7 Organizational Behavior
7 Organizational Behavior
7 Organizational Behavior
Subject: Organisational
Paper ID 17201
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum marks: 75
Note: Attempt all questions. Internal choice is indicated
Q.1. Read the following case study carefully and attempt the questions given at the
Shyam Lal kirodia was engaged in the family business of trading in natural silk yarn
in a large town of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The town had lot of potential for silk yarn
demand as there were plenty of weavers engaged in weaving sarees popularly
known as Banarasi Sarees. At the initial stage, the trading business of kirodias
father was not flourishing. However, after the death of his father, when S. L. Kirodia
assumed the full fledged responsibility of the business, he expanded it many fold
with untiring efforts. With the result, he became number one trader of the city and
earned lot of money. He constructed his own five-storey house in prime business
area of the city with a view that ground and first floor s would be used for business
purpose and the remaining floors will be used for residential purpose.
Trading of silk yarn involves procuring of silk yarn from silk producing centres mostly
at Bangalore and adjoining areas and some part of Jammu and Kashmir. Besides,
silk yarn is imported mostly from China. Silk yarn is distributed directly to weavers
who are mostly illiterate manual workers or to semi-wholesalers. The yarn is
supplied on credit basis ranging from one week to two weeks with the provision that
interest at the rate of 2% per month will be charged if the payment is delayed
beyond the stipulated time. When kirodia make huge profits in his trading business,
he started investing a part of the profit in buying companies shares both from the
primary market and secondary market. Gradually, he along with his family members
became shareholder of about 250 companies.
Kirodia had 3 sons and when they were quite grown up, he decided to step down
from the trading business and entered the field of share broking. In late 1994, he
approached a share broker of NSE for the purpose with his friend and was successful
in getting sub-brokership from the main broker located at Mumbai. He formed a
firm known as S. K. Financial Services. Since this was the only firm of this type in the
city, it attracted lot of business at the initial stage. Over the period of time, the firm
was converted into a limited company under the name of kirodia Capital Services
Limited with shareholders drawn mostly from his family and friends.
NSE offered computerized trading system from the very beginning. In this system a
share broker or sub broker has to install VSAT (very small aperture terminal) a
special purpose dish antenna, and computers and accessories besides office
furniture etc. The process of operating a sub-brokers office is as follows:1. Orders for buying/selling shares are obtained from the customers either through
personal contacts or through telephones. A customer may give order either at the
market rate, that is, at the prevailing rate at which he can buy/sell immediately, or a
prescribed rate and the transaction will be effected when this rate comes. In both
these cases, the transaction has to be confirmed by the sub-broker.
2. After the end of the settlement period which is for a week, the sub-broker
prepares a list of transactions which have been executed. He collects money for the
purchases from his customers immediately but gives shares after about three weeks
because he has to deposit the money in advance to his broker who sends the shares
later after the settlement of shares takes place at NSE. Similarly, the sub broker
receives shares from his customers and sends these to his broker from where
money comes after certain interval, usually 3 weeks.
3. The sub-broker has to maintain records relating to various transactions,
customers accounts, main brokers accounts and other relevant records.
At the initial stage, share broking business did quite well, but later it started
dwindling. Many customers flew away to other brokers as many new brokers
entered the business subsequently. The turnover rate of employees at kirodias
office was quite high, on an average no computer operator worked for more than a
yea . Some of the reasons which old customers of kirodia cited were as follows:1. kirodia did not believe anyone in the matter of customer relationship
2. He used to interfere unnecessarily in the customers transactions by telling
why selling at low rate or buying at high rate. This interference used to
upset their mental set.
3. If a customer had negative impact from his transactions, kirodia would
reprimand him like anything saying that he advised not to do this or that. This
became quite embarrassing to a customer and hurt his feelings.
4. He spoke too loudly on telephone which interfered unnecessarily with the
concentration of the customers who used to be present in the sub brokers
5. His overall behaviour was not that of helping and cooperating. Many
customers just wondered how he made so much money in his business and
flopped in share broking business.
a) Assess the personality of kirodia and point out the personality factors
which made him successful in trading business and factors which led him
down in share broking business.
b) What behavioural change would you suggest for kirodia and how such a
change can be brought?
c) Can his behaviour be changed at such a late stage of life? Give reasons.
Q.2. Discuss the different models of organisational behaviour. What are
the major contributing disciplines of organisational behaviour?
Define organisational behaviour as a field of study. How is it different from
behavioural science and human relations?
