matthew, Tucson, Tucson, AZ;
Martha Berger, Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Francisco Episcopal Church, Menomonee Falls,
WI; Deb Bergeson-Graham, Pastor, Presbyterian
Church USA, Faith Presbyterian Church,
Franklin, WI; Leah Berkowitz, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Gann Academy, Watertown, MA; Adam
Berman, Pastor, Church of the Nazarene, Reading,
PA; Holli Berman, Cantorial Soloist, Jewish
Reform, Congregation Har HaShem, Boulder, CO;
Sharon Bernstein, Cantor, Jewish, Congregation
Shaar Zahav, San Francisco, CA; Jane Berquist,
Deacon (Retired), United Methodist Church, Troy
UMC, Framington Hills, MI; Matt Berryman,
Executive Director, United Methodist Church,
Reconciling Ministries Network, Chicago, IL;
Kathryn Bert, Reverend, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Senior Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing, East Lansing,
MI; Julia Bertalan, The Rev., United Church of
Christ, United Church of Christ, Millbury, OH;
Bill Bess, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church, Havana, FL; Raymond A.
Besse, SJC, Archbishop, Reformed Church in
America, Universal Fellowship of Christ Church,
Las Vegas, NV; Sofia Betancourt, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church of Fresno, Clovis, CA; Marie Betcher,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Shir Ami,
Cedar Park, TX; Larry Bethune, Senior Pastor,
American Baptist Church, University Baptist
Church, Austin, TX; Jody Betten, Rev., United
Church of Christ, First Congregational Church,
Elkhart, IN; Claire Beutler-Cruise, Rev., United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Specialized Ministry, Milwaukee, WI; Howard
Beutler-Cruise, Pastor (Retired), United Church of
Christ, Retired ELCA/Now UCC, Milwaukee, WI;
Jonathan Biatch, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Beth El, Madison, WI; Raeanna Biddle, Rev.,
Metropolitan Community Church, Aurora, CO; W.
Michael Biklen, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Iowa Conference United Methodist
Church, Musacatine, IA; Ruth Billington, Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Westminster
Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins, CO; Martin
Billmeier, Pastor, LutheranELCA, St. Lucas
Lutheran, Toledo, OH; Cheryl Birney, Rev.,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Grateful
Life Community Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), Huntsville, AL; Len Bjorkman, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Owego, NY; Geoffrey A. Black, General Minister
and President, United Church of Christ, United
Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH; Lara Blackwood
Pickrel, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Associate MinisterFirst Christian
Church, Liberty, MO; April Blaine, Lead Pastor,
United Methodist Church, Summit UMC,
Columbus, OH; Andy Blair, Pastor, Presbyterian
Church USA, FPC, Canyon, TX; Alan Blakeburn,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Ellenberger
UCC, Indianapolis, IN; Mary Margaret Blanchard,
Rev., Episcopal Church, Priest, Harriman, TN;
Barry Block, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Bnai Israel, Little Rock, AR; Randy Block,
Director, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice
Network, Royal Oak, MI; Glynden Bode, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, Spirits Call Ministries,
Houston, TX; Laura Bogle, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Foothills Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship, Knoxville, TN; Stephen
Bohling, Pastor (Retired), LutheranELCA, ELCA
Lutheran Church, Blue Earth, MN; Harry Bolen,
Rev. (Retired), Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
Cambridge, OH; Deborah Bolen, Rev., Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Cambridge, OH; James
Boline, Rev., LutheranELCA, St. Paul Lutheran
Church of Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA;
Charles Booker, Pastor, Presbyterian Church
USA, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Bethesda,
MD; Mel Borham DD, Bishop, Ecumenical Free
Catholic Communion, Christ Catholic Church,
Wrentham, MA; Neal Borovitz, Rabbi (Retired),
JewishReform, Temple Avodat Shalom, New
York, NY; Linda Bos, Rev. Dr. (Retired), United
Church of Christ, Spiritual Coach (Association of
Profession Chaplains, Board Certified Chaplains),
Spring Lake, MI; Mary-Gene Boteler, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Second Presbyterian
Church, Saint Louis, MO; Rebecca Bourret, The
Rev., LutheranELCA, Christ Lutheran Church,
Natick, MA; James Boutell, Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Marne United Methodist
Church, Marne, MI; Thom Bower, Rev. Dr., United
Church of Christ, Interim Minister, First
Congregational Church of Lockport, Northfield,
IL; Erin Boxt, Associate Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Kol Emeth, Marietta, GA; John Boylan,
Father, Order of Ecumenical Franciscans, Order
of Ecumenical Franciscans, Lacey, WA; Rev.
Shawn E. Bracebridge, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, West Stockbridge United Church of Christ,
Albany, NY; Daniel Bradfield, Pastor, Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Bixby Knolls Christian
Church, Long Beach, CA; Calvin Brandenburg,
Rev. Dr., Methodist/Interfaith, Brownsburg, IN;
Bonnie Brandon, Rector, Episcopal Church, St.
Andrews Episcopal Church, Anaheim, CA; Dave
Brauer-Rieke, Bishop, LutheranELCA, Oregon
SynodEvangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), Portland, OR; Rachael Bregman, Rabbi,
Jewish, Temple Beth Tefilloh, Brunswick, GA;
Anne Brener, Rabbi, JewishReform, Academy for
Jewish Religion California, Los Angeles, CA;
Richard Brewer, Rev. Canon (Retired), Episcopal
Church, The Episcopal Church, Whitehall, NY;
Kenneth Brickman, Rabbi (Retired), Jewish
Reform, Temple Beth-El, Jersey City, NJ; Barnett
Brickner, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Israel of
Alameda, Alameda, CA; Greg Briggs, Associate
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Bethlehem
United Church of Christ, Ann Arbor, MI; Rev.
Lisabeth Brimm, Chaplain, United Church of
Christ, Wrentham Developmental Center, Matta-
poisett, MA; Judy Brock, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Minister, Frisco, TX; Oscar
Brockmeyer, Rev., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Pomfret Center, CT;
R ev . C elestin e Br ooks , Author i zed M i ni s ter ,
United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Reynoldsburg, OH; Josh Brown, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Temple Israel in Omaha, Omaha, NE;
Bryant Brown, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Thomas Paine Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, Collegeville, PA; Carolyn Brown, Rev.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Ordained Unitarian Universalist Association
Minister, Albuquerque, NM; Jeffrey Brown, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Chaplain,
THP, Leicester, VT; John E. Brown, Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Walkersville, MD; Douglas
Browne, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Columbus,
OH; Kellie Browne, Pastor, Presbyterian Church
USA, John Calvin Presbyterian Church,
Salisbury, NC; Walter Brownridge, The Very Rev.,
Episcopal Church, DeanThe Cathedral of St.
Andrew, Honolulu, HI; Pamela Brubaker,
Professor of Religion, Emerita (Retired), Brethren,
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks,
CA; N. Eugene Brundige, Rev., United Methodist
Church, New Horizons, Columbus, OH; Lee Ann
Bryce, Senior Minister, United Church of Christ,
First Congregational ChurchFort Worth, Fort
Worth, TX; David Bryce, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, The First
Church In Belmont, Unitarian Universalist,
Belmont, MA; Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Ahavat Shalom, Northridge, CA; Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy, Rev., United
Church of Christ, First Church Congregational,
Rochester, NH; Susan Buchanan, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, RectorSt. Thomas Episcopal
Church, Richmond, VA; Daniel Budd, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Church of Cleveland, Shaker Heights,
OH; Samuel Buehrer, Senior Minister, United
Church of Christ, Sylvania United Church of
Christ, Sylvania, OH; Rosa Buffone, Rev.,
Ecumenical Catholic Communion, Holy Spirit
Catholic Community, Newton, MA; Leonetta
Bugleisi, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Farmington &
Brighton, Sterling Heights, MI; Michelle Buhite,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Church, Spartanburg, SC;
Chris Buice, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist
Church, Knoxville, TN; Rev. Pat Bumgardner,
Rev., Metropolitan Community Church, Metropolitan Community Church of New York, New
York, NY; Richard Burdick, Minister, Unity,
Unity North Atlanta Church, Marietta, GA;
Richard Burgess, Transitional Pastor, Lutheran
ELCA, Faith Lutheran Church, West Hartford,
CT; Michael Burke, Rector, Episcopal Church, St.
Marys Episcopal Church, Anchorage Alaska,
anchorage, AK; Rev. Jim Burklo, Associate Dean
of Religious Life, United Church of Christ, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA;
Phillip Burnett, Member South Central Conference
Board of Directors, United Church of Christ, UCC,
Mansfield, TX; Stephanie Burns, Rev. Dr.,
Metropolitan Community Church, New Day
Metropolitan Community Church, Naples, FL;
Christa Burns, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Faith Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD;
Tamira Burns, Rev., Universal Unitarian, Mesa,
AZ; Suzanne Burris, Rev.Dr., United Church of
Christ, Congregational UCC of Mitchell, Interim
Minister, Mitchell, SD; Grace Burson, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Rector, Church of the Holy
Spirit, Plymouth, NH; Victoria Burson, Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, MCC
Baltimore, Middle River, MD; Garlinda Burton,
Deaconess, United Methodist Church, United
Methodist Church, Nashville, TN; Sue Burwell,
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Wauwatosa
Ave. United Methodist Church, Wauwatosa, WI;
Miriam Bush, Rev., Reformed Church in America,
Covenant Church, Muskegon, MI; Judith Bush,
Associate Clerk, Quaker, Palo Alto Friends
Meeting, Palo Alto, CA; Laurie Bushbaum,
Reverend, Unitarian Universalist Association,
First Universalist Unitarian Wausau, Wausau,
WI; Matthew Buterbaugh, Rector, Episcopal
Church, St. Matthews Episcopal Church,
Kenosha, WI; Charles Butler III, Rev., Rising Sun
Outreach Ministry, Hyattsville, MD; Sam Byrd,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Westfield Center Universalist Church, Homerville, OH;
Mary Byrne, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Volunteer Counselor at Africa University,
Mutare, Zimbabwe, Whitewater, WI; Bridget
Cabrera, Deputy Director, United Methodist
Church, Reconciling Ministries Network, Chicago,
IL; Lyngine Calizo, Subdeacon, Independent
Catholic Christian Church, St. Mary of Grace
Parish, Philadelphia, PA; Andy Call, Rev., United
Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church
of Oberlin, Oberlin, OH; Lyn Stangland Cameron,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church in Idaho Falls,
Idaho Falls, ID; Rebecca Cameron, Rev., Hospital
Chaplain, Stockton, CA; Lane Campbell, Director
of Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Universalist Church
of Columbus, OH, Columbus, OH; Phil Campbell,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, Northern Light
United Church, Juneau, AK; Karen Campbell, The
Rev., Episcopal Church, Christ Church, Sag
Harbor, NY; Scott Campbell, The Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Harvard-Epworth
United Methodist Church, Cambridge, MA; Paul
Canady, Associate Rector, Episcopal Church,
Christ Church, New Bern, NC; Grace Cangialosi,
Rev., Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church,
Ruckersville, VA; Debra Cantor, Rabbi, Jewish
Conservative, Bnai Tikvoh-Sholom, Bloomfield,
CT; Tom Capo, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, DuPage Unitarian Universalist
Church, Naperville, IL; Robin Caracciolo, Director
of Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of
Worcester, Worcester, MA; Michael Carbone,
Founder and Sr. Pastor, Be the Light Chapel,
Dover, FL; David Carlson, The Rev. (Retired),
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Diocese of Michigan,
Madison Heights, MI; Erik Carlson, Senior
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton, IL,
Stockton, IL; Sylvia Carlson, Rev. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian Voices for
Justice, Greensburg, PA; Walter Carlson, The
Rev., United Methodist Church, Coal City UMC,
Coal City, IL; Jan Carlsson-Bull, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church in Meriden, Meriden, CT;
Julie Carmean, Rev. Dr., United Methodist
Church, William Street UMC, Delaware, OH;
Kathie Carpenter, Consultant and registrar,
United Church of Christ, Open and Affirming
Coalition of the United Church of Christ,
Needham, MA; Tom Carpenter, Co-chair Forum on
the Military Chaplaincy, Presbyterian Church
USA, Forum on the Military Chaplaincy, Los
Angeles, CA; Katy Carpman, Credentialed Religious
Educator, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist, Houston, TX; Kenneth
Carr, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Or Ami,
Lafayette Hill, PA; Harvey Carr, Founding Pastor,
Reconciliation Christian Ministries, Jacksonville,
FL; Seth Carrier-Ladd, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Church
of Muncie, Muncie, IN; Helen Carroll, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist, Lewisville, TX; Ken Carroll, Rev.,
Metropolitan Community Church, The Rock
Metropolitan Community Church, Chattanooga,
TN; Tracey Carroll, The Rev., Episcopal Church,
St. Davids Episcopal Church, Shawnee, OK; Mary
Carson, Rev., Episcopal Church, Church of the
Redeemer, Lorain, OH; Amber Carswell, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Marks Episcopal Church,
Jonesboro, AR; Cynthia Caruso, Associate Rector,
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church of the USA,
Austin, TX; Donald Cashman, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Bnai Sholom Reform Congregation,
Albany, NY; John Caster, Honorably Retired
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian
Church (USA), Cincinnati, OH; Lynne Castle,
Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Lafayette, LA; Michael Castle, Rev. Dr., United
Church of Christ, Harmony Creek Church,
Dayton, OH; Rev. Dr. Ignacio Castuera, Director,
United Methodist Church, Latino Project,
Claremont, Claremont, CA; Brooks Cato, The
Rev., Episcopal Church, Christ Episcopal Church,
Little Rock, AR; Christine Caton, The Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian Church
USA, North Stonington, CT; John Cavallero,
Director of Religious Education (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Society of Westchester, White Plains,
NY; James Cavenaugh, Lay Chaplain, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Church of
Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA; William Cavins,
Presiding Bishop, United Catholic Communities of
the Americas, UCCA, Winter Park, FL; Kristen
Cervantes, Pastor, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Waco, Waco, TX; Adam Chalom, Rabbi, Jewish
Humanist, Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation,
Highland Park, IL; John Chaplin, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Sustaining Pastor-First
Congregational UCC-Mason City, DesMoines, IA;
Jonathan Chapman, Pastor and Teacher, United
Church of Christ, Westfield Congregational
Church, Danielson, CT; Kimberly Chastain,
Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, United
Presbyterian Church, Binghamton, NY; Rev. Joe
Cherry, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland,
Cleveland Heights, OH; Jonathan Chesney,
Assistant to the Rector, Episcopal Church, The
Episcopal Church, Auburn, AL; Marsha Cheyney,
Priestess, Wiccan, CUUPS leader, Iowa City, IA;
Barbara Child, Rev. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Association, Church of the Larger Fellowship, Nashville,
IA; Beth Childs, Elder, Presbyterian Church USA,
Rutgers Presbyterian Church, New York, NY;
Karen Christensen, Rev. (Retired), United Church
of Christ, Member, York Assn, Maine Conference,
UC C , B oy n ton Beac h, FL; Er i k Chr i stens en,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, St. Lukes Lutheran
Church of Logan Square, Chicago, IL; Mark
Christian, Lead Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma City, OK; Diane Christopherson,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, United Church
of Christ, Adrian, MI; Katherine Churchwell, The
Rev., Episcopal Church, The Episcopal Diocese of
Texas, Houston, TX; Matthew Cimorelli, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Reformation Lutheran Church,
Tinton Falls, NJ; Richard Cizik, Rev. Dr., Anglican,
President, New Evangelical Partnership for the
Common Good, Fredericksburg, VA; Nan Clancy,
Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First Presbyterian Church, Celina, OH; Megan Clapp, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Faith Lutheran Church,
Andover, IA; Samantha Clark, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Hospital Chaplain, Pine Lake,
GA; Anthony Clark, Minister, United Church of
Christ, Arlington Community Church UCC,
Kensington, CA; Paul Clark, Pastor, Lutheran
ELCA, Fresno State University, Fresno, CA; Dan
Clark, Interim minister, United Church of Christ,
First Congregational Church, UCC, Bexley, OH;
Peggy Clarke, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Society of Westchester,
Hastings on Hudson, NY; Shannon Clarkson, Rev
Dr. (Retired), United Church of Christ, UCC,
Guilford, CT; Marguerite Clason, Rev. (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister
Emerita, UU Society of Cleveland, Willoughby,
OH; Judith Clausen, Retired Pastor (Retired),
United Church of Christ, The Church of the Good
Shepherd, Denver, CO; Kelli Clement, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister of
Social Justice, First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN; Joseph Cleveland, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs,
Saratoga Springs, NY; Catharine Cline, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, Minister of Justice and
Social Action, Grace UCC, Houston, TX; Ralph
Garlin Clingan, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, United Presbyterian Church of West
Orange, Bloomfield, NJ; Carlos Clugy-Soto, Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA, El
Paso, TX; Steven Clunn, Clergy, United Methodist
Church, Love Your Neighbor Coalition Coordinator,
Alexandria, VA; Robert Coats, The Rev.,
Community Minister, Chesapeake, VA; Ernest
Cockrell, The Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church,
Saint Andrews Church, Saratoga, CA; Andries
Coetzee, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wooster, OH;
Jon Coffee, Ministerial Intern, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Tennessee Valley
Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville, TN;
Sara Cogsil, Pastor, LutheranELCA, University
Lutheran Church, East Lansing, MI; Sandra
Cohen, Rabbi (Retired), Jewish, Rodef Shalom,
Denver, CO; Aryeh Cohen, Rabbi, Jewish
Conservative, American Jewish University, Los
Angeles, CA; Judy Cohen-Rosenberg, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Community Reform Temple,
Westbury, NY; Eliyahu Amir Cohen-Saperstein,
Rabbi, JewishOrthodox, Chabad, Las Vegas, NV;
Eliyahu A. Cohen-Saperstein, Chief Rabbi,
JewishOrthodox, Chabad, Las Vegas, NV; Holly
Cohn, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Bnai Israel,
Albany, GA; Hillel Cohn, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Emanu El, San Bernardino, CA;
Ryan Collins, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Student Pastor, Medina, OH; Michael
Collins, Minister, Pulpit minister, Des Moines, IA;
Rev. CC Coltrain, Sr. Minister, New Thought,
Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton,
Dayton, OH; Stephanie Coltvet Erdmann, CoPastor, LutheranELCA, Edina Community
Lutheran Church, Edina, MN; Kate ColussyEstes, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, Agnes
Scott College, Decatur, GA; Mary Frances Comer,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Affiliated
Community Minister, Piedmont UU Church of
Charlotte, NC, Charlotte, NC; Rustin Comer,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Bethel Encino ELCA,
Encino, CA; Emily Conger, Seminarian, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Meadville Lombard
Theological School, Boulder, CO; Jim Conn, Rev.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Director of
New Ministries, Santa Monica, CA; Alice Connor,
The Rev., Episcopal Church, Lutheran Campus
Ministry at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
OH; Andrew Conyer, Rev., Sr. Minister, Unity,
Unity Life Enrichment Centre, Sebring, FL; Carol
Cook, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
First Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ),
Baltimore, MD; Dawn Cooley, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Unitarian Church,
Louisville, KY; Dawn Cooley, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Church, Louisville, KY; Pamela CooperWhite, Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church, Columbia
Theological Seminary, Orrtanna, PA; Christopher
Copeland, Director of Leadership Development &
Spiritual Life, Alliance of Baptists, Wake Forest
University School of Divinity, Winston-Salem, NC;
Mychal Copeland, Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist,
InterfaithFamily, Mountain View, CA; Julia
Corbett-Hemeyer, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church,
Muncie, IN; Heidi Coretz, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Shir Tikvah, Dallas, TX; Amy Cornell, Rector,
Episcopal Church, Grace-St. Pauls, Mercerville,
NJ; Bruce Cornwell, Minister of Word and
Sacrament, Reformed Church in America, Community Reformed Church of Colonie, Schenectady,
NY; Laurie Coskey, Rabbi, JewishReform,
chavurah Kol haneshama, San Diego, CA; Doris
Cowan, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA,
Baltimore Presbytery, Parish Associate at Faith
Church, Baltimore, MD; Cathleen Cox, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church of Berkeley, Benicia, CA;
Dennis Coy, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Congregational United Church of Christ, North
Canton, OH; Jill Crainshaw, Professor of Worship
and Liturgical Theology, Presbyterian Church
USA, Wake Forest University School of Divinity,
Winston Salem, NC; Katie Lee Crane, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister
Emerita, First Parish of Sudbury, West Roxbury,
MA; Timothy Cravens, Presiding Bishop, Pastor,
Independent Catholic Christian Church, St. Mary
of Grace Parish, Philadelphia, PA; Joanna
Crawford, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Live Oak Unitarian Universalist
Church, Cedar Park, TX; Lee Crawford, The Rev.
Canon Dr., Episcopal Church, Vicar, Church of
Our Saviour, Plymouth, VT; Randy Creath, Rev.,
American Baptist Church, Minister of Music
Laurel Park United Methodist Church Glen Allen
VA, Henrico, VA; Mary Crider, Rev., Wiccan,
Family of the Forge in the Forest, Winslow, AR;
Stephen Crippen, Deacon, Episcopal Church, St.
