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A Report on BIM Implementation Process at the

University of Salford.

Module: Performance and Integration

management in Built Environment

School of the Built Environment


Friday 12th December, 2014

Student Name:

Ulagu Loveday Okechukwu

Roll Number:


Title of Assignment: A Report on BIM Implementation

Process at the University of Salford.

Programme of Study: MSc Construction Management.

Year of Study:

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2014-2015 (Full time)

The University of Salford (UoS) is ambitious towards adopting Building Information
Technology (BIM) to develop its campus infrastructure and services to support its mission

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which is to provide and attain a confident learning and organisational world-class quality by
the year 2017. The purpose of this report is to assume a role of a project consultant and
advise the University of Salford on how to manage the BIM implementation process and
address the team performance benefits and challenges associated with BIM implementation
This report is further broken down into four parts. Firstly, entails the development of
strategic plan for BIM implementation at the University of Salford. This involves using
Listening to Voice of Customer (VOC) approach to develop clear strategies and business case
with a 5 year road map indicating a transition plan for BIM implementation to support
building facilities life cycle.
Secondly, development of an implementation plan in response to the strategic plan by laying
emphasis on the deployment of LEAN SIX SIGMA approach in integrating workflow process
using BIM based tools like Revit. Focusing on the I (i.e Information) in BIM and how it
helps in information sharing and management.
Thirdly, team performance benefits and challenges associated with change in BIM
implementation. Emphasis was upon the use of SWOT AND PEST to analyse team and team
performance in relation to the BIM Implementation strategy.
Lastly, proposals were made on how team performance can be improved upon and key issues
that requires effective management.

The University of Salford (UoS) is ambitious towards the development of its campus
infrastructure and services to attain a confident learning and organisational world-class
quality. This is in line with their futuristic vision which is to '' develop their educational
presentation in order for them to accomplish a presentation in the maximum quartile, in 2017.
These include both qualities of teaching as well as research (University Of Salford
Strategic Plan, 2009).
To realise this, the University of Salford is considering adopting Building Information
Modelling (BIM) strategic approach in becoming a leaner organisation, enhancing

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sustainability, achieving cost savings and efficiencies in the facility management of the
existing and on-going building projects.
Guillermo, A. et al., 2009 saw BIM as a word which has various meanings and concepts to
different people. Some see BIM as a tool for design software (CAD) while others sees it as a
process of design and information documentation; and lastly as an approach that requires
implementation of new policies, contracts, and relationships amongst professionals.
However, BIM in a holistic form could be said to be an information-based system, applied in
a long term and adding good value as well as boosting novelty. It also supports economic
profits, which helps in the delivery of goals and enhances the performance in a project
(Jernigan (2008). BIM therefore, takes the traditional paper based tools of construction
projects on a virtual environment and promotes efficiency, communication and collaboration
that exceed those of conventional construction processes (Lee, 2008).
As a project consultant, this part of my report centres on a guide to managing Building
Information Modelling Implementation Process at the University of Salford.


From the definition above, it therefore means that BIM can streamline building life cycle
processes by providing a harmless and more prolific atmosphere for the University, asserts
possible environmental impact from its existence, and to be more operational for its owner
over periods of the buildings life cycle. Arayici and Aouad (2010).
Considering the University of Salford building and facilities records, it is observed that the
vast majority of the existing buildings have high-level energy consumption resulting in higher
energy bills with limited hours of service. No wonder, Azhar, S et al in 2012, observed that
about eighty per cent of the life cycle cost of most building facility arises once construction is
completed. More also, the lots of the University's structures requires new teaching aids and
gadgets. The buildings are equally limited with space for expansion and rapid development
which ought to provide better services and social experience. (Campus Plan, 2011) Fig.1.0
demonstrates a non-spatial arrangement of buildings presently at the University of Salford.

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Figure (1.0) Current state of the campus buildings. (Extracted from Campus Plan, 2008)

BIM integration at University of Salford is a development assessment model and will seek to
incorporate methods during the lifecycle of most of its buildings by the notion of
collaboration. This should be perceived as a solution to the division that occurs within the
University campus, which has instigated several inadequacies and has remained unattended to
in a long time (Jordani, 2008).

Therefore, for UoS to assume BIM and its related

technologies; manufactured goods and procedural variations have to be made within the
company. This report describes totally the implementation of BIM at the University of
Salford and how BIM can help to achieve its desired goal and objectives.
Figure 2.0 illustrates how BIM creates and use consistent information by the stakeholders
within a project life cycle.

