A Randomized Clinical Trial of The Effectiveness of Mechanical Traction For Sub-Groups of Patients With Low Back Pain: Study Methods and Rationale

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Fritz et al.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010, 11:81


Open Access


A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of

mechanical traction for sub-groups of patients
with low back pain: study methods and rationale
Study protocol

Julie M Fritz*1,2, Anne Thackeray1,2, John D Childs3 and Gerard P Brennan1

Background: Patients with signs of nerve root irritation represent a sub-group of those with low back pain who are at
increased risk of persistent symptoms and progression to costly and invasive management strategies including
surgery. A period of non-surgical management is recommended for most patients, but there is little evidence to guide
non-surgical decision-making. We conducted a preliminary study examining the effectiveness of a treatment protocol
of mechanical traction with extension-oriented activities for patients with low back pain and signs of nerve root
irritation. The results suggested this approach may be effective, particularly in a more specific sub-group of patients.
The aim of this study will be to examine the effectiveness of treatment that includes traction for patients with low back
pain and signs of nerve root irritation, and within the pre-defined sub-group.
Methods/Design: The study will recruit 120 patients with low back pain and signs of nerve root irritation. Patients will
be randomized to receive an extension-oriented treatment approach, with or without the addition of mechanical
traction. Randomization will be stratified based on the presence of the pre-defined sub-grouping criteria. All patients
will receive 12 physical therapy treatment sessions over 6 weeks. Follow-up assessments will occur after 6 weeks, 6
months, and 1 year. The primary outcome will be disability measured with a modified Oswestry questionnaire.
Secondary outcomes will include self-reports of low back and leg pain intensity, quality of life, global rating of
improvement, additional healthcare utilization, and work absence. Statistical analysis will be based on intention to treat
principles and will use linear mixed model analysis to compare treatment groups, and examine the interaction
between treatment and sub-grouping status.
Discussion: This trial will provide a methodologically rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of using traction for
patients with low back pain and signs of nerve root irritation, and will examine the validity of a pre-defined subgrouping hypothesis. The results will provide evidence to inform non-surgical decision-making for these patients.
Trial Registration: This trial has been registered with http://ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00942227
The Problem of Low Back Pain with Nerve Root

Low back pain is a common condition that is estimated to

affect approximately 40% of the adult population within a
1-month time frame [1]. A majority of cases of LBP are
considered "non-specific", with no clearly evident pathoanatomic cause [2]. Among the most common specific
causes of LBP are disorders of the lumbar intervertebral
* Correspondence: julie.fritz@hsc.utah.edu

Rehabilitation Agency, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

disks resulting in irritation of the lumbar nerve roots. It is

estimated that nerve root involvement accompanies
approximately 10% of episodes of LBP [3], with lifetime
prevalence estimates ranging from 12% - 43% [4,5].
Although LBP accompanied by nerve root involvement
accounts for a relatively small percentage of all cases of
LBP, the presence of nerve root involvement has been
associated with an increased severity of symptoms,
heightened risk of chronicity and work absence, and
higher health care costs [3,6-8].
Although surgery may offer benefits for some patients
with LBP and nerve root involvement [9], non-surgical

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

2010 Fritz et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons At-

BioMed Central tribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Fritz et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010, 11:81


management is recommended as an initial strategy in

most cases [10]. However, there appears to be a wide
range of non-surgical management strategies undertaken
for these patients, with little standardization or evidence
to inform decision-making [11]. Many patients with LBP
and nerve root involvement receive physical therapy [12],
yet there is currently little research examining the potential benefits of physical therapy relative to other non-surgical options. A recent study suggests there may be some
benefit to receiving physical therapy compared to management by a general practitioner alone [13], however the
benefits of physical therapy were not consistent across all
outcomes in the study, and the results did not support the
overall cost-effectiveness of physical therapy [14]. Physical therapists use a wide variety of treatments for patients
with LBP and nerve root involvement [15], and sub-optimal outcomes may be at least partly attributable to the
relatively sparse evidence on the specific treatment
options that are most effective for these patients [16,17].
It is also unclear if there is meaningful heterogeneity in
the response to different physical therapy treatment
options, which would indicate a potential benefit in identifying more homogeneous sub-groups within the larger
group of patients with LBP and nerve root involvement.
Mechanical Traction as a Treatment for Low Back Pain with
Nerve Root Involvement