Pauls Episcopal Church, Seattle, Seattle, WA;
Rebecca Crise, The Very Rev., Episcopal Church,
St. Marks Episcopal Church, Paw Paw, MI; Linda
Crissey, Diaconal Minister, United Methodist
Church, United Methodist, Tallmadge, OH; Kelly
Cross, Pastor, Grace New Covenant Ministries,
Reynoldsburg, OH; Jennifer Crow, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Universalist
Church, Minneapolis, MN; Megan Croy, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, AUMC, Alexandria,
OH; Carlos Cruz, Rev. (Retired), Metropolitan
Community Church, MCC, Pembroke Pines, FL;
John Cullinan, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Church, Los Alamos, NM;
Dana Cummings, Rev., Unity, Renaissance Unity
of Northeast Ohio, Cleveland Heights, OH; James
Cunningham, Rev., United Church of Christ, West
Side UCC, Cleveland, OH; Michael T. Curd, Dr.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Retired
Elder, Great Plains Conference, UMC, Omaha,
NE; Mark Currey, Pastor, R Street Community
Church, Little Rock, AR; Rev. Chuck Currie,
University Chaplain, United Church of Christ,
Pacific University, Portland, OR; Kenneth
Cuthbertson, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbytery of Santa Fe, Albuquerque,
NM; Matt Cutler, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Gates of Heaven, Schenectady, NY;
Marsha Cutting, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Parish Associate, Madrona Grace
Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA; Alex da Silva
Souto, Rev., United Methodist Church, United
Methodist Church, Meriden, CT; Beverly Dale,
Rev Dr., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith, Philadelphia,
RI; Abigail dAmbruoso, The Rev., Lutheran
ELCA, Fir-Conway Lutheran Church, Mt Vernon,
WA; Anthony Damelio, Resident Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, Central Presbyterian Church,
Atlanta, GA; Beth Dana, Minister of Spiritual Life
& Community Involvement, Unitarian Univer-
salist Association, First Unitarian Church of
Dallas, Dallas, TX; Sandra Daniel, The Rev.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Hospital/
Hospice, Denver, CO; Margaret DAnieri, Rector,
Episcopal Church, St. Paul Episcopal Church,
Norwalk, OH; Nathan Dannison, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Senior Minister, Kalamazoo
First Congregational Church, UCC, Kalamazoo,
MI; Hermon Darden, Rev. Dr., United Methodist
Church, New York Annual Conference, Brooklyn,
NY; Rev. Colleen Darraugh, Lead Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, Metropolitan
Community Church of Greater Dallas, Aubrey,
TX; Stanley Davids, Rabbi Emeritus (Retired),
JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El of Greater
Atlanta, Atlanta, GA; Dwight Davidson, Rev.,
American Baptist Church, The United Church of
Granville, Granville, OH; Frederick Davie, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Executive VicePresident, Union Theological Seminary/Former
Member of White House Council on Faith-based
and Neighborhood Partnerships, New York, NY;
Frederick A. Davie, Rev., Presbyterian Church
USA, Executive Vice-President Secretary to the
Board of Trustees Union Theological Seminary,
New York, NY; Carol Davies, Elder (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Highland Presbyterian
Church, Louisville, KY; Mark Davies, Rev. Dr.,
United Methodist Church, Dean, Petree College of
Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma City University,
Edmond, OK; Chris Davies, Rev., United Church
of Christ, Wapping Community Church, South
Windsor, CT; Bruce Davis, Rev., United Methodist
Church, United Methodist, Altus, OK; Tom Davis,
The Rev., United Church of Christ, United Church
of Christ, Saratoga Springs, NY; Terry Davis,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation,
Sandy Springs, GA; Daniel Charles Davis,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church, West Lafayette,
IN; Lisa Davison, Rev. Dr., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Phillips Theological Seminary,
Broken Arrow, OK; Christian de la Huerta,
Executive Director, Q-Spirit, Coconut Grove, FL;
Miguel A. De La Torre, Rev. Dr., Southern
Baptist, Iliff School of Theology, Centennial, CO;
Dan De Leon, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Friends Congregational Church, College Station,
TX; Alan Deale, The Rev. (Retired), Unitarian
Universalist Association, Minister Emeritus, First
Unitarian Portland, New London, NH; Deborah
Dean-Ware, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Church of the Good Shepherd, Ann Arbor, MI;
Nicole DeBlosi, Rabbi, Manager of Religious Life,
JewishReform, NYU Bronfman Center for Jewish
Student Life, Brooklyn, NY; Gretchen Deeg,
Senior Minister, United Church of Christ, United
Church of Christ, Bismarck, ND; Kathleen
Deegan-Neal, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Bethesda-Liberty Hill United Methodist Churches,
Hartwell, GA; Ronald Degges, President, Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, Disciples Home
Missions, Indianapolis, IN; Juan del Hierro,
Director of Ministry Empowerment, Unity,
Minister, Unity on the Bay, Miami, FL; Charles
Delaney, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Mantua Center Christian Church, Hiram,
OH; Melanie Delaney, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Good Shepherd Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ), South Euclid, OH;
Elena Delgado, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Member at large of WNY Presbytery, Orchard
Park, NY; Amy DeLong, Rev., United Methodist
Church, River Falls United Methodist Church,
River Falls, WI; Bryan Demeritte, Priest,
Episcopal Church, Converging Community of
Christ, Riverview, FL; Mike DeMoss, Rev., United
Methodist Church, First United Methodist
Church, Guthrie, OK; Sean Dennison, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Tree of Life
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Woodstock,
IL; William DeVries, The Rev., Pastor, Grand
Rapids, MI; Joanna Dewey, Harvey H. Guthrie Jr.
Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies (Retired),
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Divinity School,
Claremont, CA; Mary Louise DeWolf, Rev.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Minister, Nature Coast Unitarian Universalists,
Crystal River, FL; Michael Diaz, Rev., Metropolitan Community Church, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church, Houston, TX; George
Diaz, Deacon, Episcopal Church, Parish Deacon,
New York, NY; Steve Dick, Executive Director,
Unitarian Universalist Association, International
Council of Unitarians and Universalists, Hasting
on Hudson, NY; Nancy Dickinson, Retired
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Minister of
Christian Education, Indianapolis, IN; Carla
Dietz, Rev. /Pastor, Greendale Peoples Church,
Holden, MA; John Dillon, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake PC(USA),
Crystal Lake, IL; Heather Dinklage, Director of
Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Church of Toledo,
Toledo, OH; Lucy Dinner, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Beth Or, Raleigh, NC; Jeffrey Dirrim,
Founding Pastor & Executive Director, United
Church of Christ, Rebel & Divine United Church
of Christ, Chandler, AZ; Tina Dixon-Bartlett, The
Rev. (Retired), Unity, Unity of Citrus County,
Unity of Oakland Park, Unity of Marin, Unity of
Reno, The Villages, FL; DeAnn Dobbs, Lead
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Genesis UMC,
Grand Rapids, MI; Paul Dodd, Chaplain Colonel,
U.S. Army (Retired), American Baptist Church,
Forum on the Military Chaplaincy, Austin, TX;
Natalie Doll, Minister, Universal Life Church,
Minneapolis, MN; Juliet Donaldson, Director of
Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Universalist Society
of Middleboro, Middleboro, MA; James Donnan,
Lead Pastor, United Methodist Church,
Livingston United Methodist Church, Columbus,
OH; Rev. Scott F. Donnelly, M.Div., MSW, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Community Lutheran Church,
Enfield, NH; Jeanelyse Doran Adams, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Woodland, CA; Harry
Dorman, Ordained Wiccan Priest & Minister,
Wiccan, Circle Sanctuary, Barneveld, WI; Karen
S. Dorris, Rev. Dr., United Methodist Church,
Senior Pastor First United Methodist Church,
Beaumont, TX; M. June Hardy Dorsey, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Andrews Episcopal Church,
Elyria, OH; Kent Dorsey, The Rev., Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ), Riverside Avenue
Christian Church, Jacksonville, FL; Rev.Dr. M.
Franklin Dotts, Retired United Methodist
Minister (Retired), United Methodist Church, The
United Methodist Church, Inman, SC; Diane
Dowgiert, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, Tucson,
AZ; Christy Drechsel, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, First Christian Church, Fort
Worth, TX; Louis Drew, The Rev. (Retired),
American Baptist Church, American Baptist
Churches USA, Leander, TX; Ellen Dreyfus, Rabbi
(Retired), JewishReform, Bnai Yehuda Beth
Sholom, Homewood, IL; Kelli Driscoll, Rev.,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Bethany
Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK;
Rev. Dr. Renee DuBose, Pastor, Metropolitan
Community Church, Our Hope Metropolitan
Community Church (MCC), Athens, GA; Raymond
R. Duke, Rev., Rise Church, McDonough, GA;
Lloyd Dunavant, Teaching Elder, Presbyterian
Church USA, Minister at Large, Cincinnati, OH;
Debra Dunnington, Clergy, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Beacon Hospice Chaplain, Provincetown, MA; David Durkit, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Fellowship UCC, Wickliffe, OH; Rev.
Michelle Dyar, Minister, United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Bluffton, OH; Alex Dyer,
Pastor, Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church of St.
Paul & St. James, New Haven, CT; Tricia Dykers
Koenig, National Organizer, Presbyterian Church
USA, Covenant Network of Presbyterians, Cleveland Heights, OH; Charles Eagle, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Jackson Grace UMC, Jackson,
OH; Brian Eastman, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Beaver UCC, Beavercreek, OH; Nica
Eaton-Guinn, Intern Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica, Santa Barbara,
CA; M.E. Eccles, The Very Rev., Episcopal
Church, Rector of St. Martins Episcopal Church,
Des Plaines, IL; Laura Echols-Richter, Executive
Minister, United Methodist Church, United
Methodist Church, Frisco, TX; Randy EddyMcCain, Pastor, Open Door Community Church of
Sherwood, North Little Rock, AR; Rose Edington,
Rev. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist, Charleston, WV; Revs.
Becky and Mark Edmiston-Lange, Co-Ministers,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Emerson
Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston, TX;
Marian Edmonds Allen, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Family Acceptance Project, Pleasant View,
UT; Janet Edwards, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian
Church USA, Parish Associate, Community House
Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA; Denise
Eger, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Kol
ami, West Hollywood, CA; Thomas Eggebeen, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbyterian Minister, Los Angeles, CA; Janet
Eggleston, Rev., United Methodist Church, Macon
United Methodist Church, Macon, IL; Ken Ehrke,
Senior Pastor, United Church of Christ, Cathedral
of Hope Mid-Cities, Bedford, TX; Millard Eiland,
Rev. Dr. (Retired), Alliance of Baptists, Member of
Covenant Ch., Ecumenical Liberal Baptist,
Houston, TX; Karen Eiler, Rev., United Methodist
Church, Memorial United Methodist Church,
White Plains, White Plains, NY; Kathy Ekeberg,
Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Palatine, IL; Carolyn Eklund, Rector, Episcopal
Church, St. Pauls Church, Brunswick, ME; Paul
Eldred, Rev. Seminarian, LutheranELCA,
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago,
IL; Joe Eldridge, Chaplain, United Methodist
Church, American University, Washington, DC;
Martin Elfert, Associate Dean, Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist,
Spokane, WA; John Elford, Rev. Dr., United
Methodist Church, University UMC, Austin, TX;
Ruth Eller, The Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA;
John Ellinger, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, United Methodist Church, Traverse City,
MI; Margaret Elliott, Elder, Presbyterian Church
USA, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Winston-
Salem, NC; Scott Elliott, Deacon, Episcopal
Church, St. Gregorys Church, Chicago, IL;
Yolanda Elliott, President, Seventh Day
Adventist, Seventh-day Adventist Kinship
International, Inc., Clarksville, MD; Brian Ellison,
Executive Director, Presbyterian Church USA,
Covenant Network of Presbyterians, Kansas City,
MO; James Ellison, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Litchfield, Ohio, Akron, OH; Marvin
Ellison, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church USA,
Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY;
Thomas Ely, Bishop, Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Diocese of Vermont, Burlington, VT; Cindy Enger,
Reform, Congregation Or Chadash, Evanston, IL;
Marilyn Engstarom, The Very Rev. (Retired),
Episcopal Church, St. Matthews Cathedral,
Laramie, WY; Thomas Eoyang, Rev. Dr., Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA; Alycia Erickson, Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church, Metropolitan Community Church of Austin, Austin, TX; Sarah Erickson,
Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church USA, Columbia
Theological Seminary, Stone Mountain, GA; Guy
Erwin, Bishop, LutheranELCA, Southwest
California Synod, Los Angeles, CA; Alejandro
Escoto, Rev., Metropolitan Community Church, La
Iglesia Fundadora de la Comunidad Metropolitana
Los Angeles, Reseda, CA; Dr. Thomas W. Estes,
Parish Associate, Central Presbyterian Church
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Austin, TX; Andrew Ettin, Rabbi, Jewish Renewal,
Temple Israel, Salisbury, NC; Eric Eubanks,
Worship Leader/Liturgist/Lay Preacher, Metropolitan Community Church, The Rock Metropolitan
Community Church, Hixson, TN; Lauren Evans,
Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, Lakeview Presby-
terian Church, St. Petersburg, FL; Marilyn Evans,
Rev. (Retired), United Methodist Church, United
Methodist, Anoka, MN; Robert Evans II, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, Emerge & See, Sagle,
ID; Peter Faass, Rev., Episcopal Church, Christ
Episcopal Church, Shaker Heights, OH; Sylvia
Falconer, Rev. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist, Greeley, CO;
Erling Falk, Church Council President, Lutheran
ELCA, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Winter Park,
FL; Allison Farnum, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft.
Myers, Fort Myers, FL; Curtis Farr, Assistant
Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Jamess Episcopal
Church, West Hartford, CT; John L. Farthing,
Rev. Doctor (Retired), United Methodist Church,
Greenbrier First United Methodist Church,
Springdale, AR; Barbara Fast, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Danbury, Danbury, CT; Ruth
Fatur, Rev. (Retired), Unity, Unity Church of
Today Emerita, Land O Lakes, FL; Douglas
Fauth, Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational United Church of Christ, Baraboo,
WI; Barnaby Feder, Lead Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Champlain Valley
Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury, VT;
Tom Fehr, The Rev., Episcopal Church, Chaplain,
Community of the Transfiguration, Cincinnati,
OH; Joseph Feldmann, Senior Pastor, United
Church of Christ, First Congregational UCC, Fort
Dodge, IA; Patricia Fenton, Rabbi, Jewish
Conservative, American Jewish University,
Westlake Vlg., CA; Kathy Fick, Campus Minister,
LutheranELCA, Christus Rex Lutheran Campus
Ministry at UND, Grand Forks, ND; Rev. Lydia
Fields, Associate Pastor, Cooperative Baptists,
FBC Gainesville, Gainesville, GA; Laurie Fields,
Member at Large, Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois, Marion, IL;
Trenne Fields, Rev., Universal Life Church,
Nerstrand, MN; Alvin Figueroa, Friend, Quaker,
Religious Society of Friends, Rancocas, NJ; Loren
Filson Lapidus, Rabbi, JewishReform, The
Temple, Atlanta, GA; Steve Fisch, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Congregation Beth El Binah, Frisco, TX;
Sarah Fisher, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Patricks Episcopal Church, Decatur, GA; Diane
Fisher, Rev. Elder, Metropolitan Community
Church, Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church, Tallahassee, FL; Terry Fitzgerald,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, First and St.
Stephens United Church of Christ, Towson, MD;
Nancy Fitzgerald, Rev., Brethren, Pastor Arlington
Church of the Brethren, Arlington, VA; Ben
Fitzgerald-Fye, Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church
USA, Presbyterian Church of Punxsutawney, Big
Run, PA; Laura Fitzgibbon, The Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbyterian Church (USA), Plano,
TX; Robert Fitzpatrick, Bishop, Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI; Paul
Fleck, Rev., United Methodist Church, New
Milford United Methodist Church, Hamden, CT;
Susan Fleenor, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Knox Presbyterian Church, Santa Rosa, CA; Ruth
Fletcher, Regional Minister, Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, The Christian Church in
Montana, Great Falls, MT; Julio Flores, Associate
Pastor (Retired), Metropolitan Community
Church, Metropolitan Community Church of
Hartford, Hartford, CT; Sarah Flynn, Rev.
(Retired), Old Catholic Church, Province of the
U.S., Diocese of New England, Burlignton, VT;
Colleen Foley, Rev., Metropolitan Community
Church, Metropolitan Community Church of
Louisville, Louisville, KY; Felicia Fontaine,
Coordinator (Retired), Metropolitan Community
Church, Soulforce Alabama, Inc., Huntsville, AL;
Denis Ford, Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church,
Episcopal, Jacksonville, FL; Margo Ford, Rev.,
Unity, Unity of Greater Waco, Hewitt, TX; Anne
Marie Forrester, High Priestess, Wiccan, Minister
of Gardnerian Church of the Ancient Communion,
Minneapolis, MN; Robert Fortner, Senior
Minister, Unity, Unity of Palm Harbor, Palm
Harbor, FL; Melinda Foster, Rev., United Church
of Christ, Fellowship Congregational Church
UCC, Owasso, OK; Andrew Foster Connors,
Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, Brown
Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Baltimore, MD; Dennis Foust, Senior Minister,
Alliance of Baptists, St. Johns Baptist Church,
Charlotte, NC; Cari Fowler, Rev., Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, First Christian Church
San Marcos, Wimberley, TX; Sidney Fowler,
Senior Minister, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational United Church of Christ,
Washington, DC; Leopold Frade, Diocesan Bishop,
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Diocese of Southeast
Florida, Miami, FL; Kathryn Franzenburg, Pastor
(Retired), LutheranELCA, Lutheran, Cedar
Rapids, IA; Angelia Frazier-Henson, Ordained
Minister, Universal Life Church, Benton, AR; LJ
Frederickson, UU Vice Chair of Board, Unitarian
Universalist Association, UU, Salem, OR; Alan
Freedman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth
Shalom, Austin, TX; Laura Fregin, Lead Pastor,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, National
Avenue Christian Church, Springfield, MO;
Maureen Frescott, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Congregational Church of Amherst, United
Church of Christ, Amherst, NH; John Frey,
Teaching Pastor, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Cypress Creek Christian Church, The
Woodlands, TX; Cindy Fribourgh, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Margarets Episcopal
Church, Little Rock, AR; Peter Friedrichs, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church of Delaware County,
Swarthmore, PA; Sarah Friesen-Carper, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, North/West Lower Michigan
Synod, Kalamazoo, MI; Brenda Froisland, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Bethel Lutheran Church, South
St. Paul, MN; Veronica Frost, Presiding Clerk,
Quaker, Miami Quarterly Meeting, Enon, OH;
Gwen Fry, The Rev., Episcopal Church, Episcopal
ChurchDiocese of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;
Lisa Fry, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Marks
Episcopal Church, Little Rock, AR; Robyn Fryer
Boodzin, Rabbi, JewishConservative, Israel
Center of Conservative Judaism, Fresh Meadows,
NY; Audette Fulbright, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, UUC Cheyenne, Cheyenne, WY;
Gordon Fuller, Rabbi, Jewish, Agudath Jacob,
Waco, TX; C. Eric Funston, Rev. Dr., Episcopal
Church, St. Pauls Episcopal Church, Medina, OH;
Dan Furman, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Hudsonville United Church of Christ, Grandville,
MI; Sue Gabrielson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Sanford Unitarian Universalist
Church, Yarmouth, ME; Ryan Gackenheimer,
Rev., United Church of Christ, First Congregational
Church, UCC, Starksboro, VT; Rev. Carol
Gadsden, Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Thomas
Episcopal Church, Mamaroneck, NY; Penny
Gadzini, Rev. Dr., United Methodist Church, St.
Pauls UMC, Northport, NY; William Gafkjen,
Bishop, LutheranELCA, Indiana-Kentucky
Synod, ELCA, Indianapolis, IN; Emily Gage,
Minister of Faith Development, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unity Temple Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Oak Park, IL; Robert
Galloway, Rev. (Retired), Metropolitan Community
Church, Community of St. Ninian, Corryton, TN;
Jeffrey Gamblee, Pastor, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Universalist Church of
Southold, NY, Staten Island, NY; Jose GandaraPerea, The Rev., Episcopal Church, Rector
Emmanuel Episcopal Parish, Eastsound, WA;
Norma Gann, Rev., Metropolitan Community
Church, UFMCC, San Francisco, CA; Wes Garcia,
Rev. (Retired), American Baptist Church,
American Baptist Church, Sioux Falls, SD;
Francisco Garcia, Priest, Episcopal Church, All
Saints Church, Pasadena, CA; Rafael Garcia,
Minister, United Methodist Church, United
Methodist, Hempstead, NY; Rev. Lynn Gardner,
Co-Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Sierra Foothills Unitarian Universalists, Auburn,
CA; Rachael Gardner, Student Pastor/Christian
Education Director, United Church of Christ, St.
