Evolving A Rule System Controller For Automatic Driving in A Car Racing Competition
Evolving A Rule System Controller For Automatic Driving in A Car Racing Competition
Evolving A Rule System Controller For Automatic Driving in A Car Racing Competition
racing competition
Diego Perez, Yago Saez Member, IEEE, Gustavo Recio, Pedro Isasi
In 1970, the visionary Robert E. Fenton, in his survey,
predicted how automatic vehicle guidance would evolve, [1]:
The system would probably be implemented in three overlapping stages. The first could be the installation and use
of various driver aids so that the driver would be a more
effective decision maker and improve the performance of
the driver-vehicle system. The second stage could involve
the gradual introduction of various subsystems for partial
automatic control. The third would include the transition
to complete automatic vehicle control. Each of these stages
must be realized within the confines of one system so that
the addition of each feature would contribute to the ultimate
Today, we are in the second stage: we can buy cars with
electronic aided brake systems (ABS), lane change aids,
adaptive cruise controls which maintain a set distance from
the car ahead, automatically accelerating or decelerating,
and even applying the brakes, etc. All these new technical
advances are a good starting point for approximating the third
stage: to complete automatic vehicle control.
The techniques and the technologies supporting Automatic
Vehicle Guidance (AVG) are an important issue [2]. Automobile manufacturers view automatic driving as a very
interesting product with motivating key features which allow
improving of the car safety, reduction in emission or fuel
consumption or optimizing of the driver comfort during long
This topic has been addressed by numerous researchers,
e.g. [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], as an engineering
problem. However, this problem can also involve, among
The authors are with Carlos III University of Madrid, Av. de la
Universidad 30, Madrid, Spain (contact phone: +34-91-624-8456; email:
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the system configuration for the 1:24 scaled model used
in [18].
Fig. 3.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 4.
An important feature of the design is the usage of symmetry for the first two sensors. This concept works by using the
absolute value of the sensor to match to the proper discretized
value. In other words, a value of and from any of those
sensors will mean the same discretized value. The objective
of this approach is two-fold: to reduce the search space and
to avoid the algorithm learning how to face similar situations
twice, taking into account that the difference is only the sign
of the sensor value.
SpeedX (Figure 5): speed of the car along the longitudinal axis of the car, discretized in a range [0,3], where
0 means lower speed than higher values.
Fig. 5.
C. Rules
The discretization applied over the input data allows us to
create a set of 120 rules (Figure 7), where the conditional part
is composed of the above four sensors used and the actions
are formed by acceleration, braking and steering, which are
codified as seen previously. This set of initial rules are the
basis of the base individual.
D. Base individual
One of the biggest problems found when evolutionary
techniques are applied to obtain autonomous driving is
that traditional random initialization of individuals does not
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Algorithm step.
Results shows that this algorithm is effective since it reduces the base individuals lap times in few generations, and
keeps the damage of the car almost inexistent. However, more
tests need to be done in order to extract some conclusions.
The controller developed for the competition (called
DIEGO) was tested in three circuits and it obtained acceptable results in the first two (Figures 10 and 11).
Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
This work was supported in part by the Spanish MCyT
project OPLINK, under grant no. TIN2005-08818-C04-02.
[1] R.E. Fenton. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 19(1):153
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[2] J. Bernard, J. Gruening, and K. Hoffmeister. Evaluation of vehicle/driver performance using genetic algorithms. SAE International
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[3] A. Niehaus and R. F. Stengel. Probability-based decision making
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[4] G. Siegle, J. Geisler, F. Laubenstein, H. Nagel, and G. Struck.
Autonomous driving on a road network. Intelligent Vehicles 92
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[6] D. Pomerleau and T. Jochem. Rapidly adapting machine vision for
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[8] C. Thorpe, T. Jochem, and D. Pomerleau. Automated highway and
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