Cyclo Converter 1

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The key takeaways are that there are different types of power converters used for converting between AC and DC power including rectifiers, choppers, inverters and cycloconverters. A cycloconverter converts AC power at one frequency to AC power at another frequency in a single stage using phase control.

The different types of power converters are: 1) rectifiers to convert AC to DC, 2) choppers to convert DC to variable voltage DC, 3) inverters to convert DC to variable frequency AC, and 4) cycloconverters to convert AC to variable frequency AC.

A cycloconverter is a device that converts AC power at one frequency to AC power at another frequency with a one stage conversion using phase control. It allows AC-AC conversion in a single stage by synthesizing the output waveform from segments of the input AC supply waveform.











In industrial applications, two forms of electrical energy are used: direct current (dc) and
alternating current (ac). Usually constant voltage constant frequency single-phase or threephase ac is readily available. However, for different applications, different forms, magnitudes
and/or frequencies are required. There are four different conversions between dc and ac
power sources. These conversions are done by circuits called power converters. The
converters are classified as:
1. rectifiers: from single-phase or three-phase ac to variable voltage dc
2. choppers: from dc to variable voltage dc
3.inverters: from dc to variable magnitude and variable frequency, single-phase or threephase
4.cycloconverters: from single-phase or three-phase ac to variable magnitude and
variable frequency, single-phase or three-phase ac
Traditionally, ac-ac conversion using semiconductor switches is done in two different ways:
1- in two stages (ac-dc and then dc-ac) as in dc link converters or 2- in one stage (ac-ac)
cycloconverters (Fig. 1). Cycloconverters are used in high power applications driving
induction and synchronous motors. They are usually phase-controlled and they traditionally
use thyristors due to their ease of phase commutation.

Fig.1 Block diagram of a cycloconverter

Power conversion systems such as those used for large propulsion motor drives will often
utilize cycloconverter technology in order to take advantage of the power handling
capability of modern thyristors. Because cycloconverters produce non-integer harmonics of
the input power frequency, both input current and output voltage require detailed study in
order to insure trouble-free operation of both the supplying power system and the connected
motor load. The cycloconverter is a device which converts input AC power at one frequency
to output AC power at a different frequency with a one stage conversion. The frequency
conversion is achieved using a phase control method. Phase controlled cycloconverters have
the ability to operate in all 4 quadrants in the V-I plane. Thus, cycloconverters are capable of

providing a variable frequency power supply to AC machines. Due to its 4-quadrant

operation, the cycloconverter can handle loads of any power factor. The cycloconverter also
allows power to flow freely in either direction. Over most of its range, the cycloconverter
produces a reasonable sine wave output that leads to good output performance, particularly at
lower frequencies. Traditionally, satisfactory performance has been understood to be
available when the output frequency is up to approximately 40 percent of the input frequency
(e.g. 24 hertz output from a 60 hertz supply). Above this output frequency, the waveforms
become more distorted due to interaction between the mains and output frequencies. The
cycloconverter performance deteriorates progressively as output frequency increases.
A cycloconverter or a cycloinverter converts an AC waveform, such as the mains supply, to
another AC waveform of a lower frequency, synthesizing the output waveform from
segments of the AC supply without an intermediate direct-current link. They are most
commonly used in three phase applications. In most power systems, the amplitude and the
frequency of input voltage to a cycloconverter tend to be fixed values, whereas both the
amplitude and the frequency of output voltage of a cycloconverter tend to be variable. The
output frequency of a three-phase cycloconverter must be less than about one-third to onehalf the input frequency. The quality of the output waveform improves if more switching
devices are used (a higher pulse number). Cycloverters are used in very large variable
frequency drives, with ratings of several megawatts.
A typical application of a cycloconverter is for use in controlling the speed of an AC traction
motor and starting of synchronous motor. Most of these cycloconverters have a high power
output in the order a few megawatts and silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) are used in
these circuits. By contrast, low cost, low-power cycloconverters for low-power AC motors
are also in use, and many such circuits tend to use TRIACs in place of SCRs. Unlike an SCR
which conducts in only one direction, a TRIAC is capable of conducting in either direction,
but it is also a three terminal device. It may be noted that the use of a cycloconverter is not as
common as that of an inverter and a cycloinverter is rarely used. However, it is common in
very high power applications such as for ball mills in ore processing, cement kilns, and also
for azimuth thrusters in large ships.
The switching of the AC waveform creates noise, or harmonics, in the system that depend
mostly on the frequency of the input waveform. These harmonics can damage sensitive
electronic equipment. If the relative difference between the input and output waveforms is
small, then the converter can produce subharmonics. Subharmonic noise occurs at a
frequency below the output frequency, and cannot be filtered by load inductance. This limits
the output frequency relative to the input. These limitations make cycloconverters often
inferior to a DC link converter system for most applications.