Johns, Columbus, OH; Jocelyn Gardner Spencer,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church of Woodstock, Woodstock,
CT; Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor, Jewish
Reform, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York,
NY; Gregory Garland, Rev., United Church of
Christ, United Church of Broomfield, Arvada, CO;
Darlene Garner, Rev. Elder, Metropolitan
Community Church, Council of Elders, Bowie,
MD; Elizabeth Garrigan-Byerly, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Wellesley Congregational
Church, Wellesley, MA; Charley Garrison, Rev.,
Metropolitan Community Church, Central Texas
Metropolitan Community Church, Waco, TX;
Edith Gause, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Red
Feather Lakes, CO; Elaine Gehrmann, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister at
Unitarian Universalist fellowship of Decatur, IL,
Urbana, IL; Jude Geiger, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Huntington, NY, Huntington, NY;
Gail Geisenhainer, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Senior Minister, First UU
Congregation of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; Rev.
Joseph Genau, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Edgewood Presbyterian Church, Homewood, AL;
Mark Genszler, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Francis Episcopal Church, North Bellmore, NY;
Jane Gerdsen, Priest, Episcopal Church, Diocese
of Southern Ohio, Cincinnati, OH; Dan Gerhard,
Pastor (Retired), United Methodist Church,
Central United Methodist Church, Sedro-Woolley,
WA; Kim Geringer, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Shaaray HaYam, Short Hills, NJ;
Jordana Gerson, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego, CA; Karuna
Gerstein, Rev., Chaplaincy Institute, Penngrove,
CA; William Getman, Senior Pastor, Presbyterian
Church USA, First Presbyterian Church,
Haddonfield, Haddonfield, NJ; Joanne Giannino,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Beacon
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Flagstaff,
AZ; Twila Gibbens, Rev., United Methodist
Church, St. Pauls United Methodist Church,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK; A Gibbs, Pastor,
African Methodist Episcopal Zion, CRC,
Pensacola, FL; Gordon Gibson, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister
Emeritus, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Elkhart, Knoxville, TN; Paul Gibson, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Trinity Lutheran Church, St.
Petersburg FL, St. Petersburg, FL; Kent Gilbert,
Lead Pastor, United Church of Christ, The Church
of Christ, Union, Berea, KY; Dennis Gilbert,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, St. John UCC,
Dupo, IL; Rev. Paula Gile, Associate Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Congregational Church
of Laconia, Laconia, NH; Anne Gilson, Rev. Dr.,
Episcopal Church, Christ Church, Harwich Port,
MA; Lauri Gist, Rev. (Retired), Unity, Ordained
Minister, Unity, Inverness, FL; Anissa GlaserBacon, Pastor, United Church of Christ, New
Vision UCC, Canton, OH; Marcella Glass, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, Southminster
Presbyterian Church, Boise, ID; Brenner
Glickman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple EmanuEl, Sarasota, FL; Mark Glovin, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Universalist
Church in Rockland, Rockland, ME; Nadia Gold,
Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist, West End
Synagogue, New York, NY; Neal Gold, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Shir TIkva, Wayland,
MA; Edwin Goldberg, Senior Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Temple Sholom of Chicago, Chicago, IL;
Mark Goldman, Cantor, JewishReform, CoSenior Clergy Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El, Fort
Lauderdale, FL; Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Concord,
Binghamton, NY; Lisa Goldstein, Rabbi, Jewish,
Institute for Jewish Spirituality, New York, NY;
Rev. Dr. Robert Goldstein, Pastor (Retired),
LutheranELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, Chicago, IL; Shana Goldstein Mackler,
Rabbi, Jewish, Temple, Nashville, TN; Jeffrey
Goldwasser, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Sinai,
Cranston, RI; Evan Goodman, Rabbi, Jewish,
Santa Barbara Hillel, Santa Barbara, CA; Linda
Goodman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Union Temple,
Brooklyn, NY; Marvin Goodman, Executive
DirectorNorthern CA Board of Rabbis,
JewishConservative, Board of Rabbi of No. CA,
Foster City, CA; Jeffrey Goodrich, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Good Shepherd Lutheran
Church, Westborough, MA; Timothy Gorski,
Pastor, Church of Freethought, Arlington, TX;
Pamela Gottfried, Rabbi, Jewish, Rabbis Without
Borders, Marietta, GA; Emma Gottlieb, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth David of the South
Shore, Canton, MA; Don Gouger, Rev., Christian
National Church, Fort Myers, FL; Judith Gould,
Rev., United Methodist Church, Fairfield UMC
and Brown Memorial UMC, Clinton, ME; Susanna
Goulder, Minister, Sagamore Hills, OH; James
Grace, Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Andrews
Episcopal Church, Houston, TX; Harry Grace,
Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Marks & All Saints,
Buffalo, NY; Rev. Dr. Paul Graetz, Senior Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, City of Light
Metropolitan Community Church, Atlanta, GA;
Sarah Graff, Rabbi, JewishConservative,
Congregation Kol Emeth, Palo Alto, CA; The Rev.
Richard H. Graham, Bishop, LutheranELCA, The
Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod (ELCA),
Washington, DC; Rev. Jim Grant, Affiliate
Minister (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, 1st Unitarian Universalist Church,
San Diego, CA; Salim Gras, Cherag, Sufi
Ruhaniat, Hamilton, MT; Grace Gravelle, Vicar,
LutheranELCA, Vicar, Hustler, WI; Tim Graves,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Condon United
Church of Christ, Condon, OR; Sonya Gravlee,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Just Love
Weddings, Trussville, AL; Jennifer Gray, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Community Church of Hendricks
County, Indianapolis, IN; Lee Gray, Minister for
Youth & Young Adults, Alliance of Baptists, St.
Johns Baptist, Charlotte, NC; Tanya Greenblatt,
Cantor, JewishReform, Temple Israel of New
Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY; Fred Greene, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth Tikvah, Roswell,
GA; Larry Greenfield, Regional Minister,
American Baptist Church, American Baptist
Churches of Metro Chicago, Chicago, IL; Rachel
Greengrass, Rabbi, JewishReform, Central
Conference of American Rabbis, Miami, FL; Ellen
Greenspan, Rabbi, JewishReform, RabbiEducator, Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom,
Randolph, NJ; Gail Greenwell, The Very Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Dean of Christ Church
Cathedral, Cincinnati, OH; Carl Gregg, Rev. Dr.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister of
the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
Frederick, Frederick, MD; Kathleen Greider, Rev.
Dr., United Methodist Church, Claremont School
of Theology, Claremont, CA; Susanna Griefen,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Dumerston
Congregational UCC, E. Dummerston, VT; Debbie
Griffin, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Disciples of Christ Downtown Disciples,
Des Moines, IA; J. David Griffin, The Rev.,
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Cherry Log
Christian Church, Cherry Log, GA; Lukisha
Griffin, Associate Pastor, Restoration Inclusive
Ministries, Morrow, GA; Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin,
Executive Minister, Sunshine Cathedral,
Metropolitan Community Church, Fort
Lauderdale, FL; Stephen Griffith, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Saint Paul United Methodist
Church, Lincoln, NE; Mary Grigolia, Minister
(Rev.), Unitarian Universalist Association, Olmsted
UU Congregation, Oberlin UU Fellowship,
Lakewood, OH; Beth Grimshaw, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Leslie Congregational United
Church of Christ, Leslie, MI; Katy Grindberg,
Assistant to the Bishop, LutheranELCA, Sierra
Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America, San Francisco, CA; Charles Grindle,
Rev., First Parish UU Kennebunk, Kennebunk,
ME; Glennyce Grindstaff, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Greenbelt Community Church, United
Church of Christ, Greenbelt, MD; Lorraine
Grinnell, Pastor, United Church of Christ, Salem
United Church of Christ, Jackson, MI; Lowell
Grisham, Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Pauls
Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, AR; Bob Gross,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church of Akron, Elyria, OH;
Galen Guengerich, Senior Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, All Souls Unitarian
Church, New York, NY; Lissa Gundlach, Rev.,
Assistant Minister for Congregational Life,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Church of All Souls, Brooklyn, NY; MaryHelen
Gunn, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Northeastern University & Campus Boston,
Boston, MA; Robert Gunn, Rev. Dr., United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Astoria, NY; Sara Gunter, Director of Youth &
Young Adult Ministries, Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia, Charleston,
WV; Rev. Bill Gupton, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Heritage Universalist
Unitarian Church, Cincinnati, OH; Rachel
Gurevitz, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Bnai Shalom, Westborough, MA; David Gushee,
Dr., Cooperative Baptists, Distinguished University
Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University,
Minister, Atlanta, GA; Fred Guttman, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Emanuel, Greensboro,
NC; Carol Haag, Minister (Retired), Unitarian
Universalist Association, The Unitarian Church,
Summit, NJ; Robert Haas, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Mickve Israel, Savannah, GA;
Amanda Haecker, High Priestess, Wiccan, Circle
of the Risen Phoenix, Lilburn, GA; Rev. Debra
Haffner, President/Community Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Religious
Institute/The Unitarian Church in Westport,
Westport, CT; Robin Hager, Senior Pastor, United
Methodist Church, First United Methodist,
Clearwater, FL; Barbara Hager, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Parish Associate, United
Presbyterian Church, Milford, CT; Alan Hainkel,
Rev., Universal Life Church, Kansas City, MO;
Trenton Hale, Senior Peer Minister, Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Student Center, Sam Houston
State University, Huntsville, TX; John Hall,
Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Boniface Episcopal
Church, Sarasota, FL; Rev. Robert Hall,
Ecumenical Catholic Bishop of Texas, Ecumenical
Catholic Communion, Ecumenical Catholic
Diocese of Texas, Houston, TX; Sidney G. Hall, III,
The Rev. Dr., United Methodist Church, Trinity
United Methodist Church, Austin, TX; T. Mark
Hallahan, The Rev., Episcopal Church, Rector of
St. Pauls Episcopal Church of Pomona, Los
Angeles, CA; Jann Halloran, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Prairie Unitarian
Universalist Church, Parker, CO; Dennis Hamilton,
Interim Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, UU Church of the Monterey
Peninsula, Pacific Grove, CA; Julia Hamilton,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, The
Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, Santa
Barbara, CA; Leddy Hammock, Rev. Dr., Sr.
Minister, Unity, Unity Church of Clearwater,
Clearwater, FL; Robert Hammock, Associate
Minister, Unity, Unity Church of Clearwater,
Clearwater, FL; Pat Handlson, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, First Presbyterian
Church on Cookevillle, Cookeville, TN; Rev. Jerri
Handy, Minister of Congregational Care, United
Church of Christ, Congregational Church of San
Mateo-UCC, San Mateo, CA; Kristina Hansen,
Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church, St.
Pauls United Methodist Church, Northport, NY;
Michelle Hansen, Mission Priest, Episcopal
Church, All Saints Episcopal Church, East
Hartford, CT; Mary Hansen-Joyce, Rev./Pastor,
LutheranELCA, ELCA Reconciling in Christ
Congregation in RI, Yarmouth Port, MA; Laura
Harari, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Rodef
Sholom, Waco, TX; Thomas Hardy, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Friedens (Peace) United Church
of Christ, North Tonawanda, NY; Derrick
Harkins, Senior Pastor, American Baptist Church,
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, Silver Spring,
MD; Herman Harmelink, Vice-President for
Ecumenical and Relations, International Council
of Community Churches, Poughkeepsie, NY;
Cedric A. Harmon, Co-Director, National Baptist,
Many Voices, Washington, DC; Marni Harmony,
Rev. Dr. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Minister Emerita, First Unitarian
Church, Orlando, FL; Thomas Harp, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Pastor
Emeritas, Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church,
Naples, FL; Kim Harris, Cantor, JewishReform,
Congregation Bnai Chaim, Littleton, CO; Vered
Harris, Rabbi, Jewish, Temple Bnai Israel,
Oklahoma City, Edmond, OK; Tom Harris, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Govans Presbyterian
Church, Lutherville, MD; Jim Harrison, Rector,
Episcopal Church, Transfiguration Episcopal
Church, Indian River, MI; Rebecca Harrison, Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Grace
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Asheville, NC;
Billy J. Harrison, The Rev. Dr. (Retired), Southern
Baptist, Minister, Blue Ridge, GA; Barbara
Harrison Condon, Rev., LutheranELCA, ELCA,
Idaho Falls, ID; Michael Hartney, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Parishes of Schuyler
County, New York, Watkins Glen, NY; Jack
Harvey, President, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Bay County, Panama Coty, FL; Roberta Haskin,
Rev. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Bloomington,
MN; Jamie Haskins, Chaplain and Director of
Spiritual Life, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Westminster College, Columbia, MO;
Rose Hassan, the Rev., Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Diocese of Newark, Ocean Grove, NJ;
Christine Hasselle, Deacon, Presbyterian Church
USA, PCUSA, Memphis, TN; Edwatrd Hassertt,
Rev. Dr., Progressive Christian Alliance, Tacoma,
WA; Michael Haven, Rev. & Housing Coordinator,
United Church of Christ, Pacific School of
Religion, Berkeley, CA; Jodi Hayashida, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Universalist Church of Auburn, Unitarian
Universalist, Auburn, ME; Trace Haythorn,
Executive Director, Presbyterian Church USA,
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education,
Decatur, GA; Jane Heckles, Rev. Dr., United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Claremont, CA; Lisa Heilig, Rev., Metropolitan
Community Church, TAG Network Leader,
Decatur, GA; Ed Heilman, Pastor, United Church
of Christ, Park Congregational United Church of
Christ, Toledo, OH; Kenneth Heintzelman, Sr.
Minister, United Church of Christ, Shadow Rock
United Church of Christ, Phoenix, AZ; Richard
Edward Helmer, Rev. Br., Episcopal Church,
Church of Our Savior, Mill Valley, CA; Rebecca
Helton, Deacon, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Hillsville Christian Church, Galax, VA;
Angela Henderson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Universalist Church
of Houston, Houston, TX; Rev. Rich Hendricks,
Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church, Metro
Community Church of the Quad Cities,
Davenport, IA; Pat Hendrickson, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Chaplain: Hillsides Pasadena,
Thousand Oaks, CA; Lucas Hergert, Rev. Dr.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church in Livermore, Livermore, CA;
Patti Herndon, The Rev. (Retired), United
Methodist Church, Minister, Rio Texas
Conference, Austin, TX; Ronald A. Hersom, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Florida
Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association,
Jacksonville, FL; Linda Herzer, Minister of
Connection, Metropolitan Community Church,
City of Light Metropolitan Community Church &
Unity, Atlanta, GA; David Hett, Minister of
Religious Life & Learning, United Methodist
Church, First Community Church, Columbus, OH;
Christiane Heyde, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Sky Island UU Church, Tucson, AZ;
Wakoh Shannon Hickey, Rev. Dr., Buddhist, Notre
Dame of MD University, Johns Hopkins Bunting
Meyerhoff Center, Baltimore, MD; Warren Hicks,
Padre, Episcopal Church, Worcester Fellowship,
Worcester, MA; Rev. Dr. James Higginbotham,
Associate Professor of Pastoral Care &
Counseling, Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, IN; Tim
Higgins, Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Anns
Episcopal Church -Diocese of Maine, Gorham, ME;
Scott Hill, Seminarian, United Church of Christ,
Altadena Community Church, Los Angeles, CA;
David Hill, Pastor, United Church of Christ, The
First Church in Oberlin, United Church of Christ,
Oberlin, OH; Anita Hill, Deputy Director,
LutheranELCA, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans
for Full Participation, Saint Paul, MN; Georgia
Hillesland, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Boynton Beach Congregational UCC, Boynton
Beach, FL; Christine Hillman, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church of Olinda, Royal Oak, MI; JT Hills, Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Evangelical United
Church of Christ, Tell City, IN; Carol Hilton, Rev.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Minister Emerita Palomar U.U. Fellowship,
Oceanside, CA; BK Hipsher, Rev. Dr., Metropolitan
Community Church, Sunshine Cathedral,
Arlington, MA; Lori Hlaban, The Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church West, Brookfield, WI; Kim Hoare, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, The Carpenters Boat
Shop, Pemaquid, ME; Lisa Hobbs, Rev., Christ the
Cornerstone Church, St. Petersburg, FL; Phil
Hobson, Minister, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church, Charlotte, MI; Mark
Hoelter, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Member, All Souls Church, Unitarian,
Washington, DC; Christopher Hofer, The Very
Rev., Episcopal Church, Rector, St. Jude,
Wantagh, NY; M. Lara Hoke, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Congregation in Andover, Andover, MA; John C.
Holbert, Rev. Dr. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,
TX; Keith Holder, Rev., Pulpit Held, Brooklyn,
NY; Heather Leigh Holder-Bobo, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, Ogden Memorial,
Chatham, NJ; Cheri Holdridge, Rev., United
Methodist Church, The Village United Methodist/
United Church of Christ, Toledo, OH; Arthur
Holland, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Lafayette Street UMC, Shelby, NC; Juliana Holm,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Rebersburg
Charge UCC, Vienna, VA; Charles Holm, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, First Congregational
Church (UCC), River Edge, NJ; Mark Holmerud,
Bishop, LutheranELCA, Sierra Pacific Synod,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
Sacramento, CA; Candy Holmes, Rev., Metropolitan
Community Church, Metropolitan Community
Churches, Bowie, MD; Brad Holmes, Teacher,
Cooperative Baptists, CBF Chaplain Endorsement,
Gaffney, SC; Arthur Holt, Minister (Retired),
Unity, Upward Bound Journal (a Unity Publishing
Ministry), Ocala, FL; Kierstin Homblette, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Beloved
Community Ministries of Colorado, Denver, CO;
Keith Homstad, Rev. (Retired), LutheranELCA,
ELCA Pastor, Northfield, MN; Jeff Hood, Rev. Dr.,
Southern Baptist, Cathedral of Hope United
Church of Christ, Denton, TX; Cathy Hoop, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, University Presbyterian
Church, Tuscaloosa, AL; Gloria Hopewell, Rev.
Dr., Episcopal Church, Grace Episcopal Church,
Galena, IL; C. Lynn Hopkins, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Montgomery, Montgomery, CO;
Lynn Hopkins, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Montgomery, Montgomery, AL; Rev. Debra
Hopkins, Pastor, New Life Christian Fellowship,
Charlotte, NC; Ivan Horn, Rev. (Retired), United
Church of Christ, Pastor of Friedens UCC, Hecker,
IL; Laura Horton-Ludwig, Associate Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, Reston, VA;
Daniel Horwitz, Rabbi, JewishConservative,
Cong. Beth Yeshurun, Houston, TX; Josh Hosler,
The Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Pauls Episcopal
Church, Bellingham, WA; Elizabeth Hoster,
Rector, Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal
Church Toledo Ohio, Toledo, OH; David
Houdeschell, Pastor (Retired), United Church of
Christ, Eastern Ohio Association, UCC, Canton,
OH; Renee House, Rev. Dr., Reformed Church in
America, Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY; Tim
House, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Foxborough Universalist Church, Upton, MA;
Molly Housh Gordon, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church, Columbia, MO; Rev. Shaman Jerome
Howell, ShamanMinister, Native American,
International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and
Earth Stewards Con., Fostoria, OH; Deborah
Howland, Rev., United Church of Christ, Calvary
Memorial UCC, Wauwatosa, WI; Karen Howland,
Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Trussville, AL; Timothy Hoyer, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church,
Jamestown, NY; Barry Hubbard, Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, University Presbyterian
Church, San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Langdon
Hubbard, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church, East Aurora, NY; Rosanna
Hudgins, Iya Omo lawo, Ifa/OrisaWest African
based Spiritual Tradition, Minneapolis, MN; Jo
Hudson, Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ,
Gathering Pastor, Extravagance United Church of
Christ, Dallas, TX; Jo Hudson, Gathering Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Extravagance United
Church of Christ, Dallas, TX; Lacey Hudspeth,
Rev., Episcopal Church, Episcopalian, Baltimore,
MD; Elsie Huebner, Minister, Unity, Unity
Community Church, Safety Harbor, FL; Ellen
Huffman, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Fringe Community, Columbus, OH;
Rosalind Hughes, Priest-in-Charge, Episcopal
Church, Church of the Epiphany, Euclid, OH;
Tracy L. Hughes, Rev. Dr., United Church of
Christ, United Church of Christ, Tucson, AZ;
Cynthia Huling Hummel, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA, Elmira, NY;
Daniel Hulseapple, Pastor (Retired), United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Middletown, NY; Alice Hunt, President, United
Church of Christ, Chicago Theological Seminary,
Chicago, IL; Alice Hupp, Senior Minister,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Park Place
Christian Church, Wichita Falls, TX; Maggie
Hurst, Rev., Alliance of Baptists, Alliance of
Baptists, Pollocksville, NC; Julie Hutson, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Luther Memorial Lutheran
Church, Seattle, WA; Colleen Igle, Minister,
United Methodist Church, King Avenue United
Methodist Church, Columbus, OH; David Inglis,
Associate Minister, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational Church UCC, Crystal Lake, IL;
Keith Inouye, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Wesley United Methodist Church, San Jose, CA;
Barbara Ireland, Rev., The Church Within,
Hudson, MI; Rebecca Irwin-Diehl, Rev., American
Baptist Church, Associate Minister, Second
Baptist Church of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA;
Meredith Jackson, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Union Avenue Christian Church, St. Louis, MO;
Paula Jackson, Rev., Episcopal Church, Rector,
Church of Our Savior/La Iglesia de Nuestro
Salvador, Cincinnati, OH; Darrick Jackson, Dean
of Students, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago,
IL; Andrew Jacobs, Rabbi, Jewish, Ramat Shalom,
Fort Lauderdale, FL; Cheryl Jacobs, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Center for Jewish Life,
Plantation, FL; Abby Jacobson, Rabbi, Jewish,
Emanuel Synagogue, Oklahoma City, OK; Tomi
Jacobs-Ziobro, Rev., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Homer, NY; Jennifer
Jaech, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Israel of
Northern Westchester, Croton-on-Hudson, NY;
Richard Jaech, Bishop, LutheranELCA,
Southwestern Washington Synod, Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America, Tacoma, WA; Wilma
Jakobsen, Rev., Episcopal Church, Episcopal,
Cupertino, CA; Victoria Jameson, Seminarian,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Andover
Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, MA;
Wes Jamison, The Rev., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Barren Springs, VA;
Jacqueline Jenkins, Rev. (Retired), Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Christian Church
Disciples of Christ, Decatur, GA; Mark Jennings,
Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church of Richland, Augusta, MI;
Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House
of Deputies of The Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Church, The Episcopal Church, Sagamore Hills,
OH; Carol Jensen, Pastor, LutheranELCA, St.
