Scrum Teste
Scrum Teste
Scrum Teste
Do we (X-Co) need to discuss the Scrum method with the customer and receive
its approval to use Scrum in this project?
Q2. We are going to assign John (our marketing manager) to take on the role of P
roduct Owner; but we are not sure about this as John has recently joined X-CO an
d he is not an expert in software development. Should we choose another person i
assign = atribuir
A. Yes, we need an expert who can participate fully with the specialist
is capable of communicating with the customer
B. Yes, we need an expert who can participate fully with the specialist
who can be part of the Development Team
C. No, he doesn t need to be a development expert (specialist work), as
pert help when needed
D. No, he doesn t need to be a development expert (specialist work), he
to be business oriented
work and
work and
he gets ex
just needs
Q3. We are going to choose either of Mary or Mark for the role of Scrum Master.
Mary knows Scrum very well, but she s very young and has no real world experience
. Mark doesn t know Scrum, but has eight years of experience in managing IT projec
ts. Which one is a better choice for the role of Scrum Master?
Q4. We are going to assign a number of our developers to the Team. We have the
choice of (1) using 8 part-time developers that also work on other projects of o
ur company, or (2) change the arrangement of teams and assign only 4 of them ful
l-time and hire a new person to complete the Team. Which option is better?
Q5. No one in the current composition of the Team knows how to test a piece of
software professionally and we do need to test each piece of software as it s deve
loped. What should we do?
A. Add another person to the Development Team, who is a pro software tester
B. Ask the test unit, which provides services to other projects of the company,
to handle the tests of this project
C. Outsource the tests to another company
D. It is too soon to decide on a task that is due to the end of the project
Information: All roles are assigned now, and we re going to start the project. Th
e Product Owner starts communicating with the customer to create the Product Bac
klog, and others are helping him, as they have nothing else to do at the moment.
Q6. Who should estimate the volume of work of each backlog item?
A. Product Owner, because they have the full responsibility for the Product Back
log, and knows the items more than others
B. Scrum Master, because she s responsible for planning
C. Development Team members, because they are supposed to do the work and they k
now best how much work is required to complete each item
D. All roles should estimate the work of items together in a democratic way
Q7. One week passes by, and less than half of the Product Backlog (requirements
) is recorded. The Product Owner believes that it s best to start the first Sprint
with this information, rather than waiting for the whole Product Backlog to be
completed. What should we do?
A. Yes, it s a good time to start the first Sprint
B. No, we should wait for the whole Product Backlog to be completed before start
ing the Sprints
Q8. Who helps the Product Owner decide on the right action for the previous que
A. Product Owner
B. Scrum Master
C. Development Team
D. There s no specific role for that, everyone should share the decision
Q9. We are going to start the first Sprint. What s the first step?
A. Finalizing the Product Backlog items estimations
B. Sprint Initiation
C. Sprint Startup
D. Sprint Planning
E. Daily Scrum
Q10. We are going to form the Sprint Backlog. The Development Team prefers to c
hoose 100 points of work for the first Sprint, but Product Owner believes that t
hey should select at least 150 points. What should we do?
We should discuss it and reach a common ground
It should be 100 points
It should be 150 points
Scrum Master should decide
Q11. We are going to decide on the length of Sprints. Some people believe it sh
ould be two weeks and some believe that it should be three weeks. What should we
A. Start with either of them and change it later if needed
B. Start the first Sprint anyway, and see how long it needs
C. Scrum Master has the final saying on this
D. Product Owner has the final saying on this
Information: We ve started the first Sprint with 8 backlog items worth 100 points
of work, and we are half way through the Sprint now.
Q12. Product Owner has detected some new expectations from the customer. When i
s a good time to implement them into the Product Backlog?
A. Right after they are detected
B. After the Sprint
C. Before the next Sprint
D. In the next Sprint Planning
Q13. Some Team Members are not sure about the meaning of one of the Sprint Back
log items. What should they do?
A. They should try to understand it themselves
B. They should contact the customer and ask for more information
C. They should ask the Scrum Master to give them more information
D. They should ask the Product Owner about this
Q14. The Development Team realizes that the volume of work of one of the items
in the Sprint Backlog is estimated incorrectly, and the current volume of work o
f the whole Sprint Backlog is 130 instead of 100. What should we do?
