Fate RPG Players Guide
Fate RPG Players Guide
Fate RPG Players Guide
and Fanguide
This roleplaying game and fanguide for Tsukihime and Fate Stay Night is copyright
2008 by Claude "Jake" Smith III.
"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to
truth...not going all the way, and not starting.
-Siddhartha Guatama
The Story
The Storyteller
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Curtain Rises/"Kaimaku"
(Creating a character Concept) ... 006
Chapter Two: "Harmony of Dissonance" /"Fukyo no Senritsu"
(Figuring Primary and Derived Statistics,
Selecting Perks and Flaws) ... 017
Chapter Three: "White Dream" /"Shiroi Yume"
(Character Class Packages) ... 069
Chapter Four: "Elegance Under the Moon" /"Gekka Ryuurei"
(Skills and Specializations, Critical Successes
and Botches) ... 76
Chapter Five: "Garden of a Cradle" / "Yurikago no Niwa" (
(A Quick Guide to Skill Use, Determining Initiative in a
Game Round, Common Rolls, And Experience Points ) ... 83
Chapter Six: "Fresh Blood Shrine"/ "Senketsu Shinden"
(Types of Damage, Combat, Weapons, and Attack
Chapter Seven: "Blue Sin Mark"/"Aoi Kyuuseki"
(Healing the Mind)
Chapter Eight: "The Winter Castle"/ "Fuyu no Shiro"
(The Complete History of Fuyuki City and background
information on Fate Stay Night)
Chapter Nine: "The Lunar World"/ "Gessekai"
(Notes on Misaki City and background information on
Chapter Ten: "Distant Traces of Dreams"/"Toi Yume Ato"
(Storyteller's Notes, Optional PC Races, And
Chapter Eleven: "The Ever Distant Utopia"
/"Subete Touki Risoukyou"
(Statistics for the Main and Supporting Cast of Tsukihime
and Fate Stay Night)
Chapter Twelve:: "Tear the Sky"/"Sora o Saku"
(Glossary of Terms, Explanation of Cosmology in the
Chapter One:
The Curtain Rises
/ "Kaimaku"
(Creating a
Character Concept)
Creating a Character
What sort of person are you going to make
today? Even if he's strictly not a human being, he is still
a person with a distinct personality which you should
roleplay. But before you get started, locate a copy of the
roleplaying sheet that comes with Fate. There are two
sections on the sheet you will need to focus your
attention on right now. They're in the top box on the
right. One is called Nature, and the other is called
Demeanor. Your Nature represents how you really are
deep down, but your Demeanor is how you appear to
other people. You must roleplay these. Not only do they
help make your character different from you, roleplaying
them allows you to regain spent Luck points, which you
will need to do in the course of play. Luck points are
precious, as they allow you to soak damage, add to skill
points, etc., and they can not be regained by spending
Experience Points - only through roleplaying can you
regain these valuable points.
A long list of Natures and Demeanors will
follow. Some of the Natures and Demeanors from the
original World of Darkness were not included in this
list; it is the opnion of this author that some of them
were superfluous and already covered by existing ones
(Chameleon can be covered by Autist, Paladin by
Cavalier, etc.) Keeping the final product simple and easy
to play is the goal of this author, so they have not and
will not appear in this list. These also allow for more
roleplaying flexibility than the AD&D inspired
alignment system in the Fate Stay Night game. If you
wish, you may talk to your Storyteller and create a new
Nature or Demeanor, but you must define what it does
and how you can satisfy it. Generally, you regain one
spent Luck point for successfully roleplaying your
Nature - but if you roleplay really well, your Storyteller
may choose to give you another Luck point in addition
to the other one.
So, pick one item from the following list as your
Nature and one as your Demeanor (or create a new
Demeanor and/or Nature with the Storyteller's
Deep down, you know your way of doing things is
correct. Given time and the right guidance, others will
come to recognize that; unfortunately one cannot force
them to see. The others must seek out the truth for
themselves when they are ready. When people become
aware of the horrors and nightmares that exist in the
world and realize that their life was "just a sugar-coated
topping and another layer exists beneath it", they'll soon
seek direction. Once they do, the Advisor appears, ready
to guide them along the proper path.
-Regain luck if someone seeks out your advance and
then follows it, especially if it fits the Advisor's vision for
the future.
No matter how horrifying, otherworldly, or bizarre the
subject is, it can be understood and categorized if the
right data is collected and studied. To an Analyst,
anything is data to be sorted, examined, and used to
understand what's really going on. Everything the Dead
do has some possible significance and should be
carefully considered. Once enough data has been
gathered, everything will fall into place. Analysts often
overstudy the situation and look for too much
information, and are hesitant to offer conclusions to
their work.
-Regain luck if your careful observation and scientific
analysis of a subject results in important insights that
help the group or develop your hopes for the future.
Your care about much more than just your own needs;
you intend to create something of lasting value for those
who will come after you. People need many things, and
you gain satisfaction by providing what you can. You are
the type of person who makes an effort to build
something of value: to found a town, create a company,
invent a useful gadget, cure a disease, or in some way
leave a lasting legacy.
Many American pioneers were Architects by Nature.
- Regain Luck whenever you create or establish
something of importance or lasting value.
This person has no faith in the laws of the land and
takes matters into his own hands, seeking revenge.
When faced with an offense against himself (or a
stranger), the Avenger directly confronts and punishes
the offender, making sure the penalty is scaled to match
the crime.
You are known as a bully, a ruffian and a tough, and
delight in tormenting the weak. Things must always go
your way, and you do not tolerate those who cross you.
Power and might are all you respect; indeed, you heed
only those who are stronger than you are. You see
nothing wrong with forcing your will upon others.
There is nothing you like better than to persecute,
antagonize, heckle and intimidate those for whom you
have contempt, and you have that for most people. The
emotions of kindness and pity are not completely foreign
to you, but you hide from your own sense of weakness
You hide your secrets from others. Even more
through cruelty to others. While most Bravos despise
importantly, you hide your true self. Anyone who
understands you can hurt you, so no one must ever see the weak, a few become their protectors.
