A Brief Introduction of Mobile Technology: 1G (First Generation Cellular Phones or Cell)
A Brief Introduction of Mobile Technology: 1G (First Generation Cellular Phones or Cell)
A Brief Introduction of Mobile Technology: 1G (First Generation Cellular Phones or Cell)
Mobile Technology
It is a modern technology that is continuously evolving at an
accelerating rate of innovation and adoption. In 1857, Clark Maxwell
devised a theory of electromagnetic radiation. In 1901, Guqlielmo
Marconi devised the methods of using the electromagnetic radiation in
radio transmission. This was a spectacular achievement in the history
of space science. However, it took more than half a century to use
data transmission in actual field. The initial use of mobile telephony
was started in the late 1940 in the US and in the 1950 in Europe.
These early mobile phones were constrained by limited mobility and
poor service. The devices were bulky and extremely expensive.
1G (First Generation Cellular Phones or cell)
In 1970, mobile networks were introduced by the transmission of cell
phone signals between towers. These were less heavy and
comparatively less expensive. Since than the global mobile phone
market began to grow. The number of subscribers worldwide reached
approximately 20 million by 1990 with the appearance of 1G network.
2G (GSM and GPRS Networks):
Since 1990 GSM technology were introduced, a kind of Global System
for Mobile communications where attempts were made to improve
voice quality. 2G carriers continued to improve transmission quality
and coverage. Success found in offering additional services, such as
paging, faxes, text messages and voicemail. An introduction of
intermediary phase, 2.5G uses GPRS(General Packet Radio Services),
which delivers packet-switched capabilities to existing GSM networks.
The importance of the system increased many fold with the rise of
Internet and Internet Protocol, or IP.
3G (UMTS- Universal Mobile Telecommunication System):
It opened the door for mobile telephone customers to use audio,
graphics and video applications. It fulfills the object of setting a single
global network protocol instead of the different standards adopted
previously in Europe, the US and other regions. (A high speed 3G
bandwidth can move to a meter 145 Kbps). It is also known as UMTS
i.e. Universal Mobile Telecommunication System that sustains a higher
data rates and open the way to Internet style applications and global
roaming. The 3G networks have evolved significantly to all the largest
nations of the world to continue nonstop work to provide the best
2. Communicating By Texting
3. Bye-Bye, Wallets
9. Gadgets Go To Class
The topic I have chosen is Marketing and Economics. I am going to research the different aspects of
green marketing and economics, such as how green products have changed the way our economy
works and how we market our products. More importantly I'm going to explain what makes an
economy green and how can marketing be green. The reason I have chosen this topic is I have an
interest in marketing. I hope to one day have my own business and I want to make that business a green
one. Exploring this topic now is like getting a preview of what I want to get into.
I already know the basic ideas that go into marketing a product. The goal of marketing is to get the
product known to the public and to get it on shelves where it can be bought. Whats really important is
knowing how to market that product in an environmentally safe way. A way that everyone can benefit
but no one suffers. Being green isnt an easy thing but it is beneficial in the long run and meeting a
challenge as hard as this is something to be recognized for.
The green movement isnt anywhere as new as one might have that it is. Some say the movement
started in the 1970s, back when the hippies were rallying and protesting around the nation. But the
hippy isnt the father of the green movement; it goes back further than that. Environmentalism is
defined as advocacy for the management and sustainability of the environment through public policy
and individual behaviors. Environmentalism has been in the American thought system since the 1830s
and 1840s. Recycling has been going on since before that. During the 1970s is when the environment
started being incorporated in public policies. The Clean Air Act, the founding of Earth Day, the banning
of DDT, the Water Pollution Control Act are just some of the many policies implemented into our
society. As time went
on, various corporations figured out loopholes. They found the power to conduct business as they
wanted without government intervention. To deal with this, environmental organizations started to get
media time speaking against the mistreatment of the environment. The welfare of the environment
started becoming a hot topic all across the nation. Our impact on the planet started becoming more and
more obvious, from the food we eat to the resources we use. Thus, the green movement started to
accelerate into what we see today. No single event can be counted as the start of the green movement; it
took and takes the efforts of many people. With the recent slowing in the economy, people are less
focused on green these days. However, I do not believe that this is the end of green. We still have a
long way to go and I feel over time we will become a sustainable planet.
