The Case of The Missing Artifact

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Roleplaying in the World of

Sherlock Holmes


By Adventure Contest Winner (2014):
Melissa Millar

Additional Content: Bryce Whitacre

Layout: Amanda Kahl
Page 4 Art: Sidney Paget
Page 9 Art: Amanda Kahl
Fearlight Games: Kirby Young

John Varan (order #6984440)

John Varan (order #6984440)


Missing Artifact
By Melissa Millar

his only daughter (his son had joined the

military and was often away) and only child at
home, Charles doted on her and allowed her
interest in archaeology to flourish. He was happy
to allow her to travel the world, exploring and
going on adventures. Her mother, however,
believes that it is time for her adventures to end
and her life as a married woman and mother to

Miss White is the daughter of a wealthy
businessman and ex-military man, Major
Charles White. Because of her fathers
connections and his interest in history,
Elizabeth became acquainted with scholars and
archaeologists. She had always been lively and
interested in male pursuits. Because she was
John Varan (order #6984440)

Elizabeth has told her mother that she plans to

continue traveling and that she has been
entrusted to deliver several important artifacts to
the British Museum. She has been working with
Flinders Petrie in Meidum and has several
delicate items that she is to give to the curator,
Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks. Elizabeths
mother, Mary, sees this as a chance to remove
her daughter from the excavation and discredit
her as an amateur archaeologist. Mary has asked
the son of one of her friends to take the item and
hide it. Mary hopes that losing the artifact will


cause Petrie and Franks (along with

Elizabeths father) to lose faith in her and deny
her further work. Mary plans to introduce her
daughter to several wealthy young men and
hopes that Elizabeth will forget about her silly


The longer the investigation takes, the more
nervous Mary White will become about her
daughter discovering the truth. She will begin
distorting evidence and ask that Richard
destroy the artifact.
Any investigators with a criminal background
or police background may be interested in
checking out collectors (or others interested in
historical items) who may have stolen or
bought the artifact. They can do this, but it
will take at least one day and will raise the
threat meter as it will lead them away from the
real criminals.


First level:
Mary gets nervous and becomes more evasive. 1s
on the Sherlock die no make 1s successful.

Second level:
Mary will actively throw off the investigation.
She will plant a false clue. During the interviews
in Scene 3, Mary will produce a newspaper
describing several recent burglaries in the
neighborhood. She will say that she believes that
the artifact was taken by the same thief. If the
investigators follow this false lead, raise the
threat level OR treat it as a opportunity to add
some physical adventure into the story if your
investigators are looking for a fight. A quick
canvasing of the neighborhood will find a
number of Snoozers equal to the number of
investigators (see the core book under reprobates
for Snoozers) attempting to break into a home.
Even though these reprobates have nothing to do
with the theft in this adventure, award a couple
circles of status if the investigators end the string
of robberies in the neighborhood.

Third level:
Mary and Richard have hidden the artifact well
and begin covering their tracks. Mary will
overhear the investigators speaking to Elizabeth
and she will send a message to warn Richard. He
will then have two friends with him waiting
outside of the club to fight the investigators.


Mary and the Richard will destroy the priceless

artifact and get rid of the remains. The
investigators will not gain as much experience
and will lose two status circles as they have
contributed to the loss of an important ancient

John Varan (order #6984440)


resting currently. I intended to take the artifacts

to the museum after I had a day or two to
However, one of the artifacts has
All the investigators are gathered at Baker Street
disappeared and though I have searched the
enjoying tea and waiting for the arrival of Miss
house, I was unable to find any trace of it. If I
White. There will be a ring at the door and after
find it, I will have caused a great
several minutes, Billy will enter the drawing room
disappointment to Mr. Petrie and to my father. I
with an attractive young woman. The
have been told that you are good at solving
investigators should offer her a seat and she will
mysteries without involving the constables. I
begin to explain her situation. However, the
would like to find this item without alerting
investigators may first roll to make some
to the artifacts disappearance.
observations about the young woman. They should
roll perception and may add (knowledge of
The investigators may now, as a group, ask her
archaeology, knowledge of fashion). For each
four questions about the crime. If any
success above 2 they will notice:
investigator is an antiques dealer, adventurer,
1- Miss Whites skin is not the usual pale white of a archaeologist, historian, or has a skill relating to
wealthy young woman. Rather it looks tanned and knowledge of Egypt they may ask an extra
a bit weather-worn.


