Glycerol Eutectics As Sustainable Solvent Systems

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Glycerol eutectics as sustainable solvent systems

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Published on 27 October 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0GC00395F

Andrew P. Abbott,*a Robert C. Harris,a Karl S. Ryder,a Carmine DAgostino,b Lynn F. Gladdenb and
Mick D. Mantleb
Received 4th August 2010, Accepted 11th October 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c0gc00395f
In this work the use of glycerol as a hydrogen bond donor in Deep Eutectic Solvents is studied.
The physical properties of choline chloride mixtures with glycerol are quantied and it is shown
that eutectic mixtures can circumvent some of the difculties of using glycerol as a solvent viz.
high viscosity and high melting point. The solvent properties are characterised using polarity
parameters and the values are similar to other ionic liquids although it is shown that this
procedure is a poor method of characterising Lewis basicity. The application of these liquids to
the esterication of glycerol is used as a demonstration of the ability to tune a reaction with the
quaternary ammonium halide acting as a quasi-protecting group. The liquids represent a
sustainable way of preparing non-toxic, tuneable solvent systems.

Glycerol is a by-product of a range of hydrolysis and transesterication processes of oils and fats most notably in the soap
and biodiesel manufacturing industries. Glycerol has some uses
principally as viscosity modiers and freezing point suppressants
however with annual production in excess of 1 million tonnes
p.a. the market is saturated. The fact that glycerol is poorly
combustible means that it cannot even be used as a fuel and it
is regarded by many to be a waste product. One of the limiting
factors with its use as a bulk solvent is its high viscosity and high
boiling point making it difcult to separate species by ltration
or distillation. A recent review1 has assessed the use of glycerol
as a green solvent.
We have recently shown that the addition of a stoichiometric
equivalent of a quaternary ammonium salt to glycerol forms
a deep eutectic solvent (DES) and decreases the viscosity
of the liquid. This mixture was shown to be useful for the
purication of biodiesel.2 DESs are mixtures of hydrogen
bond donors with simple halide salts which produce liquids
which have physical and solvent properties that are comparable
with ionic liquids.3,4 DESs have been used for a variety of
applications including metal deposition, metal oxide processing,
metal dissolution and a variety of synthetic processes. The
majority of systems studied to date have been based on choline

Chemistry Department, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, LE1
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, CB2 3RA. E-mail:
uk; Fax: +44 116 252 3789
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Tables of data
used in Figures 2, 3 and 6 together with the full data used to create Table
4 in the form shown in Figure 8.See DOI: 10.1039/c0gc00395f

82 | Green Chem., 2011, 13, 8290

chloride HOC2 H4 N+ (CH3 )3 Cl- (ChCl) because it is non-toxic

and readily available as a bulk commodity chemical. Its common
use stems in part from its simple manufacture; an efcient gas
phase reaction between trimethylamine, ethylene oxide and HCl.
This means that the Sheldon E factor5 for this salt is close to
zero because almost no waste products are formed during this
reaction. The combination of the salt with glycerol produces a
liquid which is non-ammable and non-toxic; the mixture can
even be prepared from food-grade components.
In the current work we characterise the physical properties
of these liquids and use them to propose an improved model
for the mobility of species in ionic liquids. We also demonstrate
that the chemical properties of these liquids are different from
bulk glycerol by characterising the solvatochromic parameters
and demonstrate that esterication reactions of glycerol produce
signicantly different product distributions.

Synthesis of 1 : 2 ChCl: glycerol system
ChCl (Aldrich 99%) was recrystallised from absolute ethanol,
ltered and dried under vacuum. Glycerol (Aldrich 99%) was
used as received. The eutectic mixtures were formed by stirring
the two components at ~80 C until a homogeneous colourless
liquid was formed.
Physical property measurements
The viscosity of the various ChCl : glycerol mixtures were
measured using a Brookeld DV-E Viscometer tted with a
thermostated jacket and the conductivity of these systems was
measured using a Jenway 4071 Conductivity Meter conductivity
probe. Surface tension and density measurements were carried
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Table 1 Peak elution time of reagents and products of esterication