- Regain Luck whenever you intimidate or physically
the real you, or even come close. Give away as little of
yourself as possible - adopt a false personality if you like - force another person to do what you wish.
but just make sure no one discovers the truth about
you. Knowledge is power, and those who know you can Caregiver
You always try to help those around you, struggling to
do anything they like to you.
- Regain Luck whenever another character confesses he make a difference in the needs and sorrows of the
unfortunate. People around you depend on your
is unable to understand you, or whenever someone
kindness to keep them steady and centered. You are the
makes a false assumption about you that gives you an
one people turn to when they have a problem.
- Regain Luck whenever you successfully protect or
nurture someone else. It can be as small as a smile of
You must always be on the cutting edge - always the first support or a shoulder to lean on at an appropriate
moment. You must help the other person in some way,
with a piece of news, a dance or fashion trend, or a
though he need not acknowledge it openly.
discovery in the arts. Nothing pains you more than
hearing news secondhand, or someone else telling you
about a hot new band. New discoveries are your life, and
you devote a great deal of time and effort to keeping up
with things. After all, if you're not in the forefront,
you're nowhere.
- Regain Luck whenever you are the first one to pass on
news or a significant discovery.
Bon Vivant
Life is pointless, shallow and meaningless - so have as
good a time as possible. Rome may burn, but you'll be
playing a fiddle when it does.
Within the pursuit of your cause, you can experience
true joy. Whether the passion is battle religious fervor,
or literature, it gives you the strength to withstand just
about anything. Given the chance, you indulge in your
passion as deeply as you can. Unlike the Fanatic, you
don't do what you do out of duty -- you do it because
you love it. Hippies, political activists, and crusaders are
-Regain Luck when you pursue your cause or covert
another character to the same cause.
You are still immature in personality and temperament:
a kid who never grew up. Though you can (hopefully)
care for yourself, you prefer the security of being
watched over by others. Often you seek out someone to
look out for you - a caretaker of sorts. Some see you as a
spoiled brat, while others see you as an innocent cherub
unaffected by the evils of the world. This is a very
common archetype for those who became Investigators
when they were young and have matured mentally but
not emotionally.
- Regain Luck whenever someone does something to
help you with no apparent gain for herself.
You are driven by the need to win at all costs. The thrill
of victory is the only thrill you recognize; it is the thing
that drives you. You see life as a contest and society as a
clash between winners and losers. You believe all the
macho business proverbs - "if you're not the lead dog,
the view never changes"; "there are no prizes for second
place"; "eat or be eaten." You try to turn every situation
into a contest of some kind, and it is the only way you
can relate to anything. You are capable of cooperating
with others, but only by turning the group interactions
into another contest: you must be the leader, or the most
productive, or the most indispensable, or the best liked anything, as long as it means you win
Nothing in the world should be accepted without
thorough scrutiny and examination. Nothing is ever
perfect, and the blemishes must be pointed out in order
for the good to be truly known. Your standards are high
for everything, and you insist on their being met. You
encourage the same ideals in others, because laxity and
low standards reduce the quality of life for everyone.
Others will thank you later, once they discover the purity
of your perspective. You seek out and expose the
imperfections in every person or thing you encounter.
You are never satisfied with anything that is less than
perfect, unless it is within yourself after all, you're not a
- Regain Luck whenever you are able to discover a
significant imperfection that has escaped the attention of
Your ideas allow you to rise above your surroundings and
limitations. You share your ideas with others, but
You are an irascible, churlish person at heart, taking
often do not have a plan for getting from here to
everything seriously and finding little humor in life
where you ought to be. Thus your dreams are met
(though you may have a wickedly barbed wit). Cynicism with skepticism, but these tests of boundaries
is your middle name; it is the tool with which you judge bring about change in the end. Philosophers and
everything in life. You have a very well-defined
inventors are Dreamers.
understanding of how things really work, especially
- Regain Luck if you can convince someone
when they involve the circus of human endeavor. Long to alter their course of action and follow your vision.
ago the stupid behavior of others ceased to surprise you.
- Regain Luck whenever someone does something
stupid or when things go sour, just like you predicted.
People with this Archetype are all but unstoppable.
You must predict it either out loud to the other
Engines are implacable, and driven by their purpose.
characters or in private to the Storyteller.
Restraining orders, arrest warrants, and sucking chest
wounds are all mere distractions they ignore. In many
situations only death will stop them.
You thrive on puzzles and riddles, be they the obvious
-Regain Luck when you bulldoze through a seemingly
sort, found in books and games, or hidden within
impossible situation.
seemingly benign texts or even a person's face.
Regain Luck when you solve a particularly challenging
puzzle or mystery.
You despise chaos and disorder, and like to take control
and organize things in order to suppress anarchy. You
like to be in charge, live to organize, and habitually
strive to make things work smoothly.
You trust your own judgment implicitly and tend to
think of things in black-and-white terms (Swayze-isms):
"This won't work," "You're either for me or against me,"
"There are two ways to do this - my way and the wrong
- Regain Luck when you are allowed to lead a group
You are consumed by a cause; it is the primary force in
your life, for good or ill. Every ounce of passion you
possess is directed toward it; in fact, you may feel very
guilty about spending time on anything else. You will let
nothing stand in your way - nothing that you cannot
overcome, in any case. You and those around you may
suffer, but your cause is everything - the end justifies the
means. Before the game begins, make sure you describe
your cause, and define how it may affect your behavior.
-You regain Luck whenever you accomplish an act
which furthers your cause.
You are as flamboyant as you are amoral; some see you
as a rogue, a Don Juan, a rake, a paramour or just a
lounge lizard - but you see yourself as all of the above. A
consummate actor who loves to make as big a show of
things as possible, nothing attracts your attention more
than an appreciative audience.
You love people and you love to impress them even
more. Though you may indeed be a superior lover, you
enjoy the chase almost as much as you enjoy the act.
Gallants vary widely in temperament and ambition,
holding in common little more than their love of
- Regain Luck whenever you manage to dazzle or
impress another person. The Storyteller always makes
the final call, even when characters are involved.
You have the strength, be it spiritual, physical, or both,
to handle this hostile world, and desire to use that
strength to protect the weaker folk around you.
- Regain Luck when you successfully shield some
worthy party from great harm.
