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ISSN 1392 1215

2011. No. 3(109)


T 190 

Modeling of Photovoltaic Panel and Examining Effects of Temperature

in Matlab/Simulink
S. Rustemli, F. Dincer
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Yuzuncu Yil University,
65080, Van/Turkey, phone: +90 432 225 17 33, e-mails:,

promoted the use of solar energy as a viable source of

energy. Solar energy possesses characteristics that make it
highly attractive as a primary energy source that can be
integrated into local and regional power supplies since it
represents a sustainable environmentally friendly source of
energy that can reduce the occupants energy bills [6].
Solar radiation is available at any location on the
surface of the earth [7]. The energy intensity of the sun to
the world, the atmosphere on the kW per square meter is
about 1.35. The diameter of the footprint area of the world
from the solar power density is 178x106 MW. The entire
surface of the world's solar energy falling is 1.22x1014
TCE (tons coal equivalent) in one year, or as imposing size
is 0.814x1014 TOE (tons of oil equivalent). In other words,
the amount of incoming solar energy in one year, fifty
times the known reserves of coal, 800 times the known oil
reserves [8].
Photovoltaic systems are provided to active using of
solar energy. As a solution for the depletion of
conventional fossil fuel energy sources and serious
environmental problems, focus on the photovoltaic (PV)
system has been increasing around the world [9]. The
photovoltaic (PV) field has given rise to a global industry
capable of producing many gigawatts (GW) of additional
installed capacity per year [10]. Solar photovoltaic (PV)
market installations reached a record high of 7.3 gigawatt
(GW) in 2009, representing growth of 20% over the
previous year. The PV industry generated $38.5 billion in
global revenues in 2009, while successfully rising over
$13.5 billion in equity and debt, up 8% on the prior year

The World Energy Forum has predicted that fossilbased oil, coal and gas reserves will be exhausted in less
than another 10 decades. Fossil fuels account for over 79%
of the primary energy consumed in the world, and 57.7%
of that amount is used in the transport sector and are
diminishing rapidly. The exhaustion of natural resources
and the accelerated demand of conventional energy have
forced planners and policy makers to look for alternate
sources. Renewable energy is energy derived from
resources that are regenerative, and do not deplete over
time [1]. Concern about the development of applications
of, and the teaching about, renewable energies have
increased markedly in recent years [2].
The sun is regarded as a good source of energy for its
consistency and cleanliness, unlike other kinds of Energy
such as coal, oil, and derivations of oil that pollute the
atmosphere and the environment. Most scientists, because
of the abundance of sunshine capable of satisfying our
energy needs in the years ahead, emphasize the importance
of solar energy [3]. Solar energy is obviously
environmentally advantageous relative to any other
renewable energy source, and the linchpin of any serious
sustainable development program. It does not deplete
natural resources, does not cause CO2 or other gaseous
emission into air or generates liquid or solid waste
products. Concerning sustainable development, the main
direct or indirectly derived advantages of solar energy are
the following; no emissions of greenhouse (mainly CO2,
NOx) or toxic gasses (SO2, particulates), reclamation of
degraded land, reduction of transmission lines from
electricity grids, increase of regional/national energy
independence, diversification and security of energy
supply, acceleration of rural electrification in developing
countries [4]. Moreover, solar energy is a vital that can
make environment friendly energy more flexible, cost
effective and commercially widespread. Photovoltaic
source are widely used today in many applications such as
battery charging, water heating system, satellite power
system, and others [5]. Recently, researchers have strongly

Photovoltaic modules for electricity generation

One important way to convert solar radiation into
electricity occurs by the photovoltaic effect which was first
observed by Becquerel. It is quite generally defined as the
emergence of an electric voltage between two electrodes
attached to a solid or liquid system upon shining light onto
this system. Practically all photovoltaic devices incorporate
a pn-junction in a semiconductor across which the

photovoltage is developed. These devices are also known

as solar Cells. The semiconductor material has to be able to
absorb a large part of the solar spectrum. Dependent on the
absorption properties of the material the light is absorbed
in a region more or less close to the surface. When light
quanta are absorbed, electron hole pairs are generated and
if their recombination is prevented they can reach the
junction where they are separated by an electric field [12].
Fig. 1 shows that typical structure of a photovoltaic