reactions using GPC

Lauric Acid

Mono Ester

Di Ester

Tri Ester

Elution Time/min





Tensiometer K9 with a platinum plate which

out using a Kruss
was connected to a thermostated water bath. All readings were
taken after 2530 min at each temperature to ensure the system
was at equilibrium. For clarity error bars have been omitted
from most plots but these are typically less than 3% of the
given value.
Solvatochromism experiments
All UV-Vis measurements were carried out using a Shimadzu model UV-1601 spectrophotometer to measure the
solvatochromic shift of the different indicator dyes in the visible
absorbance spectrum. The program UV PROBE was used to
obtain the maximum absorbance of the UV-Vis spectra of the
solvatochromic dyes in each system. Sample concentration was
kept in the range of 10-5 10-6 mol dm-3 in order to reduce any
possible solutesolute interactions being observed.

Diffusion coefcient studies

The Pulsed Field Gradient NMR experiments were carried out
with a Bruker DMX 300 equipped with a diffusion probe capable
of producing magnetic eld gradient pulses up to 11.6 T/m.
The measurements were performed over the temperature range
from 298 K to 333 K, with increments of 5 K using a
Bruker Variable Temperature unit, BVT 300. Samples were
prepared in 5 mm NMR tubes lled with liquid to a height of
approximately 20 mm. For each temperature, the sample was left
for 15 min before starting the measurement, to achieve thermal
equilibrium. Diffusion measurements were carried out using
the PGSTE pulse sequence (Fig. 1), holding the gradient pulse
duration, d, constant and varying the magnetic eld gradient
strength, g, for 16 points. A homospoil gradient between the
second and the third 90 radiofrequency pulse (RF) was applied
in order to destroy any unwanted residual magnetization on the
transverse plane. The observation time, D, was set to 50 ms.
Typical values of d were 3 and 4 ms. The numerical values of
the diffusion coefcient, D, were obtained by tting the NMR
signal decay to the echo attenuation equation, given by:

E = exp Dg 2 g 2d 2 D


Esterication experiments
The progression of the esterication reactions was measured by
gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The GPC used was a

Polymer Laboratories PL-GPC 220 with two PLgel 5 mm 50 A

columns. The analysis was carried out at 40 C at a ow rate of
1 cm3 min-1 . The solvent used was dry THF. Each sample vial
contained 0.02 g of product and was dissolved in 1.25 mL of
dry THF. Under this setup the elution times of the reagents and
products are shown in Table 1. As would be expected the product
yields were less reproducible than the physical measurements
but values of the equilibrium constant are 10% of the values

where g is the gyromagnetic ratio of the nuclei being studied

(i.e., 1 H in this case).

Physical properties of glycerol with ChCl
The high viscosity of glycerol (1200 cP at room temperature)
makes its use as a solvent very difcult. However, due to its low
toxicity and ready availability, it could make an ideal solvent.
The addition of a salt has a signicant effect upon the uid
properties. Fig. 2 shows the effect of ChCl on the viscosity,g, of

Fig. 1 PGSTE pulse sequence showing gradient pulse duration, d, echo time, t, storage interval, T, homospoil gradient (crosshatched pattern) and
observation time, D.

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Fig. 2

Plot of temperature versus viscosity as a function of ChCl composition for glycerol (a) and a plot of all viscosities at 298 K (b).

glycerol as a function of composition and temperature. It can

be seen that the viscosity decreases as the salt concentration
increases which is in direct contrast to diol based systems where
the viscosity increases as salts are added.6 It is worth noting that
the addition of 33 mol% ChCl decreases the viscosity of glycerol
by a factor of 3. Whilst this is higher than most molecular
solvents it is similar to many ionic liquids and DESs.
The addition of 33 mol% ChCl signicantly decreases the
freezing point of glycerol from 17.8 C down to -40 C
circumventing one of the problems with the use of the pure
liquid. Fig. 3 shows the corresponding conductivity of the
systems shown in Fig. 2. DESs have been studied in depth
previously and many have shown a correlation between molar
conductivity and uidity.6

like behaviour. The change in viscosity, g with temperature can

be described by the expression;7

ln h = ln h0 +



where g0 is a constant and E g is the energy for activation of

viscous ow. The values of E g are in the range 54.7 for 5%
ChCl to 45.1 kJ mol-1 for 33%. Analogous to the viscosity data,
conductivity of ionic liquids have been tted to;8