You alleviate pain and suffering. This can be done by
setting a bone or routing stolen foodstuffs to a starving
third-world country. Regardless of the subjects
humanity (or lack thereof), you are dedicated to
preserving their lives and well-being. Social workers,
psychiatrists, and clerics embody this archetype.
-Regain Luck if you can heal grievous wounds of body
or mind in another.
Your are reclusive and ascetic by nature, preferring your
own company to that of others. Introspective by nature,
you viw everything from a very personal standpoint.
When in public, you tend to be quiet, speaking only
when spoken to, unless your input has such extreme
relevance that you feel you have to say it. One of the
benefits of this is that others tend to see you as wise,
since when you do speak, your words often make a
profound point that was overlooked. Despite your desire
to be alone, you are drawn out bye the need to watch
and learn. Your curiosity about the nature of things and
our place amont them keeps you from being totally
-Regain luck if you can solve a problem through
reflective introspection instead of rushed action.
Honest Abe
You have a moderate temperament, and refrain at all
cost from telling lies and stealing from others. You were
brought up to live honestly and openly, and to be good
to others - you have lived your life by these simple truths
ever since. You are not a dogmatist and do not insist that
others live as you do, nor have you constructed a
complicated set of rules for yourself. You are flexible in
your behavior, but always carefully evaluate your actions
against your beliefs.
-You regain Luck if your honesty turns out to help you.
In other words, your honesty turns out to have been the
proper way to do things and thus vindicates your beliefs,
even from a practical standpoint.
You are the fool, idiot, quipster, clown or comic, forever
making fun of both yourself and others. You constantly
seek the humor (lulz) in any situation, and strive always
to battle the tides of depression inside yourself. You hate
sorrow and pain, and constantly try to take others' minds
off the dark side of life. Sometimes you'll do nearly
anything to forget pain exists. Your particular brand of
humor might not always impress your friends, but it
makes you feel better. Some Jesters manage to escape
pain and are truly happy, but most never find release.
- Regain Luck when you raise the spirits of those
around you through the device of humor, especially
when you are able to escape your own pain in the
You are dedicated to the unbroken routine of your
existence, and refuse to do anything that compromises
your routine and established practices. No matter how
urgent or deserving an individual case may be, the
preservation of established practices and routines is
more important. Individual decisions and considerations
are fallible, whereas routines and established procedures
are the distilled wisdom of years or decades of decisionmaking. Routines are what separate order from chaos.
Make an exception once, and it sets a dangerous
precedent; make an exception twice, and the door to
anarchy is opened.
-Regain Luck when you are able to preserve your
routine, and each time you avoid reevaluating anything
or making a decision about a situation based on its
individual merits. At the Storyteller's option, more
points may be awarded for truly impressive sweeping
As a facilitator, moderator, arbitrator, conciliator and
peacemaker, you always seek to make things better. You
pride yourself on your rationality, your judgment and
your ability to deduce a reasonable explanation when
given the facts. You struggle to promote truth, but you
understand how difficult it is to ascertain. You respect
justice, for that is the way in which truth can reign. In
your view, people are resources but are difficult to
manage and employ. You hate dissension and
arguments, and shy away from dogmatism. Sometimes
Judges make good leaders, though a lack of vision can
sometimes cause them to maintain the status quo instead
of searching for a better way.
- Regain Luck when you are able to successfully
separate the truth from a web of lies or can convince
disputing individuals to agree.
You are the type of person who is always alone, even in
the midst of a crowd. You are the wanderer, hunter and
lone wolf. Though others might think of you as lonely,
forsaken, isolated or remote, in truth you prefer your
own company to that of others. There are many different
reasons why this might be so:
you don't understand people, you understand people too
well, people dislike you, people like you too much, or
you are simply lost in your own thoughts. Your reasons
are your own.
You like to push the boundaries and try to see how much
you can take - how much pain you can tolerate before
you collapse. You gain a certain satisfaction from
suffering humiliation, degredation and even mutilation,
especially when you are the cause of your pain and have
some control over it. You know that your need is
somewhat perverse, but you know you aren't crazy. This
is just the way you are.
-Regain Luck whenever you suffer in a new way.
The world is full of people who want things; sometimes
people want the exact same thing. Some people have
what other people want and would be willing to talk
about working out a deal, but just don't know how to
start. These people often have immense trouble finding
and communicating with each other. That's where you
come in. You are dedicated to mediating between people
- fulfilling needs, smoothing over disputes, and
generally helping people talk to one another. You are the
diplomat, the middle child, the perpetual person in the
-Regain Luck whenever you are able to act as a gobetween between two individuals or groups, and if you
taking things to a satisfactory conclusion. The
Storyteller may award more points for particularly
outstanding mediation.
You are terror personified, rife with cruelty and a desire
to cause suffering. The cruelty you commit is not
limited in shape or fashion - anything is fair game, from
the youngest child to the frailest elderly adult. There is
no discrimination for a Monster - he can spend hours
immersed in a session of horrible torture. Gaining
enjoyment from it is one of the key provisions. Monsters
may not appear abnormal or cruel to onlookers - until it
is far too late.
-Regain Luck if you cause extended pain and suffering
upon someone and have it further your plan for
cleansing the world.
"Everything always turns out for the best." That is the
motto of your life, and you know if you can just stay
cheerful and stop worrying, your problems will never be
with you forever. Some call you a fool, but even they
have to admit you're happier than they are. Certainly
you'll encounter difficulties from time to time, but
there's no sense in worrying yourself to death in
advance. Don't worry, be happy, and have a nice day.
-Regain Luck when things turn out for the best, just
like you said they would. You must predict such an
outcome, either out loud to the other characters or to
yourself (tell the Storyteller).
The Nonpartisan deals with people and information and
enters situations with no preconceived notions. He
people on what they say and do, not by thier origins,
appearance, or mannerism, allowing all an oppportunity
to show their stripes before
deciding how to deal with them. Rumors, information,
or intelligence is rarely accepted at face value unless the
source is impeccable. This is not to say that they act
without planning or are never impetuous, simply that
they accept few things as facts without testing them.
-Regain luck if your resentment of popular belief about
a situation or a subject's nature is vindicated.