They should return some items back to the Product Backlog to keep the Sprint Bac
klog volume to about 100 points
B. They should ask Scrum Master for more time for this current Sprint
C. They should ask Product Owner to decide on this
D. They shouldn t do anything now
Information: The Sprint time is going to end. Off the 8 items in the Sprint Bac
klog, only one is completely finished, three items are almost finished, and othe
rs are just 50% complete.
Q15. Team Members realize that if they focus on the three almost finished items
and extend the Sprint for only two days, they will be able to complete them too
. What should we do?
A. Expand the duration of Sprint and complete the three items
B. Expand the duration of Sprint, if customer accepts
C. Expand the duration of Sprint, if both Scrum Master and Product Owner accept
D. Do not expand the duration of the Sprint
Q16. Everyone is disappointed with the small number of completed items in the f
irst Sprint. The CEO asks the Scrum Master for an explanation on who is responsi
ble for this. What should the Scrum Master reply regarding who is responsible?
regarding = em relao
A. All three roles are responsible
B. The Development Team is responsible
C. Two of the Development Team members that were sick for a number of days durin
g the Sprint are responsible
D. Product Owner has the primary responsibility
Q17. It s time for Sprint Review. Team Members believe that they should only demo
nstrate the one completed item, but the Product Owner believes that they should
also demonstrate the three items that are almost finished. What s the right choice
A. The Team Members are right
B. The Product Owner is right as near completed products can also be shown
C. The Product Owner is right, given that they will mention in the Sprint Review
that those three items are not completed yet but will be done in the near futur
Information: The customer s representative is replaced by a new person. This is t
he person that communicates with the Product Owner. This new customer representa
tive is a very experienced project manager and used to work in many large and me
dium projects before.
Q18. The new representative of the customer asks X-CO for an urgent meeting wit
h the project manager of S-Proj. Who s the project manager?
A. Product Owner
B. Scrum Master
C. Development Team
D. None
Q19. Who should attend the meeting with the company representative as mentioned
in the previous question?
A. Product Owner
B. Scrum Master
C. Team
D. Product Owner and Scrum Master
pletely altered these items. What should the Product Owner do?
A. Ask Team Members to stop working on those items and focus on the remaining it
em of the Sprint Backlog
B. Change those five items in the Sprint Backlog as soon as possible
C. Cancel the Sprint
D. Do nothing, allow the Sprint to complete as normal
Information: The second Sprint is almost finished, and it s time for the Sprint Re
trospective. We could only finish two Sprint Backlog items in the previous Sprin
Q26. We couldn t finish most of the Sprint Backlog items in the past two Sprints.
What should we do?
A. Reduce the capacity of Sprints
B. Increase the length of the future Sprints
C. Both of the above as we are still deciding on the correct time for each Sprin
D. None of the above
Information: Time passes, and the results of our work is shown in the following
burndown chart:
Q27. How many Sprints are done so far?
A. One
B. Six
C. Nine
D. Sixteen
E. It s not determines by the chart
Q28. What was our initial estimate of the number of Sprints needed for this pro
A. One
B. Six
C. Nine
D. Sixteen
E. It s not determined by the chart
Q29. How many Sprints will it probably take us to actually complete the project
A. About nine sprints
B. About ten sprints
C. About eleven sprints
D. About fourteen sprints
E. About sixteen sprints
Q30. Customer wants to add some new features worth 400 points to the project, a
nd expects us to provide them with an estimate on the additional time needed for
them. What s your idea? (Tip: Use the answer from Q29 to help you)
About four additional sprints
B. About five additional sprints
C. About seven additional sprints
D. About nine additional sprints
1. There is no one in a Scrum Team called
A. True
B. False
project manager .
How much should Development Team work on a specific Product Backlog item?
As much as needs to be Done based on the definition of Done.
Until the Product Owner accepts it
Until the customer accepts it
Until the QC/QA formally accepts it
Until it is potentially releasable
As much as we have time in the Sprint
When is
When the
When the
When the
When the
a Sprint over?
time-box expires
Product Owner says so
Scrum Master Says so
Sprint Backlog is all developed
8. The Scrum Team has decided to use three week long Sprints. How long should t
heir Daily Scrum meetings take?
A. 5 minutes
B. 11 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 20 minutes
10. A Scrum Master has a list of open impediments which is growing without prope
r resolutions. The Scrum Master consults with the Development Team on the proble
m. Is it right?
A. Yes
B. No
11. A CEO asks the Development Team to add a new item to the Sprint. What should
the Development do in response?