ln s = ln s 0 +



where E K is the activation energy for conduction. The values of

E K are in the range -38.5 for 5% ChCl to -27.9 kJ mol-1 for 33%.
These values are in line with other ionic liquids and DESs.9,10
The values of E g and E K are always of opposite sign and of
similar magnitude since there is an inverse relation between the
two parameters (see eqn (8)). The values for DESs and ionic
liquids are signicantly larger than most molecular solvents and
molten salts due to their abnormally high viscosity and low free
The effect of the salt upon the structure of the liquid can be
more clearly seen by measuring the liquid density. The amount
of free volume can be determined using a hard sphere model.
Using the density data shown in Fig. 4 the molar volume V m can
be calculated using
V m = M r /q
Fig. 3 Plot of temperature versus conductivity as a function of ChCl
composition for glycerol systems.

This trend is more obvious when the viscosity is taken

at one temperature and compared as a function of molar
percentage composition of ChCl (Fig. 2 (b)). Like most ionic
liquids the viscosity-temperature proles follow an Arrhenius84 | Green Chem., 2011, 13, 8290


where M r is the relative molar mass of the liquid calculated from

M r = xChCl M ChCl + xHBD M HBD


where x is the mole fraction and M the relative molar mass

of the two components. The actual volume occupied by the
components can be calculated in a similar manner i.e.
V comp = (xChCl V ChCl + xHBD V HBD )N A


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at innite dilution. The molar conductivity, K, can therefore

be described by combining the StokesEinstein and Nernst
Einstein equations (eqn (8))11

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K = z2 F e/6 p g (R+ + R- )


where z is the charge on the ion, R is the species radius, F the

Faraday constant and e is the electronic charge. This has been
shown to be valid for a range of ionic liquids. Recent work by
Zhao et al.12 suggested that hole theory for ionic liquids could
be modied to account for parts of an ion moving and the ions
being non-spherical. This is a useful procedure and results in an
improvement to the calculated viscosities.
An alternative analysis of mobility in ionic liquids has used
NMR measurements to calculate self diffusion coefcients, D.
These differ from those calculated using the StokesEinstein
equation (eqn (9)).
Fig. 4 Density of the glycerol systems as a function of molar
composition of the system in terms of ChCl.

where V is the molecular volume of the component and N A the

Avogadro constant. Using this approach the fractional molar
free volume can be obtained using;
V free = (V m - V comp )/V m


Fig. 4 shows the raw density data for the ChCl : glycerol
systems. As well as a decrease in viscosity, ChCl also decreases
the density which causes an increase in free volume. The change
in V free with mole fraction ChCl can be observed in Fig. 5 (a).
Glycerol is a viscous liquid because of the lack of free volume
caused by the extent of hydrogen bonding. The uidity (1/g) of
the liquid is related to the free volume of the liquid (Fig. 5 (b)).
We have previously proposed a new model that explains the
mechanism of motion in an ionic liquid which ts the behaviour
of DESs. It proposed that the mechanism of charge transfer
is limited by the migration of holes through the liquid. Since
the fraction of suitably sized holes in ambient temperature
ionic liquids is very low the holes can be assumed to be

Fig. 5

D = kT/6pgR


This difference between the calculated radius and the hard

sphere radius was ascribed to changes in ionic character, termed
ionicity, resulting from ionic association.1316 In the current
work we aim to show that the disparity between the values is
due to the identity of the mobile species.
The diffusion coefcient for Ch+ and glycerol was determined
as a function of temperature using Pulsed Field Gradient NMR
and these data are shown in Table 2. From eqn (9), if the uid
behaves like a Newtonian uid then the radius of the diffusing
species can be calculated and these are shown in columns 4 and
5. The values are considerably below the hard sphere radius of
) and glycerol (3.00 A
Ch+ (3.29 A
It has previously been suggested that the movement of holes
in an ionic liquid aids in mass transport. The average size of
the void, rH , in the liquid can be determined from the surface
tension of the liquids as described in eqn (10).

4p < rH 2 > = 3.5



Plot of (a) free volume vs. mole composition of ChCl and (b) free volume vs. 1/N.

