2015 AFSA Candidate Statements
2015 AFSA Candidate Statements
2015 AFSA Candidate Statements
Barbara Stephenson *
Philip G. Laidlaw *
State Rep
Matthew K. Asada **
Steven M. Jones
State Rep
Margaret Hawthorne *
State Rep
Bill Haugh *
Leah M. Pease *
State Rep
Charles A. Ford *
Josh Glazeroff *
State Rep
Angie Bryan *
State VP
Doug Morrow
State Rep
Kit Junge
State VP
Peter Neisuler *
State Rep
Sharon Wayne
Eric Geelan *
State Rep
Steve Morrison
Dan Spokojny **
State Rep
Larry Cohen
Retiree VP
Pat Kabra **
State Rep
Lawrence Casselle *
State Rep
Tricia Wingerter *
State Rep
John Dinkelman *
State Rep
Erin OConnor *
State Rep
Sam Thielman *
State Rep
Homeyra Mokhtarzada **
State Rep
Ronita Macklin **
State Rep
Ronnie S. Catipon
State Rep
Retiree VP
Steve McCain **
State Rep
Joel Wisner **
State Rep
Brynn C. Bennett **
State Rep
Neeru Lal **
State Rep
Lorraine Sherman
Jeff Cochrane
William Kutson
Dean Haas *
Retiree Rep
Alphonse F. La Porta *
Retiree Rep
Patricia Butenis *
Retiree Rep
John Limbert
Retiree Rep
Staff Members
Ian Houston, Executive Director
Sharon Papp, General Counsel
Janet Hedrick, Director, Member Services
robust working group has been formed for the first time to
resolve the inequalities in lodging options while in training.
Another area being focused on addresses member concerns
for spousal employment. USAID is looking at this issue from
many angles including more utilization of a hiring mechanism
that will allow EFMs at USAID non-competitive eligibility when
bidding on Government jobs. Although made up of separate
Agencies, we are the Foreign Service. In championing USAIDs
concerns, I intend to collaborate with AFSA at-large for the
betterment of us all. Pride in our unique mandates as well
as in our collective calling as Foreign Service Officers speaks
louder and stronger as a unified front. The current elected
officials have worked well across agencies in bringing this
message home and if elected I look forward to continued collaboration with the new board.
Jeffrey Cochrane and Jeri Dible (current USAID AFSA board
representatives) and I, along with AFSA staff, are working diligently on your behalf. If elected, I plan to continue focusing
on areas dear to my heart, including equity of benefits among
foreign service agencies, transparency in personnel policy
development (e.g. upcoming performance management
revision), assignments and promotion, improving managerial
training, improving support to employees serving in CPCs,
work/ life balance issues, retiree concerns such as protecting our pension, health care and other benefits, recognition
for service outside of ones backstop or in Washington, and
improving the image of the Foreign Service. I am committed
to representing you and am proud of what we do.
cost-cutting piata.
While acknowledging the success of the Career Transition
Centers Job Search Program at FSI, I believe retirement planning ought to begin at career entry, not upon retirement. For
active duty, AFSA stresses early retirement preparation, such
as taking FSIs Retirement Planning Seminar (RV 101) at the
first opportunity. AFSA also urges the promotion of retirement
preparation during the career orientation phase and throughout ones career.
For current retirees, life-altering decision-making does not
end. With my strong backing, AFSA helps members address
practical questions such as Medicare, FEGLI, clearances, and
reemployment rights. This year AFSA will roll out its webbased on-line community, a service to members I wholeheartedly support. Meanwhile, I receive messages directly
from retirees and will continue to be personally available to
members who have questions, grievances, or other issues to
Many retirees return to work under the State Departments
When Actually Employed (WAE) program. Unfortunately,
even with the new centralized registry, the bureau-run WAE
systems often do not fully or efficiently serve the needs of the
Department or annuitants seeking employment opportunities.
Many talented retirees get lost in the maze. I urge greater
transparency in the WAE system, especially creation of an
Internet accessible CV database maintained by HR.
Occasionally, AFSA members relate stories of disrespectful treatment when they seek access to State Department
facilities. AFSA does not prejudge building access security
procedures and supports an appropriate security posture for
all facilities. But retirees deserve dignity and respect earned
through decades of loyal and meritorious service. Retirees
who maintain active clearances and possess chipped retiree
badges ought to be able, upon request, to have the chip activated. Foreign Service retirees should not be automatically
treated as security threats.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Retiree Vice
President. And allow me to thank you in advance for your vote
of confidence for another two-year term.
Missing Personnel Affairs; and Ambassador, Harare, Zimbabwe. I retired from the Foreign Service in September 2012,
and served as chair of AFSAs Committee on Foreign Service
Profession and Ethics (PEC) until July 2014. I also chaired the
AFSA Chief of Mission Guidelines Working Group.
at a high threat post; and been an EFM, half of a tandem couple, and a parent raising FS children abroad. I believe I can
well represent my FS colleagues as a State Department AFSA
representative. I want to help make the State Department a
better place for us all as employees and members of the FS
community. Again, I ask for your vote of support. Thank you.