You love to see other people happy, and do whatever you
can to encourage them, whether through playing
matchmaker or refilling a drink. Perhaps you live
vicariously through their experiences or perhaps you just
feel that others sometimes need a little push from you to
find their fulfillment. You spend more time on this than
you do pursuing your own interests and gain great
pleasure from it. A skilled manipulator, you work most
of your magic from behind the scenes, dropping hints or
subtle encouragement.
-Regain luck whenever you cause someone else's
or fun without them realizing your part in it.
You are a straightforward, uncomplicated person whith a
strong moral and ethical code. Being comfortable with
plan-talking and open plans, you disapprove of
underhanded tactics, lying, and subterfuge. Neither
naive nor foolish, you are solid and reliable, and your are
as good as your word. Farmers, cowboys, and factory
workers often fit this Archetype. You must take
Honorable 2 to have this.
-Regain Luck if your straight dealing triumphs over
You've been a few places, seen a few things, and picked
up a thing or two along the way - and you like to tell
everyone about what you've learned. Teaching is your
avocation, if not necessarily your profession. In your
time you've seen inexperience and ignorance lead to all
kinds of misery and misfortune, and it pains you too
much to stand by and watch this occur. You are
dedicated to passing on what you have learned for the
benefit of others - not only skills and knowledge, but
also wisdom and experience. If given the chance, you
will drone on and on and on.
-Regain Luck whenever you see (or discover) that
someone has benefited by something you taught or
showed her.
You are unworthy. You are sinful. You are base, vile and
lacking in virtue. You have no right to exist and are
utterly beyond redemption. Either because of a low selfimage or because of a spectacular trauma in your past,
you feel compelled to spend your life making up for
what you are, what you lack or what you have done. You
owe it to Creation at large to offer repentance for the
crime of your existence. You struggle nightly to make
amends for your weakness, and your nightly dream is to
be able, at last, to overcome it. But you know you are
weak and beyond hope.
-Regain Luck whenever you are able to do a good deed
for someone to whom ( in reality or in your imagination)
you have been an inconvenience, annoyance or danger.
For particularly outstanding acts of penitence or
recompense, the Storyteller may award extra points.
You can't stand imperfection, not in others and certainly
not in yourself. Neither can you tolerate those who do
not do everything they can to do their best, to make
everything neat and proper and right in their lives.
Though you may be strict with others, it is with yourself
that you are most critical everything must always be in its place, and you must
always do and be the best.
-Regain Luck whenever you accomplish something
flawlessly, without a single mistake, falter, wound,
hesitation, confusion, hindrance or obstruction. This
usually comes in the form of Critical Successes.
Everything you do is planned. Very little springs from
you spontaneously. Your plans are often long and
involved, sometimes extending beyond the lives of the
mortals involved in them. Details must be exact, for you
believe any deviation could bring ruin. You try to plan
everything in your life; each thing you do must
accomplish something in the greater scheme. Deviation
from routine, however, is bothersome, not traumatic.
You are organized, not autistic. You tend to be neat and
precise in everything you do.
- You regain Luck when one of your plots comes to
fruition in the exact manner you planned.
Meeting trouble (or anything else) head-on is the tactic
of fools and optimists. The sensible way to deal with
trouble is to deny it a target. While some people might
accuse you of sticking your head in the sand, they do
have to admit that it has remained on your shoulders for
quite some time, and looks like it will continue to do so
indefinitely. You never confront what you can evade, and
never face anything unless there is no other option.
Courage is not high on your list of virtues, but then the
line between courage and folly is virtually nonexistent to
your eyes.
-Regain Luck whenever you are able to avoid a problem
or situation without dealing with it.
You self-worth is based entirely on the opinions of
others. You crave approval and praise, and will go to
extreme lengths to get such - even risking yourself and
things you love. Unlike the Sycophant, you do not think
of protection, and you have no thought of using others'
good opinions to your own advantage - you simply crave
praise and approval for their own sake, so you can feel
good about yourself.
-Regain Luck whenever another character offers
unprompted praise, admiration or appreciation.
You seek the Answer to life's questions. This can be a
metaphysical object such as the Holy Grail, or it can
instead be a introspective spiritual retreat into your own
consciousness. You might be on a pilgrimage in order to
further your understanding of existence. You might also
move from place to place, studying people and battling
evil. Kane from Kung Fu had this Nature.
-Regain Luck if you solve a mystery of the universe, or
gain insight into the (in)human condition.
Enlightenment is worth more points.
You are a malcontent, iconoclast and free-thinking
recalcitrant. You are so independent-minded and freewilled that you are unwilling to join any particular cause
or movement. You are just yourself and only desire the
freedom to be yourself. You do not make a good follower
and aren't usually a very good leader either (unless your
followers are willing to go wherever you lead). You tend
to be insubordinate to authority to the point of stupidity.
- Regain Luck whenever your rebellion against the
status quo turns out to be for the best.
For some reason, you want to leave your past far, far
behind you; though as hard as you try to forget it, the
past will forever haunt you.
Regain Luck when you shake aside someone/something
that reminds you of your past, and do so without
You hold freedom dearly and desire justice, and will do
whatever is necessary to hold on to these precious
liberties. Unlike the Rebel, your urge is not to resist
ALL authority, but rather to fight corruption in the
system where you find it.
-Regain Luck when your questioning or resisting
leadership or the status quo turns out to be best for
you/your party/or those you are trying to protect.
Screw the world! You do what you need to look out for
yourself and get done what has to get done. If someone
else suffers in the process, that's just too bad.
-Regain Luck when your self-centered methods gain
you something of significant value.
The Soldier not only gets through difficult situations,
with competence and deterimination,
but he helps his companions through as welll,
maintaining morale and keeping them forcused. Any
person with the strength of will to face adversity with
resolve and keep the interest of his comrades at heart
embodies this Archetype.
-Regain luck if your actions sustain the team through
difficult or adverse conditions.
Rather than stpping out into the limelight you prefer to
support and help those who do. You are Tonto to the
Lone Ranger, Watson to Holmes, Kato to the Green
Hornet. You care nothing for glory or recongnition, but
merly seek the chances to be a small part of the process.
You abide by the words of your present hero, and no
task is to menial for you if your hero requests it.