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Table 2 Measured and calculated diffusion coefcients derived from PFG NMR and hard sphere models

Ra /A

Dmeas 1011 /m2 s-1

rH b /A

Dc 1011 /m2 s-1

Dd 1011 /m2 s-1



















Calculated using eqn (9) with the D values in columns 2 and 3. b Calculated using eqn (10). c Calculated using hard sphere radii (Ch+ = 3.26 A
) from molecular simulation.4 d Calculated using rH # .
glycerol = 3.00 A

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where k is the Boltzmann constant and c is the surface tension

at temperature T. Surface tension could be expected to follow
similar trends to viscosity since it is a measure of how strong the
intermolecular forces are in the liquid, similar to the measure
of viscosity. It is reasonable to expect that as viscosity increases
with an increase in the molar composition of ChCl, the surface
tension should increase as the molar composition of ChCl
increases. A plot of surface tension as a function of temperature
can be seen in Fig. 6. The surface tensions of the various
compositions show a linear correlation with temperature as
with other ionic liquids. The values are similar in magnitude
to tetrauoroborate and hexauorophosphate salts but higher
than bistriamide analogues.17,18 As would be expected from the
viscosity and free volume results, the surface tensions decrease as
more ChCl is added to the system. This is further evidence that
the ChCl is breaking up the intermolecular forces of the glycerol
as described above. The average size of the hole was calculated
using eqn (10) and these are shown in Table 2 as a function of
temperature. These values are similar in size to the radius of
the diffusing species calculated using the data in Table 2 and
eqn (9). While it has previously been suggested that diffusion
occurs via ions moving from one vacancy to another it is clear
that this model needs to be rened. The data presented here
show that the mobility of holes themselves are the dominant
factor in controlling mass transfer in ionic liquids. It is clearly
not suitable to claim that the holes are the only factor affecting
mass transport in ionic liquids since this would mean that all
species would diffuse at the same rate. It is clear however that

the size of the hole dominates the mechanism of mass transport.

Subsequent results with second generation ionic liquids will
show that this generic model ts the diffusion of both charged
and uncharged species in ionic liquids.19
Chemical properties of glycerol with ChCl
Solvent polarity. The polarity of a solvent can be characterised using semi-empirical linear free energy relationships.
The use of solvatochromic parameters allows an insight into
solvation and local density, and has been particularly useful
in an understanding of the solvent properties of supercritical
uids.2022 The two most commonly used scales are the E T (30)
polarity scales of Dimroth and Reichardt23,24 and the multi
parameter scale of Kamlet and Taft.25,26 To calculate the p*,
a and b values three indicator probe molecules were used. The
molecules used to investigate these parameters were Reichardts
Dye 30, 4-nitroaniline and N,N-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline. For this
work, the solvents investigated were standardized around these
single probe sets. This is common practice with many workers
in the eld. Other workers in this eld however favour the use
of several probes and then average the values obtained. The
disadvantage of using many probes is that considerable effort is
required to derive parameters for any new solvent. The single
probe set approach has the advantage of being experimentally
less involved, but also the data obtained will be comparable with
published literature.27
By using Reichardts Dye 30, a value for E T (30) can be
calculated using eqn (11).
E T (30) (kcal mol-1 ) = hCUmax N A = (2.8591 10-3 )
U max (cm-1 ) = 28591/lmax


In addition to the E T (30) scale, there is a normalised scale, the

E N T scale. The normalised value for a solvent is calculated using
eqn (12);


ET ( solvent ) ET (TMS ) ET ( solvent ) 30.7

633.1 30.7
ET ( water ) ET (TMS )


To calculate p* the eqn (13) was used with the data obtained
from the indicator molecule 4-nitroaniline
p* = (vsolvent - vcyclohexane )/(vdmso - vcyclohexane )

Fig. 6 Plot of temperature versus surface tension for the glycerol


86 | Green Chem., 2011, 13, 8290


a values were calculated using E T (30) data and 4-nitroaniline p*

data using eqn (14)
a = (E T (30) - 14.6 (p* - 0.23) - 30.31)/16.5


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Table 3 Solvent polarity parameters for glycerol : ChCl mixtures