Axial traction has been used for centuries as a treatment

for LBP and was popularized by Cyriax as an intervention
for patients with nerve root involvement due to lumbar
intervertebral disk herniation [18]. Evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews have generally not supported
the use of traction for patients with LBP [19-21]. Despite
the lack of research support, surveys indicate continued
use of traction, in various forms and delivered by various
providers, for patients with LBP [22-25]. The rationale
offered by those who advocate the use of traction despite
the lack of supporting evidence is the low methodological
quality and questionable external validity of the majority
of the research examining traction [26]. External validity
concerns have centered on divergences between the
delivery of traction in research and clinical practice,
including questions about dosage parameters (traction
force and duration), the use of concomitant interventions, and patient selection [27]. Specifically, traction has
generally been researched as a stand-alone treatment,
whereas clinicians often deliver traction in conjunction
with other treatments, most often exercise interventions
[28]. Clinicians also report using traction for selected
sub-groups of patients with LBP, whereas research has
often included more heterogeneous patient samples. The
most common sub-group of patients cited by clinicians as
appropriate for traction are those with LBP accompanied
by signs of nerve root irritation [27,28], however the

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accuracy of this clinical perception has not been adequately researched.

Preliminary Research to Identify a Sub-Group of Patients
Likely to Benefit from Traction

As an initial step towards investigating if a more clinically-relevant traction protocol would result in larger
treatment effects, and to explore if a specific sub-group of
patients with LBP exists for whom evidence would support the use of traction, we conducted a randomized clinical trial [29]. The inclusion criteria for this trial were
designed to provide a more homogeneous sample that
reflected clinicians' perceptions of the appropriate subgroup of patients most likely to benefit from traction. The
trial required patients to have symptoms distal to the buttock accompanied by clinical signs of nerve root irritation. Because we hypothesized that clinically important
heterogeneity may exist even within this more narrowlydefined sample of patients, we secondarily examined
additional baseline variables, nominated based on expert
opinion and observations, for their potential to further
define a traction sub-group. The trial randomized
patients to one of two treatment groups, both of which
received 6 weeks of treatment involving an extension-oriented treatment approach (EOTA) comprised of repeated
end-range extension exercises and supplemented with
manual therapy and education designed to facilitate centralization of the patient's symptoms. One group also
received mechanical traction during the first two weeks
of treatment, in addition to this extension-oriented
approach (EOTA+traction). The traction protocol was
designed to reflect common clinical practice [28] and was
informed by expert clinical input [30]. The protocol used
a high dosage of traction, with a sustained traction force
ranging between 40%-60% of a patient's body weight,
delivered for a maximum of 12 minutes during a treatment session. The delivery of traction was combined with
concomitant use of the EOTA interventions designed to
enhance centralization of symptoms. We provided this
high-dose traction during the initial 2 weeks of traction
to reflect the clinical perception that traction is most
effective when delivered early in the course of treatment,
followed by transition to exercise or other patientdirected activities [30].
Analysis of the overall randomized trial results found a
significant time x treatment interaction after 2 weeks, but
not at the 6 week follow-up for the outcome of disability
(Modified Oswestry questionnaire) (figure 1). The group
receiving EOTA+traction experienced greater change
after 2 weeks on the Oswestry questionnaire, however the
magnitude of the treatment effect was at the margins of
clinical significance [31] (mean difference = 7.2 points
(95% CI: 0.13, 14.3)), and was no longer significant after 6
weeks. Our secondary analysis identified two baseline

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EOTA+Traction (SG-)
EOTA+Traction (SG+)

Modified Oswestry Score











Figure 1 Comparison of patients receiving an Extension-Oriented Treatment Approach (EOTA) with or without traction in the
preliminary randomized trial [29]. A significant treatment effect favoring traction was evident after 2 weeks, but not after 6 weeks.

variables that significantly interacted with the treatment

provided: the presence of peripheralization of symptoms
with extension movement, and a positive crossed straight
leg raise test. Analysis of the results using the presence of
either of these two factors to preliminarily define a subgroup of likely traction responders (table 1) demonstrated a significant time x treatment x sub-group status,
3-way interaction at both the 2- and 6-week follow-up
(figure 2). The nature of this interaction indicated that
patients who met the preliminary sub-grouping criteria
and received traction experienced greater change in disability across time than those who did not meet the subgrouping criteria and received traction, or those who met
the criteria but did not receive traction (figure 2). The
presence of this interaction suggests the sub-grouping
criteria identified in this preliminary study may represent
an effect modifier specific to the use of lumbar traction
(i.e., the response to lumbar traction is expected to differ
based on sub-grouping status) [32]. Additional research
in different patient samples is needed to validate or refute
this preliminary finding [33].