The basic principle of operation of a cycloconverter can be explained with reference to an

equivalent circuit shown above. Each two-quadrant converter is now represented as an
alternating voltage source, which corresponds to the fundamental or wanted voltage
component generated at its output terminals. The basic diodes connected in series with each
voltage source shows the unidirectional conduction of each two-quadrant converter. If the
ripple in the output voltage of each converter is neglected, then it becomes ideal and
represents the desired output voltage. The basic control principle of an ideal cycloconverter is
to continuously modulate the firing angles of the individual converters, so that each produces
the same sinusoidal a.c. voltage at its output terminals. Thus, the voltages of the two
generators have the same amplitude, frequency and phase and, the voltage at the output
terminals of the cycloconverter is equal to the voltage of either of these generators. It is
possible for the mean power to flow either to or from the output terminals, and the
cycloconverter is inherently capable of operation with loads of any phase angle, within a
complete spectrum of 360. Because of the unidirectional current carrying property of the
individual converters, it is inherent that the positive half cycle of load current must always be
carried by the positive converter, and the negative half cycle by the negative converter,
regardless of the phase of the current with respect to the voltage. This means, each twoquadrant converter operates both in its rectifying and in its inverting region during the period
of its associated half cycle of the current.

Generally, cycloconverters are classified according to the no of phase of input and output AC
voltages. The tree diagram of the classification of cycloconveters is given below:


1- to 1-

Mid point


3- to 1-

1- , 3 pulse

Square output

Sinusoidal output



1- , 6 pulse

3- to 3-

3-,3 Pulse

3- , 6 pulse


A centre tapped power transformer is required in the mid-pint cycloconverter. It has 2 groups
of thyristors. The thyristors Tp1 & Tp2 form positive group, which produces positive half
cycle of the output. Similarly, Tn1 & Tn2 represent the negative group, which produces the

negative half-cycle of the output. The line commutation process is used to turn OFF a
conducting thyristor. By turning ON a thyristor of a particular group, a reverse voltage
appears across the conducting thyristor, so by turning Tp1 ON Tp2 gets commutated and
vice-versa. Let during positive half clce of the input voltage Vi, polarity of voltage at point A
is positive and at point B is negative with respect to O. Similarly during negative half cycle of
input voltage, voltage at point A is negative and at point B is positive with respect to the
point O.
For keeping the frequency of output voltage to 1/3 of the frequency of the input voltage, three
positive pulses are being obtained across the load to produce one combined positive halfcycle of the load voltage. Similarly, the three negative half cycles are being obtained across
the load to produce one combined negative half cycle of the load voltage. During the first
positive half cycle of the input, the point A is positive, therefore, thyristor Tp1 is forward
biased and it is fired at firing angle to conduct for remaining half cycle. The load current io
flows through point A thyristor Tp1 load and the midpoint O of the transformer. Due to
resistive load, the load current falls to zero at the end of this half-cycle and thyristor Tp1
turns OFF. In the negative cycle of the input voltage the point B is positive and point A is
negative. The forward biased thyristor Tp2 is turned ON at firing angle + of input voltage
by the applied gating signal. At present, the load current flows through point B, thyristor Tp2,
load and midpoint O of the transformer. In the next positive half cycle of the input, Tp1
becomes in the forward biased and Tp2 becomes in the reverse biased voltage. Tp2 is
automatically line commutated at about 2 and Tp1 is conducted at firing angle 2+ of the
input voltage. The load current flows again in the same path as in the previous cases when
Tp1 or Tp2 was conducting. In this way, the three positive pulses are being obtained at the
output to produce one combined positive half cycle of output voltage. The amplitude of the
output voltage can be controlled by controlling the firing angle of the thyrsitors. Now for
getting one combined negative half cycle in the period of three input half cycle, we aplly the
firing pulses to the negative group thyristors Tn1 and Tn2. In the next negative half cycle of
the input, the thyristor Tp1 is automatically turned OFF at about 3 due to the reverse
biasing and zero current. The forward biased thyristor Tn1 is gated at firing angle . The load
current flows through the midpoint O, load, Tn1 and point A. So the load current direction is
reversed. In the next positive half cycle of the input voltage, the gated and forward biased
thyristor Tn2 is triggered ON with delay angle and Tn1 is automatically line commutated
at about 4. The load current flows through midpoint O, load, Tn2 and point B. In the next
half cycle of the input voltage, Tn2 is automatically turned OFF at about 5. The gated and
forward biased thyristor Tn1 is turned ON at firing angle . The load current path and its
direction again remain same as in the previous case when Tn1 or Tn2 was conducting. In this
circuit, the thyristors conduct only when they are fired at a firing angle at the gate of the
thyristor. The magnitude of the output voltage and current can be controlled by controlling
the firing angle of the thyristors. Thyristors are conducted at firng angle and therefore
average output voltage has about square waveform contains significant harmonic about
square waveform, which leads to excessive temperature rise in AC motors. For producing
sinusoidally controlled output voltage, thyristors T4 and T3 are fired at zero degree of the

