Coordinated Control of TCSC and SVC For System Damping Improvement

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Coordinated Control of TCSC and SVC for System Damping Improvement

T. Yu

P.L. So, Member, IEEE

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Nanyang Technology University
Singapore 639798
Tel: (65)790 5026
Fax: (65) 793 3318

Abstract: This paper proposes a combination of the Tnyristor

Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) and Static Var Compensator
(SVC) installation for enhancing the dynamic performance of a
power system.
The developed scheme employs a damping
controller which coordinates measurement signals to control the
TCSC and SVC. The coordinated control method is based on the
application of projective controls. The effectiveness of the proposed
controller is demonstrated through simulation studies on a single
machine to infinite bus system. The simulation results show that the
controller can significantly improve the damping performance of the
system. In this paper, a current injection model of TCSC is
introduced and included in the transmission system model. By
using equivalent injected currents at terminal buses to simulate a
TCSC no modification of the bus admitttance matrix is required at
each iteration.

Individually, the TCSC and the SVC can improve the

damping performance of the power system. Through proper
coordination they can be combined together for superior
benefits. The coordination between them is important,
otherwise unnecessary complication may arise fiom their
dynamic interaction affecting the performance of the power
system [2].
In this paper, a control scheme using projective controls is
developed for the simultaneous coordination of TCSC and
SVC to enhance the damping performance of a single
machine to infinite bus system. The method presented here
demonstrates the control action of TCSC in conjunction with
the control action of SVC to increase system damping and
power transfer capability. Controller performance over a
range of operating conditions is investigated using linear
analysis and nonlinear time domain simulations. The
simulation results show that the proposed coordinated control
method can significantly improve system damping

Keywords: FACTS, TCSC, SVC, current injection model,

coordinated control, damping enhancement.

A problem of current interest in the power industry is the
mitigation of power system oscillations. These oscillations
are related to the dynamics of system power transfer and
often exhibit poor damping. With utilities increasing power
exchanges over a futed network, the use of new and existing
equipment in the transmission system for damping these
oscillations is being considered [13. The Thyristor Controlled
Series Capacitor (TCSC) and Static Var Compensator (SVC)
are both members of the Flexible AC Transmission System
(FACTS) family. The TCSC is a series compensation
component. With the firing control of the thyristors, it can
change its apparent reactance smoothly and rapidly. This
characteristic meets the demands of the modem power
system that must operate flexibly and react quickly. The
SVC is a shunt compensation component. It is originally
designed for voltage support in power systems. Much as the
TCSC, the SVC is also capable of rapid and flexible
adjustment [ 2 ] .

Paper accepted for presentation a t the International

Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and
Restructuring and Power Technologies 2000,
City University, London, 4-7 April 2000.


In this paper, a current injection model is derived for the

TCSC device. The current injection model is obtained by
replacing the voltage across the TCSC with the current
source. By using equivalent injected currents at terminal
buses to simulate a TCSC no modification of the bus
admittance matrix r b , is required at each iteration. This
method has the advantages of fast computational speed and
low computer storage compared with that of modifying the
Ybm method.
In addition, the model can easily be
incorporated in a dynamic simulation program, Power
System Toolbox [3].

TCSC Current Injection Model

A TCSC connected between nodes i and j in series with a

line reactance j X r and its current injection model are shown
in Fig. 1 through Fig. 4. In this study, the TCSC is treated as
a variable capacitance.

Fig. 1. Representation of a TCSC

0-7803-5902-W00/$10.0002000 IEEE.


- +

A SVC connected at node j and its current injection model



Fig. 3. Replacementof a voltage across the TCSC by a current source

Fig. 5. Representation of a SVC

Fig. 6. Current injection model for a shunt compensated SVC

Fig. 4. Current injection model for a series compensated TCSC


Ti and ij are the complex currents at nodes i and j ,

Y;Lei and V i l e

where l j m C is the complex injected SVC current at node j .

From Fig* it can be shown that

are the complex voltages at nodes i and j ,


represents a voltage across the TCSC. From Fig. 1
and Fig. 2, it can be shown that

Ijmc = - j V .JB m c




V, = - j I j X c

The damping control problem is to design a controller of

the form U = ky , and leads to a closed-loop system of the



The injection model is obtained by replacing the voltage

by a current source ljsin parallel with the line (Fig. 3).
Thus, we have the current injection model of TCSC as (3)
and (4), which is shown in Fig. 4.