Figure 2 Comparison of patients receiving an Extension-Oriented Treatment Approach (EOTA) with or without traction based on
status on the sub-grouping (SG) criteria for traction in the preliminary randomized trial [29]. A significant 3-way interaction between
treatment, sub-grouping status, and time was evident after 2 and 6

Overview of research design

The study will be a randomized controlled trial comparing an extension-oriented treatment approach (EOTA)
with or without the addition of mechanical traction. The
study will include patients with signs and symptoms consistent with lumbar nerve root irritation. Randomization
will be stratified based on the preliminary sub-grouping
criteria (table 1). The study design and subject flow are
outlined in figure 3. Subjects in each treatment group will
receive 12 individual treatment sessions with a physical
therapist delivered over a 6-week period. Patients randomized to the traction group will receive traction combined with the EOTA throughout the 6-week treatment
period. Outcomes will be assessed at the conclusion of
treatment (6 weeks), and after 6 months and 1 year. The
study has been approved by the Institutional Review
Boards at the University of Utah, Intermountain Healthcare, Inc., and Wilford Hall Medical Center.

Table 1: Definition of preliminary criteria to define a sub-group of patients likely to benefit from traction.


1. Peripheralization with
extension movement

Presence of peripheralization with at least one of the following extension movements during the baseline
examination: single extension standing, repeated extension standing, sustained extension prone (prone on
elbows), or repeated extension prone (prone press-ups).
Peripheralization is judged to have occurred if a pain or paresthesia moves distally away from the spine toward the
periphery, or paresthesia or a neurological sign is worsened or produced during or after the movement [48].

2. Positive crossed straight

leg raise test

Reproduction of familiar symptoms in the symptomatic lower extremity with passive straight leg raising of the
unaffected leg at an angle of 70 or less [49].

Positive Sub-Grouping Status (SG+): Either criterion 1 or 2 is present (or both are present)
Negative Sub-Grouping Status (SG-): Both criterion 1 and 2 are absent

Fritz et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010, 11:81












Figure 3 Participant flow through the study.


1. The treatment group receiving traction in addition

to an EOTA intervention will have better outcomes
than the treatment group receiving the EOTA intervention without traction after 6 weeks.
2. The treatment group receiving traction in addition
to an EOTA intervention will have better outcomes
than the treatment group receiving the EOTA intervention without traction after 6 months and 1 year.
3. Patients who are positive on the preliminary traction sub-grouping criteria and receive traction in
addition to an EOTA intervention will have better
outcomes at all time points than:
a. patients who are negative on the preliminary
traction sub-grouping criteria and receive traction
in addition to an EOTA intervention
b. patients who are positive on the preliminary
traction sub-grouping criteria and do not receive
traction in addition to an EOTA intervention.
Subject Recruitment

A total of 120 subjects will be recruited for participation.

Subjects will be recruited from physician (general prac-

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tice, physiatry, orthopedic surgery) and physical therapist

(outpatient orthopedic) practices in Salt Lake City, Utah
and San Antonio, Texas in the United States. Interested
individuals from these practices will be screened for eligibility based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Subjects
must meet each of the study's inclusion criteria, and not
have any of the exclusion criteria in order to be eligible
for enrollment in this study (table 2). These criteria are
designed to recruit a sample of subjects with signs and
symptoms of nerve root irritation without contraindications to the study treatments. Subjects over age 60, and
those reporting an absence of symptoms when seated, are
excluded to reduce to likelihood of including subjects
whose LBP is attributable to lumbar spinal stenosis, for
whom extension exercises may be contra-indicated. All
potential subjects screened for eligibility will be recorded
as well as the reason for ineligibility of potential subjects
who are not enrolled in the study.
Outcome Measures