2- Miss White is dressed well and is obviously

wealthy; however her clothing is cut in a nonpopular fashion. It appears to be more suited for
travel and for movement.
3- Miss Whites boots are typical of mens
expedition boots, but look to be specially made or
ordered. They seem to have bits of dirt or sand
clinging to them in places.
After making these observations, the investigators
should listen closely to what Miss White has to
say. She will accept a seat and then stand again
after a few moments. She will pace as she speaks
and is very obviously upset.
I have just recently returned from excavations at
Meidum in Egypt. I have been working with
archaeologists there for several months, but
because my mothers health has been poor I
decided to return home early. Because I was
traveling here, I was entrusted with several
artifacts that Mr. Petrie had uncovered during the
excavation. He and my father are friends, so he
felt that he could trust me to transport the artifacts
to the museum. I arrived home two days ago and
as you may imagine, I was quite exhausted from
the long journey. My parents sent the driver and a
footman to assist me with the artifacts and drive
me to the house. I brought the artifacts directly to
our house here in London, where my mother is
John Varan (order #6984440)

Time of disappearance?
Elizabeth remembers that the artifacts had all
been left in their wooden boxes in her room while
she went down to breakfast yesterday. She
noticed later in the afternoon that the lid was
askew on one of the boxes. When she opened it,
she saw that the artifact was missing.
The Artifact?
It is a small figurine, about 20cm long. It is
made of clay and has the remains of some gold
and blue paint. Although it is exotic, it has no
great worth because of it what it is made of,
rather it would be worth something only to a
collector of artifacts or a historian. It seems to
have been a fertility goddess.
Who knew about the artifacts?
Elizabeth had only told her parents that she was
returning home and she thinks that her father
was the only one who knew that she was carrying
the artifacts. Her mother never had any interest
in archaeology, so Elizabeth had not said
anything to her about the artifacts. Elizabeth did
not have many friends who would have had any
interest in artifacts and she had told no one else
that she was returning home. The museum
curator also knows and obviously Petrie, the


Who else was working on the excavation?

Clue-Sand in corner of the room- (false lead)

Mostly hired local workers.

A. The sand is from the excavation

B. The sand is from a local river
C. The sand is from a beach

Did she take the artifacts out at all during the

She did not take the artifacts out during the
voyage home. The small crates were not opened
during the voyage.
Who was in the house?
Ms. White remembers seeing her mother at
breakfast as well as the butler. The cook was in
the kitchen, Ms. White could hear her humming.
Ms. Whites ladys maid was not at the house as
she was visiting her mother (after the long time
she spent in Egypt with Ms. White). Ms. White
also remembers seeing the housemaid, but did
not see her mothers ladys maid that morning
and that was not unusual.
Give each investigator one point of Resolve.

At the White residence in London. With no
further clues, the best place for the investigators
to look for clues is at Ms. Whites home.
Ms. White will be happy to allow the investigators
to look around the house, even her room. The
only room they will not be allowed to search is
Mr. and Mrs. Whites bedroom and dressing
Clue- Partial Bootprint in Ms. Whites room
A. It is a mans bootprint
B. It has been made by Ms. Whites own boots
C. It was made by a man with very large feet

John Varan (order #6984440)

Clue-White horsehair on a chair in Ms. Whites

A. The hair is from Ms. Whites horse (false)
B. The hair fell off one of Ms. Whites bags (false)
C. The thief enjoys horseback riding and her/his
clothing may still contain white horse hairs
Clue- The window is unlocked
A. Ms. White forgot to lock the window after
closing it the night before (false)
B. The thief left through the window
C. The maid opened the window to air the room
and forgot to lock it (false)
Clue-Love Note To My Dearest Elizabeth
Please enjoy these flowers- Richard left on the
floor behind the desk.
A. Perhaps wind from the window blew it behind
the writing desk. (False)
B. Perhaps Elizabeth threw it behind the desk,
because she was made at this man.(False)
C. Perhaps Elizabeth felt the love note was not
as important as the work she was doing and
brushed it aside carelessly. (true)
Clue- Newspaper Clipping about Albert Hunting
Huntington, Archeologist. The writer accuses
Mr. Huntington of faking artifacts. (False Clue)
A. Perhaps Elizabeth's was stolen by Huntington.
B. Perhaps the artifact was never original.
C. Perhaps Huntington is looking to discredit
Give each investigator one point of Resolve.


artifact, perhaps Esther did see someone. If

asked about the tall man with curly red hair, Mrs.
Landlow will recall that she has seen a man like
that, but cannot remember who he is, The
family has so many friends and acquaintances, I
am sorry I cannot be of more assistance. (True)
Mr. Blackwell- Butler
He remembers Mrs. And Miss White eating
breakfast together on the day in question. Miss
White dined for about 30 minutes, while talking
occasionally to her mother. Mrs. White arrived
first and left about ten minutes after Miss White.
There was nothing unusual to note. (True)
Mrs. Rose- CookShe was in the kitchen all morning preparing
breakfast and then preparing luncheon. Mrs.
White had invited two of her friends for luncheon
that day, but the meal was not to be served until
noon and the other ladies would not have arrived
until eleven at the earliest. (True)
Esther-MaidShe remembers seeing a man entering Ms.
Whites room. She found this odd and went to
find Mrs. Landlow. By the time they had
returned, the man was gone. Mrs. Landlow
believed that Esther had imagined seeing a man.
The man had curly red hair and was very tall.
Esther thought he looked familiar. (True)
Roger-FootmanWas sent on an errand with the driver that
Give each investigator one point of Resolve.