Q.3. There are different theories which explain the process of attitude
formation. Identify these theories.
a) What do you mean by Perceptual Selectivity? Discuss the factors
affecting Perceptual Selectivity.
b) Discuss the phenomenon of Transactional Analysis in detail.
Q.5. What do you mean by a team in an organisation? How do synergy
and social loafing occur in team work?
a) Discuss the Nominal Group Technique and Delphi technique of decision
b) Explain the stages of group development.
Q.6. What do you mean by Planned Change? Why do people resist
change? State various ways of overcoming resistance to change.
a) Is conflict always bad for the organisation? Comment
b) Discuss Schiens model of organisational culture.
Subject: Organisational
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum marks: 75
Note: Attempt all questions including question 1 which is compulsory. All
questions carry 15 marks each.
Q.1. Read the following case study carefully and attempt the questions given at the
Mr. Kamal Nayan joined as office manager, Industrial Products Ltd., Bombay, after
coming back from the U.S.A. from where he got his MBA degree with specialization
in HRM. He was young and energetic and believed in results. Before proceeding to
the U.S.A. he had several years of experience in india in different capacities. When
Mr. Nayan joined the Industrial Products Limited, Its office time was 10:30 am to
5:30 pm. He felt that the timings should be changed to 10:00 to 5:00 pm because
he knew that office personnel in U.S.A. did not work after 5 pm. He thought this to
be time for india also and to ensure more availability of effective time for office. He
changed it to 10:00 am to 5:00pm. He announced the change officially.
No one reached initially but after two days, Mr. Nayan received a written
memorandum by all office people that old office timing be restored. Mr. Nayan did
not yield to this demand. Hence he was convinced that the just step was to build
cooperative spint among his employees through informal get together. Therefore,
he preferred a scheme of having monthly dinner party of all members of the office.
In the party, all members were to bring their home made dishes. Their wives and
children were to be encouraged to attend the monthly dinner party. The scheme
was encouraged through placing it on the information bulletin of the company. The
notice also invited suggestions from the members for making the scheme
successful. Two weeks elapsed and no suggestion came. On one occasion when the
day was nearing for the jut dinner party, he overheard the following conversation
between two of his office members
What are you bringing for the party? As for myself I will bring pizza. The second
employee said. I will bring Chana. And both of them laughed. Mr. Nayan thought
that the employees were interested in the scheme.
1) what were the reasons for not supporting the actions of Mr. Kamal nayan by
his employees?
2) Advise Mr. Kamal Nayan how he should proceed in the matter?
3) Why do people resist change and how to overcome their resistence?
Johari Window
Ego status
Transactional analysis
Type A and B personality
Errors in personality assessment
Q.4. What do you mean by a team in an organisation? How do synergy and social
loafing occur in team work? What are stages involved in formation of groups?
a) Types of conflict and ways to manage them
b) Dolphin Techniques and Nominal Group Techniques of decision making
Q.5. Discuss the concept of organisation culture. What is its relevance to an
organization? Explain the ways to creat and sustain organisation culture
Discuss the following
a) Perceptual selectivity and factors affecting it
b) Process of attitude formation
c) Schiens model of organisational culture.
Paper code:BBA/BBA(B&I)(TTM)201
Subject: Organisational
Paper ID 17201
B & I:(2005-2007)
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions.. All questions carry 15 marks each.
Subject: Organisational
Paper ID 17201
B & I:(2005-2007)
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum marks: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions including question 1 which is
Q.1. Do any five:a) What is organisational behaviour?
b) Explain conceptual framework for organisational behaviour.
c) What do you mean by committee organisation?
d) Define the overall meaning of personality
e) What is Zero Defections in Decision Making.?
f) Can you describe any TA Games you have been involved in lately?
g) Explain team building.
Q.2. What are some of the major challenges facing todays and
tomorrows organisations?
Q.3. In your own words, briefly explain Maslows theory of motivation.
Relate it to work motivation and Alderfers ERG model.
Q.4. What are the three ego status in Transaction Analysis? Give an
example of each of the three major transactions. What are strokes in T.A.?
Give example of some you have received in the last day or two.
Q.5. Briefly summerise the four Selfs in the Johari Window. What
implications does each have for interpersonal conflict?
Q.6. The major difference between formal and informal group is that the
formal group has officially prescribed goals and relationships, where the
informal one does not. Explain the statement in detail.
Q.7. How do the traditional assumptions about organisational conflict
differ from the modern assumptions ? What implications do these new
assumptions have for the management of organisational conflicts?
Q.8. What are some of the major factors that influence the managerial
leadership process across cultures?