Topic 1 Migration PDF
Topic 1 Migration PDF
Topic 1 Migration PDF
Human Migration
Britannica Encyclopedia
Introduce the topic of modern human migrations.
Are humans still migrating today? What are some examples of migrations you know that
have taken place in the last years?
Do you think modern migrations differ from ancient migrations? How?
Discuss and list possible differences such as cause, distance, duration, and method of travel.
Meanwhile, human migration also affects the host country. The host country
can benefit from the immigrants as most immigrants are willing to be paid a
lower price for labor. This creates job loss for the natives and will cause
issues between the native people and immigrants.The host country can
also benefit from the immigrants because if they are highly educated, they
can educate younger generation of the host country, hence giving a brighter
future to the next generation of the host country.
To put it briefly, there are many factors that contribute in leading the people
to migrate to another country where they in their own minds think is better.
All these factors heavily rely on each individuals perspective, persuading
them into migrating to another country. Human migration has both good and
bad effects towards the host and sending countries.
As the worlds borders between countries are loosened and multi-culturism
is being practiced more often, the future of frequent immigration will bring
about a better mutual understanding and make the world a better place.
Check students comprehension.
What is migration?
Some people have no permanent home. Instead, they keep moving from place to
place. These people are usually called nomads rather than migrants. Some nomads
move back and forth between the summer and winter pasturelands of their animals.
Others, like the Roma (Gypsies), move frequently to find new opportunities. Migrant
farm workers, who move from farm to farm to work, are very much like nomads.
Migration inside a country is known as internal migration. Migration from one country
to another is called external migration. A person who moves away from a country is
called an emigrant from that country. A person who moves to a country is called an
immigrant to the new country.
The promise of good jobs or farmland lures some migrants to a new land. Others want
to get away from mistreatment, warfare, or natural disasters in their homeland.
Sometimes a government forces people to leave. Migrants who have been forced to
leave their country, either by the government or because of harsh conditions, are
called refugees.
Captive people have no say in when they leave a country or where they go.
TheAfrican slave trade was practiced from the 1500s to the 1800s. It brought an
estimated 20 million people to North America, South America, and the West Indies.
Other captive migrants included criminals who were shipped off to a colony as
punishment. European countries transported more than 150,000 convicts to Australia
between 1788 and 1867.
Prehistoric and Ancient Migration
According to many
scientists the earliest
humans lived in Africa.
From there humans spread
first to
Encyclopdia Britannica,
Later migrations are recorded in history. In one of the earliest historical migrations,
the ancient Hebrews moved from slavery in Egypt to freedom in Palestine in the
1200s BC. Later, in the AD 300s and 400s, a number of European tribes invaded the
mighty Roman Empire. The invaders, whom the Romans called barbarians, included
people called Huns, Goths, and Vandals. In 476 these migrants brought down the
Migration in the Middle Ages
Wars and conquests made people move during the Middle Ages, from about AD 500 to
about 1500. Some peoples fought wars in order to take over new lands. Others were
forced from their lands by the invaders. In the 600s armies united by the religion
ofIslam left the Arabian Peninsula to spread the religion. They conquered northern
Africa, western Asia, and Spain. In the 700s a European tribe called the Franks drove
the Saxon tribe into northern Europe. Between the 800s and 1000s northern Europeans
called Vikings raided and settled in western Europe. Some Vikings who settled in
France became known as the Normans. Normans conquered England in 1066. Starting
in about 1200, a central Asian people called the Mongols conquered much of Asia and
eastern Europe.
Migration to the Americas
Modern Migration
In the late 1900s many people from Latin American countries wanted to move north to
the United States. Some crossed U.S. borders without government permission and
became illegal immigrants.
Early in the 21st century, Europe had even more immigrants than
North America. Many came from African or Middle Eastern
countries. They brought cultural change to Europe.
A Muslim woman and her
children make a new home
in Germany.
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