Hadith Rahma/ Mercy
Hadith Rahma/ Mercy
Hadith Rahma/ Mercy
Hadith of Mercy
ِ ُاَلرَّاح ِمُوُ َ ُن ُيَرُ َحمهمُ ُالرَّحُ َمنُ ُاِرُ َحموُاُ َمنُ ُفِيُا ُل َر
ضُيَرُ َحمكمُ َمنُ ُ ُفِي
ُالس َما ِء
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings
upon him) said, ‘[Allah] The Most-Merciful shows mercy to those who are
merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth so that mercy descends upon
you from the Heavens.’