DossierPresse Anglais v4
DossierPresse Anglais v4
DossierPresse Anglais v4
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Barbara Prezeau-Stphenson
2004: Black Codes.With 15 exhibitions, 27 projected films, including the first retrospective of filmmaker
Arnold Antonin in Haiti. Researchers and creators try to deepen the possible meanings of Black and Code,
Black Code, and Black Codes. Black Codes refers to the commemoration of the Bicentennial of Haiti's
independence and to the birth of the first anti-slavery state in the world. The use of these two words
together offers many avenues for reflection and creation.
A second leg will take place in Montreal at Tohu, the international headquarters of Cirque du Soleil.
Black Codes has gathered creators and researchers from France, Runion, Martinique, Guadeloupe, du
Gabon, Canada an Haiti.
Killy Installation
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2008: The 5th Transcultural Forum's theme was Lands and Migrancy . It took place over 17 days, from
June 20th to July 6th 2008, at the main cultural locations of Port-au-Prince, Croix des Bouquets and
Jacmel, as well as the most busy public spaces, and attracted 20,000 visitors, around conferences, film
projections, creations in situ, exhibitions, workshops, lectures, musical and theatrical performances.
For international as well as local press, it's a rendez-vous with creatives and researchers hailing from :
Martinique, France, Canada, Togo, Burkina Faso, Trinidad, South America, along side their haitian peers.
As with the previous forums, the haitian capital got to be know intimately through its numerous vodou
sanctuaries, folk museums unknown to some and criticized by others, while its old neighborhoods, a real
network of artists and artisan studios, specialized markets and micro industries will be the subject of
media coverage and interviews.
Right in the midst of a political transition, this moment was, once again, one of hope and international
solidarity, and the peace and security recently acquired but strongly entrenched, contributed to the
spread of new directions, and the increase of analytical angles Haiti, beyond cultural debates, a land full
of singularities.
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2011: The 6th Transcultural Forum of Contemporary Art took place in Port-au-Prince, Ption-Ville and
Croix-des-Bouquets, from Sunday September 25th to Monday October 3rd 2011.
Originally planned for June 2010, it got pushed back because of the earthquake. The program, executed in
part in the public places of the capital, was also reviewed to be centered at a specific place, l'Ecole Nationale des Arts (ENARTS), and tools new technology and multimedia not commonly used in Haiti.
For the first time, from September 25th to October 3rd 2011, the Transcultural Forum of Contemporary
Art of Port-au-Prince filled up the Ecole Nationale des Arts, or ENARTS (the National School of the Arts),
the only public art school in Haiti. Closed for many months after the graduation of the April 2011 class,
the school reopened shortly after the Forum to welcome new students for a revised 4 year cycle. The
Transcultural Forum of Contemporary Art played a role symbolic, spirited and diverse, in this reshaping
by introducing a dozen artists from the continents of Africa, America and Europe. Thanks to the transproject and the multimedia workshops of the Centre Culturel Virtuel (the Virtual Cultural Center) of the
ARCADES program, financed by the European Union, new technologies were at the heart of the Forum.
A variety of art practices mural paintings, paintings on canvas, sculptures, performances, etc. helped
shape the program. In addition to ENARTS, different cultural institutions were involved in the Forum all
around the city : the sculptor collective of Grand Rue, Atis Rezistans, the Centre Culturel Virtuel of the
Ministry of Culture, the Direction Nationale du Livre, the Fondation Connaissance et Libert (FOKAL),
Institut Franais, Galerie Monnin, the Muse Georges Liautaud et l'Association des Artistes et Artisans de
la Croix-des-Bouquets (ADAAC).
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2015 Forum
Confirmed participants
Jean Morisset (Canada)
Habdaphai (France, Martinique)
Edgard Endress (Argentine)
Jose Manuel Noceda (Cuba)
David Frohnapfel (Allemagne)
Thierry Allet (Guadeloupe)
Kossi Assou (Togo)
Kishan Munroe(Bahamas)
Tessa Price Mars (Haiti)
Maksaens Denis (Haiti)
Josu Azor (Haiti)
David Boyer (Haiti)
Lilika Papagrigoriou (Greece/Haiti)
Guyodo (Haiti)
Killy (Haiti)
Dubreus Lherisson (Haiti)
Mario Benjamin (Haiti)
Pasko (Haiti)
Ti Pelen (Haiti)
Baka Roklo (Haiti)
Andre Eugen (Haiti)
Papouch Ernst Payern (Haiti)
Romel Jean-Pierre (Haiti)
Lobenson Civilma (Haiti)
Fabian Jean-Baptiste (Haiti)
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Target Audiences
The Port-au-Prince public
The natural beneficiaries of the Forum are the inhabitants of the capital. This public, often young and
educated, francophone or even multilingual, is comprised of the student population, teachers, professionals in the cultural sectors. A media strategy done thru the various radio stations of the capital, and
a tv spot will be used to reach a much larger public. Free access to the activities will allow for meetings
within disadvantaged communities, who have very little acces to quality leisure activities nor contemporary art dealing with current issues.