Sustainability is the key to a good economy, and as we leave the recession, companies are starting
again to put green products on shelves in stores. Those products need to be marketed. Green marketing
is when a company promotes and sells their product in a sustainable, environmentally safe manner.
That means the product has no environmental impacts from the factory to your home. Not only that but
according to the American Marketing Association the product itself can have no negative repercussions
to the environment (Grymes, 2010). Green marketing can also be defined as using green to sell your
product. This is known as green branding, clearly labeling the product as a green product. This can
encourage consumers to choose your product over the ones made by non-green methods. This in fact is
a very popular method. The word green is strongly recognized, and is a popular trend here on the
west coast. California is known for keeping up with the times and being ahead of the rest of the U.S.
Those who like to keep up with the here and now know that green is the new it. These
Californians only use products from sustainable materials; they only eat at green restaurants and drive
hybrid cars. To them green is just another fad like Shutter Shades and G-Shock watches. But do they
know why green is it, why its good? Does it matter if they know why, as long as theyre doing it? To
keep your customers returning to green, you have to show them why green is the better option. No one
will commit to something they do not understand. If the consumer knows green is a better choice for
their money they will return.
The green market is wide open for new and innovative ideas. Someone just has to really get the trail
blazing. It wouldnt even require a brand new product to be the leader in that field. If someone takes an
old product and make a few changes to it, to make it green and sustainable, they would have the
opportunity to make a huge profit. Clorox was the first chemical company to realize this method of
sprucing up old products and the first to start manufacturing green cleaning products. Not only that, but
they also had a higher profit because the green products cost less to make but could sell for more.
Pretty soon a whole new branch sprang forth from the Clorox Company, the new branch is Green
Works. Soon more and more cleaning supply companies started to follow Clorox and the green
movement (Said, 2010). This is a clear indication that going green is a competitive and even profitable
business decision. People love the idea of green, the idea of less chemicals and a good moral feeling to
boot. At the same time, however, people are afraid of change. A change in product might result in a
change in costumers. Because of this, a lot of big businesses might be hesitant about changing their
company to a green one. But you cant accomplish much if you dont take risk. A company that takes
risk and tries new things is a company that wants to be on top. You need to take risk to come out with
the next best thing.
Going green would put some industries out of work such as oil and petroleum based companies.
However at the same time new forms of renewable energy and products appear, new jobs will arise.
New industries revolving around sustainability will pop up to replace the ones that fall out. Green
would also save us money. Installing solar panels on your roof for energy can save $300- $400 a year.
The savings would promote more spending and keep our economy strong, since we are a consuming
nation. A greener economy doesnt mean less spending, but a shift in where our spending goes. Green
cannot harm the economy only help it.
Green and business go hand and hand. That was the bottom line when Sadhu Johnston, Vancouvers
deputy city manager, had a talk with the Vancouver Regional Construction Association recently.
Vancouver has set the goal of becoming the worlds greenest city by 2020. There are important global
and environmental implications, he said. Johnston has been with the city for a year and was deputy
chief of staff to Chicagos mayor, Richard Daley, before that. Johnston served as Chicagos chief
environmental officer, but was raised in Vancouver. Sustainability is the key when it comes to attracting
business and creating jobs. AS Johnston said, Sustainability adds to the bottom line. During his time
in Chicago, when the city was attracting huge companies, such as Boeing, to relocate their head offices,
the citys environment was a major subject. It included the quality of life, the air, the water and the
vibrancy of
the streets. On the environmental front Vancouver, according to Johnston, is doing rather well.
Vancouver has the lowest carbon emissions per capital of any city in North America, he said.