The baseline evaluation of the subject will be conducted

following confirmation of eligibility and the provision of
informed consent. Demographic characteristics will be
collected including the subject's age, gender, employment
status, LBP history, prior treatments for LBP, and treatment expectations. Subjects' fear-avoidance beliefs
regarding physical activity and work will be assessed
using the Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire [34], and
pain catastrophizing will be evaluated with the Pain Catastrophizing Scale [35]. Measures of treatment outcome
will be collected at the baseline evaluation and repeated
after 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year.
The primary outcome measure for determining treatment effectiveness will be LBP-related disability measured using a Modified version of the Oswestry disability
index (OSW) [31]. The OSW consists of 10 items assessing different aspects of pain and function related to LBP.
Each item is scored from 0-5 with higher scores representing greater disability. The OSW is a recommended
and widely-used measure of outcome in clinical trials
evaluating treatments for patients with LBP [36], with
demonstrated responsiveness to change in individuals
with LBP, including those with LBP accompanied by leg
pain [37,38]. Secondary outcome measures will include
average low back and leg pain intensity over the past 24
hours measured using numeric rating scales [39]. Subject's will be asked to rate their current level of pain as
well as the best and worst levels of pain over the past 24
hours on 11-point scales ranging from 0 "no pain" to 10
"worst imaginable pain". The mean of the three ratings
will represent the average pain intensity. Separate ratings
will be collected for LBP and leg pain. Additional secondary outcome measures will be the subject's global rating
of change from initiation of treatment to present using a

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Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation in the study.

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

1. Chief complaint of pain and/or paresthesia in the lumbar spine

with a distribution of symptoms that has extended distal to the
gluteal fold into at least one lower extremity within the past 24 hours.

1. Known serious spinal pathology (e.g., spinal tumor, fracture,

infectious disorder, osteoporosis or other bone demineralizing
condition), or suspicion of serious pathology based on red flags
noted in the general medical screening.

2. Modified Oswestry score 20%

2. Evidence of central nervous system involvement, including

symptoms of cauda equina syndrome (i.e. loss of bowel/bladder
control or saddle region paresthesia) or the presence of
pathological reflexes (i.e. positive Babinski) in the physical

3. Age at least 18 and less than 60 years

3. Patient report of a the complete absence of LBP and leg

symptoms when seated

4. At least one of the following signs of nerve root compression:

5. Recent (within the past 2 weeks) epidural steroid injection for

LBP and/or leg pain

I. Positive ipsilateral or contralateral straight leg raise test

(reproduction of leg symptoms with leg raise <70)

6. Current pregnancy

II. Sensory deficit to pinprick on the ipsilateral lower extremity

7. Known inability to comply with the treatment schedule (e.g.,

planned vacation, etc.)

III. Diminished myotomal strength of the ipsilateral lower

IV. Diminished lower extremity muscle stretch reflex (Quadriceps
or Achilles) of the symptomatic lower extremity

15-level scale [40], and health-related quality of life

assessed using the Euroqol (EQ-5D) [41].
Subjects' utilization of healthcare resources and associated direct healthcare costs, as well as work absence due
to LBP will be recorded during the year following enrollment in the trial. The subject will be contacted by phone
or e-mail on a monthly basis following enrollment. At
each contact the subject will asked to report any visits to
healthcare providers for the management of LBP, any
diagnostic (e.g., MRI, radiographs, etc.) or interventional
procedures (e.g., injection, surgery, etc.), and any prescription medication purchased for LBP. The subject will
also be asked to report the number of days absent from
work related to LBP. Direct healthcare costs will be computed by assigning a standardized cost to each healthcare
service received based on average procedure cost data
from Intermountain Healthcare's health plan.

Assignment of subjects to treatment groups will be performed by a research assistant following completion of all
baseline evaluation procedures. Randomization will be
stratified based on the presence (or absence) of the preliminary traction sub-grouping criteria. The preliminary subgrouping criteria will be judged positive (SG+) if either of
the two sub-grouping variables is identified during the
baseline physical examination (table 1). The preliminary
sub-grouping criteria will be judged to be absent (SG-) if
both of the sub-grouping variables are absent during the

baseline physical examination. Our preliminary study

found 32 out of 64 subjects to be SG+ (50%), and we anticipate a similar proportion in this study. After completion of
all baseline evaluation activities, the research assistant will
select and open the next sealed opaque envelope appropriate to the subject's sub-grouping status. Allocation
sequences will be generated in permuted block sizes of 6, 8,
or 10 by study personnel prior to beginning the trial using
a web-based randomization generator http://www.randomization.com. Separate sequences will be generated for
each recruitment site.