of those existing methods and models. Also, a model has

been realized in Matlab/Simulink Programme that is based
on other existing ones.
Lorentz La30-12s high - efficiency PV module
The Lorentz LA-Series of PV modules with
monocrystalline silicon solar cells offer high conversion
efficiency due to the unique back contact technology.
Table 1 show that LA30-12S High-efficiency PV Module
Parameters. In addition, parameters characterizing PV
modules are often hard to come by. Manufacturers data
often provide relatively easy access to parameters such as
open circuit voltage, short circuit current and nominal
efficiency under standard test conditions (STC) [16]. (1000
W/m, 25 C, air mass 1.5). But representing accurately the
electrical characteristics of the modules from such a small
set of parameters, and under a wide range of environmental
conditions, is challenging [17].
Table 1. LA30-12S High-efficiency PV module parameters [16]
Peak power
+ 15/ 5
Max. power current
Max. power voltage
Short circuit current
Open circuit voltage
Temperature co-efficient for Pmax
Temperature co-efficient for
Temperature co-efficient for
Max. system voltage
All technical data at standard test condition:
AM = 1.5, G = 1,000 W/m, cell temperature: 25 C

Fig. 1. The photovoltaic effect in a PV cells [13]

To understand the operation of a PV cell, it is need to

consider both the nature of the material and the nature of
sunlight. PV cells consist of two types of material; p-type
silicon and n-type silicon. Light of certain wavelengths is
able to ionize the atoms in the silicon and the internal field
produced by the junction separates some of the positive
charges (holes) from the negative charges (electrons)
within the PV device. The holes are swept into the p-layer
and the electrons are swept into n-layer. Although these
opposite charges are attracted to each other, most of them
can only recombine by passing through an external circuit
outside the material because of the internal potential
energy barrier. Therefore if a circuit as shown in Fig. 1 is
composed, power can be produced from the cells under
illumination, since the free electrons have to pass through
the load to recombine with the positive holes [14].
The photovoltaic module is the result of associating a
group of photovoltaic cells in series and parallel, with their
protection devices, and it represents the conversion unit in
this generation system. The manufacturer supply PV cells
in modules, consisting of NPM parallel branches, each with
NSM solar cells in series, as shown in Fig. 2.

The low voltage-temperature coefficient guarantees a

superior battery charging performance, even at high
operating temperatures. Exceptional low-light performance
and broad spectral response further enhance energy
delivery in all weather conditions, year round [16]. Fig. 3
shows that an example of LA30-12S High-efficiency PV

Fig. 3. LA30-12S High-efficiency PV Module [16]

Modeling of photovoltaic module with using of

The use of equivalent electric circuits makes it
possible to model characteristics of a photovoltaic cell. The
method used here is implemented in Matlab/Simulink
programs for simulations. The same modeling technique is
also applicable for modeling a PV module. There are two
key parameters frequently used to characterize a PV cell.
Shorting together the terminals of the cell, the photon
generated current will follow out of the cell as a shortcircuit current (ISC). Thus, ILG=ISC, when there is no

Fig. 2. PV module cell [15]

Although the mathematical and simulation

photovoltaic modules development began time ago,
improvements of these models are analyzed and presented
continually. One of the objectives of this study is a review

making a circuit, the voltage is at its maximum (opencircuit voltage VOC), and the current is 0 [20].

connection to the PV cell (open-circuit), the photon

generated current is shunted internally by the intrinsic p-n
junction diode. This gives the open circuit voltage (VOC).
The PV module or cell manufacturers usually provide the
values of these parameters in their datasheets [18]. Fig. 4
shows that the well known single diode equivalent circuit
model of a photovoltaic cell.

Fig. 5. Representative current-voltage curve for photovoltaic cells


Fig. 4. The circuit diagram of the PV model [19]

If the cells terminals are connected to a variable

resistance, R, the operating point is determined by the
intersection of the I-V characteristic of the solar cell with
the load I-V characteristics. As shown in Fig. 5 for a
resistive load, the load characteristic is a straight line with
a slope 1/V = 1/R. If the load resistance is small, the cell
operates in the region AB of the curve, where the cell
behaves as a constant current source, almost equal to the
short-circuit current. On the other hand, if the load
resistance is large, the cell operates on the region DE of the
curve, where the cell behaves more as a constant voltage
source, almost equal to the open circuit voltage. Point C on
Fig. 5 is also called the maximum power point, which is
the operating point (Pmax) at which the output power is
maximized [20]:

Exponential equations for circuit diagram of the PV

model [19]: k Boltzmanns gas constant; 1,38x10-23 J/K;
TR Reference temperature of the cell; 300 K; TP
Photovoltaic panel temperature; e Electronic charge;
1,602x10-19 J/V; V Voltage imposed across the cell (V);
ISCR Short circuit current; under STC; I-V Panel output
current and voltage; IOS Panel dark saturation current,
which depends strongly on temperature (A); IOR Panel
saturation current, which depends on TR; K Short circuit
temperature coefficient; 0,0017 (A/C); C Solar
irradiance (W/m); ILG Generating current by solar
radiation; EGO Band gap voltage; 1.1eV for Si; A Diode
quality factor; 1,92; RS Series resistance of cell (in
ohms); RSH Shunt resistance of cell (in ohms).
Capacity of electricity generation from photovoltaic
panel depends on many parameters. Two most important
parameters which are solar irradiation and panel
temperature are discussed for this simulation study.
Different radiation and temperature values of the
photovoltaic panel were observed to panel voltage and
power changes. Maximum power of the PV module was
estimated during the simulation from the experimental and
formulation relations between the PV module
characteristics (VOC, ISC, TP).
Obtaining parameters from the electrical equivalent
diagram of photovoltaic panel; panel output current (I),
panel dark saturation current (IOS) and generating current
by solar irradiation (ILG) equations show as follows [19]:


I ILG  IOSexp( (V  IRS ))1 



I maxVmax ,


I scVoc FF ,


Pmax .
I sc V oc


The open circuit voltage corresponds to the voltage

drop across the diode when it is traversed by the
photocurrent ILG, which is equal to IOS, when the generated
current is I=0. It can be solved for VOC [20]



kTR I sc
 1 Vt ln sc  1 ,
e Io



where Vt thermal voltage (V) given by [20]



qE 1 1
IOR P exp GO  ,

>I SCR  K TP  25 @C 100 .



kT R


All of the constants in the above equations can be

determined by examining the manufacturers ratings of the
PV array, and then the published or measured I-V curves
of the array. These formulations are used with
Matlab/Simulink programme
experimental study.
The theory of the photovoltaic cell is the photovoltaic
effect of semiconductor material. The photovoltaic effect is
a phenomenon that the semiconductor material absorbs the


Fig. 5 shows the I-V characteristic curve of a solar

sell for certain irradiance (G) at a fixed cell temperature
TP. The current from a PV cell depends on the external
voltage applied and the amount of sunlight on the cell.
When the cell is short-circuited, the current is at maximum
(short-circuit current ISC), and the voltage across the cell is
0. When the PV cell circuit is open, with the leads not

solar energy, and then the electron-hole excitated by the

photon separates and produces electromotive force. The
I-V characteristic of the photovoltaic cell changes with the
sunshine intensity G (W/m) and cell temperature t (C),
that is I = f (V, G, t) [21].
Linear regression to the test data of PV module
temperature (TP) versus open circuit voltage (VOC) is found
by [22]
22 . 384  0 . 0627 T P ,


the model. All of these are done at various photovoltaic

panel temperature values are introduced.

Fig. 6. Modeling of a PV panel [18]

where TP is in C.
Also, the linearity between solar radiation (G) and
short circuit current (ISC) data is represented by [22]


0.0967  0.0032G ,


where G is in W/m.
Change of module temperature with ambient
temperature can be expressed by the following linearity

*G .

G s tan dart


Fig. 7. Operational functional block diagram of the photovoltaic

panel with environmental factors

The value of the bracket depends on the type of PV

module. This value was found equal to 0.022 Cm/W from
tests at normal operating condition. However when the PV
module water cooling technique was applied, the value of
the bracket was found equal to 0.006 C m/W [22].
Solar radiation is the first and temperature is the
second most important effect. So, this study is examined
these important effecting parameters. Typically voltage
decreases with increasing temperature, and current
increases (although slightly), the combined effect being
that power decreases. For instance; a polycrystalline
module operating typically at 45 C will therefore produce
roughly 10% less power than predicted by its nominal
standart test conditions rating [17].

Fig. 8 shows that content of operational functional

block diagram. Indicated modeling stages is designed
according to the photovoltaic solar formulations and results
are observed.