-Regain luck if you played a supporting role in an
accomplishment, but take no credit for it.
Stoics seek to remain emotionally calm at all times.
Problems can be solved and overcome through
composure and by keeping a cool head, not by giving in
to hysterics or passion. Stoics deal with the facts in front
of them and try not to let their own emotions sway the
course of events. The calmly try to reach the most
efficient, economical, and effective way to solve the
-Regain luck if you can overcome a setback or loss
without giving in to anger or other strong emotions.
No matter what, you always manage to survive. You can
endure, pull through, recover from, outlast and outlive
nearly any circumstance. When the going gets tough,
you get going. You never say die, and never give up never. Nothing angers you as much as a person who
doesn't struggle to make things better, or who
surrenders to the nameless forces of the universe.
- Regain Luck whenever you survive a difficult situation
through your own cunning and perseverance.
Thrill Seeker
When the adrenaline kicks in and your heart is beating
quickly you feel truly alive. Skydiving, bungee jumping
and leaping across roofs on a dare are all just par for the
course. As a junkie is addicted to his particular brand of
poison, you are addicted to danger. Unlike most, you go
out of your way to place yourself in dangerous situations
that test the limits of your abilities. You train and work
to be as ready as you can for these situations, and then
you seek them out. This is what sets you apart from the
teeming masses of paranoid dullards who shuffle
around, hiding from their own shadows.
-Regain Luck whenever you accomplish a particularly
In the grand scheme of things, you are small and weak daring feat or overcome a nearly impossible situation in
and unfit for survival. Your best hope is to find someone which you deliberately placed yourself.
who is more powerful than you are and persuade her to
take care of you. In return you will serve, admire and
follow her. You will do anything she says, unless it puts You are an orthodox, conservative and traditional
you in great risk. In any type of uncertain situation, you individual. What was good enough for you when you
will attach yourself to the seemingly strongest person,
were young is good enough for you now. You almost
siding with her, performing various services and
never change. In general you are opposed to change for
generally trying to ingratiate yourself. Thereby you hope the sake of change - what point is there in that? You may
to earn some kind of protection. There is no limit to the be seen by some as a miser, a reactionary or simply an
depths to which you will lower yourself in order to be
old fogy. You strive to always preserve the status quo.
accepted, and you have no pride.
- Regain Luck whenever you are able to protect the
-Regain Luck whenever a stronger character to whom
status quo and prevent change.
you have attached yourself acts in your defense, be it
siding with you in an argument or protecting you from Visionary
physical harm.
There are very few who are brave or strong or
imaginative enough to look beyond the suffocating
The Beast
embrace of society and mundane thought and see
You seek to conquer all who oppose you, destroying
something more. Society treats such people with both
them if possible. Your world view is defined by those
respect and contempt - for it is the Visionary who
who bow to you and those who get eaten because they
perverts as well guides society into the future. You may
don't. To you, all are like chess pieces on a board, and
be a spiritualist, shaman, New Ager, mystic, philosopher
you have no consideration for anyones' needs but your
or inventor, but whatever you are, you are always
own. You take what you want without asking, and you
looking for something more. You see beyond the bounds
destroy those weaker then yourself for lulz.
of conventional imagination and create new possibilities.
-Regain luck if you remove significant opposition to
Though you might have your head in the clouds and are
your goals.
often of an impractical bent, you are filled with new
ideas and perceptions.
- Regain Luck whenever you are able to convince others
to believe in your dreams and follow the course of action
outlined by your vision of the future.
Settling down just is not your thing-whether you're
running away from something or simply longing to see
new places, the road is your home.
-Regain Luck when you complete your purpose in one
place and move on, leaving no loose ends or attachments.
Chapter Two:
"Harmony of
/"Fukyo no Senritsu"
(Figuring Primary
and Derived Statistics,
Selecting Perks and
Derived Statistics
Getting Destiny to
Work for You (The
Derived Statistic
Known As Luck)
Qualities and
Drawbacks, or Perks
and Flaws
Not one of them lived a long life, or even died peacefully." Shiki Tohno, Tsukihime
You have been touched by a powerful curse, one that will
stay with you until your demise. The elements of the
curse determine its point value. It cannot be removed by
exorcism or standard magics. The curse is the result of a
misdeed done in the past, and atonement is necessary in
order to make progress towards removing the curse.
The player may decide upon the details and history of
the curse, or the Storyteller may decide to create it
himself. Geasa can be simulated with this Flaw.
The curse is worth anywhere between 1 and 10
points. 10 points would destroy the chance for the
character to live a normal life, or strike him down at any
moment. Inconveniences like ever-present vermin and
little accidents are worth 1 point. People always being
angry and distrustful (-2 to -3 to Influence) would be
worth 2 to 3 points. Perpetual poverty would be -3.
The curse can also be an area effect,
contaminating all who are close to the Accursed.
Life-threatening curses are -5, and force the
character to wake up every day knowing that something
awful could happen.
If the reason for the curse is not known, add 1
to its final cost. If the cure involves complex or illegal
activities, add 2. If it requires a long quest, add 4. Those
that cannot be cured add 6 points.
Acute Sense (1pt. per level Perk)
+1 per level to all rolls involving selected sense. +1 to
sensory Magick involving selected sense. Don't forget
that this will make bright, noisy, smelly places very
uncomfortable for you...
Addiction (1-6)
Imposes a penalty equal to the Flaw value whenever you
are not able to have your substance o' choice. Habitual
Drinking and Smoking is 1 point. Caffeine Addiction is
1 point. Heavy Drinking and Smoking, or Marijuana is
2 points. Heavy use of m.j. is 3 points. Alcoholism,
cocaine, or barbituates are 4 points. Heroin is 5 points.
Anything else (crack cocaine) is 6 points.
ADD (2 pt. Flaw)
You have a hard time sitting still and paying attention
for more then a few minutes. Anything over 10 minutes
requires a Will roll, with increasing penalties for longer
periods. ADHD brings with it the need to hit people.
Adversary (varies)
Someone out there hates your guts. The point value
you get for this Flaw depends on how powerful they are
and how dedicated they are to making your life hell. A
normal person is 1 point. A green beret is 3. A demon
mage is five. A gang of thugs is 2 points, the police dept.
of a city is four, and groups like the CIA are worth 6.
