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Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

I. General Considerations
A. How many bones in an average adult skeleton? ____________________
B. Anatomic features of bones are based on ______________________________
II. Axial Skeleton
A. Skull
1. Functionally the skull or cranium:
a. Protects the __________
b. Supports the organs of _________, _________, _________, & ________
c. Foundation for structures that take in _________, ________, & ________
2. Superior View of the Skull
a. List the bones visible from this view:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
b. Where is the sagittal suture? ____________________________________
c. Where is the coronal suture? ___________________________________
3. Posterior View of the Skull
a. The major structures seen from the posterior view are:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
b. Where is the lambdoid suture? __________________________________
c. What are sutural bones? _______________________________________
d. The external occipital protuberance is the site ______________________
1. Where can this be felt? ______________________________
4. Lateral View of the Skull
a. A large part of the side of the head is formed by ____________________
& ____________________
Page 1 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

b. Where is the squamous suture? _________________________________

c. The external auditory meatus is a ________________________________
d. Describe the mastoid process ___________________________________
1. This can be felt ________________________________________
2. It contains cavities called ______________________________
3. What attaches to the mastoid process? _________________________
e. What part of the sphenoid bone is visible in this view? ________________
f. Anterior to the sphenoid is the ______________________________
g. The bridge across the side of the skull is properly called ______________
h. Anterior and inferior to the zygomatic bone is the ____________________

The lower jaw is properly called the ____________________

1. It articulates posteriorly with ______________________________
2. Describe the body of the mandible ____________________________
3. Describe the ramus of the mandible ___________________________
a. The condyle articulates with ______________________________
b. What attaches to the coronoid process? ____________________


An alveolar process contains ______________________________

5. Frontal View of the Skull

a. The major structures seen from the frontal view are:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
b. What are the orbits? ________________________________________
1. The optic nerve passes through the ____________________
c. The nasal septum divides ____________________________________
d. In addition to hyaline cartilage the nasal septum is composed of:
1. The ____________________ &
2. Perpendicular ______________________________
e. What are the nasal conchae? ___________________________________
1. The superior & middle nasal conchae are part of what bone? _______
Page 2 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

2. Functionally the conchae ____________________________________

f. What are paranasal sinuses? ___________________________________
1. Functionally the paranasal sinuses:
a. Decrease ______________________________ &
b. Act as ______________________________
2. List the four bones containing paranasal sinuses:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
6. Interior View of the Skull
a. What is removed to expose the cranial cavity? ____________________
b. Describe the crista galli & its location: _____________________________
1. What attaches to the crista galli? ______________________________
c. Where is the cribriform plate? __________________________________
1. What passes through the cribriform plate? ______________________
d. What is the sella turcica? ______________________________________
1. What sits in the sella turcica? ______________________________
e. The large hole in the bottom of the skull is called ____________________
7. Inferior View of the Skull
a. What are the occipital condyles? ______________________________
1. Where are they located? ___________________________________
b. Blood vessels going to the brain pass through the ___________________
c. Blood vessels leaving the brain pass through the ____________________
d. What are the styloid processes? ______________________________
1. They are part of which bone? ______________________________
2. What attaches to the styloid processes? ______________________
e. What is the function of the mandibular fossa? ____________________
f. The medial & lateral pterygoid plates are part of which bone? __________
1. What attaches to these plates? ______________________________
Page 3 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

g. The vomer forms what? ______________________________________

h. The floor of the nasal cavity is called _____________________________
1. The anterior two-thirds is formed by ___________________________
2. The posterior one-third is formed by ___________________________
8. Bones of the Skull
a. What is the function of the auditory ossicles? ____________________
1. They are found inside which bone? _________________________
b. The eight bones that surround and protect the brain form _____________
c. The 14 bones of facial structures form ____________________________
B. Hyoid Bone
1. The hyoid bone is attached to the skull by ____________________________
2. The hyoid bone provides attachment for:
a. Some ____________________ &
b. Neck muscles that ________________________________________
C. Vertebral Column
1. List the five regions of the vertebral column and the number of bones in each:
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
e. ________________________________________
2. Curves that are concave anteriorly appeared during ____________________
3. The convex curve of the cervical region forms _________________________
4. The convex curve of the lumbar region forms _________________________
5. Intervertebral Disks
a. They are composed of __________ & located ____________________
b. Functionally intervertebral disks:
1. Provide ____________________ &
2. Prevent ______________________________