Vancouver has managed to reduce its emissions to 1990 levels. This is despite the fact that
its population has increased 27 per cent and its employment base has grown 18 per cent during the
same time. He said that this has put Vancouver in the role of an environmental leader. It is a city that
has shown that economic activity can grow while reducing environmental impact. Vancouver made the
effort to improve the quality of their city and the results are astounding. Getting to the goal they set, to
be the greenest city in America by 2020, will only make it better. San Francisco is the greenest city in
the nation. We are also one of the most desired places to live in the country. Could our green ways be
the reason for this? A green economy is a desirable one, a economy where everything used is either
recycled or composted. All resources used
must be sustainable and environmentally friendly. 72% of San Franciscos waste is recycled or
composted. This cant be accomplished without help from the government. The government plays an
important roll in implementing sustainable practices into a society
For a new green economy to be successful, governments should support the development of green
skills in the job market. (Bulgarelli, 2011) This could be achieved by improving or adding to the
existing vital skills of workers, while mainstreaming environmental awareness into education and
training. The European Union has noticed the need for a low-carbon, resource sparing economy, and
has responded with the new strategy for 2020. Environmental and climate change strategies will help
reach this goal, like the Strategy for Sustainable Development. The EU has also seen the importance of
having green jobs and workforces to keep a low-carbon economy running. However, there arent that
many effective ideas that are specifically for developing green skills. The EU explored green skills
development at the national, regional and local levels in six EU Member countries, such as Denmark,
Estonia, Spain and the UK. Both the EU and the Member States have released economic stimulus
packages for sustainable growth,
which tend to focus on construction, the automotive sector, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Workers do not necessarily need to be completely retrained to create a greener industry. Instead a lot of
workers could add on to existing skills by learning about new concepts and practices
in low-carbon industries. For example, workers in shipbuilding and the oil sector have skills that are
relevant to the wind turbine industry, such as welding, surface treatment and outfitting skills. As well
as adding up skills it is necessary to teach more basic skills, such as improving resource usage
efficiency in the workplace, and green management and communication.
Communication is the key to anything being successful. For a green economy to be successful we need
to communicate with each other. We need to work together to reach a sustainable economy. In the end,
sustainability should be the goal of all man. The goal of life is to ensure the survival of the next
generation, but how can they survive if they have no planet to live on. A sustainable economy is the
perfect economy and the only way to make it to sustainability is with green business practices.
After Al Gores movie, An Inconvenient Truth, businesses industries realized that global warming was
a sensitive issue to the public. Companies realized they could attract more costumers by advertising
they are using sustainable practices. From what studies show the popularity of green business is fifty
percent. People like the idea of green, but arent always willing to pay extra for it. If your advertising
how green you are but people do not know the real
benefits of being green it doesnt make a different. If you ads only focus on green you wont get that
great of a return.
Hotels can advertised that by staying at that hotel, they arent contributing to global warming nowhere
near as much as other hotels that do not focus on green practices. The movie inspired people in a way
to focus on green. Not only did hotels advertise how green they were but so did air lines. Telling the
public what steps they have taken to reduce their own impact on the planet will encourage costumers to
fly with that air line because they know they arent harming the planet. Restaurants can be green in a
number of ways. For starters they can make compost out of the uneaten food guest leave behind. With
the vitamin enriched soil that the compost provides, new produce can grown to fuel the company's
demand for vegetables, and the product is grown in a safe and cheap way.
With our current economic situation, budgets are tight and the whole idea of green is fading off. When
General Managers around the country were asked how important green is to their customers, only half
said it was very important. Green hasnt been looked at like it should be lately. Going green can save
money in the long run. By switching lighting, or recycling water you can save a lot of money. A lot of
the money earned through going green is not made through profit, but instead the money saved. Saving
money while being green is perfect we just have to all be as green as possible
Everybody does something that is green and money saving, whether its changing electrical system or
composting, every company has green aspects. Some companies are greener than others, but its just
different levels of green. Different opportunities arise for companies to make their businesses more
green, like food companies can recycle used grease to make bio fuel, which our buses run on.
California is considered more environmentally aware than most places,
especially San Francisco. Our government implements policies and regulations to try and keep or states
and cities clean, like clean air standards and mandatory composting.
Working in a green business is good money and it gives you the knowledge of how youre not
contributing to the diminishing of the environment. Green businesses have a responsibility to tell
people the importance of being green. Hopefully after learning about how it can help youll be more
likely to recycle or compost. Getting people to appreciate green is like advertising
you company in a way. If you have a green business and you persuade people to go green, then more
than likely you just made a new costumer. Not only that, but youll be promoting planetary
conservation and that is the most important thing, Making sure earth is still here for our grandchildren
and making money while you do it is the best feeling to experience. (Wes Tyler, (GM of Chancellor
hotel interview)
Bulgarelli, Aviana. (2011, January 10). Meeting the need for green skills in europe`s job marke.
Retrieved from http://www.environmental-expert.com/resultEachPressRelease. aspx?
Grymes, C. (2010). Using "green" marketing claims? make them clear. Retrieved from http://
Said, C. (2010). Clorox goes green with new natural product line. Retrieved from