Ambidextrous (1 pt. Perk)
May perform tasks with either hand and suffer no dice
penalty. This comes in very handy (bdum-*tish*) for
John Woo action.
Age (2 pts. per level)
You need to be Immortal to take this advantage. For
every level you have in this, add INT x 1 skill points to
your character's pool. You must also take a level in
Adversary or Secret, which does not add any points.
Aging (5 pt. per level Flaw)
You're getting old. Every 10 years over 40 represents
one level of this Flaw. For every level of this flaw, reduce
a Physical attribute by one. If you want it to affect your
Mental attributes, just say so.
Albinism (2 pt. Flaw)
In Fate, it gives its possessors chalk-white skin which is
easily sunburned. The pupil often looks reddish. Many
albinos have poor vision, as they have no melanin or
pigment in their eyes. This causes them to have
difficulty filtering out light from their eyes, causing
eventual retinal degeneration. For this reason, many
albinos will wear thick sunglasses even on overcast days.
Because of their susceptibility to sunlight, Albinos
would make for terrible soldiers, but would be fine in
support positions.
Allergy (1 to 4 pt.)
An allergy to a substance, the commonality and danger
of which affects the value of the Flaw. This includes
Asthma, Hay Fever, and other such Flaws.
Anemia (2 or 4 pt. flaw)
"Dizziness assails me. I can feel my consciousness
withdrawing. This isn't a normal spell. If it's this bad, when
I collapse I won't be able to get up for a while. As expected,
running here at full speed, including up that hill, was too
much. I'm completely out of breath."
-Tohno Shiki, Tsukihime
Your blood lacks a sufficient amount of hemoglobin
and/or red blood cells. This causes tissue hypoxia. You
often feel tired or weak, either in general or during
and disbelieving.
WILL 4-6 characters can walk away, pick up an item,
and then leave and begin rationalizing what they saw.
They cannot remain in the area for more than 4 Turns,
though. And after they leave, they immediately block
out what they saw and forget about it entirely.
Child characters below the age of 10 cannot have this
Bloodline (supernatural, varies)
There is a demon lurking in the bloodline. And that isn't
just a simple metaphor. Our ancestors were a mixed breed of
"something nonhuman" and human. As their descendants, we
also have this element of 'something nonhuman' in our blood.
In regards to that, there are those with strong and those
with weak nonhuman blood. Those with weak nonhuman
blood can live their lives as ordinary people, but those with
strong nonhuman blood may never lead a normal life.
Those with strong blood of our ancestors are born with
special powers. It could be a body that is resistant to death. It
could be the ability to move things without touching them. Or
it could be fangs used to take bodily fluids from other people.
If the blood becomes too strong, the person starts to
gradually lose their sanity. The majority become ravenous
demon cannibals that feed on human flesh.
-Excerpted from Tohno Makihisa's personal journals
If you have this Flaw, you must rise to the top of power
and influence by any means necessary. After all, there
are only two types of people: those without power, and
undeserving possessors of power who must be stripped
of it. This belief stretches to everyone, including your
immediate allies. If the character is using Luck against a
"competitor", he receives an additional +2 to the total,
because of his overwhelming sense of superiority.
Mental Problems (1-3)
Pick the level of the flaw. Mild is 1 point: your problem
is controllable and seldom troubles you. Many people
wouldn't guess you have it.
Severe (2): People suspect something is wrong with you.
Deranged (3): If you believe that you will be stopped or
caught by a major threat, you will control yourself.
Otherwise, it's time to rock.
Cowardice: Subtract this from rolls involving Fear.
You cannot take levels of Conviction if you have this
Flaw. Over time, you could buy off this Flaw and buy
levels of Conviction.
Cruelty: "The scene at the end of the alley is awful.
People have been torn apart like rag dolls. Their body
parts like strewn about the area, and the walls are slick
with blood. How dare she do those kinds of things
without me!"
At Cruelty 2, you will torture and harm only those who
have angered or attacked you. There is no level 3 for
Cruelty - at that point it becomes a new Flaw: Antisocial
Personality Disorder.
Guilt or Shame: an affective state in which one
experiences remorse and conflict at having done
something, or not having done something. It is
mediated by the conscience. Freud described it as the
conflict between the ego and superego. Guilt often leads
to depression, as the subject beleives they are
undeserving and thus they are less likely to assert their
own rights and perogatives.
As Japan is a shame-based society instead of a
guilt-based one, there is more of a sense of etiquette
instead of Western ethics. Shame differs from guilt: in
guilt, the person feels bad because of something done or
not done. Shame is felt when the person believes
something is wrong with them. In your tabletop games,
the first level of guilt can be taken for low-level cases,
which will allow the person to continue working and
living. Past level 1, they must take another Mental Flaw
such as Depression to go along with Guilt (real-life
examples include survivor's guilt).
you like the most, no matter if you hate or like them. You like
and forgive everyone. That is very cruel to those who want to
be closest to you. For you, everyone is the same. "
-Yumizuka Satsuki
You have a -2 penalty to Influence rolls and
automatically attract cruel and abusive people.
Multiple Personalities (3 pt. Mental Flaw)
With this, the character's identity fragments and he
becomes a different person - to deny his trauma, or place
the blame on "someone else". A person in a desperate
situation might become a tough survivor, or become a
murderer to deny his powerlessness. Each personality is
unaware of the others, and they appear in response to
specific situations.
The Storyteller decides how many personalities
you have, what kind of alternates you have, and the
situations that trigger their appearance. Each personality
has a connection to the trauma which originated it. If
the Storyteller wishes it, they may have slightly different
ratings in certain Skills.
Murphy's Law (2 pt. Flaw)
You have bad breaks all your life. Once per day, the ST
can subtract ten from the roll of an important roll you
Obligation (variable)
First off, the nature of the relationship between the
group and the character can determine the point value of
the Flaw.
1 point: obey the dictates of your group, don't betray the
members. You can walk anytime you want.
2 points: you must risk yourself for the group, and must
go above the basic precepts of membership.
3: The organization is more important than your
character. You are on call all the time. Disobedience is
severely punished by imprisonment or death.
