Society of Petroleum Engineers (Spe), Inc.: Section I. Name
Society of Petroleum Engineers (Spe), Inc.: Section I. Name
Society of Petroleum Engineers (Spe), Inc.: Section I. Name
Rice University / University of Houston STUDENT CHAPTER
ARTICLE 1. The organization shall be known as the Rice
University/University of Houston Student Chapter of SPE.
ARTICLE 1. The purpose shall be the dissemination of
knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of
petroleum engineering and the furtherance of the
professional development of the Student Members.
ARTICLE 1. The organization and operation of the chapter
shall be in accordance with the bylaws of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Inc.
ARTICLE 2. The failure to act in accord with SPE
requirements shall result in dissolving the Student Section.
Should this happen, all funds in the Student Section treasury
shall be submitted to the Faculty Advisor to be used in
accordance with Rice University and University of Houston
ARTICLE 1. Membership shall consist of, but not be
limited to, Student Members of SPE who are students in good
standing at Rice University or the University of Houston.
ARTICLE 2. All members of the chapter shall be entitled
to the same rights and privileges of the chapter except the
right to hold office, which shall be limited to Student
Members of SPE.
ARTICLE 1. Chapter dues are payable at the beginning of
each academic year.
ARTICLE 2. Nonpayment of dues automatically results in
suspension of membership in the chapter.
ARTICLE 3. The executive committee of the chapter shall
have the power to levy special assessments upon
endorsement by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the
ARTICLE 1. Only Student Members of SPE in good
standing shall be eligible to serve as officers of the chapter.
ARTICLE 2. The officers of the chapter shall be a
president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, an eventcoordinator, an interuniversity liaison, and a webmaster.
ARTICLE 3. The term of office for each officer will be one
academic year.
ARTICLE 4. Election of officers for the following year
should be held not later than the last meeting of each spring
ARTICLE 5. An officer is expected to perform his/her
duties with diligence and in agreement with the chapter
constitution. If an officer does not fulfill his/her duties, a
written admonition will be issued by a two thirds vote of the
executive committee outlining the concern. The admonished
officer and the executive committee will meet with the
faculty advisor, separately or together for counsel. Should an
officer fail to appropriately address the concern within 30days of notice the officer may be removed by a two-thirds
vote of the remaining executive committee.
ARTICLE 6. New elections for the entire executive
committee can be called by a three-fourths vote of the entire
good standing membership of the chapter. Following such a
vote, the existing executive committee must hold elections
according to the bylaws within 30 days.
ARTICLE 1. The management of the affairs of the chapter
shall be in the hands of the chapters executive committee,
consisting of the duly elected officers of the chapter and the
faculty sponsor approved by SPE.
ARTICLE 2. The president of the chapter shall be the
chairman of the executive committee.
ARTICLE 3. The executive committee shall be the
governing body of the chapter and shall transact all business
it deems advisable including the filling of vacancies in officers,
authorization of expenditures, etc.
ARTICLE 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of
the chapter. He/She shall appoint all committees, subject to
the approval of the executive committee, and shall assume all
other executive duties not otherwise delegated.
ARTICLE 2. The vice president shall perform all functions
of the president in the latters absence or at his/her request.
ARTICLE 3. The chapter secretary shall keep a record of
all activities of the chapter and shall report the same to SPE
headquarters, together with any special reports required by
SPE headquarters within a reasonable time after each
meeting. He/She shall carry on all communications necessary
to the activities of the chapter. He/She shall keep a record of
the names of members in attendance at the meetings.
ARTICLE 4. The treasurer shall receive all money and pay
all debts of the chapter authorized by the executive
committee, and he/she shall keep an exact amount of all
receipts and expenditures.
ARTICLE 5. The event coordinator shall plan and manage
all social events and fundraisers. He/she shall serve to
conduct all necessary communiqus with the secretary and
treasurer to allow for accurate record of their respective
ARTICLE 6. The interuniversity liaison shall foster the
relationship between Rice University and the University of
Houston SPE members through joint events and promote
active engagement of students from both universities.
ARTICLE 7. The webmaster shall regularly update the
organizations website with information about upcoming
events, useful links, and photos from previous events.
ARTICLE 8. A complete annual report shall be submitted
by the president at the last regular meeting of the year and
shall be forwarded by the chapter secretary to the SPE
Sections/Chapters Manager upon certification by the faculty