A. Add the item to the Sprint
B. Replace an item of the Sprint with the new one
C. Add the item to the Product Backlog
4. Scrum Master is a "management" position.
A. True
B. False
8. A Development Team with 5 members has been using 15 minute Daily Scrums. Thr
ee new members have joined the team. How long should the Daily Scrum meetings be
after that?
A. 10 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 20 minutes
D. 25 minutes
9. The Development Team should have all the skills and competencies required to
-----1. Which of the following best describes the approach for determining the iterat
ion (timebox) length?
A. Iterations (timeboxes) should always be 30 days
B. The team determines iteration (timebox) length by dividing the total number o
f story points by the average velocity of the team
C. Iterations (timeboxes) should always be two weeks
D. The team should agree on the length of the iteration (timebox), taking the si
ze and complexity of the project into consideration
Planning should involve the whole team, not just the Project Manager
Planning should all be done by the Project Manager
should define the business value of a Feature within an Agile project?
individual end-users
Product Owner
Business Analyst
Business Sponsor
way is:
working product of the right quality, early and incrementally
working product after documentation has been signed off
simple prototypes early, but no finished product until the end of
products without technical integrity, but re-engineer later
MoSCoW , the M
Tem que ter
Should Deveria ter
Poderia ter
Want Interessante ter
41. The working culture of an Agile team is
A. Collective
B. Collaborative
C. Connective
D. Contemplative
42. The leadership style of an Agile Leader is
A. Directive
B. Assertive
C. Facilitative
D. Feature-based
43. The Agile Manifesto states the following values:
A. People are more important than contracts
B. Working software should have priority over comprehensive documentation
C. Plans should have priority over ability to respond
D. Contracts should be negotiated which allow control over the people
44. Which of the following are attributes of an Agile team?
A. Courage to change and adapt
B. Trust of fellow team members to do the work
C. Responsiveness to change
D. All of these
45. A sustainable pace means
A. If the team members work long hours regularly they will get used to it, and b
e able to sustain it
B. A 40 hour week is only for the weaker members of the team. Others can do more
C. The team should establish a velocity which can be sustained within normal wor
king hours
D. Working long hours is the only way to deliver on time
sustainable pace means = ritmo sustentvel
46. A burn-down chart shows
A. The energy level and velocity of the team
B. The remaining work (effort, points) to complete before the iteration (timebox
) end
C. The number of hours worked by each team member during the iteration (timebox)
D. The rate of spending of the budget for a project
47. The reason for holding regular Retrospectives is:
A. It allows the team to take a necessary break from work
B. It gives management information to use in team members performance reviews
C. It allows learning which can be used to improve team performance during the p
D. It prevents deviation from the process which the team has been following
48. Once
A. Plans
B. It is
C. Plans
D. Plans
C. Project Managers are not needed in Agile methods because teams are self-orga
D. Workshops held at the beginning and the end of every iteration (timebox) all
ow the team to adapt the product specification
Q.1) A burndown chart is used to indicate:
A. The amount of work remaining across time
B. Cost incurred by the project
C. Productivity of the Development Team
D. Temperature of the Sprint Backlog
Q.2) Product Backlog estimates are created by:
A. A) Appropriate subject matter experts
B. B) The product owner
C. C) The Development Team in collaboration with the Product Owner
D. D) The Scrum Master
Q.3) A Product Backlog item is complete when:
A. The Sprint in which it was selected ends
B. When corresponding Sprint Backlog items are completed
C. When all acceptance criteria are met
D. When it meets the Scrum Team s definition of done.
Q.4) Scrum is based on:
A. Statistical process control
B. Empirical process control
C. Best practices from academia
D. Complex analysis Incorrect
Q.5) The part of the Sprint Backlog used to create the Sprint Burndown chart is
A. Remaining number of Product Backlog items.
B. Remaining time required to complete the work.
C. Budgeted cost of work performed
D. Actual cost of work performed Correct
Q.6) Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Spr
A. Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality.
B. Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure
C. Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
D. Develop a plan for the rest of the project.
Q.7) A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing an
d he/she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which
three techniques would be most helpful in this situation?
A. Prioritize the list and work on them in order
B. Alert management to the impediments and their impact.
C. Arrange a triage meeting with all other project managers.
D. Discuss the absence of management support with the Development Team.
A. Allow the self-managing team to determine the best approach to conduct meetin
B. Coordinate and schedule meetings that are required for Scrum and inform the
team of how these meetings will be conducted.
C. Ask for management s assistance.
D. Establish a shared schedule among the team for hosting these meetings
Q.17) The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
A. Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to the
Product Owner.
B. Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require sp
ecialized testing, tools, and environments.
C. Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippabl
e product functionality.
Q.18) The Sprint Retrospective is:
A. A 4-hour time boxed event
B. Held at the end of each Sprint
C. Held after a product release
D. Held at the beginning of each Sprint
Q.19) The Development Team informs its new Scrum Master that a Daily Scrum is no
t needed. Instead, the team will hold a Weekly Scrum. The Scrum Master should
do which of the following (choose one):
A. Accept the team s decision.
B. Work with the Product Owner to convince the team to reconsider its choice.
C. Inform management that the Development Team is not cooperating.
D. Collaborate with the Development Team and coach them on how to conduct effect
ive Daily Scrums
Q.20) Who owns the Sprint Backlog?
A. The Product Owner
B. The Development Team
C. The Scrum Team
D. The Scrum Master
Q.21) An abnormal termination of a Sprint is called when?
A. When it is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won't be finished.
B. When the Team feels that the work is too hard.
C. When Sales has an important opportunity.
D. When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it.
Q.22) The Sprint Backlog is created:
A. During the Sprint
B. At the start of the project
C. During Sprint 0
D. During the Sprint Planning meeting
Q.23) What happens to the Product Backlog during development as changes in user
needs are discovered?
A. Nothing. The Product Backlog does not change during the life of the project.
B. The requirements specification is updated.
C. The original Product Backlog is replaced to reflect the new requirements
D. The Product Backlog evolves and is reprioritized to incorporate the changes
Q.24) Development Team membership should change:
Q.33) A Product Owner and Scrum Master are part of every Scrum Team
A. Yes. These are full-time roles on a Scrum Team.
B. No. There is no explicit requirement for these roles on Scrum Teams
C. Yes, but team performance may be impacted depending on the other tasking thos
e performing these roles may have
D. No. The Scrum Team is self-managing and may determine how to best perform the
tasks associated with these roles
Q.34) Once the Development has forecast its work for the current Sprint, who det
ermines how the work will be accomplished?
A. The functional managers to whom the Scrum Team reports.
B. The Scrum Master.
C. The Chief Architect and Chief Engineer, working collaboratively.
D. The Development Team
Q.35) A burndown chart s trendline indicates:
A. When all the work for the Sprint will be completed.
B. When the project is forecast to end.
C. The Estimate at Complete for the project
D. A forecast of when the remaining work will be completed if no changes are mad
e to the current Sprint Backlog or Development Team.
Q.36) On a typical day, members of a Scrum team work:
A. As much as is needed to get the job done.
B. Nine hours.
C. At a sustainable pace (normally 7-8 hours).
D. As long as the timebox permits.
Q.37) The Sprint Backlog may include:
A. Tests
B. Use Cases
C. User Stories
D. Decomposed Tasks
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
Q.38) The Product Owner is responsible for determining what items from the Produ
ct Backlog are selected for a Sprint.
A. True
B. False
Q.39) Scrum Time box events are (Choose all that apply):
A. Sprint 0
B. Sprint Testing
C. Release Retrospective
D. Daily Scrum
E. Sprint Planning Meeting
F. Sprint Testing
G. Release Testing
Q.40) The timebox for the complete Sprint Planning meeting is?
A. 4 hours.
B. 8 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionately less for shorter Sprints.
C. Whenever it is done.
D. Monthly.
Q.41) The Daily Scrum has the following characteristics (choose all that apply):
primary objective is to encourage communication
15 minutes or less in duration
Team members are asked the 3 questions by the Scrum Master
It is facilitated by the team lead
The time and place are the same each day
It is the only meeting the development team is required to attend under Scru
C. Developers and testers who collaborate with subject matter experts who provid
e support from outside of the team.
D. Individuals who have various skills and are able to collaborate and contribut
e to delivering a working increment of software
Q.65) Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?
A. It is a review of the team's activities during the Sprint.
B. It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint
and figure out what to do in the upcoming Sprint
C. It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to pro
vide feedback on the work done.
D. It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed t
o doing, or to punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments.
Q.66) Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?
A. It is used to foster better team morale
B. It is a formal meeting to review the work completed during the sprint
C. It is a demonstration of functionality completed during the sprint.
D. It is an opportunity for stakeholders to inspect the completed product increm
ent, assess the team s progress, provide feedback, and plan next steps.
Q.67) What is the role of Management in Scrum?