Esterication of glycerol


E T (30)/kcal mol-1


ChCl : Glycerol
ChCl : Glycerol
ChCl : Glycerol
1 : 1.5
ChCl : Glycerol


0.817 0.956 0.882

0.841 0.970 0.914



0.860 0.984 0.937



0.849 0.980 0.921



0.858 1.003 0.923



The b values were calculated from the data obtained for 4nitroaniline and N,N-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline
b = 0.9 (Dvcyclohexane - Dvsolvent )/(Dvcyclohexane - Dvpropan-1-ol )


The data in Table 3 shows that the choline chloride based

DESs exhibit a polarity that is similar to RNH3 + X- and
R2 NH2 + X- ionic liquids with discrete anions.28 It can also be seen
that the addition of choline chloride increases the E T (30), p* and
a parameters of the system. The changes in these parameters as a
function of choline chloride concentration can be seen in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 shows a roughly linear increase in E T (30) with ChCl
concentration. Extrapolating this trend to 100% ChCl gives a
value of approximately 59 kcal mol-1 which is comparable to that
for ethylammonium nitrate28 which is reasonable. Similar trends
are observed for p* and a, although the parameters are relatively
insensitive to changes in polarity. The b parameter in particular
does not appear to show signicant changes with increasing
chloride concentration. To some extent this is not surprising
since the number glycerol OH groups present are in excess to the
indicator solute and will act as a better hydrogen bond donor.
This suggests that in high polarity solvents, solvatochromic
indicators are insensitive to compositional changes because
solventsolvent interactions dominate over solventsolute

Fig. 7

To demonstrate the different chemical properties of ChCl

glycerol mixtures the esterication of glycerol with lauric acid
was chosen as a model experiment. The aim of this work was
to determine the effect of hydrogen bonding of Cl- to the OH
moieties on glycerol. It was envisaged that the strength of the
H-bonding would affect the reactivity of glycerol and this could
change the product distribution of the reaction.
The esterication of the triol can be broken down into three
elementary equilibria. Analysis of such a complex process is
clearly complicated and here only a simple qualitative analysis
is carried out. Attempts to t all of the data were unsuccessful.
The scheme for this reaction is as follows:

[glycerol] + [lauric acid]  [monoester]

[monoester ][water ]
+ [water] K1 =
[lauric acid ][ glycerol ]


[monoester] + [lauric acid]  [diester]

[diester ][water ]
+ [water] K 2 =
[monoester ][lauric acid ]


[diester] + [lauric acid]  [triester]

+ [water] K 3 =
[diester][lauric acid]


The plots shown in Fig. 8 show the progression of the

esterication of lauric acid in various ChCl : glycerol mixtures
and also pure glycerol. In each system, 60 cm3 , (0.82 mol) of
glycerol was used and the corresponding molar amount of ChCl
needed to make up the desired ratio was added. It should be
noted that the addition of ChCl changes the volume of the
system and so the data have not been analysed in terms of the
concentration, but rather the number of moles of each reagent.
In each case the acid catalyst added was triuoroacetic acid
(6 cm3 , 0.078 mol). In these systems 0.1 moles of lauric acid was
added. The reactions were all carried out at 150 C, in a sealed

Variation of E T (30) (a), p*, a and b (b) with mole fraction of ChCl in glycerol.

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Fig. 8 Esterication data of 0.1 moles of lauric acid in various ChCl : glycerol DES mixtures.

vessel. As lauric acid and the respective esters are poorly soluble
in glycerol and the glycerol based DESs, aliquots were taken
from the top organic layer after being allowed to phase separate,
which at this temperature was liquid. The isomeric form of the
mono- and di-esters were not investigated in the analysis. Only
the formation of the mono- and di-esters were investigated.
The data in Fig. 8 show that the addition of ChCl does have a
marked effect on the product distribution of the reaction. These
systems are operating in large excess of glycerol, with a greater
than 8 : 1 ratio of glycerol : lauric acid. The mono-ester would
be the most abundant product predicted due to the large excess
of glycerol. This is indeed the case with pure glycerol where
negligible amounts of di- and tri-esters formed. It also shows
that after 8 h there is still approximately 70% of the free acid
remaining. This is a surprising result since there is such a large
amount of glycerol available for the lauric acid to react with but
this could be due to the high viscosity of the system.
The 1 : 1 ChCl : glycerol mixture shows a faster consumption
of the lauric acid than the pure glycerol system, resulting in
a much greater formation of the mono-ester. It should be
88 | Green Chem., 2011, 13, 8290