input voltage and T1 and T2 are fired at firing angle for controlling the output voltage.
This scheme can be called as a modulating firing scheme.


The circuit of a single-phase bridge type cycloconverter is shown in below figure. Two fullwave fully controlled bridge converter circuits, using four thyristors for each bridge, are
connected in opposite direction (back to back), with both bridges being fed from ac supply
(50 Hz). Bridge 1 (P positive) supplies load current in the positive half of the output cycle,
while bridge 2 (N negative) supplies load current in the negative half. The two bridges
should not conduct together as this will produce short-circuit at the input. In this case, two
thyristors come in series with each voltage source. When the load current is positive, the
firing pulses to the thyristors of bridge 2 are inhibited, while the thyristors of bridge 1 are
triggered by giving pulses at their gates at that time. Similarly, when the load current is
negative, the thyristors of bridge 2 are triggered by giving pulses at their gates, while the
firing pulses to the thyristors of bridge 1 are inhibited at that time. This is the circulatingcurrent free mode of operation. Thus, the firing angle control scheme must be such that only
one converter conduct at a time, and the change over of firing pulses from one converter to
the other, should be periodic according to the output frequency. However, the firing angles
the thyristors in both converters should be the same to produce a symmetrical output.

When a cyclo-converter operates in the non-circulating current mode, the control scheme is
complicated, if the load current is discontinuous. The control is somewhat simplified, if some
amount of circulating current is allowed to flow between them. In this case, a circulating
current limiting reactor is connected between the positive and negative converters, as is the
case with dual converter, i.e. two fully controlled bridge converters connected back to back,
in circulating-current mode. The readers are requested to refer to any standard text book. This
circulating current by itself keeps both converters in virtually continuous conduction over the
whole control range. This type of operation is termed as the circulating-current mode of
operation. The operation of the cyclo-converter circuit with both purely resistive (R), and
inductive (R-L) loads is explained.
Resistive (R) Load: For this load, the load current (instantaneous) goes to zero, as the input
voltage at the end of each half cycle (both positive and negative) reaches zero (0). Thus, the
numberedthyristorpair,P &P istriggeredafterphasedelay(1),suchthatcurrentstarts

pair(evennumbered),P &P inthatbridgeconducts,bytriggeringthemaftersuitablephase



To obtain negative output voltage, in the next three half cycles of input voltage, bridge 2 is
used. Following same logic, if the bottom point of the ac supply is taken as positive with the
top point as negative in the negative half of ac input, the odd-numbered thyristor pair, N &