A. To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team.
B. To monitor the Development Team's productivity.
C. Management supports the Product Owner with insights and information into high
value product and system capabilities. Management supports the Scrum Master to
cause organizational change that fosters empiricism, self-organization, bottom-u
p intelligence, and intelligent release of software.
D. To identify and remove people that aren't working hard enough. Correct
Q.68) What artifact provides the development team with a target and overarching
direction for the sprint?
A. The Sprint Charter
B. The Sprnit Plan
C. The Sprint Goal
D. The Sprint Backlog
Q.69) What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team
A. 3 plus or minus 1
B. 6 plus or minus 3 (Answ er) de 9 3
C. 9 plus or minus 2
D. 15 plus or minus 3
Q.70) The CEO asks the Development Team to add a "very important" item to the cu
rrent Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
A. Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.
B. Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
C. Add the item to the next Sprint.
D. Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO.
Q.71) When a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a
Sprint, who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work sele
A. The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team.
B. The Product Owner and Development Team.
C. The Product Owner and all stakeholders.
D. The Development Team.
Q.72) When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best des
cribes the definition of "done?"
A. Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The various differences are d
iscussed and reconciled during the stabilization phase.
B. Each Development Team uses its own but must make it clear to all other Teams
if there are diferences
C. All Development Teams must have a definition of "done" that when their work i
ntegrates results in a definition of "done" that is potentially releasable.
D. It depends
Q.73) What are some of the consequences if a Development Team doesn t have a consi
stent definition of done from Sprint to Sprint?
A. The development team may not know how many product backlog items it can do in
a Sprint.
B. The Product Owner may not know what else they are inspecting a
t the Sprint Review.
C. The Product Owner may be unable to gauge the progress towards their goals.
D. The Development Team may not know what work is entailed in completing selecte
d Product Backlog items.
E. All of the above.
Q.74) Development Team members volunteer to own a Sprint Backlog item:
A. At the Sprint planning meeting.
B. Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are "owned" by the entire Development Team,
even though each one may be done by an individual team member.
C. Whenever a team member can accommodate more work.
D. During the Daily Scrum
Q.75) What is the maximum length of a Sprint?
A. Not so long that the risk is unacceptable to the Product Owner.
B. Not so long that other business events can't be readily synchronized with th
e development work.
C. No more than one calendar month.
D. All of these answers are correct.
Q.76) The Product Backlog is ordered by:
A. Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.
B. Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
C. Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.
D. Items are randomly arranged.
E. Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner.
Q.77) One or more Release Sprints are expected from a Scrum Team.
A. True
B. False
Q.78) Scrum Master responsibilities include which of the following?
A. The Scrum process being adopted and used properly.
B. Keeping track of resource allocation
C. The Daily Scrum meeting and removing impediments the development team has ide
D. Reporting team progress to relevant stakeholders
Q.79) When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a sepa
rate Product Backlog.
A. True
Q.80) Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or
a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
A. The Product Owner
B. The Development Team
-----Question: Which of the following best describes a sprint?
The correct answer was:
A) A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as m
any hours as they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
B) A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team work
s at a sustainable pace to complete a chosen set of work.
C) A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fix
any outstanding bugs right before the product ships.
D) A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose i
ndividual items from the product backlog to work on. as each item is completed,
a new item is brought into the sprint.
2 - Question: What is the maximum time that Scrum recommends the team spend in t
he daily scrum (daily standup)?
The correct answer was:
A) Fifteen minutes
B) Thirty minutes
C) One hour
D) Four hours
E) As long as it takes
3 Question: In Scrum, what do we call the individual, detailed pieces of work ne
eded to convert a product backlog item into working software. Hint: They make up
the sprint backlog and are often estimated in hours.
The correct answer was:
A) Tasks
B) Use cases
C) Fbis
4) Stories
5) Scrum bits
4 Question: Which of the following is NOT a typical Scrum artifact?
The correct answer was:
Product backlog
Sprint backlog
Burndown chart
Gantt chart
Product owner
Project manager
6 Question: Which of the following is NOT traditionally one of the Scrum activit
The correct answer was:
Sprint planning
Sprint review
Sprint retrospective
Daily scrum
Weekly inspection
7 Question: Which of the following responsibilities does NOT fall to the ScrumMa
The correct answer was:
removing impediments
Facilitating meetings
Reminding the team of the process
Assigning tasks to team members
Pushing back against product owner requests when needed
9 Question: What are the two primary artifacts of a sprint planning meeting?
The correct answer was:
10 Question: Which of the following are roles in the Scrum framework? (select al
l that apply)
The correct answer was:
Product owner
Project owner
Team lead
11 Question: Which of the following are activities found in the Scrum framework?
(select all that apply)
The correct answer was:
12 Question: Which of the following are artifacts associated with Scrum? (select
all that apply)
Product backlog
Sprint backlog
Product specification
Effort chart
Burndown chart
13 - Which of the following best summarizes what it means when Scrum says that a
sprint or activity is timeboxed?