noted that approximately twice as many moles of products are

made when ChCl is added which clearly negates any effect
of dilution. The 1 : 1.5 and 1 : 2 systems show similar overall
conversion to the monoester but noticeably the monoester
concentration goes through a maximum due to its use in eqn
(17). The concentration of the diester is signicantly increased
with respect to both the pure glycerol and the 1 : 1 ChCl systems.
The rate of consumption of the lauric acid follows 1 : 2
1 : 1.5 > 1 : 1 > glycerol. This could be due to the pseudo
site inhibition, where the interaction between the glycerol OH
moieties interact with the Cl- from ChCl, but a more logical
explanation is that the process is mass transport controlled.
The results shown in Fig. 8 indicate that the addition of
choline chloride alters the product distribution of the esterifcation of glycerol and lauric acid. The 1 : 2 mixture shows that it is
possible to form the di-ester product in relatively large amounts
considering that the initial ratio of glycerol : lauric acid is very
high. Deviating to a ratio of 1 : 1.5 does not appreciably alter
this product distribution, however changing the ratio to 1 : 1, the
product distribution more closely resembles that of the of the
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Table 4 Equilibrium constants for the formation of the mono-, di- and
tri- esters for all ChCl based systems
Ratio of ChCl : glycerol

Lauric acid/mol L-1









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1 : 1.5


No ChCl

pure glycerol system. There are likely to be many factors governing how these reactions progress; the addition of ChCl to glycerol
lowers the viscosity, which would increase the mass transport in
the system however it also acts as a diluent of the glycerol.
The experiments shown in Fig. 8 were repeated at four
different initial lauric acid concentrations; 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and
0.6 mol L-1 . The results are given summarised in Table 4 and
full details are provided in the ESI. The K values in Table 4 are
apparent equilibrium constants based on the number of moles
of species in solution. Although there is a relatively complex
relationship between the concentrations of ChCl and lauric acid
upon the product distribution, it can be concluded that the
ChCl leads to a considerably higher proportion of product in the
form of the diester whereas pure glycerol results predominantly
in the monoester. It can also be seen that almost no tri-ester
forms. Most importantly in the 1 : 1.5 mixture the di-ester
was effectively the only product formed. The supplementary
information shows that most systems have reached equilibrium
within 8 h however all systems were left for 24 h to obtain an
equilibrium value. Where the data point taken after 24 h differs
signicantly from that after 8 h the last data point was ignored.
However in most cases the tri-ester was still being formed at a
slow rate due to the back reactions of eqn (16) and (17) yielding
more acid. While there is some uctuation in the K3 values the
trend compared to K1 and K2 are constant.
In the equimolar ChCl : glycerol mixture the rate of conversion
decreases and the monoester is the favoured product. The same
trend was observed using 0.1 moles of free acid. This suggests
there is a pseudo site inhibition effect from the Cl- interacting
with the OH moieties that occurs at high ChCl concentrations.
The 1 : 1 system shows a faster rate of formation of the monoester than in the 0.2 M system, as would be expected since the
amount of lauric acid is greater. In all of the ChCl containing
systems the amount of di-ester formed is approximately constant
(0.01 mol). This is signicantly higher that the pure glycerol
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system. All of the systems containing ChCl are slow to reach