N conducts, by triggering them after suitable phase delay from the zero-crossing. Similarly,

the even-numbered thyristor pair, N & N conducts in the next half cycle. Both the output

voltage and current are now negative. As in the previous case, the above process also
continues for three consecutive half cycles of input voltage. From three waveforms, one
combined negative half cycle of output voltage is produced, having same frequency as given
earlier. The pattern of firing angle first decreasing and the increasing, is also followed in
the negative half cycle. One positive half cycle, along with one negative half cycle, constitute
one complete cycle of output (load) voltage waveform, its frequency being 3216Hz as stated
earlier. The ripple frequency of the output voltage/ current for singlephase full-wave
converter is 100 Hz, i.e., double of the input frequency. It may be noted that the load (output)
current is discontinuous, as also load (output) voltage. The supply (input) voltage is shown in
figure. Only one of two thyristor bridges (positive or negative) conducts at a time, giving
non-circulating current mode of operation in this circuit.

1. In a cyclo-converter, ac power at one frequency is converted directly to a lower frequency
in a single conversion stage.
2. Cyclo-converter functions by means of phase commutation, without auxiliary forced
commutation circuits. The power circuit is more compact, eliminating circuit losses
associated with forced commutation.
3. Cyclo-converter is inherently capable of power transfer in either direction between source
and load. It can supply power to loads at any power factor, and is also capable of
regeneration over the complete speed range, down to standstill. This feature makes it
preferable for large reversing drives requiring rapid acceleration and deceleration, thus
suited for metal rolling application.
4. Commutation failure causes a short circuit of ac supply. But, if an individual fuse blows
off, a complete shutdown is not necessary, and cyclo-converter continues to function with
somewhat distorted waveforms. A balanced load is presented to the ac supply with
unbalanced output conditions.
5. Cyclo-converter delivers a high quality sinusoidal waveform at low output fre-quencies,
since it is fabricated from a large number of segments of the supply waveform. This is
often preferable for very low speed applications.
6. Cyclo-converter is extremely attractive for large power, low speed drives.

1. Large number of thyristors is required in a cyclo-converter, and its control circuitry
becomes more complex. It is not justified to use it for small installations, but is
economical for units above 20 kVA.
2. For reasonable power output and efficiency, the output frequency is limited to one-third of
the input frequency.
3. The power factor is low particularly at reduced output voltages, as phase control is used
with high firing delay angle.

The cyclo-converter is normally compared with dc link converter , where two power
controllers, first one for converting from ac input at line frequency to dc output, and the
second one as inverter to obtain ac output at any frequency from the above dc input fed to it.
The thyristors, or switching devices of transistor family, which are termed as self10

commutated ones, usually the former, which in this case is naturally commutated, are used in
controlled converters (rectifiers). The diodes, whose cost is low, are used in uncontrolled
ones. But now-a-days, switching devices of transistor family are used in inverters, though
thyristors using force commutation are also used. A diode, connected back to back with the
switching device, may be a power transistor (BJT), is needed for each device. The number of
switching devices in dc link converter depends upon the number of phases used at both input
and output. The number of devices, such as thyristors, used in cyclo-converters depends on
the types of connection, and also the number of phases at both input and output. It may be
noted that all features of a cyclo-converter may not be available in a dc link converter.
Similarly, certain features, like Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques as used in
inverters and also converters, to reduce the harmonics in voltage waveforms, are not applied
in cyclo-converters.

1. Speed Control AC motors.
2. To interconnect two power grids operating at different frequencies
3. Controlled induction heating
4. In variable frequency input and constant frequency output (VSCF) system, which is
suitable for aircraft power supplies. In VSCF system, a rigged, compact and low
weightage solid state cycloconverter produce a constant frequency AC voltage from a
variable speed alternator.
5. Cement mill drives

Ship propulsion drives

7. Rolling mill drives

8. Scherbius drives
9. Ore grinding mills
10. Mine winders





The block diagram of a type of triggering circuit for the midpoint cycloconverter is shown
above. These circuits are very simple and require less and easily available components. The
6V to 12V AC synchronizing signal can get from 230V : 6V to12V(100mA) transformer.
The zero crossover detector (ZCD) which uses an operational amplifier transforms the
synchronizing signal into a square wave signal (A) as shown in figure. The negative pulses
are eliminated by using diodes at the output stage of the op-amp.