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FIG 1: Communication, collaboration and Visualization with BIM model (NIBS, 2008)

The integration of BIM at the University of Salford could be achieved by way of a Strategic
and Implementation Plan as described below:


From UoS Strategic Plan 2014-2018, Martin Hall, the Vice Chancellor as part of the
University's plan stated that '' Our University is our people; our authenticity and strong sense
of appeals to students of all ages( the customer's voice) and all back grounds, and we focus
on successfully equipping them for world of work''.
In creating this strategic plan, the University has engaged in '' listening to the voice of
customer'' approach in a wide consultation with the university community and stakeholders
to set out clearly defined goals and objectives, which will help to achieve national education
and improved innovation in research performance in the first quartile of UK universities by
2017 and creating a more powerful and recognised brand for the University of Salford.
1.2.1 Listen to Voice of Customer (VOC) : VOC seems logical. According to Lean

Six Sigma, only the customer can define quality and value. Therefore, Voice of Customer is
critical to quality improvements. The term Voice of Customer is a process that provides
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defined methodologies to listening to customer needs optimise and validate the delivery on
customers needs. (David, H, 2011). This process is called Quality Function Deployment
Approach (QFD).
Therefore, as earlier stated, the UoS Building Team comprising of both Architects and
Engineers in collaboration with project consultant must endeavour to listen to what their
customer wants and are willing(or must) to pay for. (David, H, 2011). This will provide the
University with an understanding of what the customer wants and sees value in. The figure
below shows a typical schematic representation of QFD approach in Listen to customers
voice. Some other tools that can be employed in listening to customers voice include Fish
Bone Analysis, use of controls charts, Brain Storming, Pareto and Relational diagram
evaluation just to mention a few.

Fig.3.0. Deploying the Voice of Customer utilizing Quality Function Deployment.

In the light of the above, as the Project Consultant, my firm Okioki Consultancy Services
shared in this vision, which is to guide the University of Salford in achieving its vital goal
and objectives of infrastructural development on all of its existing and new buildings across
the length and breadth of the campus. (Campus plan, 2011).

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We are a renowned Project Consultancy firm based in the UK, with the latest world
acclaimed construction innovation and technology. We provide our customers with best
project integrated delivery services through the use of BIM technology collaborative tools
and techniques. Part of our Construction Innovation strategy is to deploy BIM in our entire
project implementation of which Salford University is already part of.


Since University of Salford considers adopting BIM and its linked technologies in order ease
design and construction of its novel structure as well as preservation of current infrastructure.
UoS can benefit significantly by applying BIM with regards to information distribution,
cooperation between active and purposeful groups hence reducing repetitive effort. Storage of
the information in a digital format (single source data) enhances its distribution, editing,
portability and usability hence making it very cost-effective. This results to improved
productivity and quality assurance in the organisation (Autodesk, 2003).
Through the use of BIM technology, bill of quantities is more error-free and is readily
available at different stages of the project thereby improving cost estimation. In the
construction of new buildings, decisions can be made as contractors, through an improved
Supply Chain Integration, can be part of the project execution especially in its infancy and
their understanding can come in handy for constructability intuitions all through the design
phase. This will enable cost effectiveness and time management (Autodesk, 2003).
In this days and age, emphasis is upon sustainability and erection of green buildings. Relating
the model of the building as an energy investigation, prompt assessment of energy and water
consumption, as well as carbon emission can be derived which will aid the design crew to
estimate the carbon imprint (Autodesk, 2010). By applying BIM the UoS can efficiently
sustain its current structure and reduce the developmental cost of current infrastructure.
Because of the fragmented nature of UoS campus, implementing BIM in all its buildings will
virtually connect the existing infrastructure for proper utilization and provides better learning
environment for students.
Some of BIM applications include BIMX, Revit, Bentley navigation, Teckler and Buzz saw
etc. Lately AutoDesk360 is in full swing into cloud computing and permits users to
efficiently use models and accomplish several tasks like field walk-through, clash detection
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etc. (Azhar, S. et al. 2012). BIM applications will be useful for educational usage at UoS in a
manner that learning and further research can be carried out effectively. The figure 4.0 below
illustrates BIM as concept.

Figure 4.0: Visual Representation of BIM; Source: Azhar, S et al. 2012


The BIM implementation process will require proper strategic planning and a thoughtful
review of many aspects the University's infrastructural development to realise its benefits.
(Ahmad, T.H, 2013). This will aim at assessing the University's existing organisational status,
define the primary reason for BIM adoption, adjust and coordinate BIM goals, objectives,
mission and vision in accordance with that of the University of Salford in creating
transformative plans towards adopting BIM. (Mesner et al, 2012).
Mesner et al., 2012 illustrates a strategic plan process consisting of three major areas that will
help the University in a standardized way. These include:
Assessment of existing organisational conditions;
Establishing a desired level of implementation by the University; and

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Develop Advancement Strategy (a transition plan to Implement BIM).


Here, the Client (UoS) must carry out an organisational assessment. The assessment will
involve the appraisal of the internal and external evaluation of their facility performance in
comparison to the current BIM adoption. This helps to identify potential areas that require
adjustment, replacement and enhancement (Messner,et al., 2012) .The Management in
collaboration with the Project Consultant (Okiki Consultancy Services) will re-examine every
area of the University that require a review.

The University of Salford (UOS) planning team will define the purpose of BIM
Implementation in alignment with BIM goals and vision in line with the Universities Mission.
The Team will help determine the level of implementation (or maturity and capability) they
purpose to achieve. In doing this, the University readiness for change in terms of their
capabilities and experience will be called to play. We will assume here, that the University is
aiming to achieve BIM Level 2 maturity according to the UK government recommendation in
2016. (NBIMS, 2012).
Also, the Planning Committee will determine the prospective BIM objectives and uses for the
University (Messner,et al., 2012). BIM Maturity refers to the quality, repeatability and degree
of excellence within a BIM Capability, which is opposed to capability which connotes
minimum ability. By maturity level, we are simply talking about the extent of that ability in
performing a specific task or delivering BIM service or product. This showcases a result of
the present standard obtainable normally centred on the perception of a minimum standard
depending on arrangement between involving parties (NBIMS, 2012).
Hence, for UoS to attain the BIM vision, the applications implemented by UoS must be
measured and compared against some sort of industry benchmarks. Such comparison enables
the measurement of process improvements by UoS. For this purpose, UoS employ the
application of maturity Index. In applying the maturity index, UoS BIM committee can
define the existing maturity level and decide where the group wants to be in orientation with
future BIM objectives.