4: You are totally devoted to the group. You must die for
the organization if asked. Missions are extremely
hazardous. Servants begin play with this because of their
duty to fight in the Grail War , the Complementarity
they share with their Masters, and the fact that they
must obey their master no matter what if he sacrifices a
point of his Command Seal.
Obligation can also represent the amount of time
consumed by the organization:
A Nine-To-Fiver usually has Obligation 1 - it's a
regular job.
Soldiers have Obligation 2, as the job is their life and
they are on-call 24/7.
If Soldiers are deployed into a combat zone, that
Obligation rises to 3. There is no
break from the job.
A Government Agent or a Cop has Obligation 1, as
they can go home at the end of the day.
A Government Agent working as a Spy has
Obligation 2, but a NOC or Deep Cover operative
would have Obligation 3.
Students and Teachers have Obligation 1, as what they
have is just another job.
a life.
Demon Cults: These are oriented to satisfy the needs of
a demon or group of demons. In return for sacrifices in
the form of ritual offerings, the demon or group of
demons provide Perks to their followers. These Perks
can include things like Extra Lucky, positive levels of
Resources, Immortal, and so on. Demon Cults are
almost without exception designed to promote evil.
Fortunately their scope is limited, so as long as an
outsider doesn't do anything to get on the Cult's radar or
appear to be a viable sacrifice, he's probably ok. Most
Demon Cults don't want to destroy the world. Instead
they want to get a lot of stuff and not share.
Can read up to a month before. Can detect
more than one wielder /owner. Events of extreme
emotional intensity will always be remembered. This
could be used to reveal a knife was used to make a
human sacrifice 20 or 3000 years ago, but not where it
was used or more than a glance at who did it.
Impressions go back one year or less. Visions
are granted of every owner of it or those who came in
contact. Reveals most of the uses and powers of a
supernatural item. Reveals aspects of the user and place,
might also grant glimpses of the victim's face and an
understanding of why the ritual was carried out.
5-9 Impressions go back up to 50 years. The visions
are very detailed. The visions can be revisited even
without the object being present. Clues from beyond
that time are also more complete.
10 Covers up to 100 years ago. The visions are as
realistic as those scenes on the holodeck in TNG and
can be freeze-framed, zoomed, entered, and walkedaround in. Your Storyteller may only withhold plotdestroying info or mystically classified data.
Supernatural Attack
If the user wants to use this as a melee attack, the range
can be extended by one square if the player tacks on an
additional quality point (telescopic Brawl ftw). If the
attack is very strange, it may make sense to create a new
skill for using it instead of Brawl or Firearms. Ranged
attacks go as far as a pistol, increasing the range to that
of a rifle causes half damage.
Minor: (D6x5)+ 3 damage. 4 points for melee , 8
Slow Mana Recovery (2 point Mystical Flaw)
points for ranged attacks.
Your character does not regenerate Mana every hour;
Major: (D6x8) + 4 damage. 7 points for melee, 12
instead he generates 4 points per day. As a result, if your
for ranged attacks.
pc's Mana reserves become critically low it is vital that
Deadly: (D8x10)+ 4 damage. 15 points for melee,
he avoid action for a few days.
20 for ranged attacks.
Massive Damage: (D8 x10) + 50 damage. 35
Soft-Hearted (1 pt. Mental Flaw)
Your character is nice and naive, and believes that other points for melee, 40 for ranged attacks.
If you want your Supernatural attack to
people are basically good. Alternately, he might be one
of the most vocal grouches but he possesses a gruff but continue to do damage after it hits (acid, fire, ice, toxic
waste, etc.), it costs another 6 points and causes half the
kind personality. Reluctantly kind actions are
appropriate for the others. Social rolls to appeal to your damage listed, but it inflicts that same damage again
each round until it is removed. If this Supernatural
good nature are at a +2 bonus.
Attack is something that can be boosted, it costs an
additional 2 quality points to get and you have the
Spider-Climb (4 pt. Perk, Supernatural)
option of sacrificing Luck when you use the attack.
You can run up sheer vertical surfaces at your full
Movement, or can crawl upside down on ceilings at 1/4 Each Luck point your burn after you fire it will cause it
your Move. Combined with Megaleap and Immunity to to inflict an additional 25 points of damage.
Falling, you've got all you need to run up the side of a
Supernatural Form (1 or 2 pt. Phsycial Flaw)
building while simulataneously engaging in a highYour character is not human and has a negative
pitched swordfight.
Appearance score. He might even cause Fear checks
(Attractiveness -2). You can buy positive appearance to
Spiritual (3 pt. Perk)
Your character strongly believes in his religious doctrine. help counteract the problem of having your supernatural
side always up front. This is the 2 point flavor of this
This belief gives him comfort and strength in trying
times. When you are in a severely challenging situation, Flaw. If you have Dual Shape, you can toggle back and
Chapter Three:
"White Dream" /
"Shiroi Yume"
Character Class/Job
skills. Also most people will treat you with a little more
respect if you advertise the fact youre a Holy Man.
Then again some folks might take a dislike to you for
the same reason. The character must use remaining
Dilletante (4 pt. Package)
Quality points to buy Spiritual and at least two levels in
You grew up among the rich and the powerful, and you Occultism.
received a proper education. You get +1 to one Mental
If the character wants to play a Battle Cleric,
Attribute, +1 to one Knowledge type skill, +1 to
the point cost of the package rises to 7, and the character
Etiquette, and +1 to one science type skill to represent begins play with all of the above and +1 to Firearms,
your education. You were also taught proper manners as +1 to Brawl, +1 to Melee, and +1 to Dodge. Battle
part of that education which gives you a +1 bonus to
Clerics are the people who do the dirty work for their
Social rolls when dealing with high society types.
respective organization, such as purging heretics and
Conversely your manners and bearing give you away as hunting monsters.
a high class, moneyed individual regardless of your
Flaw: You also posses some type of Honor flaw, such as
current circumstances. This can rub some people the
Code of the Buddhist Monk, or the character can use
wrong way giving you a -1 to Social rolls when dealing the Honorable Flaw to outline just what his limitations
with the lower classes. You must use remaining quality are. Other Flaws can include Obligation. Remember
points to buy at least 3 levels of Resources.
you don't have to take the Flaw with Holy Man or
Flaw: At least one level from one of the following
Battle Cleric. One of FSN's clergy certainly did not.
disadvantages: Fat, Addiction, Bad Temper, Covetous,
Cultural Snob, Intolerance (Class Arrogance), or
Librarian (5 pt. Package)
The character begins play with +1 to INT, +2 to
Research, and 3 skill points to place into Academics or
Driver (3 point Package)
Science. The character must also use skill points to
Drivers begin play with +1 to DEX and +1 to PER.
place 1 level into Arts and Crafts (Creative or Academic
They also begin play with 2 levels in Drive (specialized Writing) and 1 level into Occultism.
in Heavy Traffic or Initial D). Riceboys will have levels Flaw: Impaired Eyesight (Glasses or Contacts).
in Repair and a specialization in Racing Modification.