John United Lutheran Church, Everett, WA; Julie
Jensen, Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church, St. John
the Baptist Episcopal Church, Portland, OR; Ellin
Jimmerson, Rev. Dr., Alliance of Baptists,
Weatherly Heights Baptist Church, Huntsville,
AL; Rev. Bruce Joffe, Pastor, Door County People
of Faith, Sturgeon Bay, WI; Roger Johns, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Saint Marks
UMC, Rockville, NY; Deven Johnson, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Salem Presbyterian
Church, Limestone, TN; Nathaniel Johnson, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, Spectrum Health
Hospital, Ada, MI; Rev. Dr. Anthony Johnson,
Senior Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalists of
Clearwater, Clearwater, FL; Earl Johnson, Rev.,
Retired Spiritual Care Manager, American Red
Cross NHQ (Retired), Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Cabrini Medical Center, NYC,
UCC/Disciples Parishes, Arlington, VA; Thomas
Johnson, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church
USA, Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Hutchinson,
KS; Jay Johnson, Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd and
Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA; Jeff
Johnson, The Rev., LutheranELCA, University
Lutheran Chapel of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; The
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, The Unitarian
Universalist Church, Rockford, IL; Francys
Johnson, President -Georgia NAACP; Senior
Pastor, National Baptist, Magnolia and the Mount
Moriah Baptist Church, Statesboro, GA; William
Johnson, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, United Methodist Clergy, Grand Rapids,
MI; Beth Johnson, Rev. Dr., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Palomar Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship, Vista, CA; Jerry D.
Johnson, The Rev. Dr., Southern Baptist,
Chaplain, Georgia Mountains Hospice, Ellijay,
GA; Kenisha Johnson, Ministry Leader, Kingdom
Outreach Fellowship, Hephzibah, GA; Peter
Johnston, Pastoral Assistant, United Church of
Christ, United Church of Christ, Quincy, MA;
Mark Johnston, Executive Director, Open &
Affirming Ministries, Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Gay Lesbian and Affirming
Disciples Alliance, Jamaica Plain, MA; Shonda
Joned, Associate Dean, United Methodist Church,
Wake Forest University School of Divinity,
Winston-Salem, NC; Thomas Jones, Rev., United
Church of Christ, First Congregational Church of
Charlotte, Lansing, MI; Timo Jones, Apostolos,
American Baptist Church, Gardens of Divine Hope
Church, Denver, CO; Kevin Jones, Father,
American National Catholic Church, St. Francis
American National Catholic Church of Glen Ridge,
Newark, NJ; Derrick Jones, Asst. Deacon,
Southern Baptist, Praise the Lord Baptist
Association, Pensacola, FL; Serene Jones, Rev.
Dr., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
President of the Faculty and Johnston Family
Professor for Religion and Democracy, Union
Theological Seminary, New York, NY; Serene
Jones, Rev. Dr., Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), President of the Faculty & Johnston
Family Professor for Religion and Democracy
Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY;
Susan Joseph Rack, Reverend, Presbyterian
Church USA, Christ Presbyterian Church,
Martinsville, NJ; Raachel Jurovics, Rabbi, Jewish
Renewal, Yavneh: A Jewish Renewal Community,
Raleigh, NC; Emma Justes, Dr., American Baptist
Church, United Theological Seminary, Englewood,
OH; Elizabeth Kaeton, Rev Dr., Episcopal Church,
Episcopal, Long Neck, DE; Andrue Kahn,
Rabbinical Student, JewishReform, HUC-JIR,
Brooklyn, NY; Rachel Kahn-Troster, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Truah: The Rabbinic Call
for Human Rights, New York, NY; Mark
Kaiserman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Reform
Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY; Beth
Kalisch, Rabbi, JewishReform, Beth David
Reform Congregation, Gladwyne, PA; Eric
Kaminetzky, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Edmonds Unitarian Universalist
Church, Edmonds, WA; Lewis Kamrass, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati,
OH; Katie Kandarian-Morris, Parish Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Durango, Durango, CO;
Ann Kansfield, The Rev., Reformed Church in
America, Greenpoint Reformed Church, Brooklyn,
NY; Norman Kansfield, Retired Seminary
President (Retired), Reformed Church in America,
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, East
Stroudsburg, PA; Daniel Kanter, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Church of Dallas, Dallas, TX; Greg
Kanter, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Sinai,
Delray Beach, FL; Min Kantrowitz, Rabbi, Jewish,
Jewish Community Center of Albuquerque,
Albuquerque, NM; Seth Kaper-Dale, Rev.,
Reformed Church in America, Reformed Church of
Highland Park, Highland Park, NJ; Erik Karas,
Transitional Pastor / Priest in Charge, Lutheran
ELCA, Prince of Peace / St. Marks, Augusta, ME;
Valinda Karjala, Moderator of the Congregation,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Chair of
Church Board, Olympia, WA; Valinda Karjala,
Moderator of the Congregation, Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Chair of Church Board,
Olympia, WA; James Karpen, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Senior Pastor Church of St.
Paul and St. Andrew, New York, NY; Debra
Kassoff, Rabbi, JewishReform, Hebrew Union
Congregation, Greenville, MS; Alan Katz, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Sinai, Rochester, NY;
Louis Kavar, Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ,
Ordained Minister, Atlanta, GA; David Kay,
Rabbi, JewishConservative, Congregation Ohev
Shalom, Orlando, FL; Lorelei Kay, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Westminster
Presbyterian Church, Gallup, NM; Leora Kaye,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Rodeph
Sholom, Manhattan, NY; Martha Kearse,
Associate Pastor, Cooperative Baptists, St. Johns
Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC; Rachael Keefe,
Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, Living Table
United Church of Christ, St. Paul, MN; Lois Keen,
Priest, Episcopal Church, Trinity Parish,
Wethersfield, CT; John Keeny, Rev., United
Methodist Church, King Avenue UMC, Columbus,
OH; Robert Keithan, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Faith Organizing and Training
Consultant, Washington, DC; Rev Keller, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Womens Federation, Decatur, GA;
Karen Kelley, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Jackson, MI; DVorah Kelley, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Interfaith, Keene, NH;
Scott Kenefake, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church
USA, PCUSA, New York, KS; Rev. William
Kennedy, Community Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Redwood City, Redwood City, CA;
Rodney Kennedy, Lead Pastor, American Baptist
Church, First Baptist Church of Dayton, Dayton,
OH; Lisa Keppeler, The Rev., Episcopal Church,
Church of the Holy Nativity, Wrightstown, PA;
Penny Kessler, Cantor, JewishReform, United
Jewish Center, Bethel, CT; Elizabeth Ketcham,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Minister, Pacific Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, Gearhart, OR; David Key, Director of
Baptist Studies, Southern Baptist, Emory
Universitys Candler School of Theology, Atlanta,
GA; Carla Keyes, Pastor, Presbyterian Church
USA, Ginter Park Presbyterian Church,
Richmond, VA; Katherine Killebrew, Rev. Dr.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Collingswood
Presbyterian Church, Camden, NJ; Maureen
Killoran, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Universalist Church
of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Glenn M
Kimball, Rev. (Retired), United Church of Christ,
UCC and Disciples of Christ, Laurelville, OH; Rev.
Donald King, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Hope
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cleveland Heights,
OH; Rick King, Rev., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ, Longmont, CO; Laura
King, Rev., United Methodist Church, Mt. Union
and Huntingdon, Mount Union, PA; Rev. Dan
King, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Congregational Parish,
Kingston, MA; Roy King, Community Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, UUA,
Mountain View, CA; Naomi King, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, City of Refuge
Ministries, Lovell, ME; Debbie King Quale,
Pastor, United Methodist Church, United
Methodist, Lake Crystal, MN; Cecilia Kingman,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church, Seattle,
WA; Robin Kinney, Rev., Universal Life Church,
St. Paul, MN; Fr. Kevin Kinsel, Administrative
Pastor, Independent Catholic Community, Christ
the Good Shepherd Independent Catholic
Community, Ferndale, MI; Bruce Kintigh, Pastor,
United Methodist Church, Birchwood and Trinity
UMCs, Battle Creek, MI; Paul Kipnes, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Congregation Or Ami, Calabasas,
CA; Michael Kirby, Pastor, Presbyterian Church
USA, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church,
Chicago, IL; Brian Kirk, Senior Pastor, Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, First Christian
Church, Saint Joseph, MO; Jessica Kirschner,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Independent, San Francisco,
CA; Jim Kitchens, The Rev., Presbyterian Church
USA, PneuMatrix, Sacramento, CA; Noah Kitty,
Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist, Congregation
Etz Chaim, Wilton Manors, FL; Beth Klafter,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth David,
Melville, NY; Richard Klein, Rabbi (Retired),
JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El, Sarasota, FL;
Dena Klein, Rabbi, JewishReform, Chavurat
Tikvah, Rye Brook, NY; Jonathan Klein, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Clergy and Laity United for
Economic Justice, Los Angeles, CA; Lori Klein,
Rabbi, Jewish Renewal, Bay Area Hospital,
Capitola, CA; R. Kevin Kline, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, ELCA, St. Louis, MO; Asher
Knight, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El,
Dallas, TX; Kimberly Knight, Minister of Digital
Community, United Church of Christ,
Extravagance United Church of Christ, Decatur,
GA; William Knight, Rev. Dr., Metropolitan
Community Church, Open Arms Metropolitan
Community Church, Hilo, HI; Betty Kniss, The
Rev., United Methodist Church, Minister, Ocean
View United Methodist Church, Juno Beach, FL;
Harry Knox, Rev., Metropolitan Community
Church, President and CEO, Religious Coalition
for Reproductive Choice, Silver Spring, MD;
Kathryn Knox, Reverend, CSL School of Spiritual
Leadership, Tampa, FL; Debbie Knox-Griffin,
Minister, Restoration Inclusive Ministries,
Morrow, GA; Alison Kobey, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Congregation Or Chadash, Damascus,
MD; Timothy Kobler, Pastor, United Methodist
Church, Wesley Foundation at the University of
Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN; Tony Koch,
Rev., Universal Life Church, Minneapolis, MN;
Erik Koepnick, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Guest House of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI;
Stephanie Kolin, Rabbi, JewishReform, Union for
Reform Judaism, Los Angeles, CA; Debra Kolodny,
Rabbi, Jewish Renewal, Executive Director,
Nehirim, Portland, OR; Jake Kopmeier, Rev.,
Metropolitan Community Church, King of Peace,
MCC, Staff, Saint Petersburg, FL; Elisa Koppel,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth-El, San
Antonio, TX; Kathleen Korb, Rev. (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist United Fellowship, St. Petersburg,
FL; Richard Koster, Retired from ministry,
Christian Universalist Association, Fort Thomas,
KY; Drew Kovach, Archpriest, The Inclusive
Orthodox Church, Honolulu, HI; Kenneth Kovacs,
Pastor/ Head of Staff, Presbyterian Church USA,
Catonsville Presbyterian Church, Catonsville,
MD; Karakay Kovaly, Associate Area Minister,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Mission
West of the CCSW, Spearman, TX; Elizabeth
Krajewski, Rev., Lindisfarne Community, New
London, NH; Phillip Krakowiak Sr., Salm,
LutheranMissouri Synod, First Lutheran
Church, West Haven, CT; Hartmut Kramer-Mills,
Rev. Dr., Reformed Church in America, First
Reformed Church of New Brunswick, New
Brunswick, NJ; Kristin Krantz, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Memorial Episcopal Church,
Baltimore, Ellicott City, MD; Mary E. Kraus, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), United Methodist Church, United
Methodist, Washington, DC; Hilary Krivchenia,
Senior Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist,
Palatine, IL; Kurt Kuhwald, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Faith Alliance for a
Moral Economy/UU EJ Collaborator, Oakland,
CA; Joshua Kullock, Rabbi, JewishConservative,
West End Synagogue, Nashville, TN; Carolyn
Kuntz, Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church,
First United Methodist Church, Madison, WI;
Jonathan Kupetz, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Beth Israel, Pomona, CA; Khelen Kuzmovich,
Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian
Church (USA), Winston-Salem, NC; Yanchy
Lacska, Rev., Hospital Chaplain, Hudson, WI; Jen
Lader, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Israel,
West Bloomfield, MI; Rabbi Howard Laibson,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Shir
Chadash, Seal Beach, CA; James E. Lake, The
Rev., United Methodist Church, Senior Minister,
Ocean View United Methodist Church, Juno
Beach, FL; Larry B Lake, The Rev. Dr., United
Methodist Church, Christian Ethicist and CEO of
Bay View Healthcare, St. Augustine, FL; B. Hugh
Lake Jr., The Rev. Dr. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Ordained Member, Florida Conference,
S t . A u g u s t i n e , F L ; S u s a n L a M a r , Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Channing
Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist,
Catonsville, MD; Nicole Lamarche, Organizing
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Silicon Valley
Progressive Faith Community, San Jose, CA;
Ryan Lambert, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Kirkland Congregational United Church of Christ,
Bothell, WA; Allen LaMontagne, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Priest, Selbyville, DE; Eugene
LaMothe, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church,
Cranberry Lake, NY; John LaMunyon, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Lutheran, Sammamish, WA; H.
Darrell Lance, Rev. Dr. (Retired), American
Baptist Church, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity
School, Rochester, NY; Lydia Land, Chaplain,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, FCCPetersburg, Petersburg, VA; Cynthia Landrum,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Universalist Unitarian Church of East Liberty,
Clarklake, MI; Chris Lane, Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Central United Methodist
Church, Traverse City, MI; Stephen Lane, The Rt.
Rev., Episcopal Church, Bishop of Maine,
Portland, ME; Tina Lang, Associate Pastor,
United Methodist Church, First United Methodist,
Madison, WI; Jeffrey Lang, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, West Sunbury United Presbyterian
Church, West Sunbury, PA; Andrew Lang,
Executive Director, United Church of Christ, Open
and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of
Christ, Cleveland, OH; Theresa Langdon, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Faith Lutheran Church,
Salisbury, MD; Augusta Lange, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, East Ohio Conference
United Methodist Church, Wooster, OH; Rev. Dr.
Diane Langworthy, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Pulpit at the New Smyrna Beach United
Church of Christ, New Smyrna Beach, FL; Sam
Lanham, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church, Lamesa, TX; Alan
LaPayover, Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist,
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Philadelphia,
PA; Ronald LaRocque, Pastor, Metropolitan
Community Church, Metropolitan Community
Church of Winston-Salem, Winston Salem, NC;
Rachel Larson, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Trinity
Lutheran Church, Laramie, WY; Alisa Lasater
Wailoo, Lead Pastor, United Methodist Church,
Capitol Hill United Methodist Church,
Alexandria, VA; Jason Latty, Rev., Episcopal
Church, Judah Deliverance Ministry, Philadelphia,
PA; Michael Adam Latz, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Shir Tikvah Congregation, Minneapolis, MN; Sari
Laufer, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY; Bob Lawrence,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Executive Director
of Tulsa Alliance, Tulsa, OK; David John
Lawrence, Elder, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, East Dallas Christian Church, Irving, TX;
Wayne A Laws, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Mountain View United Church, Aurora, CO; Kevin
Lawson, Intern Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Westside Unitarian Universalist
Congregation, Seattle, WA; Fr Bob Layne,
Episcopal Priest (Retired), Episcopal Church, St.
Davids Parish, Topeka, KS; Michael Leary,
Magus, Roma Kris, Saint Paul, MN; Paul LeClair,
The Rev., Episcopal Church, The Episcopal
Diocese of Michigan, Rochester Hills, MI; Angela
Leddy, Minister, The Church Within,
Indianapolis, IN; Darla Ledger, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Bethesda United Church of
Christ, Rockville, MD; Donna Tara Lee, Rev.,
Wiccan, Priestess, Gainesville, FL; Sonja Lee,
Pastor, Unity Fellowship, Unity Fellowship
Church Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; Edward Lee,
Bishop (Retired), Episcopal Church, The Episcopal
Church, Merion Station, PA; Suzi Lee, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, San
Francisco Theological Seminary, El Cerrito, CA;
Dirkje Legerstee, Rev. Dr., United Church of
Christ, UCC, Westford, MA; Serena Leiser,
Seminarian, United Church of Christ, Andover
Newton Theological School, Westborough, MA;
Joanna Leiserson, Interim Rector, Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Church, Covington, KY; Donald
Lemke, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Christ Lutheran
Church, Ozone Park, NY; Michele Lenke, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham,
MA; Darah Lerner, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Beth Wl, Bangor, ME; Devon
Lerner, Rabbi, JewishReform, Society for
Classical Reform Judaism, Arlington, MA; Joshua
Lesser, Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist,
Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta, GA; Dan
Lessner, Shaliach Tzibbur & President
Comunidad Hebrea de San Miguel de Allende,
JewishConservative, USCJ, San Miguel de
Allende, TX; Robert Levine, Senior Rabbi,
JewishReform, Congregation Rodeph Sholom,
New York, NY; David Levy, Senior Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Shalom, Succasunna, NJ;
Karen Lewis, Director of Childrens Ministries,
Unitarian Universalist Association, First
Unitarian Church of Dallas, Dallas, TX; Ellen
Bernardsville, NJ; Gerald Libby, Affiliate
Community Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Melrose UU Church, Melrose, MA;
Valerie Lieber, Rabbi, Jewish, Kane Street
Synagogue, Brooklyn, NY; Jeff Liebmann,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland,
Midland, MI; Ingrid Lilly, Visiting Scholar and
Theological Educator, Presbyterian Church USA,
Pacific School of Religion; San Francisco
Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological
Union (Berkeley), Oakland, CA; Seth Limmer,
Senior Rabbi, JewishReform, Chicago Sinai
Congregation, Chicago, IL; Tracey Lind, The Very
Rev., Episcopal Church, Trinity Cathedral,
Cleveland, OH; John Linder, Senior Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Solel, Paradise Valley,
AZ; Lucas Lindon, The Rev., United Church of
Christ, Sylvania United Church of Christ,
Sylvania, OH; Justin Lindstrom, Dean, Episcopal
Church, Saint Pauls Episcopal Cathedral,
Oklahoma City, OK; Eliza Linley, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Johns Episcopal Church,
Aptos, CA; Dawn S. Liphart, The Rev., United
Methodist Church, Pastor and Licensed Mental
Health Counselor, Inman Memorial United
Methodist Church, Jacksonville, FL; Kari Lipke,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, The Garden, Seattle,
WA; Ellen Lipman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Kolot
Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives, Brooklyn, NY; Rev
Elayne Lipp, Rev. (Retired), LutheranELCA,
ELCA Lutheran, Minneapolis, MN; Jane Lippert,
Rev., United Methodist Church, United Methodist,
Traverse City, MI; Greg Litcofsky, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Emanuel of West Essex,
Livingston, NJ; Tera Little, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Throop Unitarian
Universalist Church, Pasadena, CA; Sharon
Litwin, Rabbi, JewishConservative, Israel Tour
Connection, Teaneck, NJ; Caroline Litzenberger,
Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church, Diocese of Oregon,
Portland, OR; Nancy Livingston, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Retired
Pastor, Columbus, OH; Dennis Lloyd, Rector,
Episcopal Church, Church of the Holy Apostles,
Wynnewood, PA; Jeanne Lloyd, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Mattatuck Unitarian
Universalist Society, Canton, CT; Joshua Lobel,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Beth El,
Sugar Land, NY; Robert L. Logan, Bishop
(Retired), Community of Christ, Coastal Bend
Mission Center (USA), Georgetown, TX; Rev.
