3G Mobilink Packages
3G Mobilink Packages
3G Mobilink Packages
Sr. Bundles
1 Daily Light Internet
2 3G
3 3G
4 3G
5 3G
6 3G
7 3G
Daily Super***
Monthly Lite
Monthly Heavy
8 3G Monthly Super
9 3G Hybrid Monthly
10 3G Base Rate
* Inclusive of taxes
** To check remaining MBs and validity no charges apply
*** Overage of Rs. 0.25/MB applies for 3G Daily & 3G Daily super, till bundle expiry
**** Subscriber will receive expiry notification before incentive and validity expiry
3.99 100 MB
15 SpeedNet5
Tax is not applicable on Mobile Internet usage & subscription charges. However hybrid bundles (
Daily Bundle, GPRS Morning and Late Night Offer subscriptions are for every 24 hours (auto-recu
Subscription fee for Mini bundle is Rs. 2.99/day. Mini bundle subscriber can consume as much as
Pay As You Go is default package. This means that if you are not subscribed to any bundle, you w
Please click on the respective bundle name to know further details about these offers.
GPRS bundles can be subscribed and consumed in both 2G & 3G networks at 2G speed.
SMS Bundles
SMS Plus
Daily Bundle
Subscription Fee
Rs. 1.99
(exclusive of
150 SMS
1200 SMS
Subscription String
Status String
Information String
1 Day
1 Days
24 Hrs
24 Hrs
3 Days
7 Days
30 Days
30 Days
30 Days
30 Days
bundle expiry
alidity expiry
To Un-subscribe
24 Hrs
3 Days
24 Hrs
7 Days
30 Days
30 Days
90 Days
es. However hybrid bundles (Mobile Internet + SMS) will be subject to taxes
for every 24 hours (auto-recursive). If you do not have required balance at time of re-subscription, you will b
ber can consume as much as he wants @ Rs. 1/MB until bundle expires. No Fair Usage Policy applies.
bscribed to any bundle, you will be charged according to Pay As You Go rate. Charging pulses will be 64 KB.
about these offers.
etworks at 2G speed.
SMS+Whatsap Weekly Bundle
p Bundle
Monthly Bundle
Rs. 5.00
Rs. 10.99 (exclusive Rs. 39.99 (exclusive of
(exclusive of tax) of tax)
1500 SMS+
1000 SMS +
20,000 SMS & Whatsapp
Unlimited Whatsapp
1 Day
7 Day
30 Day
subscription, you will be given 24 Hours grace period. Upon recharging balance within grace period, offer wil
e Policy applies.
g pulses will be 64 KB.
within grace period, offer will be subscribed automatically. If you dont want to continue using any of these bu
ntinue using any of these bundles, please unsubscribe through strings mentioned in above table.
in above table.