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Atul et al., (2012) suggested that BIM adopters essentially undergo an accomplished process
of change that comprises their interior administrative boundaries with outward supply base
and clients.
Figure 4.0 below is a maturity model created by the UK department of Business Innovation
and Skills (BIS) from levels 0 down level 3 maturity level. With the model it can be
concluded that:

Level O: This involves simply the use of unmanaged CAD for several means of
architectural demonstrations.

Level 1: It involves managing CAD in 2D and 3D format. It is primarily used simply

as a conception tool, very comprehensive with scarce operators where the company
engages industry standards such as BS1192 about the procedure.

Level 2: At this level, BIM is used beyond conception tool. The association amongst
dissimilar features of the building are considered e.g. clash detection and
collaboration tool. Here, the 3D environments are and incorporation ensues on the
origin of branded edge or adapted middleware.

Level 3: BIM is employed as a lifecycle management tool (life cycle of the building
from inception to facility management maintenance). This stage is identified as
assimilated BIM because the data and information are accomplished by a cooperative
model server (Ahmad, 2013).

(Fig.5.0) BIM evolutionary map from construction perspective, Source: (Bew et al., 2008).

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For all current structures of the University of Salford a Level 2 BIM would be achieved and a
Level 3 for novel structures that will be assembled and an Augmented Maturity level shall be
approved centred on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Model.

The Planning Committee will have to bear in mind that the BIM strategic planning does not
necessarily give a short-term vision but inclusive of a long-term strategic road map. The
careful and advance planning enables the University to organise a structured approach in
which the risk are identified and mitigated to reduce escalating cost and time wastage of
available resources. This is very important in that contingent goals and objectives,
organisational size; time duration and financial investments which varies from one institution
to the other are dully considered. (Messner et al., 2012). Described in the Figure 4.0 below
illustrates a typical BIM organisational strategic planning stages.

Fig.4.0 BIM organizational strategic planning (Messner, et al., 2012)


As part of my report, my firm Okioki Consultancy Services has developed a five year road
map strategic plan towards the realisation of full BIM implementation at The University of
Salford. The proposed developmental plan will span from 2014 to 2019. Detailed in table 1.0
below is the step by step illustration indicating a transition plan for BIM implementation in
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with our strategic plan to support the new and existing building facilities throughout project
life cycle at the University of Salford.








Design Authoring/Design Reviews/ Clash Detection/ All

Engineering Analysis/Code Validation etc.



Site Utilization Planning/Construction System

Design/Digital fabrication/Supply Chain Integration,
Build task Management



Record Modelling/Cost Estimation/ Performance

Monitoring/ Systems Control/



Space/Asset Mgt/Maintenance Mgt/Condition

Documentation/Scenario Forecasting

Sorting for Approval/Programming/Site Analysis

Also, in figure 6.0 is a diagrammatic representation of the flow chart for the Five Year Road
MAP for BIM strategic implementation at UoS.

. -----2014--------2015----------------------------2016---------------------2017-----------------2018-FIG. 6.0. A proposed Five Year Road Map for BIM Implementation at UoS. ; Source:

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BIM Implementation Plan will require firstly, seeking approval from the University Board in
response to the Strategic Plan and Business case provided above. Secondly, will be to appoint
a top level BIM champion and a Team. Approach BIM adoption as a sequential series of
steps. Pete Zyskowski (2009) in The World According to BIM: Part 1, suggests the
following stripped-down, highly condensed, four-step BIM adoption process:
Step 1: Define goals. Measuring success. Other goals.
Step 2: Assess your current situation. Evaluate user skills. Identify concerns. Understand
current workflow and processes. Anticipate changes to CAD standards. Assess (and upgrade)
your hardware. Determine network needs. Dont forget about other software. Here, I would
recommend that the University to adopt Revit for operability sake and keep at least one copy
of AutoCAD lying around somewhere.
Step 3: Choose a pilot project. Migration towards, let say the Maxwell Building
Step 4: Make a plan. The delivery model through Training, consultation and mentoring.
Timelines and budget and continuing education.
Other steps to include a slightly more expansive, sequential steplike dance stepsthat can
be followed one at a time:

Agree on a common vision(any Defined vision can be agreed upon; undefined visions

Generate a more simplified implementation roadmap for organizations to follow;
Simplify BIM terminology around fewer headings;
Identify incremental and achievable steps between major stages;
Provide benchmarks for business improvement, and
Allow organizations to assess themselves and others.