The correct answer was:
A) Scrum insists on auditors who frequently inspect the work of the team and sug
gest ways to adapt the process in order to improve quality.
B) Scrum recommends that upper management inspect the burndown charts and notes
from the daily scrums to find ways in which the team should adapt their practice
s to be more productive.
C) Scrum emphasizes taking a short step of development, inspecting both the resu
lting product and the efficacy of current practices, and then adapting the produ
ct goals and process practices.
D) Inspect and adapt refers to the scrummaster's role in inspecting the work and
writing stories designed to help the team produce higher quality software.
15 - Question: How does a team know when a backlog item is done?
The correct answer was:
16 - Why does Scrum make it difficult for product owners to make changes to a sp
rint that is underway?
The correct answer was:
A) Because the team needs to be able to limit the authority of the product owner
B) Because asking the team to make a real commitment comes with an associated co
st of not shifting the basis of that commitment in mid-sprint
C) Because the team and product owner want to keep upper management in the dark
about planned changes
D) Because it provides an incentive for the product owner to attend the meetings
18 - What is the primary purpose of the daily scrum (sometimes called a daily st
The correct answer was:
A) To give a status report to the scrummaster
B) To give a status report to the product owner
C) To share as a team what each member is working on and uncover obstacles stand
ing in the way of completing the work
D) To give team members a chance to take a break from their tasks
19 - Question: In what order should the product backlog be kept?
The correct answer was:
the sprint review, this question is specifically concerned with who the team is
allowed to invite.
The correct answer was:
24 - Question: What happens when a backlog item fails to meet the definition of
one at the end of the sprint?
The correct answer was:
The team completes the product backlog item during the next sprint.
The incomplete backlog item is placed back in the product backlog.
The scrummaster points out the person to blame for the item not being finishe
The team is given 36 hours to finish the incomplete product backlog item.
25 - Question: Which of the following best describes the product backlog items t
hat are lower in priority?
The correct answer was:
A) Every product backlog item, even those very low in priority, should be define
d well enough to be completed during a sprint.
B) All product backlog items are fully defined in the requirements and design ph
C) Lower priority backlog items are coarse grained and should be progressively r
efined as their priority increases.
D) Lower priority backlog items are kept in a separate product backlog.
26 - Question: Which of the following best summarizes what is happening in the s
print, according to the burndown chart pictured here (click picture to view larg
The correct answer was:
A) The team is on track to complete all the items in the sprint.
B) The team is at risk of having items incomplete at the end of the sprint. the
team may need to consider making an adjustment.
C) The team is on track to complete all the items in the sprint early. if the tr
end continues, they may need to add scope.
D) The team is trending toward a late release. they should negotiate a new deadl
27 - Question: What is the primary purpose of the sprint retrospective?
The correct answer was:
A) To uncover ways to work better as a team
B) To find the person responsible for the sprint's failure
C) To give the scrummaster the opportunity to hold employee reviews
D) To give the product owner an opportunity to complain about the team's lack of
review the completed stories and look for opportunities to improve the pro
demo the system for upper management
prove that the team worked hard during the sprint
find out who failed to complete his or her tasks
31 - Question: True or False? Agile is all about response to change. That's why
during a sprint, if the product owner thinks of a new feature, he can add it to
the sprint backlog.
Hint: The key phrase in this question is "during a sprint."
The correct answer was:
A) True
B) False
32 - Question: True or False? Agile is all about responding quickly to change. T
hat's why a product owner can add or subtract features from the product backlog
or even change their priority at any time.
Hint: Consider the difference between a product backlog and a sprint backlog.
The correct answer was:
A) True
B) False
33 - Question: True or false? The ScrumMaster is the manager of the Scrum team.
All team members report to the ScrumMaster.
The correct answer was:
A) True
B) False
34 Question: True or False? The product owner must be present during at least th
e first half of sprint planning.
An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the t
erminology to fit with terminology already used. What will likely happen if this
is done?
A) Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may
actually happen.
B) The organization may not understand what has changed with Scrum and the benef
its of Scrum may be lost
C) Management may feel less anxious.
D) All answers apply.