The national public
With a population of 9,000,000, the Republic of Haiti is one of the most populated countries in the
Caribbean. To this day, radio is the main source of news and information for close to 60% of illiterates.
Therefore it will be used to reach a maximum of people. Furthermore, a specific endeavor is undertaken through the rural and community radio networks. This decentralized approach will be seconded
by a billboard and flyer distribution campaign throughout the Alliance Francaise locations, the CLACS
and the public library networks.
The Haitian Diaspora
Estimated at 1,000,000 immigrants, concentrated in the USA, Canada, France, Belgium and other countries in Europe, the diaspora is an important phenomena in the Caribbean, by the large and long standing presence of Haitians in Cuba, the Dominican Republic the French Antilles and in Guyane as well.
Everywhere the haitians have settled they will establish media networks, community radio shows,
publications . They will be informed by a weekly newsletter, and on a daily basis during the length of the
Forum. Flyers and posters will be distributed by airplane.
The regional and international public
The communication campaign of the Forum was done in great part on these 3 sites : (1256 visitors a month), (6000 connexions per month)
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AfricAmrica Foundation
AfricAmricA The Foundation was created in 1999 to implement the Transcultural Forum of Contemporary Art, the first festival in Haiti at an international scale, initiated in 2000.
It is the first group of visual arts professionals established in Haiti. The AfricAmricA Foundation is
supported by a network of partner institutions and associations in the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, the
Indian Ocean and the Americas.
Our mission is divided into three parts: training creators, promotion and dissemination of contemporary
Main Achievements
The Transcultural Forum of Contemporary Art, published every 2 years (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008,
The Cultural Center AfricAmricA in Port-au-Prince from 2002 to 2008.
The Georges Liautaud Museum in the village of sculptors Noailles in Croix-des-Bouquets.
The Jean Brierre Poetry Prize, made in 2001 in partnership with the State University of Haiti, the
University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar and the International House of Poetry in Dakar.
The "Kore Atis ak Atizan" project funded by the European Union in 2008 and 2012.
Publications and derivatives such as Agenda Art, DVD and notebook "10 years of contemporary art"
directories guides.
Interventions in middle school, mentoring young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods, training
professionals, in partnership with UNICEF, the National Fund Sponsorship and USAID, the European
Commission and Plan Haiti.
Completion of three editions of the Festival of sculptures in partnership with the French Institute
The completion of the first exhibition 100% Numerik (Digital)
Projects of social and economic development benefiting target populations such as associations of
artists and artisans, youth, children and women.
Foundation Websites
Muse Georges Liautaud
Route de Rmy, Noailles Croix-des-Bouquets
Tel : (509)
Email :
Page web:
Barbara Przeau Stephenson
Contact for Forum
France, + 33 (0)6 12 21 54 02
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Forum Organization
Barbara Przeau-Stephenson
Visual artist, art historian, forum commissioner
Josu Azor
Bernard Chancy
Engineer, member of the board of directors of
Fondation AfricAmricA
Allenby Augustin
Akoustik Prod
Logistics, exhibitions and workshops
Maksaens Denis
Visual artist, artistic director of Fondation AfricAmricA
Valrie Noisette
Visual artist, Kolektif 509
Xavier Dalencour
Visual artist, Kolektif 509
Elizabeth Pierre-Louis
Program Director of FOKAL
Michele Lemoine
Director of theatre department of FOKAL
Christelne Martial
Administration of Fondation AfricAmricA
Pascale Monnin
Visual Artist, Centre dArt
James Noel
Our Partners
Programme Europen de Soutien aux Initiatives Culturelles, PESIC
The Ministry of Culture of Haiti
FOKAL (Fondation Konesans Ak Libet)
Institut Franais de Port-au-Prince
Le Centre dart
Kolektif 509
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