For UoS to improve in their workflow/business process and maintaining the core benefits of
BIM as earlier mentioned in this report, rich data information in a BIM project with new
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workflow techniques will have to be combined to increase efficiency and in waste reduction.
(David, H., 2012). This process is otherwise known as LEAN Design. LEAN Design adopts
its principles from business process such as Six Sigma and LEAN with deployment of
workflow techniques such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Target Value Design
Lean Six Sigma method tries to combine the process quality improvements (Six Sigma) with
LEANs increase of speed in the delivery process improvement. (David, H., 2012). Some of
the combined benefits are listed below: Focus on what customer needs and willing to pay for;
focus on process analysis (Mapping) and; focus on Value-Add activities.
Note that Listening to customers voice (VOC) has been extensively discussed earlier on in this

Process Analysis

After listening to the customer, develop a Value Stream Map. This helps to define the pinch
points; where work is being congested. Where Work in Progress (WIP) occurs, lag happens,
which is inefficient. The essence of process Analysis (mapping) in firms, is to determine how
the existing and the current projects will work in BIM. It tends to evaluate the intersection of
activities and job function. Process mapping analysis overall aim is to optimise the process
Figure 6.0 schematise the various work flow process and improvements measures.

Fig. 7.0. Work Flow Process Improvement Measures. Source: (David,H,2012)

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DMAIC provides a roadmap for process Improvements. A thorough process analysis (how
the service process works) is improved by DMAIC Analysis (Define Measure Analyze
Improve Control) as described in Fig.7.0 below.

Fig. 7.0. DMAIC Analysis. Source:

Focus on Value-Add Activities

Focusing on only value-add activities is key to the target goal of reduction in waste in the
design process, and to better respond to customer needs , deliver higher customer value, and
greater profit. Value-add activities are those tasks that add function, form, or feature to the
service. There are three value-add based activities: i. Value-Add (VA) as defined above. ii.
Business Non-Value-Add (BNVA) required by regulatory or reduction of risk. iii. NonValue-Add (NVA) Customer does not want or pay for. Rework, expediting to meet
schedule, congestion from pinch point decisions, queue time, and creation of complexity.
In a lean design process, removing three items makes the difference: i. Removal of defects, or
the reworking to correct them ii. Removal of delays/pinch points: Law of Focus: 20% of the
activities cause 80% of the delay process. iii. Removal of non-value-add activities.
However, in Lean Six Sigma for Service: How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to
improve service and transactions (published in 2003 by NY Mc Graw- Hill), Micheal. L.
George outlines four phases of implementation. These include:

Readiness: It involves having an internal BIM Champion in place to create

a baseline snapshot of the University of Salford current practises. The BIM
Champion must have requisite power to implement changes. This baseline
exposes the Universitys readiness and enlists what the UoS must attack

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Engagement: This tends to achieve management buy-in order which helps


in creating internal one-voice that change management a focus

Mobilization: This is the use of Pilot Projects e.g The Maxwell Building,
to effect implementation. These require targeted training in LEAN and the


metrics must be applied to measure gain and other form of improvements.

Performance and Control: To avoid pitfalls such as priority drifts, lack of
team communication and not sharing best practises will require little bit of
proper planning.


Generally, the application of VDC and BIM will continue in the near future to dominate
workflow of construction projects. In fact, many Organisations and governments projects
now require this workflow process and documentation technology. The adoption of BIM
workflow process in any organisation is majorly driven by the above project requirements
together with an innovative architects and team designers (Wu, W., 2010). In many cases,
smaller firms have swayed to BIM workflow to better serve their clients. Several types of
project process, such as IPD or Design-Build, are suited to utilizing a BIM workflow. As
project team moves away from design-bid-build project process, BIM becomes predominant.
Similarly, the manufacturers will be providing BIM models with their specifications within a
metadata. This will support the design team to fast track the workflow processes and creates
detailed model without additional effort. Also, the energy modelling which is currently
completed by diverse applications such as the eQuest, Trane Trace, Ecotect and IES cannot
yet gather meaningful time-saving, energy use metadata from the mechanical, electrical,
lighting, computer and AV equipment. As this workflow evolves, manufacturers will
standardise on a methodology that design teams can leverage for energy use monitoring.
Remarkably, lots of innovation and adoption is being driven by the construction industry.
Some examples include through the use of BIM models, AEC contractors are now placing
ceiling anchors for piping and ductwork in concrete slab before concrete is poured. This is
significantly safer and faster than the usual hammer drilling into slabs. More also, the
Construction- Operation Building Information Exchange (COBIE) could be widely adopted
and accepted providing a better value for building and facility management tool for the

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University of Salford. The model can become a complete repository of building information
data that formally had no shared and centralised collection point.
Hopefully, in no distant time, building model will be able to run virtually in the design phase
of the University building projects. With this in mind, single models will run and the energy
use may be determined automatically based upon the available devices.


The most powerful aspect of BIM is the I the information. The information (I) in BIM refers
to the communication, transfer, delivery of BIM to Owners, Contractors and other
Stakeholders. The existing drawing built procedures where the 2D CAD drawings are
analysed in isolated stages from the construction design to the commissioning and tasks
phase alongside with the lack of interoperability amid disciplines in data entry due to
fragmentation; causes loss of information and duplication of data entry across the life cycle of
the project. Eastman et al (2011).
Therefore, a far reaching rework is required to transform CAD files from design and
construction use to operational use since CAD drawings require trained individuals to extract
information from them (Sabol, 2008). The current means of exchanging information is the 2D
paper drawings (Steel, Dorgemuller & Toth, 2012). Figure (8) show the traditional process of
data loss between different disciplines across the project life cycle.