Virginia Lohmann Bauman, Senior Pastor, United
Church of Christ, St. Johns Evangelical
Protestant Church (UCC), Columbus, OH; Rachel
Lonberg, Interim Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Greater Nashville Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Nashville, TN;
Jennifer Long, Rev., United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City, OK;
Robert Long, Fully Ordained Pastor (Retired),
United Methodist Church, United Methodist
Church, Niskayuna,, NY; Anthony Lorenzen, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Thoreau
Woods Unitarian Universalist Church, Huntsville,
TX; Emily Losben-Ostrov, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Sinai Reform Temple, Bay Shore, NY; Michael
Lotker, Rabbi, JewishReform, Jewish Federation
of Ventura County, Camarillo, CA; David Louder,
Campus Pastor, Episcopal Church, LutheranEpiscopal Campus Ministries, Kalamazoo, MI;
Campbell Lovett, Conference Minister, United
Church of Christ, Michigan Conference, United
Church of Christ, East Lansing, MI; Kyle Lovett,
Rev., United Church of Christ, United Church of
Christ (UCC), Honolulu, HI; Shayna Lowe,
Cantor, JewishReform, Congregation Rodeph
Sholom, New York, NY; Jacqueline Luck, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Holston
Valley UU Church, Johnson City, TN; Mark J
Lukens, Pastor, United Church of Christ, Bethany
Congregational UCC, East Rockaway, NY; Jeffrey
B. Lukens, Senior Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Lordship Community Church, United
Church of Christ, Stratford, CT; JoAnn Lumley,
Lay Eucharistic Minister, Episcopal Church,
Episcopal, Sayre, PA; Sarah Lund, Rev. Dr.,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Christian
Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN; Rev.
Robin Lunn, Executive Director, American Baptist
Church, Association of Welcoming & Affirming
Baptists, Milford, NH; Zack Lyde, Pastor,
American Baptist Church, At Johns Missionary
Baptist Church, Brunswick, GA; Leah Lyman
Waldron, Rev., United Church of Christ, Praxis
UCC, Atlanta, GA; Suzelle Lynch, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church West, Brookfield, WI; Trey Lyon,
Community Pastor, Cooperative Baptists, Park
Avenue Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA; Kal Lyons,
Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian
Church of Kane, Kane, PA; Sarah Mack, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth-El, Providence, RI;
Ruth MacKenzie, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Universalist Church of
Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN; Doug Mackey, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, United Methodist
Churches of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY; John
Maddox, Pastor, LGBT Ministries, Arabi, LA; Jim
Magaw, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, UU Church of the South Hills,
Pittsburgh, PA; Sue Magidson, Rev. Dr.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, San Leandro
Hospital, Berkeley, CA; Michael Mahoney, United
Methodist Ordained Elder (Retired), United
Methodist Church, West Ohio Conference,
Columbus, OH; Kathryn Marie Mainard
OConnell, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church (USA) of Little Rock, Little
Rock, AR; Anthony Makar, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, Atlanta,
GA; Bonnie Malone, Rev., Episcopal Church, Saint
George Episcopal Church, Maple Valley, WA;
Connie Mangin, Rev., Metropolitan Community
Church, Exodus MCC, Abilene, TX; Sharon
Manning-Lew, Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Augustine Episcopal Church, Peekskill, NY;
Donald Manworren, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, Office of the General
Minister and President, Plano, TX; Evelyn
Manzella, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St. James
Episcopal Church, Wooster, OH; Devorah Marcus,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El of San
Diego, San Diego, CA; Janet Marder, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos
Hills, CA; Matthew Mardis-LeCroy, Senior
Minister, United Church of Christ, Plymouth
Congregational United Church of Christ, Des
Moines, IA; Ari Margolis, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Beth Or, Raleigh, NC; Marvin Marsh, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), American Baptist Church, Central
Baptist Church, Wayne, PA; Suzanne Marsh, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert,
Rancho Mirage, CA; Katrina Marsh, Rev. Dr.,
Rivers of Living Water NY/NJ, Brooklyn, NY;
Coordinator, Episcopal Church, St. Patricks
Episcopal Church, Madison Hts., MI; Joretta
Marshall, Executive Vice President and Dean,
United Methodist Church, Brite Divinity School,
Fort Worth, TX; Lyn Marshall, Intern Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Allen Avenue
Unitarian Universalist Church, Bradford, NH;
Lynn Martin, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Community Congregational UCC, Pinckney, MI;
Ed Martin, Rev. Dr. (Retired), United Church of
Christ, Prof. Emeritus United Theological
Seminary, Vancouver, WA; Jennifer Martin,
Teaching Elder/Campus Minister, Presbyterian
Church USA, The Koinonia Center & Central
Presbyterian Church, Eugene, OR; Matthew
Martin, Rev., LutheranELCA,,
New England Synod ELCA, Marshfield, MA;
Edwin Martin, Retired Presbyterian Minister
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Westminster
Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN; Betty
Martin Lewis, Rev., Unity, Unity South Shore
Tampa Bay, Ruskin, FL; Tom Martinez, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, All Souls Bethlehem
Church, Brooklyn, NY; Anne Mason, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church of Lancaster, Lancaster, PA;
Jenny Mason, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Light of
the World Lutheran Church, Farmington, MN;
Selma Massey, Rev. Dr., Founder/Pastor,
WHOSOEVER Ministry, Detroit, MI; Mark Mast,
Rev. Dr., Reformed Church in America, Pulpit
Held, New Platz, NY; Jeremy Master, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple of Israel, Greenville, SC;
Thea Mateu, Pastor, United Church of Christ, San
Dimas Community Church UCC, San Dimas, CA;
H. Scott Matheney, Chaplain and Dean of
Religious Life, Presbyterian Church USA,
Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL; Michael-Ray
Mathews, Rev., Alliance of Baptists, Alliance of
BaptistsRacial Justice & Multiculturalism
Community, San Jose, CA; Emily Mathis, Rabbi,
Jewish, Temple Beth Shalom, West Newton, MA;
Susan Matranga-Watson, Rev. / Chaplain,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Oregon
Department of Corrections, Milwaukie, OR; Rev.
Kathryn Matthews Huey, Dean of Amistad
Chapel, United Church of Christ, Amistad Chapel
United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH; Robin
Mavis, Lay Minister, Wiccan, WiCoM, Coon
Rapids, MN; Michael McAlister, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Piperton United
Methodist Church, Nashville, TN; Jill McAllister,
The Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, UU
Fellowship of Corvallis, OR, Philomath, OR; Chris
McArdle, Rev., United Church of Christ, St.
Lukes United Church of Christ, Columbus, NE;
George McCall, Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Retired Minister, Overland Park,
KS; Kathleen McCallie, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK;
Katlin McCallister, Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Albans Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ; Katy
McCallum Sachse, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Holy
Spirit Lutheran Church, Kirkland, WA; John
McCann, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Episcopal
Church, Trinity Wall Street Parish, New York,
NY; Oscar McCarter, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Covenant Presbyterian
Church, Northport, AL; George McClain, Rev.
Dr./Professor, United Methodist Church, New
York Theological Seminary, Staten Island, NY;
John McClelland, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Member of Pines Presbytery
PC(USA), Homer, LA; LeAnne McComb, Ruling
Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, Second
Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN; Donald
McCord, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Central Christian Church,
Indianapolis, IN; Jill McCrory, Pastor, Alliance of
Baptists, Twinbrook Baptist Church, Rockville,
MD; Suzan McCrystal, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Minister, First Unitarian Universalist
Church, Columbus, OH; Jean McCusker, Rev.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Bloom in the
Desert, Sioux Falls, SD; Mark McDaniel, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Corydon Presbyterian
Church, Indiana, Bedford, IN; James L.
McDonald, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church USA,
President and Professor of Faith and Public Life,
San Francisco Theological Seminary, San
Anselmo, CA; Gail McDougle, Rev. Ms. (Retired),
United Church of Christ, First Congregational
United Church of Christ, Port St. Lucie, FL; Gary
McElroy, Co-Chair, Commission for Racial
Understanding, Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Diocese of Ohio, Chagrin Falls, OH; David V.
McFarland, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Allegheny Unitarian Universalist
Church, Pittsburgh, PA; Rev. Dr. Barbara
McGarey, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, New
Life PCUSA, Albuquerque, NM; Reb. Will
McGarvey, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Community Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg
California, Pittsburg, CA; Rhonda McIntosh, Elder
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, Faith
Presbyterian Church, Mathias, WV; Nancy
McKay, Rev. (Retired), United Church of Christ,
Mira Vista UCC and Spiritual Director, Berkeley,
CA; Roger McKinney, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Hiram Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Hiram, OH; Laurie
McKnight, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Pastor, Maysville, KY; Diggitt McLaughlin,
Ministerial Candidate, Unitarian Universalist
Association, UU, Saint Paul, MN; Patrick
McLaughlin, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of
Manchester, Manchester, NH; Christie McManus,
Rev. Deacon, Episcopal Church, St. Francis
Episcopal Church, Fair Oaks, CA, Gualala, CA;
Rosemary Bray McNatt, President, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Starr King School for the
Ministry, Berkeley, CA; Virginia McNeill, Rev.Dr.,
Episcopal Church, St. Lukes, Los Gatos, CA, Los
Gatos, CA; Alex McNeill, Executive Director,
Presbyterian Church USA, More Light
Presbyterians, Hyattsville, MD; Rob McPherson,
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Buchanan First
United Methodist Church, Buchanan, MI; Ralph
Mecklenburger, Rabbi, JewishReform, Beth-El
Congregation, Fort Worth, TX; Joshua Medlin,
Clerk, Quaker, Fall Creek Friends Meeting,
Anderson, IN; Michelle Meech, Ministry
Developer, Episcopal Church, Episcopal Diocese of
Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI; Nancy Meehan Yao, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Hector and
Hammondsport Presbyterian Churches, Hector,
NY; Deborah Meinke, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbytery of Cimarron, Stillwater,
OK; George M. Melby, Pastor (Retired), American
Baptist Church, Hospital/Hospice Chaplain,
Kansas City, KS; David Mellott, VP of Academic
Affairs and Dean of the Seminary, Metropolitan
Community Church, Lancaster Theological
Seminary, Lancaster, PA; Betty Mendl, Deacon,
MCC, Round Rock, TX; David Meredith, Senior
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Clifton United
Methodist Church, Cincinnati, OH; Jo Merrick,
Pararabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth Am,
Seattle, WA; Rev. Dr. Jim Merritt, Senior Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, Holy Cross
Metropolitan Community Church, Pensacola, FL;
Gretchen Mertes, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Roots
of the Table Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA;
Andrew Mertz, Director of Youth and Young Adult
Ministries, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Joseph Priestley District, Manassas, VA; Donna
Merz, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, Presbyterian
Church (USA), Los Angeles, CA; David Messner,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah,
Savannah, GA; Eric Meter, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Associate Minister,
Columbus, OH; Cheri Metier, Rev., Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) Pacific Southwest Region,
San Diego, CA; Valyn Metropoulos, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Amazing Grace Lutheran
Church of Grays Harbor, Aberdeen, WA; Gerald
Metzger, Rev., United Church of Christ, Bethany
Congregational UCC, San Antonio, TX; Barbara
Metzinger, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Bnai Israel, Monroe, LA; Judith Meyer, Minister
Emerita (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Community,
Santa Monica, CA; Robin Meyers, Senior Minister,
United Church of Christ, Mayflower Congregational
UCC Church, Oklahoma City, OK; Barbara
Meyers, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation,
Fremont, CA; Jay Michaelson, Rabbi, Jewish
Renewal, Elat Chayyim, Brooklyn, NY; Waltrina
Middleton, Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ National Office,
Cleveland, OH; Stacey Midge, Associate Minister,
Reformed Church in America, First Reformed
Church of Schenectady, Schenectady, NY; Sarah
Midzalkowski, Rev., Episcopal Church, University
Lutheran Church, East Lansing, MI; Laurence
Milder, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Beth
Emek, Pleasanton, CA; Rev. Andrew C. Millard
Ph.D., Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the
Peninsula, Newport News, VA; George Miller,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Emmanuel United
Church of Christ, Sebring, FL; Joe Miller, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Ordained
Elder in the United Methodist Church, Newton,
TX; Diane Miller, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, The First Religious Society, Carlisle,
MA; Heather Miller, Rabbi, JewishReform, Beth
Chayim Chadashim, Los Angeles, CA; Michelle
Miller, Rev., United Methodist Church, United
Methodist Pastor, Crookston, MN; Julie Miller,
Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN; Joel
Miller, Pastor, Mennonite, Columbus Mennonite
Church, Columbus, OH; Nancy Miller, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, Elder in Eastern PA
Annual Conference Extension Ministry, Hospice
Chaplain, Cape May Courthouse, NJ; Philip V.
Miller, The Rev. (Retired), Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Military Chaplain, Cherry
Log, GA; Rachel Miller Solomin, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Congregation Kol Emeth,
Mountain View, CA; Jill Mills, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Pastor, Ann Arbor, MI; Jennifer
Mills-Knutsen, Rev., United Church of Christ, St.
Lukes United Church of Christ, Jeffersonville, IN;
John Millspaugh, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Beyond Carnism, Medford, MA;
Sarah Millspaugh, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Medford, MA; Craig Minich, Rev., Lutheran
ELCA, ELCA, San Carlos, CA; David Minnick,
Interim Senior Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Spring Glen Church, UCC, Hamden, CT; Sydney
Mintz, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Emanu-El, San Francisco, CA; Tiana Mirapae,
Kohenet, Jewish Renewal, Temple of Sophia
Wellspring of Shekhinahs Love, Montague, MA;
Michael Misenheimer, Minister, Sacred Recovery,
Atlanta, GA; Douglas Mitchell, Associate Pastor
for Faith in Action, Presbyterian Church USA,
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis,
MN; Randle Mixon, Rev. Dr., American Baptist
Church, First Baptist Church, Palo Alto, CA; Rev.
Rick Modglin-Green, Associate Pastor, Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Central Woodward
Christian Church, Farmington Hills, MI; P
Moeller, Rev. Dr. (Retired), United Church of
Christ, UCC, Roswell, NM; Gulie Molkenthin,
Rev., Sanctuary of The Beloved, Kimmell, IN; Rob
Molla, Director of Human Resources, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Boston, MA; Joellynn Monahan, The
Rev., United Church of Christ, Clergy in Covenant
at Plymouth United Church of Christ, Oakland,
CA; Perry Montrose, Director of Lifespan
Religious Education and Faith Development,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Community
Unitarian Church at White Plains, White Plains,
NY; Paul Moody, Rev., LutheranELCA, Mount
Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rochester,
MN; Karen Mooney, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Beverly Unitarian,
Riverside, IL; Chris Moore, Senior Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Fellowship Congregational
United Church of Christ, Tulsa, OK; Joseph
Moore, Pastor/Head of Staff, Presbyterian Church
USA, Central Presbyterian Church, Austin, TX;
Mary Moore, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship Dayton, Ohio, Dayton, OH; Michael
Moore, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church, DeFuniak Springs, FL;
Calvin Moore, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
PCUSA, Los Angeles, CA; Richard Moore, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Pilgrim Place,
Claremont, CA; Tony Moore, Rev., United Church
of Christ, Forks UCC, Northampton, PA; David
Morabito, Worship Leader, Independent, Hazel
Park, MI; Peter Morales, President, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Boston, MA; John Morehouse, Lead
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Pacific Unitarian Church, Rancho Palos Verdes,
CA; Melanie Morel-Ensminger, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Hammond Unitarian
Church, New Orleans, LA; George Morgan, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, HR
Synod Executive, Trinitu, FL; Jessie Morgan,
Student Clergy, Metropolitan Community Church,
Holy Cross Metropolitan Community Churches,
Pensacola, FL; Peg Morgan, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Westside Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Seattle, WA; Faith
Morgan, Clerk, Quaker, Yellow Springs Friends
Meeting, Yellow Springs, OH; Stasa MorganAppel, Priestess & Witch, Roses, Too! Tradition,
Princeton, NJ; Amy Morgenstern, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA; Craig Moro,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Atkinson Memorial Church, Salem, OR; Debra
Morra, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Community Unitarian Church, White Plains, NY;
Mike Morran, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, 1st Unitarian Society of Denver,
Denver, CO; Jake Morrill, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Oak Ridge Unitarian
Universalist Church, Oak Ridge, TN; Dianne
Morrison, Rev., United Methodist Church, TC
Christ United Methodist Church, Traverse City,
MI; Lauren Morse-Wendt, Diaconal Minister,
LutheranELCA, Edina Community Lutheran
Church, Edina, MN; Rev. David Morton, Pastor of
Mission and Outreach (Retired), United Methodist
Church, United Methodist, Battle Creek, MI;
Susie Moskowitz, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Beth Torah, Melville, NY; Richard Mosley, Jr.,
Rev., United Methodist Church, Hemenway,
Evanston, IL; Deborah Moss, Rev., Unity, Unity of
Tampa Church, Tampa, FL; Marion Moss, Rev.
(Retired), Unity, Minister EmeritusUnity of
Tampa, Tampa, FL; Victoria Moss, Teaching Elder
(Minister), Presbyterian Church USA, Ridgewood
Presbyterian Church, Ridgewood, NY; Leslie
Moughty, Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational UCC of Brainerd, Brainerd, MN;
Amanda Mountain, Deaconess, United Methodist
Church, The United Methodist Church, Chicago,
IL; The Rev. Deniray Mueller, Legislative Liaison,
Episcopal Church, Diocese of Southern Ohio,
Columbus, OH; David Muffett, Director of Youth
Ministries, Presbyterian Church USA, The
Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, Bowling
Green, KY; Jeffrey Mullinix, Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Glenwood United Methodist
Church, Columbus, OH; Karen Muntzing, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, UMC, Hilliard, OH;
Karen Muntzing, Associate Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Hiliard UMC, Hilliard, OH;
Robert Murphy, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Falmouth, MA; Timothy Murphy, Executive
Director, Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Progressive Christians Uniting, Los Angeles, CA;
Richard Murphy, Pastor, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Peoples Church, Ludington, MI; Rev.
Grace M Murray, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Plymouth Congregational United Church of
Christ, Fargo, ND; Stephen Butler Murray,
President and Professor of Systematic Theology
and Preaching, American Baptist Church,
Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI;
Joy Myers, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Associate Pastor, Edwardsville, IL; Robin Nafshi,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth Jacob,
Concord, NH; Jennifer Nagel, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Salem English Lutheran
Church, Minneapolis, MN; Rita Nakashima Brock,
Rev. Dr., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Write Divinity School, Soul Repair Center, Ft.
Worth, TX; Sarah Napoline, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Andover Newton
Theological School, Newton Center, MA; Rabbi
Fred Natkin, Rev. Dr., JewishReform, Mateh
Chaim, Boynton Beach, FL; Rabbi Natkin, Dr.
Rabbi, Professor, Chaplain, Jewish, Mateh chaim,
US Navy Chaplain, Boynton Beach, FL; Gretchen
Naugle, Pastor, Episcopal Church, St. Lukes,
Wymore, NE; Ron Neff, Rev., Unity, Unity of
Stuart, Stuart, FL; Danielle Neff, Rev., United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ, York,
PA; Sally Neff, Cantor, JewishReform, Temple
Beth Torah, Nyack, NY; Rev. Jane Nelson, Senior
Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church, MCC
Sacred Journey, Hendersonville, NC; John Nelson,
The Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ, Niantic
Community Church, Niantic, CT; Julie Nemecek,
Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church USA, Elder, Spring
Arbor, MI; Christie Neuger, Professor Emerita of
Pastoral Theology (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Brite Divinity School, Minneapolis, MN;
Brian Newcomb, Rev. Doctor, United Church of
Christ, Davids United Church of Christ,
Kettering, OH; Christy Newton, Senior Minister,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, First
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Vallejo,
CA; Mark Newton, Rev. Dr., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Westside Unitarian,
Seattle, WA; Christine Ng, Senior Minister,
United Church of Christ, Central Congregational
Church, Dallas, TX; Elizabeth Nguyen,
Community Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Parish Cambridge, UU,
Cambridge, MA; Kari Nicewander, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Senior Minister, Immanuel
Congregational UCC, West Hartford, CT; Jane
Ellen Nickell, Chaplain, United Methodist
Church, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA;
Jonathan Niketh, Pastor, LutheranELCA, First
Lutheran Church, Lynn, MA; Victor Nixon, Rev.