Subjects will be randomized to one of two treatment

groups. One group will receive only the EOTA intervention, the other group will receive the EOTA intervention
with the addition of mechanical lumbar traction. Subjects
in both treatment groups will receive a total of 12 individual physical therapy treatment sessions delivered over a
6-week treatment period. Three sessions will occur during weeks 1 and 2 of the treatment period, two sessions in
weeks 3 and 4, and one session during weeks 5 and 6.
Extension-Oriented Treatment Approach (EOTA) Group

The EOTA intervention involves three components. The

goals of each component are to promote centralization of
symptoms and extension range of motion of the lumbar
spine. The first component will be a series of active extension-oriented exercises (table 3). These exercises will
consist of sustained and repeated extension movements

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Table 3: Exercise progression within the extension-oriented treatment approach.

Extension-Oriented Exercises


Options for Progression

Prone Lying

5 minutes

May use pillow to allow lumbar flexion initially if needed

May shift pelvis laterally if needed
Progress to full lumbar extension without pillows or lateral shift of pelvis
Progress time up to 5 minutes

Prone Lying on Elbows

5 minutes

May use partial range of extension motion

initially if needed
May shift pelvis laterally if needed
Progress to full lumbar extension with-out lateral
shift of pelvis
Progress time up to 5 minutes

Prone Press-Ups


May use partial range of extension motion initially if needed

May shift pelvis laterally if needed
Progress to full lumbar extension with-out lateral shift of pelvis
Progress to exhalation during the last repetition to promote increased extension
Progress to therapist over-pressure during repetitions to promote increased extension
Progress up to 30 repetitions

Extension in Standing


May use partial range of extension motion initially if needed

May shift pelvis laterally if needed
Progress to full lumbar extension with-out lateral shift of pelvis
Progress up to 30 repetitions

performed with the subject prone or standing. The exercises may be performed with a lateral component (i.e.,
shifting of the pelvis in the frontal plane) if this facilitates
centralization. Exercises will be progressed at the treating
physical therapist's discretion, guided by the principles of
maximizing centralization of symptoms and increasing
extension range of motion. Not all exercises will be used
for every subject, only those which promote centralization or extension range of motion. Exercise progression
will be accomplished by increasing the exercise time (up
to 5 minutes for sustained exercises) or repetitions (up to
30 repetitions per session), increasing the range of
motion towards greater lumbar extension, and adding
over-pressure once the end-range of extension range of
motion is obtained. Subjects will be instructed to perform
all assigned exercise activities at home, every 4-5 hours
throughout the day, on days when they do not have a
treatment session. Subjects will be provided a copy of an
exercise instruction booklet with detailed written
descriptions and pictures of the proper performance, frequency, and progression of each exercise. Subject compliance with their home exercise program will be recorded
by the treating physical therapist at each treatment session.
The second component of the EOTA will be subject
education. Subjects will be educated to maintain the natural lordosis of the lumbar spine while sitting, and will be
instructed to avoid prolonged sitting for greater than 20-

30 minutes whenever possible. Additionally, subjects will

be educated on the principles of symptom centralization/
peripheralization, and will be given general instructions
to discontinue any activities and avoid positions that
cause symptoms to peripheralize, and to encourage activities or spinal positions that centralize or improve symptoms.
The third component of the EOTA will be mobilization
of the lumbar spine to promote lumbar extension. The
mobilization component will consist of a series of up to
20 graded oscillatory mobilizations performed with the
subject prone. The physical therapist will apply a posterior-to-anterior mobilization force directed over the
spinous process, or laterally over the transverse process,
using a grade I - IV mobilization force as described by
Maitland [42]. The therapist will select the specific
grade(s) and spinal level(s) for mobilization during each
treatment session based on the consideration of promoting centralization and lumbar extension range of motion.
EOTA + Traction Group

Subjects in the EOTA + traction group will include the

EOTA components described above. Mechanical lumbar
traction will be applied using a 3D ActiveTrac traction
table (Chattanooga Group, Hixson, TN), a motorized,
split-table, traction device with a surface that can be
adjusted in 3 dimensions (flexion/extension, rotation, and
side bending). Subjects will be positioned prone with the
table in a neutral position in all planes. If this position