equilibrium, again because the tri-ester appears to form slowly
and removes di-ester from the system.
Increasing the lauric acid concentration to 0.4 moles results
in a similar product distribution to that found with 0.3 moles
and as Table 4 shows the equilibrium constants for pure glycerol
remain relatively similar. As the lauric acid concentration
increases the data for the ChCl containing systems approach
equilibrium. The equilibrium constants are shown in Table 4.
In all of the pure glycerol systems the equilibrium constants are
in the order K1 > K2 > K3 whereas for the ChCl containing
mixtures the order is K2 > K1 > K3 . The only way in which
the equilibrium can be driven to the right is if one of the
components is removed or more accurately if it decreases
its activity in the system. One possible explanation for the
data observed in Table 4 is that the presence of ChCl causes
a decrease in the activity of water due to hydrogen bonding
between the chloride anion and the water molecules.
One complication is that the reaction is carried out at 150 C
which would normally be enough to drive the water from the
reaction vessel however in these experiments the reaction vessel
was closed and so the ChCl would also affect the concentration
of water vapour in the headspace. Nevertheless, inspection of
the data in Table 4 suggests that both K2 and K3 increase as
the ChCl concentration increases which supports this idea.
Furthermore the central premise of this work was that ChCl
could act as a pseudo-site inhibitor. This could either prevent
esterication, which is clearly not the case, or it could reduce
the activity of glycerol in eqn (16). If this were the case, then diand tri-esterication would be preferred, which is indeed what
appears to occur.
The results for the system containing 0.6 mol L-1 of ChCl
supercially support all of the discussions above. The concentration of the mono-ester is up to ten times larger than that
observed in some of the ChCl containing systems. Given that
glycerol is still present in a large excess it is important to notice
that the overall lauric acid concentration is approximately the
same at the end of each experiment. While this could be viewed
in terms of decreased glycerol activity in the ChCl an alternative
view could be that the ChCl breaks up the structure of the
glycerol and therefore actually enables further reaction on the
OH moieties that could normally be inter-molecularly hydrogen
bonded. It is probably a mixture of both effects that lead to the
observed product distribution.
Equilibrium constants have been calculated for the ChCl
based systems, and are shown in Table 4. An additional point
worth discussing at this juncture is that the choline cation
contains an OH moiety which in principle could be esteried.
Despite numerous experiments no such esters were observed.
Bell et al. also studied esterication reactions in choline based
ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents. The choline cation was
found to be very unreactive and it was only when strong Lewis
acids such as ZnCl2 were present with acetic anhydride that any
signicant acylation took place.29

The work here has shown that by adding ChCl to glycerol there is
a marked reduction in the viscosity, whereas in the case of several
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previously reported ChCl : diol mixtures the viscosity increases.5

This is due to the 3D intermolecular H-bond interactions in
glycerol that are broken up on addition of ChCl resulting in a
less ordered system. This is also backed up by the density data
which decreases as ChCl is added, where this is not true for the
diol systems. As would be expected the conductivity increases
as a function of ChCl addition due to more charge carrying
species being made available in an increasingly more uid
Several polarity parameters; E N T , a, b and p* have been
obtained for the rst time for several alcohol based DESs.
The data has provided information on the relative polarity
of these systems, which suggests that they are similar to
RNH3 + X- , R2 NH2 + X- and imidazolium ionic liquids, which is
not surprising given the similarity in the structure of ChCl. There
is a linear increase in the E N T , p* and a values of the glycerol
based DESs as the ChCl concentration is increased.
By performing esterication of glycerol it has been shown that
at low fatty acid concentrations and high ChCl concentrations
the monoester can be selectively produced at a signicantly
higher rate than in pure glycerol. Solventless esterication of
glycerol and lauric acid was carried out using ChCl with the
intention of using its hydrogen bonding interaction with glycerol
to behave as a potential site inhibitor to selectively form monoor di-ester products. The work has shown that the addition of
ChCl to the system actually encourages the reaction to progress
further towards the di-ester product, as opposed to the pure
glycerol system which encouraged only mono-ester formation.
It is thought that because ChCl breaks up the 3-D structure
of glycerol, this actually works in favour of the esterication
reaction as it can further react with glycerol molecules already
esteried. It is also possible that ChCl is interacting with water
molecules produced in the reaction, effectively removing them
from the equilibrium, which in turn helps drive the reaction
forward. The ChCl also decreases the viscosity of the liquid
and at low acid concentrations it is suggested that the process
is mass transport controlled when the system has not reached

The authors would like to acknowledge the EPSRC (for a
studentship for RCH), the Technology and Strategy Board

90 | Green Chem., 2011, 13, 8290

(under the Glycerol Challenge) and Scionix Ltd. for funding

this work.

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This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

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