Bermudo Vs Ca Facts:: Specpro Digest - Midterm
Bermudo Vs Ca Facts:: Specpro Digest - Midterm
Bermudo Vs Ca Facts:: Specpro Digest - Midterm
Bermudo vs CA
Tom Chow & Go Se Pieng claimant of lot 776 [505sq m]
- obtained a judicial decree of registration as co-owners in
fee simple
- were issued: OCT 10256 [11-3-1932]
- [before issuance of decree and titles] professed: mere
trustees of the Chinese Nationalist Party
Chinese Nationalist party acquired from: Philippine Refining
- 9-4-1940 TCT was issued
Bermudo filed a petition for the reconstitution of OCT 10256
- alleged: vendee of the pro-indiviso of Lot 776
- annexed with the petition: Certification book containing
said OCT was destroyed; no owners duplicate was issued to
- allowed the reconstitution
- Tom Chow & Go Se Pieng were owners
- Cristina vda de chow transferred all the interests and
participation of Tom to P Bermudo
Bermudo & Go owners equal undivided shares [TCT 1948]
Party filed a petition for relief
- prayed: annulment & an order to cancel TCT 1948
- alleged:
1. reconstitution obtained through fraud
[r] no notice of hearing of the petition, inspite:
Bermudo had personal knowledge that the lot has
been owned and possessed of the party for more
than 30 yrs [TCT 858]
2. knew the order only on Jan 5, 1965 when
occupants been filed with an ejectment case by P
Bermudo averred:
1] notice duly published
2] not know of partys participation in the land
3] party no legal capacity to sue
4] land not the same land as subject matter of the case
5] petition for relief pro forma; intended merely to delay