Page 4 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

6. General Plan of the Vertebrae

a. List the five major functions of the vertebral column:
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
b. What is the body of a vertebra? _________________________________
c. What projects posteriorly from the body? __________________________
1. Which portion is the pedicle? ______________________________
2. Which portion is the lamina? ______________________________
d. What is the vertebral foramen? _________________________________
e. What is a transverse process? ______________________________
1. Where does it attach to the vertebral arch? ____________________
f. What is a spinous process? ______________________________
1. Where does it attach to the vertebral arch? ____________________
g. Functionally the transverse & spinous processes? ___________________
h. Spinal nerves exit the vertebral column through _____________________
1. These are formed by notches in the ___________________________

What is the function of the superior and inferior articular processes?

1. What is an articular facet? ______________________________

7. Regional Differences in Vertebrae

a. Cervical vertebrae
1. Have very ___________, partly ___________, & a _______________
2. Atlas - first cervical vertebrae
a. Has no __________ & has no ____________________ but it
does have ______________________________
b. What part of the skull does the atlas articulate with? __________
3. Axis - second cervical vertebrae
a. What is the dens or odontoid process? ____________________
Page 5 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

b. Thoracic vertebrae
1. Possess ____________________ which are directed _____________
and they have ________________________________________
2. What is the function of the articular facets on the transverse process?
3. Where does the head of a rib articulate? _______________________
c. Lumbar vertebrae
1. Have ____________________ and ___________________________
2. The superior articular process faces ____________________
3. The inferior articular process faces ____________________
a. When these two articulate it adds _______________ to the inferior
portion of the vertebral column and limits ____________________
d. Sacral vertebrae
1. The five vertebrae are fused into the ____________________
2. What forms the alae? ______________________________________
3. What forms the median sacral crest? __________________________
4. Why is there a sacral hiatus? ______________________________
5. What forms the sacral foramina? ______________________________
6. The sacral promontory is formed by ___________________________
a. It is used as a point of reference ___________________________
e. Coccyx
1. Is composed of how many bones? ____________________
2. What is the basic shape of the coccyx? ____________________
D. Thoracic Cage
1. Protects ____________________ and forms ____________________ that
2. Ribs and Costal Cartilages
a. What is the difference between a "true rib" and a "false rib"? __________
Page 6 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

b. Ribs that do not attach to the sternum are called ____________________

c. The head of a rib articulates with ________________________________
d. The tubercle of a rib articulates with ______________________________
e. Where is the neck of a rib? ______________________________
f. What is the body of a rib? ______________________________________
g. What is the angle of a rib? _____________________________________
3. Sternum
a. List the three parts of the sternum:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
b. What is the jugular notch? ______________________________________
c. What is the sternal angle? ______________________________________
III. Appendicular Skeleton
A. Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb
1. Pectoral Girdle (Shoulder Girdle)
a. Consists of two __________ of bones that attach ___________________
b. List the pair of bones forming the pectoral girdle:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
c. What shape is the scapula? ______________________________
d. What is the acromion process? ______________________________
e. List the three functions of the acromion process?
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
f. Describe the scapular spine ______________________________
g. Identify the location of the following fossa:
1. Supraspinous fossa ________________________________________
2. Infraspinous fossa ________________________________________
Page 7 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

3. Subscapular fossa ________________________________________

h. Functionally the coracoid process ______________________________

The glenoid cavity articulates ______________________________


What shape is the clavicle? _____________________________________

k. What does the clavicle articulate with:

1. At its lateral end ______________________________
2. At its medial end ______________________________
2. Arm
a. Structurally the arm runs from ______________ to the ______________
b. It contains a single bone called the ____________________
c. The head of the humerus articulates with ____________________
d. Immediately distal to the head is the ______________________________
e. What is the significance of the surgical neck? ______________________
f. The proximal end of the humerus has a:
1. Greater tubercle that is located ______________________________
2. Lesser tubercle that is located ______________________________
a. Functionally both tubercles are ___________________________
3. The groove between the tubercles is called ____________________
a. What is found in this groove? ______________________________
g. Where is the deltoid tuberosity found? ____________________________
h. Functionally the deltoid tuberosity is ______________________________

The distal end of the humerus has a:

1. Capitulum that is very __________ & located ____________________
a. The capitulum articulates with _______________ of the forearm
2. Trochlea that is shaped _______________ & located _____________
a. The trochlea articulates with ___________________ of the forearm
3. Functionally the medial and lateral epicondyles __________________