X = ( A - BKC)X

where U and y are vectors of control and measurement

signals, respectively, and A , B and C are the state, input
and output matrices, respectively. The control design method
is based on projective controls [4, 5 , 6 , 71. In this paper, two
measurements and two control signals are used. Thus, the
controller has the form




where Kc = X,/Xl is the compensation level of the TCSC,

which refers to the line in which the TCSC is installed.






where the matrix K coordinates the control signals urSc and

usyc (input signals into the TCSC and SVC) with the

selected measurement signals AV3 , the voltage magnitude

the real power flow deviation
deviation at bus 3, and U,-,,
in line 1-3 (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 8).

TCSC injected

The complete damping controller is shown in Fig. 7 [8, 91.

In practical considerations, the candidate measurements are
restricted to be network variables in the area of TCSC and
SVC locations. The controller also includes a washout block
serving as a high-pass filter, with the time constant T, high
enough to allow signals associated with oscillations to pass
unchanged, and a simple filter with a time constant of T, to
eliminate interactions at higher frequencies [l]. The
controller parameters are given in the Appendix.

Fig. 9. The equivalent circuit of the study system with FACTS devices

After the FACTS devices are employed, the phasor

diagram of the study system is shown in Fig. 10. It can be
seen from Fig. 10 that by adjusting the injected currents at
terminal buses, the system bus voltages can be changed
following the FACTS devices regulation.

Fig. 7. Damping controller

Fig. 10. Phasor diagram of the study system with FACTS devices


Based on the system, a gain matrix K of the damping

controller was computed by using projective controls [4, 5, 6 ,
71 and is given by

A simplified model of a power system is used in this study.

The system consists of a single machine connected to a large
system through two parallel transmission lines as shown in
Fig. 8. The locations of TCSC and SVC are indicated. To
investigate the performance of the proposed controller and
the system behavior under large disturbance conditions, a
three-phase fault was applied at 0.1s on line #2 near bus 3 for
0.1s followed by the permanent tripping of the line. The
equivalent circuit of the study system is shown in Fig. 9,
where the FACTS devices are modelled as injected currents
at terminal buses. In the program, modelling of FACTS
devices and designed coordinated controller are included so
that the dynamic performance of the study system with and
without a coordinated controller can be evaluated. In Test
Case 1, the power transfer is FO.9 P.u., and in Test Case 2,
the power transfer is P=l. 1 p.u.
Bus 1



A. Small Disturbance Analysis

For small disturbance stability studies, the TCSC injection
, and the
currents Tis and Tis, SVC injection current ljmc

nodal voltages
corresponding to the injection
model are expressed in the network D-Q reference frame to
couple with other components through the network. Then the
algebraic equations (8) through (13) of the FACTS injection
model are obtained as

tine # I

-5.3470 -0.1034


Bus 2


- 59.5026


Fig. 8. A single machine-infinite bus system

with TCSC and SVC

variables to the major disturbance. It is observed fiom these

figures that the proposed controller can greatly improve
system damping.

Based on this system condition, the linearized state model

was formed and the eigenvalues of the system without and
with coordinated FACTS controller were computed for two
different operating conditions.



1) Test Case 1: P = 0.9 p.u.



Table 1 shows the system critical mode without and with

the controller. From Table 1, it can be seen that the damping
of the system is greatly improved by the addition of
coordinated FACTS controller.

40 -





Table 1. Effect of coordinated FACTS controller on the

system critical mode (FO.9 P.u.)

Without FACTS





-0.37 k j l 1 .30
-6.24k j12.08




Time (s)





(a) Machine angle


2) Test Case 2: P = 1.1 p.u.

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
controller, the level of power transfer is increased &om 0.9
p.u. to 1.1 p.u. The system critical mode without and with
the controller is given in Table 2. From the results, it is seen
that the damping of the system is still improved, thereby
allowing the system to operate at a higher power transfer
(b) Voltage magnitude at bus 3

Table 2. Effect of coordinated FACTS controller on the

system critical mode (P4.1 P.u.)








B. Large Disturbance Analysis

To simulate the system behaviour under large disturbance
conditions, a three-phase fault was applied at 0.1s on line #2
near bus 3 for 0.1s followed by the permanent tripping of the
line (see Fig. 8).