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causes peripheralization or an intolerable increase in

symptoms, the table will be adjusted using flexion or
side-bending to promote centralization of symptoms and
subject comfort as needed.
Static traction will be applied for a maximum of 12
minutes total, which consists of 10 minutes at the desired
intensity, plus 1-minute ramp-up and ramp-down times.
The intensity of the pull will be 40-60% of the subject's
body weight, adjusted based on the subject's tolerance
and symptom response. After 3 minutes of traction, if the
table was initially positioned in flexion or side bending,
the table will be repositioned as tolerated to achieve a
neutral lumbar posture. "Tolerance" will be defined as the
ability to achieve a neutral posture (or as close as possible) without peripheralization of symptoms or significant
increase in LBP. If the table was initially positioned using
both flexion and side-bending, the table will be repositioned first to correct the side-bending accommodation,
and then to correct the flexion accommodation. It may
not be possible to achieve the goal of a neutral posture
during each session, but the goal will be to be as close to
neutral posture as tolerated by the subject each session.
At the end of traction treatment, the subject will lie still
for 2 minutes prone. For subjects who end their traction
treatment in a flat (neutral) position, additional extension
positioning will be attempted as follows: the table will be
positioned in up to 10 (of extension as tolerated, and the
patients will lie still in this position for an additional 2
minutes. For patients who did not end the traction treatment in a flat (neutral) position, no extension positioning
will be attempted. At the conclusion of the traction treatment, the subject will be assisted to stand and walk. Flexion, side bending, and sitting positions are to be
minimized as much as possible following the traction
treatment. If tolerated, the subject will be instructed to
perform the same home program of extension-oriented
exercises as described in the EOTA group. The mobilization component of the EOTA will be added in the 3rd
week for patients in the EOTA plus traction group.
Treatment Side Effects

A questionnaire for reporting any side effects the subject

perceives to be related to treatment procedures will be
completed by the subject at the 6-week follow-up. The
questionnaire is based on a questionnaire used previously
to examine subjects with LBP receiving spinal manipulation [43]. Subjects are asked if they experienced any commonly-reported side effects following treatment
including stiffness, muscle spasm, fatigue, or increased
radiating symptoms. Subjects will also be able to report
side effects not specifically named. For each side effect
reported, the subject is asked to report the time of onset
relative to the precipitating treatment session (24 hours

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or >24 hours), the duration of the side effect symptoms

(24 hours or >24 hours), and severity of symptoms (categorized from 1 "light" to 4 "severe").
Physical Therapist Training and Compliance

All physical therapists will be trained by the study investigators in the treatment protocols used in this study. One
training session of approximately 90 minutes will be used
to review all treatment procedures. Each of the participating physical therapy clinics will be equipped with the
3D Active Trac traction table prior to initiation of the
study, and physical therapists will have experience with
this equipment. Each participating physical therapist will
also have prior experience using an EOTA intervention.
Participating physical therapists will be trained to provide
treatment for subjects in either group in this study. The
assignment of a study subject to a participating physical
therapist will be done on a pragmatic basis (location of
clinic, availability of appointment, etc.) A study treatment
folder will be provided to the treating physical therapist
each time he or she is assigned a new study subject. The
study treatment folder will include a written protocol
outline specific to the subject's group assignment, and
treatment forms for each physical therapy session to
allow the physical therapist to record the specific activities performed during the session and the exercises
assigned to the subject for home performance. In addition, each treatment session form will require the physical therapist to record the subject's reported home
exercise compliance since the last treatment session. The
physical therapist's compliance with the treatment protocols will be recorded and reviewed periodically. The use
of any off-protocol co-interventions will be recorded. The
subject's compliance with performing the assigned home
exercises will be recorded from the physical therapist's
treatment forms.
Data Integrity

The integrity of the data collected throughout the trial

will be monitored by regular review of the data collection
forms for missing responses, errors, or out of range values.
Data Analysis

Intention-to-treat principles will be applied to all analyses, with all subjects analyzed with the group to which
they were randomized regardless of compliance with
treatment. Hypotheses 1 and 2 relate to determining the
overall effectiveness of adding traction to an EOTA intervention. Linear mixed models with repeated measures
will be used to analyze overall treatment effectiveness.
The treating physical therapist and physical therapy clinic
will be modeled as random effects. Covariates, treatment