(Retired), United Methodist Church, Pulaski
Heights United Methodist Church, Little Rock,
AR; Joshua Noblitt, Minister, United Methodist
Church, Saint Mark United Methodist Church,
Atlanta, GA; Molly Nolan, Director of Religious
Education, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden,
Meriden, CT; Robin Norsworthy, The Rev. Dr.,
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Cherry Log
Christian Church, Cherry Log, GA; Seth Novak,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Agnua Dei Lutheran
Church, Gig Harbor, WA; Theresa Novak, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Berkeley
Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, San
Anselmo, CA; Richard Nugent, Director, USA
Church Staff Finances, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Washington, DC; Milton Nunez-Coba, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA, Englewood,
NJ; Osarieme Obaseki, Evangelist, What About
Us Global Ministries, McKinney, TX; Diana
OBrien, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
LGBT Open Ministry, Wilton Manors, FL; Jean
OBrien, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
Saginaw, MI; Tom OBrien, Rev., United Church
of Christ, Memorial Congregational Church of
Sudbury, Sudbury, MA; Gail ODay, Dean and
Professor of New Testament and Preaching,
United Church of Christ, Wake Forest University
School of Divinity, Winston-Salem, NC; Colleen
Ogle, Rev., United Methodist Church, King
Avenue UMC, Columbus, OH; Madeline Lyn
Oglesby, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Shoreline Unitarian Universalist
Society, Guilford, CT; Jesse Olitzky, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Congregation Beth El,
South Orange, NJ; Claudene Oliva, Rev. Dr.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Flint, MI; Andy Oliver,
The Rev., United Methodist Church, Director of
Communications, Reconciling Ministries Network,
Chicago, IL; Donna Olsen, Volunteer Clergy on
Staff, Metropolitan Community Church, All Gods
Children Metropolitan Community Church,
Minneapolis, MN; James Olson, Rev. Dr., United
Church of Christ, St. Johns United Church of
Christ, Chicago, IL; Reg & Barbara Olson, Rev.
Dr., Presbyterian Church USA, St. Luke
Middletown, Monroe, OH; Dan Ornstein, Rabbi,
JewishConservative, Congregation Ohav Shalom,
Albany, NY; Karin Orr, Rev. Dr. (Retired), United
Methodist Church, Centreville United Methodist
Church, Grand Rapids, MI; Randy Orso, Rev.,
Moderator, and Founder, Universal Life Church
Monastery LGBTI Clergy Association, Hawley,
PA; Gaye Ortiz, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of
Augusta, Augusta, GA; Charles Ortman, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Montclair, NJ; Roger
Osgood, Senior Minister, Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Heights Christian Church,
University Heights, OH; Barbara Ostfeld, Cantor
(Retired), JewishReform, American Conference of
Cantors, Buffalo, NY; James Ostrander, Coordinator
of Homebound Ministries, United Methodist
Church, First United Methodist Church, Madison,
Madison, WI; Donald Ott, Bishop (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Council of Bishops,
Muskego, WI; Jordan Ottenstein, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Beth-El Congregation, Fort
Worth, TX; Judith Ovadia, Cantor, Jewish
Reform, Temple Shaarei Shalom, Boynton Beach,
FL; Deborah Owen, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Disciples of Christ/United
Church of Christ, Champaign, IL; Linda Owens,
Associate Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Bound Brook Presbyterian Church, Bound Brook,
NJ; Gina Pace, High Priestess/Minister, Wiccan,
Universal Life Church, Scranton, PA; Deborah
Packard, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, 1st
Presbyterian Church of Potsdam, Potsdam, NY;
Shelley Page, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of
Ogden, Ogden, UT; Jane Page, Rev. Dr., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Statesboro, Statesboro, GA; Rene
Pak, Reverend, United Methodist Church, Faith
Community / Cedar Grove UMCs, Bayville, NJ;
Andrew Paley, Senior Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Shalom, Dallas, TX; Lois Pallmeyer, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St.
Paul, MN; Wendy Pantoja, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Miami, Miami, FL; Elizabeth
Parab, The Rev., Episcopal Church, Diocese of El
Camino Real, Redwood City, CA; Dennis J.
Parker, Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Stephens
Episcopal Parish, Portland, OR; Charles Parker,
Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church,
Metropolitan United Methodist Church,
Washington, DC; Ellen Parker, High Priestess,
Hearthside Haven, East Hartford, CT; William
Parnell, Archdeacon for Mission, Episcopal
Church, Diocese of New York, New York, NY;
James Parrish, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Fayetteville, AR; Fr, Jamie Parsley, Priest in
Charge, Episcopal Church, St. Stephens Episcopal
Church, Fargo, ND; Susan Parsons, Rector,
Episcopal Church, St. Peters Episcopal Church,
Redwood City, CA; Dustin Parsons-Schwarz, Rev.,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Disciples of
Christ, Springfield, VA; Mariclair Partee Carlsen,
The Rev., Episcopal Church, Rector of St. Marys
Episcopal Church, Hamilton Village, PA; Cameron
Partridge, The Reverend Dr., Episcopal Church,
Episcopal Chaplain at Boston University,
Medford, MA; Carolyn Patierno, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, All Souls Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, New London, CT;
Barbara Patten, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Chaplain Cape Albeon, St. Louis, MO; Jennifet
Paty, Rev., MCC, Augusta, ME; Denis Paul, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, East Shore
Unitarian Universalist Church, Kirtland, OH;
Rev. Pawelek, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Society: East,
Manchester, CT; Andrew Peabody, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Clergy Serving in Extension
Ministry, Conyers, GA; Brennan Pearson,
Associate Pastor for Families and Fellowship,
Presbyterian Church USA, Westminster
Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN; Patricia
Pearson, Rev. Dcn., Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Diocese of California, Danville, CA; Emily PeckMcClain, Rev., United Methodist Church, New
York Annual Conference, Harrisonburg, VA;
Jennifer Peek, Student Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Elkhart, Elkhart, IN; Julie Peeples,
Senior Minister, United Church of Christ,
Congregational United Church of Christ,
Greensboro, NC; Lawrence Peers, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Christian Theological
School, Philadelphia, PA; Duffy Peet, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Pocatello
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Pocatello, ID;
Debra Peevey, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Journey of the Heart Ministries,
Surprise, AZ; Ann Pellegrino, Presiding Clerk,
Quaker, Lafayette (IN) Friends Meeting,
Lafayette, IN; Derek Penwell, Senior Minister,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Douglass
Blvd Christian Church, Louisville, KY; Summer
Perella, Chapalin, Reading Health System,
Reading, PA; Mary Perrin, Rector, Episcopal
Church, St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church,
Kalamazoo, MI; Elana Perry, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Temple Sinai, Atlanta, GA; Shoshana
Perry, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Shalom, Westford, MA; Hara Person, Rabbi,
Jewish, Central Conference of American Rabbis,
Brooklyn, NY; Clare Petersberger, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, The Towson Unitarian
Universalist Church, Towson, MD; Paul Petersen,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Bethel Lutheran
Church, Madison, WI; Glenn C. Petersen, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Mountain View Lutheran
Church, Puyallup, WA; Thomas Peterson, Rev.
(Retired), LutheranELCA, Parish Pastor,
Pompano Beach, FL; Amy Peterson Derrick,
Director of Religious Education, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Religious Educator,
Mahtomedi, MN; David Pettee, Ministerial
Credentialing Director, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Boston, MA; Bruce Pfeffer, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Reform Movement (Jewish), Indianapolis, IN;
Ronnie Phares, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Mountain Vista Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Tucson, AZ; Shane
Phelan, Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church, Companions
of Mary the Apostle, West Park, NY; Susan
Phillips, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church, Gresham, WI; Tom Phillips,
Ordained Minister, Claremont School of Theology,
Upland, CA; Michael Piazza, Sr. Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Virginia-Highland Church,
Atlanta, GA; David Pickett, Treasurer, Ruling
Elder Commissioner, Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbytery of West Jersey, Vineland, NJ; Ann
Pitman, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbyterian Church (USA), Ashland, KY; David
Pittle, Dr., Presbyterian Church USA,
Congregation for Spiritual Exploration, San
Rafael, CA; Mir Plemmons, Rev., Chaplain,
Chaplain, OSC, Chaplain in Pacific Northwest
Fandom, Renton, WA; Ann Plumley, Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Pastor, First Church of
Christ in Mansfield Center, Congregational, UCC,
Coventry, CT; Ron Pogue, Priest, Episcopal
Church, Interim Rector, Arlington, TX; LeDayne
Polaski, Executive director, Alliance of Baptists,
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America,
Charlotte, NC; Alton Pollard III, Dr., Howard
University School of Divinity, Washington, DC;
Pamela Griffith Pond, Rev., LutheranELCA, St.
Pauls Lutheran Church, Vallejo, CA; Jason Poole,
Youth Minister, LutheranELCA, ELCA 1st Year
Seminary Student, Janesville, WI; Deborah PopeLance, The Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Parish inn Wayland Unitarian
Universalist, Natick, MA; Amanda Poppei, Senior
Leader, Ethical Culture, Washington Ethical
Society, Washington, DC; Don Portwood, Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Lyndale United Church
of Christ, Minneapolis, MN; Rev. Eric Posa,
Interim Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Church of Harrisburg,
Harrisburg, PA; Kimberly Poteat, Rev., American
Baptist Church, Hominy Baptist Church, Candler,
NC; Michael Poulos, Rev., Presbyterian Church
USA, First Presbyterian Church, Asheville, NC;
Lois Powell, Rev., United Church of Christ, United
Church of Christ, Cleveland Heights, OH; John
Powell, Priest-in-charge, Episcopal Church, St.
Johns Church, Maple Shade, NJ; Bernice Powell
Jackson, Rev., United Church of Christ, First
United Church of Tampa, Trinity, FL; Lora
Powell-Haney, Director of religious education,
Unitarian Universalist Association, UU
Congregation of Frederick, Myersville, MD; Erin
Powers, Director of Religious Exploration for
Children and Youth, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Tampa, FL; John Powers, The Rev., United
Methodist Church, Superintendent, Gulf Central
District, Largo, FL; Kristen Pratt, Rev. (Retired),
United Church of Christ, Chaplain/Counselor, Los
Altos, CA; David Prentice, Rev., Episcopal Church,
Emmanuel Church, Wakefield, MA; Lisa Presley,
Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist, South Lyon, MI; Sarah
Pressly-James, First Year Seminary Student,
United Church of Christ, Chicago Theological
Seminary, Grayslake, IL; Marsha Price, Former
Adult Sunday School Teacher and Deacon,
Presbyterian Church USA, Grace Presbyterian
Church & Union Presbyterian Church, Ambridge,
PA; Sally Priesand, Rabbi (Retired), Jewish
Reform, Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls,
NJ; Chett Pritchett, Executive Director, United
Methodist Church, Methodist Federation for
Social Action, Washington, DC; Anabel Proffitt,
Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church USA, Childwold
Memorial Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, PA;
Steven Protzman, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Society of
Iowa City, Iowa City, IA; Robyn Provis, Rev. Dr.,
LutheranELCA, Salem Evangelical Lutheran,
Richfield, MN; Joy Christi Przestwor, Rev., St.
James Episcopal Congregation, West Hartford,
CT; Jeanne Pupke, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Unitarian Universalist Church,
Richmond, VA; Laura Queen, The Rev., Episcopal
Church, CPG, Stratford, CT; Melinda Quellhorst,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Grace United
Church of Christ, Lancaster, OH; Karen Quinlan,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation,
Madison, WI; Marge Ragona, Rev. (Retired),
Metropolitan Community Church, Pastor,
Birmingham, AL; Katherine Ragsdale, president,
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Divinity School,
Cambridge, MA; Suzanna Raker, Dr., Native
American, Episcopal, Calumet, MI; Beth
Rakestraw, Rev., Metropolitan Community
Church, Divine Peace MCC, Clarkston, MI; Daniel
Ramm, Pastor (Retired), Reformed Church in
America, Flatbush Reformed Church, New York,
NY; Lindi Ramsden, Acting Dean of Students and
Community Life, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Starr King School for the Ministry,
San Jose, CA; Charlsie Ramsey, Rev. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Pastor of Hanover
Presbyterian Church, Howard, OH; Christy
Ramsey, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbytery of Nevada, Carson City, NV; Donald
Randall, Community Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, UU Fellowship, Athens,
GA; Peg Randall Gardner, Director of Childrens
and Family Ministries, United Methodist Church,
Methodist, Mequon, WI; Dieter Randolph, The
Rev., Unity, Unity of Clearwater, Saint
Petersburg, FL; Fr. Jerry Rankin, Priest in
Charge, Episcopal Church, St. Johns Episcopal
Church, Abilene, KS; Donald Ransom, Rev.,
Senior. Clergy, Newark, NJ; Paige Rappleye,
Religious Education Coordinator / Youth Group
Advisor, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Kalispell, MT; Erik Rasmussen, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Woodbury United Methodist
Church, Woodbury, NY; NaDine Rawls, Pastor,
Free to Be, Lithia Springs, GA; Tonyia Rawls,
Bishop, Sacred Souls Community Church,
Charlotte, NC; Robert Rea, The Rev. (Retired),
Episcopal Church, Episcopal, Norcross, GA;
Bradley Redeker, Rev., Reformed Church in
America, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center,
Mays Landing, NJ; Suzanne Redfern-Campbell,
The Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces, Las
Cruces, NM; Sarah Reed, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Columbus,
OH; Deana Reed, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church
USA, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA;
Jennifer Rehbein, Director of Religious Education,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Lower Bucks, Ewing,
NJ; David Reinwald, Cantor, JewishReform,
Temple Beth Sholom, Santa Ana, CA; Karen Reiss
Medwed, Rabbi Dr. (Retired), Jewish
Conservative, Northeastern University, Atlanta,
GA; Julia Rendon, The Rev., United Church of
Christ, Crossroads UCC, Indianola, IA; Rev. Tom
Ressler, Minister, Rev., United Church of Christ,
St. Paul United Church of Christ, St. Louis, MO;
Layne Richard-Hammock, Director of Lifespan
Faith Development, Unitarian Universalist
Association, West Shore Unitarian Universalist
Church, Rocky River,, OH; Nancy Richards, Rev.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, United Church
of Christ, Cedar Mountain, NC; Rev. Marilyn
Richards, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Church Unitarian of Athol,
Athol, MA; Sarah Richards, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Carbondale Unitarian
Fellowship, Murphysboro, IL; Cherylann Richards,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Pediatric Hospice
and Palliative Care Chaplain at Nationwide
Childrens Hospital, Columbus, OH; Angela
Richardson, Rev., Old Catholic Church, Ohio
Orthodox Catholic Church, Cincinnati, OH; Sarah
Richey, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Hampton Park Christian Church,
Sylvania, OH; Ian Riddell, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV; Julie
Rigano, Religious Education Intern, Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Unitarian Society
of Westchester, New York, NY; Arthur Riihimaki,
Clerk of Session, Presbyterian Church USA,
Westminster Presbyterian Church, West Hartford,
CT; Meg Riley, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Church of the Larger Fellowship,
Minneapolis, MN; Dr. Tim Riley, Head Minister,
Universal Life Church / ALOHA branch Molokai,
Hawaii, Kaunakakai, HI; Joshua Rinas, The Rev.,
LutheranELCA, First Lutheran Church of
Southington, Southington, CT; Allise Riney,
Pastor, Pentecostal, KOF, North Augusta, SC;
Heather Rion Starr, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Co-Minister, Unitarian Society of
Hartford, Hartford, CT; DiAnna Ritola, Rev.,
Mother Grove Goddess Temple, Asheville, NC;
Jessica Rivera-Walker, Reverend, Lutheran
ELCA, Pastor, Northwest Lower Michigan Synod,
Holland, MI; Adam Robersmith, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Second Unitarian
Church, Chicago, IL; Mary Robert, Assistant
Rector, Episcopal Church, All Saints Episcopal
Church, Mobile, AL; Cindy Roberts, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Douglas Community United
Methodist Church, Douglas, AK; The Rev. John
Roberts, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Unity
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL;
Josephine Robertson, The Rev., Episcopal Church,
St. Johns Episcopal Church, Kirkland, WA;
Kathleen Robertson King, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, United Campus Ministry,
Kalamazoo, MI; Allyson Robinson, Former
Transitional Pastor, Alliance of Baptists, Calvary
Baptist Church, Washington, DC; Cynthia
Robinson, Rev., United Church of Christ, New Ark
United Church of Christ, Newark, DE; Yair
Robinson, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation
Beth Emeth, Wilmington, DE; Tracey RobinsonHarris, Interim Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Church in Jamaica Plain,
Boston, MA; Kimberly Rodrigue, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, Trinity Presbyterian
Church, Nashville, TN; Diana Rogers, Rector,
Episcopal Church, Epiphany Episcopal,
Middletown, CT; Tandi Rogers, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalism
Association, Tacoma, WA; Dawn Roginski, Rev.
Dr., LutheranELCA, Lutheran Church of the
Holy Trinity, Vallejo, CA; Kristen Rohm, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, SouthWest
Unitarian Universalist Church, North Royalton,
OH; Megan Rohrer, Pastor, LutheranELCA,
Grace Lutheran Church, San Francisco, CA;
Kathleen Rolenz, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, West Shore Unitarian Universalist
Church, Bay Village, OH; Rev. Jean Rollin,
Minister, United Methodist Church, Common
Ground: A United Methodist Community,
Cambridge, MN; Ann Romanczuk, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Association, St. Paul, MN; Ervin G.
Roorda, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Presbyterian Church
USA, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Mill
Creek, WA; Jason Rosenberg, Rabbi, Jewish,
Rabbi of Congregation Beth Am, Tampa, FL;
Adam Rosenwasser, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Associate Rabbi, Washington, DC; Amy Ross,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Emanu-El, Dallas,
TX; Rev. Christopher Ross, Pastor, United Church
of Christ, First Reformed United Church of Christ,
Manitowoc, WI; Patricia Ross, The Rev., Episcopal
Church, St. Francis Church, Fair Oaks, CA; Nori
Rost, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, All Souls Unitarian Universalist
Church, Colorado Springs, CO; Alan Rowbotham,
Rev. (Retired), Unity, Minister Emeritus, First
Unity Church, St. Petersburg, FL; Jerry Roy,
Bishop-Elect, Episcopal Church, Mid-Atlantic
Diocese, Universal Anglican Church, Annandale,
VA; Leah Roy-Ehri, Meeting Clerk, Quaker,
Bloomington Monthly Meeting, Bloomington, IN;
Renee Ruchotzke, Minister, Congregational Life,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Kent, OH; Carol Rudisill,
Minister (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist, Sierra Madre,
CA; Bonnie Ruggiero, Ruling Elder, Presbyterian
Church USA, Willow Grove Presbyterian Church,
Scotch Plains, NJ; Pamela Rumancik, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Church of Hinsdale, Hinsdale, IL; Vicki Rush,
Ruling Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, Faith
Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN; Jill
Russell, Minister, Reformed Church in America,
Hope Church, Holland, MI; Susan Russell, Rev.