1) Test Case 1: P = 0.9 p.u.

Fig. ll(a) through Fig. ll(c) show the simulation results

for the case with coordinated -FACTS controller compared
with the case without coordinated FACTS controller in the
system. These figures show the responses of system

Time (s)

(c) Machine electrical active power

Fig. 11. System responses with and without FACTS controller
with FACTS controller
-- without FACTS controller

Fig. 12(a) and Fig. 12(b) show the responses of TCSC and
SVC outputs to the major disturbance, respectively.



Time (s)
(a) Machine angle
Time (s)
(a) TCSC output

(b) Voltage magnitude at bus 3

(b) SVCoutput
Fig. 12. Responses of FACTS outputs

2) Test Case 2: P = 1.1 p.u.

Simulation results showing the behaviour of system
variables are shown in Fig. 13(a) through Fig. 13(c) when
coordinated FACTS controller is considered and not
considered in the system. It can be observed from these
figures that when the power transfer is increased from 0.9
p.u. to 1.1 P.u., the coordinated FACTS controller can still
provide positive damping to suppress the sustained
It c m be concluded that the designed
coordinated controller can effectively damp out very large
oscillations with a good effect at a load-increased condition.
The damping performance of the system is also improved.
The coordinated control of two FACTS devices is hence


Time (s)


(c) Machine electrical active power

Fig. 13. System responses with and without FACTS controller
- with FACTS controller
-- without controller FACTS

Fig. 14(a) and Fig 140) show the responses of TCSC and
SVC outputs to the major disturbance, respectively.


. .


(a) TCSC output

0 . 1 - .






-0.02 -

-0.04 -

-0.06 -0.08 -


[I] J.J. Sanchez-Gasca, "Coordinated control of two FACTS devices for

damping interarea oscillations," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.
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[2] S.K. Tso, J. Liang, Q.Y. Zeng, K.L. Lo, and X.X. Zhou, "Coordination
of TCSC and SVC for stability improvement of power systems," 1EE
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Operation and Management APSCOM'97, Hong Kong, November
1997, pp. 371-376.
[3] Joe Chow, Cherry Tree Scientific S o h a r e : Power System Toolbox,
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[4] W.E. Hopkins, 1. Medanic, and W.R. Perkins, "Output feedback pole
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[6] J. Medanic, and Z. Uskokovic, "Design of decentralized static and loworder dynamic regulators for large scale systems," Conference on
Decision and Control, San Antonio, USA., December 1983.
[7] D. Amautovic, and J. Medanic, "Design of decentralized multivariable
excitation controllers in multimachine power systems by projective
controls," IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. EC-2, no. 4, pp.
[SI J.P. Paserba, N.W. Miller, E.V. Larsen, and R.J. Piwko, "A thyristor
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[9] lEEE Special Stability Controls Working Group, "Static V ~ I
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simulation," 93 WM 173-5 PWRS, IEEEPES Winter Meeting, 1993.








Controller Parameters:
(b) SVCoutput
Fig. 14. Responses of FACTS outputs

Lmprovement of power system damping through
coordinated control of TCSC and SVC has been investigated
in a single machine to infinite bus system. An output
feedback controller has been designed using projective
controls. The controller coordinates two measurement
signals to control the TCSC and SVC. The effectiveness of
the proposed controller has been demonstrated through
simulation studies under a range of operating conditions.
Simulation results have shown that the coordinated control
scheme applied to the TCSC and SVC can effectively damp
system oscillations following large disturbances.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support
provided by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

T. Yu received his B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai
Jiaotong University in 1992, P.R. China. From 1992 to 1998, he was an
Engineer in China Electronics Engineering Design Institute, P.RChina. He
joined the Nanyang Technological University in 1998 and is now pursuing a
M.Eng. degree. His research interests are power system stability and

P.L. So joined China Light & Power Company Limited, Hong Kong, as a
General Assistant Engineer in 1980 and later as Second Engineer working in
the field of power system protection. He left this company in 1991 to further
his studies in the U.K. He received his B.Eng. degree with first class
honours in Electrical Engineering from the University of Warwick in 1993,
and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Power Systems from Imperial College,
University of London in 1997. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the
School of Electrical and Hectronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. His main research interests are power system
dynamics, stability and control, and applications of AI techniques in power


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