Flaw: They must also take 1 level in Intolerance (Local Mercenary (4 point Package)
Police) or Adversary (Local Police).
You were always good in a fight, you finally figured you
might as well get paid for it. Youve done just about
Government Agent (5 pt. package)
anything violent for a quick pile of yen. Maybe you
Your character begins play with law enforcement powers picked up some sort of Code of Honor that you follow,
and the backing of a powerful agency. You receive +1 to or you perhaps you will do just about anything provided
two physical statistics and +1 to intelligence. You also
the money is good enough. You gain +1 to any two
get +2 to Law and +1 to Investigation. He must also Physical attributes and +1 point to Investigation and
use skill points to buy another level of Investigation, 1
two other Combat skills. It is suggested that the
level of Academics, and one level of Alertness. He must character use remaining points to buy up his derived
also buy at least two levels in Contacts with his
statistics, but not required. Flaw: Mercenaries also have
remaining Quality Points.
either one level of Honorable or Covetous (Greed).
Flaw: The character must take one level of Adversary
and either two levels of Obligation or one level of
Monster Hunter (4 pt. Package)
Obligation and one level of Watched to take this
Maybe the monsters got your favorite second cousin
Frank. Maybe you read something you shouldn't and
can't ever let it go. You begin play with +1 to three
Holy Man/Woman (4 pt. Package)
attributes, and +1 to 2 combat-related skills, and 1 level
You may be able to call on the help of your particular
of Occultism.
religious organization but if you are out on the frontier Flaw: You must take 2 levels of Adversary. Your
that kind of help is often unavailable or slow in coming. character might also have Mental Flaws.
You gain +1 to Perception, and a total of 3 levels split
between any to any Social, Knowledge or Language
Chapter Four:
"Elegance Under the
/"Gekka Ryuurei"
(Skills and
Skills and
Chapter Five:
"Garden of a
Cradle" /
"Yurikago no Niwa"
(A Quick Guide to Skill Use,
Determining Initiative in a
Game Round, Common Rolls,
Fumbles, And Experience
Points )
Initiative in a Round
Experience Points
and Improvement
Even Arcueid had to learn from someone. Taking lessons from a good teacher is a great use of downtime.
Types of Damage
Ranged Weapons
Combat Maneuvers
Other Modifiers
On Guns
Reload Time
How long does it take you to reload your gun?
Recoil (add this to the other -2 for the second action, 4 for the third, etc.)
Damage Caused by
Caliber and Gauge
Handgun Bullets
5.7 x 28 mm
D4 x 2
(D4+1) x 3
D6 x 2
D6 x 3
D6 x 3
D6 x 3
D6 x 4
D6 x 4
D6 x 5
D6 x 5
D8 x 4
D8 x 4
(1D6+2) x 4
D8 x 4
D6 x 6
(D6+1) x 6
(D4+1) x4
(D4+1) x4
(D4+1) x4
D6 x4
D6 x4
(D6+1) x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+2) x4
(D8+2) x4
(D8+2) x4
(D8+2) x4
(D8+2) x4
(D8+2) x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x4
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x5
D10 x6
D10 x6
D10 x6
D10 x6
D10 x6
(D10+1) x6
D12 x6
D12 x6
D12 x6
(D12+1) x6
20mm (cannon)
(D8-1) x4
D8 x4
D8 x4
(D8+1) x4
(D8+1) x4
D8 x5
D8 x5
D8 x5
D8 x5
D8 x 5
D8 x5
D8 x5
D8 x6
D10 x5
D10 x5
(D10+1) x5
D10 x6
D10 x6
D10 x7
(D10+1) x7
D12 x 7
8 gauge, shot
8 gauge, slug
D10 x5
D12 x5
10 gauge, shot
10 gauge, slug
D8 x5
D10 x5
12 gauge, shot
12 gauge, slug
D8 x5
14 gauge, shot
14 gauge, slug
D4 x5
D6 x5
16 gauge, shot
16 gauge, slug
D3 x5
D4 x5
18 gauge, shot
18 gauge, slug
D3 x4
D4 x4
20 gauge, shot
20 gauge, slug
D3 x4
D4 x3
22 gauge, shot
22 gauge, slug
D3 x4
D4 x3
28 gauge, shot
28 gauge, slug
1D4 x2
1D6 x2
32 gauge, shot
32 gauge, slug
1D3 x2
1D4 x2
1D3 x2
1D4 x2
Other Modifiers
Bracing. This only applies to long guns. The shooter
receives a bonus of +1 to hit.
In a Moving Car. The shooter is at half his skill to hit.
Stationary Target. + 2 bonus to hit.
Close Range. If the target is 2 or fewer squares (6 yards
or less), add +2 to hit.
High Winds. The stronger the wind, the greater the
penalty to the shot.
Flying Targets. Targets in the air are harder to hit. The
shooter's skill is at half.
Chapter Seven:
"Blue Sin Mark"/
"Aoi Kyuuseki"
(Healing the Mind)
Chemical Therapy
Notes on Madness in a
Roleplaying Game
Thank You
I appreciate your taking a look at the Fate
Player's Guidebook. I hope that you will find
some utility from it. I think I'll keep this
conclusion to the Player's Guidebook short, so
here is where I will bid you farewell.
-Claude Smith, "Plaid_Knight" of
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