Canon, Episcopal Church, All Saints Episcopal
Church, Pasadena, CA; Bruce Russell-Jayne, Rev.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Member All Souls Unitarian (Universalist)
Church, Carmel, IN; Gregory Ryan, Senior Pastor,
United Church of Christ, Oakland Christian
United Church of Christ, Suffolk, VA; Nathan
Ryan, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge,
LA; Denise Ryder, Rev. Dr., Cooperative Baptists,
Roudebush VA Medical Center, Greenwood, IN;
Aaron Saari, Rev., United Church of Christ, First
Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs, Yellow
Springs, OH; ReBecca Sala, Manager of Pastoral
Care, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT; Kent Saleska,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist, Wayzata, MN; John
Salmon, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA,
PCUSA, Portland, OR; Cynthia Salo, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Central Lutheran Church,
Seattle, WA; Lee Marie Sanchez, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist,
Huntington Beach, CA; William Sanford Ryan,
Youth Minister, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Azle Christian Church, Azle, TX; Joan
Saniuk, Rev. Dr., Metropolitan Community
Church, MCC New England Ministries, Medford,
MA; George Sartin, Rector, Episcopal Church,
Church of the Advent, Tallahassee, FL; Donald
Satterthwaite, Co-Clerk, Quaker, Green Country
Friends, Bixby, OK; Deborah Saxe, Rev., Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, Disciples Gathering,
Westerville, OH; John Saxon, Lead Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh, Raleigh, NC;
Frank Schaefer, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Lead Pastor, Isla Vista Student Ministry/SBK
United Methodist Church, Isal Vista, CA; Frank
Schaefer, The Rev., United Methodist Church,
University United Methodist Church/Isla Vista
Student Ministry, Isla Vista, CA; Lisa Schafers,
Minister, American Marriage Ministries, Lincoln,
NE; Daria Schaffnit, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Ordained Minister of the Word and
Sacrament, Spiritual Coach, Lake Orion, MI;
Daniel Schatz, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, BuxMont Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, Warrington, PA; Philip Schechter,
Rabbi (Retired), JewishReform, Rabbi in
Residence 1st Presbyterian Church, Stamford, CT;
Tandy Scheffler, Minister of Faith Formation,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Oak Ridge
Unitarian Universalist Church, Oak Ridge, TN;
Amy Scheinerman, Rabbi, Jewish, Howard County
Jewish Hospice Program, Columbia, MD;
Christopher Schelin, Assistant to the Dean of
Faculty, Cooperative Baptists, Starr King School
for the Ministry, Pinole, CA; Elizabeth
Scheuerman, The Rev. (Retired), Unitarian
Universalist Association, UU Minister, New York,
NY; The Rev. Dr. Rick Schlosser, Executive
Director, United Methodist Church, California
Council of Churches, Sacramento, CA; Bradley
Schmeling, Senior Pastor, LutheranELCA, Gloria
Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN; Ben Schmidt,
Rev. (Retired), Pentecostal, Pentecostal, Enid, OR;
Christian Schmidt, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Parish in Malden,
Universalist, Malden, MA; Rev. Kathy Schmitz,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
First Unitarian Church of Orlando, Orlando, FL;
Clint Schnekloth, Lead Pastor, LutheranELCA,
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Fayetteville,
AR; Lauren Schoeck, The Rev., Episcopal Church,
St. James, Lancaster, PA; Lia Scholl, Pastor,
Alliance of Baptists, Wake Forest Baptist Church,
Winston-Salem, NC; Rebecca Schorr, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Central Conference of American
Rabbis, Emmaus, PA; Edward Schreur, Rev. Dr.,
Reformed Church in America, Greenville
Community Church, Scarsdale, NY; Chris
Schriner, Rev. Dr. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Minister Emeritus, Mission Peak
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Fremont,
CA; Jana Schroeder, Clerk, Quaker, Clear Creek
Friends Meeting, Richmond, IN; Rev. Celeste
Anne Schroeder, Spiritual Director, New Thought,
One Spirit New Thought Community, Knoxville,
TN; Justin Schroeder, Sr. Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist,
Minneapolis, MN; Rebecca Schroeder, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, Guerneville Community
Church, United Church of Christ, Santa Rosa, CA;
Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer, Executive for Health
and Wholeness Advocacy, United Church of
Christ, United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH;
Heidi Schuler, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Southeast Conference of the United Church of
Christ, Ellijay, GA; Matthew Schultz, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, First Presbyterian
Church of Anchorage Alaska, Anchorage, AK;
William Schulz, President, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Service
Committee, Cambridge, MA; Catherine Schuyler,
Pastor, Duluth Congregational Church, Duluth,
MN; Beth Schwartz, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Israel, Columbus, GA; David Schwartz,
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Sr. CoMinister o the First Unitarian Church of Chicago,
Chicago, IL; Teresa Schwartz, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Unitarian Church
of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Carolyn Schwarz, Rev.,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Pine Valley
Christian Church, Wichita, KS; Cathy Scott, Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church, Indianapolis,
IN; Annie Scott, Credentialed Dir. of Lifespan
Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Atkinson Memorial Church, Lake
Oswego, OR; Dayle Scott, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
American Baptist Church, American Baptist
Seminary of the West, San Leandro, CA; Diane
Scribner Clevenger, Rev., Senior Minister, Unity,
Unity of Naples, Unity Worldwide Ministries,
Naples, FL; Elizabeth Scriven, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Clare of Assisi Episcopal
Church, Ypsilanti, MI; Catherine Scudera,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
First Parish in Needham, Needham, MA; Dawn
Seaman, Rev., Reformed Church in America,
Community Church of Keyport, Keyport, NJ;
Magdalyn Sebastian, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Providence Hood River
Memorial Hospital, Hood River, OR; Louise
Seipel, Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church,
Broad Street United Methodist Church,
Columbus, OH; James Semmelroth Darnell, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Washington, DC; Amy Sens, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, six:eight UCC, Baltimore, MD;
Michele Sevacko, Rev. Dr., New Thought,
International Metaphysical Ministry, Walkertown,
NC; Dave Shackle, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Brecksville United Church of Christ,
Brecksville, OH; Susie Shaefer, Rev., Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI; Michael Shaffer, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Klemme/Goodell United
Methodist Churches, Klemme, IA; Scott Shafrin,
Rabbi, JewishConservative, The Epstein School,
Atlanta, GA; Kate Shaner, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Minister of Mission, First Community
Church, Powell, OH; Katherine Shaner, Assistant
Professor of New Testament, LutheranELCA,
Wake Forest University School of Divinity,
Winston Salem, NC; Wayne Shannon, Chaplain,
United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Madison, WI; Janet Shannon, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Westminster UCC, Spokane,
WA; Dean Shapiro, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Emanuel, Tempe, AZ; Zach Shapiro,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Akiba, Culver
City, CA; JoAnne Sharp, Ruling Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA, Pflugerville,
TX; Bill Sharpe, University Chaplain (Retired),
United Methodist Church, N.C.S.U., Gibsonville,
NC; Ruth Shaver, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Ordained United Church of Christ Clergy,
Schellsburg, PA; Amy Shaw, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Lake Country Unitarian
Universalist Church, Hartland, WI; W. Lee Shaw,
Rev. (Retired), Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Church, Salt Lake City, UT; Joshua Shawnee,
Associate Pastor, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, First Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), Shawnee, OK; Wayne Shearier, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
Niles, MI; Virginia Sheets, Ruling Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, White Lick
Presbyterian Church, Brownsburg, IN; Randy
Sheinberg, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Tikvah,
New Hyde Park, NY; Misty-Dawn Shelly, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne, Fort
Wayne, IN; Laura Shennum, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Cascade Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship, East Wenatchee, WA;
Carey Shepard, Chaplain, Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, Hospital, Dupont, WA; Steven
Sherman, Pastor, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, First Christian Church, Oak Ridge, TN;
Jonathan Sherrod, Teaching Elder, Presbyterian
Church USA, Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Raleigh, NC; Richard Shields, Priest, Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii, Honolulu,
HI; Rhonda Shipley, Minister, The Church Within,
Indianapolis, IN; Josh Shipman, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, Seminary of the Southwest,
Austin, TX; Richard Shives, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Asst. Minister Zion UMC,
Cumberland, MD; Richard Short, General
Presbyter (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA,
Presbytery of Eastern VA, Roswell, GA; Candace
Shultis, Rev. Dr., Metropolitan Community
Church, King of Peace Metropolitan Community
Church, Saint Petersburg, FL; Andy Sidden,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Garden of Grace
United Church of Christ, Newberry, SC; Bryan
Siefert, Rev., United Methodist Church, Senior
Pastor in Local Parish, Knightdale, NC; Ruth
Sievert, Pastor, LutheranELCA, ELCA, Long
Beach, CA; Dan Sikowitz, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Kol Ami of Frederick, Frederick,
MD; Sara Sills, Clergy Candidate, Metropolitan
Community Church, Metropolitan Community
Church, Mobile, AL; Jenn Simmons, Community
Pastor, Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
National Avenue Christian Church, Springfield,
MO; Melissa Simon, Rabbi, JewishReform, Hillel
Director and Jewish Chaplain at Muhlenberg
College, Allentown, PA; Rebekah Simon-Peter,
Rev., United Methodist Church, Bridge Works
Ministry, Casper, WY; Ellen Sims, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Open Table United Church of
Christ, Mobile, AL; Suzanne Singer, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Riverside Temple Beth El,
Riverside, CA; Jacob Singer-Beilin, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am,
Abington, PA; Leela Sinha, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Parish Church,
Portland, ME; Nicolette Siragusa, The Rev.,
United Church of Christ, First Congregational
UCC, Grand Ledge, MI; Rebecca Sirbu, Rabbi,
Jewish, CLALThe National Jewish Center for
Learning and Leadership, Teaneck, NJ; Raina
Siroty, Cantor, JewishReform, HUC JIR, Los
Angeles, CA; Karen Sisk, Elder, Presbyterian
Church USA, Paw Creek Presbyterian Church,
Charlotte, NC; Mark Skrabacz, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, San Gabriel
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Georgetown,
TX; Michael Slagenweit-Coffman, Hospice
Chaplain, United Church of Christ, Unity Point
Health, Cedar Rapids, IA; Rachel Small Stokes,
Associate Pastor, United Church of Christ, Church
of Christ, Union (Union Church), Berea, KY;
Andrew Smith, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Clarkton Presbyterian Church, Clarkton, NC; Earl
Smith, Rev., United Church of Christ, New Hope
United Church of Christ Deland, Deland, FL;
Kathy Smith, Director of Religious Education,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Community
UU Church, Plano, TX; Lynda Smith, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Athens Ohio,
Columbus, OH; Donald Smith, Rev. (Retired),
Presbyterian Church USA, Synod of Southern
California and Hawaii, Glendale, CA; Gary Smith,
Rev., United Church of Christ, East Side
Congregational United Church of Christ,
Binghamton, NY; Mark Smith, Chaplain,
Presbyterian Church USA, Capital Health
Regional Medical Center, Hamilton, NJ; Robb
Smith, Unitarian Universalist Lay Community
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Impact of NYS, Albany, NY; Katie Smith,
Resident Pastor, United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Church, Dayton, OH; Rusty
Smith, Bishop, Presiding Bishop of the
Evangelical Anglican Church, Sandia Park, NM;
Charles Smith, O.S.F., Archbishop, Old Catholic
Church, Our Lady of Peace Cathedral, Ohio
Orthodox Catholic Church, Cincinnati, OH; Ed
Sniecienski, Rev. Canon (Retired), Episcopal
Church, Church of the Ascension, Los Angeles,
CA; Lathe Snyder, The Rev., Social Service
Agency, Centerville, OH; Nathan Sobers, CoModerator, Presbyterian Church USA, More Light
Presbyterians, Seattle, WA; Lynn Sodora, Director
of Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist
Association, UU Fellowship of Sussex County,
Newton, NJ; David Soliday, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Delaware Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship, Delaware, OH; Jeannette
Solimine, Pulpit Supply/Volunteer Chaplain,
United Church of Christ, Pacific Northwest
ConferenceUCC, Colfax, WA; Eric Solomon,
Rabbi, JewishConservative, Beth Meyer
Synagogue, Raleigh, NC; Elliott Sommerville,
Rev., Pentecostal, The Fellowship of Affirming
Ministries, Atlanta, GA; Suzi Spangenberg,
Chaplain, Unitarian Universalist Association,
California Pacific Medical Center, Davies Campus,
San Francisco, CA; Suzi Spangenberg, Chaplain,
Unitarian Universalist Association, California
Pacific Medical Center, Davies Campus, San
Francisco, Berkeley, CA; Danny Spears, Senior
Pastor, MCC Northern Virginia, Alexandria, VA;
Fr. Bob Spencer, Priest (Retired), Episcopal
Church, Episcopal Church, Eagle, ID; Larry
Spencer, The Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church
USA, First Presbyterian Church, Arlington, TX;
Scott Spencer, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Oklahoma Conference, The United Methodist
Church, Ponca City, OK; Blake Spencer, Rev. Dr.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Ocean Heights
Presbyterian Church, Egg Harbor Township, NJ;
Jeffrey Spencer, Senior Pastor, United Church of
Christ, Niles Discovery Church, Fremont, CA;
Scott Sperling, Rabbi, JewishReform, Valley
Council, Winchester, VA; Rev. Nancy Spier Lee,
Reverend, United Church of Christ, Local Church,
Dupo, IL; Erin Splaine, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Unitarian Society
in Newton, Newton, MA; C. Joseph Sprague,
Bishop (Retired), United Methodist Church,
United Methodist, Columbus, OH; Stephen
Sprinkle, Professor of Practical Theology, Alliance
of Baptists, Brite Divinity School, Dallas, TX; Rex
Sprouse, Presiding Clerk, Quaker, Ohio Valley
Yearly Meeting, Bloomington, IN; Norma Spurgin,
The Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA,
Faith Community Church, Big Lake, MN;
Michaela St.Marie, Rev., United Methodist Church,
United Methodist, Baldwinsville, NY; Lauren
Stanley, Rev. Dr., Episcopal Church, Priest-inCharge, Rosebud Episcopal Mission (West),
Mission, SD; Thomas Starnes, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, United Methodist
Church, Rehoboth Beach, DE; William Stayton,
Rev. Dr. (Retired), American Baptist Church,
Widener University, Northumberland, PA; Julie
Stecker, Associate in Ministry, LutheranELCA,
Delaware-Maryland Synod, Baltimore, MD; Lloyd
Steffen, University Chaplain, United Church of
Christ, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; Linda
Steigman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Jewish, Prairie
Village, KS; Howard Stein, Rabbi, Jewish, Temple
Hadar Israel, Pittsburgh, PA; Peter Stein, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Brith Kodesh, Rochester,
NY; Eleanor Steinman, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Beth Hillel, Valley Village, CA; Bruce
Steinway, Pastor, LutheranELCA, Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America, Naugatuck, CT;
Greg Stemm, Clerk, Quaker, St. Petersburg
Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, St.
Petersburg, FL; Darryl Stephens, Professor,
United Methodist Church, Lancaster Theological
Seminary, Lancaster, PA; Gregory Sterling, Rev.,
Yale Divinity School; Henry L. Slack Dean, Lilian
Claus Professor of New Testament, New Haven,
CT; John Sterrett, Rev., United Church of Christ,
St. Peters UCC, Dubois, IN; Elizabeth Stevens,
The Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, UU
Church of the Palouse, Moscow, ID; Brigit
Stevens, Associate Conference Minister, United
Church of Christ, Iowa Conference United Church
of Christ, Des Moines, IA; Deborah Stevens, Rev.
Dr., United Methodist Church, North Broadway
UMC-Senior Pastor, Columbus, OH; Barbara
Stevenson, Volunteer, Unitarian Universalist
Association, NWUU Church, Detroit, MI;
Alexander Steward, Rev., LutheranELCA,
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Allegan, MI; Arthur
Stewart, Senior Minister, Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Midway Hills Christian
Church, Dallas, TX; Rob Stewart, The Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Chattanooga, TN; Marian Stewart, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist, Kirkland, WA; Jeffrey Stiffman,
Rabbi Emeritus (Retired), JewishReform,
Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis, MO;
Jeanette Stokes, The Rev., Presbyterian Church
USA, Resource Center for Women and Ministry in
the South, Durham, NC; Krishna Stone, Rev., Gay
Mens Health Crisis, Brooklyn, NY; Julie
Stoneberg, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough,
Peterborough, MN; Rev. Seth Stout, Co-Pastor,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Fringe
Community [CC (DOC)], Columbus, OH; Louise
Stowe-Johns, Pastor, United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Church, Amityville, NY; Eric
Strader, Rev., United Methodist Church, Senior
Pastor, Denver, CO; Loren Strait, Rev., Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Des Moines, IA; Erik Strand,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Edina Community
Lutheran Church, Edina, MN; Deanna Straw,
Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Christian Church in Ohio, Athens, OH; Bonnie
Streigold, Cantor, JewishConservative, Or Olam
East 55th Street Synagogue, Astoria, NY; Yvonne
Schumacher Strejcek, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Assn, UUMA,
and Michigan UU Social Justice Network,
Brighton, MI; Yvonne Schumacher Strejcek, The
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Ordained Unitarian Universalist minister,
Brighton, MI; Kevin Strickland, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Director for Worship of the
ELCA, Chicago, IL; Mary Strieff, Communications
Chair, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Shoreline UU Society, Guilford, CT; Karen Strok,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Leo Baeck Temple,
Sherman Oaks, CA; Fr. Daniel Stroud, Assistant
to the Rector, Episcopal Church, St. Thomas
Episcopal Church, Whitemarsh, PA; Lara Stroud,
The Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Thomas
Episcopal Church, Whitemarsh, PA; Theron
Stuart, Rev., Cooperative Baptists, First Baptist
Church, Decatur, GA; Elwood Sturtevant, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Thomas
Jefferson Unitarian Church, Louisville, KY;
Serena Sullivan, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, PC(USA), Tacoma, WA; Joseph
Summers, Vicar, Episcopal Church, The Episcopal
Church of the Incarnation, Ann Arbor, MI; Scott
Summerville, Pastor, United Methodist Church,
Asbury Crestwood UMC, Yonkers, NY; Ann
Minneapolis Area Synod, Minneapolis, MN; Steve
Swafford, President, Metropolitan Community
Church, Metropolitan Community Church, Dexter,
OR; Nadine Swahnberg, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Community Minister, Lakewood, CO; Javen
Swanson, Associate Pastor, LutheranELCA,
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Saint Paul, MN;
Marvin Sweeney, Professor of Hebrew Bible,
Jewish, Claremont School of Theology, Claremont,
CA; Michael Sweeney, Professor, United
Methodist Church, Head of Church Leadership
Board and Sunday School Teacher, Athens, OH;
Laurie Sweigard, Rev., Alliance of Baptists,
Central Baptist dually aligned ABC-USA and
Alliance of Baptists, Wayne, PA; JeanAnne Swope,
Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, PCUSA,
Whitefish, MT; Kate Taber, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbyterian Church (USA) World
Mission Agency, Atlanta, GA; William Taber,
Rev., American Baptist Church, York Baptist
Church, York, NY; Nigel Taber-Hamilton, Rector
and Senior Pastor, Episcopal Church, St.
Augustines in the Woods Episcopal Church,
Freeland, WA; Jan Taddeo, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Gwinnett, Grayson, GA; Heather
Tadlock, Rev., Presbyterian Church USA, John
Calvin Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK; Jenn
Tafel, Rev., Q-Cross at MSU, Ovid, MI; Melvin G.
Talbert, Bishop (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Western Jurisdiction, Hermitage, TN;
Justin Tanis, Dr., Center for Lesbian and Gay
Studies in Religion and Ministry at Pacific School
of Religion, Berkeley, CA; Kirstin Tannas, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Unity Lutheran Church, Detroit,
MI; Beth Tanner, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church
USA, New Brunswick Theological Seminary,
Somerset, NJ; Joshua Taub, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Temple Emanuel, Beaumont, TX; Leslie
Tawnamaia, Rev. (Retired), Unitarian Universalist
Association, Community Minister, Marshfield, VT;
Julie Taylor, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Emerson UU Chapel, St. Louis, MO;
Leslie Taylor, Transitional Pastor, United Church
of Christ, Advent United Church of Christ,
Columbus, OH; Scott Taylor, Sr. Minister,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, First
Christian Church, Grand Island, NE; Susan
Taylor, Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Johns
Episcopal Church, Randolph, VT; Vivian Taylor,
Executive Director, Episcopal Church, Integrity
USA, Cambridge, MA; Paul Tellstrom, Rev.Dr.,
United Church of Christ, Irvine United
Congregational Church, Irvine, CA; Patricia
Templeton, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Dunstans Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA; Elaine
Tenbrink, Minister of Membership and Adult
Ministries, Unitarian Universalist Association,
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis,
Minneapolis, MN; Carmen TenEyck-McDowell,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Evergreen Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Marysville, WA; Andrew Tengwall, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, Lutheran Church of the Savior,
Kalamazoo, MI; Abbey Tennis, Interim
Advancement Director, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Starr King School for the Ministry,
Oakland, CA; Bill S. Tepper, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Congregational Rabbi, Chattanooga, TN;
Miriam Terlinchamp, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Sholom, Cincinnati, OH; David Teutsch,
Rabbi, JewishReconstructionist, Director, Center
for Jewish Ethics, Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College, Philadelphia, PA; David Teutsch, Rabbi,
JewishReconstructionist, Reconstructionist
Rabbinical College, Wyncote, PA; Jane Thickstun,
Interim Associate Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA; Robert Thomas, The Rev.,
Episcopal Church, St. Peters Episcopal Church,
Seward, AK; Dr Thomas, Senior Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, Founders
Metropolitan Community Church Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA; James Thomas, Pastor, Presbyterian
Church USA, First Presbyterian Church of Iselin,
Iselin, NJ; Heather Thomason, Rev., Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Hospice Chaplain,
Little Canada, MN; Laird Thomason, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Capital Caring, North Bethesda, MD; John
Thompson, Elder, Presbyterian Church USA,
Church of Reconciliation, Chapel Hill, NC;
Edward Thompson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Church in Westport,
Norwalk, CT; Patricia J Thompson, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Puffer/Wolcott United
Methodist Churches, Morrisville, VT; Stephanie
Thompson, Minister, United Church of Christ, St.
John United Church of Christ, Riegelsville, PA;
William L. Thompson, III, The Rev. (Retired),
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Ordained
Minister, Cherry Log, GA; Adriene Thorne, Rev.,
Reformed Church in America, Middle Collegiate
Church, Bronx, NY; Barbara Threet, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Melrose
Unitarian Universalist Church, Melrose, MA;
Rachel Timoner, Rabbi, JewishReform, Leo
Baeck Temple, Los Angeles, CA; Michael Tino,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern
Westchester, Peekskill, NY; Kevin Tisdol,
Minister of Administration, Metropolitan
Community Church, Sunshine Cathedral, Ft
Lauderdale, FL; John Tolley, Rev. Dr. (Retired),
Unitarian Universalist Association, Meadville
Lombard Theological School, Crawfordsville, IN;
Michelle Torigian, Pastor, United Church of
Christ, UCC Clergy, Cincinnati, OH; Shoshanah
Tornberg, Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Or
Ami, Lafayette Hill, PA; Gerald L. Toshalis, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), United Methodist Church, First
United Methodist Church, Kalamazoo, MI; Mary
Kay Totty, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Dumbarton United Methodist Church, Washington,
DC; Emilie Townes, Carpenter Professor of
Womanist Ethics and Society, American Baptist
Church, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville,
TN; Sandra Tracy, Bereavement Counselor,
Quaker, Quaker, Knoxville, TN; Edward Travers,
Rev., Pastor, San Antonio, TX; Troy Treash, Rev.,
Metropolitan Community Church, Resurrection
Metropolitan Community Church, Houston, TX;
Daniel Treiser, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Bnai Israel, Clearwater, FL; Dale Tremper, Rev.