The 1st EXCLUSIVE OR gate (Pin Nos 11, 12 ,13 of IC 74C86) is used as inverter. The
waveform is obtained at the output of the inverter. The waveform is given to the delay
circuit(R-C integrator circuit) and waveform P is obtained across the capacitor C of the delay
circuit. The waveforms P and are fed to the input terminals of an other EX-OR gate and
the waveforms C is obtained at the output of the EX-OR gate.

This C waveform is used for resetting the ramp generator. The comparator compares the
ramp(D waveform) with a DC voltage Vc which varies between 0 about +10V(when Vcc=
+12V) and is controlled by the 47K Pot. The output of the comparator(waveform E) is used
for triggering IC 555 pulse shaper whose output produces waveform G which is used for
triggering thyristors.



The firing circuit consists of the following circuits:


1. Zero Crossover Detector (ZCD)

2. Ramp Generator
3. Comparator
4. Pulse Shaper


A zero crossing detector literally detects the transition of a signal waveform from positive
and negative, ideally providing a narrow pulse that coincides exactly with the zero voltage
condition. Zero crossing detector is used to convert sine wave or other signal into squarewave, the output should be low if the input is negative and high if the input if positive. Many
zero crossing detector use split supply (symmetric supply), but this zero crossing detector
circuit only need a single supply, thus suitable for battery-operated circuits. Here is the
schematic diagram:

Zero-crossing detector is an applied form of comparator. Either of the op-amp

basic comparator circuits discussed can be employed as the zero-crossing detector provided
the reference voltage Vref is made zero. Zero-crossing detector using inverting op-amp
comparator is depicted in figure. The output voltage waveform shown in figure indicates
when and in what direction an input signal vin crosses zero volt. In some applications the
input signal may be low frequency one (i.e. input may be a slowly changing waveform). In
such a case output voltage vOUT may not switch quickly from one saturation state to the other.
Because of the noise at the input terminals of the op-amp, there may be fluctuation in output
voltage between two saturation states (+ Vsat and Vsat voltages). Thus zero crossings may be
detected for noise voltages as well as input signal vin. Both of these problems can be
overcome, if we use regenerative or positive feeding causing the output voltage vout to change
faster and eliminating the false output transitions that may be caused due to noise at the input
of the op-amp.


zero crossing detector waveform

A circuit that generates a sweep voltage which increases linearly in value during one cycle of
sweep, then returns to zero suddenly to start the next cycle.If we apply a constantly changing
input signal such as a square wave to the input of an Integrator Amplifier then the capacitor
will charge and discharge in response to changes in the input signal. This results in the output
signal being that of a sawtooth waveform whose frequency is dependant upon the RC time
constant of the resistor/capacitor combination. This type of circuit is also known as a Ramp
Generator and the transfer function is given below.


In electronics, a comparator is a device which compares two voltages or currents and
switches its output to indicate which is larger. The input voltages must not exceed the power
voltage range:

In the case of TTL/CMOS logic output comparators, negative inputs are not allowed:

An operational amplifier has a well balanced difference input and a very high gain. The
parallels in the characteristics allows the op-amps to serve as comparators in some functions.
A standard op-amp operating in open loop configuration (without negative feedback) can be
used as a comparator. When the non-inverting input (V+) is at a higher voltage than the
inverting input (V-), the high gain of the op-amp causes it to output the most positive voltage
it can. When the non-inverting input (V+) drops below the inverting input (V-), the op-amp
outputs the most negative voltage it can. Since the output voltage is limited by the supply
voltage, for an op-amp that uses a balanced, split supply, (powered by VS) this action can
be written:

where sgn(x) is the sign function. Generally, the positive and negative supplies VS will not
match absolute value:



In practice, using an operational amplifier as a comparator presents several disadvantages as

compared to using a dedicated comparator:


1. Opamps are designed to operate in the linear mode with negative feedback. Hence, an
opamp typically has a lengthy recovery time from saturation. Almost all opamps have
an internal compensation capacitor which imposes slew rate limitations for high
frequency signals. Consequently an opamp makes a sloppy comparator with
propagation delays that can be as slow as tens of microseconds.
2. Since opamps do not have any internal hysteresis an external hysteresis network is
always necessary for slow moving input signals.
3. The quiescent current specification of an opamp is valid only when the feedback is
active. Some opamps show an increased quiescent current when the inputs are not
4. A comparator is designed to produce well limited output voltages that easily interface
with digital logic. Compatibility with digital logic must be verified while using an
opamp as a comparator.