(Fig. 8.0) BIM used as a 2D Cad tool.

Furthermore, BIM can enhance interoperability between multi disciplines in a concerted way
where integrated design process involves different participants such as Facility Managers,
Architecture, structural, contractors and owners (Eastman et al, 2011). The ability of
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Industrial Foundation Classes (IFC) to exchange 3D models amongst diverse disciplines and
different types of software tools will rise in the future to allow the process of data collection
to be incremental and increases its value across the project life cycle. (Steel, Dorgemuller and
Toth, 2012).

Figure 9.0 shows the use of different discipline models and how

interoperability adds information during design phase in project cycle.

Figure (9.0) Different discipline models interoperable in the shared model. Source:

A clear sample of BIM applications was at Sydney Opera House project built in 1958 where
efforts to use CAD drawing in the 1980s was not successful in Facility Management
processes. Nevertheless, SOH developed a unified BIM model to store objects data and its
relations with systems in a single repository.
Usually, the modelling processes consist of the master model and specific sub models. The
Master model swapped geographic informational systems (GIS) data over Industry
Foundation Classes (IFC) to provide a full detailed site description. The use of IFC facilitate
easy exchange between the master model and different disciplines for further modelling,
while using IFC enhanced the integration process of the modelling and operation (Sabol,
Figure 11.0 below shows that using BIM and its interoperability and data exchange can
cumulate data during different project life cycle.

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Figure (10.0) Showing incremental data flow during different project phases. Source: big-databim.png/


The product challenge creates a case for what various BIM software and hardware tools and
the criteria in the selection of these tools for the BIM implementation process. Choosing
proper software is imperative for a successful BIM Implementation within the Organisation.
(BIM Planning Guide for Facility Owners, 2012)
1.7.2 Software Systems

My firm encourage the UoS to use REVIT as the product manufacturer as their BIM
software. Revit is specifically built for Building Information Modelling (BIM) to help you
design, build, and maintain high quality, more energy efficient buildings. Comprehensive
features make it an ideal solution for the entire building project team (Autodesk Revit, 2012).
The selection criteria used in picking Revit as our software provider includes : Software
interface which is similar to AUTOCAD, Cost of software per license relatively affordable,
flexibility of the software, user friendliness of the software, Revit has Analytical and
Collaborative tools that support a BIM implementation process (Tarmizi, 2013).
Examples of Revit Analysis Software Tools include the Building Element Energy Analysis,
Enhanced structural analytical model, Duct and pipe calculations to API, Energy Analysis for
Revit, and Structural Analysis for Revit, Bidirectional links, Multiple Analysis packages and
Physical materials for performance analysis. (Autodesk Revit, 2012).

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1.7.3 Hardware Systems

The BIM Hardware specifications are to be well understood by the organisation and the
hardware should support the BIM uses at UoS. (BIM Planning guide for facility owners,
2012). Various forms of work stations are to be created to ensure an interactive and
collaborative environment between team members in the BIM adoption and implementation
process. Three types of workstations we would adopt at the UoS during this BIM
implementation process as proscribed by the (BIM Planning Guide for Facility Owners,
2012) are: Mobile Workstations (e.g Smart phones for timely access to information); Fixed/
Semi-Workstation such as desktop computers for higher functionality; and Collaborative
Workstation (e.g HDTV for greater interaction during meeting). Generally, workstations will
require a high capacity RAM, graphic cards and additional processor.




For a successful implementation of BIM at the University of Salford, a strategic change

within the organisation becomes inevitable. BIM adoption unaided would not bring
satisfaction in the actualisation of the Universitys goals and vision but rather must be
supported by an effective team. Therefore, the aim of this part of the report will be to address
the Team Benefits and Challenges associated with BIM implementation at the University of
Salford; critically analyse the Team and its performance using such theories as SWOT, PEST
and present a set of proposals that identifies how team performance can be improved with
other issues that requires effective management.


A Team is simply a group of an individual that are independent with respect to information,
resources, and skills and who seeks to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal.
(Thompson, 2000). It can also said to be a distinguishable set of two or more people who
interact dynamically; interpedently, and adaptively toward a common and valued
goal/objective/mission, who have been assigned specific roles or functions to perform, and
who have a limited life-span of membership. (Tannen baum et al, 1996, p.504).

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Teams have five main defining characteristics. Which are: exist to achieve a shared goal;
interdependent on one another regarding some common goal; teams are bounded and remain
relatively over a period of time; individually having authority to manage their own work; and
operate in layer social system context. (Aderfer, 1977, Hackman, 1990)


However, every organisation is peculiar with its own working culture. Culture in itself is the
set of shared meaning held by the Team members that makes work possible. (Thompson,
2000). Handy (1985) in his book argues that there four main types of culture namely: Power
culture, Role culture, Task or achievement culture; and Person or support culture. As a
consultant with an in-depth knowledge of these above types of cultures and their various
characteristics, I will employ the University of Salford to adopt the Task or achievement
culture approach as this culture will be favourable for BIM implementation.
Highlighted below are reasons to show why this culture would favour BIM implementation;
The task culture is job or project orientated like BIM implementation which is a whole new
project on its own. The task culture utilises the unifying power of a team to improve
efficiency and to identify the individual with the objective of the organisation like BIM
implementation which favours collaboration which is also a team building activity. The task
culture is also very important were flexibility and sensitivity to the market or environment are
important like BIM which is also a reaction to the educational market by my client towards a
strategic goal. The task culture is an ideal case when compared with Universitys goals and
vision towards change and adaptation in BIM Implementation (Handy, 1999, pg.187)


Mintzberg (1983) defined the structure of an organisation as totality of ways in which task
are been apportioned for better coordination.