Calculations of the pv solar module characteristics


The parameters that determine the operation of a

photovoltaic panel reflected in their characteristic curves,
I-V and P-V. Fig. 6 shows that modeling of a photovoltaic
panel and represents and Fig. 7 represents that the
calculation of two groups of curves, first the temperature
stayed constant at 25 C varying the different irradiance
(700, 800, 900 and 1000 W/m) generating a type of
curves. Later, the irradiance is maintained constant at 1000
W/m calculating the curve for different temperatures (25,
50 and 75 C).
Moreover, Fig. 9 shows that the current voltage
curves relations at various solar irradiations are obtained
for photovoltaic panel working. For a radiation level
between 4001000 W/m, PV module output increases in
the range 410% [22]. The Fig. 10-11-12, show that power
- voltage curves for different temperature values, again the
discrete data points taken directly from the manufacturers
published curves, and show excellent correspondence to

Fig. 8. Modeling stage

Fig. 9. Matlab model I-V curve for TP=25 C, G = 1000; 800;

600; 400; 200 W/m


Fig. 13. A schematic representation of the simulation results

Fig. 10. Matlab model P-V curve for under conditions G=1000
W/m and TP=25 C


An accurate photovoltaic module electrical model is

presented and demonstrated in Matlab/Simulink for a
typical Lorentz LA30-12S photovoltaic panel. Such a
generalized PV model is easy to be used for the
implementation on Matlab/Simulink modeling and
simulation platform. Especially, in the context of the Sim
Power System tool, there is now a generalized PV model
which can be used for the model and analysis in the filed
of solar PV power conversion system [24].Given solar
irradiation and panel temperature, the model returns an I-V
and P-V graphics. Obtained panel parameters from Lorentz
Matlab/Simulink program and a special photovoltaic panel
function is created. Therefore, simulation results show that
a photovoltaic panel output power reduces as module
temperature increases. This situation is showed with
Matlab/Simulink graphics. There are lots of variety cooling
systems for photovoltaic panels. These systems may
increase efficiency of panel depend on the weather

Obtained parameter values: TP=25 C ; VOC=20,81;


Fig. 11. Matlab model P-V curve for under conditions G=1000
W/m and TP=50 C.

Obtained parameter values: TP=50C; VOC=19,24;


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Fig. 12. Matlab model P-V curve for under conditions G= 1000
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curves show that Pmax changes from 30 watt to 23,25 watt
as TP changes from 25 to 75C. A schematic representation
of the simulation results is as shown in fig. 13.









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Received 2011 01 18

S. Rustemli, F. Dincer. Modeling of Photovoltaic Panel and Examining Effects of Temperature in Matlab/Simulink //
Electronics and Electrical Engineering. Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. No. 3(109). P. 3540.
This study proposes general and specific modeling and simulation for Lorentz LA30-12S photovoltaic panel. This panel has
monocrystalline cell technology. The panel power parameters are examined under observing different panel temperatures. It is created a
special function for this system by Matlab/Simulink programmer. Also, the different solar radiation values are taken into account. The
model for the proposed range of irradiance and temperature as model inputs, with the corresponding values of voltages, currents, and
power as outputs is presented. Simulation results are compared by doing power calculations. The simulation results show that a
photovoltaic panel output power reduces as module temperature increases. This situation is showed with Matlab/Simulink graphics. Ill.
13, bibl. 24, tabl. 1 (in English; abstracts in English and Lithuanian).

S. Rustemli, F. Dincer. Plokts, sudarytos i fotogalvanini[ element[, temperat8ros poveikio tyrimas modeliuojant program[
paketu Matlab/Simulink // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. Nr. 3(109). P. 3540.
Lorenco LA30-12S plokt/, sudaryta i fotogalvaniniQ elementQ. Ianalizuoti galios parametrai vertinant temperatros poveik. Tam
tikslui programQ paketui Matlab sudaryta paprogram/. Pasilytame modelyje vertintas saul/s spinduliQ intensyvumo poveikis ir
apskaiiuoti pagrindiniai parametrai. Modeliavimo metu gauti rezultatai palyginti apskaiiuojant gali. Nustatyta, kad tokios plokt/s
i/jimo galia ma/ja kylant temperatrai. Pateikti grafikai. Il. 13, bibl. 24, lent. 1 (anglQ kalba; santraukos anglQ ir lietuviQ k.).


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