Pulse shaping is the process of changing the waveform of transmitted pulses. The 555 Timer
IC is an integrated circuit (chip) implementing a variety of timer and multivibrator
applications. Depending on the manufacturer, the standard 555 package includes over 20
transistors, 2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8-pin mini dual-in-line
package (DIP-8).] Variants available include the 556 (a 14-pin DIP combining two 555s on
one chip), and the 558 (a 16-pin DIP combining four slightly modified 555s with DIS & THR
connected internally, and TR falling edge sensitive instead of level sensitive).

Modes of operation: theres basically two of them: monostable & astable.

Monostable: a circuit that produces an output pulse of fixed duration each time the input
circuit is triggered. Monostables are useful in producing timing signals
Astable Multivibrator: a circuit that produces an oscillatory output. The frequency and duty
cycle of the oscillator can be varied through the choice of resistors, capacitors, and a control


4-Bit Programmable Binary Counter (74191):

The 4-Bit Programmable Binary Counter (74191) is being used in down counting mode. It
can count from 15 to 0 pulses(1111 to 0000 binary number). When DPDT (double pole
double throw) switch is kept at stop position, the Load (Pin No 11) and En(Enable, Pin No 4)
become low and high respectively. As soon as the DPDT switch is turned ON the Load and
En become high and low respectively and the counter starts counting the pulses C in down
count mode from a preset number N(the binary number of pins states PD, PC, PB and PA
respectively)to the number (0000). The pins PD, PC, PB and PA can be made high (+5V or
open) or low (ground) with the help of switches as shown in figure. The counter overflow
signal (max/min) is processed to trigger Toggle Flip Flop. Here IC 74109 (J-K positive edge
trigger F/F with preset and clear) is used for toggling the F/F. Thus, by varying the preset
input of the counter one can control the numbers of the controlled half cycle pulses of the
input voltage in a half cycle of the output of the cycloconverter.
The modified Flip Flop controls the counter through En pin so that the counter can start
counting when the positive half cycle of the input voltage is present(i.e. when waveform A is


Set input terminal (S) and reset input terminal (R) of the flip flop are connected with the
output pulse A and +5V respectively through the DPDT switch. The S and R input terminals
are kept at low by putting a DPDT switch at stop position. This makes the output terminal B
as high. The output terminal B of the flip lop is connected with En(enable) of counter
IC 74191. This high En stops counting. When the DPDT switch is turned ON and waveform
A becomes high both the input terminals S and R are at high. It sets to 1 and B to 0. A low
En of the counter starts counting the pulse C. Now till the input R of the flip flop is high the
low or high value of the input S has no effect on the position of the output terminal B as low.


The IC 74109 toggle flip flop gives toggle output pulses T and at each input clock which
receives from the output ( max/min) of the counter. The preset terminal (PR) gets zero input
when DPDT switch is kept at stop position. The presence of zero at PR makes the output
pulse T as high at the starting.




The following four separate driver circuits are required for getting triggering pulses vgp1, vgp2,
vgn1 and vgn2 to rigger thyristors Tp1, Tp2, Tn1 and Tn2 respectively.
a. For getting vgp1 firing pulses waveforms G, A,
and T are ANDed and the ouput
signal Gp1 is fed to the pulse amplification and isolation stage.
b. For receiving vgp2 firing pulses waveforms ,
and T are ANDed and the ouput
signal Gp2 is fed to the pulse amplification and isolation stage.
and are ANDed and the ouput
c. For receiving vgn1 firing pulses waveforms G, ,
signal Gn1 is fed to the pulse amplification and isolation stage.
d. For getting vgn2 firing pulses waveforms A,
are ANDed and the ouput
signal Gn2 is fed to the pulse amplification and isolation stage.


