A functional organization is the sum of

different types of activities performed by independent specialized units serving the main task
of the organization (Cole , 2004), consequently UoSs organizational structure chart shows
that UoS is shared into different types of departments with specialized managers as
department heads making it a functional organization.
As a traditional functional organization UoS performs in a way similar to what Mohamed,
Stankosky and Murray (2004) defined as organizations with rigid functional silos which

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create boundaries between departments compelling them to perform as a fragmented islands

aggregating the time of decision making and innovation.

Fig. 11.0 Organizational structure of the University of Salford; Source:

As the University organizational structure is made up varying number of department ranging

from College of Art and Social Sciences, Business, Built Environment, Science and
Technology, Finance, HR, Health and Safety, IT service etc . Mohamed, Stankosky and
Murray in 2004, opined that BIM been an enabler is similar to technology which is a process
of knowledge sharing.
Hence, BIM Implementation at UoS will require an effective team that will collate together
skills, develop goals and manage communication for effective decision making. To achieve
this fit, the UoS will be required to have a flattened matrix hierarchical organizational
structure that will enable all stakeholders to be involved in the BIM project delivery process.
The figure 12.0 below is a typical matrix structure where communication and information
flows are de-centralized. No one person becomes saturated and has all the information. It
creates room for faster operational decision making, responds quickly to both internal and
external demands, improve motivation and morale through responsibility and authority

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Fig.12.0. Matrix Organizational Structure. Source:



The University of Salford as an established organization has it set of values and beliefs that
have filtered through it overtime. (Egbu, Gaskell and Howes, 2001). This core values and
beliefs shared among members have a way it instinctively governs their behavioral pattern by
a conceivable erstwhile success. (Johnson, 1992). It is a general believe that change is
constant and inevitable; and every change brings about a form of resistance. According to
Thomas (1985), he opined that changing organizational culture can be the toughest task to be
implemented by any known organization.

Change can either be incremental or

transformational, proactive or reactive. (Nadler et al, 1995). Fig14.0 below is systematic

representation of four different changes that can occur with an organization.

Organisational Change Model; Source: Nadler et al, 1995.

24 | P a g e

Tomas and Hardy (2011, P) defined resistance to change as a pathology that obstructs
attempts to change in organizations, where an organization can face forces resisting change
and act as an obstacle to any improvement. There are lot impacts that resistance to change
can have on an organization which could be detrimental to the change process.
They include:
I. Conflict - This may arise when the Universitys top management vision towards BIM
implementation and that of the staffs are in contrast. Here, the top management level chases
power and authority while the lower level staff aims to be independent. This can envisage
fear; as staffs presume they are losing control and this change may be understood as a new
power allocation (Mastenbroek, 1988).

Unfinished business such as unsolved financial issues and request for pay rise can


basis for change resistance until such issues are resolved (Guptra, 1993).
New Innovation especially the ones like BIM where staff maybe required to
upgrade their skills through learning, thinking and training on new systems and
tools, may not be tolerated or accepted by staff. (Guptra, 1993).


Bureaucracy associated with vertical organizational structure may never be quick

to support fast changes in the process of sharing knowledge because most
organisation see it as competitive advantage over others (Stankosky and Murray ,
2004); and finally


Where the source of these change is outside the boundaries and knowledge of its
team due to ego, staff may likely oppose or the new idea no matter how logical it
might be (West, 2004).

Therefore, these forces of resistance to change must be evaluated to find what UoS as an
organization must do to overcome these forces. An organization going through a change of
strategy should perform a resistance analysis as a part of its new strategy (Trader-Leigh,
The use Force Field Analysis will be an effective way to measure forces acting on change
process. It involves the quantification of forces acting on the change process where forces
supporting change is represented by arrows in one direction, and at the same time forces
opposing change are represented by arrows in the opposing direction. (Thomas, 1985). Here,
the length of the arrows represents the magnitude of the force and equilibrium happens when
both forces are equal .Hence, quantifying these forces can help University of Salford find a
25 | P a g e

way to increase the degree of forces supporting BIM implementation to be greater than forces
resisting BIM implementation. Figure (13.0) below are samples of forces operating on
change process in a force field analysis.

Fig. 15.0. Force Field Analysis; Source:


Here, the model team performance tries to factor conditions that ought to be in place for
teams to perform effectively and how to address the problem associated with performance.
Hackman (1987) identifies three key performance criteria in his model of group effectiveness
as: Productivity, Satisfaction, and individual well being. However, there is an additional
fourth criteria suggested by Gruenfeld (1998) as cited Thompson (2000) by known as
Organisational gains. Performance criteria in this instance means factors employed to
determine the success or failure of team effort. In this report, we shall be looking at how to
use SWOT or PEST Analysis to measure UoS team performance in relation to BIM
SWOT analysis is a simple framework for generating strategic alternatives from a situation
analysis. It is applicable to either the corporate level or the business unit level and frequently
appears in marketing plans. SWOT (sometimes referred to as TOWS) stands for Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Netmba (2010) while PEST Analysis is simple and
widely used tool that helps you to analyse the Political, Economic, Socio- Cultural, and
Technological changes in an organisation.