John Varan (order #6984440)



After speaking to the staff and Mrs. White, the

investigators will be approached by Elizabeth.
She will inquire on how the case is going and
what clues the investigators have uncovered. If
the investigators mention the tall, red haired
man, Elizabeth will seem surprised. She will
reply that it is a good description of the son of
one of her mothers friends. Richard Loftwood is
one of several suitors that Elizabeths mother
has tried to convince Elizabeth to take.
Elizabeth has known him for years as their
mothers are friends, but Elizabeth has never
been interested in him.
He is a fine young gentleman, or at least I
always believed him to be until I discovered he
might be involved in this horrible crime. But I
am not interested in marrying anyone now. I
am young and I would like to continue my work
at the excavation while I can. If I marry and
have children, it could be years before I could
continue my work. And even then, I would need
my husband to approve of my work. No, I
mustnt marry now. But I wonder, how did he
know that I had the artifact and why would he
want to steal it? I have not seen him in two
years, she says.
By this point, the investigators should have a
good idea of what has occurred and why. But
they still need to recover the artifact. They
should ask Elizabeth about where they can find
Richard. She will tell them where his familys
house is in London and also the riding club
where he spends much of his time when in
If the investigators go to the family house, they
will speak to a footman who will tell them that
Master Loftwood is not in and asks if they would
like to leave a message. The investigators
should then go to the riding club.
At the club, they can gain entrance in several
ways: If one of the investigators is wealthy, they
may be able to gain admittance for the day; one
of the investigators may be a member or may
have a friend who is a member. The
John Varan (order #6984440)

may find some other way of gaining entrance.

Once inside, they will be able to find Richard
Loftwood easily as he is quite tall and one of the
only members with red hair. As most of the
evidence the investigators have is based on the
maid seeing him and the horse hair (and a boot
print the investigators may have copied to paper),
Richard will deny knowing anything about the
incident. If pressed about the incident and if the
investigators have put together that Mary was
involved in this, hell relent.
Elizabeth is a fine girl, very beautiful and kind. I
had spoken to her parents about courting and her
mother seemed very happy. But her father wanted
to let her continue with her traveling and digging
in the dirt. But I couldnt stop thinking about her
and I spoke again with her mother. She said that if
I took the artifact and hid it, then Elizabeth could
stay in London and I would have a chance to court
her. This is all just silliness, Elizabeth aught to
think about her future. Her father wont live
forever, she needs a husband and time is fleeting,
Richard will say.
He will agree to turn over the artifact, but asks if
perhaps he could give it to Elizabeth and tell her
that he found it for her. He insists that he cares
for her and wants what is best for her. Either way,
he will tell the investigators that he will take them
back to his home and retrieve the artifact. He will
lead the investigators out of the club and as they
pass an alley, he will attack the investigators (with
two friends, if the threat level reached 3). Once
Richard (and his friends, if the threat meter
reached level 3) has been subdued, the
investigators should take Richard back to his
house and retrieve the item. As long as the
Endgame Threat level has not been reached,
Richard will give them the artifact. They can then
return it to Elizabeth. She will be very pleased and
will take all the artifacts over to the museum
immediately. If the Endgame threat was reached,
Richard tells the investigators that they are too
late and the artifact was destroyed and is gone
forever. He rants about winning Elizabeths hand.
Elizabeth will be heartbroken about the loss of the
artifact. She will thank the investigators for their
help, but she will ask them to leave so that she can


prepare to tell the museum curator about this
If the artifact is returned to Elizabeth, give the
investigators five experience each.
If the artifact has been destroyed, give the
investigators two experience each and they will
each lose 2 circles of status as they have failed to
protect and find a priceless artifact.


Mr. Richard LoftwoodA young man who has been interested in

Elizabeth for several years. He is the son of one
of Mary Whites friends.
Charm - 3
Customs - 3
Dodge & Defense - 3
Fight - 3
Hunting - 3
Ride - 4

Miss Elizabeth White-

Richards friends -

Charm - 3
Customs - 3
Oratory - 4
Ride - 3

Dodge and Defense - 4

Vs Blades
Vs Brawling
Endurance - 5
Fight - 4
Strength - 6
Stunning blows
Mrs. Mary White
Major Charles White
Mrs. Landlow-Head Housekeeper
Mr. Blackwell- Butler
Mrs. Rose- Cook

John Varan (order #6984440)


John Varan (order #6984440)



John Varan (order #6984440)



John Varan (order #6984440)


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