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Structure of the Component Database

The Multisim component database is designed to hold the information necessary to describe
any component. It contains all the details needed for schematic capture (symbols), simulation
(models) and PCB layout (footprints), as well as other electrical information.
There are three levels of database provided by Multisim. The master database is read only,
and contains components supplied by Electronics Workbench. The user database is private to
an individual user. It is used for components built by an individual that are not intended to be
shared. The corporate database is used to store custom components that are intended to be
shared across an organization. Various database management tools are supplied in order to
move components between databases, merge databases, and edit them.

Using the place component browser

By default, the Components toolbar is enabled. If it has been turned off, select
View/Toolbars/Components or right-click in the menu area and select Components from
the pop-up that appears.
Note: This section describes the placement of "real" components. Use the Virtual toolbar to
place "virtual" components.
To choose and place a component.
Click on the desired group in the Component toolbar, for example, Basic. The Select
a Component dialog box appears with the selected component group displayed.


Alternatively, you can display the Select a Component dialog box by choosing
Place/Component and selecting the desired group from the Group drop-down list.
Note: The Select a Component browser is also referred to as the place component browser.
Note: The default database that displays in the browser is the Master Database. If you wish
to select a component from either the Corporate Database or User Database, you must
select that database from the Database drop-down list before selecting a component. Once
changed, the database will remain as selected for subsequent part placements.

Click on the desired component family in the Family list.


Click on the desired component in the Component list.

To make your scroll through the Component list faster, simply type the first few
characters of the component's name.
Note Virtual components are identified by a green icon in the Family column. You can
also place virtual components by using the Virtual Toolbar.


To confirm that this is the component you want to place, click OK. (To cancel placing
the component, click Close). The browser closes and the cursor on the circuit window
changes to a ghost image of the component you wish to place. This indicates that the
component is ready to be placed.
Note If you are placing a component whose package includes multiple sections (for
example, four separate gates, as in the above example), a dialog box displays, where you
specify which of the sections you want to place.
Move your cursor to the location where you want the component placed. The
workspace automatically scrolls if you move your cursor to the edges of the workspace.
Click on the circuit window where you want the component placed. The component's
symbol and labels appear (unless you have specified that they are not to be displayed, as
explained in Displaying Identifying Information about a Placed Component), as well as a
unique RefDes made up of a letter and number. The letter represents the type of component
and the number is a sequential number that indicates the order in which the components were
originally placed. For example, the first digital component has the RefDes "U1", the next is
"U2", the first inductor has the RefDes "L1", and so on.
Note If the component you place is a virtual component, it is a different color from real
components. This color is set in the Sheet Properties dialog box, as explained in Sheet
Properties - Circuit Tab.
Some components, like resistors and capacitors will have Filter fields at the top of
the Component list, to make part selection faster.

Searching for Components

Multisim comes with a powerful search engine to help you quickly locate components if you
know some information about the type of component you need. Multisim searches its
database for components that meet your criteria and presents them to you, enabling you to
choose the component that most suits the needs of your application from the list of
To perform a standard search of the database:

Select Place/Component to display the Select a Component browser.


Click Search. The Search Component dialog box appears:


Optionally, click More>> to display additional search options.


In the desired fields, enter your search criteria (you must enter at least one item).
Enter alphanumeric characters, that is, text and/or numbers. Case is not considered, and you
can use the "*" wildcard to search on partial strings.
For example, in the Footprint Type field:
"CASE646-06" finds only the exact string "CASE646-06"
"*06" finds any string ending with "06"
"CASE*" finds any string starting with "CASE"
a "?" anywhere in the string will match exactly one character. For example, "CAS?" will
match "CASE", but not "CASE646-06".
Click Search. When the search is complete, the Search Component Result dialog
box appears.
The more specific your search criteria, the smaller the number of matching
To select a component from the search results:
When the search is complete, the Search Component Result dialog box appears, displaying
information about the first component that matched your criteria. The Component list
contains a list of all the components that matched your criteria. For example, using the search
example above, the results look like this:


From the Component list, select the component you are interested in. To view information
about any component found by the search, simply choose it from the list and the display
fields change accordingly.
To place the selected component, click OK. You return to the Select a Component
dialog box, where you can place the component by clicking OK.
You can refine your search if your initial attempt yielded a large number of items.
To refine your search:
Click Refine Search. The following dialog box appears.


Enter desired parameters and click Search.


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