PEST Analysis is often linked with SWOT

analysis. However, both tools have different area of focus. PEST takes a look at the big
picture of factors that might influence decision, a market, or potential new idea. SWOT
Analysis explores these factors at a business product line or level. Mindtools (2009)

26 | P a g e

A SWOT analysis based on the universities master and strategic plan was analysed. The
following were the findings:

The location.

Ease of accessibility

Resourceful area

Historically attractive


Fragmented Campus
Inefficient Buildings
Limited transportation Infrastructure and links
Campus Image


Land Assets
Transport and Traffic


Safety and Security

Staggered Administrative Building
Risk of Flooding
Traffic Jam
Land Ownership
Listed Buildings

The above SWOT analysis exercise would be used in association with some performance
output to determine how successful BIM implementation project would be at the University
of Salford.
2.5.1 STRENGTH: - The location of the University is at the heart of central Salford city

makes it accessible to all stakeholders ranging the student and the larger society. The City of

27 | P a g e

Salford is embarking upon a significant period of renewal and regeneration. Central Salford
in particular, where the university campus is located, is to be the main focus for major
regeneration and investment activity for the next 20 years. Salford City Council in
partnership with the Salford Urban regeneration Company and other stakeholders wish to
transform the area into one of the most popular and attractive places to live, work and study
and in 2006, published a Central Salford visioning and Regeneration framework setting out
how the area will be transformed into a beautiful, vibrant and prosperous modern city. (UoS
Campus Plan, 2011)
2.5.2 WEAKNESS: - Some of the weaknesses identified are fragmented campus,

inefficient buildings, limited transportation and links, and poor campus image. However,
there are a number of issues concerning the existing layout and facilities at the station and
these include: no visual identity or visibility on the A6 or on Windsor bridge; insufficient
waiting room and standing areas; Congestion when people are queuing for tickets on the
platform; poor access from a single bridge, poor accessibility from surrounding areas nearby
Pendleton, and no disabled access. (UoS Campus Plan, 2011)
2.5.3 OPPORTUNITIES: -The University is close to the City Centre and located in an
area that has a promising future in future years. The MediaCityUK has a potential for more
links with it and opportunity to gain more from its success. The University owns a significant
area of land that allows opportunity to deliver change and development. Salford Crescent
Station is located at the heart of the campus; it plays an important strategic bus route. There
are future opportunities to both transform the station and improve bus interchange services.
The location and reputation of the university will foster opportunity for future partnerships. (
UoS Campus Plan, 2011)
2.5.4 THREATS: - Safety and Security is one of the biggest threat faced by University of
Salford due to the fact the University has so many entrance. Also, the number of councillors
around the campus may pose external security threat on the life of both students and members
of staff. The Staggered nature of the Administration Buildings might lead to the problem of
administrative coordination. Reason has been that the structures are wide apart. The Risk of
Flooding: The University might face flood issues flood if not properly checked. Routine
check in the amount of annual rainfall within Manchester metropolis must be checked. Traffic
Jam during rush hour could hamper academic activities on the part of student accessing the
campus. Land Ownership by individuals within the University environment might discourage
28 | P a g e

rapid development that the University might want to envisage. e.g Peel Buildings, Museum
and the Art gallery. Presence of Listed buildings around the campus area is posing and going
to pose serious threat towards any developmental plan been carried out by the University.
(UoS Campus Plan, 2011)


A vivid reflection on the UoS Organisational Structures shows that the University has several
departments with specialised managers as heads which makes it a functional hierarchical
organisation. This type of organisation operates in rigid silo with set of boundaries
functioning in fragmented manner thereby increasing the time spent on decisions and
creativity. Therefore, BIM usage within the Organisation will require Knowledge Sharing
process. (Stankosky & Murray, 2004).
Basically, there seems to be two types of knowledge sharing as prescribed by Haas and
Hansen in 2007. The first is the electronic type that tends to link documents to specific task
and secondly, personal experience which is linked with relationships and interactions of the
team members. These types of knowledge sharing can benefits the UoS in the following
under listed ways: Provision of relevant information at appropriate time. This will enable all
UoS Stakeholders for easy communication and decision making. BIM implementation will
encourage knowledge sharing through trials and experimentation that promotes collaboration
among stakeholders and brings them unto a common platform for proper integration.
There will be availability of stock knowledge which increases team task performance. The
increasing knowledge in Cloud computing will help the University to have quick access to all
its building thereby facilitating an operation and maintenance of its new and existing
buildings. The opportunity to acquire knowledge among team members will increase with
better management and improved interpersonal relations. Akram & Bokhari (2011)


The implementation of BIM at UoS will by all standard offers the University with loads of
benefits. However, there are lots of risks and barriers linked to changes that will be made
within the Organisation. Eastman, et al in 2011 identifies two major barriers could limit the
implementation of BIM at the University Salford. They are namely the Process and
Technological Barriers.
29 | P a g e