3. Forearm - from shoulder to wrist

a. Which bone is on the medial side of the forearm? __________________
b. Which bone is on the lateral side of the forearm? ___________________
Page 8 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

c. The proximal end of the ulna has a:

1. Trochlear (semilunar) notch that is shaped like __________________
a. What does the trochlear notch articulate with? ________________
2. Olecranon process which is commonly referred to ________________
a. This process is larger and located ____________________
b. Functionally the olecranon process is _______________________
3. Coronoid process which is __________, and located ______________
4. Radial notch where the __________ of the radius articulates
d. The distal end of the ulna has a:
1. Small head which articulates with __________ & _________________
2. Styloid process located on the __________________ side of the head
a. Functionally the styloid process ____________________________
e. The proximal end of the radius has a:
1. Head that has a ___________ shape & articulates with ____________
2. Radial tuberosity that functionally is ___________________________
f. The distal end of the radius articulates with __________ & ____________
1. The styloid process is on __________ side of the __________ end
2. Functionally the styloid process ______________________________
4. Wrist
a. Is composed of how many bones __________ called ________________
b. The bones are arranged in __________ rows of __________ bones
5. Hand
a. The palm of the hand is composed of five ____________________ bones
b. The digits are composed of bones called ____________________
B. Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb
1. Pelvic Girdle
a. Consists of right and left __________ or ____________________
b. Describe what structures form the pelvis __________________________
c. What is the obturator foramen? __________________________________
d. What is the acetabulum? _______________________________________
Page 9 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

1. Functionally the acetabulum is ______________________________

e. List the three bones which fuse together to form the coxa:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
f. What is the iliac crest? ________________________________________
1. The front end is called ______________________________________
2. The back end is called ______________________________________
g. Where is the greater ischiadic notch? _____________________________
h. What joins to the ilium at the articular surface? _____________________
1. This connection is properly called the ____________________ joint

What is the iliac fossa? ________________________________________


What structure does a person sit on? _____________________________

k. Functionally the ischial tuberosity ______________________________


Functionally the pubic crest _____________________________________

m. What is the connection between the 2 coxa called? __________________

n. What are the iliopectineal lines? _________________________________
o. Distinguish between false (greater) pelvis and true (lesser) pelvis: ______
p. Where is the pelvic inlet? _____________________________________
q. Where is the pelvic outlet? ____________________________________
2. Comparison of the Male and Female Pelvis
a. In which sex is the pelvis more massive? ____________________
b. The pelvis is broader and has more rounded openings in _____________
3. Thigh - hip to knee
a. Contains a single bone called ____________________
b. The proximal end of the femur has a:
1. Prominent ____________________
a. This structure articulates with ____________________
2. Well-defined ____________________
Page 10 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

3. Greater trochanter which is ____________________ to the neck

4. Lesser trochanter which is __________ & __________ to the neck
a. Functionally both trochanters ______________________________
c. The distal end of the femur has:
1. Smooth rounded surfaces called __________ & __________________
a. These structures articulate with ____________________
2. Where are the medial and lateral epicondyles located? ____________
a. Functionally the epicondyles ______________________________
d. What is the patella (kneecap)? __________________________________
1. The patella is actually located within ___________________________
2. What does the patella articulate with? __________________________
4. Leg - knee to ankle
a. Which bone is on the medial side of the leg? __________________
b. Which bone is on the lateral side of the leg? ___________________
c. Functionally the tibial tuberosity _________________________________
d. The proximal end of the tibia has:
1. Medial and Lateral condyles that articulate with __________________
2. Intercondylar eminence which is a _____________________________
e. The distal end of the tibia has ___________________________________
f. The proximal head of the fibula articulates with ____________________
g. The distal end of the fibula is enlarged to form ______________________
5. Foot
a. The proximal portion of the foot consists of __ bones called ___________
b. The talus articulates with __________ & __________ forming _________
c. The calcaneus is located ____________________ to the talus
1. Functionally the calcaneus _________________________________
2. The calcaneus is commonly referred to as the __________________
d. The metatarsals are arranged similarly to ________________ of the hand
e. The bones of the toes are called ____________________
f. How many major arches does the foot have? __________

Page 11 of 12

Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada


Seeley, Stephens, and Tate: Anatomy and Physiology, 6 ed.

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy

g. Describe the sequence of weight transfer as the foot is placed on the

ground: ____________________________________________________

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Created by Martin E. Hicks,

Community College of Southern Nevada

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