Dr. (Retired), United Methodist Church, Travis
Park United Methodist Church, San Antonio, TX;
James Triplett, Associate Senior Pastor,
Pentecostal, Affirming Pentecostal Church
international, Chicago, IL; Carol Trissell, Rev.
Dr., Metropolitan Community Church, MCC of
Topeka, Lawrence, KS; Richard Trudeau, The
Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister
Emeritus, UU Church, Weymouth, MA; Kari
Tuling, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth
Israel, Plattsburgh, NY; Mike Tupper, Pastor,
United Methodist Church, Parchment UMC,
Lawrence, MI; Rev. Paul Turner, Senior Pastor,
Gentle Spirit Christian Church, Decatur, GA; Pat
Turner-Sharpton, The Rev. Dr., United Methodist
Church, Senior Minister, First United Methodist
Church, St. Augustine, FL; Karen Turney, Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, Covenant Presbyterian
Church, Atlanta, GA; Connie Tuttle, Rev., Circle
of Grace Community Church, Tucker, GA; Sara
Tweedy, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Memorial UMC, White Plains, NY; Ian Twiss,
Rev., Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal Church,
Belleville, MI; Ross Tyler, Rev., United Church of
Christ, St. JohnsUnited Church of Christ,
Indianapolis, IN; Jennifer Tyler, Pastor, United
Methodist Church, United Methodist Church,
Wahpeton, ND; Mike Underhill, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Nexus United Church of Christ,
Cincinnati, OH; Kirby Unti, Bishop, Lutheran
ELCA, Northwest Washington Synod ELCA,
Renton, WA; Olivia Updegrove, Rev. Dr., Disciples
of Christ, Christian Church, Families and
Childrens Ministry, Milford, OH; Steve Urie,
Rev., Joplin Diversity Fellowship, Joplin, MO;
Marta Valentin, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, First Church Unitarian Littleton,
Littleton, MI; David Van Dyke, Rev. Dr.,
Presbyterian Church USA, First Presbyterian
Church, Stamford, CT; Gloria Van Houten, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Sarasota, FL; Chuck Van Houten, Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Stony Brook Community
Church, Stony Brook, NY; Lois Van Leer, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Woodinville
Unitarian Universalist Church, Woodinville, WA;
John Van Nuys, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian Church
USA, Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Crawfordsville, IN; Kathleen Van Sickle, The
Venerable, Episcopal Church, St. Albans
VanBecelaere, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Central East Region of the UUA,
Columbus, OH; Kelly VanBrouwer, Rev., United
Church of Christ, Loyola, Berwyn, IL; Vladimir
Vandalov, Rev. Father, Orthodox-Catholic Church
of America, Oxford, MI; Rose Vanden Eynden,
Rev., United Spiritualists of the Christ Light
Church, Cincinnati, OH; Cornelis vanderBent,
Rev., NACCC National Office, Lakeland, MN;
James VanderWeele, Senior Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Community Church
Unitarian Universalist, New Orleans, LA; Marlin
Vanderwilt, Pastor Emeritus (Retired), Reformed
Church in America, Hope Church, RCA, Holland,
MI; Mary Vano, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Margarets Episcopal Church,, Little Rock, AR;
David Vasquez-Levy, President, LutheranELCA,
Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA; Barbara
Vaughan, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA,
Berkeley-Hillside Presbyterian Church, Downers
Grove, IL; Kristin Vaughn, Rev., United Church of
Christ, UCC, Whitsett, NC; Rev. Deborah Vaughn,
Chaplain, Alliance of Baptists, Hospice,
Gaithersburg, MD; Joanne Verburg, Rev.
(Retired), Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Local Congregation, Black Mountain, NC; Javier
Viera, Dean and Professor of Pastoral Theology,
United Methodist Church, Drew University
Theological School, Madison, NJ; Janet Vincent,
Priest (Retired), Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Church, Cottekill, NY; Enid Virago, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association,
Virginia Commonwealth University, North
Chesterfield, VA; Marion Visel, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, First Parish in Concord,
Concord, MA; C.T. Vivian, Rev. Dr., Founder, C.T.
Vivian Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA; Rebecca
Voelkel, Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ,
Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis,
MN; The Rev. Gina Volpe, Rector, Episcopal
Church, Church of the Holy Nativity, Chicago, IL;
Carl vom Eigen, Rev. (Retired), Presbyterian
Church USA, Presbyterian Church USA, Tarpon
Springs, FL; Patricia Wagner, Rev., United
Methodist Church, Maynard Avenue United
Methodist Church, Columbus, OH; Lori Walke,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Mayflower
Congregational UCC, Oklahoma City, OK;
Elizabeth Walker, Supervisory Chaplain,
Episcopal Church, Federal Bureau of PrisonsFPC
Alderson, Lewisburg, WV; Kate Walker, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Mt. Vernon
Unitarian Church, Alexandria, VA; Kurt Walker,
Rev., United Church of Christ, Faith United
Church of Christ, Indianapolis, IN; Kyle Walker,
Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA, Faith
Presbyterian Church, Austin, TX; Marlene
Walker, Rev. Dr., Unitarian Universalist
Association, North Shore Unitarian Church,
Deerfield, IL; Vicki Walker, Minister of Missions
& Outreach, United Methodist Church, UMC,
Tampa, FL; Rev. Kenneth Walsh, Pastor,
Reformed Church in America, Old Dutch Church
of Kingston, Kingston, NY; Lora Walsh, Priest,
Episcopal Church, St. Pauls Episcopal Church /
Grace Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, AR; Linda
Walsh, Chaplaon, CPSP / OUnI, Layton, UT;
Laura Walters Baskett, Rev. Dr., Presbyterian
Church USA, Central Florida Presbytery, DeLand,
FL; Patricia Walton, Rev. (Retired), United
Church of Christ, United Church of Christ,
Beaumont, CA; Mark Walz, Rev., Unitarian
Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist
Church of Oak Cliff, Dallas, TX; Alida Ward,
Pastor, United Church of Christ, Greenfield Hill
Congregational Church, Fairfield, CT; Beverly
Waring, Rev., Unitarian Universalist Association,
Hopedale Unitarian Parish, Marlborough, MA;
Peter Warmanen, Pastor, LutheranELCA, House
of Prayer Lutheran Church, Seabrook, TX;
Deborah Warren, President & CEO, RAIN,
Southern Baptist, RAIN, Charlotte, NC; Suzanne
Wasilczuk, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Mesabi Unitarian Universalist
Church, Virginia, MN; Arthur Waskow, Rabbi,
Jewish Renewal, The Shalom Center, Philadelphia,
PA; Norm Wasson, Minister, United Methodist
Church, FUMC Seiling, Seiling, OK; Kenneth
Watkins, Rev., American Baptist Church,
University Baptist Church, Columbus, OH; Janine
M. Watkins, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Hillview United Methodist Church, Boise,
ID; Lisa Watson-Barcia, Reverend, Lutheran
ELCA, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Terryville, CT;
Maurine Waun, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Church of the
Ohio Valley, Pittsburgh, PA; J. Dudley Weaver,
Jr., The Rev., Presbyterian Church USA,
Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL;
Amy Carol Webb, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, River of Grass Unitarian Universalist
Congregation, Miami, FL; Pamela Webb, Rev. Dr.
(Retired), Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ,
Frisco, TX; Nancy Webb, Rev. (Retired), United
Methodist Church, Grace United Methodist
Church, Baltimore, MD; Pamela Webb, Rev.
(Retired), Disciples of Christ, Christian Church,
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Friso, TX;
Donald Weber, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple
Rodeph Torah, Morganville, NJ; Josh Weinberg,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Association of Reform
Zionists of America, Brooklyn, NY; Stephan
Weinberger, Senior Pastor, United Methodist
Church, Heritage United Methodist Church,
Howard City, MI; Daniel Weir, Rev. Canon
(Retired), Episcopal Church, Priest Associate,
Trinity Episcopal Church, Danvers, MA; Greg
Weisman, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth El
of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL; Julia Weisz,
Rabbi, JewishReform, Congregation Or Ami,
Calabasas, CA; Dwight Welch, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, United Church of Norman UCC,
Norman, OK; James Welch, Pastor, Community of
Christ, Christian National Church, Port Orange,
FL; Judy Welles, The Rev. (Retired), Unitarian
Universalist Association, Minister Emerita,
Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland
Valley, Boiling Springs, PA; Gail Wells, Rev.
(Retired), United Church of Christ, Beaver UCC,
Beavercreek, OH; Jeff Wells, Lead Pastor, United
Methodist Church, Community United Methodist
Church, Massapequa, NY; Mindi Welton-Mitchell,
Pastor, American Baptist Church, Burien
Community Church, Burien, WA; David
Wendleton, Rev. (Retired), United Methodist
Church, Kline Galland Hospice, Issaquah, WA;
Chesster Wenger, Retired Pastor, Blossom Hill
Mennonitge Church (Retired), Mennonite,
Lancaster Conference Mennonite Church,
Lancaster, PA; Rev. Paul Werner, Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Trinity Congregational UCC of
Winter Haven, Tampa, FL; Mike Wernick, Rector,
Episcopal Church, The Church of the Holy Cross,
Kentwood, MI; Alice Blair Wesley, The Rev.
(Retired), Unitarian Universalist Association, The
Unitarian Association, Seattle, WA; Katharine
West, Pastor, United Church of Christ, First
Congregational United Church of Christ, Belle
Plaine, IA; Traci West, Rev. Dr., United Methodist
Church, United Methodist Clergy, Madison, NJ;
Donald Wester, Senior Minister, United Church of
Christ, Faith United Church of Christ, Conway,
AR; Louise Westfall, Senior Pastor, Presbyterian
Church USA, Central Presbyterian Church,
Denver, CO; Judith WestLee, Rev. (Retired),
United Methodist Church, Elder, Minneapolis,,
MN; Dan Weyand-Geise, Rev., Senior Pastor,
United Church of Christ, First United Church of
Christ, Cincinnati, OH; Brian Wharton, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, Faith UMC, Spring,
TX; Sharon Wheeler, Rev., United Church of
Christ, Associate Pastor, Burlington, NC; Josh
Whinston, Rabbi, JewishReform, Temple Beth
David, Cheshire, CT; Aaron White, Associate
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
First Unitarian Church of Dallas, Dallas, TX;
Linda White, Acting Senior Minister, Disciples of
Christ, Christian Church, Park Hill Christian
Church, North Little Rock, AR; Robin White, Rev.
(Retired), Presbyterian Church USA, More Light
Presbyterians, Co Moderator, Mathias, WV; Justin
White, Rev., United Methodist Church,
Mississippi Annual Conference, Pelahatchie, MS;
Jane White-Hassler, Rev. (Retired), Episcopal
Church, Priest, Guilford, CT; Paul Whitlock, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, Desert Heritage Church,
Mesa, AZ; Keith Whitmore, Bishop, Episcopal
Church, Diocese of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA; Nancy
Wichmann, Seminarian, LutheranELCA, Bridge
of Peace, Philadelphia, PA; Karen Wicker, Youth
and Christian Education Coordinator, Lutheran
ELCA, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Toledo,
OH; Cynthia Wickwire Lundquist, Rev. Dr.,
Presbyterian Church USA, Fredonia Presbyterian
Church, Forestville, NY; David Widzer, Rabbi,
JewishReform, Temple Beth El of Northern
Valley, Haworth, NJ; Gordon Wiersma, Rev.,
Reformed Church in America, Hope Church,
Reformed Church in America, Holland, MI; Susan
Wiggins, Teaching Elder, Presbyterian Church
USA, PCUSA, Pine Bluff, AR; Fr. Brian Wilbert,
Rector (Head Pastor), Episcopal Church, Christ
Episcopal Church, Oberlin, OH; Steven Wilco,
Pastor, LutheranELCA, Immanuel Lutheran
Church, Amherst, MA; Deborah Wilder, Ruling
Elder, Presbyterian Church USA, First
Presbyterian Church of St. Louis Missouri, Saint
Louis, MO; Deanna Wildermuth, Pastor, Lutheran
ELCA, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Mercer Island, WA;
Michelle Wilkey, Associate Pastor, United Church
of Christ, Davids United Church of Christ,
Kettering, OH; Tara Wilkins, The Rev., United
Church of Christ, Bridgeport United Church of
Christ, Milwaukie, OR; June Wilkins, Pastor,
LutheranELCA, ELCA Lutheran, Columbus, OH;
Mark Wilkinson, The Rev., Episcopal Church, St.
Aidans Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, VA;
Kate Wilkinson, Rev., Unitarian Universalist
Association, Unitarian Universalist Meeting House
of Provincetown, Provincetown, MA; Ann Willever,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Interim Minister, All Souls Church UU,
Brattleboro, VT; Donna Williams, Pastor, New
Thought, Truth Fellowship Center, Reynoldsburg,
OH; Georgiana Williams, Teaching Elder,
Presbyterian Church USA, First Presbyterian
Church of Ironton, Ironton, OH; Mollie Williams,
Priest (Retired), Episcopal Church, Episcopal
Diocese of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN; Rev.
James Williams, Intentional Interim Minister,
United Church of Christ, Warren Ave.
Presbyterian Church, Saginaw, MI; Terrye
Williams, Rev. Dr. Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Hilton Christian Church, Newport Need,
VA; Todd Williams, Rev., Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, First Christian Church, Texas
City, TX; Tom Williams, Rev., Presbyterian
Church USA, Oswego Presbyterian Church,
Whitefish Bay, WI; Stephen J. Williams, Rev.
(Retired), Episcopal Church, Local Church, Hobbs,
NM; Robert D. Williams, Rev. Dr., Reformed
Church in America, United Church of Spring
Valley, Ridgewood, NJ; Sonya Williams, Rev., The
Fellowship of Affirming Ministries/ United Church
of Christ, Rex, GA; Newell Williams, President,
Disciples of Christ, Christian Church, Brite
Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX; Steve Willis,
Senior Pastor, Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, First Christian Church, Las Vegas, NV;
Ed Wills, Jr, Rector, Episcopal Church, St.
Michaels Episcopal Church, Little Rock, AR; Rev.
Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator, Metropolitan
Community Church, Metropolitan Community
Churches, Sarasota, FL; Zachary Wilson,
Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church USA,
Peace Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN;
Helen Wilson, Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ,
Association Minister UCC CSEOA, Delaware, OH;
Bernard Wilson, Rev. Dr., United Church of
Christ, Chair, United Church of Christ Board of
Directors, Weston, CT; Carl Wilton, Pastor,
Presbyterian Church USA, Point Pleasant
Presbyterian Church, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ;
Vicki Wiltse, Rev. Dr., Community of Christ,
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland,
Midland, MI; Sian Wiltshire, Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, Orange Coast Unitarian
Universalist Church, Costa Mesa, CA; Kim
Winchell, Diaconal Minister, LutheranELCA,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
Freeland, MI; Rev. Dr. Talon Windwalker,
Minister, Buddhist, Order of the Boundless Way,
Olympia, WA; Laura Winer, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Temple Beth Israel, Fresno, CA; Paula
Winnig, Rabbi, JewishReform, Bureau of Jewish
Education, Indianapolis, IN; Cheryl Winter, The
Rev., Episcopal Church, St. Timothys Episcopal
Church, Hurricane, WV; Jane Winters, Rev.,
Presbyterian Church USA, PC(USA), Elmira, NY;
Marvin Wiser, Rev., Disciples of Christ, Christian
Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
Berkeley, CA; Kellyann Wolfe, Dr., Episcopal
Church, East Barnard Church, East Barnard, VT;
Tamara Wolfson, Cantorial Intern, Jewish
Reform, Temple Adas Israel, Sag Harbor, NY;
Julie Wolkoff, Rabbi, JewishReform, Hospice
Chaplain, Wellesley, MA; Rev. Roger Wolsey,
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Wesley
Chapel/Wesley Foundation, Boulder, CO; Beth
Wolslegel, Director of Elementary Ministry,
LutheranELCA, ELCA Lutheran, St. Louis Park,
MN; Elizabeth Wood, Rabbi, JewishReform, The
Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY;
Stewart Wood, The Rt. Rev. (Retired), Episcopal
Church, St. Pauls Episcopal Church, White River
Junction, VT, White River Junction, VT; Coulter
Wood, Worship Leader, AOG, Austin, MN; D. John
Woodcock, The Rev., Church of the Loving
Shepherd, West Chester, PA; John Wooden,
Pastor, United Methodist Church, Stone Village
Church, Columbus, OH; Vicki Woods, Reverend
(Retired), United Methodist Church, United
Methodist, Newport, ME; Leslie Woodward,
Assistant Minister for Religious Education,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Heritage
Universalist Unitarian Church, Dayton, OH; Eric
Woodward, Rabbi, Jewish, Congregation Tifereth
Israel, Columbus, OH; Jo Anne Wright, The Rev.
(Retired), Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church,
Vinita, OK; Dave Wright, University Chaplain,
United Methodist Church, University of Puget
Sound, Tacoma, WA; Julie Wright, Rev.,
LutheranELCA, Associate Pastor, Cottage Grove,
MN; Fred Wright, Minister (Retired), Unity,
Association of Unity Churches, Brecksville, OH;
Mike Wright-Chapman, Associate Pastor, United
Church of Christ, Cathedral of Hope United
Church of Christ, Dallas, TX; Lorna Wuertz,
Deaconess, Presbyterian Church USA, Elder/
Spiritual Director, Novato, CA; Sharon Wylie,
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Association,
Chalice Unitarian Universalist Congregation,
Escondido, CA; Seth Wynn, Lead Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, Agape Metropolitan Community Church, Burleson, TX; Ann
Wynne-Phillips, Rev., United Church of Christ,
Hospice Chaplain, Rotonda West, FL; Richard
Xifo, Rev., Old Catholic Church, Ohio Orthodox
Catholic Church, Cincinnati, OH; Rev. Dr. C.
Denise Yarbrough, Director of Religious and
Spiritual Life, University of Rochester, Episcopal
Church, St. Peters Church, Bloomfield, NY; The
Rev. Dr. C. Denise Yarbrough, Director of Religious
and Spiritual Life, University of Rochester,
Episcopal Church, St. Peters Church, Bloomfield,
NY; Rev. Edwin Yates, Spiritual Director & Pastor,
Metropolitan Community Church, Michigan
Spirituality Center, Flint, MI; Laura Young, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, The Ohio Religious
Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Westerville,
OH; Evan Young, Campus Minister, Unitarian
Universalist Association, United Campus
Ministry, Glouster, OH; Nancy Yount, Rev.,
United Methodist Church, Brownsville United
Methodist Church, Bremerton, WA; Karen-Marie
Yust, Professor of Christian Education, United
Church of Christ, Union Presbyterian Seminary,
Richmond, VA; Ahuva Zaches, Rabbi, Jewish
Reform, Congregation Or Ami (affiliated with the
Union of Reform Judaism), Richmond, VA; Paul
Zak, Rev., Universal Life Chirch, Palm Springs,
CA; Rev. John Zamboni, Recto, Episcopal Church,
St. Francis Episcopal Church, Dunellen, NJ; Mivh
Zedek, Senior Rabbi, JewishReform, Emanuel
Congregation, Chicago, IL; Amy Zehe, Associate
Minister, Unity, Unity of Sarasota, Sarasota, FL;
Reuben Zellman, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Congregation Beth El, San Francisco, CA;
Amanda Zentz-Alo, Pastor, LutheranELCA,
Central Lutheran Church, Portland, OR; David
Zerby, Senior Minister, Disciples of Christ,
Christian Church, First Christian Church of
Ashland, Canton, OH; Melissa Ziemer, Minister,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian
Universalist Church of Kent, Kent, OH; Annie
Zimbel, Rev., Wiccan, Church of Avalon, St. Paul,
MN; Brian Zimmerman, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Reform Movement, Dallas, TX; Terry Zimmerman,
Rev. (Retired), Disciples of Christ, Retired;
Christian Church Disciples of Christ, McKinney,
TX; Jill Zimmerman, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Central Conference of American Rabbis (Reform),
Los Angeles, CA; Judy Zimmerman, Rev.,
Unitarian Universalist Association, Minister, MidColumbia Unitarian Universalist Church, Hood
River, OR; Misha Zinkow, Rabbi, JewishReform,
Temple Israel, Columbus, OH; James Ziobro, Rev.,
United Church of Christ, New York Conference,
United Church of Christ, Homer, NY; and Jessica
Zolondek, Pastor, United Church of Christ,
Congregational UCC Minot/Granville, Minot, ND.