2.2.1 Process Barriers: This has to do with the legal and organisational concerns that

tend to limit BIM implementation. For BIM to be fully implemented at the UoS, the
conventional legal and contract document used in project information must be changed to
digital format that usually takes longer time. Since there are no singular answers to BIM data
ownership, a unique solution is therefore required for project depending on the owners
requirement. (Azar, S. et al, 2012). Hence to circumvent discrepancies, contract ownership
right have to be copyright. (Rosenberg, 2007)
2.2.2 Technological Barriers: This involves the establishment of protocols within the

project programming phase that will generate BIM standards for model integration and
management among the multidisciplinary team. The UoS will have to avoid inconsistencies
in models generated through frequent model checks which if not detected might lead to
generation of erroneous BIM models. (Azhar, S. et al 2012). Also, the issue of
interoperability can arise as a result of transferred data. Hence, effort should be made to avoid
this occurrence by researching interoperability while choosing BIM software application that
will facilitate and reduce data re-entry. The need for new software, hardware and computers
of high storage capacity will be required to be made available by the University as multi
gigabytes models are becoming more acceptable within BIM market.


Aryici et al (2012) after critical evaluation of the impact of BIM implementation within the
UK Construction Industry, they resolved that the ability for BIM owners to convince
prospective organisation like the UoS to adopting BIM to override the existing workflow
process and the resistance to change therein are the majors challenges which organisation
wishing to adopt BIM will have to contend with.
Hence, the University of Salford will have to strategize ways of combating resistance to
change to realise a complete BIM prospect. Lawler (1988) as cited in Thompson (2010)
considers four type approaches: Task Delegation, Parallel Suggestion Involvement, Job
Involvement, and Organisational Involvement.
2.3.1 Task Delegation: This is where the leaders (BIM) leaders delegates meaningful

responsibilities to other members of the team. Task delegation has a multi fold spirit which is:
invitation of others to have share in performance of work; have leaders do other works; and to
30 | P a g e

mentor. In most cases, leaders assume that all tasks require constant attention from beginning
to end. These means that the UoS team leaders will still be responsible for their subordinates
as well as themselves. Giving responsibilities to team members creates the opportunity for
demonstration of ability, performance, experience success, be visible with the organisation,
develop skills, and experience new challenges (Thompson, 2000). Hence, UoS must involve
staff within the University in managing the desired changed process.
2.3.1 Parallel Suggestion Involvement: This process involves the request of the

employees and team members to make meaningful contribution about the organisation
process and procedures (Thompson, 2000). Here, the employees are opportune to
recommend strategies towards increased sales, minimised production cost and increasing
customer satisfaction. Parallel Suggestion Involvement has a huge pay offs in terms of
improving organisational function and performance. The issue of social loafing are
eliminated if task is adequately involving (Brickner, Harkins, & Ostrom, 1986). Therefore,
UoS may employ the use of suggestion Box which is not limited to employees customer to
make recommendations.
2.3.3 Job Involvement: This entails restructuring task performed (i.e Skill Re-

Assignment) by an employee to make them more rewarding. (Thompson, 2000). Some of the
ways by which this may be achieved include: Training employees with new skills and an
increase job scope; providing the employees with feedback from customer for an improved
performance, and restructuring tasks so that employees can complete a meaningful piece of
work. Developing a reward program may stimulate the employees to share information with
the view of expecting reward (Wang & Wu, 2008). Therefore, the UoS will be expected to
come up with a reward strategy which could be in a verbal form or monetary value.
2.3.4 Organisational Involvement: This is otherwise known as Commitment

Approach where organisation is restructured to give the lowest level

staff a sense of

belonging not just on how to do their but also overall organisational performance. This
approach according to McGregor in 1960 argues that if employees are to care about their
organisation performance, they must be allowed to know about it, influence it, be rewarded
for it, and must have requisite knowledge and skills to contribute to it. Therefore, if the UoS
must achieve BIM goals and vision, the lower level staff must be carried along throughout of
BIM implementation.

31 | P a g e


To this end, haven evaluated the Strategy for an Effective Integration of BIM to align with the
University of Salford vision, goals and objectives. These report findings would be to listen to
voice of customer to address the problem of poor infrastructure performance embedded at
the University; that arose from fragmentation of its existing structures and improvement in
the interoperability between different disciplines and creating a centralized database to assess
existing facilities conditions which can be used to fast decision making. Also, is in the
improvement of the business model that will improve the workflow processes for BIM
Again is the adherence to the developed five year road map that enable the university transit
from traditional construction approach to the use of BIM-LEAN SIGMA and Integrated
Project Delivery approach in construction of it buildings. In addition is for the University to
see beyond the BIM benefits and strategize ways to combat the challenges that may arise due
to resistance to change within the organisation.
Thirdly, is for the University to recognise BIM as knowledge tool which requires the
participation of every staff in the BIM implementation process. The strength, weakness ,
opportunities and threats

as it affects the political, economic, social and technological

advancement of the University are be further analysed to how this back return of Investment
to the University.
The University will be expected to take into cognisance of the role of team members in
actualising BIM potentials within Organisation. The fundamental issue identified in this
report, is the University hierarchical structure. We recommend that the University operates in
a matrix kind of organisational structure that will allow for horizontal team coordination
while still maintaining a vertical line of authority.

32 | P a g e

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