Fritz et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010, 11:81


group, and treatment group by time interaction will modeled as fixed effects. The treatment group by time interaction effect will be used to examine hypotheses 1 and 2
related to the effectiveness of adding traction to an EOTA
intervention. Treatment effect sizes with 95% confidence
intervals will be calculated for each follow-up time point.
The third hypothesis, examining effectiveness of adding
traction to an EOTA intervention based on subjects' status on the preliminary sub-grouping criteria, will be
examined with similar procedures with the inclusion of a
3-way, time by group by sub-grouping status interaction
term. Statistical significance will be based on an alpha
level of 0.05 for all analyses.
Sample Size and Power

The sample size calculation is based on examining the

differences between treatment groups after 6 weeks on
the primary outcome measure (OSW), while preserving
adequate power for detecting the sub-grouping effect in
hypothesis 3. In our preliminary study [29] we found a
treatment effect following the traction intervention of
0.47, based on a mean between group difference of 6.4
points on the OSW with a sd of 13.7, and a correlation
between baseline and follow-up OSW scores of r = 0.57.
We believe our modification of the traction protocol in
the present may improve the treatment effect. A sample
size of 128 subjects would provide 80% to detect a slightly
larger effect size (0.50). Adjustment for the baseline OSW
score will improve power versus an unadjusted comparison of means [44]. Presuming a correlation between baseline and post-treatment OSW scores of 0.57, a sample
size of 86 subjects would provide 80% power for the same
treatment effect [44]. To preserve adequate power to
examine the interaction effect related to the sub-grouping
status in hypothesis 3, we inflated the sample size based
on the size of the anticipated interaction effect relative to
the overall treatment effect [45]. In our preliminary study,
the magnitude the interaction effect was 1.07 sd between
subjects receiving traction who were SG+ compared with
subjects receiving EOTA only who were SG+, and was
0.71 sd between subjects receiving traction who were
SG+ and those receiving traction who were SG-. If the
sub-group effect size is presumed to be at least 1.0, no
further sample size inflation would be required to maintain the same power as for the overall treatment effect,
while a sub-group effect size of 0.71 would require an
inflation of approximately 1.5 [45]. Inflating the sample
size by 1.2 results in a sample size of 104 subjects.
Recruiting 120 subjects (60 per group) allows for a dropout rate of approximately 13%. Our sample size estimate
would be under-powered if a large clustering effect due to
subjects within clinical sites were present [46]. We are
presuming that our use of standardized protocols will
make any clustering effects negligible. If this presumption

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proves incorrect the study could be under-powered. Conversely, our sample size calculation accounts for adjustment for baseline OSW values. We will adjust for
additional baseline co-variates which may increase
power. A sample size of 120 subjects provides 80% power
to detect a between-group difference in low back or leg
pain rating of 1.0 points presuming a sd of 2.0, and a difference in the percentage of successful patients of 25%
based on dichotomization of the global rating of change

This study will examine the effectiveness of adding a
standardized protocol of lumbar mechanical traction to
an extension-oriented treatment approach for individuals
with LBP and nerve root irritation who are receiving nonsurgical care. The study will further examine if the addition of the traction protocol is particularly beneficial in a
sub-group of subjects defined by the presence of clinical
examination factors identified in preliminary research.
The study will examine the overall effect of the treatment
received, and the interaction between treatment received
and the sub-group status. This is the recommended strategy for determining if treatment effects differ across subgroups [47]. The sample size has been adjusted to preserve adequate power for the analysis of the sub-grouping
interaction effect [45]. There is currently a lack of evidence to inform clinical decision-making for the non-surgical management of LBP and nerve root irritation, even
though a period of non-surgical management is recommended for most patients. The overall goal of this study is
to provide evidence that can improve decision-making
for these patients.
Competing interests
We acknowledge a potential competing interest in the funding of this study,
which is provided by DJO incorporated, Vista, California, USA. DJO is the parent
company of Chattanooga, Inc., the manufacturer of the 3D ActiveTrac traction
table used in this study.
Authors' contributions
JF and JC conceived of this study and participated in its design. AT and GB contributed to the design of this study. AT will serve as the study coordinator. All
authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Author Details
1Rehabilitation Agency, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,
2Department of Physical Therapy, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
USA and 3U.S. Army-Baylor University, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USA
Received: 10 December 2009 Accepted: 30 April 2010
Published: 30 April 2010

Ltd. the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Pre-publication history
The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:
doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-11-81
Cite this article as: Fritz et al., A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness
of mechanical traction for sub-groups of patients with low back pain: study
methods and rationale BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010, 11:81

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